The means of developing learner's autonomy in the conditions of online studying at secondary schools
The concept of discursive competence according to the means of developing learner's autonomy in the conditions of online studying at secondary schools. Use of concept of online studying and the development of its technical internal system capabilities.
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Дата добавления | 24.02.2023 |
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Rivne State University of the Humanities
The means of developing learner's autonomy in the conditions of online studying at secondary schools
Ivashkevych Ernest Ph.D. in Psychology, Translator
The purpose of our article is characterizing the concept of discursive competence according to the means of developing learner's autonomy in the conditions of online studying at secondary schools.
Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: the categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization. The ascertaining research was used as an empirical method. discursive competence online studying
The results of the research. An extensive use of the concept of online studying and the development of its technical internal system capabilities have led to significant changes in the understanding of this term. We define it as a global association of computer networks, an integrated network, web-sites, consisting of different communication networks integrated into a single logical online system. However, this definition no longer covers all aspects of this phenomenon. According to the field of Online Psychology we mean online studying not as a specific network of interconnected computers and mobile devices, or even a network of web-sites with channels and communication devices between components with appropriate programs and protocols, as networks together with social services based on them, which attract people and / or ensure their activities.
Conclusions. Thus, virtual discourse shapes the linguistic consciousness of a nation, social representations, general opinions, patterns of the person's behavior, frames and scenarios or even scripts. We have proved that the Internet environment is an effective factor in shaping personal value system. It is focused that digital technologies, for example the Internet, change not only consciousness and behavior, but also their physiological basis of the person, so, the brain.
Key words: learner's autonomy, online studying, digital technologies, technical internal system, network, verbal-logical thinking, figurative thinking, object-effective thinking.
Івашкевич Ернест. Засоби розвитку самостійності учня в умовах online навчання в закладах середньої освіти.
Мета нашої статті - схарактеризувати поняття дискурсивної компетентності відповідно до засобів розвитку самостійності учня в умовах online навчання в закладах середньої освіти.
Методи дослідження. Для розв'язання поставлених завдань використовувалися такі теоретичні методи дослідження: категоріальний, структурно-функціональний, аналіз, систематизація, моделювання, узагальнення, а також емпіричний метод констатувального дослідження.
Результати дослідження. Доведено, що досить широке використання поняття online навчання та розвиток його технічних внутрішньосистемних можливостей призвели до істотних змін у розумінні цього терміну. У статті визначено його як всесвітню асоціацію комп'ютерних мереж, інтегровану мережеву «павутину», яка складається з різних комунікаційних мереж, об'єднаних у єдину логічну online систему. Зазначено, що відповідно до парадигми Психології систем та мереж, ми розуміємо online навчання не як конкретну мережу із взаємопов'язаними комп'ютерами і мобільними пристроями, і навіть не мережу мереж разом із каналами й пристроями зв'язку між складовими елементами з відповідними програмами та протоколами, а мережі одночасно з вибудованими на їх основі соціальними сервісами, які залучають людей і/або забезпечують їхню діяльність.
Висновки. З'ясовано, що віртуальний дискурс формує лінгвістичну свідомість нації, соціальні репрезентації, загальні думки, моделі поведінки, фрейми та сценарії і навіть скрипти. Нами доведено, що online середовище є ефективним чинником формування ціннісної системи особистості. Наголошено на тому, що цифрові технології, зокрема інтернет, змінюють не лише свідомість і поведінку, а навіть фізіологічну основу - мозок людини.
Ключові слова: самостійність учня, online навчання, цифрові технології, технічна внутрішня система, мережа, словесно-логічне мислення, образне мислення, предметно-ефективне мислення.
