Formation of communication in the "teacher-student" system in the training of specialists in the medical field with the help of distance education
The article substantiates the expediency of forming communication in the "teacher-student" system when training specialists in the medical field using distance education. The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that the components converg.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 26.02.2023 |
Размер файла | 19,2 K |
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Formation of communication in the «teacher-student» system in the training of specialists in the medical field with the help of distance education
Kulchytskyi Vitalii Yosypovych
Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Professor of Higher School Pedagogy and Social Studies Department, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
The article substantiates the expediency of forming communication in the «teacher-student» system when training specialists in the medical field using distance education. The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that the pedagogical, cognitive and social components converge in the educational process, and the social component is the main tool for obtaining and mastering information. Therefore, distance learning is a process of interaction between teachers and students, as well as students themselves, isolated in space. The consequence of this is a particularly organized behavior participant of the interaction, which depends on the nature of the relationship, the distance between them and can be presented in the form of a dialogue. It was found that the main task of distance learning during the training of future medical specialists is to stimulate the didactic dialogue between student and teacher. It has been established that direct communication between a teacher and a student makes it possible to instantly discuss current, relevant educational problems for both the teacher and student. Attention is focused on the fact that the following forms of interaction are implemented in the process of distance learning during the training of future medical specialists: student - educational material; student (subject of learning) - teacher; student - student. It is noted that for the successful organization of communicative interaction in the conditions of distance learning during the training of future specialists in the medical profile, the teacher must possess a certain list of competencies. It was concluded that distance education allows you to create a training course - an environment for productive communication, information exchange and cooperation in the «teacher-student» system in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the educational process.
Keywords: communication, teacher, student, dialogue, distance learning.
Формування комунікації в системі «викладач-студент» при підготовці фахівців медичної галузі за допомогою дистанційної форми навчання
Кульчицький Віталій Йосипович
доктор педагогічних наук, доцент, професор кафедри педагогіки вищої школи та суспільних дисциплін, Тернопільський національний медичний університет імені І.Я. Горбачевського МОЗ України
У статті обґрунтовано доцільність формування комунікації в системі «викладач-студент» при підготовці фахівців медичної галузі за допомогою дистанційної форми навчання. Актуальність дослідження визначається тим, що в освітньому процесі сходяться педагогічна, пізнавальна і соціальна складові, причому соціальна складова є головним інструментом отримання та освоєння інформації. Саме тому, дистанційне навчання є процесом взаємодії між викладачами і студентами, а також між самими студентами, ізольованими у просторі. Наслідком цього є особливим чином організована поведінка учасників взаємодії, яка залежить від характеру відносин, дистанції між ними і може бути представлена у формі діалогу. З'ясовано, що основне завдання дистанційного навчання під час підготовки майбутніх фахівців медичної галузі полягає у стимулюванні дидактичного діалогу студента з викладачем. Констатовано, що безпосереднє спілкування між викладачем і студентом надає можливості миттєво обговорити актуальні, нагальні як для викладача, так і студента освітні проблеми. Зосереджена увага на тому, що у процесі дистанційного навчання під час підготовки майбутніх фахівців медичної галузі реалізуються наступні форми взаємодії: студент - навчальний матеріал; студент (суб'єкт навчання) - викладач; студент - студент. Зазначено, що для успішної організації комунікативної взаємодії в умовах дистанційного навчання під час підготовки майбутніх фахівців медичної галузі викладач повинен володіти певним переліком компетентностей. Зроблено висновки про те, що дистанційна освіта дозволяє формувати навчальний курс - середовище для продуктивного спілкування, обміну інформацією і співпраці в системі «викладач-студент» з метою підвищення ефективності та результативності освітнього процесу.
Ключові слова: комунікація, викладач, студент, діалог, дистанційне навчання.
Formulation of the problem
communication teacher student medical
The educational process in the modern sense is the process interaction of a person studying with the educational environment, which includes a teacher, educational materials (content) and other students. In the educational process, pedagogical, cognitive and social components converge, and the social component is the main tool for obtaining and assimilating information.
Distance learning is a process of interaction between teachers and students, as well as between students themselves, isolated in space. The consequence of this is a particularly organized behavior participant of the interaction, which depends on the nature of the relationship, the distance between them and can be presented in the form of a dialogue.
Changing the relationship between teacher and student turns the student into an energetic participant in the learning process. The introduction of new methods of knowledge accumulation and their use influenced the change of the goal of the educational process from the transfer of an unchanging set of knowledge to the education of the ability to use information arrays, independent knowledge accumulation.
The interaction of all co-participants in the educational process is one of the most important factors in the quality functioning of any educational society. In the conditions of distance education, when teachers and students cannot be close to each other, the interaction between all participants of the educational process acquires special importance.
For any education, communication is an integral part of the pedagogical process. Its effectiveness depends on the level of communication, and distance learning is no exception.
