Practical experience of "online learning" course as a tool to develop linguistic-and-methodological competence of prospective foreign language teachers
The scientific article is devoted to the current topic of distance education using online technologies. The author offers an accessible and algorithmized "Online Learning" course that will help teachers of higher education institutions and students.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 27.02.2023 |
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Practical experience of "online learning" course as a tool to develop linguistic-and-methodological competence of prospective foreign language teachers
Tetiana Koknova,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Romance and German Philology Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University (Starobilsk, Luhansk region, Ukraine)
Practical experience of "online learning" course as a tool to develop linguistic-and-methodological competence of prospective foreign language teachers
The article discusses the current topic of distance education using online technologies. The material presented in the research is especially relevant in the context of the forced transition ofeducational institutions in all countries to online learning because of the threat of CO VID-19. The author suggests available and algorithmic training course "Online Learning", which is called to help teachers and students of pedagogical specialities to acquire extensive knowledge of organizing online classes. The purpose of the article is to discuss the experience of introducing the "Online Learning" course into the process of development of linguistic-and-methodological competence in prospective foreign language teachers, which aims to teach both teachers and students who master the profession of foreign language teachers to apply the video conferencing software ZOOM for successful and effective online training both under quarantine conditions and in their professional activity. The advantage ofonline learning and teaching is that there are no limits and boundaries. Online education increases the mobility of both students and teachers; provides opportunities to get higher education for anyone who wants, but for some reasons does not attend classes in educational institution. Training course "Online Learning" has been effectively and successfully introduced in three higher education institutions of Ukraine ("Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University", Donbass State Pedagogical University, and Poltava V. Karolenko National Pedagogical University). The given training course curriculum includes five practical classes which will provide the students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills of how to organize learning and teaching online process. The applicants of the course will also get acquainted with peculiarities of online educational process organization; develop practical skills ofprofessional self-development taking into account modern requirements of educational services market and achievements of modern technologies.
Key words: online learning, linguistic-and-methodological competence, online technologies, video conferencing software.
кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри романо-германської філології Луганського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка (Старобільськ, Луганська область, Україна)
Стаття присвячена актуальній темі дистанційної освіти з використанням онлайн технологій. Матеріал, представлений у дослідженні, набуває особливої актуальності в умовах вимушеного переходу освіти в усіх країнах на навчання онлайн через загрозу COVID-19. Автор пропонує доступний та алгоритмізований курс "Online Learning", який допоможе викладачам закладів вищої освіти й студентам педагогічних спеціальностей опанувати знаннями для організації занять онлайн. Мета статті полягає в представленні результатів досвіду впровадження тренінгового курсу "Online Learning" у процесі формування лінгвометодичної компетентності в майбутніх викладачів іноземних мов у закладах вищої освіти, наміром якого є навчати як викладачів, так і студентів, що отримують професію вчителів іноземних мов, користуватися програмним забезпеченням для відеоконференції ZOOM для успішного й ефективного проведення онлайн занять як у період карантину, так і в їхній професійній діяльності. Зручність онлайн навчання та викладання полягає у відсутності прив'язки до конкретного місця, збільшує мобільність як студентів, так і викладачів, робить можливим освіту всіх, хто має бажання, але з певних причин не може відвідувати заняття в освітньому закладі. Тренінговий курс "Online Learning" було впроваджено з позитивним результатом на базах трьох закладів вищої освіти України ("Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка", Донбаський державний педагогічний університет, Полтавський національний педагогічний університет імені В. Г Короленка). Тренінговий курс розраховано на п'ять практичних занять, на яких слухачі курсу отримають теоретичні знання, зможуть набути практичних навичок організації навчання та викладання онлайн; ознайомитися з особливостями організації такого освітнього процесу; сформувати практичні навички професійного саморозвитку з урахуванням сучасних вимог ринку освітніх послуг і досягнення конкурентоздатності освітян.
Ключові слова: онлайн навчання, лінгвометодична компетентність, онлайн технології, програмне забезпечення для відеоконференції.
