Formation of teacher's professional competence in the process of heuristic dialogue: theoretical aspect

the basic concepts is substantiated: "competence" - possibility of establishment of communication between knowledge and a situation, "professional competence" - is characterized by level of professional education, experience and individual abilities.

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Formation of teacher's professional competence in the process of heuristic dialogue: theoretical aspect

Protsenko Irina Ivanivna

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,

Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko


Проценко Ірина Іванівна

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент,

доцент кафедри педагогіки, Сумський державний педагогічний

університет імені А.С.Макаренка,

м. Суми, Україна


У представленому дослідженні на основі аналізу філософської, педагогічнї та психологічної наукової літератури обґрунтовано сутніст основних понять: «компетенція» -можливість встановлення зв'язку між знаннями i ситуацією, «професійна компетентність» - характеризується рівнем професійної освіти, досвідом та індивідуальними здібностями людини, її мотивованими прагненнями до безперервної самоосвіти та самовдосконалення, творчим і відповідальним ставленням до справи.

Визначено, що сутність основних дефініцій залежать від змін як у педагогічній практиці так і в теорії педагогічних систем. Зясовано, що формування фахової компетентності як інтегрального результату педагогічної освіти вчителя здійснюється в умовах врaxувaння мoтивaцiйнoї сфери його oco6^TOcri; caмoocвiти, виxoвaння тa caмoвиxoвaння; iндивiдуaлiзaцiї' й дифeрeнцiaцiї' навчання, oптимізації змісту нaвчaльнoгo прoцecу; прoфeciйнo-oрiєнтoвaного xaрaктeру прoцecу нaвчaння; мїжпредметності зв'язків; cтимулювaння їх штреб у рoзширeнні кругoзoру тoщo. Це загальновизнані шляхи фoрмувaння кoмпeтнeнтнocтi, що стають підґрунтям для пошуку нових інноваційних умов для досягнення поставленої мети освіти.

Таким чином, аналіз змісту базових понять дослідження «компетентність», «компетентний», «компетенції» дозволив з'ясувати їх сумісні характеристики та взаємозв'язок між ними. Наведені поняття розкриваються авторами з позицій різних наукових підходів до визначення їх змісту, а саме функціонального та інформаційного. Суть репрезентована через коло функціональних повноважень та інформацію, що дозволяє особі або органу управління приймати обгрунтовані та виважені управлінські рішення

Ключові слова: компетентність, професійна компетентність, Нова українська школа, вчитель Нової української школи, структурні компоненти професійної компетентності, компетенція.


In the presented research on the basis of the analysis of philosophical, pedagogical and psychological scientific literature the essence of the basic concepts is substantiated: «competence» - possibility of establishment of communication between knowledge and a situation, «professional competence» - is characterized by level of professional education, experience and individual abilities. aspirations to continuous self-education and self-improvement, creative and responsible attitude to business.

It is determined that the essence of the basic definitions depends on changes both in pedagogical practice and in the theory of pedagogical systems. It is found out that the formation of professional competence as an integral result of pedagogical education of a teacher is carried out in the conditions of taking into account the motivational sphere of his personality; self-education, upbringing and self-education; individualization and differentiation of training, optimization of the content of the educational process; professionally - oriented nature of the learning process; interdisciplinary connections; stimulating their needs to expand their horizons, etc. These are generally recognized ways of forming competence, which become the basis for finding new innovative conditions to achieve the goal of education. competence professional abilitie

Thus, the analysis of the content of the basic concepts of the study «competence», «competent», «competence» allowed to clarify their compatible characteristics and the relationship between them. These concepts are revealed by the authors from the standpoint of different scientific approaches to determining their content, namely functional and informational. The essence is represented through a range of functional powers and information that allows a person or government body to make informed and informed management decisions.

Key words: competence, professional competence, New Ukrainian school, teacher of the New Ukrainian school, structural components of professional competence, competence.

Formulation of the problem. At the present stage of education development, the introduction of basic teacher competencies, especially professional ones, continues. According to the Concept «New Ukrainian School», modern education is aimed at increasing the level of training of future competitive professionals in demand in the labor market [1]. The state national program «Education» identifies the main ways to improve the national education system: spiritual self-improvement, creative self-realization, improving the professionalism of teachers and more.

