Pre-professional training of pupils in the educational environment of the lyceum

The results of scientific analysis of the concept of pre-professional training as a system of psychological, pedagogical, informational and organizational activities in primary school. Importance of cross-cutting career guidance in educational process.

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Дата добавления 17.02.2023
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L. Yo. Sokoliuk Teacher of the І category, Deputy Principal for Educational Work (Zhytomyr City Lyceum № 1 of Zhytomyr City Council), R. K. Romaniuk Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Candidate of Biological Sciences (PhD in Biology), Docent Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences

(Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University), S. Yu. Shevchuk Candidate of Biological Sciences (PhD in Biology), Docent (Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University)

The article presents the results of scientific analysis of the concept of pre-professional training as a system of psychological, pedagogical, informational and organizational activities in primary school, which is designed to fully ensure the realization of interests, inclinations and abilities of students. It is established that pre-professional training is the basis for choosing the profile (future profession) and place of study, creates prerequisites for life and professional self-determination, realization of personal potential, and is the key to successful reform of senior specialized school. The importance of cross-cutting career guidance at all levels of the educational process is emphasized not only by psychologists and class teachers, but also by teachers of biology and basics of health, in the study of higher nervous activity in particular (section "Mental and spiritual component of health" in 8th and 9th grades). The professional inclinations and monitoring of the formation of professional interests of 8th grade students of Zhytomyr City Lyceum № 1 of Zhytomyr City Council was carried out with the help of differential diagnostic questionnaire designed by E. Klimov, methods of diagnosing the professional orientation developed by B. Bass as well as the author's questionnaire for students. It is identified that one third of 8th grade lyceum students are motivated to acquire a future profession, as well as professional development and improvement; the vast majority of students decided on the future profile of study; however, the lack of a unified focus of professional

interests and the diversity of professional types of students, especially in groups of future mathematical studies, had its impact on overall statistical results.

The practical experience of organizing pre-professional training in the educational environment of the lyceum is generalized. The method of conducting research training in biology is described, which contributes to the knowledge of one's own temperament and the ratio of one's abilities, aptitudes with further education and future profession.

Key words: pre-professional career guidance, professional self-determination, training, teacher of biology and basics of health.

Introduction of the issue. The modern education system is on the way to the rapid implementation of reforms of the New Ukrainian School (NUS), which is considered a key area of educational change in Ukraine [2]. The legal framework of Ukraine takes a course for specialized education, which provides for real and planned renewal of high school, its transformation into an independent three- year institution with two main areas - academic (focused on in-depth study of individual subjects and continuing

education in higher education) and professional (combines basic education and obtaining a specialty focused on the labor market). Pre-professional training and specialized training should be organized in such a way as to optimally find a balance between the interests, inclinations, abilities, capabilities of each student and the demands of society, the requirements of the modern labor market.

Scientists, managers in the field of education, teachers-practitioners emphasize the important role of pre- professional training and career guidance work, consider their guarantee of successful reform of high school. Helping students to choose an individual educational trajectory and future profession is increasingly becoming the responsibility not only of the school psychologist, but also of the subject and class teacher. That is why the readiness to carry out career guidance work and pre- professional training at school becomes an important component of the professional competence of a modern teacher.

Current state of the issue. Thus, analysis of the corresponding sources indicates the intensity of scientific research to solve problems of pre-professional training and career guidance work at school. Study devoted to the psychological support of the organization of pre- professional training in primary school and specialized training of high school students conducted by S. Maksymenko [8],

O. Tytarenko, K. Stoianovka [15]. The question of the psychological and pedagogical aspect of the student's readiness to study in specialized classes of biological direction is revealed in the work of S. Siabro [16], and pedagogical conditions of preparation of senior pupils for a choice of a profession in the conditions of profile-based professional training became a subject of research of

L. Turchyna [18]. The problem of readiness of teachers to carry out career guidance work, pre-professional training of students, work in a specialized school is revealed in monographs written by O. Blazhka (on the example of chemistry teachers) [1] and

R. Romaniuk (biology teachers) [13].

The research of L. Lypova and co- authors is devoted to the issue of organization of the school center of pre- professional training, specialized training and vocational guidance [7]. The methodology of career guidance work at school was the subject of scientific research conducted by V. Rohoza [12]. In the research of L. Lazarenko [6], H. Kholod [20], L. Shvachych [21] and others' the necessity of career guidance work, starting from the 5th grade was substantiated.