Analysis of recent research and publications
The problematic aspects of distance learning were studied by domestic scientists in the field of pedagogy and professionals, including N. Bykov, N. Dumanskyi, O. Glazunova, P. Kaminska, N. Morse, V. Oliynyka, and others.
In the scientific works of A. Andreev, V. Bykov, A. Gurzhii, A. Dovgyal, M. Zhaldak, V. Kuharenko, N. Sakovich, P. Stefanenko, A. Chefranova, B. Shunevych, and others. didactic potential is provided by distance learning.
The organization of the educational process in the distance learning system in institutions of higher education was studied by V. Svyridyuk, N. Basova, N. Zhevakina, and others. The issue of the formation of the information and educational environment is considered in the works of G. Belyaev, V. Baikov, S. Grigoriev, Yu. Zhukov, S. Lobachov, E. Polat, V. Yasvin, and others. D. Humennyi, V. Humenyuk, V. Yagupov and others investigate the implementation of information and communication technologies in the management of an educational institution.
J. Anderson, St. Willer, and T. Edward can be named among the foreign researchers who highlighted the aspects of distance education in their works. Pedagogical and information support of distance learning is described in the publications of N. Levinsky, J. Muller, and D. Parrish.
The purpose of the article - to investigate the formation of communication in the «teacher-student» system during the training of medical professionals during continuous professional development by distance learning.
Presenting main material
If we consider the features of distance education during the training of future medical specialists from the point view of teacher-student communication, the following characteristic features can be identified:
- self-education as the basis of distance learning, which involves self-motivation of the student regarding his own learning, as well as a certain level self-organization of the individual;
- communication between teacher and student based on the «one-on-one» principle, which in form and content corresponds to an individual consultation;
- «one-to-one» communication and interaction does not exclude «one-to-many» interaction, as the teacher works with many students simultaneously according to a prearranged schedule. This form of interaction resembles traditional classroom learning;
- «many-to-many» interaction means that simultaneous communication of many students, exchange of experiences and impressions with each other is possible.
The main task of distance learning during the training of future medical specialists is to stimulate the didactic dialogue between student and teacher.
A common form communication in the process of distance learning is an internal didactic conversation (guided didactic dialogue), with the correct modeling which it is possible to achieve a high quality assimilation of educational material. Guided didactic dialogue should be carried out in the form of instructions that contain assumption that student has already familiarized himself with the textbook material for a certain statement.
The effectiveness of the dialogue between teacher and student is determined by:
- content of the academic discipline;
- environmental factors (the composition of the study group: there will be more dialogue between the teacher and one subject of study than between the group);
- language of the dialogue (if the teacher uses the native language of the student, the effectiveness of the dialogue increases);
- means of communication (if the exchange of information between teacher and student is carried out by e-mail, then the dialogue slows down and is highly structured, since it takes place in written form; the intensity dialogue is higher during training with the help of video conferences, during which the teacher answers questions of the students, who proactively enrich dialogue) [1, P. 489-495].
The mediated nature of communication in the «teacher-student» system makes it possible to ensure constant dynamic communication at a distance. Virtually all traditional methods interaction between teacher and students are available in distance learning during the training of future medical specialists. Modern means of video communication open up to students the same opportunities as during face-to-face educational communication, and often significantly expand them.
Features of distance learning in the video conference mode can be evaluated taking into account the following factors:
- educational material;
- diagnostic material;
- visibility;
- teacher's questions to students;
- explanation of the material by the teacher;
- conducting discussions by the teacher;
- opportunity for students to ask questions to the teacher;
- the student's opportunity to ask the student a question;
- evaluation by the teacher of the student.
The following forms of interaction are implemented in the distance learning process during the training of future medical specialists:
1) student - educational material. Presupposes the student's interaction with the content of what is offered for study. Each subject of education must acquire the skills of building and enriching their knowledge. A student who studies remotely is characterized by more active cognitive activity (is able to construct his own knowledge) than one who studies the material in the process of personal communication with the teacher;
2) student (subject of learning) - teacher. After the students receive the educational material, the teachers provide them with assistance in its assimilation, stimulating interest in learning, increasing motivation; organization practical activities on the basis of acquired theoretical knowledge, verification of knowledge and assessment of the level their assimilation, provision advisory assistance, etc.;
3) student - student. Partnership interaction of students in the process acquiring knowledge can take place both with the participation of the teacher and without him. Contributes to the formation and development communication skills, their access to the best examples of performance educational tasks (by students with a higher level success in learning and development of abilities). The means of its implementation can be e-mail, video conferences, etc. [2, P. 10-13].
An essential feature of modern educational systems is their interactivity, which ensures the dialogic nature of learning. However, dialogical interaction is not an end in itself. The intensity of learning, the involvement students in dialogue is not an indicator of the effectiveness educational program. When designing each fragment of the dialogue, the teacher must see the didactic goals, ensure that the lines are not overloaded with unnecessary information, and the questions are not too complex, and take into account the computer's ability to «understand» the students' answers students. The communication process should interest the student, increase his desire to continue the dialogue with the computer, stimulate his cognitive activity, and achieve educational goals.