Analysis of recent research on the problem. The problem of determining the level of professional competence in the education system, its relationship with the level of professional qualification and improvement of professionalism was studied by domestic and foreign scientists in different periods of the education system: V.I. Bondar, V.I. Maslov, G.V. Fedorov, G.V. Yelnikov.

The purpose of the article is to theoretically study the problem of forming the professional competence of a teacher of the New Ukrainian School.

Presentation of the main research material. In the scientific and pedagogical literature consideration of the meaning of a number of concepts «competence», «competent», «competence», «professional competence», «managerial competence», due to the general purpose of professional pedagogical education, namely: the formation of managerial competence, culture, spirituality . Each of the concepts has a corresponding structure, concepts, content and specific characteristics. «Competence - a word of Latin origin (competens - appropriate) means: 1) the scope of powers of the governing body, official, the range of issues on which they have the right to make decisions. The area authority of certain bodies or persons is established by laws, other by-laws, regulations, instructions, statutes; 2) knowledge, experience in a particular field» [8]. The concept of «competent» (from the Latin competens - proper, responsible) is defined as experienced, knowledgeable in the problem, profession, a particular issue; endowed with the right, authorized, full-fledged to carry out certain operations, to make decisions.

The content of the concept of «competence» (from the Latin competentia - belonging by right) is interpreted as a set of powers (rights and responsibilities), which in a particular field of activity endowed with institutions, enterprises, organizations or officials. According to many scholars, the notion that «competence» refers to the realm of skills, not just knowledge, seems resolved. «Competence is a general ability of a person, which is based on knowledge, experience, values, inclinations and which is acquired through learning. Competence is not reduced to knowledge or skills. To be competent means to be a scientist or an educator» [9]. In addition, it is necessary to distinguish between the basic concepts of the concept of competence and ability. Ability is the actions of a person (doing) in a specific situation, it is a manifestation of competence or ability (a capability), or the ability to perform actions in a specific situation.

Competence should be considered as an opportunity to establish a connection between knowledge and the situation or in a broader sense as the ability to find, identify a procedure (knowledge and action) that is suitable for solving a problem, situation, but in any case should not simplify the concept competencies.

The spread of the concept of «competence» in the sense of «skill» deserves the attention of scientists and practitioners due to the fact that changes in terminology often bring profound changes in both pedagogical practice and in the theory of pedagogical systems. The most significant are the following [9]:

1) the concept of competence has entered the social sciences in general, in particular, pedagogy, psychology, management and in the field of work and organizations; 2) reforming the education system causes feelings of dissatisfaction and discomfort in the aspect of modernization of the content of professional training; 3) the rapid emergence of new and aging previously acquired knowledge, which now fit into the practical experience of several generations and strengthen people's belief that future generations should learn throughout life; 4) changes in practice and technologies in the education system occur as a result of slow changes in the methods and mechanisms of management and regulation of educational systems.

Competence cannot be determined by a specific amount of knowledge and skills, as its manifestation largely depends on the circumstances. To be competent means to be able to mobilize the received knowledge and experience in the given situation. When considering the concept of «competence», attention is paid to the specific situations in which they manifest themselves.

Thus, competencies are not reduced to knowledge or skills. It is often possible to meet people who have a lot of knowledge, but can not mobilize it properly in the right situation, when it is possible to implement them.

Recently, the term «key competencies» is widely used in scientific circulation, which is considered as tools that open doors and access to new situations. «Key competence is a defined competence because it meets the conditions of implementation, which are to some extent universal». In terms of professional training of directors of institutions, it is easy to understand for what reason they prefer the development of subjects of a wide range of competencies, which can manifest themselves in a variety of situations and conditions. Acquisition of competence is based on the experience and activities of the subjects. This view is shared by many European education experts [7].

The traditional approach to the educational process is mainly focused on the formation of a set of knowledge, skills and abilities. This often results in the graduate becoming a well-informed professional but unable to use this information in their professional activities.

The solution to this problem is the use of new educational technologies, the use of which allows you to shift the emphasis to the following important points: self-government; self-regulation; selfcontrol; the student's activity.