For recent years we have a large number of scientific researches dealing with a problem of determining the learner's autonomy (Bates, Maechler, Bolker & Walker, 2014). The scholars proposed its separate components, however, in our opinion, only some of them paid equal attention to them. We mean, first of all, the phenomenon of discursive competence, which is a dominant component of developing learner's autonomy. Discursive competence, in turn, became the subject of constant discussions of Ukrainian researchers (Гончарук & Онуфршва, 2018). One of the reasons for the emergence of scientific interest and to provide the discussion of the content and structure of discursive competence is connected with the discursive component in the system of the humanities, since it is the contemporary theory of the discourse. The theoretical basis of the definition of learner's autonomy has the aim to develop main practical recommendations for the formation of learner's autonomy of the speaker (Максименко, Ткач, Литвинчук & Онуфршва, 2019).
As we know, communication always takes place in a specific situation and within a defined situational context. Different life situations require knowledge of relevant rules of conversation and adequate forms of expression. In such a way the speaker must have samples of speech and infantile behavior in one or another situation (Mykhalchuk & Ivashkevych, 2019). When entering into the process of communication, the speaker chooses a specific model of speech behavior among the existing ones, in accordance with the communicative situation and choosing a specific strategy of conversation to implement the communicative goal set (Ivashkevych & Koval, 2020). Therefore, the consideration of only the content of the statement does not always guarantee a situation of success; to achieve mutual understanding, there is a need to enter so called out-of-quota language (Mykhalchuk & Bihunova, 2019). So, we understand the text only when we understand text's situations in questions. At this level, it is more appropriate to use the notion of “discourse” and “the type of discourse”, with which researchers associate the allocation of learner's autonomy (OHy^pieBa, 2020).
In such a way the purpose of our research is to characterize the concept of discursive competence according to the means of developing learner's autonomy in the conditions of on-line studying at secondary school. Also we've to outline the system of the research according to the formation of learner's autonomy in the field of written communication of pupils at secondary schools.
Methods of the research
The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: the categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization. The ascertaining research was used as an empirical method.
Results and their discussion
First of all, the notion of learner's autonomy was understood in the context of contemporary views of linguistic discourse, which is the basic science for English methodology. In the content of learner's autonomy we can identify a separate component that is responsible for knowing the types of contexts / discourses and the rules of their organization, which, in our opinion, form the core of learner's autonomy.
According to the consideration of the problem of the content and the structure of learner's autonomy, there are significant researches, done by foreign scientists-methodologists. For example, we believe that due to the contemporary understanding of the concept of language teaching it should be preferable to provide learner's autonomy in the process of the activity with a text, because unlike the text, the discourse includes extra-lingual communicative terms, which is a prerequisite for the formation of learner's autonomy, that is the ability to relate language tools to specific spheres, situations, conditions and tasks of communication. It is in the process of mastering different types of discourses that the discursive competence is formed, which we define knowledge and possession of different types of discourses and their organization depending on the parameters of the communicative situation in which they are generated and interpreted.
Investigating the problem of the formation of learner's autonomy in written speech, in some a way broadens the definition and qualifies of the learner's autonomy as the integral ability to generate and to perceive texts of different types (genres) to achieve the communicative intention of the subject of speech within a certain communication situation (Mykhalchuk & Onufriieva, 2020). According to four components of discourse: a text, a genre, a communicative situation and a subject of discourse and its communicative intentions, the researcher highlights the textual, genre, tactical and strategic components of learner's autonomy. In the aspect of the problem of our research, special attention should be paid to individual forms of the activity. On this basis, it can be determined that learner's autonomy provides the level of formation of the linguistic ability of the person to generate his/her speech which is an integral part of a communicative competence of a speaker.
In accordance with the levels of the development of learner's autonomy of the person, we think that learner's autonomy includes two levels - the level of adequate choice (readiness to choose stylistic means of the language according to the criterion of “more/less adequate situation”) and the level of adequate integration of the whole text (the ability of the person to build “perfectly” and to perceive “impeccably” the speech units), the development of which does not depend on age, but it is connected with the formation of the culture of communication of the person. That's why the definition of learner's autonomy was formulated taking into account the grammatical, pragmatic and psycholinguistic aspects of studying the structure of it. We consider the learner's autonomy as one of the most important structural components of the communicative competence of the speaker, focusing on the formation of such skills: to allocate linguistic and extra-linguistic parameters of discourse, to establish and to realize the interrelation of linguistic means with extra-linguistic aspects of communication; to choose independently the type of discourse; to recognize and use key markers of different types of discourses; to construct and perceive holistic discourses taking into account extra-linguistic parameters of the situation and the peculiarities of their semantic-pragmatic and grammatical organization.
