The educated generation who has a great role in the training of teachers in Nakhchivan
The article about Khalil Aga Hajilarov, who has special services in the development of public education in Nakhchivan. Khali Agha Hajilarov was the first director of the Nakhchivan Teachers Seminar (1922-1928) and has great services in training teachers.
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The educated generation who has a great role in the training of teachers in Nakhchivan
Zulfiya Ismayilova,
Postgraduate of the Museum Department of Nakhchivan University,
Nakhchivan AR State Archive (Baku, Azerbaijan)
The article about Khalil Aga Hajilarov, who has special services in the development of public education in Nakhchivan. At the Nakhchivan First Congress of Teachers decided to open a Teachers Seminar in Nakhchivan by his secretariat. Khali Agha Hajilarov was the first director of the Nakhchivan Teachers Seminar (1922-1928) and he has great services in training teachers. The activity of Ali Gambarli, who worked as a director at OrdubadPedagogical School (1937-1958), was also covered in the article. Under his leadership, Pedagogical School continued to work with the conditions of the Great Patriotic War. The Ordubad Pedagogical School has transferred a lot of money to the country's defense fund.
Jalil Mammadguluzadeh, Aligulu Najafov-Gamkusar, Rzagulu Najafov and others stood in front of these enlightener forces. The establishment of the Soviet power in Azerbaijan resolved the struggle of these progressive forces for the enlightenment of the people. The vast mass ofpeople, who have been suppressed by the illiteracy for centuries, has gained the opportunity to acquire education and culture.
In Nakhchivan during the first years of Soviet rule, training of teaching staff has main roles of Abdulazim Rustamov, Mohammad Rasizadeh, Hasan Khalilov, Hasan Gaziyev, Khadija Yusifbeyli, Nazli Najafova, Khalil aga Hajilarov, Ali Gambarli and others. I want to inform you about Khalil aga Hajilarov and Ali Gambarli from educated people who have devoted their lives to the training ofteachers. Most ofthe students taught by Ali Hasanali oglu Gambarli at Ordubad Pedagogical College and Ordubad City School were candidates of sciences and doctors of sciences. Yahya Aliyev, Jalal Aliyev, Rahim Rahimov, Farman Hasanov, Jabbar Sattarov, Said Sadigov, Adnam Aghalarov, Ibad Farajov and many others. Honorary teacher of Azerbaijan, candidate of historical sciences, Ali Aliyev frequently mentions the name of his best friend Ali Gambarli in his archives.
Key words: Khalil Aga Hacilarov, Mammad Tagi Sidqgi, Abdulali Tahirov, education school, Nachivan Pedagogical Technical School, Ordubad Pedaqogical school, Medal of Bravery Labor, Azerbaijan Pedagogical University.
аспірант музейного відділу Нахічіванського університету, Нахічеванський державний архів Республіки Азербайджан (Баку, Азербайджан)
У статті йдеться про Халіл ага Гаджіларова, в якого були особливі заслуги в розвитку народної освіти в Нахічевані. Під час I з'їзду Вчителів Нахічеванського краю, проведеного його секретаріатом, одностайно було прийнято постанову про відкриття Нахічеванської Вчительської Семінарії. Як перший директор Нахічеванської Вчительської Семінарії (1922-1928) Халіл ага Гаджіларов має багато заслуг у підготовці педагогічних кадрів.
Також у статті висвітлено діяльність Алі Гамбарлі, який працював директором Ордубадського педагогічного училища. Під його керівництвом Педагогічний технікум встановив свою роботу під умовами Великої Вітчизняної війни. В захисний фонд країни Ордубадський Педагогічний технікум перевів багато грошей.
Джаліл Мамедгулузаде, Алігулієв Наджафов-Гамкусар, Рзагулу Наджафов стояли на чолі освіти в регіоні. Вста-новлення радянської влади в Азербайджані дозволило боротьбу цих прогресивних сил за освіту народу. Величезна маса людей, які століттями придушувалися неписьменністю, отримала можливість опанувати освіту й культуру.
У Нахічевані в перші роки радянської влади підготовку викладацького складу виконували Абдулазіма Рустамова, Мухаммеда Расізаде, Хасана Халілова, Хасана Газиева, Хадиджи Юсіфбейлі, Назлі Наджафова, Халіла Ага Гаджіларова, Алі Гамбарлі та іншію.
