Would-be rehabilitation teachers training to work in pupils’ inclusive education at educational establishments

Formation of students' value-motivational attitude to pedagogical activities in conditions of joint education of children with typical and impaired development. Development of a system of special knowledge for the implementation of inclusive education.

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Дата добавления 09.02.2023
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Lecturer at Special and Inclusive Education Department Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

Would-be rehabilitation teachers training to work in pupils' inclusive education at educational establishments

Anna Slatvinska, PhD in Education

Uman, Cherkasy region, Ukraine


The article deals with the process of modelling of would-be rehabilitation teachers training to work in pupils ' inclusive education at educational establishments. Its basic idea includes growth of the effectiveness of the process, its organization in order to meet the requirements of modern society. The structural components of the model contain the following: purpose, tasks, approaches, principals, contents, methods, forms, technologies and result. The fact that each of the components performs its function was demonstrated: the purpose ofpedagogical process denotes its final result (would- be rehabilitation teachers training), the tasks detail the main purpose of the pedagogical process (students 'formation of evaluative and motivated attitude to pedagogical activity when the coeducation of children with typical development and disorders exists; the formation of general and special knowledge system to realize inclusive education; mastering necessary complex of pedagogical skills and abilities for qualitative children education taking into account specific features of their mental development and individual educational needs, etc.), approaches (systemic, personally oriented, activity-oriented, inclusive, of competence and integration approaches) and principals (general pedagogical, special), stages to describe basic tendencies of the purpose achieving (information-oriented stage - motivation sphere forming; quasi-professional - cognitive sphere forming; activity-oriented stage - developing of activity-oriented sphere ofstudents ' readiness ofpupils inclusive education); the content shows the total experience that promotes achieving the set purpose in accordance with the tendencies; methods and tools are denoted to transfer and reproduce the content; while consolidating other components of the process, the forms specify the activity of educational process subjects (traditional, innovative); technologies that we highlight to be a separate component, are an instrument to form would-be rehabilitation teachers' professionally important skills that are necessary to organize rehabilitation and pedagogical process (the technology of corrective and rehabilitation work, game technologies, the technology of the formation of productive professional behavior, ICT); the result provides for achieving the set purpose (obtaining high level of would-be rehabilitation teachers readiness to work in pupils' inclusive education). The key model element is shown as system producing contacts that promote the elements relations to be a united integral formation.

Key words: model, training, would-be rehabilitation teachers, inclusive education, pupils of educational establishments.



кандидат педагогічних наук, викладач кафедри спеціальної та інклюзивної освіти Уманського державного педагогічного університету імені Павла Тичини (Умань, Черкаська область, Україна)


У статті проаналізовано процес розроблення моделі підготовки майбутніх учителів-реабілітологів до роботи в умовах інклюзивного навчання учнів у закладах освіти, основною ідеєю якої є підвищення ефективності цього процесу, приведення його у відповідність до вимог сучасного суспільства. Структурними компонентами моделі визначено: мету, завдання, підходи, принципи, зміст, методи, форми, технології і результат. З'ясовано, що кожен з цих компонентів виконує свою функцію: мета педагогічного процесу визначає кінцевий результат педагогічної взаємодії (підготовка майбутніх учителів-реабілітологів), у завданнях конкретизовано провідну мету педагогічної діяльності (формування у студентів ціннісно-мотиваційного ставлення до педагогічної діяльності в умовах спільного навчання дітей з типовим і порушеним розвитком; формування системи загальних і спеціальних знань для реалізації інклюзивного навчання; оволодіння необхідним комплексом педагогічних умінь і навичок для якісного навчання дітей з урахуванням особливостей психофізичного розвитку та індивідуальних освітніх потребучнів тощо), підходи (системний, особистісно-орієнтований, діяльнісний, компетентнісний, інтеграційний, інклюзивний) і принципи (загальнопедагогічні, спеціальні), етапи призначені для виявлення основних напрямів досягнення мети (інформаційно-орієнтовний етап - формування мотиваційної сфери; квазіпрофесійний етап - формування когнітивної сфери; діяльнісний етап - розвиток діяльнісної сфери готовності студентів до інклюзивного навчання учнів); зміст відображає накопичений досвід, який при передачі студентам дозволяє досягти поставленої мети відповідно до обраних напрямів; методи і засоби служать для передачі і відтворення змісту; форми, об'єднуючи інші компоненти процесу, визначають діяльність суб'єктів освітнього процесу (традиційні, інноваційні); технології, які нами виділені як окремий компонент, служать інструментом формування у майбутніх учителів-реабілітологів професійно значущих умінь, необхідних для організації реабілітаційно-педагогічного процесу (технологія корекційно-реабілітаційноїроботи, ігрові технології, технологія формування продуктивної професійної поведінки, ІКТ); результат передбачає досягнення поставленої мети (досягнення високого рівня готовності майбутніх учителів-реабілітологів до роботи в умовах інклюзивного навчання учнів). Встановлено, що обов'язковим елементом моделі є системотвірні зв'язки, що сприяють взаємодії елементів як єдиного цілого утворення.