It is worth noting that different linguists, giving definition of learner's autonomy, adhere to similar views. They think either as knowledge of different types of learner's autonomy and the rules of their construction, as well as the ability to create and to understand them in the light of the situation of communication, or the ability to bind expressions and consistently express their thoughts in situations of oral and written communication. The first interpretation of learner's autonomy is acceptable to us, since it ensures the possibility of its formation at secondary schools.
We believe that learner's autonomy along plays the most important role in the process of developing communicative competence. Knowledge of the laws of constructing discourses, as well as the types of learner's autonomy, is an important part of our ability to communicate. The importance of learner's autonomy is also revealed when considering it from the standpoint of the formation of which is extremely important in the light of new trends in the study of a foreign language and it is important due to the fact that this learner's autonomy is created in the process of producing and understanding various types of discourses.
Discourse technique is the ability to build and to accept all types of discourses (in oral and written forms) in accordance with the communicative intention within the specific communication situation. Mastering different types of discourse is due to continuous communication and interaction with other communicators, mastering the language, which is a model in different life situations. For pupils in the process of studying a foreign language an educational audience is the main place where discourses of another culture are used. It is here that they learn to choose, depending on the situation, the corresponding discourse and modeling their expressions in different ways, without using the same words and Grammar forms when communicating with representatives of different social groups, even if the subject of the conversation is always the same. In such a way the person reaches learner's autonomy.
Consequently, for the formation of learner's autonomy in the process of studying a foreign language, it is necessary pupils will master various types of discourses. Monologue speech is closely linked to the dialogical. Often a monologue is a special case of dialogical speech, when the statement of one of the speakers is presented in expanded form as a completed message. Therefore, during the process of teaching speaking, the monologue form is the further development of advanced speech in a system of a dialogue speech.
A monologue is one-vector type of communication that does not require a communicative reaction. In linguistics researchers distinguish such types of monologue: an internal type, a suggestive one, a dramatic type, a lyrical one, a narrative type. In order to be effective, the monologue (a lecture, a report, a real speech act, a word of the teacher at the lesson, etc.) should include such means of a dialogue: questions in turn, questions in response to speaker's suggestions, particles, introductory words and expressions that allow us to establish a contact with the audience, to call and to maintain pupils' attention and to form their interest in the language.
To describe the communicative features of the monologue is interesting because of the fact that it, as a special language form, provides in one-vector communication, which is characterized by a natural orientation of the process of communication from the speaker to the addressee. This type of communication is often observed in such a way when communication is a process of speaking with the public, the audience although at the personal level such as unidirectional process is quite possible. The disadvantage of monologue communication is that the effectiveness of the communication process is not directly taken into account and it becomes unclear whether communication has been successful or unsuccessful. The reaction of the communicator can be followed by special sociological services; the results of such a survey may indicate the success or failure of the communication process.
Monologue, monologue speech (from Latin “mono” and Greek “lygos” - it is a word, a language) is the type of speech, completely or almost unrelated (in contrast to the dialogic language) with the language of the speaker, either in the content, or in the structural sense. Monologue speech has a much greater degree of tradition when choosing linguistic, compositional and other means, as a rule, has a more complex syntactic construction than replicas in a dialogue. The main communicative situations use the spheres of art, oratorical performance, communication on television and radio, the situation of learning (the language of the teacher in the classroom, etc.). According to its linguistic and structural-compositional organization, monologue broadcasting is much more complicated than other types of speech; these features are studied by the linguistics of the text (the problem of a complex syntactic structures in the whole, paragraphs, texts).
