Organizational and psychological fundamentals of teaching foreign languages of medical students

The influence of mental development of students, types of leading activities at a given age. Types of motivation that directs their activity at this stage of education. Highlighting progressive changes during communicative development of students.

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Дата добавления 27.03.2023
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Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

Organizational and psychological fundamentals of teaching foreign languages of medical students

T.V. Savaryn

M.Ya. Kichula


The artic le deals with the problem of psychological foundations of organizing foreign language training for medical students. The influence of students ` mental and communicative development, types of leading activities at a given age, and types of motivation that guides their activities at this stage of learning is analyzed. In the process of research, it becomes clear that the solution of special cognitive and practical problems helps not only to more conscious assimilation of knowledge, but also to the development of the ability to independently obtain and use knowledge, think creatively and act.Progressive changes during students' communicative development are highlighted. It is noted that one of the main tasks in teaching foreign languages to students is to teach them to analyze the material, find key points, generalize, find commonalities and differences in the material being studied. New possible methods of studying language and speech material are proposed. Attention is focused on the fact that one of the reserves for improving the effectiveness of students` learning is the purposeful formation of learning motives through new forms of its organization.

Key words: learning; psychological development; communication; foreign languages; motivation; students; memory.


Т. В. Саварин, М. Я. Кічула

Тернопільський національний медичний університет імені І. Я. Горбачевського МОЗ України


У статті розглянуто проблему психологічних основ організації навчання іноземних мов студентів-медиків. Проаналізовано вплив психічного розвитку студентів, типи провідної діяльності в даному віці, види мотивації, яка спрямовує їх діяльність на даному етапі навчання. В процесі дослідження стає зрозуміло, що рішення особливих пізнавальних та практичних задач допомагає не тільки більш свідомому засвоєнню знань, але й розвитку здібності самостійно добувати та використовувати знання, творчо розмірковувати та діяти. Виокремлено прогресивні зміни під час комунікативного розвитку студентів. Зазначено, що одне із головних завдань при навчанні іноземних мов студентів - навчити їх аналізувати матеріал, знаходити ключові моменти, узагальнювати, знаходити спільне та різне в матеріалі, що вивчається. Запропоновано нові можливі методи вивчення мовного і мовленнєвого матеріалу. Зосереджено увагу на тому, що одним із резервів підвищення ефективності навчання студентів є цілеспрямоване формування мотивів навчання через нові форми його організації.

Ключові слова: навчання; психологічний розвиток; комунікація; іноземні мови; мотивація; студенти; пам'ять.


In general pedagogical psychology, a new qualitative stage in the development of foreign language theory and practice is noticeable, which is characterized by a psychological aspect in teaching vocabulary, speaking and reading in a foreign language, namely, the influence of the psychological content of foreign language educational practice. The identification of certain psychological aspects of teaching a foreign language was formed in the concepts of, B. Belyaev, B. Benediktov, O. Lozova, © T. V. Savaryn, M. Ya. Kichula E. Miroshnechenko, I. Zimnaya. They highlight the psychological foundations of mastering the vocabulary of a foreign language, the content of which turned out to be organically “embedded” in general psychological concept of teaching foreign languages. In addition to the psychological content of teaching foreign language vocabulary, other equally important aspects - teaching foreign language speaking and Reading-received special attention from the founders of the general psychology of teaching foreign languages.

The aim - to determine the features of psychological factors in the formation of methods of teaching foreign languages to medical students and to determine the optimal types and types of exercises aimed at developing students ` language skills.

Research objectives:

Consider the theoretical foundations of the methodology of teaching foreign languages, taking into account the psychological aspect..

Identify the main types and functions of motivation.

Determine the optimal types and types of exercises that are aimed at developing students ` language skills.

Theoretical framework

The topic of this study is one of the most relevant topics in the modern methodology of teaching a foreign language, since taking into account the psychological aspect is very important, and the problem of motivation is one of the central problems of the psychology of teaching foreign languages to medical students. The study of psychological foundations in the methodology of teaching foreign languages to medical students is not deep enough.

The subject of the research is psychological foundations in the formation of methods of teaching foreign languages to medical students.