In addition, recently (2021) the Ukrainian Institute for Educational Development with the support of the European Union under the EU program "EU4Skills: best skills for modern Ukraine" presented for public discussion the concept of "Professional Guidance in the New Ukrainian School" [5]. The document states that despite the great need and understanding of the importance of career guidance work carried out by students, parents, teachers, heads of GSEI (general secondary education institutions), today there is no systematic activity on this issue as well as insufficient human and resource potential for its implementation currently available, including the exploitation of outdated ineffective forms and methods of career guidance. The authors of the Concept propose a new approach through a thorough professional orientation in the NUS at all levels of complete general secondary education; introduction of a separate vocational guidance course in basic and specialized schools (for example, 8th and 10th grades); internships and volunteering in the workplace; emphasize the need to train qualified career counselors and / or specially trained teachers, psychologists, etc. [5: 13-16]. Such a system has been operating effectively in developed countries abroad for many years [9; 18; 25; 26], however, unfortunately, it has not become the norm in domestic educational institutions.

Despite the understanding of the importance of pre-professional training, most scientific and pedagogical research in this area is theoretical. Career guidance

work is carried out today in the Ukrainian GSEI unsystematically and mainly in the graduating classes, which is not effective enough.

Aim of research is the generalization of practical experience in organizing pre- professional training in the educational environment of the lyceum (on the example of Zhytomyr City Lyceum № 1 of Zhytomyr City Council (ZCL № 1 ZCC)).

Results and discussion. The concept of "pre-professional training" in the domestic pedagogical science appeared in 2003 with the adoption of the "Concept of specialized training in high school" [3] and was developed in subsequent editions of this document.

Pre-professional training is a component of specialized primary school education (mostly grades 8-9); system of psychological and pedagogical, informational and organizational activities, which is designed to fully ensure the realization of interests, inclinations and abilities of students through appropriate changes in the structure, content, objectives and organization of the learning process. Pre-professional training ensures continuity between primary and secondary school. It is the basis for choosing the profile, direction and place of study, creates the conditions for life and professional self-determination, the realization of the potential of an individual on the basis of psychological and pedagogical support [4]. According to representatives of employment services, the best setup for a person is a combination of several components: "I want", "I can", "I can and I know", "I need at the moment". Graduates of schools must make a conscious, informed choice of profession, understanding the prospects of completing a particular level of education and correlating it with their capabilities, skills, abilities and so on.

Recent studies suggest the need for a propaedeutic phase of pre-professional learning from the 5th grade. Thus,

L. Shvachych proposes to carry out pre- professional training in two stages. The first stage (grades 5-7) aims to form the profile

interests (interest in specific profession/occupation) of students through the development of motives for cognition, conscious choice of level and direction of educational activities. Various forms of extracurricular activities (clubs, subject weeks, competitions, tournaments, etc.) play leading role in this process. At the second stage (grades 8-9) the formation of profile intentions (intentions to qualify for a particular profession/occupation) takes place. The primary role is played by school subjects and selective courses, selectives, the implementation of their applied orientation, enrichment with career guidance content [21]. A similar periodization is proposed in the studies of

L. Lazarenko [6].

H. Kholod's research proposes three stages of pre-professional training: propaedeutic (5th, 6th, beginning of 7th grade), basic (end of 7th, 8th, beginning of 9th grade) and corrective (end of 9th grade). The researcher believes that under the influence of the educational process, extracurricular educational work until the end of 7th grade, the student is self- identifying, forming an idea of their own interests, abilities, capabilities, guidelines for future profession. This allows to choose the right selective courses, selectives, the study of which during grades 8-9 will allow him/her to make the final decision on the choice of study profile [20].

