Application of social internet networks and internet blogs in professional training of future tourists
Research and analysis of social network services as a place to store multimedia resources. Features and principles of their practical use as educational materials, as well as as a means of storing student video, photo, audio archives and creative works.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 15.03.2023 |
Размер файла | 30,9 K |
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Khmelnytskyi humanitarian and pedagogical academy
Application of social internet networks and internet blogs in professional training of future tourists
Dolynska Olesya Olehivna,
doctor of philosophy, associate professor
The aim of the study is a practical analysis of social network services as a place to store multimedia resources that allow you to store and share digital photos, audio and video recordings, text files, presentations, and organize resource discussions for free. They can be used as educational materials (educational videos, photos on various topics, audio and video recordings of scientists' speeches, eyewitnesses of events, etc.), as well as means to store student video, photo, audio files and creative works.
Method. Theoretical materials of the research are the best practices of foreign and domestic scientists in the field of network communications and their impact on the future specialists preparing in geography and tourism, namely articles, monographs, abstracts, dissertations. The study uses the method of theoretical materials analysis, as well as methods of observation, abstraction in identifying the qualification characteristics of social Internet networks. Content analysis (analysis of the social networks community messages content); statistical and comparative information analysis was carried out. Empirical research on the social Internet networks lies in creating and filling a community on the social Internet network, as well as engaging students in that community.
Results. In the research it was found out that social networks can be used to solve the following tasks: to organize the collective work of students in the classroom (and outside it), which will be favourable to the communication, to gain the team experience; to ensure the development of the students personalized learning environment; to promote students independent learning, as everyone works in his own rhythm; to promote informal communication between the tutor and the students; to change the tutor's role, who will become an assistant, friend, mentor; to create digital educational content of the disciplines.
The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the fact that on the comprehensive analysis of social internet networks, internet blogs, tourist internet resources basis, their place and role in the information and educational environment of higher education institutions are determined, in particular: the specific s of the content, prospects and mechanisms of the development of the social Internet networks from the point of view of training future tourists are determined; the dependence of the functions of the Social Internet Network, Internet blogs on their structural elements is established.
Practical significance. The obtained scientific results are used in the educational process of future specialists in the field of training «Tourism», with the educational qualification «tourism expert, organizer of excursion and animation activities» when teaching the disciplines «study of local lore and tourism», «tourist work», «recreational geography», «geography of Ukraine», «professional competencies in tourism business», «organization of tourist activities». The research practices can be used to conduct tourist, museum, local history, excursion and other types of student's practice.
Keywords: professional training of future tourists, social internet networks, internet blogs, tourist internet resources.
Хмельницька гуманітарно-педагогічна академія
Застосування соціальних інтернет-мереж та інтернет-блогів у професійній підготовці майбутніх туристів
Долинська Олеся Олегівна,
доктор філософії, доцент
Метою дослідження є практичний аналіз соціальних мережевих сервісів як місця для зберігання мультимедійних ресурсів, що дозволяють безкоштовно зберігати, обмінюватися цифровими фото-, аудіо- і відеозаписами, текстовими файлами, презентаціями та організовувати обговорення ресурсів. Вони можуть використовуватися в якості навчальних матеріалів (навчальні відеофільми, фотографії з різних тем, аудіо - та відеозаписи виступів науковців, очевидців подій тощо), а також як засіб для зберігання студентського відео-, фото-, аудіоархіву і творчих робіт.
Методика. Теоретичними матеріалами дослідження є напрацювання зарубіжних та вітчизняних науковців у сфері мережевих комунікацій та їх вплив на підготовку майбутніх фахівців з географії та туризму, а саме статті, монографії, автореферати, дисертаційні роботи. У дослідженні використано метод аналізу теоретичних матеріалів, а також методи спостереження, абстрагування при виявленні кваліфікаційних характеристик соціальних інтернет-мереж. Проведено контент-аналіз (аналіз змісту повідомлень спільнот у соціальних інтернет-мережах); статистичний та порівняльний аналіз інформації. Емпіричне дослідження соціальних інтернет-мереж полягає у створенні та наповненні спільноти у соціальній інтернет-мережі, а також у залученні студентів до цієї спільноти.