Халілі ага Гаджіларов і Алі Гамбарлі були освіченими людьми, які присвятили своє життя підготовці вчителів. Більшість студентів, в яких викладав Алі Гасаналі огли Гамбарлі в Ордубадському педагогічному коледжі і Орду- бадській міській школі, були кандидатами наук і докторами наук: Яхья Алієв, Джалал Алієв, Рахім Рагімов, Фарман Гасанов, Джаббар Саттаров, Саїд Садигов, Аднам Агаларов, Ібадов Фарадж і багато інших. Почесний вчитель Азербайджану, кандидат історичних наук Алі Алієв часто згадує ім'я свого кращого друга Алі Гамбарлі в своїх архівах.
Ключові слова: Халіл ага Гаджіларов, Мамед Таги Сідгі, Абдулаєв Тахір, школа виховання, Нахчиванський педагогічний технікум, Ордубадське педагогічне училище, медалі «За трудову відзнаку», Азербайджанський пе-дагогічний інститут.
After the establishment of Soviet power in Azerbaijan and its integral part, Nakhchivan, as in all other areas, made a major breakthrough in public education. If we look at history, it is clear that in the early twentieth century Nakhchivan struggles for the progressive forces of the nation, which are well known to the wishes and desires of the people, its way of living, the opening of schools, and the education of hard-working children.
Jalil Mammadguluzadeh, Aligulu Najafov- Gamkusar, Rzagulu Najafov and others stood in front of these enlightener forces. The establishment of the Soviet power in Azerbaijan resolved the struggle of these progressive forces for the enlightenment of the people. The vast mass of people, who have been suppressed by the illiteracy for centuries, has gained the opportunity to acquire education and culture. In Nakhchivan during the first years of Soviet rule, training of teaching staff has main roles of Abdulazim Rustamov, Mohammad Rasizadeh, Hasan Khalilov, Hasan Gaziyev, Khadija Yusifbeyli, Nazli Najafova, Khalil aga Hajilarov, Ali Gambarli and others. I want to inform you about Khalil aga Hajilarov and Ali Gambarli from educated people who have devoted their lives to the training of teachers.
educated hajilarov teacher nakhchivan
On October 10, 1920, by the decision of the Nakhchivan Revolutionary Committee, the Department of Public Education was established. The main task of the education department was to involve children in general education, to open literacy courses for the elderly and so on. That is why the Nakhchivan Revolutionary Committee gave all nations the right to free primary and compulsory education. There was a great need for teachers with knowledge of pedagogical, scientific and methodological skills to handle these difficult and responsible tasks.
Considering the great need for teachers in Nakhchivan AR schools, it was necessary to open a pedagogical educational institution. In 1922 the People's Commissars' Council was established in Nakhchivan. The Nakhchivan Education Department, established by the decision of the Nakhchivan Revolution Committee, also functioned as the Public Education Commission within the Council of People's Commissars. At the I Congress of Teachers of the Nakhchivan Republic in August 1922, the issue of establishing the Seminary of Teachers was discussed.
It was decided to open the Teachers Seminary. “Khalilaga Hajilarov took an active part in the organization and holding of the First Congress of Teachers of Nakhchivan and conducted the secretariat of the Congress” (Nakhchivan AR DA, archive fund 713, list 1, work 71) Who was Khalil aga Gadzhilarov, who suffered such a heavy burden at an early age?
The Nakhchivan AR State Archive contains sufficient information about Khalil aga Hajilarov. Khalil aga Hajilarov was born in 1895 in Nakhchivan.
Invited by educated educators of the time from Ordubad to Nakhchivan, M. Sidgy founded the school of education in Nakhchivan. Khalilaaga Hajilaro's education in this school is also mentioned in the list of first-graders of the first class, compiled by M. Tagi Sidji in 1901, with Rza Tahmasib Beyzadeh, Aligulu Rasizadeh, Suleyman aga Kangarli, Bahaul aga Kangumli.
