Peculiarities of a role-playing at the English lessons with the students of technical specialities
Studying the features of role-playing as a method in English lessons with students of technical specialties. Understanding complex communicative situations in professional life. Analysis of the application of the components of the role-playing method.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 08.02.2023 |
Размер файла | 23,5 K |
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Peculiarities of a role-playing at the English lessons with the students of technical specialities
Olga Lakiychuk, Lecturer at the Department of
English for Engineering № 2 National Technical University
of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
This article is devoted to substantiating the peculiarities of the use of role-playing games in English classes in universities for students of technical specialties. This work reveals the advantages, structure and stages of organizing a role play in a practical foreign language lesson. Also, the definition and identification of the concept of role play in the concept of communicative approach to teaching a foreign language is given. In the course ofstudying the question, the author notes the classification of educational role-playing games, stages and communicative goals due to the use of this method of teaching.
A communicative approach to teaching foreign languages is now a methodological standard. Realization communicative approach means that the formation of foreign language speaking skills and abilities occurs by and due to the implementation of the student's foreign language speech activities, and the process of learning a foreign language language is built adequately to the real process of speech communication. Communicative approach determines the goals, principles, content and methods of teaching foreign languages, and teaching methods, in turn, are realized in methodical receptions. One of the most effective and appropriate techniques is role-playing the game discussed in this paper.
It is important to note that living in a real situation with the help of a role-playing game gives a complete picture of the true state of affairs and a sense of identity of the moment, and therefore a clear and unambiguous goal. Students of technical specialties often ignore the fact that communicative situations in the field of their qualification may have some difficulties in connection with specific terminology, and therefore will contribute to a less effective result. In this article, the author offers a selection of questions, preparing answers to which the student will be prepared for real situations and dialogues.
The article considers and studies the method of role-playing, which allows to prepare students to work in the field of their qualifications, to develop or improve communication skills in a foreign language. There is no doubt about the need to build the above skills in students of higher technical institutions.
The results signify the necessity and success of using the role-playing method at the English classes due to its communicative approach and involvement of a student himself.
Key words: role-playing, situation-centered approach, student-centered approach, developing of professional skills, teacher.
Ольга Лакійчук, викладач кафедри англійської мови технічного спрямування № 2 Національного технічного університету України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського»
Особливості застосування методу рольової гри на заняттях англійської мови зі студентами технічних спеціальностей
Стаття присвячена вивченню особливостей застосування рольової гри як методу на уроках з англійської мови зі студентами технічних спеціальностей. Здійснено аналіз складників методу рольової гри задля з'ясування найуспішнішого його застосування.
Мета статті - визначити, як і чому рольова гра може сприяти розвитку у студентів технічних спеціальностей розуміння складних комунікативних ситуацій у професійному житті. Ми зосереджуємося на рольовій грі як педагогічному методі, як частині комунікативного підходу до вивчення англійської мови. Ключовим елементом і бустером є використання реальних ситуацій і розігрування їх у навчальному середовищі. Оскільки комунікація іноземною мовою, а тим більше на професійні теми, є одним із найскладніших видів діяльності для студентів немов- них спеціальностей, важливо зрозуміти особливості та складникт цього методу для його успішного застосування.
Цілеспрямоване вивчення англійської мови у закладі вищої освіти є ефективним завдяки використанню різноманітних викладацьких методів навчання, включаючи активне навчання. Рольові ігри є активним видом навчання, що залучає та привертає увагу студента, робить урок більш захоплюючим, створюючи реальний змодельований сценарій і взаємодію між студентами. Такі сценарії сприяють тому, щоб студент у ході рольової гри мав змогу зрозуміти, з якими діалогами, питаннями та відповідями він може зіштовхнутися у професійній діяльності.
Рольова гра виявилася ефективною у досягненні результатів навчання у трьох основних навчальних доменах: афективному, когнітивному та поведінковому. Змушуючи студентів брати на себе роль іншої людини, вони практикують співпереживання та сприйняття перспективи. Це може призвести до більшої саморефлексії й усвідомлення реалій із боку студента. Коли студенти засвоюють навички, вони вивчають теорію та використовують її на практиці. Це створює більш глибокий пізнавальний зв'язок із матеріалом, полегшуючи навчання.
Цей педагогічний інструмент використовувався у різних галузях, про що повідомляють численні дослідження, оскільки рольова гра позитивно впливає на навчання студентів; наприклад, метод давав можливість глибше зрозуміти проблему та стимулювати подальший інтерес до цієї теми.