At the present stage of development of the methodology of teaching foreign languages to medical students, the psychological basis for organizing training is recognized as a personal-activity approach. The personal-activity approach involves not only the assimilation of knowledge itself, but also ways of assimilation, ways of thinking and activity, the development of cognitive forces and creative potential of students.

Let's consider the first component of this approach - personal. The focus of attention is on the student - his interests, motives, goals, skills, abilities, knowledge, the level of his mental and physical development, that is, the student as a person [5]. Therefore, the organization of training on the basis of a personal-activity approach means that all methodological decisions of the teacher the organization of educational material, the use of certain techniques, methods, exercises, etc. - should be refracted through the prism of the student's personality his needs, motives, abilities, activity, intelligence and other individual psychological characteristics.

The second component of the personal-activity approach is the activity component. Within the framework of the personal-activity approach, the learning process is interpreted as the learning activity of students, and the object of training in foreign language classes is speech activity in such forms as speaking, listening, reading, writing.

The problem of motivation is one of the central problems of the psychology of teaching foreign languages to medical students. As a rule, human activity is polymotivated, and a person acts on the basis of not one, but several motives. Therefore, when considering educational activities, it is necessary to take into account the complex of motives that encourage and direct this activity. There are three functions of motivation: it encourages behavior, directs behavior based on needs and gives it personal content and significance, that is, it determines the attitude of students to this activity [4]. Thus, motivation is a source of orientation and activity of the individual. The presence of several functions of motivation shows that it not only precedes behavior, but is also constantly present at all its stages, in all its links. The unity of all three functions provides the regulatory role of motivation in behavior, while the third function is of central importance for the nature of the motivational sphere.

Experimental studies of motives that were conducted by both domestic and foreign psychologists and methodologists (M. M. Vasilyeva, M. L. Weisburd, M. V. Gamezo, Ya. V. Goldstein, S. D. Krashen, H. Dulay, M. Burt and others), allow us to conclude that when learning foreign languages, students are dominated by two categories of motives: cognitive, which are due to the content of educational material and awareness of the need to possess certain information, and social, or communication motives, which are associated with the need to communicate with other people, a sense of success [3].

The formation of a cognitive motive is promoted by interesting tasks that contain new information and require a combination of different types of memory, which make students think, analyze, logically compare the facts that they possess, that is, tasks that allow them to feel the joy of “Discovery” [1]. Systematic monitoring of the educational activities of students of medical higher educational institutions, knowledge about their progress in assimilation, as well as problematic learning also contribute to the formation of a cognitive motive. Thus, teaching foreign languages should be based on the cognitive motives of students, that is, it is necessary to give them the opportunity to feel the joy of “independent discovery” of the language phenomena being studied, provide an opportunity to apply logical thinking and activate various types of memory.

Social motive, as S. D. Krashen, is an important driving force of students ` learning activities. This motive is based on positive emotions (for example, a friendly atmosphere in the group or curiosity about the tasks themselves, etc.), a desire for self-expression, self-affirmation, demonstration of their abilities and talent, internal and external need for communication [1]. Therefore, training should be built taking into account all the above factors: students should be able to show their abilities and capabilities in learning foreign languages, and exercises should be built in such a way as to meet the students ` need for communication, that is, be communicative and motivated. motivation education communicative mental

In addition to motivation, the activity is characterized by awareness and purposefulness. These characteristics follow from the correlation of two concepts - action and activity. In order for an action to arise and be carried out, it is necessary that its subject appears to the subject in its relation to the motive of activity, to which this action is included. The motive of activity can shift and move to the subject (goal) of the action. As a result of this process, the action turns into an activity. Thus, new activities are born, New attitudes to reality arise. This process forms the psychological basis on which there is a change in the leading activity, and as a result - transitions from one stage of development to another.

The stages of development of the students ` psyche are characterized not only by a certain content of leading activities, but also by a certain connection with the age of students. Changes in the leading activity are the basis for changes that characterize the development of the human psyche. Determining the leading activity of students causes certain difficulties. In the works of leading psychologists, students of the first and second years of study belong to the age group of both older adolescents and young men. At the same time, it is considered that the majority of first-year students are people who have just graduated from high school, that is, people aged 16-17 years. The line of transition from childhood to maturity is conditional.

