The influence of the educational environment of medical education institutions on the level of academic achievement and the quality formation of general educational competencies in applicants for education
Comparative analysis of the level of educational achievements of students in a general educational institution during the entrance exam and after the completion of the first semester of study. Indicators and the average score of educational success.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 15.05.2023 |
Размер файла | 1,3 M |
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The influence of the educational environment of medical education institutions on the level of academic achievement and the quality formation of general educational competencies in applicants for education
S.V. Gordiichuk
I.V. Ivanenko
The article presents the results of a monitoring study on the impact of the educational environment of a medical education institution on the level of educational achievements and the quality of the formation of comprehensive competencies in applicants for education. The indicators of the success of applicants for education with incomplete secondary general education, who obtained corresponding qualification in the specialty 223 «Nursing» according to the educational and professional programs «Nursing» and» Medical Care «of the junior bachelor educational degree are considered. A comparative analysis of the level of educational achievements of applicants in a comprehensive institution, during the entrance exam and after the completion of the first semester of study at a professional medical college in the disciplines «Biology» and «Ukrainian language» was carried out. In the process of conducting practical classes in the «biology» and «Ukrainian language» disciplines, educators of a professional medical college used innovative methods and means of training. Significant (medical business: biology - 46.7%, Ukrainian language - 48.9%, respectively nursing: 23% and 45.9%) improvement in the level of educational achievements among applicants for education according to the results of semester assessment in general education disciplines, compared with the indicators in the certificate of basic general secondary education. Qualitative indicators and average score educational success of educational applicants is analyzed, and positive dynamics is established, which is expressed by a significant increase in these indicators (medicine: biology - 37.8%, Ukrainian language - 48.8%, respectively nursing: 22.9% and 45.8%, relative to the average score of its increase ranges from 0.2 to 0.5) from both educational components in each of the studied educational and professional programs. It is emphasized that in the institution of professional pre-higher education, the educational process is based directly on the formation of professional clinical thinking and the possibility of forming general and special competencies in applicants. After all, educational and professional programs, according to which applicants study, provide for the implementation of the educational process on the basis of systematic, professionally oriented, competent, student-centered approaches. In addition, it is proved that the educational environment as a system of safe learning conditions, comfortable interpersonal interaction, availability of resources for compliance with the rights and norms of physical, psychological, informational and social security of each participant in the educational process, and teaching methods and tools used by teachers during the organization of the educational process has a significant impact on the process of formation of general educational competencies of students in a professional medical college.
Keywords: educational environment, education, quality of education, applicants for education, educational space, internal system of quality assurance of education, monitoring.
Вплив освітнього середовища закладу медичної освіти на рівень навчальних досягнень та якість формування загальноосвітніх компетентностей у здобувачів освіти
С.В. Гордійчук, І.В. Іваненко
У статті представлено результати моніторингового дослідження щодо впливу освітнього середовища закладу медичної освіти на рівень навчальних досягнень та якість формування загальноосвітніх компетентностей у здобувачів освіти. Розглянуто показники успішності здобувачів освіти, що вступили на навчання до фахового медичного коледжу на основі неповної загальної середньої освіти та здобувають освітньо-професійний ступінь фаховий молодший бакалавр за спеціальністю 223 «Медсестринство» на ОП «Сестринська справа» та ОП «Лікувальна справа».
Здійснено порівняльний аналіз рівня навчальних досягнень здобувачів освіти у загальноосвітньому закладі під час вступного іспиту та після завершення першого семестру навчання у фаховому медичному коледжі з навчальних дисциплін «біологія» та «українська мова». У процесі проведення практичних занять з навчальних дисциплін «біологія» та «українська мова» педагогічними працівниками фахового медичного коледжу було використано інноваційні методи та засоби навчання. З'ясовано суттєве (лікувальна справа: біологія - 46,7%, українська мова - 48,9%; сестринська справа: відповідно 23% та 45,9%) покращення рівня навчальних досягнень у здобувачів освіти за результатами семестрового оцінювання із загальноосвітніх дисциплін, порівняно з показниками в свідоцтві про базову загальну середню освіту. Проаналізовано якісні показники та середній бал навчальної успішності здобувачів освіти та встановлено позитивну динаміку, яка виражається значним підвищенням цих показників (лікувальна справа: біологія - 37,8%, українська мова - 48,8%, відповідно сестринська справа: 22,9% та 45,8%, щодо середнього балу його підвищення коливається в межах від 0,2 до 0,5) з обох освітніх компонентів на кожній з досліджуваних освітньо-професійних програм. Підкреслено, що у закладі фахової передвищої освіти освітній процес базується безпосередньо на формуванні у здобувачів освіти професійно-орієнтованого, клінічного мислення та можливості здобуття загальних та спеціальних компетентностей. Освітньо-професійні програми, за якими навчаються здобувачі, передбачають реалізацію освітнього процесу на основі системного, професійно-орієнтованого, компетентносного, студентоцентрованого підходів. Крім того, доведено, що освітнє середовище як система безпечних умов навчання, комфортної міжособистісної взаємодії, наявності доступних ресурсів для дотримання прав і норм фізичної, психологічної, інформаційної та соціальної безпеки кожного учасника освітнього процесу, а також методів та засобів навчання, що використовуються педагогічними працівниками під час організації освітнього процесу, має вагомий вплив на процес формування загальноосвітніх компетентностей у здобувачів освіти у фаховому медичному коледжі.