У процесі вивчення теми, проаналізувавши певну кількість наукових робіт, авторка дійшла висновку, що застосування рольової гри у парадигмі комунікативного підходу є одним із найефективніших методів зацікавлення студентів і долучення їх до активного вивчення англійської мови, оскільки це дає можливість швидко засвоїти лексичний матеріал, покращити розмовні навички та швидко реагувати у стресових ситуаціях у англомовному середовищі.
Ключові слова: застосування комунікативних методів навчання, студенто-орієнтований метод, англійська мова, активне середовище, рольова гра.
role play lesson english
Role-playing in the English language lesson is a form of organizing group learning activities, with the final target to form and developing speech skills and abilities in conditions which are at its maximum close to the possible to the conditions of a real speech and communication. Being one of the most effective, flexible and universal methods of teaching, according to the Federal State Educational Standard for SPE, role playing is designed to activate the process of learning, make it more productive, and also form and further develop the motivation for learning. This determines the relevance of the selected topic.
At the moment, a lot of experience has been accumulated in using role-playing games in foreign language lessons, during the preparation and conduct of role-playing and business games, the capabilities of the individual person and the team are activated, the sense of responsibility goes up, the necessary professional skills and personal qualities of young specialists are being formed. Despite the importance and relevance of building the communicative skills among students of secondary vocational education, including in English lessons, the specifics of preparing and conducting role-playing games in order to teach oral professional communication for this contingent of students are poorly covered in the methodological literature. (Alferova, 2001: 126).
Research review. The very idea and practical application of role-playing at the lessons of English were studied by L. P. Yakubovska, O. A. Kolesnikova, M. Y. Kurbatova, L. M. Karamushka, who made an invaluable contribution to the study of this issue and proposed their structures and components of the application of role-playing in foreign language lessons, noting the feasibility, purpose and benefits of this method. L. P. Yakubovska believe that mastering the forms of oral communication is possible only through games, and the success of the game depends on the level and diligence of its preparation, proper organization, regular use of this teaching method and, of course, the skill of the teacher and his dedication (Yakubovska, 2002: 231).
Withinthe views ofpsychologistL. M. Karamushka, role-playing games are characterized by such qualities as maximum approach to real life situations, wide independence of game participants, decision-making in a creative competition
Objective of the present paper. The main purpose of this work is to study the features of the use of role-playing games as an effective method of learning English by students of technical specialties.
Presentation of the main material
The very term “play” in different languages correlates with the phenomenon of joke and laughter, ease and fun, and shows the connection of this process with positive emotions. The pinnacle of the evolution of play activity is a story or role-playing game, in the terminology of “imaginary situation”.
During the preparation and conduct of this group form of work, the cognitive activity of students is implemented according to the principles of active learning. “Active learning as a purposeful educational process of organizing and stimulating active educational, cognitive and research activities of students to master overall cultural and professional competencies is based on the use of active methods and technologies in the process of conducting classes” (Kuznetsova, 2011: 178).
As mentioned earlier, role-playing is one of the methods of situational nature of learning foreign languages, ie learning that involves modeling real situations that can be encountered in life, in particular, in professional activities. Tarnopolsky provides the following definition of role play as “a type of learning activity in which participants act and communicate within their chosen / assigned roles, guided by the nature of the chosen role and the logic of the situation and environment.
The plot of the game and its purpose can either be set in advance, or gradually develop by the participants in the game in its process. At the same time, within the given restrictions and rules (roles, situations, plot and goals, if they are set, etc.) players are free to apply possible improvisations concerning the course of the game, its development, the direction of this development, etc.
Role-playing is not only a model of communication, but also a specific game form of educational activity. The process of mastering any new type of activity includes six main stages: motivational, oriented, the stage of performing actions in material form, external speech, external speech about yourself, mental actions.
It is in the game in a simplified form that reality is reproduced and simulated, imitation of real actions takes place, which contributes to the significance of educational material for the student that affects the nature of his motivation, the formation of creative thinking.
According to the theory of A. N. Presnyakov, any human activity (professional, family, judicial, military, business, etc.) is based on role-playing games, because in all activities people act in certain roles (judge, officer, teacher, passenger), wife, salesman, banker, etc.), which are played out in certain life situations to achieve certain goals, including covert or overt (Presnyakov, 2017: 134).