Pupils begin to work out with detailed statements only when they absorb the language material in dialogical exercises to the extent necessary for the organization of monologues, built on different Grammar structures. Pupils learn monologue statements, larger in scope, at the advanced stage, when they have already accumulated significant linguistic material and they are able to use it orally and freely. This allows us to focus all our attention on the logical sequence of phrases when expressing our thoughts in English.
Monologue speech is characterized by certain communicative, psychological and linguistic features that the teacher has to take into account in the process of teaching this type of speech activity to develop learner's autonomy.
From a linguistic point of view, monologue speech is characterized by the structural completeness of sentences, the relative completeness of statements, the various structures of phrases. In addition, monological speech is inherent by a rather complex syntax, as well as connectivity, which involves the possession of language means in the process of interfacial communication. Such means are lexical and pronoun repetitions, conjunctions and conjugal adverbs, adverbs or a combination of nouns with an adjective in the role of place and time circumstances, articles, etc. For example, the adverbs of time and consistency are: later, then, after that; the adverbs of cause and effect are: why, that's why, so, at first, firstly, in the second place, secondly, so that, though. As linking means in the monologue they are also used inlanguage formulas which help to begin, continue or end the utterance: to begin with, well, I'd like to tell you this, let's leave it at that, that reminds me, by the way, speaking of; and also show the Ernest attitude to the statement of the speaker: to my mind, there is no doubt, it's quite clear, I'm not sure, people say, therefore, that's why. According to communicative features, monologue speech performs the following functions:
• informative one - presenting message information about the objects or events of the environment, descriptions of phenomena, actions, state;
• influential function - inducing the acts or preventing undesirable actions, conviction of justice of certain opinions, thoughts, actions, beliefs;
• expressive (emotionally expressive) one - use of communication to describe the state in which the speaker is for removal of emotional tension;
• entertaining function - the performance of a situation by a person or displaying positive emotions;
• ritual-worship one - presenting statements during any ritual action (speech about the event).
Each of these functions has its own special linguistic means of expressing thought, the corresponding psychological stimuli and the purpose of the statement (for example, neutral in the stylistic message plan, a desire to persuade the listener or others to make the influence onto the addressee).
Depending on the communicative function and the nature of logical-syntactic relationships between the sentences we'll distinguish the following main types of monologue utterances: a description, a narration and the reflection (reasoning). The basis of this classification is such logical categories, as space, time, cause and effect. The monologue description is a kind of a monologue statement, in which the presence or absence of any signs in an object is stated, it describes a person, nature, weather, surrounding objects, specifies the spatial arrangement of objects, lists their qualities and characteristics.
The syntactic feature of the description of monologue is the predominant use of simple and complex narratives with a listconnecting and sequentially connecting link, grammatical structures, such as: there is (there are); such time-forms as Present Continuous, Present Indefinite, Past Indefinite. The reality of this phenomenon in the description is transmitted in a valid way.
A monologue-narrative is a dynamic type of monologue, in which one talks about the development of events, adventures, actions or states. Reality is perceived in the process of its development and changes in the chronological (temporal) sequence. The main means of expressing the sequence of events in the narrative are the forms of the verb as Past Indefinite and Past Perfect (when, since, one day in the afternoon, yesterday, after that, then). Typical characteristics for a monologue-story are: simple and complex sentences with the application of time.
There are varieties of monologue-narrative, such as a monologue-story and a monologue-message. If the story refers to objective facts from the life of the society as a whole, then the story is about the facts from the life of a storyteller, who gives the description of events of subjective-personal character. The monologue-message is a relatively brief presentation of facts or events of a reality in a concise, informative form. In monologuemessage the dominated ones are simple narrative sentences with verbs in Present Indefinite, Present Perfect, as the message is characterized by temporal uncertainty.