Ключові слова: освітнє середовище, освіта, якість освіти, здобувачі освіти, освітній простір, внутрішня система забезпечення якості освіти, моніторинг.
Main part
study education college success
Introduction of the issue. In the context of the modern process of modernization of education in Ukraine, related to its competence, subject dimensions, the implementation of the ideas of competent, environmental approaches, student-centeredness, internal quality assurance systems of educational activity is of particular importance, since the creation of a high-quality educational process and a favorable educational environment, primarily related to the need for a total and systematic transition based on an innovative, competent education system, which focuses on self-development of the applicant for education [4]. In addition, the formation of general competences in medical students is a priority, since modern society requires young specialists capable of selfdevelopment and responsibility, who can adapt to the conditions of professional life in a timely and flexible manner, are involved in the field of health care.
The educational environment of the medical education institution is a cultural, educational, motivating factor in the formation and development of the individual. In addition, the strategy of a favorable educational environment can be implemented only with the active participation of all stakeholders: administration, heads of structural units, scientists, educators, support staff, applicants for medical education [8].
Current state of the issue. Analyzing the results of the review of scientific sources on the problem under study, we identified that the influence of the environment on the development of personality was considered in the works of famous teachers: K.A. Helvey, J.A. Comenius, J.J. Rousseau, etc.; the problem of the connection between the educational environment and the educational process was investigated in the works of: M.M. Jordansky, A.V. Shulgina, etc.; the concept of the educational environment, as a means of acquiring various competencies by specialists was studied by N.V. Morse, V.I. Slobodchikov, V.A. Yasvin, etc.; the problems of quality of management of educational activities are reviewed in the works of V.I. Bondar, I.E. Bulakh, S.V. Gordiychuk, G.A. Dmytrenko, L.M. Kalinina, T.O. Lukina, etc.
It is important to note that the concept of «educational environment» is complex and multidimensional, thus, in recent years, it has been constantly in the field of topical scientific research. The educational environment as a phenomenon, from the point of view of system analysis, occupies a prominent place in the theory and methodology of higher professional education [2]. Therefore, the definition of the concept under study requires clarification.
In the Great explanatory dictionary, the term «environment» is interpreted as a set of natural conditions in which the vital activity of any organism occurs [1]. Based on this, the «environment» is considered as an external space surrounding the object of study, has systematically organized components and creates conditions for its existence in space, interacting with it.
Considering the relationship between the concepts of «space» and «environment», the scientist Y.V. Dragnev notes that they are close, but not synonymous concepts. «<…> Space in relation to the environment is a construct of a higher order in which several environments can be located <…>» [5]. L.L. Redko defines «<… > the educational environment of the educational institution as «a set of opportunities to meet the student's professional and educational needs for the formation of his professional competence^. >"[9].
Researcher O.O. Yaroshynska identifies the educational environment of higher education institutions as «<… > a set of conditions that affect the purposeful interaction of educational subjects and ensure the effective functioning of the forms, methods and means of the educational process in order to achieve the goals of its subjects <…>» [10].
Psychologists interpret the educational environment as a system of pedagogical and psychological influences, which not only creates opportunities for the development and disclosure of those abilities and talents that have already been revealed, but also those that have not yet manifested themselves [9]. In our opinion, these definitions focus on the characteristics of the educational environment as a dynamic system.
Having studied the approaches to the interpretation of the concept of «educational environment», we concluded that most researchers identify the educational environment as a multi-level system of conditions that provides optimal parameters of educational activities of a certain educational subject in all aspects - target, content, procedures, effectiveness, resources. [3; 7]. The educational environment of an EI includes a set of factors (material, spatial, subject, social, personal) that interacts with each other, thus being impacted in the process, which is called «organization of the environment».