Statement of the problem. The flexibility and informatization of the modern community has not only expanded on everyday life, but also has imposed its demands as to the means of optimization of vocational training in the institutions of higher education. It has been especially evident in the context of the global transition of education to online learning in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Traditionally, this issue has repeatedly become the subject for scholarly research, concerning the growing need to use online technologies in the course of prospective specialists' professional training, since they have to be prepared to face the challenges of modern life. In light of rising concerns about the spread of COVID-19 and calls to contain the virus, a growing number of post-secondary institutions have shut down in-person classes. The virus has revealed vulnerabilities in post-secondary systems around the world. It is now clear that society needs flexible and resilient education systems to face unpredictable future. The impacts of COVID-19 on educational institutions and students offer a chance to carefully examine educational technology in acute, crisis-driven contexts. Orientation to online learning and teaching makes students and teachers mobile; opens great opportunities to meet the educational needs of anyone who has the right for education but can not get it for some reasons, or does not have the opportunity to do it in the classroom. Such technologies also enhance opportunities for educators who actively improve their professional skills in other cities or countries, participate in conferences, seminars, and internships but do not interrupt their academic employment and activity in educational institutions.
As a consequence of hybrid war in the East of Ukraine in 2014-2015, State Institution (SI) "Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University" was forced to operate in a remote format. As the university was relocated its students and teachers had to quickly change the way oftheir interaction. Those teachers who took part in the teaching process in 2014-2015 were urgently required to quickly master the technologies of teaching students online and distantly. The variety of internal and non-university courses and trainings helped to develop a strategy for the rapid transition to online functioning. Nowadays, the institution has considerable background, and practical experience, which we suggest in the given article in order to continue successful educational process despite epidemiological challenges. distance education teachers
Today, in the context of large-scale transition to quarantine measures SI "Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University" has a powerful educational portal which efficiently functions not only as an additional resource to provide an online education, but also as a way to quite effortlessly shift into the distance training format. Realizing enormous potential of such forms of work, the educational institution takes up all possible measures for all the participants of the educational process to online cooperation. Consequently, the current situation has forced us to develop a training course "Online Learning" for prospective foreign language teachers to be prepared for future challenges in online cooperation with students. The given course is also considered as a tool for their linguistic-and- methodological competence development.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The terms of "linguistic methodology or linguistic- and-methodological work" have been used by such Ukrainian scholars as I. Khizhniak, A. Nikitina, N. Ostapenko, O. Fentsyk, O. Ishutina, O. Kopus'. Such foreign scientists as N. Kolesnikova, T Yemelyanova, T Ramzayeva, N. Fomina have also regarded these concepts in their studies. The problem of the content of linguistic-and-methodological training is covered in the researches of the following foreign scholars as: Frank J. Kennings, D. Newby, K. Kator, K. Schneider, S. Borg, M. Burns, M. Wallace, R. Dray and others. It is also important to take into consideration the experience of international organizations focused on improving the process of prospective foreign language teachers training, such as, for example British Council and Thematic Working Group "Teacher Professional Development", which, in particular, encourages the development of competencies in foreign language teachers.
In recent decades the terms, such as "e-learning/ elearning/e-training" (O'Malley et al., 2005), "m-learning" (Sharples, 2007), "blended learning" (Mihai, 2011) have been already actively used in scientific community. Essential developments in this regard have professionals who specialize in teaching foreign languages and use such terms as "computer assisted language learning (CALL)" (Seljan et al, 2004), and "mobile-assessed language learning (MALL)" (Mosavi, Nezarat, 2012).
A number of European scholars, such as C. O'Malley, G. Vavoula, J. Glew, J. Taylor, M. Sharples, P Lefrere, P. Lonsdale, L. Naismith, and J. Waycott have published a profound research on "Guidelines for learning/teaching/tutoring in a mobile environment". They have made an attempt to define mobile learning in terms of a flexible model that will enable the developers, tutors and learners to identify learning practices and effective pedagogies incorporated in a particular "learning space" (O'Malley et al., 2005).
M. Sharples, J. Taylor and G. Vavoula have researched a mobile learning and proposed their theory of learning for a mobile society, which encompasses both learning supported by mobile devices such as mobile phones, portable computers and personal audio players, and also learning in an era characterized by mobility of people and knowledge where the technology may be embedded in fixed objects such as "walk up and use" information terminals (Sharples, 2007).
A. Mihai, A. Christova in their "Teaching European Studies: A Blended Learning Approach" look into the teaching method developed by the Institute for European Studies in Brussels, combining an e-learning tool - the E-modules - with face-to-face training sessions and webinars. They call it "blended learning" and the term is understood as a combination of various components. In the context of this study they distinguish three main learning approaches that can be blended: synchronous physical formats (classroom lectures), synchronous online formats (also known as live e-learning, including virtual classrooms, webinars, web conferencing, etc) and self-paced, asynchronous formats (online training modules, simulations, recorded live events) (Mihai, 2011).
Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is considered in the study of S. Seljan, N. Berger, Z. Dovedan. They give a general picture of CALL development, and have focused on exploitation of the language resources and learning materials which are accessible on CD-ROMs and on the Internet. The authors research CALL in terms of theoretical approach, practice, computer and communication technology, since it represents a challenge for the teacher and for students as a new medium of exploration (Seljan, Norbert, Zdravko, 2004).
Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) based on the use of mobile technology in language learning is discussed in the work of T. Mosavi and A. Nezarat. They claim that in contrast to classroom learning, in MALL there is no need for the learners to sit in a classroom or at a computer to get learning materials. In fact, MALL can be considered an ideal solution to language learning barriers in terms of time and place (Mosavi, Nezarat, 2012).
The experience of using online teaching technologies has repeatedly proven to be effective and responsive to the educational needs of those being taught. This, in turn, guarantees a person-centered approach that enables to individually regulate and adjust the trajectories of professional training, and, at the same time, develop creative abilities. Alternatively, such technologies allow to implement a competence-based approach which supposes autonomy in performing the tasks even at a distance, and simultaneously include all the components of professional training (purpose, content, methods, original forms and methods of teaching).
On the one hand, the diversity of online technologies offers a great variability to teachers. Many of them can be used in the context of professional training. On the other hand, to master such technologies and understand the intricacies in the context of prospective specialists training takes a lot of teachers' time, which is very limited, because of their numerous professional functions and activities. This topical issue has not been resolved yet by state educational institutions. Private institutions have tackled this problem instead by offering the education market expensive training courses and marathons, which provided information on effective online technologies for training specialists in various fields. The consumers of such services are not only teachers who are interested in the so-called "advanced training", but also students (prospective teachers and teachers of various specialities) who are planning their teaching career in future.
Therefore, considering the challenges of today and combining them with the experience of online teaching, we have come up with an idea of creating an accessible and algorithmic training course which will help teachers and students of pedagogical specialities to acquire knowledge of planning and organizing online classes. Consequently, the purpose of the article is to represent the results of the experience of implementing the training course "Online Learning" in the process of linguistic- and-methodological competence development in prospective foreign language teachers.
Discussion. The fast progress and changes which high school is now facing dictates the need to use information trends. One of the first and foremost is that teachers, working in higher educational institutions (HEI), become mobile and flexible, ready to meet social, cultural and informational needs of society. The scholars have already accumulated a significant experience in the area of online technologies and online training platforms to give lessons in many fields. Thus, O. Bazeliuk in his study examines the use of distance learning platform for the purposes professional education (Bazeliuk, 2016); T Bondarenko and O. Ageieva explore a scheme of a distance learning system based on Google's cloud services (Bondarenko, Ageieva, 2016); G. Kozhevnikov studies the use of Google Calendar for distance learning (Kozhevnikov, 2016); O. Kupriyanov analyzes the use of distance learning technologies for the organization of independent work of students in the engineering- pedagogical academy (Kupriyanov, 2016). The monograph by N. Kiianovs'ka, N. Rashevs'ka, S. Semerikov outlines the stages of development of the theory and methodology of using information- and-communication technologies (ICT) in teaching higher mathematics to students of engineering specialities in the USA. The authors theoretically substantiate and represent didactic models of using ICT in higher mathematics teaching at technical universities at particular stages, determine the main approaches for applying the US experience in using ICT in teaching mathematics to students of engineering specialities in Ukraine. Practical part of the research represents helpful suggestions for teachers as to the use of ICT in teaching higher mathematics to students of engineering specialities (Kiianovs'ka, 2014).
S. Khlopiak studies smart-technologies in the system of training specialists in tourism (Khlopiak, 2018); S. Bannikova, O. Kuznetsov explore how to master the profession of programmer in online learning (Bannikova, Kuznetsov, 2018); O. Freiuk considers the use of m-learning in the educational process (Freiuk, 2018).
Many experts believe online learning is the future of education. As technology becomes commonly available; an increasing number of students gain access to a wider range of knowledge that can considerably improve their career prospects. Unfortunately, Ukrainian state educational institutions have just started out to move in this direction.
