Methods of motivation forming during foreign language classes
The problems and the specifics of motivation during foreign languages teaching in higher educational establishments. The importance solving is determined by the fact that educational motivation is a decisive factor of educational process efficiency.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 27.03.2023 |
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Methods of motivation forming during foreign language classes
Kaleriia Kovalova,
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages and Cross-Cultural Communication of Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages and Cross-Cultural Communication of Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
The problems and the specifics of motivation during foreign languages teaching in higher educational establishments have been considered in the article. The importance of this problem solving is determined by the fact that educational motivation is a decisive factor of educational process efficiency. Motivation provides interest to learning activity, improves the work of all cognitive mechanisms and speech activities: memory, thinking, attention and also activates the linguistic unit of memorization, which stimulates successful foreign language communication. The aim of our investigation is to analyse the nature, structure and approaches ofthe motivation forming, development and maintenance during foreign languages studying. The object of our investigation is the educational activity motivation, in particular foreign languages teaching. The subject of our investigation is the structure, components, mechanisms of effective functioning, conditions of motivational learning activity development. Different classifications of motivational factors have been considered. The main methods of learning activity stimulation during a foreign language studying have been distinguished by the authors according to the specifics of the subject: 1) the usage of interactive teaching methods; 2) the usage of computer technologies; 3) the usage of incentive techniques that create the conditions for productive speech skills mastering; 4) the usage of linguistic material; 5) the usage of interdisciplinary links; 6) the creation of a favourable atmosphere of communication; 7) the students' skills of independent work development; 8) the teacher's active position. The role of the teacher as the main motivator of the target settings successful implementation during a foreign language teaching has been determined. Also, in the context ofthis work, anti-motivation factors, affecting the quality of the educational process, have been considered. It has been revealed, there cannot be a single unambiguous classification of this phenomenon, so as these factors will depend on different aspects ofeducational process, for example, age, profession and social status. The anti-motivation factors which affect the quality of the educational process have been also considered in the context of this work. As a result of investigation, it has been stated that the level of motivation increasing during a foreign language studying is possible only with the complex usage of these conditions.
Key words: motive, intrinsic / extrinsic motivation, anti-motivation, motivating factors, educational process.
motivation language educational
кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри іноземних мов та міжкультурної комунікації Харківського національного економічного університету імені Семена Кузнеця (Харків, Україна)
старший викладач кафедри іноземних мов та міжкультурної комунікації Харківського національного економічного університету імені Семена Кузнеця (Харків, Україна)
У статті розглянуто проблеми, специфіка мотивації при навчанні іноземних мов у вищих навчальних закладах. Важливість вирішення цієї проблеми залежить від того, що освітня мотивація є вирішальним фактором ефективності навчального процесу. Мотивація забезпечує інтерес до навчальної діяльності, сприяє поліпшенню роботи всіх механізмів когнітивної та мовної діяльності: пам'яті, мислення, уваги, активізує запам'ятовування мовних одиниць, що стимулює вихід в успішну комунікацію іноземною мовою. Метою цього дослідження є аналіз сутності, структури та підходів формування, розвитку, підтримки мотивації при вивченні іноземних мов. Об'єктом дослідження є мотивація навчальної діяльності, зокрема навчання іноземних мов. Предмет дослідження: структура, складники, механізми ефективного функціонування, умови розвитку мотиваційної навчальної діяльності. Розглянуто різні класифікації мотиваційних факторів, виділено основні типи мотивів при вивченні іноземної мови. Авторами виокремлено основні методи стимулювання навчальної діяльності при вивченні іноземної мови відповідно до специфіки навчального предмета: 1. застосування інтерактивних методів викладання; 2. використання інформаційних комп'ютерних технологій; 3. використання прийомів-стимулів, що створюють умови для продуктивного оволодіння мовними навичками; 4. залучення краєзнавчого матеріалу; 5. використання міжпредметних зв'язків; 6. створення сприятливої атмосфери спілкування; 7. розвиток навичок самостійної роботи студентів; 8. активна позиція викладача. Визначено роль викладача як основного мотиватора успішної реалізації цільових установок навчання іноземної мови. Також у контексті роботи розглянуто антимотиваційні фактори, які впливають на якість освітнього процесу. Встановлено, що підвищення рівня мотивації у процесі вивчення іноземної мови можливо виключно за комплексного використання відповідних умов.