The Concept of Professional Orientation in the New Ukrainian School emphasizes the importance of cross-professional guidance at all levels of the educational process (from primary to senior school). The authors consider it necessary to introduce appropriate topics in educational programs, to provide special training for subject teachers, class teachers and/or psychologists, social educators for career guidance. This will establish a link between disciplines and professional clusters, explore the demand for certain specialties in regional and local labor markets, meet successful people in the profession, examples of successful careers, etc. [5: 15- 17].

We agree with the previous authors and

believe that pre-professional training is an important component of vocational guidance, and the key age group for its implementation are students of grades 8-9. Educational institutions of Ukraine have accumulated a lot of successful experience in the practical implementation of pre- professional training of students. Among such educational institutions is Zhytomyr City Lyceum № 1 of Zhytomyr City Council, where students of 8-11 grades are being educated. This is one of the best educational institutions not only in Zhytomyr region, but also in Ukraine, which got into the top 50 institutions in the ranking of "TOP-200 schools in Ukraine according to the results of the External Evaluation 2021". Admission to the lyceum is on a competitive basis, students have a high level of motivation to study, familiar with the future profiles of high school - mathematics and foreign philology. Pre- professional training of students of 8-9th grades is carried out in two directions: in- depth study of subjects of mathematical or social-humanitarian cycle, which logically ensures the continuity of learning profiles.

We believe that the study of professional inclinations of students and monitoring the formation of their professional interests allows to effectively provide psychological support to students to consciously choose the educational profile in high school, and in the long run, he/she will get ready for the future profession. In addition to the importance of the school psychologist in choosing the future educational trajectory of the lyceum student, the leading role, in our opinion, belongs to the class teacher, as well as the teacher of biology and basics of health. In the system of psychological support of pre-professional training of students, it is important to analyze the practical component of subjects, specific topics, the study of which can introduce elements of self-knowledge, study of students' personal sphere for comprehensive development and choice of future profession instead of blindly meeting the expectations of others (friends, parents, teachers).

The study of professional inclinations

and interests of students was carried out by the authors during extracurricular activities during 2021-2022 academic year. The sample consisted of 90 students of 8th grades of Zhytomyr City Lyceum № 1 of Zhytomyr City Council (groups 01 and 03 of mathematical profile, group 02 of philological profile, 30 students each) [11]. After that, biology training sessions were held, which contributed to the knowledge of one's temperament and the relationship between one's abilities, inclinations and further education and future profession.

Such methods were used during the research experiment:

1) differential-diagnostic questionnaire by E. Klimov [19]; online access profes%D1%96yu/viznachiti- sxiln%D1%96st/;

2) methods of diagnosis of professional orientation of the individual (B. Bass) [11];

3) questionnaire for students "Interest in professional self-determination" [19].

Results analysis. The analysis of the results of the questionnaire was carried out according to the three above-mentioned methods.

1) analysis of the results of psychodiagnostic research by the method of "E. Klimov's differential-diagnostic questionnaire" shows the diversity of choices of types of professions by students of different profiles (Fig. 1).

In particular, among the students of group 01 the diversity of types of students' profiles and the lack of a unified orientation of professional interests of the group were revealed (Fig. 1). Among the representatives of group 02, the largest number of students (40%) is characterized by a pronounced tendency to professions such as "Man - artistic image", which is quite expected and predicted for students in the philological profile group, and 30% of respondents prefer "Man - man". Lyceum students of group 03 also do not have a single orientation of professional interests by types of professions in groups, but 31.2% of students prefer "Man

– man", "Man - nature" oriented professions; 25% - "Man - artistic image" and critically few (1 respondent) chose the "Man -

technology" field (fig. 1).

