Strategic competence as the basis of official communication of future programmers

The concept of strategic competence in the context of training future programmers in institutions of higher education. Concept of professionally oriented, formal communication of programmers, structure of foreign language communicative competence.

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Дата добавления 15.03.2023
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Strategic competence as the basis of official communication of future programmers

Anna Khomyk,

Assistant at the Department of Foreign Languages for Natural Sciences, Postgraduate Student at the Department of Primary and Preschool Education

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Lviv, Ukraine)

The concept of “communicative competence”, as well as the structure of this concept is under research in this article.

The analysis and comparison of the structure and definition of communicative competence among already existing researches of domestic and foreign researchers is carried out. The article covers the concept of “communicative competence”, as well as its structure.

The analysis of foreign and domestic scientific works is under research in the article, as the aspect of formation of foreign language communicative competence of future programmers and its components is also done. The analysis of researches of foreign and domestic scientists who worked upon didactic aspects of formation of foreign language communicative competence and its components is also carried out, taking as a basis, various opinions of scientists concerning features of structure offoreign language communicative competence.

Analysis of the concept of professionally-oriented communication of future programmers is presented, its structure, and its direct influence on the further communicative processes, because professionally-oriented communication is The communication strategies and skills which are necessary for future programmers and for their further successful achievements, as well as their impact on the effectiveness of official communication offuture programmers are analyzed.

Moreover, research of professionally-oriented communication should be done, because professionally-oriented communication serves as undoubtedly main basis for the further process of interaction between future professionals, and therefore the main communicative strategies that used by future programmers, future professionals.

Key words: communicative competence, structure, competence, foreign language, structure of communicative competence.


асистент кафедри іноземних мов для природничих факультетів, аспірант кафедри початкової та дошкільної освіти Львівського національного університету імені Івана Франка (Львів, Україна)


У статті розкривається сутність та структура поняття стратегічної компетентності в контексті підготовки майбутніх програмістів у закладах вищої освіти. Здійснюються аналіз та порівняння структури, а також визначення комунікативної компетентності з-поміж наукових розвідок вітчизняних та зарубіжних дослідників. Розкривається сутність та структура поняття власне стратегічної компетентності, а також іншомовної комунікативної компетентності в контексті підготовки майбутніх фахівців-програмістів. У цій статті висвітлено поняття «комунікативна компетентність», а також структуру цього поняття, що були запропоновані зарубіжнимита вітчизняними дослідниками. Здійснюється аналіз та порівняння понять «компетенція» та «компетентність». Також здійснено аналіз досліджень зарубіжних та вітчизняних вчених, котрі працювали над дидактичними аспектами формування стратегічної компетентості та її складників, беручи за основу різноманітні думки стосовно особливостей структури комунікативної компетентності загалом. У статті уточнено та проаналізовано структуру стратегічної компетентності в контексті підготовки майбутніх фахівців-програмістів. Крім того, нагальної потреби вимагає дослідження професійно орієнтованого, формального спілкування, адже воно слугує основою процесу взаємодії з майбутніми фахівцями. Також здійснено аналіз поняття професійно орієнтованого, формального спілкування програмістів, представлені його структура, подана вітчизняними науковцями, та його безпосередній вплив на подальше спілкування фахівців. Проаналізовано комунікативні стратегії та вміння, котрі необхідні майбутнім фахівцям-програмістам для подальшого успішного досягнення поставлених професійних цілей.

Ключові слова: компетентність, комунікативна компетентність, стратегічна компетентність, структура стратегічної компетентності, офіційне спілкування, професійно-орієнтоване спілкування.

Formulation of the problem

strategic competence foreign language communicative programmer

The professional success of a specialist in any field depends on the level of formation of persons foreign language communicative competence.

Applied linguists have for some time suggested that communicative competence includes a major component, usually termed strategic competence, the development of which determines the learner's fluency and conversational skills, especially we talk about future programmers. Teachers, however, are not always aware of the significance of this competence, and hardly any activities are developed and presented in order to include strategy training in actual language teaching.

The problem of improving the foreign language training of future specialists in various professional fields is more serious than ever, in particular, it concerns education of future programmers.