The development of intelligence, consciousness, and the cognitive sphere of people is interpreted in general psychology in the general context of L. Vygotsky's theory of the development of higher mental functions. In general, intellectual development is carried out according to three main planes: from direct to indirect, from concrete, single to Whole, generalized reflection of reality, from arbitrary to involuntary [3]. In the process of intellectual development of the individual, qualitative changes in the mental cognitive processes themselves occur. The main criterion for the development of a growing person's intelligence is the ability to independently and creatively solve various types of problems, as well as the ability to move from reproductive to creative tasks.

The driving force of mental development of the individual is the contradiction between the achieved level of development of knowledge, skills, abilities, the system of motives and types of connections of a person with the environment. This understanding of the driving forces of human mental development was formulated by L. Vygotsky, O. Leontiev, D. Feldstein, D. Elkonin and other psychologists of this school.

In personal terms, as well as in intellectual terms, the development of personality goes from involuntary, impulsive, situational reactions of behavior and behavior in general to the arbitrariness of its regulation. This tendency is manifested in the ability of a person to manage their behavior, consciously set goals, specifically look for and find ways to achieve them, overcome difficulties and obstacles.

During the development of personality, a teenager is also formed as a subject of activity. This is the third line of his mental development.

In addition to the three lines of mental development of students, researchers also highlight the communicative development of students in both their native and foreign languages. The communicative development reflects not only progressive changes in the ability of students to build a coherent utterance based on the vocabulary that spreads, and mastering grammatical material, but also: a) the development and interaction of all types of speech activity; b) the development of speech mechanisms - the establishment of meaningful connections (comprehension), the interaction of operational and permanent memory, probable forecasting and biased synthesis; c) development of ways of forming and formulating thoughts and their conscious differentiation for different conditions of communication - with yourself or with other people.

Thus, teaching foreign languages should be based on the mental and communicative development of students, the types of leading activities at a given age, and the types of motivation that guides their activities at this stage of learning.

Let's trace what changes occur in older adolescence in accordance with the four lines of mental and intellectual development.

In terms of intellectual development, it is advisable to focus on the peculiarities of perception, mental activity and memory of students, since these components have a great influence on the perception and assimilation of all speech and speech material.

It is proved that the perception of an older teenager is characterized by some qualitative features. The student becomes capable of more complex analysis and synthesis of perceived phenomena and objects, he is not limited only to what is on the surface of phenomena. The process of perception and observation is still in the stage of formation and development and requires skillful guidance from the teacher. Observation as a purposeful and organized perception begins to occupy an increasing place in students' learning activities as the educational material becomes more complex.

Important changes are also taking place in students' mental activity: the ratio between concrete-figurative and abstract thinking changes in favor of the latter, analytical and synthetic activity develops, that is, they begin to be interested not only in facts, but also in their analysis. Students try to identify the main thing in the material, master the ability to justify, prove certain provisions, and make generalizations.

Concrete-imaginative components of thinking continue to play an important role. With the development of abstract thinking, concrete-figurative components do not disappear, but persist and develop, and continue to play a significant role in the overall structure of thinking. Under the influence of the growth of selfawareness, older adolescents develop the ability and need to think independently. Students strive to have their own opinions, their own views on a number of issues, and do not rely on the authority of teachers and books.

Based on this, psychologists study the psychological conditions for activating students' mental activity during training, the conditions for mastering effective methods of independent mental activity, and identify how the assimilation of “ready-made” knowledge and independent “discoveries” relate in the learning process. Solving special cognitive and practical problems helps not only to more consciously assimilate knowledge, but also to develop the ability to independently extract and use knowledge, think creatively and act.

As E. Miroshnechenko emphasizes, in the process of active cognitive activity of the student himself, he has a steady interest in educational knowledge and he firmly assimilates the material. Interest in learning arises when he himself is directly involved in the formulation of conclusions, makes independent “discoveries” [3]. Ready-made conclusions, ready-made knowledge do not satisfy the student, he learns them formally.