Fig. 1. The choice of types of professions by lyceum students (M-M - man-man, M-A - man-artistic image, M-S - man-sign system, M-N - man-nature, M-T - man-

This result is probably due to the lack of motivation to continue studying in the mathematics class and choosing a future profession in a field that requires knowledge in the exact sciences. Diagnosis has shown the need for a system of psychological support in groups of future mathematical training (01 and 03). We believe that one of the reasons for the lack of a single focus of professional interests is that some high school students are focused on future medical, agricultural, veterinary, biotechnological, sports and other similar professions, thus they choose a mathematical profile by force in the absence of lyceum classes of natural sciences.

1) analysis of the survey on the method of diagnosing the professional orientation of the personality designed by B. Bass allows us to analyze the level of maturity of personal professionally oriented motives for choosing the future profile of high school education. Thus, the results of lyceum students of group 01 show that 50% of students have a focus on communication, 26.7 focused on work and professional competencies, 23.3% have a focus on themselves. Similar results of lyceum students of group 02, who study in-depth subjects of the social and humanitarian cycle (56.7% are focused on communication, 26.7 on work,

16.7 on themselves). As for the results of the group 03 survey, they are set for their own future: 40% of respondents marked work and development of professional competencies, 33.3 chose communication and 26.7% are focused on themselves. The generalized results of diagnostics of the orientation of the personality of lyceum students are presented in fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Results of diagnostics of professional orientation of 8th grade students

Thus, these results indicate a predominant orientation of students to communication (47%), the desire to maintain relationships with people, focus on social acceptance, dependence on the group, the need for emotional connection, which corresponds to age- specific psychological characteristics. Positively, almost a third of students (31%) are motivated to acquire a future profession, professional development and improvement. They are interested in carrying out tasks, focused on cooperation, seek to defend their own opinion in the interests of the common cause, useful for achieving a common goal. Some students (22%) are still self- centered, worried about direct rewards and satisfaction, show a tendency to rivalry, anxiety, desire for power, which does not create the conditions for full disclosure of personality for conscious choice of future educational profile, because personal problems are crucial, and conflicts hinder self-knowledge and self-development.

2) the author's questionnaire "Interest in professional self-determination" has become an auxiliary factor that allows to explore the degree of certainty of students with future professions, educational profiles and whether they have a strong interest in learning certain subjects.

The results of the survey show that students of group 01 are interested in studying subjects of environmental sciences and mathematics, art, technical subjects. Only 6 students indicated one profession that they have already identified in the future, 13 indicated either several professions or only the field of knowledge with which this profession is related, the remaining 11 students did not decide on their future profession at all. A similar trend is observed in the selection of the future profile of high school education. The majority (16 people) choose a mathematical profile of study, six

– several profiles of study, including mathematics, three students would like to study philology, environmental sciences or have not yet been able to determine.

Questionnaire of students of group 02 indicates interest in subjects of philology and art. Regarding the readiness to choose the profile of study, 27 students are ready to choose one, in this case the philological profile of study, which correlates with the previous results of psychodiagnostics of students of group

02. The rest are still to be determined by choosing several options. As for the choice of profession, 9 students decided, six hesitated, noting several professions, the rest do not even indicate the field of activity.

The analysis of the survey of students of group 03 shows the interest of students in the subjects of environmental sciences, mathematics and art. As for the choice of educational profile, 16 students see their future in the mathematics profile, five indicated two profiles, including philology, as many chose the environmental field, four students did not decide on this issue. Regarding the choice of profession, only

12 students decided on their future

profession, 10 students did not decide, 8 chose several possible options for their professional future.

The generalized results of 8th grade lyceum students regarding the choice of educational profile and professional future are presented in fig. 3, 4.

Fig. 3. Peculiarities of choosing a profile of study in high school

Fig. 4. Self-determination of students in the professional future
(A - of each group, individuals% B - in general on lyceum students of 8th grade, %)

Analyzing the quantitative indicators of Аналізуючи кількісні показники

student survey results, we can state that the percentage of students who did not decide on the future profile of high school education and made ambiguous choices, indicating several possible options is about 22%, the remaining 78% clearly indicated future profile of learning that correlates with results of previous psychodiagnostic studies. However, the choice of future profession causes significant difficulties for eighth graders.