The monologue-reasoning is based on the inferences as a process of thinking, during which a conclusion is made on the basis of the original thesis/ judgment or several abstracts/judgments. Since a pupil has been always solving a problem in the process of reflection, then it is the object of reflection. As for reflection, a causal relationship between sentences is characteristic. In its structure, compound sentences are used with subordinate causes and consequences, subordinate and complementary, as well as infinitive turns.
For example: Children. Tell me about winter using these words: I think; This is; That.
I think winter is very beautiful season of the year. It is cold in winter. There is much snow on the ground. The trees are covered with snow. There are many interesting games in winter. Children like winter very much.
A kind of monologue-reasoning is a monologue-belief. Its goal is to convince the listener / listeners, to form them to have specific motives, points of view and motivate them to certain actions.
At the second stage pupils have to learn modeling statements on a super-level of text discourse. Learning monologue speech at this stage is carried out with the help of various supports: a pictorial one, a verbal support and combined one. The role of image support can play individual drawings, slides, thematic and storyline paintings, compositions on a magnetic board, codograms. They help to create a speech situation, as well as varying it and, accordingly to the last, to present a monologue-reasoning or a monologue-belief by pupils.
In the process of teaching a monologue speech, such effective verbal support is widely used as a logical-structural scheme that provides a logical sequence of expressions and creates opportunities for varying the content of dependence on real circumstances.
In order to study oral speech it is more appropriate to use a sound sample (phonogram) in which after each phrase there is a pause for the expressions of pupils by analogy. However, it should be remembered that gradually the support is necessarily eliminated.
Teacher: You take part in the guide tour for an outing trip. Get ready to speak to members of an international jury. In pauses for a narrator describing Ukraine, present one of the countries of the world (Poland, the USA).
Sp: Ukraine is situated in Europe.
P:... is situated in...
Sp: It is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Asov.
P: It is washed by...
Sp: It has an area of more than 603 thousand square km.
P: It has an area of...
Sp: Ukraine borders on Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Belarus and Russia.
P:... borders on...
Sp: Its capital is Kyiv.
P: Its capital is...
The main task of the third stage is to teach pupils to create monologue statements of the texts' level of various functional-semantic types of speech in the amount provided by the program for this form. The third stage of teaching monolingual speech is characterized by the development of the pupils' ability to express their personal attitude to the facts or events that the schoolchild express; to formulate a critical evaluation and to prove the correctness of any fact; to include into pupils' speech elements of reasoning, argumentation. At the same time there should be increased the level in the volume of speech. Pupils have to pre-assimilate a number of phrases and characteristics of a monologue speech. The inclusion of such phrases into a monologue statement enables pupils to convey their personal attitude to the events and facts having been discussed. All these are conditions for developing learner's autonomy.
The tasks at this stage are formulated in such a way that the pupil can not confine himself/herself to two or three sentences. For example, the teacher says: If you agree with such a statement, give your evidence to prove its justice.
Kyiv is a very beautiful city.
Summer is the best time of the year.
Tennis is the most exciting sport.
By performing such tasks, pupils learn to develop an opinion, pass it on by means of a foreign language, prove the correctness of their statements. All these provide learner's autonomy.
The pace of the activity on the message is also determined by the actual linguistic capabilities of the pupils. If they are high, then the number of stages can be reduced.
The tasks, connected with monologue speech, include:
1. The activity in groups. Teachers divide pupils into 3 groups of 5 persons in the each one, and each group receives a task card. The groups have to complete tasks in 3-4 minutes. Then pupils respond the material aloud.
T: The task: You should advise your classmate to make a right choice. You should consider the personal qualities of your classmates and the traits of the person's character. Discuss the task in groups.
Card № 1.
l. Viktor wants to be a computer programmer.
What personal qualities should he have?
Card № 2.
1Anna wants to be a dress designer.
What personal qualities should she have?
Card № 3.
1.Ira wants to be a journalist.
What personal qualities should she have?