Ключові слова: мотив, внутрішня / зовнішня мотивація, антимотивація, мотивуючі чинники, навчальний процес.
Formulation of the problem. The problem of motivation is one of the fundamental and dominating problems of modern educational process, in particular, in a foreign language teaching process, because a foreign language knowledge is the evidence of the culture and education level. The process of globalization in a higher education sphere focuses on motivation during foreign languages studying, as the scope of their application for a modern person expands significantly with international relations increasing, by the establishment of cultural contacts, as well as the possibility of obtaining information in a foreign language. The formation, the development, the motivation of educational activity increasing, the teaching technologies usage, based on understanding the mechanisms of motivational components functioning, can significantly increase the educational process effectiveness and allow to achieve a high level of results. All these determine the relevance of this investigation.
The object of our investigation is the educational activity motivation, in particular foreign languages teaching.
The subject of our investigation is the structure, components, mechanisms of effective functioning and conditions of motivational studying activity development.
Research analysis. The complexity and multidimensionality of the motivation problem determines the multiplicity of approaches to its essence, nature, structure understanding and methods studying. The problem of the educational activity motivation development has been considered in the works of L. Bozhovich, V. Borovsky, V. Vedzinska, H. Voitonis, V. Wundt, E. Galazhinsky, E. Zeer, I. Idi- nov, V. Kovalev, E. Kuzmina, N. Lange, B. Merlin, K. Platonov, K. Rogers, S. Rubinshtein, P. Rudik, A. Smirnov, A. Stepanov, D. Uznadze and others. In the works of R. Vaysman and others, the attention is paid to the professional orientation of training in Universities. On this basis, students' target settings are being developed. They fix which future specialists' motivation to develop. The motivation of a person self-actualization has been studied in the works of K. Levin, A. Maslow, G. Allport and others.
The problem of a foreign languages motivation studying has been reflected in the works of E. Ver- togradskaya, I. Zimnaya, S. Dorokhova, Yu. Nefedova, S. Khavronina and other scientists. They describe the motives of a foreign languages studying and the main motive forming factors. They also consider the increasing motivation methods in their works.
Correspondingly, the importance of students' independent work increasing, the problem of the motivation formation and increasing, remain relevant and requires further studying in a situation of reducing class hours and the necessity to distance learning transition
In modern conditions of multi-level, integrative, multi-stage education development, the priority task of higher education institutions is the ability to teach students to independently acquire knowledge that contributes to personal growth. In order to, the activity will become a component of development and self-development, it is necessary to constantly improve the motivational side of the personality. Motivation is the “triggering mechanism” (I. Zimn- yaya) of any subjects successful teaching, in particular, foreign languages. The formation of students' adequate educational motivation significantly increases the professional studying success.
The purpose of the article. The aim of our investigation is to analyse the nature, structure and approaches of the educational activity motivation formation in the context of the increased need of quick and high-quality foreign language teaching.
Presentingmainmaterial. Forthefirsttime,thedefi- nition of “motivation” appeared in A. Schopenhauer's article “Four Principles of Sufficient Reason” (1900-1910), later this term came firmly into psychological and pedagogical use.
The current state of motivation investigation is characterized by many concepts and theories, fragmentation of theoretical ideas, expressed by terminological diversity. Thus, motivation is understood as a combination of factors determining, organizing and directing a human behaviour (a system of needs, motives, goals, intentions, ideals, beliefs, etc.) (K. Madsen, 1959, C. Ames, 1984, Zh. God- frua, 1992, G. Chambers, 1999), “as a set of stable motives, impulses that determine the content, focus and character of a personality activity, its behaviour” (Kuharenko, 2016: 216), as a verbal behaviour, directed to motives choice (assertion) for explanation, grounding of real working behaviour (V. Adamchuk, O. Romashov, M. Sorokina).
Thus, researchers identify two ways of motivation studying: the first considers the motivation from a structural position, as a combination of factors or motives, the second - as a dynamic formation, as a process or a mechanism. But in both cases, the motivation acts as a secondary formation as to a motive and a phenomenon; as a process of activity regulation with the help of a motive.
Also, there is no common opinion in understanding correlation between motivation and motive. These two concepts are used as synonyms in many works. In general, a motive (from French. motif - a motive reason, an occasion) is “an incentive to activity connected with the human needs satisfaction; a set of external and internal conditions that cause the subject activity and determine its focus” (Azimov, Schukin, 1999: 237), “this is what explains the nature of a speech action, while the communicative intention expresses the communicative goal of the speaker, who plans this or that form to influence on a listener” (Zimnyaya, 1997: 18).