The Concept of Professional Orientation in the New Ukrainian School specifically emphasizes that systematic professional and vocational guidance should be introduced in educational institutions, which will help in making conscious decisions about future learning and directions of professional development. This desire is expressed by 88% of students, 92% of parents, supported by 95% of heads of educational institutions and 86% of teachers [5: 6]. One of the ways of such work is a thorough professional orientation during the study of school subjects.

After analyzing the content of the program material on the subjects of "Biology" and "Fundamentals of Health" in grades 8-9, we identified topics and sections that have the greatest career potential, focus on self-knowledge and study of personality traits and abilities. In particular, the topic "Higher Nervous Activity" in the 8th grade biology curriculum and the section "Mental and spiritual components of health" in the 8th and 9th grade health basics program seemed the most promising. The program material is aimed at orientation and awareness of students of the role of self- education in the formation and development of personality; the importance of personal traits of temperament and features of character to perform certain activities; the importance of memory for human intellectual development and success in certain activities; reasons for individual characteristics of human behavior; understanding the importance of self- knowledge and self-study of an individual as an important component in deciding

on the choice of profession [10].

Curricula contain practical work that is part of their activity component. Thus, in the study of biology in the 8th grade there is a research workshop for students entitled "Determining the type of higher nervous activity and temperament properties", which can be conducted for career guidance with the help of interactive and training methods of interaction. The curriculum on the basics of health in the 9th grade includes practical work "Identification of professional aptitudes" and a mini-project "Labor market research based on media materials" and/or an excursion to the employment center.

In order to test the effectiveness of various forms of pre-professional training and professional guidance of students, we conducted a research workshop "How does our temperament type affect professional choices?". According to the organization of the educational process in ZCL № 1 ZCC, subject "Biology" is conducted in pairs, which allows to implement: elements of training, interactive teaching methods, debates, case studies, role and business games, analysis of stories and life situations, exercises for critical thinking development, art-therapeutic techniques, methods of project activities of students, etc. (if this is not possible, an integrated pair lesson in biology and basics of health can be conducted). Table 1 summarizes the structure of the lesson.

Table 1

The structure of the research workshop "How does our temperament type affect

professional choices?"

Name of the



Exercise description




Get acquainted with

Participants are located in a circle.



the participants of

Everyone is asked to name themselves


with a name".

the training, create a

and the dish (or profession, movie, etc.)


friendly atmosphere

that begins with the first letter of his/her

with training

of interaction, set up

name. Each subsequent participant


for further work.

names the previous participants, their

associations, and then completes the

same task him/her. The exercise ends

with the result of the uniqueness and

individuality of each participant.

Name of the exercise


Exercise description



Updating the training topic, approving the rules of the group.

Pay attention to the relevance of the research workshop, the importance for each student as well as to develop rules of group interaction.

The trainer announces the topic of the workshop to students, draws attention to the importance of self-knowledge in the formation of a mature personality capable of being responsible for their choices. It is suggested to develop rules of group work, some rules are suggested by the trainer, students choose important ones and

suggest their own, which are registered / attached to the board.

5 min.


Exercise "My expectations from the workshop".

To help participants realize their own expectations from the training, to practice the skills of goal setting.

The trainer invites all participants to formulate their own expectations about the knowledge, skills and qualities they would like to gain during the lesson. Pre- prepared stickers and pens are given to each participant. Students write down

their expectations and attach them to the board.

5 min.


Information message

"Temperament and its types".

Provide information on HNA and the

main types of temperament.

Презентація до інформаційного повідомлення тренера "Темперамент

людини (холерик, сангвінік, флегматик, меланхолік)".




Exercise "My temperament type"

Research of individual features of HNA, determine type of temperament (conducted by each


Students explore their temperament type using the online resource and get an individual result immediately.



BREAK - 5 min.


Warm-up game "Story from the bag"

Relieve the

psychological burden, give participants a break and tune in to the next exercises, activate the sense of personality.