Ключові слова: модель, підготовка, майбутні учителі-реабілітологи, інклюзивне навчання, учні закладів освіти.

Problem solving. The study role while using the model includes the opportunity to get certain characteristics of the original on simpler object and use it when there objective difficulties to work directly with the original appear. The basic purpose of pedagogical modelling is obtaining new pedagogical knowledge about the object. It actually determines all requirements of every certain model.

Analysis of recent researches. The following scientists describe the problem of modelling in general, and pedagogical process modelling particularly (А. Zvanov, 2010, Y. Kkanyscheva, 2002, К. Kuzmov, 2004, І. Tymofeieva, 2004, І. Khafyzullina, 2008, Y. Shumylovska, 2011, N. Yakovleva, 2002 and others). They denote modelling as a primary stage of pedagogical projecting, and as purposes (general idea) treatment of pedagogical systems organization, of processes or situations and main variants to achieve them.

Taking into account the upper mentioned information, we define modelling as experimental and applied research aiming at: describing the system behavior of complex rehabilitation of the children with special educational needs at inclusive education; motivating and explaining the process of would-be rehabilitation teachers training to work with pupils with special educational needs at a general secondary educational establishment.

The aim of the article is to organize the model of would-be rehabilitation teachers training to work in pupils' inclusive education at educational establishments and justify its components.

The main material. Any resear ch definitely raises the problem of forming the rules which prove the organization of a qualitative model.

The main idea while modelling would-be rehabilitation teachers training to work in pupils' inclusive education at educational establishments includes the organization of the model that could provide the growth of the process effectiveness, its correspondence with the demands of modern society.

In accordance with general conception of the modelling structure, the model components are described as following: methodological and purpose- oriented (purpose, tasks, approaches, principals); content and operative (stages, content, forms, methods, technologies); diagnostic and resultative (diagnostic instruments, criteria, levels, result) blocks.

The important model block of system forming implies methodological and purpose-oriented one. It includes a purpose as a perfect prototype of the result of model functioning, approaches, principals. All they direct pedagogical activity and the whole educating process on achieving pedagogical aims in accordance with regularities of the educational process.

The aim of modeling is would-be rehabilitation teachers training to work in pupils' inclusive education.

The main tasks provide the following: forming students' evaluative and motivated attitude to pedagogical activity when the coeducation of children with typical development and disorders exists; organizing general and special knowledge system to realize inclusive education; mastering necessary complex of pedagogical skills and abilities for qualitative children education taking into account specific features of their mental development and individual educational needs; obtaining practical experience and communication at inclusive education by optimal combining reproductive and active teaching methods; earning the possibility to analyze personal educational, quasi-professional and professional activity and needs in professional and personal development.

While modelling, we followed the next methodological approaches: systemic, personally oriented, activity-oriented, competence-oriented, integrative, and inclusive.

Systemic approach (Y. Petrova, 2008,

І. Tymofeieva, 2004) provides inclusive education in rehabilitation and pedagogical activity within the system of professional functions. It implements students conditions for both forming the ability to integrate necessary knowledge, skills and abilities in professional activity, and for the development of personal professionally important qualities.

Personally oriented apprroach (Z. Leniv, 2014, Y Shumylovska, 2011, Y Hlushko, 2004, К. Kuzmov, 2004, L. Moiseieva, 2004, Y Petrova, 2008) is determined by scholars as teacher's concentration on the integral personality, care the development not only of his intelligence, civil feeing of responsibility, but the mental and spiritual personality having emotional, aesthetic, creative abilities and opportunities to develop.

Activity-oriented approach (Y. Hlushko, 2004, М. Zakharchuk, 2013, Y. Kanyscheva, 2002, Z. Myschenko, 2000, І. Khafizullina, 2008, Y. Shumylovska, 2011) comes out of the interpretation of the sense of would-be rehabilitation teachers training to work in pupils' inclusive education and its rehabilitation and pedagogical activity, successful realization of the approach in the practice of pupils' with special educational needs studying based on teacher's realizing specific features of cognitive activity and emotional and volitional sphere of these pupils. They are characterized by low cognitive activity, insufficient formation of practical skills and conceptual case in accordance with the pupil's age, as well as weakness of volitional instructions. Activity- oriented approach provides active impact on pupils' mental development and provides using potential abilities of every child correctly.

Today in pedagogy there exists a competence- oriented approach in the sphere of general, inclusive education in particular (N. Harashkina, 2004, І. Khafizullina, 2008, L. Davydova, 2007, О. Hnoievska, 2016, V. Krupa, 2014, А. Fastivets, 2013 and others). According to the scientists it describes professional competence as integral personal professional feature that proves the would-be rehabilitation teachers to work in pupils' inclusive education within the work status.

In accordance with society social order the education system proposes children with special educational needs to study at special (inclusive) classes (integrative approach) and to study in one class together with the children of no disorders (inclusive approach).