This allows, in addition to the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities of the specialist, to develop and develop professional competencies that determine socio-professional mobility of the specialist.

The formation of professional competence is aimed at developing professionally important personality traits, increasing the level of productivity, mastering the subject of professional activity, improving knowledge, skills, abilities, mastering new methods and technologies of the profession, forming the foundations of professional skills of students.

According to O. Polyakova, the category of «professional competence» is determined mainly by the level of professional education, experience and individual abilities, motivated aspirations for continuous self-education and self-improvement, creative and responsible attitude to work. Elements of all these qualities should be present not only in the structure and content of general education, but also in the structure of literacy [4].

In modern research, professional competence is substantiated both in the professional and by drawing an analogy between them. Exploring professional competence, N. Tarasevich defines its obligatory component as professional, interpreting it as a component of the specialist's preparedness, which is manifested in his ability and readiness to carry out a specific type of professional activity [5].

Most researchers use the term «professional competence» as a characteristic of a person's professional activity. І. О. Palshkova argues that the professional competence of people working in the system «man-man» is determined by basic knowledge and skills, values, motives for his work, his understanding of himself in the world and the world around him, style of interaction with people, general culture, ability to the development of creative potential [11].

In conducting a critical analysis of the classification of professionally significant qualities of teachers, in our opinion, researchers should take into account that personality qualities are determined primarily by abilities and character, and complex features of ability, such as organizational and managerial, are specified in individual professional abilities, and it is necessary to clearly outline and justify the basis of classification.

Professional competence in any field is a necessary component of a person's involvement in culture. The professional experience of a manager is reflected in his activities related to the implementation of job functions and solving professional problems and situations. As for the professional activity of a teacher, the issue of competence is directly related to professionalism. Professionalism acts as a necessary condition for the manifestation of competence, competence is an indicator of the degree of compliance, adequacy of professionalism and the content of the competence of the position.

The first condition that ensures the effectiveness of professional training of students is the development of a system of educational and professional tasks aimed at the formation of general cultural and professional competencies. The system of tasks is represented by professionally oriented, search-oriented, heuristic and reflexive tasks. The basis for the classification and selection of tasks is the socio-professional orientation of the personality and activities of students.

The interaction of the teacher and the student plays an important role in the pedagogical process. As a second condition, we consider dialogic interaction. “Dialogization is understood as a specific educational situation (environment) that arises on the basis of subject-subject relations, when each student is considered by the teacher in all its uniqueness and uniqueness. Dialogue, in turn, acts as a universal principle that regulates the course and nature of changes in the educational environment.

Pedagogical communication - a specific interpersonal interaction between teacher and student, mediating the acquisition of knowledge and personality development in the educational process.

Often pedagogical communication is defined in psychology as the interaction of the subjects of the pedagogical process, carried out by symbolic means and aimed at significant changes in the properties, states, behavior and personal and semantic formations of partners. Communication is an integral element of pedagogical activity; outside it it is impossible to achieve the goals of training and education.

In our opinion, the following provisions are of special importance in the characterization of these relations: active position of the student in the learning process, namely purposefulness, goal setting, flexibility, diligence, independence, initiative, persistence, creative approach to the learning process; equality of personalities of teacher and student; joint problem solving and decision making as a way of interaction; game, dialogue, teamwork as the main organizational forms that implement professional training of managers in the pedagogical process.

The essence of pedagogical communication is humanistic, as it assumes: the uniqueness of the subjects and their fundamental equality; differences and variability of points of view of each of the participants of interaction; orientation of each subject on perception and active interpretation of his point of view by other subjects; mutual correlation and complementarity of positions of communication participants; personal orientation of the purposes and the maintenance of interaction; predicting the answer and anticipating it in one's own statement; improvised nature of communication, involving the expression of free activity of the subject, generating new information; clash of existing ideas and points of view; generation of fundamentally new spiritual products in the process of creative synthesis.

The humanization of pedagogical communication helps to understand the mechanism development as a creation of man himself, as self-development and self-improvement; educational activity - as an activity to transform the content of education, in which the subject is born and improved, acquires a holistic human image.

The teacher's communication with his students is a chain interconnected interdependent with each other, carried out in various forms and circumstances of contacts.