According to A. Leontyev's concept (1971), who is the author of the most formalized theories of motivation, motives are considered as objectified needs. They mean the objective, in which this need is specified in the given conditions and what for this activity, that encourages it, is directed to. A. Leontyev considers the essence of motivation as an object that meets this need (Leontyev, 1971).
Due to T Gordeeva, we understand the motivation of learning activity as a systemic education that provides impulse, focus of learning activities (Gordeeva, 2013). Thus, motivation plays the role of the driving force of academic achievement.
We consider the motive of educational activity as all factors that determine the demonstration of educational activity: needs, goals, attitudes, intentions, incentives, sense of duty, interests, and so on.
Learning activity, like any other, is encouraged by all kinds of factors (motives). So, G. Rosenfeld, identified the following content categories (factors) of learning motivation: education for the sake of training, without getting pleasure of activity or without interest to the subject being taught; education without personal interests and benefits; education for social identification; education for success or for fear of failure; education by compulsion or pressure; education based on concepts and moral obligations or on generally accepted standards; education for a goal achieving in everyday life; education based on social goals, requirements and values.
As we can see, in this classification, the vast majority of highlighted factors reflect the world around us; they are not directly related to a personality.
A. Pechnikov and G. Mukhina (A. Pechnikov, G. Mukhina, 1996) consider “professional” and “personal prestige” as the students leading educational motives. According to their opinion, “pragmatic” (to get a higher education diploma) and “cognitive” factors are less important. Researchers note that the role of dominant motives is changing at different studying levels. In the first year, the leading motive is “professional”, in the second - “personal prestige”, in the third and fourth years - both of these motives, in the fourth - also “pragmatic”. The success of teaching was more influenced by “professional” and “cognitive” motives influenced more on the learning success. “Pragmatic” motives were mostly characteristic of poorly performing students.
The actual educational motives (related to the content of the subject and the educational process) and extracurricular motives (broad social motives, personal motives, negative motives) have been distinguished in the work of V. Molchanovsky and L. Shipelevich. We will describe negative motives below in details.
Many researchers subdivide the motivation of educational activity into intrinsic and extrinsic, due to basic needs. It is important to note that it is very difficult to divide motives clearly into two groups.
Thus, the basic needs of an individual in cognition, self-development, satisfaction, pleasure from the cognition process and result achievement and enthusiasm to the educational process are the components of internal motivation (“sense-forming motives” according to A. Leontiev, 1971). Intrinsic motivation is connected not with external circumstances, but directly with the subject of studying - “I want to know the language I study in order to read, to express my thoughts and to communicate with native speakers” (Gordeeva, 2013).
Extrinsic motivation (“motives-stimuli” according to A. Leontyev, 1971) is a “heterogeneous education based on two qualitatively different types of educational motives, some of which correspond to person's basic needs satisfaction in self-respect, respect and recognition as significant by others. Others are the frustration result of basic psychological needs in autonomy, competence and acceptance, and have a negative impact on other motivational variables and directly on learning activities success” (Gordeeva, 2013).
During foreign languages teaching, motivation gains a completely different meaning, other psychological formations that generate activity are involved. It is due to the specifics of this educational subject.
It is important to note that the strategic goal of a foreign language teaching is the secondary linguistic personality formation, which owns fully a communicative competence as the ability to solve communicative tasks with the help of language tools at a quite high level. At the end of the educational process, the student is able to lead communicative activities by means of the language studied. Thanks to the presence of this goal, both internal and external, acquires a certain meaning. The teacher's task is to increase motivation to master the subject, to make the interest to learning process constant and steady. If students' lessons are interesting, if they feel the necessity for what they are studying, then all their mechanisms of cognitive and speech activity work better: memory, thinking, attention. Students' working capacity increases and they quickly assimilate a learning material. This means that high motivation is also an important factor of teaching intensification.
The following motives of a foreign language studying have been distinguished in the work of O. Fomberg, L. Pechenikova and I. Lugovskova:
communication as a socio-cultural need of a person; 2) long-term plans related to building a family or business; 3) professional and educational orientation; 4) love to the language and desire for intellectual growth; 5) the atmosphere of favourable communication during classes and love to teacher; 6) access to the media; 7) knowledge of the language as the main means of intercultural communication; 8) difficulties causing intense work of cognitive forces; 9) gaining a positive assessment as an external factor that is necessary during students' knowledge and skills assessment (Fomberg et al., 2014).