Thus, A. N. Presnyakov provides the following definition of role-playing games “is a training type of educational activity designed to develop, improve and consolidate the practical skills and abilities of students, both purely professional and related to foreign language professional communication. Development, improvement and consolidation of practical skills and abilities are achieved through their intensive training in conditions that accurately model the conditions for solving professional problems / conditions of professional communication. These development, improvement and consolidation are realized through students playing appropriate simulated roles in appropriate simulated situations.
This play is carried out in order to solve (through communication) the problem that arose as a result of the simulated situation and is based on a certain personal conflict. To solve the problem, it is necessary for the interlocutors to fill in their information gaps during communication through the exchange of information. In this role-playing game, only one or part of the interlocutors / participants-players act as a specialist (s), while others play the role of non-specialists who communicate with specialists about issues that are professional for the latter” (Pozdeeva, 2017: 41).
These features of role-playing games make them suitable for the training of future professionals, whose professional activities will necessarily require the ability to resolve personal conflicts and disputes in the field of employment in which they will work. However, they note O. B. Tarnopolsky, it is necessary to distinguish role-playing games from business games, as well as from such related types of educational activities as dramatization and acting out situations of social contact (Pozdeeva, 2017: 43).
Role-playing is a multifunctional phenomenon. In the learning process of a foreign language role play can perform the following functions: educational, because it acts as a special exercise, the purpose of which is to master the skills and abilities of dialogic speech in interpersonal communication; motivational, because it activates motivation mechanisms; orienting, because it orients students to plan their own speech behavior and predict the behavior of the interlocutor, develops the ability to evaluate actions (their own and others).
In methodical researches the educational-speech situation as a component of role play is considered as the role situation imitating the motivated, purposeful act of speech communication of carriers of social roles, determined by a place and time of its realization (6; 9; 10). Thus, the learning-speech situation is a means of realizing a role-playing game. It encourages students to communicate, controls their speech behavior, “triggers” the mechanism of role play. The learning-speech situation includes four components:
1) the subject, ie the one who speaks, listens, reads or writes;
2) the subject that the speaker speaks, listens, reads or writes;
3) the attitude of the speaker to the subject, which determines the formation of the need to say something, hear, about something write or read,
4) conditions of communication that make possible speech activity in accordance with the needs of the speaker and taking into account the subject of conversation.
Thus, when creating a role situation should take into account the role repertoire of the participants, the nature of the role relationship between them and the place, time, motive and purpose of the communicative act. In view of this, it is necessary to take into account two conditions: the content of the situation and the essence of the problems posed in it must be adequate to the role reality and important for the participants of the game (Vygotsky, 1991: 196).
As noted by L. M. Karamushka, in modern psychological and pedagogical science there are different classifications of role-playing games. One of the possible, in her opinion, is the classification of the tasks and roles used. According to it, there are educational role-playing and business games. The main purpose of role-playing games is to provide a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of a problem, using the so-called learning roles. Business game is aimed at simulating real business (professional, domestic, etc.) situations, performing real rather than educational roles, students acquire the skills and abilities necessary to perform various types of practical activities (Karamushka, 2008: 156).
A. N. Presnyakov offers a classification of educational and pedagogical games in the form of a pyramid, which is based on role-playing games, brainstorming and game design, which are narrowed to simulation and situational games, at the top of the pyramid are organizational and business games (Presniakov, 2017: 156).
The organizational unit of the role play is the situation that is “played out”. It unfolds during the lesson as a separate plot. Such a plot can be based on an educational or real life problem, the necessary and sufficient set of roles (participants of the situation) is established, which are distributed among the participants. Each student participating in the game must perform a certain role, following the role instructions from the teacher-leader throughout the game (Kurbatova, 2006: 205).
Role-playing games used in a foreign language class must meet the following requirements: 1) they must be adequate to the purpose of learning, 2) roleplaying games must meet the psychological and age characteristics of students and their interests, 3) role-playing games should reflect students' personal experience, expand their context activities. It should be ensured that the roles and situations of games are as fully as possible correlated with their life experience, desires and dreams - the proposed roles, game situations should correspond to real life, be close to students.
According to the just statement of A. N. Nedelko, “a special stage of training is needed, preceding the actual role-playing game, at which students would gain knowledge about the subject of the role-playing game, master the skills of verbal and role-playing behavior, allowing them to realize themselves in communicative interaction” (Nedelko, 2016: 25). Thus, the preparatory stage of the role-playing game “Interview in a law firm” provides for independent work of students on writing a lawyer's resume (it can be drawn up on behalf of the student or from a fictional person), work on filling out a questionnaire. Students are also offered typical questions asked during a job interview to think through possible answers:
1. What are the most important skills a person should have in order to become an engineer?
2. What aspect of your job gives you the most satisfaction?
3. Is there any aspect of your job that you dislike?
4. What field do you specialize in?
5. When you encounter a problem, how do you go about solving it?
6. What kind of systems and processes do you design? Are they complicated? How?
7. What typical potential problems can you encounter when you design a process or a system?
8. Do you agree that engineers should participate in professional development programmes? Why is this important?
9. Do you attend scientific conferences? Why? Why not?
10. Can you name any recent ground-breaking research or method that has been recently introduced in your area of expertise?