In the future, it became clear that Abdulazim Rustamzadeh, who worked with him in his youth also Mirjafar Seyidzade (Miijir Mirishli), studied at the same school. “Well-known revolutionary Ibrahim Abilov, prominent writer M.S Ordubadi, powerful representative of romance H. Javid, poet Aligulu Gamkusar, professor Aziz Sharif, famous Azerbaijani artist B. Kangarli, professor Reza Tahmasib, writer and translator Ali Sabri, honored teacher Hasan Safarli, Mirjafar Mirisli and many Azerbaijani intellectuals Khalilaga Hajilarov's education in the Middle and Middle East enlightenment by M. Taghi Sighi as a future educator, organizer and educator played a key role” (Sidqi, 2015).
In 1906 “Khalil aga Hajilarov accepted into the Transcaucasian Gori Teachers Seminary” (Nakhchivan AR, archive fund 1, list 2, work 2). After studying here, he admitted to Stavrapol Higher Pedagogical Institute. He returned to Nakhchivan as a highly educated teacher. In the Nakhchivan AR State Archive, after the establishment of Soviet power in there documents expressing hard activities of “Khalil aga Hajilarov are preserved” (Nakhchivan AR DA, archive fund 713, list 1, work 71).
In the documents of the Nakhchivan Public Education Commission dated July 4, 1921, before the establishment of the Nakhchivan Pedagogical College, the organization of literacy courses in Nakhchivan in 1921 was reflected in the documentation of teaching courses in pedagogy and didactics in teacher courses, and teacher training at Rushdiyya School (Nakhchivan AR, archive fund 1, list 2, work According to the order №137 of the Nakhchivan Public Education Commission, dated November 5, 1922, “Hajilarov leaded the students' entrance examinations to the seminary” (Nakhchivan AR, archive fund 1, list 2, work 17).
OnAugust 17, 1924, the Nakhchivan Commissariat of Public Education entrusted Hajilarova to send students to the “Nakhchivan Pedagogical Institute, following the admission of students to the Nakhchivan Pedagogical Institute” (Nakhchivan AR, archive fund 1, list 2, work 5) In the same year, Khalil aga Hajilarov was appointed director of the newly opened school in Nakhchivan.
At the same time, he receives a salary of the director of the Nakhchivan Darul-Teaching [Nakhchivan AR DA, archive fund 1, list 1, work 37). It was able to handle 2 jobs with inexhaustible energy. In each case, the name of Khalil aga Hajilarov comes to the forefront in the archives of 1926. “On August 26, 1926 a commission was established for admission to the Unas Pedagogical College to accept student under the chairmanship of Abdulla Musazadeh, with membership of Khalil aga Hajilarov, Nazly Najafzadeh, Fatma Khanum” (Nakhchivan AR, archive fund 1, list 2, work 17) In September of the same year, Khalil aga Hajilarov was the head of Zakur Pedagogical College, Hasan Safarli, Abdusalim Rustamzadeh, Ali Khalilov, Ibrahim Khalil Akhundov, Kazanfar Hajili, Sharif Efendizadeh, Murad Tutayuk, Mirza Nasrullah Amirov were a teachers. (Nakhchivan AR, archive fund 1, list 2, work 17).
“Among those enrolled at the Pedagogical College are Alizadeh Sharif, Rahim Abdouli, Eminzade Faraj, Humbatzade Habibulla, Jafar Kurban oglu, Sadig Guliyev and others” [Nakhchivan AR DA, archive fund 1, list 1, work 37). In June 1927, the first graduates of the Nakhchivan Pedagogical School, under the guidance of Khalil aga Hajilarov, came out on July 2 and returned. In 1927 the first edition of the Nakhchivan Pedagogical Technical College.
On this occasion, a large-scale book “Zukur Pedagogical Technical School” was published. The first page of the book was applied the first graduates of Kh.Hajilarov's Pedagogical College. The appeal addressed the specifics of the teaching work, its qualities, and the main features of education, training and upbringing.
It has written in the appeal: “You are starting a new life from today. Society expects you to be the leader, the harvest of your hard work. Show them that you are a leader in every situation, work hard for the prosperity of the land that feeds you, and make us promise and make us believe” (Nakhchivan AR DA, archive fund 713, list 1, work 71) Among the graduates of Nakhchivan Pedagogical College, Zangilan Abbasov's, Abdulla Karimov's, M. Seyidov's, Ali Farajov's, Ali Akhundov's, A. Kh. Mirishli's, Kazim's Talibov's, Nemat Novruzov's, Abdulali Tahirzadeh's, and Samad Seyidov's names are also reflected in the archive documents.