Результати. У дослідженні з'ясовано, що соціальні мережі можна використовувати для вирішення таких завдань: організовувати колективну роботу студентів в аудиторії (та поза нею), що сприятиме спілкуванню, набуттю досвіду роботи в команді; забезпечувати розвиток персоніфікованого навчального середовища студента; сприяти самостійному навчанню студентів, оскільки кожний працює у власному ритмі; сприяти неформальному спілкуванню між викладачем та студентом; змінити роль викладача, який натомість стане помічником, товаришем, наставником; створити навчальний контент дисциплін.
Наукова новизна одержаних результатів полягає в тому, що на основі всебічного аналізу соціальних інтернет-мереж, інтернет-блогів, туристичних інтернет-ресурсів визначено їхнє місце та роль у інформаційно - освітньому середовищі закладу вищої освіти, зокрема: визначено специфіку змісту, перспектив та механізмів розвитку соціальних інтернет-мереж з погляду підготовки майбутніх туристів; фахівців туристичної галузі; встановлено залежність функцій соціальної інтернет-мережі, інтернет-блогів від їх структурних елементів.
Практична значимість. Одержані наукові результати використовуються у освітньому процесі майбутніх фахівців за напрямом підготовки «Туризм», з освітньою кваліфікацією «Туризмознавець, організатор екскурсійно-анімаційної діяльності» при викладанні дисциплін «Краєзнавство і туризм», «Туристична робота», «Рекреаційна географія», «Географія України», «Професійні компетентності в туристичному бізнесі», «Організація туристичної діяльності». Напрацювання дослідження можуть бути використані: для проведення туристичної, музейної, краєзнавчої, екскурсійної та інших видів студентських практик.
Ключові слова: професійна підготовка майбутніх туристів, фахівців туристичної галузі, соціальні інтернет-мережі, інтернет-блоги, туристичні інтернет-ресурси.
Долинская Олеся Олеговна,
доктор философии, доцент
Хмельницкая Гуманитарно-педагогическая академия
Использование социальных интернет-сетей и интернет-блогов в профессиональной подготовке будущих туристов
Целью исследования является практический анализ социальных сетевых сервисов как места для хранения мультимедийных ресурсов, позволяющих бесплатно хранить, обмениваться цифровыми фото-, аудио- и видеозаписями, текстовыми файлами, презентациями и организовывать обсуждение ресурсов. Они могут использоваться в качестве учебных материалов (учебные видеофильмы, фотографии по различным темам, аудио - и видеозаписи выступлений ученых, очевидцев событий и т.д.), а также как средство для хранения студенческого видео-, фото-, аудио - архива и творческих работ.
Методика. Теоретическими материалами исследования является наработка зарубежных и отечественных ученых в области сетевых коммуникаций и их влияние на подготовку будущих специалистов по географии и туризма, а именно статьи, монографии, авторефераты, диссертационные работы. В исследовании использован метод анализа теоретических материалов, а также методы наблюдения, абстрагирования при обнаружении квалификационных характеристик социальных интернет-сетей. Проведен контент-анализ (анализ содержания сообщений сообществ в социальных интернет-сетях) статистический и сравнительный анализ информации. Эмпирическое исследование социальных интернет-сетей заключается в создании и наполнении сообщества в социальной интернет-сети, а также в привлечении студентов к этому сообществу.
Результаты. В исследовании установлено, что социальные сети можно использовать для решения следующих задач: организовывать коллективную работу студентов в аудитории (и вне ее), что будет способствовать общению, приобретению опыта работы в команде; обеспечивать развитие персонифицированного учебной среды студента; способствовать самостоятельному обучению студентов, поскольку каждый работает в своем ритме; способствовать неформальному общению между преподавателем и студентом; изменить роль преподавателя, который станет помощником, другом, наставником; создать учебный контент дисциплин.