A large percentage of both foreign and domestic scientific researches are devoted to the problem of foreign language competence.

The analysis of already existing scientific works allows to state that there are various opinions upon features of structure of communicative competence.

The aim of the article is to clarify the structure of strategic competence in the context of official communication of future programmers.

The main task is to analyze the features of the implementation of strategic competence in the official communication of future programmers.

Existing scientific works prove that there are different opinions on the structure of communicative competence and strategic competence, which is by the way one of its components.

Presenting main material

Modern scientists interpret the concept of “competence” as a special ability that allows to solve effectively typical problems and tasks that arise in real situations of everyday life.

What is more, it is very important to mention that the structure of communicative competence includes:

1) grammatical;

2) sociolinguistic;

3) strategic competence.

A. Andriienko proposed a model of communicative competence for students of technical institutions ofhigher education, which includes such competencies as:

1) discursive, as the one that allows you to build logical statements in the process of communication;

2) socio-cultural, as one that characterizes the ability of participants to understand and evaluate adequately cultural and scientific achievements of other peoples in process of intercultural communication;

3) socio-informational, as the one that develops an ability to express critical attitude to a wide range of information in process of intercultural communication;

4) personal, as the one that allows to reveal individual values as well as desire of professional growth in process of intercultural communication.

Based on the analysis of various approaches to the interpretation of the concepts of “competence” and “competence”, the Russian culturologist

O.Sadokhin draws a number of important conclusions:

1) competence and strategic competence are closely interrelated;

2) competence characterizes the actual individual subject as the bearer of competence;

3) the quantity and quality of professional and professional knowledge of the subject are a prerequisite for the effective implementation of its competence.

A more recent survey of communicative competence made by Bachman (1990) divides communicative competence into the broad headings of “organizational competence” which includes both grammatical and discourse competence, and “pragmatic competence”, which includes both sociolinguistic competence. Strategic Competence is associated with the interlocutors' ability of using communicative strategies.

Through the influence of communicative language teaching, it has become widely accepted that communicative competence should be the goal of language education, central aim in order to have quality classroom practice.

A significant contribution into the study of the theory of foreign language communicative competence in the 1980s was made by M. Canale and M. Swain. Their theory has gained wide recognition.

Canale and Swain defined communicative competence as a global competence that subsumed four separate but related competencies.

The concept of communicative competence has been represented as a reaction to earlier approaches to language that was focused exclusively on grammatical competence.

The understanding of communicative competence has been influenced by the field of pragmatics and the philosophy of language concerning speech acts as described in large part by J. Searle and J. L. Austin.

The essence of the theory of M. Canale and M. Swain is to identify four main types of competencies that interact within system of knowledge and skills which form communication.

These scientists identify such competencies as:

- grammatical - the level of learning grammatical material, vocabulary, rules of spelling and pronunciation, sentence construction;

- sociolinguistic - the ability to use correctly and understand grammatical forms in different sociolinguistic contexts in order to perform certain communicative functions (description, message, etc.);

- the ability to combine individual messages into a logical and coherent message, using different syntactic and semantic means;

- strategic - the ability to use verbal and nonverbal means in order to achieve effective communication in case of “insufficient” level of competence of the communicator.

The structure of strategic competence should include the following skills:

1) forming questions (questions for clarification or correction);

2) cooperation with other participants in the educational process (assessment, promotion, information exchange and mutual learning);

3) formation of a dynamic concept of statements;

4) cooperation with advanced language users or native speakers.

The classification of W. Kinch is considered to be one of the most common and includes the following communicative strategies:

1) local connectivity strategies - help to establish links between the facts which are set out in the proposals;

2) stylistic strategies - which allow to select necessary language tools according to the context;

3) rhetorical strategies - that help to increase the effectiveness of verbal communication;

4) non-verbal strategies - which are necessary for the processing of non-verbal information;

5) macro-strategies - which allow the addressee to guess the general subject of the message having received only a minimum of information.

A. Hadley in her work “Teaching a language in context” emphasizes the fact that foreign language competence is the basis of communicative culture of a person who is directly involved in the study of a foreign language.

In particular, A. Hadley emphasizes that the communicative culture includes the already formed foreign language competence as a necessary thing, as well as the ability to communicate effectively in a foreign language.