He is also the author of the article “The History of Nakhchivan Zukur Pedagogical College”. This article provides interesting information on not only the establishment, release and first graduation of the college, but also on the pre-revolutionary state and development of People's Education in Nakhchivan. There is also some interesting news about the first teachers of the college. In addition, the first graduation of Kh. Hajilarov is joyful news for the education of our country. Khalil aga Hajilarov was sent to Tbilisi Pedagogical School in 1928. Having great pedagogical experience, Hajilarov started working with unlimited energy.
Until 1941, he worked as an assistant principal at the Tbilisi Pedagogical School, and until the 1950s, he was a senior and head of the department at the Azerbaijan Department of the Tbilisi State Teachers' Institute named after AS Pushkin. From 1950 to 1957, he worked at various schools as a teacher, head of the department, and has a special authority of this educational activity among Georgian Azerbaijanis H. Hajilarov died in 1970.
The services of Kh.Hajilarov, who played a major role in the establishment of Nakhchivan Pedagogical College in Nakhchivan, training of teaching staff, should serve as an example for young generation today. Ali Gambarli was one of the educators who devoted his life to the people's education and the Soviet school since the early years of Soviet rule. Ali Gambarli was one of the second year graduates of Nakhchivan Country Teachers' Seminary. Ali Qambarli, a student of Khalil aga Hajilarov, was born in 1907 in Ordubad. In the early years of the twentieth century, there were Russian-Tatar schools in Ordubad and gaza schools in few villages.
In addition, there were madrasas and mollakhanas, where religious lessons were the main focus. Born at this time, Ali Qambarli was brought up by his parents, and enrolled in Ordubad city school at the age of 8 and studied here until 1923. At the 1st Congress of Nakhchivan Teachers, August 28-30, 1922, in light of the great need for teachers in Nakhchivan, issues of eradication of illiteracy, public education, girls' involvement in education, and educational programs were addressed. The Congress passed a law on the opening of the Teachers Seminary in Nakhchivan. The grand opening of the seminary was held on November 4, 1922. “Khalil aga Hajilarov is appointed director of the workshop at the Nakhchivan Commission on Public Education” (Nakhchivan AR, archive fund 1, list 1, work 13).
A commission consisting ofAbdulazim Rustamov, Hasan Gaziyev, Nazli Najafzade and Hasan Safarov examined the students wishing to enter the seminary. They examined for even the most deserving students from the most remote villages of Nakhchivan to study at the seminary. Ali Gambarli, who attended primary school in Ordubad from 1918 to 1923, was admitted to the seminary in 1923. In the school year of 1927-1928, the school has its second issue. One of the 18 students who successfully graduated from the school was Ali Qambarli. He returned to his hometown of Ordubad after completing his full course at Nakhchivan Pedagogical College and earning his teacher's rights.
At the time of illiteracy and a great need for teachers, there was a teacher at the Ordubad sample school from 1928 to 1931. During his work, he has won a lot of sympathy from the students and teachers. From 1933 to 1936 he was promoted to inspector of Ordubad district Public Education Department. “From 1936 to 1937 he was appointed director of the Ordubad Public Education Department” (Nakhchivan AR, archive fund 1, list 3, work 91).
From 1939 to 1942 he worked as a principal at Ordubad High School. While working here, Ali Gambarli was also studying correspondence at the Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute. Nakhchivan Pedagogical College does not meet fully the great demand for teachers. Not only Nakhchivan USSR but also other regions of Azerbaijan include Zangilan, Minjivan, Fizuli, Gubadli and others. students from the regions came to study. Jalil Rafiyev, writer and journalist of the Ordubad's Golden Pen Award Laureate wrote in his article “The First Schools in Orduba”: “Pedagogical Technical School was established in Ordubad in 1937 with the close participation of teachers Mehdi Mehdiyev, Hasan Kazimov, Gulam Ahmadzadeh, Rahim Rahimov, Bahlul Hajiyev and others” (Nakhchivan AR, archive fund 413, list 1, work 6).