Научная новизна исследования заключается в том, что на основе всестороннего анализа социальных интернет-сетей, интернет-блогов, туристических интернет-ресурсов определено их место и роль в информационно-образовательной среде учреждения высшего образования, в частности: определена специфика содержания, перспектив и механизмов развития социальных интернет-сетей с точки зрения подготовки будущих туристов; установлена зависимость функций социальной интернет-сети, интернет - блогов от их структурных элементов.
Практическая значимость. Полученные научные результаты используются в образовательном процессе будущих специалистов по направлению «Туризм», с образовательной квалификации «туризмовед», организатор экскурсионно-анимационной деятельности» при преподавании дисциплин «Краеведение и туризм», «Туристическая работа», «Рекреационная география», «География Украины», «Профессиональные компетенции в туристическом бизнесе», «Организация туристской деятельности». Наработки исследования могут быть использованы: для проведения туристической, музейной, краеведческой, экскурсионной и других видов студенческих практик.
Ключевые слова: профессиональная подготовка будущих туристов, социальные интернет-сети, интернет-блоги, туристические интернет-ресурсы.
Main part
Introduction. E. Patarakin states that: «the use of the Internet only for information retrieval, notes that its capabilities are used only by 40%, the remaining 60% - is communication capabilities (network communications). The use of network communication technologies in pedagogical practice ensures the quality of educational process, the essence of which is informal communication based on full access to audio, video, graphic and textual information for all participants in the educational process» [12]. Consolidation of network communication technologies can be considered social networks on the Internet, consisting of specialized software services, Internet sites and portals to ensure the interaction of people in an Internet group or groups [11, p. 170].
Background. Thorough studies of network communications from the standpoint of the implementation of communication on the Internet are presented in the works of V. Rizuna, V. Ivanova, L. Gorodenko, E. Tsymbalenka, I. Artamonovoi, V. Kornieieva, V. Vladymyrova, V. Ryabicheva, O. Grytsenko, A. Zakharchenka and others. In particular, we note the relevant to the research topic articles of such researchers as I. Baturevych, O. Goroshko, L. Belei, O. Zhyhalina, I. Pozhydaieva, V. Ivchenkov, O. Shekhovtseva, V. Bilyk and Yu. Forkun. Theoretical and methodological principles of specialists training for the tourism brench and its features were considered by I. Balabanova, I. Zorin, A. Konokh, I. Kukhta, V. Fedorchenko, V. Shafranskyi and others.
Aim and tasks. The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate, determine the structure, tools and social Internet networks and Internet blogs functioning principles, which are used to intensify the process of future tourists professional training.
Results. «The term «social network» in its broadest sense was introduced into scientific circulation in the 50s of last century by English sociologist J. Barnes in a collection of works «Human Relations» [15; 17]. J. Barnes studied the relationship between people with the help of visual diagrams, in which he depicted individuals with dots, and the connections between them - lines» [17].
O. Konevshchynska's research is interesting that: «in recent years, services that have received a community called «social networks» are actively developing and appearing in the first positions. Social network is a social structure consisting of a group of nodes, which are social objects (people), and connections between them (communication in social networks)» [5, p. 15].
«Strictly speaking, this is a certain group of acquaintances, where the person himself is the centre, and his acquaintances are the branches. There are two or one-way connections between all members of the network» [1, p. 56]. For example, this may be a student group in which a monitor is the administrator of the group, and other students can already join and expand it [1, p. 57].
T. Fisenko notes that the very concept of «social network» covers a certain circle of acquaintances of a certain person (communicator), where the person himself - the centre of the network, his acquaintances - branches, the relationship between these people - direct connections» [16, p. 14].
V. Tyshko, S. Parshukov note that «the development of social networks on the Internet is associated with the reflection of the needs of Internet users for constant communication and cooperation. An analysis of open resources describing the work of social Internet services and Internet networks showed that the interpretation of the content of these terms is quite controversial. In a well-known interpretation of the concept of «social network», an online platform is used by Internet users to create a social network or establish social relationships with people who have common personal or career interests, activities, former or current connections. For registration, you must create own account» [14].