It is worth noting that the main goal of the educational activity of the educational institution is the comprehensive development of the applicant, it is possible to achieve this goal by ensuring a high level of quality of education. Revealing the essence of the internal system of quality assurance of education, it is necessary to note the ratio of such terms as «quality of education» and «quality of educational activity».
The Law of Ukraine «On Education» defines the quality of education as «<… >in accordance with the learning outcomes to the requirements established by law, the relevant standard of education and / or an agreement on the provision of educational services<… >» and the quality of educational activities as a level of «<… > the organization, provision and implementation of the educational process, which ensures the receipt of quality education by persons and meets the requirements established by law and / or an agreement on the provision of educational services <… >» (paragraphs 29, 30 of part 1 of article 1) [6].
Consequently, the quality of education is considered in the indissoluble unity of the quality of the process (activity) and the quality of the result. The quality of the educational process (activity) is an integral part of the quality of education, which depends on the relevant properties of the educational environment, includes the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the educational process, the quality of professional competence of teachers, the quality of organizational and managerial competence.
Aim of research is to investigate the impact of the educational environment of the medical education institution on the level of educational achievements of applicants for education and the quality of the formation of general education competencies.
Results and discussion. The system of educational activity of EI is dynamic, so only systematic monitoring can ensure its improvement. In accordance with the Law of Ukraine «On Education», the components form four directions of the internal system for ensuring the quality of educational activities and the quality of education of the institution: the educational environment, the system of management activities, the system of pedagogical activity and the system for evaluating the educational activities of applicants for education. During the monitoring study, we processed the results of entrance exams, assessments in the certificate of basic general secondary education and semester assessments of applicants who entered the College of Zhytomyr Medical Institute based on basic general secondary education in 2021-2022 academic year in the specialty 223 «Nursing», EP» Nursing Care», EP» Medical Care» for obtaining an educational and professional degree of professional junior bachelor. Comparative analysis was carried out on two educational components: biology and Ukrainian language. According to the list of components of the educational and professional program, these disciplines belong to the regulatory block.
The experiment was attended by 101 and 102 groups of EP «Medical Care» - 45 applicants for education (table 1) and EP «Medical Care» - 48 applicants for education (table 2). Assessment of educational achievements of applicants for education was carried out at the following levels: high, sufficient, medium, and low.
Table 1. Comparative background of the level of educational achievements of applicants for education in the specialty 223 «Nursing», EP «Medical Care»
Biology |
Level |
Assessment in the certificate |
Entrance exam |
Semester assessment |
Abs. |
% |
Abs. |
% |
Abs. |
% |
high |
11 |
24,4% |
9 |
20% |
7 |
15,5% |
sufficient |
8 |
17,8% |
13 |
28,9% |
29 |
64,5% |
medium |
26 |
57,8% |
23 |
51,1% |
9 |
20% |
low |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Just |
45 |
100% |
45 |
100% |
45 |
100% |
Ukrainian |
Level |
Assessment in the certificate |
Entrance exam |
Semester assessment |
Abs. |
% |
Abs. |
Abs. |
% |
high |
3 |
6,7% |
1 |
2,2% |
9 |
20% |
sufficient |
10 |
22,2% |
14 |
31,1% |
26 |
57,8% |
medium |
32 |
71,1% |
30 |
66,7% |
10 |
22,2% |
low |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Just |
45 |
100% |
45 |
100% |
45 |
100% |
After completing the first semester of study, the ratio of applicants for education who have an «average» level of achievements in biology is at 20%, as opposed to the indicator during the entrance exam, which was 51.1%. While the «sufficient» level of achievement received 35.6% more applicants than during the entrance exams (28.9%). When comparing the indicators in the certificate with semester estimates, we see a tendency to significantly increase the level of achievements in the discipline to «sufficient» by 46.7%. Such indicators confirm the effectiveness of the provision of educational services in an educational institution and the formation of basic knowledge at a high level in this discipline.
Analysis of indicators from the Ukrainian language lessons also has positive changes. This is confirmed by a significant difference in the «average» level of achievement, because when entering, this figure was 66.7%, and at the end of the first semester of study decreased to 22.2%. In addition, 26.7% more applicants reached the «sufficient» level, when this indicator in the exam received only 31.1%. It is worth noting that 20% of applicants at the end of the first semester of studying the discipline received a «high» level of knowledge, while the entrance exam rate ranged from 2.2%. When comparing indicators in the certificate with semester estimates, we observe a similar situation as in the analysis of indicators in biology.