Therefore, the above stated positions have become the idea for the creation of a training course which enables both teachers and students to master the skills of conducting classes online. Such training course ("Online Learning") has been introduced with a positive result in the State Institution "Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University" (Starobilsk), Donbass State Pedagogical University (Slavyansk), and Poltava V. Karolenko National Pedagogical University (Poltava).
The training course includes five practical classes. Its purpose is to provide both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in planning and organizing the educational process online. Its task is to consider the features of organizing the educational process online, ensuring interactivity of classes in virtual and hybrid audiences; to develop practical skills of professional self-development taking into account modern requirements of educational services market. In addition, the suggested online teaching makes it possible to take into account the methodology of K. J. Gergen's socio-constructivistic approach (Gergen, 2002).
Now it is difficult to imagine the educational process without online technologies, and as a result, this trend does not only coincide with current educational trends, but also increases its relevance. Furthermore, the emphasis on the use of online learning takes into account the trend of the "digital society" (to exist in the virtual information environment), which is becoming a natural phenomenon of today.
The resources of ZOOM and MIRO sites, online resources on online teaching, Internet services and Web 2.0 technologies have been used as information support of the training course "Online Learning".
Our work with the specified course has started with a questionnaire, which has been conducted among teachers and prospective foreign language teachers of those educational institutions where the course has been introduced (Master's Degree in specialities of "Secondary Education" and "Philology" (English, German, French, Chinese)). The course proved to be relevant, and as a result it was attended by 80% of HEI teachers and 50% of students. All participants have emphasized the relevance and potential of online teaching in the course of professional training of prospective specialists before the test. The questionnaire showed that 25.3% of the respondents has had certain online skills but would like to increase their knowledge. Other participants lack such experience for various reasons, but mainly due to the lack of free time to research online technologies, and the cost of private courses which provide knowledge in the field they need. Therefore, the given course has become a good chance for them to develop and improve their skills.
33.4% of the respondents have answered the questions about the resources to be used in online learning, but the overwhelming majority of the respondents do not give a convincing answer to this question, which has completely confirmed the relevance and great potential of our scientific idea.
The curriculum of the given course includes the following topics: "ZOOM Platform to Work with Virtual and Hybrid Audiences", "Supplementary Software for Online Teaching Optimization", "Working with Interactive Sites", "Operational Aspect of MIRO Virtual Board". Consequently, we shall briefly outline what should the specified topics consider in the context of the given training course.
The most of academic hours (4 academic hours) has been planned to study the first topic ("ZOOM Platform to Work with Virtual and Hybrid Audiences (video conferencing software)"). The topic includes the following issues: technical equipment for online classes; ZOOM features for successful online classes; working with individual students and groups in boardrooms; working with an electronic board; scheduling a conference.
It is evident that before starting an online course its participants should gain knowledge of its tools, such as high-speed Internet, computer with camera and headphones (advisably for the webinar) and video conference software. This tool kit is enough for efficient online training. And if the technical tools may vary, the name of video conference software is of fundamental importance.
In our opinion, Zoom Video Communications with its software called ZOOM is the most user-friendly for both teachers and students in online learning. According to Gartner Magic Quadrat 2019 report, Zoom became a leader in conference solutions ( 1OH1GWOA&ct=190909&st=sbl). Nowadays, more than 17 000 educational institutions, including 96% of leading US universities, improve students' learning through ZOOM to create virtual and hybrid classrooms, extracurricular activities, administrative meetings and the like ( Teachers with the help of this video communicator have the opportunity to provide virtual training, counseling; organize joint work on projects, diplomas; create a virtual classroom that enables students to study outside the classroom, interact with other institutions (virtual conference rooms allow them to interact with other institutions for more effective problem solving, such as: to arrange guest lectures from professionals from any spot in the world; communicate with other groups, teams located in another region, country; communicate with native speakers; arrange meetings with professionals from a certain field for career guidance; involve those participants who do not have physical opportunity to attend classes (illness, disability, etc.); hold virtual meetings of teachers, parents, hold tutoring sessions, chat with friends).