11. Which kind of knowledge is more important in your job: theoretical or practical? Why?
12. How important is creative thinking in your job?
13. How important is teamwork in your profession? Why?
14. Do you prefer to work alone or in a team? What are advantages and disadvantages of both methods?
15. What other professionals do you work with? In what ways does their job affect yours?
16. Do you deal with purchasing new machines? What factors do you take into consideration when buying them?
17. Do you think people have any misconceptions about your work? What kind of misconceptions?
18. How would you explain what you do in your job to somebody who does not have a clue about engineering?
19. Do you agree that production has a serious negative impact on the natural environment? Why? Why not?
20. How can engineers help reduce the impact of production on the environment?
The role of the teacher during the role-playing game is reduced to observing the participants, their observance of the rules of the role-playing game. The teacher should also stimulate the productivity of students' ideas with the help of leading questions, help participants formulate a statement in case of doubt, record mistakes that the parties make.
As homework after the lesson using the roleplaying game, students can be invited to prepare a final dialogue “Interview” (role-play “Interview in a law firm”) and a monologue statement “Speech at an online conference on the topic of scientific research” (role-play “Conducting a presentation at a conference on law”). The proposed generalizing tasks for self-preparation will help students to consolidate the studied speech cliches, taking into account the mistakes made, to work out the strategies of speech behavior again, choosing the most effective of them.
Thus, the use of game simulation methods of active learning in the course of a business foreign language contributes to the effective formation of both speech, communicative and general professional competence among the participants in the game. Role-playing games that simulate situations of real business, professional communication are as close as possible to the future professional needs of a specialist. They motivate learners to overcome the language barrier and “try on” various social roles.
It's important to emphasize that the significant advantage of role-playing games over other methods organization of educational and cognitive activities of students is one hundred percent employment of those who learners, as well as the concentration of participants throughout the game, which has a positive effect on learning outcomes.
Thus, we can conclude that roleplaying games have a positive effect on teaching students foreign languages. They contribute to the acquisition of lexical material, improve oral skills and the ability to respond quickly to stressful situations, which in turn will distinguish the student, the future specialist, among a significant number of graduates. Therefore, in the future we see a more detailed study of new methods of teaching foreign languages.
Thus, the study suggests that the use of the method role-playing in foreign language classes promotes the development of students' communication skills, activates thinking, imagination, and evokes positive emotions, which significantly increases efficiency organization of educational and cognitive activities of students.
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курсовая работа [142,6 K], добавлен 09.12.2012The history of the use of the interactive whiteboard in the learning. The use of IWB to study of the English, the advantages and disadvantages of the method. Perfect pronunciation, vocabulary. The development of reading, writing, listening and speaking.
презентация [1,3 M], добавлен 23.02.2016Peculiarities of English nonsense rhymes – limericks and how to use them on the classes of English phonetics. Recommendations of correct translation to save its specific construction. Limericks is represented integral part of linguistic culture.
статья [17,5 K], добавлен 30.03.2010What is the lesson. Types of lessons according to the activities (by R. Milrood). How to write a lesson plan 5 stages. The purpose of assessment is for the teacher. The students' mastery. List modifications that are required for special student.
презентация [1,1 M], добавлен 29.11.2014The problem of linguistic abilities of a child. Goals and objectives of foreign language teaching preschoolers. Number of pupils in a group, the frequency, duration of sessions. The game as the leading method of teaching preschoolers. Learning vocabulary.
курсовая работа [39,5 K], добавлен 26.06.2015Oxford is the oldest English-speaking university in the world and the largest research center in Oxford more than a hundred libraries and museums, its publisher. The main areas of training students. Admission to the university. Its history and structure.
презентация [1,6 M], добавлен 28.11.2012Teaching practice is an important and exciting step in the study of language. Description of extracurricular activities. Feedback of extracurricular activity. Psychological characteristic of a group and a students. Evaluation and testing of students.
отчет по практике [87,0 K], добавлен 20.02.2013