Canadian psychologists R. Gardner and W. Lambert identified two groups of a foreign language teaching motivation: integrative and instrumental (Gardner, 1985; Lambert, 1992).
Integrative motivation is based on the new knowledge acquisition in the framework of a foreign language studying, in the process of interaction between the teacher and students, when the student wants to become a part of a foreign language culture, master a foreign language, understand it and communicate freely with native speakers, get a certain status in society. A long-term interest to a foreign language culture forms with in students. The opportunities for self-development and self-realization open up. This reflects intrinsic motivation.
Instrumental motivation is based on a practical goal - gaining a diploma or a certificate, studying at a foreign university, getting a more prestigious job, as well as the interest of a foreign language studying under the positive teacher's influence (Danilova et al., 2000: 167), which corresponds to external motivation. In our opinion, the personal teacher's qualities are an important motivational factor. The ability to create a favourable microclimate in the group, the atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding, the establishment of trusting and friendly relationship, an individual approach to the interests and needs of each student contribute to the communication skills successful development. The result of this motivation is the foreign language successful mastering.
The presence of both types of motivation is necessary for a foreign language successful studying. Within external motivation, a person is affected by those factors that are in the world around him, outside his personality. Public opinion can be one of these factors, on which any person is dependent. We are motivated by parents, teachers; they encourage us to actions that we perform in order to receive a reward or to avoid punishment when training is carried out due to the pressure of relatives, teachers. Correspondingly, this type of motivation is divided into positive and negative. In the first case, a person is motivated by the fact that he will receive a reward or a praise, doing this work. And in the second case he will receive negative consequences for not performing this work. Thus, the extrinsic motivation differs from the intrinsic motivation by the purpose of activity performing. At the second type of motivation, a person performs those actions that bring him personal benefit.
Intrinsic motivation encourages a person to perform an activity, not because he will receive a reward for this work, but because he likes to perform it, because he enjoys the process or its result. Factors, that affect a person, are inside him; these are his thoughts and feelings. These types of motivation have different effects in different situations, therefore it is impossible to say which motivation is stronger. These types of motivation are separate, but with the help of extrinsic motivation it is possible to push a person to an intrinsic one: the extrinsic motivation, initially unattractive task performing, may become a push to a particular person to the intrinsic motivation development due to emotional reaction to achievements (Chuyko, Russkova, 2015: 874-877). The formation of intrinsic motivation is a prerequisite for successful activity in any sphere. The interaction of all these factors of educational motivation formation affects the character of educational activity and its results.
The researcher A. Aitpayeva (Aytpaeva, 2016) identifies the most effective methods of stimulation and motivation during studying - emotional, social and cognitive methods.
According to the author, emotional methods are:
the encouragement / censure (more often encouragement and support, because a negative assessment of the speech action of a weak student can lead to undesirable reactions from the student);
the creation of vivid visual and figurative representations (the usage of bright and interesting visibility, watching a video, mnemonic phrases, cards);
the creation of success situations (distribution of the tasks taking according to students' abilities and their psychological and national peculiarities);
the free choice of tasks (the possibility of tasks choice for students should be provided).
The social methods include:
the motivation to keep up with a better student (to form couples for the work “strong + weak student”);
the situations of mutual assistance creation (students help each other with the explanation).
Cognitive methods include:
educational and cognitive games (various types of role-playing tasks);
the problem situations creation, using the mechanism of provocation (discussions, project development);
the creative tasks performing (project, reports and presentations on various topics, writing essays, independent preparation for city tours, etc.).