One of the criteria of productive pedagogical communication is creating a favorable psychological climate, which, in turn, would contribute to the formation of certain interpersonal relationships “teacher-student”.

There are several forms of interaction:

Subject-object, where the student is the object, and the teacher is the subject;

Subject-subject, which defines the student as a subject.

Effective interaction is possible when it is carried out according to certain rules.

In individual communication with students, the teacher always has an initial psychological attitude, it is necessary to unravel the student to discover his talents, to discover everything valuable that is inherent in his character: it is a kind of temperament, leading modalities, styles of activity. All this knowledge must be possessed by the teacher for effective communication with his students in the educational process. Everyone needs their own specific - specific, individualized style of communication.

The end result of the training ultimately depends on the style of the teacher. Psychophysiological features of the teacher's personality give his activity characteristic features that determine the individual teaching style.

The knowledge and ability of the teacher to support his students in a situation of failure is necessary so that the student does not lose interest in learning activities, that he has a desire to overcome difficulties, increased self-esteem. The teacher's personality, his professional communication, his success are the key to the success of teaching and educating students. And relations built on the basis of mutual respect equality of participation, belief in ability, give the chance of self-realization and personal development of each of participants of educational process. But we must not forget about the role of positive emotions, which are a necessary condition for the activity of the cognitive process organized by teachers in the classroom.

The very act of perceiving educational information in a state of emotional comfort or even uplift becomes richer, more voluminous and more impressive. The transition of knowledge into the inner world of the individual is impossible without emotional experience, biased thinking. Intellectual feelings (surprise, joy of discovery, insight - insight, feelings of mystery) are an important psychological component of cognitive interest. Without their arousal in class by special techniques, with excessive rationality of presentation, cognitive interest fades, is not activated. Psychologists note that positive emotional well-being, comfort, brightly colored emotions stimulate a positive attitude to the subject, even in students with reduced cognitive needs and dramatically increase the brain's receptivity to educational information. Emotions are very noticeable stimulators of such important, cognitive in nature, mental processes as memory and attention. Positively colored emotions increase the strength of associations, brighter, better remembered images that were perceived emotionally. The same applies to attention: the source of emotional experiences captures a person's attention sometimes so much that it completely absorbs him. Emotions are just as important in knowing another person's inner world. Only in the mode of active empathy, emotional response the student can evaluate, understand, feel, join the offered values, life meanings, make them an organic part of his personal experience, his worldview.

The third pedagogical condition is the organization of systematic control. It is known that the successful organization of control, ensuring the implementation of all its functions, is subject to certain requirements for the construction of a feedback system of the teacher with students. As control is an integral part of the educational process and performs the functions of teaching and education, it is necessary to create psychological comfort for students. Monitoring is carried out systematically throughout the training. This allows to ensure the strength of knowledge acquisition and make the necessary adjustments in the implementation of the learning process. For the successful course of the pedagogical process, we have chosen a point-rating form of control, which is as follows. Preliminary (input), and then current and final control is carried out. Using the rating (assessment system), we solve such tasks as the unity of the implementation of all functions of learning - educational, upbringing and development; influence on internal processes of students, their enrichment; rising to a new, higher level of the learning process; updating the content of the work, which means increasing the cognitive interest in learning; development of positive motivation for classes. This system is usually used in the higher education system, but as practice shows it can be successfully used in the SPO system.

The value of such a system is that students can plan their own assessment and compare their success with the success of peers in the number of points scored. The rating system allows for systematic accounting of knowledge and skills. It requires students to work systematically and consistently, assesses specific skills, adjusts to the active activity and responsibility of students for decisions on the choice of knowledge, creates freedom of choice of tasks and duration of its implementation, teaches students to be responsible for their preparation and not accumulate debts. at the end of the year. «The use of point-rating system for assessing students' knowledge is aimed at improving the pedagogical process based on the regulation of control activities in the discipline, structuring and activation of independent learning work of students, improving the objectivity of assessment and results of final control activities» [3, p. 56].

The choice of the above conditions is based on current trends in education and leading advances in pedagogy and psychology. Their practical implementation contributes to the disclosure of the creative potential of the student's personality, taking into account his interests, abilities, capabilities, the development of the subjective position. All this creates a foundation for the effective formation of cultural and professional competencies.