A social network is a website for organizing communities of people with similar interests and activities. Communication is via an internal mail service or instant messaging. There are also social networks to find not only people by interests, but also the objects of these interests: websites, music, social networks: MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, E-Svoe, etc. [13].
The social network «Facebook» is the most popular too l for learning and development abroad and in Ukraine. Currently, a significant number of university accounts are registered in different countries, where staff and students, independently or together, create educational content that stimulates independent cognitive activity and others.
Twitter ( - social network where each user shares their messages. There is an opportunity to unite with people of interest in this program. Many celebrities are registered on Twitter. The development and support of professional pedagogical interaction stimulates the creation of a bank of educational materials sources in various tourist subjects, which will help to obtain consulting support and methodological assistance to future tourists.
«The technical capabilities of social networks are quite sufficient for training projects of any complexity and scale. The disadvantages of most social networks (such as Facebook, MySpace,, for educational purposes is that they are aimed at an adult audience and may contain prohibited content or non-educational materials» [10, p. 36].
«In connection with the implementation of social networks in the educational process research, the theory of social learning is being actively studied in economically developed countries, which is based on the assumption that the effectiveness of learning is higher, when people interact with other people in the course of studying a new topic or subject. Students who study in groups are well prepared than students who study by themselves» [2].
Social networks provide for the development of e-learning, web-learning and education in general, introducing new, modern technical and methodological tools. Students from all over the world can subscribe to fully free online classes and study the course in a convenient way. In addition to lectures students may maintain contact with a tutor and participate in discussions and forums [2].
Most social networks provide opportunities for posting photos, audio and video materials, their discussion, communication in online and off lines modes, creation of own page (Cabinet) group of interests, blog, internet bookmarks creation and other services [9, p. 315].
Quite popular social networks used in the educational process are Twitter:, Facebook, Instagram
On these platforms, tutors create: educational courses; information communities; interest groups; studentgroups. Forexample: % A2 % D1 % 83 % D1 % 80 % D0 % B8 % D0 % B7 % D0 % BC - 108675004189367 (Tourism); (Geography of Ukraine); (Geography.UA); (UkrTourism).
«The following advantages of using social networks are highlighted: a friendly environment, ability to create educational content and collaborate, maintaining electronic tools (forums and chats). You can use forum technologies, online seminars, wikis, multimedia interactive presentations in digital educational groups» [4; 8]. These methods of integrating social networks and the educational process make it possible to collectively evaluate work and stimulate cognitive activity.
Today, everyone who wants to learn tourism and improve their geographic skills often uses online educational resources. Thanks to social networks, you can learn a foreign and domestic tourism. Groups in social internet networks for learning tourism and geography are created in order to gain communication opportunities and help each other learn it. By communicating with native speakers in such groups, you can not only improve your vocabulary and grammar, but also get teacher advice: ref=page_internal (Rural Green Tourism in Ukraine).
In such online groups, you can always find information and useful links to where to find the necessary materials, manuals, video courses on tourism studying, geography; get training materials, view advertising tourist films: (Geography of Ukraine); to promotethedevelopmentofruralgreentourisminUkraine: ref=page_internal (rural green tourism in Ukraine); check yourlevelofgeographicalknowledgeandpreparefortheexam:; (Geography lesson).
This way of tourism and geography studying can easily supplement knowledge and broaden your horizons. Internet blogs are modern effective tools of tourism and geography study today. They can be actively used to form the needed knowledge for future tourists.
According to the integrated definition of T. Fisenko: «Blog is a type of websites that have software, which greatly simplifies the operation of a regular user (you can very easily and quickly update content). Also, blogs are characterized as online diaries or online magazines. Only personal blogs are online diaries, but less personal blogs, such as journalistic or limited to a certain subject, are called professional ones» [16, p. 24-25].