Communicative competence is a set of knowledge, skills, abilities that are used during professional activities and for self-education and development in case of the article - of future programmers.

In oral interaction we have some kind of communicative goal and we set out to make a plan and execute it. If we meet a problem, that is, if our command of the linguistic and sociocultural code is not adequate, we have two basic choices. On one hand, we can avoid the problem by adopting a reduction strategy: in other words, we keep our message within our communicative resources, we avoid the risk, we adjust our ends to our means - in this way we change our goal. On the other hand, we can decide to keep our goal but develop an alternative plan, we adopt an achievement strategy, we take the risk and expand our communicative resources, we adjust our means to our ends.

Foreign language communicative competence is also an integrative formation of personality, which in the presence of a sufficiently complex structure is the interaction of sociocultural, linguistic and communicative competencies.

Along with a general acceptance of the complexity of skills in both written and oral communication and of the need for learners to be enough experienced in communication, to participate in the interpretation, expression, and negotiation of meaning, more comprehensive theories of language and language behavior came to replace old ones.

Aided by the development of audio and visual recording technology, the 1970s marked the beginning of an explosion of research in both first and second language development based on observable data as opposed to extrapolation from general theories of language and learning.

Moreover, it is absolutely important to emphasize that the monologue also plays the role of one of the most important strategies, because the creation of professionally-oriented monologue statements in the modern conditions of professional activity of graduates of higher education institutions are one of the main skills of future professionals.

It is also very important to put an emphasis on the main communication strategies used by future programmers in process of formal communication:

1) the choice of global speech intention to state the fact, ask questions;

2) selection of components of semantics that correspond to modifying communicative meanings;

3) determining the amount of information per topic;

4) setting the speech to a certain communicative mode - dialogue, monologue, conversation;

One of the most important aspects is professionally-oriented communication between future programmers.

In the process of forming strategies of foreign language professionally-oriented communication of future programmers it is important to pay attention to the following features:

1) activation of all types of speech activity based on oral speech and writing;

2) ensuring phasing and consistency in the process of mastering educational material at all levels;

3) strengthening motivation to learn through;

4) reliance on personal experience of students, ensuring communication the problem of educational tasks, their practical usefulness;

5) professional orientation in the process of forming strategies of foreign language professionally-oriented communication during the study of the discipline “Foreign language”.


strategic competence foreign language communicative programmer

The selection of the content of professional communication training should be based on the topics and situations of communicative and professional needs of future programmers.

As a consequence, strategic competence in the official communication of future programmers is a phenomenon that requires a combination of all types of competencies to be implemented in order to achieve effective communication among qualified specialists in a particular field.


1. Андриенко А. С. Развитие иноязычной профессиональной коммуникативной компетентности студентов технического вуза : автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук : 13.00.08 «Теория и методика профессионального образования». Ростов-на-Дону, 2007. 26 с.

2. Svein, M., Kenel, M. Theoretical basis of communicative approaches to second language teaching and testing. Applied Linguistics. Oksford : Universytet Oksford, 2002. 1(1). Pp. 1-47.

3. Kenel, M. (1983). From communicative competence to communicative language pedagogy. Language and Communication. P. 2-27.

4. Willems, G. M. (1987). Communication strategies and their significance in foreign language teaching. 15(3). 351 p.


1. Andriyenko A. S. Razvitiye inoyazychnoy professional'noy kommunikativnoy kompetentnosti studentov tekhnicheskogo vuza : avtoref. dis. ... kand. ped. nauk : 13.00.08 “Teoriya i metodika professional'nogo obrazovaniya”. [Development of professional communicative competence among students of technical specialties. abstract: specialization. 13.00.08. Rostov-na-Donu, 2007. 26 s. [in Russian]

2. Svein, M., Kenel, M. Theoretical basis of communicative approaches to second language teaching and testing. Applied Linguistics, Oxford: University Oxford, 2002. 1(1). Pp. 1-47.

3. Kenel, M. (1983) From communicative competence to communicative language pedagogy. Language and Communication. 2-27.

4. Willems, G. M. (1987). Communication strategies and their significance in foreign language teaching. 15(3). 351 p.

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