Outside of artistic forms of the activity, the form of a monologue is adopted by a variety of oral expressions, such as the speaker's language, a lecture, speech on the radio and television. Monologue speech has an external addressee; it is characterized by such general features as the presence of it in circulation, as well as pronouns and verbs of the second person, verbs of the commanding inclination and other forms of the expression of will. Language types of a monologue are due to the inherent monologue communicative functions (a story about the event, reasoning, confession, etc.). Thus, a monologue of a narrative type is characterized by a combination of verbal phrases, in which the ratio of temporary forms of verbal sentences is expressed by the sequence of actions, the movement of events. For monologue-reasoning there are such means, which are characterized by typical syntactical constructions, which contain the conclusions, the statements of facts, which convey the logical connection of each phenomenon (constructions of causal, con© Ivashkevych Ernest ditional, admissibility, etc.). A monologue-confession usually combines narrative forms of a language with different forms of reasoning. Focusing on verbal expression, monologues of different types freely allow the use of colloquial and expressively colored vocabulary, exclamations, colloquial and spoken-expressive syntactic constructions, including the constructions of a dialogical language.
So, as a special form of speech the monologue is the most perverse and logically organized message in the process of communication. In order to be effective, monologue speech (a lecture, a report, a real speech, the word of the teacher at the lesson, etc.) should include means of a dialogue: the “turn” phrases, questions, questions in response to actions, particles, introductory words and expressions that allow a teacher to establish a contact with the audience, to call and to maintain the pupils' attention and interest in studying the English language.
The communicative process is the basis of communication, the organization of which depends on understanding the system and the structure of the process, as well as the nature of the communicative act.
The vocabulary is the verbal material that pupils need to learn easily and quickly in the process of communication in English, thereby mastering is a prerequisite for the use of a language as special means of communication. The main purpose of teaching vocabulary is to create the necessary preconditions for the development of speech activity. These questions will be pointed out in our further publications.
So, extensive use of the concept of online studying and the development of its technical internal system capabilities have led to significant changes in the understanding of this term. We define it as a global association of computer networks, an integrated network, web-sites, consisting of different communication networks integrated into a single logical online system. However, this definition no longer covers all aspects of this phenomenon. According to the field of Online Psychology we've rightly pointed out that online studying does not mean a specific network of interconnected computers and mobile devices, or even a network of web-sites with channels and communication devices between components with appropriate programs and protocols, and networks together with social services based on them, which attract people and / or ensure their activities. These social services (the most modern of them are actualized not so much by developers who only give the initial impetus to human initiative and provide tools, but by the users themselves), as a rule, are numerous and diversive; this term is more broader than the common names, such as “social online media” or “a new on-line media”. Online studying is not only and not so much connected to a network of computers (including mobile devices), as pupils in the process of online studying connected by computer networks. In this sense on-line studying is primarily the most actual object of study in Psychology and other Humanities.
Thus, virtual discourse shapes the linguistic consciousness of a nation, social representations, general opinions, patterns of the person's behavior, frames and scenarios or even scripts. Psychologists have proved that the Internet environment is an effective factor in shaping personal value system. We have to underline that digital technologies, for example the Internet, change not only consciousness and behavior, but also their physiological basis of the person, so, the brain. This should also be taken into account when the teacher is organizing online training. In such a way we've to propose the concept of man-made development of the human psyche, according to which the computer is the result of technogenesis; it became an external part of the subject's psyche, where symbolic data was processed by the brain and was placed on a computer, not on a neural medium. Verbal-logical thinking, which operates on symbolic data, uses external memory for data in the text form and searches for key words. Figurative and object-effective thinking, which operates on specific images, uses external memory in the form of virtual reality systems. Teachers are trying to build such a system in the process of on-line learning.
Thus, we showed the significant impact of online studying on the cognitive, emotional, volitional and personal sphere of pupils, the potential possibility of the teacher to influence on the individual's consciousness and self-awareness, social relations of pupils.