In the study [225] we find the main types of blogs, depending on their functional application: 1) virtual educational communities; 2) a blog of the professional community, which allows collectively or individually summarize the educational experience, systematize the self-education results, selfdevelopment; share the working results with colleagues; 3) Educational project support, which allows to organize project-experiential student activities using available web services; 4) Blog-summary (blog for posting educational content on any topic); 5) personal professional blog [6].
According to A. Akhmedova and I. Bedretdinov: «A blog is an online magazine, the main content of which consists of regularly added entries, images or multimedia. Blogs are characterized by short records of temporal significance, sorted in reverse chronological order. Every student can report educational information, discuss specific details, receive comments on published material, express own point of view, etc.» [1, p. 56-57].
For example: author of the «Lowcostavia» ( Stanislav Ilkiv publishes new airline promotions, good travel route ideas with ready - made prices, that gives actual information about flights and last-minute tours. The Lowcostavia blog has a lot of useful articles and even new promotions that appear every day, what you need to know for a trip abroad.
In the blog «A Columbus itself» ( Iryna Zhuravel, one of the most famous travellers in Ukraine, decided to share her own experience. Irina talks about the all planning trips details, finding cheap tickets and others.
«CrazzzyTravel» ( this is Illya and Nastya's English-language blog, a couple who have already visited more than fifty countries around the world and continue to discover the corners of our planet.
Author blog «» ( about travelling and the world around us, where you can find a lot of stories from Ukrainians about places that no one else tells about.
«Ukrainer» ( one of the most high-profile projects about travel, which began on Bohdan Lohvinenko's initiative, and now has turned into one of the most interesting media about travelling in Ukraine. The Ukrainer's team goes to an unknown Ukraine corner every month.
Almost the largest Ukrainian Telegram channel «Veterdoit» (, dedicated to travelling, moderated by Olena Denha. Behind her shoulders are the travels around the world and unknown Ukraine corners.
Blog founded by Roman Sinitsyn «Lowcost UA» ( has become one of the most popular channels for those who hunt for cheap tickets and promotions. Every day on the blog you can find the latest collections of cheap trips around the world.
From the communicative point of view blog is an online diary. Regardless of its content, it is always a reflection of personal activity, personal experience and achievements [18].
A blog is a personal website that contains articles and news. It is regularly updated and is available for comments by other network users. Electronic materials are presented under headings. Usually a blog is created and maintained by one person. A large number of blogs are called the blogosphere, as well as «Internet public opinion», «Social Internet» (Social Web), «Live Internet» (Live Web) [7].
The blog characteristics are the same of a website, but a blog is easier to create. A blog creation does not require special skills and abilities. The YouTube website contains video-lessons about the blog creation on these platforms: ( v=hAP-ITdZBR4);
blogpost ( v=V1OnaDCymls).
Blogger allows to all users with their own Google account to create a blog; WordPress platform allows to create a blog on a remote server or to install the system on your computer or on a local university network. All the above blogs help to build effective professional training process for all participants.
Conclusion. So, the social networks advantages are: free resources; the mailing services convenience and information notifications, which make them convenient for student's communication; created conditions for absent students. However, in addition to the advantages, there are also a number of disadvantages associated with the use of the social network in the educational process. For example, the lack of participants network etiquette, a high degree of labour costs for organizing support and educational work, and the lack of open access to social networks from the classroom.
Thus, the integration of social networks, educational Internet blogs in the university educational process intensifies its content, increase the motivation and responsibility of future tourists to study the professional and practical training disciplines. These allow students to improve Internet skills. Students received more opportunities for electronic, multimedia presentation of their educational projects, which were prepared individually or in groups. Prospects for further research are to study geographic online services that can be used in future professional tourism activities.
social educational network service
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Список використаних джерел
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18. Gurak L., Antonijevic S. The Psychology of Blogging: You, Me, and Everyone in Between. American Behavioral Scientist. 2008. Vol. 52. N. 8. Р. 60-68.
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