The initial indicator of professional competence of a teacher of the New Ukrainian school in the current situation is the sphere of relations to a person, as a teacher works in the system «man- man». It is worth paying attention to the structural components of the professional competence of the teacher of the New Ukrainian School: personal and humanitarian orientation, systematic perception of educational reality, ability to integrate other experiences, creativity as a way of being in the profession.

According to I. Onyschenko, who draws an analogy between professional and professional competence of teachers of the New Ukrainian School, and quite successfully, in our opinion, substantiates the main components of this competence, in particular the author singles out: motivational component provides positive motivation of teachers to manifest and develop professional and pedagogical competence in the process of heuristic dialogue, which is expressed in the interest in pedagogical activities, the desire to work as a teacher, in the process of heuristic dialogue with students and colleagues, the need for self-education, self-development; the content component includes such elements of competence as the possession of scientific professional and pedagogical knowledge (psychological and pedagogical, methodological, special, general education, management, information technology), the ability to think pedagogically based on the system of knowledge and experience of cognitive activity; operational-activity component of professional competence of a teacher covers operational-activity basic competences: ability to practically solve pedagogical tasks, professional experience, creative abilities, mastery of pedagogical technologies and pedagogical management, professional thinking; the personal component of a teacher's professional competence is represented by such personal and professionally important personality qualities (love for children, kindness, altruism, empathy, tolerance, moral purity, sociability, congruence, activity, independence, initiative, creativity, flexibility of thinking); the reflexive component of professional competence is realized in the reflexive skills of the personality, which allow to carry out reflexive processes effectively and adequately, to realize reflexive skills to ensure the processes of self-knowledge, self-development and self-improvement [9].

Conclusions and prospects for further exploration

In our opinion, these components fully reveal the structure of professional competence of teachers and contribute to a clear identification of ways of its development. The formation of professional competence as an integral result of pedagogical education of a teacher is carried out in the conditions of taking into account the motivational sphere of his personality; self-education, upbringing and self-education; individualization and differentiation of training, optimization of the content of the educational process; professionally-oriented nature of the learning process; interdisciplinary connections; stimulating their needs to expand their horizons, etc. These are generally recognized ways of forming competence, which become the basis for finding new innovative conditions to achieve the goal of education.

Thus, the analysis of the content of the basic concepts of the study «competence», «competent», «competence» allowed to clarify their compatible characteristics and the relationship between them. These concepts are revealed by the authors from the standpoint of different scientific approaches to determining their content, namely functional and informational. The essence is represented through a range of functional powers and information that allows a person or management body to make sound and informed management decisions.

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  • The applied science model. The basic assumptions underlying this model. Received and experiential knowledge. Oldest form of professional education. The most advanced modern teaching strategies. Projects for the development of creative abilities.

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  • Modern education system in the UK. Preschool education. The national curriculum. Theoretical and practical assignments. The possible scenarios for post-secondary education. Diploma of higher professional education. English schools and parents' committees.

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  • The education system in the United States of America. Pre-school education. Senior high school. The best universities of national importance. Education of the last level of training within the system of higher education. System assessment of Knowledge.

    презентация [1,4 M], добавлен 06.02.2014

  • Study the history of opening of the first grammar and boarding-schools. Description of monitorial system of education, when teacher teaches the monitors who then pass on their knowledge to the pupils. Analysis the most famous Universities in Britain.

    презентация [394,4 K], добавлен 29.11.2011

  • History of school education system in the USA. The role of school education in the USA. Organisation of educational process in American schools. Reforms and innovations in education that enable children to develop their potential as individuals.

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  • The basic tendencies of making international educational structures with different goals. The principles of distance education. Distance learning methods based on modern technological achievements. The main features of distance education in Ukraine.

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  • Development of skills of independent creative activity in the process of game on the lessons of English. Psychological features of organization of independent work and its classification. Development of independence student in the process of teaching.

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  • The impact of the course Education in Finland on my own pedagogical thinking and comparison of the Finnish school system and pedagogy with my own country. Similarities and differences of secondary and higher education in Kazakhstan and Finland.

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