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4. Bates D., Maechler M., Bolker B., Walker S. lme4: Linear mixed-effects models using Eigen and S4. Journal of Package Version. 2014. Vol. 1(7). P.1-23.
5. Ivashkevych Ed., Koval I. Psychological Principles of Organization of the Deductive Process at the English Lessons at Secondary Schools. Збірник наукових праць «Проблеми сучасної психології». Кам'янецьПодільський, 2020. Вип. 50. С. 31-52. URL: 32626/2227-6246.2020-50.31-52.
6. Mykhalchuk N., Bihunova S. The verbalization of the concept of “fear” in English and Ukrainian phraseological units. Cognitive Studies | Йtudes cognitives. Warsaw (Poland), 2019. С. 11. URL: https://doi. org/10.11649/cs.2043.
7. Mykhalchuk N., Ivashkevych E. Psycholinguistic Characteristics of Secondary Predication in Determining the Construction of a Peculiar Picture of the World of a Reader. Psycholinguistics. Психолінгвістика. Психолингвистика. Переяслав-Хмельницький, 2019. Вип. 25(1). С. 215-231. URL: https://doi.10.31470/2309-1797-2019-25-1-215231.
8. Mykhalchuk N., Onufriieva L. Psychological Analysis of Different Types of Discourse. Збірник наукових праць «Проблеми сучасної психології». Кам'янець-Подільський, 2020. Вип. 50. С. 188-210. URL: https://
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2. Honcharuk, Nataliia, & Onufriieva, Liana (2018). Psykholohichnyi analiz rivniv pobudovy komunikatyvnykh dii [Psychological analysis of the levels of construction of communicative actions]. Psycholinguistics. Psykholinhvistyka. Psikholingvistika - Psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics, 24(1), 97-117. Retrieved from https:// doi.10.31470/2309-1797-2018-24-1-97-117 [in Ukrainian].
3. Ivashkevych, Ed., & Koval, I. (2020). Psychological Principles of Organization of the Deductive Process at the English Lessons at Secondary Schools. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats «Problemy suchasnoi psykholohii» - Collection of research papers “Problems of modern psychology", 50, 3152. Retrieved from
4. Maksymenko, S., Tkach, B., Lytvynchuk, L., & Onufriieva, L. (2019). Neiropsykholinhvistychne doslidzhennia politychnykh hasel iz zovnishnoi reklamy [A neuropsycholinguistic research of political slogans from outdoor advertising]. Psycholinguistics. Psykholinhvistyka. Psikholingvistika - Psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics, 26(1), 246-264. https://doi.10.31470/2309-1797-2019-26-1-246-264. Retrieved from article/view/715 [in Ukrainian].
5. Mykhalchuk, N., & Bihunova, S. (2019). The verbalization of the concept of “fear” in English and Ukrainian phraseological units. Cognitive Studies | Йtudes cognitives, Warsaw (Poland), 11. Retrieved from https://
6. Mykhalchuk, N., & Ivashkevych, E. (2019). Psycholinguistic Characteristics of Secondary Predication in Determining the Construction of a Peculiar Picture of the World of a Reader. Psycholinguistics. Психолінгвістика. Психолингвистика - Psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics, 25(1), 215-231. Retrieved from https://doi.10.31470/23091797-2019-25-1-215-231.
7. Mykhalchuk, N., & Onufriieva, L. (2020). Psychological Analysis of Different Types of Discourse. Zbirnyk naukovykhprats «Problemy suchasnoi psykholohii» - Collection of research papers “Problems of modern psychology", 50, 188-210. Retrieved from
8. Onufriieva, L.A. (2020). Rozvytok profesionalizmu maibutnikh fakhivtsiv sotsionomichnykh profesii: sotsialno-psykholohichnyi vymir [The development of the professionalism of future specialists of socionomic professions: socio-psychological aspect]. Kyiv: Publisher Bykhun V.Yu. ISBN 978-617-7699-08-7 [in Ukrainian].
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