Using the accumulated pedagogical experience, we apply the following methods of stimulating learning activities during foreign language classes:
the usage of interactive teaching methods (teaching in collaboration, problematic presentation of material, solving problematic and didactic tasks, thematic discussions with brainstorm, involving students in communicative speech situations, role and business games, oral and written educational and didactic games, creative contests, conferences, Olympiads, the case and quest methods, the project method);
the usage of computer technologies (materials from various Internet sites, from the site of an educational institution, computer training programs and games, programs for interactive tests and tasks creating, multimedia resources: music, songs, poems, films, the usage of computer programs for creating presentations, slide shows, video, schemes, animations, etc.);
the usage of incentive techniques that create the conditions for productive speech skills mastering: “warm-up” - preparation for speech (phonetic, lexical and grammar, intonation exercises, the game “snowball”), mental maps, worksheets, cluster, cros- sens, text-frames, verbal-graphic plan, associative cloud, infographics, memes, scribing;
the usage of culture-oriented linguistic material (educational texts and material of regional content modelling, acquaintance with the culture, worldview, mentality of the country and people of the language being studied, national traditions, holidays and customs);
the usage of interdisciplinary links (conducting integrated and binary classes conducting, thematic classes with representatives from other educational groups, courses, faculties or other educational establishments);
the creation of a favourable atmosphere of communication (encouragement, the use of additional means of communication (telephone, social networks, chats, mail, etc.), additional extracurricular activities aimed at communicative competencies developing and the circle of communication expanding);
the students' skills of independent work development (self-control and self-esteem, the usage of syllabus, portfolio, individual consultations, mixed learning);
the teacher's active position (teaching by personal example, a creative approach to work, the level of professionalism increasing (continuing education), the creation of pedagogical conditions, that contribute to the positive motivation formation, developing and implementing a set of pedagogical tools development and implementation, that contribute to the motivation development during a foreign language studying).
A significant motivator in the educational process, especially during a foreign language studying, is the teacher, whose role can hardly be overestimated. We would like to consider this motivation factor.
The teacher's professional and personal qualities play the leading role in general cultural and professional competencies of the future competitive specialist formation. Nowadays, the presence of specialized education, admissible teaching experience, academic degree (title), the availability of a certificate of advanced training, publication activity (articles of the HAC, Web of Science, Scopus), scientific research, manuals, monographs are relevant professional criteria (Krusheva, 2016).
Beside the professional competence, a teacher should have a certain set of personal qualities: hard work, honesty, personal discipline, activity, creativity, artistry, humour, respectful and tolerant attitude towards his colleagues and students, tolerance to criticism and ability to self-analysis and self-criticism.
Personal qualities form a teacher's charisma and charm. Thanks to this charisma, professionalism and love to the subject, the teacher is able to motivate students to study a discipline. Sometimes this motivation turns out to be stronger than motivation from the pragmatic value ofthe subject studying (Parini, 2005). The role of the teacher has changed in the context of a personality-oriented approach to the learning process, using modern educational technologies. He acts as a consultant and an assistant, who provides psychosocial, informational and technical support, gives methodological recommendations as to work with educational materials, acts as a mediator, who transmits the necessary information. Thus, the teacher's task is not only to transmit knowledge to the student, but also to organize their independent educational activity, to form their intrinsic motivation to discipline studying and help to improve the personal and professional qualities of future specialists.
The partnerships are especially important during foreign language classes, because the formation and development of students' communicative competence is the main purpose of teaching foreign languages. A productive dialogue with the teacher, which acts as mediator between cultures, is the main form of involving students into foreign language communication. You can learn to speak a foreign language only by communicating, therefore the primary task of a foreign language teacher (perhaps the most difficult one) is to create an atmosphere of communication during the class.
However, all the teacher's attempts to achieve this will be unsuccessful if a student is not interested in the teacher as a person, as a speech partner. The successful realisation of goal settings for a foreign language teaching largely depends on the level of teacher's professional skill. Possessing comprehensive linguistic knowledge, good methodological training, a foreign language teacher acts as a speech partner, able to convey his love to the language he teaches, to the culture that this language represents. The teacher should be able to create such an atmosphere of trust and comfort, which would liberate students to overcome the language barrier and feeling of insecurity, the emergence of a desire to communicate and share their thoughts. Consequently, the task of the teacher is to find the best options (motivational conditions) to achieve the goals in the most favourable emotional environment.
In the context our investigation, we think that it is necessary to consider another important aspect of the motivation phenomenon studying. Today, the main emphasis in the study of this category focuses on its positive side. However, “low or insufficient learning motivation is due not only by the lack of the actual learning motives formation, but by the formation of such entities that have “anti-motivational” orientation towards it. As a result, a sufficiently strong and stable complex of anti-motivational factors can be formed in the structure of the motivational sphere” (Karpova, 2010). In this case, anti-motives are not understood as an insufficient level of any educational motives development, but a high level of other motivational entities that interfere the educational activities implementation. So, such motives won't be necessarily negative. For example, a passion for sports or social work in itself does not have any negative function, they have only positive functions. But misplaced priorities can interfere a qualitative and effective learning activity. At the same time, such anti-motives as laziness, lack of desire for study, antipathy to the teacher or conflicts in the group have absolutely negative content. That is why, we can talk about the relativity of the anti-motivation assessment, about the combination of negative and positive motives in it.