It is evident that the involvement of such modern approaches into the process of professional training of prospective specialists will increase their involvement into the educational process. In can be achieved through the extensive capabilities of ZOOM video communicator, which include the following: perfect video and audio in HD, diversified interactive activity in virtual or hybrid classrooms; recording sessions and storing them in ZOOM cloud storage or in local storage; virtual tours to museums and monuments around the world directly from mobile phone. The software allows to conduct interactive classes including questionnaires, Q&A; to activate the function of virtual "raise your hand"; to track activity with the help of a warning indicator.
It should be noticed that recently ZOOM video communicator has become more convenient compared to Skype. The advantages include the following: communication stability (not interrupted); does not require a lot of Internet traffic (faster) and large computer memory; provides a variety of screen demonstration options; it is possible to activate a screen demonstration and draw, or make notes as on a usual blackboard; screen broadcasting is available in mobile devices ( skype-ili-zoom-sravnitelnyj-obzor-platform-dlya- provedeniya-onlajn-urokov/).
It should also be noticed that video communicator has minor disadvantages. Thus, it is less widespread and requires some software to be installed on the computer and some time in order to develop the skills of working with it for both teachers and the audience. However, ZOOM site ( offers numerous opportunities for all the participants of the educational process to get acquainted with video communicator in various ways (articles, videos).
To set the software a person needs to follow common download instructions, and then in the "general" settings of the program set possible options: go to full screen mode, when the participants broadcast their screen; zoom in the broadcast content to the size of ZOOM window; display confirmation messages before leaving the conference; show conference duration; add ZOOM to the menu bar in macOS; parallel mode. After that, follow the link below to "see advanced features" and go to https://
The site also needs specific settings, but we recommend the following: to make available video of the coordinator and the participants in "Schedule a conference" option; to connect phone and computer sound to an audio conference; allow to log in earlier than coordinator; use a personal conference identifier (PCI) to start an instant conference; require password entry from participants who log in via the mobile phone; include a password into one-touch conference link. In the section "Conference Basic" a user can set up a chat (let conference attendees send their messages; private chat (send private messages (tete- a-tete)); file sharing; ZOOM feedback. Demo screen settings allow all the participants to broadcast; enable screenplay only to the coordinator; allow comments and the use of message board by setting "automatically save the contents of the message board" when the broadcasting is over; allow remote screen control. A user can set a "Personal Identifier" that allows to invite conference attendees without installing ZOOM software.
The next topic ("Working with interactive sites") should be adapted according to the features of professional activity of HEI teachers and prospective foreign language teachers. In our case, the teachers of a foreign language have been asked to master the skills of working on Wardwall site (it allows to create and use ready interactive tasks (Quiz, Crosswords, Maze Chase, Airplane, Setting plan, Match activity, Wordsearch). They also have developed their skills to work on those sites which allow to pick up the necessary material (Worksheet, PowerPoint, Video Lesson) according to its variety and career orientation.
The final topic is "The Feature of Working with a Virtual MIRO Board" ( This topic is about the features of using an online whiteboard. Such a platform for visual collaboration is already widely practiced in the world and is used by Ikea, Cisco, Netflix, Twitter, Autodesk, Upwork, SAP and other international companies.
The functionality of this product makes it possible to use free web boards which simulate a canvas to visualize the material that is planned to study during the class. Such a board can be used both online and for classroom activities. Such a board gives a great opportunity to use the creative potential of both teacher and students. To work with a board, one needs to register via, for example, Google or Facebook and basic creative skills. After registration, a personal page opens and gives perfect opportunity to create new boards and new projects for students. The board helps to share the information with the audience by sending an invitation on e-mail or using a screen demonstration via ZOOM software.
Conclusions and prospects for further research
Consequently, the practice of introducing an "Online Learning" course into the educational process of HEI has proved the special role of online technologies, which, on the one hand, serve as high-quality tools which can solve many issues which cannot be tackled offline, on the other, give both teachers and students the opportunity to be mobile and at the same time to continue their own professional development and selfrealization, showing creativity and inner potential, and, finally, prepare all the participants of the educational process to the challenges of the modern world. It is obvious that the involvement of modern approaches and the latest software into the process of professional training of prospective specialists will help to increase the involvement of students into the educational process. The use of online learning is consistent with the trend of the "digital society", contributes to the expansion of borders and scales of the educational process; develops the creative skills of both teachers and students, improving the quality of professional competencies in the course of professional training of prospective specialists. The prospects for further research involve more detailed development of the methodology of using online technologies in the process of professional training of prospective foreign language teachers.
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