O. Lozova identifies a number of characteristic features of such training: first, it teaches you to think logically, scientifically, creatively; second, it makes the educational material more evidence-based, thereby contributing to the transformation of knowledge into beliefs; third, it is usually more emotional, “Awakens” deeper intellectual processes, including a sense of joyful satisfaction, a sense of confidence in your abilities and abilities; fourth, it activates long-term memory, that is, “independently” open truths, patterns are not so easily forgotten, and in case of forgetting they are easy reproduced [2].

Students' memory plays an important role in the learning process. A characteristic feature of memory development at this age is the growth of involuntary memory, improvement of its performance. Involuntary memorization is always associated with awareness of the goal. If a student learns to identify logical connections between various phenomena, compare and draw their own conclusions based on this, the memorization process is much faster, and the material that they “passed through” is remembered firmly and for a long time. Therefore, a big disadvantage in independent work of students is the attitude to memorization, memorization, and not to understanding. So, one of the main tasks when teaching foreign languages to 1st- year students is to teach them to analyze the material, find key points, generalize, find common and different things in the material being studied.

In terms of personal development of students, an important point is to determine the motivation of learning. According to above mentioned scientists, favorable features of motivation at this age are:

the need to feel your adulthood, the desire to take a new life position in relation to the world, to other people, to yourself;

overall student activity;

students ` desire for independence;

increase the breadth and diversity of interests, etc.

S. Nikolaieva considers learning motivation as a

combination of cognitive and social motives [4]. At this age, most students ` interest in facts is replaced by an interest in patterns. This means that it is necessary to change the form of familiarization with new material, that is, students should not receive ready-made facts (rules), but reveal patterns, explore logical connections.

Thus, one of the reserves for improving the effectiveness of students' learning is the purposeful formation of learning motives through new forms of its organization.

Significant changes in students' social motives are also taking place. The student seeks to take a new position in relationships with peers and adults. He seeks contacts and cooperation with other people, learns ways to establish this cooperation in the educational process. Therefore, during practical classes, it is necessary to create conditions where his social needs in communication and interaction with other people, in self-expression and self-affirmation through relationships with other people can be realized. To realize these interests, a variety of creative tasks are effective, which require students to make independent decisions, put forward various hypotheses and test them collectively, tasks by performing which the student can show his competence in this matter and the level of his development, which raises his authority in the eyes of classmates and the teacher.

Familiarization with new language and speech material of students should be built so that they have the opportunity to come to certain conclusions through logical inference and evidence, and the rules for the formation and application of a particular language phenomenon would be a logical conclusion, which is made on the basis of the analysis of the phenomenon under study.

Conclusions and Prospects for Research. However, students should not be forced to “discover” exclusively all phenomena and patterns. On the one hand, they have a sufficient stock of knowledge on the grammar and vocabulary of a foreign and native language, and therefore he is able to summarize some data and draw conclusions based on this knowledge. On the other hand, not all phenomena of a foreign language have equivalents in their native language, and there is not enough knowledge of the previous material to understand them. Therefore, it is difficult for students to summarize such language material this case, they need the help of a teacher.

Thus, when teaching a foreign language to medical students of higher education institutions, it is necessary to give them the opportunity under the guidance of a teacher to independently make generalizations, conclusions, establish logical connections between the studied phenomena, formulate rules, that is, the process of mastering knowledge should be active, and studentsnot objects, but subjects of the learning process. The content of exercises that are included in the course's exercise system should meet the personal needs of students, meet their interests, that is, the exercises should be motivated, based on problematic, personally significant, and interesting material for students. The student's desire for communication should be realized through the organization of collective activities and role-playing games, in which he will be able to meet his needs for expanded personal experience and social contacts.

The issue of communication in a foreign-language environment as an important value in the process of professional socialization of future doctors and adaptation to new conditions of life requires further study.

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5. Kapusta, T. (2002). Strategic competence in a professionally oriented class. Innovative approaches to teaching foreign languages and cultures in the new millennium: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Methodical Conference. Dnipropetrovsk.

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