However, it is worth noting that some indicators of the level of achievement in secondary schools in both disciplines were not confirmed in the entrance exams, in one case applicants demonstrated a higher level of knowledge than in school, while others, on the contrary. It is obvious that the level of achievements of applicants in the Ukrainian language during their studies at a higher education institution has increased significantly.
Table 2. Comparative income of the level of achievements of applicants for education in the specialty 223 «Nursing», EP «Nursing care»
Biology |
Level |
Assessment in the certificate |
Entrance exam |
Semester assessment |
Abs. |
% |
Abs. |
Abs. |
% |
high |
4 |
8,3% |
2 |
4,1% |
6 |
12,5% |
sufficient |
24 |
50% |
20 |
41,7% |
33 |
68,8% |
medium |
20 |
41,7% |
26 |
54,2% |
9 |
18,7% |
low |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Just |
48 |
100% |
48 |
100% |
48 |
100% |
Ukrainian |
Level |
Assessment in the certificate |
Entrance exam |
Semester assessment |
high |
3 |
6,3% |
2 |
4,1% |
7 |
14,6% |
sufficient |
13 |
27% |
11 |
22,9% |
31 |
64,6% |
medium |
32 |
66,7% |
35 |
73% |
10 |
20,8% |
low |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Just |
48 |
100% |
48 |
100% |
48 |
100% |
The results of a comparative analysis of the educational achievements of the students of the EP «Nursing Care», presented in Table 2, demonstrate a significant level of educational achievements in biology during their studies at the higher education institution. This is confirmed by the difference in the indicators of their school, entrance, and existing level of educational achievements at the end of the first semester of studying the discipline. Thus, during the entrance test in biology, 54.2% of applicants demonstrated an «average» level of knowledge, but in comparison with semester estimates, this figure decreased by 35.5% and is at the level of 18.7%.
Also, by 27.1% more applicants increased their own level of knowledge to «sufficient», now it is 68.8% and is the predominant indicator of semester achievements. Accordingly, the «high» level reached 8.4% more applicants than when entering (4.1%). When comparing the indicators in the certificate with semester estimates, we see an increase in the level of achievements to «high» by 4.2%, «sufficient» - 18.8%, and the «average» level of achievements decreased by 23%.
The obtained results of comparative analysis in the Ukrainian language indicate a significant improvement in the level of success of applicants, namely: at the time of entrance exams, a significant share (73%) of applicants demonstrated only the «average» level of knowledge, now 52.2% of them have increased this level above the «average»; 41.7% more applicants reached a «sufficient» level after the end of the first semester than during the entrance exam - 22.9%, and 14.6% of applicants achieved an excellent result, receiving a «high» level of achievement in this discipline, which is 10.5% more than when entering. Regarding the comparison of semester and school grade in the discipline, we again state an increase in the achievements of applicants for education to a «sufficient» and «high» level, at the same time, the average level of achievement has more than halved.
In addition, we calculated the average score and quality indicator for each of the disciplines and compared these indicators with each other. The results are shown in Fig. 1-4.
Fig. 1. Average score and qualitative indicator in biology
Fig. 2. Average score and qualitative indicator in the Ukrainian language
Fig. 3. Average score and qualitative indicator in biology Educational program «Nursing Care»
Fig. 4. Average score and qualitative indicator in the Ukrainian language
After analyzing the qualitative indicators and the average score of the success of applicants for education of the EP «Medicine» and EP «Nursing», they established the presence of significant changes and positive dynamics, which are expressed by a significant increase in the quality indicator and the average score in the disciplines studied.
It should be noted that pedagogical workers in the process of conducting practical classes in the discipline's «biology» and «Ukrainian language» used innovative methods and means of training, including: work in small groups, carousel, microphone, unfinished sentence, brainstorming, mosaic, analysis of the situation, modern methods of sequencing sceptication and eidos-compendium, associative method of «crosssens», mental maps. In addition, information platforms and applications were actively used: Zoom, Proficonf, Viber, Telegram, Kahoot, Canva, Classtime, Learning Apps, Padlet, Google - class, Jam board, Lesson, Universe.
Thus, it has been proved that the educational environment, as a system of safe learning conditions, comfortable interpersonal interaction, the availability of available resources for the observance of the rights and norms of physical, psychological, informational and social security of each participant in the educational process, as well as methods and means of training used by pedagogical workers during the organization of the educational process, has a significant impact on the process of organizing general education computers. students of education in a professional medical college.