For the second time, the Pedagogical School operated in Ordubad. Ordubad teachers were the key personnel of the Pedagogical College. Student of Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute Ali Gambarli was also a member of the teaching staff of the Ordubad Pedagogical School. He heads the Pedagogical Technical School and also teaches at Ordubad City School. Ali Gambarli's years of working as director at the Ordubad Pedagogical School during the 1939-1943 school years coincided with a time when the battle of death on the flames fought. Thanks to his organization, the Ordubad Pedagogical School began its work in a condition of war.
The school had a perfect military cabin and a self-defense group. They held 6 military exercises. 5 times military lectures were read by teachers, and 100 people were sheltered for self-defense (11. Nakhchivan AR DA, archive fund 351, list 1, work 33). “The teacher and student collective of the Pedagogical School, led by Ali Gambarli, sent 3800 azn money, 300 bonds, hot coats, 18 packs of dried fruits, 7 bookcases, 16 kg of colored metal, and fighters to the front. financially supported the families of his fellow countrymen, each of the mobilized children was given a set of uniforms, tutorials, and assigned 55 students to write letters to their families and read letters to their families” (12. Nakhchivan AR, archive fund 1, list 1, work 376).
Ali Gambarli is still working at the Ordubad city school. Tovuz Sadigzade, the head of the Ordubad District Education Department, also describes Ali Qambarli as the most talented teacher: “Ali Hasanali oglu Gambarli, who has a continuous teaching experience of 20 years, has earned a great reputation in school and has achieved great success in the subject he teaches”.
The results of the academic year 1942-1943 and the preparation for the 1943/1944 school year are presented in the report in the schools of Nakhchivan USSR: “One of the teachers in Nakhchivan Republican schools, known for his pedagogical and methodical skills and systematically assisting his young teachers, is Ali Gambarli, the director of the Ordubad Pedagogical School” (Nakhchivan AR, archive fund 1, list 1, work 364).
“Ali Gambarli, who has great authority among the teachers of the Nakhchivan Soviet Socialist Republic, was sent to the III Congress of Teachers of the Azerbaijan SSR in 1946” (Nakhchivan AR, archive fund 1, list 6, work 147). Ali Gambarli's excellent service in the branch of education was appropriately assessed, he was awarded the title of “Honorary Teacher of Azerbaijan” by the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Azerbaijan in 1942. “He was awarded the Order of Honor by the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and in 1948 was elected a deputy of the Labor Council of Ordubad City” (Nakhchivan AR DA, archive fund 1, list 3, work 691).
Most of the students taught by Ali Hasanali oglu Gambarli at Ordubad Pedagogical College and Ordubad City School were candidates of sciences and doctors of sciences. Yahya Aliyev, Jalal Aliyev, Rahim Rahimov, Farman Hasanov, Jabbar Sattarov, Said Sadigov, Adnam Aghalarov, Ibad Farajov and many others. Honorary teacher of Azerbaijan, candidate of historical sciences, Ali Aliyev frequently mentions the name of his best friend Ali Gambarli in his archives. More than half a century of pedagogical activity Ali Gambarli died at the age of 80 in 1987, his bright face is to live in the hearts of his lovers.
1. Nakhchivan AR DA, archive fund 713, list 1, work 71.
2. The fate and art of M.T Sidqi. Acami, 2015.
3. Nakhchivan AR, archive fund 1, list 2, work 2.
4. Nakhchivan AR, archive fund 1, list 2, work 17.
5. Nakhchivan AR, archive fund 1, list 2, work 5.
6. Nakhchivan AR DA, archive fund 1, list 1, work 37.
7. Nakhchivan AR DA, archive fund 713, list 1, work 71.
8. Nakhchivan AR, archive fund 1, list 1, work 13.
9. Nakhchivan AR, archive fund 1, list 3, work 91.
10. Nakhchivan AR, archive fund 413, list 1, work 6.
11. Nakhchivan AR DA, archive fund 351, list 1, work 33.
12. Nakhchivan AR, archive fund 1, list 1, work 376.
13. Nakhchivan AR, archive fund 1, list 1, work 364.
14. Nakhchivan AR, archive fund 1, list 6, work 147.
15. Nakhchivan AR DA, archive fund 1, list 3, work 691.
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