Participants randomly take an object out of the bag (the trainer must prepare various items: a pen, candy, eraser, sticker, marker, etc.). The task of the student who pulled out an object blindly is to present himself on behalf of this object. For example, "I am a pencil - slender, useful for everyone, etc." Summing up the results of the warm-up game, the trainer draws the participants' attention to the fact that the personal traits of each participant are very well manifested in the game, because each of those present in the room has his/her

own view of things around us and life in general.




Work in mini- groups "Temperament and professions that are most suitable and which are not"

Establish causal

links between individual characteristics of

HNA and the effectiveness of the individual in certain professions, develop

critical thinking

Students are divided into mini-groups according to the type of temperament (according to the results of the previously passed online test). 4 groups are formed: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic. Each group should develop and depict on the whiteboard/sheet of

paper the characteristics of the studied type of temperament and those



Name of the exercise


Exercise description


skills, ability to work in groups, etc.

professions in which this type of temperament will be successful, as well as those that will not suit him/her due to personal characteristics and type of HNA.

Students are provided with support materials that they can use while working.


Group presentations

Development of skills of presentation of work, ability to substantiate own point of view.

Each team demonstrates its teamwork. During the presentation there is a discussion, members of other groups can add professions to the lists under each

type of temperament. The coach conducts the summary.




Completion of the training questionnaire- reflection.

Investigate the impact of training on the level of awareness of participants about the impact of personality traits on the choice of profession in the


The participants of the training fill in the questionnaire-reflection.

5 min.


Exercise "Meat grinder, suitcase, trash can".

Reflection. Completion of training.

Each student takes his/her own sheet of records of expectations and puts them in a suitcase if he/she thinks that he/she has gained new and useful knowledge in class; in a meat grinder if he/she needs to think and process something; attaches to the trash can if he/she thinks he/she has not received anything useful. Students express their impressions of the training, wishes, thoughts, awareness. The trainer summarizes the work of the training group.

5 min.

Research workshop: "How does our temperament type affect professional choice?" was introduced in ZCL № 1 ZCC after studying the professional inclinations of 8th grade students. It should be noted that this form of work with adolescents promotes better learning, has a practical research orientation, helps to establish close interaction between training participants, improves group dynamics, forms friendly relations between students and focuses training participants on individual orientation of the research component.

Students were happy to perform exercises and tasks, showed motivated activity, learnt how to logically substantiate their thoughts, defend their point of view, creatively present their group work. Creative tasks motivated students, taught them to think critically, analyze and solve

proposed tasks based on their own experience, observations and acquired knowledge. At the end of the training workshop, lyceum students were asked to fill in an anonymous reflection questionnaire, which included three questions: What impact did the training have on you?; Did you learn more about your temperament type from the training?; Will you be able to use the knowledge gained from training in the future?

Analysis of the results of students' reflection allowed us to assess the importance of training and its impact on the level of awareness of high school students about the types of temperament and opportunities to apply the acquired knowledge in the future when choosing a field of professional activity. Significant majority - 91% of the participants (82 students) said that their level of awareness of temperament types increased after attending the training, and 86.7% of participants (78 students) indicated in the reflection questionnaire that they will use the acquired knowledge and skills in future, which is an excellent result of achieving the goal of training work. The participants of the training also noted that the group interaction had a positive effect on them - it allowed them to get to know each other better and understand each other.

Conclusions and research perspectives. Therefore, pre-professional training and professional guidance should be comprehensive and thorough, through the introduction of appropriate topics in educational programs, as well as the implementation of psychological diagnostic studies of students in grades 8-9. Promising in the study of biology and basics of health is the use of training technologies, the introduction of elements of self-knowledge, the study of the personal sphere of students to choose the right profile of learning in high school and future profession. The problem of creating a separate vocational integrated course of choice in the 8th or 9th grade aimed at self-knowledge of their own professional aptitudes and physical, mental, intellectual requirements for representatives of different professions, needs further


Prospects for further research are the training of tutors, facilitators, professionals in vocational guidance at school, who will help high school students in the correct implementation of professional and life choices.


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