We believe that the main problem of the organization of the educational process and the assessment of knowledge in secondary schools is that the school system is mostly configured to reproduce the applicant's current material and its assessment, while in the institution of professional pre-higher education it is based directly on the formation of vocational, clinical thinking and the possibility of obtaining thorough knowledge and general competencies from applicants. After all, educational and professional programs, according to which applicants' study, provide for the implementation of the educational process based on systematic, professionally oriented, competent, student-centered approaches.
Conclusions and research perspectives. The results of the review of scientific sources became the theoretical basis for formulating a view of the phenomenon under study. We concluded that the quality of the educational environment is determined by the ability to provide all subjects of the educational process with opportunities to meet educational needs, personal development, self-development. And the educational environment of a professional medical college purposefully affects the professional and personal development of the future specialist, ensuring his readiness for professional activity and continued training, successful performance of social roles and self-realization in the process of life.
Therefore, we can say that the purposeful study of the educational environment, the identification of opportunities for the development of subjects allows not only to help subjects adapt to the conditions of the educational environment, but also to influence it in some way to achieve the desired features (quality characteristics), to promote the maximum implementation of educational goals.
As a result of the monitoring study, a significant impact of the educational environment on the quality of education, which indicate the indicators we obtained, was determined. A comparative analysis of school, entrance and semester indicators proved a significant improvement in the level of achievements in applicants for education in the disciplines studied. This, in turn, testifies to the effectiveness of the provision of educational services in a higher education institution and the formation of comprehensive competences at a high level in these disciplines. In addition, it is proved that not only the educational environment has a significant impact on the process of organizing basic competencies among applicants for education in a higher education institution, but also the methods and means of training used by pedagogical workers during practical classes.
The presence of an increase in the level of formation of general education competences during the training of applicants for education in a professional medical college has been established. There are positive changes between the competencies that were formed during incomplete secondary general education, as opposed to what the applicants acquired in the process of studying at a professional medical college.
Significant changes and positive dynamics of improvement of qualitative indicator and average score in Ukrainian language and biology in applicants of specialty 223 «Nursing», EP «Medicine» and EP «Nursing» were determined, compared to the indicators of entrance examinations and the level of achievements in secondary schools.
It should be noted that a favorable educational environment will affect not only the increase in the level of formation of competencies and programmatic learning outcomes for applicants, but also strengthen their motivation for educational activities. In turn, this will contribute to improving the system of organization of the educational process and improving the quality of professional training of specialists in the process of obtaining medical education.
The prospect of further research is based on systematic monitoring of the level of achievement in these academic groups during their study period.
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реферат [19,1 K], добавлен 01.11.2012History of school education system in the USA. The role of school education in the USA. Organisation of educational process in American schools. Reforms and innovations in education that enable children to develop their potential as individuals.
курсовая работа [326,6 K], добавлен 12.01.2016Disclosure of the concept of the game. Groups of games, developing intelligence, cognitive activity of the child. The classification of educational games in a foreign language. The use of games in the classroom teaching English as a means of improving.
курсовая работа [88,5 K], добавлен 23.04.2012Planning a research study. Explanation, as an ability to give a good theoretical background of the problem, foresee what can happen later and introduce a way of solution. Identifying a significant research problem. Conducting a pilot and the main study.
реферат [26,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2012The education system in the United States of America. Pre-school education. Senior high school. The best universities of national importance. Education of the last level of training within the system of higher education. System assessment of Knowledge.
презентация [1,4 M], добавлен 06.02.2014Involvement of pupils to study language as the main task of the teacher. The significance of learners' errors. The definition of possible classifications of mistakes by examples. Correction of mistakes of pupils as a part of educational process.
курсовая работа [30,2 K], добавлен 05.11.2013The impact of the course Education in Finland on my own pedagogical thinking and comparison of the Finnish school system and pedagogy with my own country. Similarities and differences of secondary and higher education in Kazakhstan and Finland.
реферат [15,2 K], добавлен 01.04.2012Modern education system in the UK. Preschool education. The national curriculum. Theoretical and practical assignments. The possible scenarios for post-secondary education. Diploma of higher professional education. English schools and parents' committees.
презентация [3,3 M], добавлен 05.06.2015Study the history of opening of the first grammar and boarding-schools. Description of monitorial system of education, when teacher teaches the monitors who then pass on their knowledge to the pupils. Analysis the most famous Universities in Britain.
презентация [394,4 K], добавлен 29.11.2011Italy - the beginner of European education. Five stages of education in Italy: kindergarten, primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, university. The ceremony of dedication to students - one of the brightest celebrations in Italy.
презентация [3,8 M], добавлен 04.04.2013