Depending on the pedagogical orientation of the dialogue, the following levels are distinguished:
- actually a dialogue, during which the interlocutor constructs his answer based on a formal change of the message. In such a dialogue, computer messages perform the function of a stimulating hint, which does not contain information on solving specific tasks, but encourages the student. Abuse of such a dialogue can cause a negative attitude towards learning with the use of a computer;
- business dialogue aimed at solving the proposed task without taking into account the learning goals. Communication unfolds as a dialogue in expert systems. Its pedagogical value is insignificant, since it does not take into account the essential features learning, the importance mastering the methods of solving certain types tasks. A computer that implements a second-level dialogue simulates the activity of an expert in a certain subject area, not a teacher;
- pedagogical dialogue, which takes place on the basis student model, taking into account the conditions and goals of education [3, P. 116-118].
Communicative space implies a formed situation of interaction in which there is a place, time and a specific reason for communication aimed at achieving the goals of the educational process. In the conditions distance learning during the training of future medical specialists, this process is more complicated, born of the need for joint activity, perception and understanding others in the Internet space. The complexity of distance education lies not only in the motivation students for internal work, but also in the possibility forming a dialogue that allows students to express various proposals. The main purpose of communication is to attract and direct participants to study.
Communication is the main driving force of the development information society, in which information is a product interaction of social groups and individuals. The process communication is an integral part of the life society, which supports its stability and directs further actions. Any educational process is built on the phenomenon of communication, since the personality education a future medical specialist is carried out only in a communicative environment.
So, the functions of pedagogical communication are determined by the content pedagogical activity. The main among them are the following:
- communicative - establishing and regulating relations between teacher and students, ensuring the humanistic orientation of the student's development;
- psychological - creation of conditions to ensure students' psychological freedom, manifestation of the individual uniqueness their personality; removing the social pressure that prevents it;
- cognitive - ensuring students' full perception of educational information, forming in them a personal-emotional-valuable attitude to knowledge;
- organizational - ensuring rational organization of students' educational and practical activities;
- developmental - ensures the formation of the student's personality, the transfer norms and rules behavior to him, the management of the process their assimilation, the disclosure moral content of what he and other people have done, the mastery evaluation and self-evaluation criteria;
- information - conveys knowledge;
- regulatory - creates a favorable psychological atmosphere for joint and individual activities, coordinates and unites efforts to achieve a general and personal result;
- emotional - forms and corrects interpersonal relationships [4, P. 202-207].
The effectiveness distance learning in the training of future medical specialists based on computer communications depends on the work style of the teacher, focused on working in groups. Courses that initiate discussion, exchange of ideas, and debate are more suitable for computer-mediated instruction than courses that deal with specific facts and procedures.
For the successful organization communicative interaction in the conditions distance learning during the training future specialists in the medical profile, the teacher must possess a certain list of competencies.
Scientist S. Druzhylov [4, P. 202-207] emphasizes that the professional competence of a teacher includes a system theoretical knowledge of a teacher and methods their application in specific pedagogical situations, value orientations teacher, as well as integrated indicators of his culture - communication, language style, attitude to himself and his activities, to related fields of knowledge The researcher singles out the main components teacher's competence: motivational-volitional, functional, communicative and reflective.
Tutor activities such as establishing communicative connections, promoting student adaptation, encouragement, cooperation, diagnosis educational achievements, use various didactic techniques for the development of individual qualities student allow more effective and successful interaction with those who are studying. With the help various learning tools (tests, simulators, discussions, video conferences, voice messages, forums, etc.), the teacher creates conditions for students to perform both reproductive and creative activities that ensure the achievement of the educational goal.
Therefore, in our opinion, for the successful organization communicative interaction with students in the distance learning system during the training of future medical specialists, the teacher must possess the following skills:
- use forms verbal and non-verbal communication;
- conduct a virtual discussion, establish contact with the audience online;
- involve in discussion, expression of one's opinion and establishment interpersonal interaction;
- optimal use of ICT tools for communicative interaction;
- correctly choose communicative strategies and tactics in accordance with the purpose of training;
- conduct training classes taking into account the psychological characteristics students' behavior in the virtual environment;
- find an individual approach to students during distance learning;
- create a positive emotional background between subjects distance education;
- apply mechanisms for diagnosing communicative conflicts, removing barriers in mediated communication [5, P. 9-12].
Thus, distance education allows you to create a training course - an environment for productive communication, information exchange and cooperation in the «teacher-student» system in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the educational process.
Therefore, distance education requires special teacher training for pedagogical communication. He uses both innovative and traditional teaching methods to activate the educational and cognitive activities of students and must possess number communication skills.
Therefore, for full-fledged professional and pedagogical communication, the teacher must be able to use the information resources computer technologies, taking into account the forms of interaction between the teacher and students. And this is especially important during distance learning.
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