At present, the content of the “anti-motivation” concept remains quite general, indefinite, quite broad, and the composition of anti-motives is very heterogeneous. According to E. Karpova, anti-motive - is not a “non-motive” (that is, in fact the absence of a motive); this is the motive, but with a “reverse orientation”, with an “opposite charge” as to educational activity (Karpova, 2010). The researcher suggests, as it seems to us grounded, to differentiate this concept into anti-motives in a narrow and broad senses: anti-motives and what can act as anti-motives.
In a narrow sense, anti-motives should be understood as those motivational factors that have a direct negative orientation as to educational activity. This, for example, beliefs about the “unnecessariness” of certain subjects and, accordingly, a negative motivational orientation as to their assimilation.
The composition of anti-motives in a broad sense is much wider. So as, a low level of positive educational motives formation may act as an anti-motive, because general motivational potential of educational activity will decrease, and they themselves will play a negative role in relation to this potential. For example, dynamic trends that arise under the influence of negative reactions to numerous external, coercive influences from parents, teachers and social microenvironment.
What are the main factors of anti-motivation, their content and frequency? To our mind, there cannot be a single unambiguous classification of this phenomenon. These factors will depend on, for example, in which audience (age, education, profession, social status, marital status, nationality, etc.) they will be revealed, in relation to what educational activity research will be conducted and so on. Six main groups of anti-motivational factors were identified in the works of N. Ivanova, E. Minaeva, Yu. Kozubay, Yu. Shmakova and L. Korobova (Ivanova et al., 2015). Each group includes five factors related to:
The main structural components of the educational environment: a) spatial-subject (interior, aesthetics, comfort, methodological and technical support of educational establishments); b) psycho- didactic (content and quality of teaching (concepts, programs), teaching methods and technologies); c) social (psychological comfort in student-student relationships, student-teacher relationships); d) the subject (personal qualities of the student).
The microenvironment (moral and material family values).
The macroenvironment (society as a whole: the value of education, the ranking of a profession, wages, etc.).
In addition, the investigations have shown that the quantitative and qualitative correlation of anti-motivation factors in different environments varies, but, as a rule, the factors connected with psychodidactic and social components are the most significant. Thus, anti-motives, which reflect the quality of the acquired knowledge, come to the fore: for example, uniform, traditional forms and methods of lessons conducting, a large amount of general theoretical disciplines and material for independent studying, inaccessible explanation of the material; as well as anti-motives related to psychological relationships in the group, for example, prejudgment (bias) of a teacher in assessing students' knowledge or lack of contact, conflicts with groupmates. Factors, connected with the macro and microenvironment turned out to be not so important, except for their material content (the necessity to earn money and low wages of a future profession). We consider that it is necessary to emphasize that the anti-motivation problem and the content factors studying, that affect the quality of the educational process, will help to organize teaching effectively, using motivation techniques and levelling anti-motivation factors.
Thus, the primary task of the modern educational process is not only to transfer information, but also to motivate students to the educational process, to self-education, to independent and regular work. It should be taken into consideration that different aspects influence the motivation forming. They are the specific socio-political situation in the country of a foreign language studying, the peculiarities of the native language and native culture of students, the national linguistic and didactic traditions, the national specificity of the personality motivational sphere, the objective factors: age, gender , ability, emotional stability, modern pedagogical technologies (MPT), the number of classroom hours (absolute transition to distance education, related to force majeure circumstances in the world, was not effective enough for teaching in groups and can be applied in blended learning technologies), as well as the teacher's professional and personal qualities. Teaching a foreign language is a thorny way, where the teacher is the main motivator.
The motivation level increasing during the process of a foreign language studying is possible only with the integrated usage of these conditions.
The perspective of our investigation is a comparative analysis of the ways of the motivation forming during a foreign language studying in different countries of the world, as well as a deeper investigation of the anti-motivation problems. Such investigations are necessary to determine the most qualitative, effective and accurate methods and techniques of motivation.
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