The society new interpretation of people with disorders appears to be a precondition to approve the inclusive approach (К. Hudz, 2018, М. Liubymov, 2010, N. Semaho, 2010). Inclusive approach proves that there is no need to adapt children with special educational needs to the existing requirements of standard school, but reform general secondary organizations and search for other approaches for teaching the children: inclusion means that on equal terms everybody participates in both educational and social communication. Now it's the time for the system to change in order to adapt to the needs of children with special educational needs.

The basis for inclusive educational form includes the idea to accept the personality of a separate pupil. Thus studying is to be organized in order to satisfy desires of every child with special educational needs. It accentuates personalization of education, design of personal educational program (Liubymov, 2010: 28).

Inclusive education is not obligatory for children with special educational needs. At the same time the education let a child with special educational needs save his usual social environment to the maximum. Early socialization has a positive influence on the personality formation of children with special educational needs and their adaptation in the real life. Inclusive education promotes some children visiting the nearest school, staying in contact with the family, as it usually happens when the child studies at special school. Thus, parents have the opportunity to educate the child in accordance with personal life instructions. Inclusive education is a form of studying children with special educational needs that is not to substitute traditional forms of effective help the children with disorders that have been organized and are being developed in the field of special education. The true inclusion does not contrast but connect two educational systems - general and special, intruding the boards penetrating (Liubymov, 2010: 29).

In our study we define the principals that are divided into the following groups: general pedagogical (of humanization, inter disciplinary, complexity, scientism and accessibility, systemic and consistency, practical education direction, flexibility and diversity), special (of corrective and compensative education direction, optimal correlation of word, demonstrative and practical educational methods, continuity of rehabilitation instruments, freedom of activity types choice, principal activity).

The formed model includes three stages of providing the effectiveness of the study: information- oriented stage - motivation sphere formation; quasi professional stage - cognitive sphere formation; activity-oriented stage - development of activity sphere of students' readiness for pupils' inclusive education. motivational pedagogical education inclusive

Information-oriented stage (the first year) is being modelled on the basis of two directions (personally professional needs, person's professionally oriented activity) and students' personal qualities (intellectual, communicative and perceptive capabilities; psychological and physiological abilities).

Peculiarity of this stage implies students' comprehension of the important fact when children with special educational needs are involved in the society, evaluative and motivated attitude to the problem of qualitative and available education for them is formed, when they approve the right to choose the way to get education, approve inclusive education to be the most appropriate and effective for children with special educational needs socialization, the knowledge and experience of cognitive activity on the variants to organize this educational type abroad and in Ukraine are obtained. The sources for information organizing include materials on social studies, interviewing, analysis of periodicals, statistics on structure functioning of rehabilitation and pedagogical work.

This stage involve complex of instruments, forms, methods, and sets up conditions for mastering `rehabilitation knowledge'. They are lectures, seminars which presents the use of folding reproductive methods and means of active studying: discussion, round table, game diagnostics, game modelling, problem studying character that provides organizing educational environment in the direction of would-be teacher's effective mastering the means of rehabilitation and pedagogical activity. It also includes the knowledge to be realization and actual that is necessary for effective second stage organization. It is the work in small groups that is used at seminars promoting students' activity.

The second stage of forming of would-be teachers' readiness for rehabilitation and pedagogical work with children with special educational needs is known as quasi professional stage. It is to be implemented on the second-third studying years of higher education applicants. This stage provides students' application of the knowledge got at the previous stage while modelling would-be professional activity at inclusive education, mastering skills of constructive communication and reflexing personal cognitive and quasi professional activity, experience of the practice at the conditions that model would-be professional activity, and the analysis of personal educational and quasi professional activity in terms of inclusive education training.

The second stage includes the analysis of the structure elements of rehabilitation environment, revealing connections between them, defining relationships of the system and the environment, optimal number of social partners; studying the body of partners' organizations, implementing the object's certification - the status of children with special educational needs rehabilitation environment in order to get accurate data on quantitative and qualitative structure's parameters that influence its functioning and development.

In order to realize the tasks of the stage the lectures, seminars, practical lessons and the following active studying methods are provided: non-imitative (discussion, tasks of research character) and imitative (analysis of certain situations and solving pedagogical tasks; situational role-playing that are described as modelling the situations of variable and professional behavior).

Activation of students training is presented in the conditions of correlation, complementarity of rehabilitation situations - self-rehabilitation at the expense of the restoration of teacher's capabilities for art and communication that are ofpositive effectiveness (empathy, tolerance). These situations are formed on the basis of the use of active studying forms: game therapy, role-playing games, art-therapy techniques, etc. Here one may conduct the cycle of theoretical seminars in order to train would-be teachers to realize the necessity to recognize oneself differently as a specialist, recognize one's relationships with children, parents, authority, and be inner ready to support the idea of inclusive education as a value. Individual consulting with a psychologist and teachers are held. They help students in self-perception and formation of individually active programs of self-improvement and professional development.

The second stage is considered to be significant while forming teacher's readiness to rehabilitation and pedagogical activity because this stage is known by its activity `applying', acquiring valuable and final character, its further effective organization that brings satisfaction on practice. That actually makes one of the forming indexes of its readiness to pupils' inclusive education.

The third activity-oriented stage reports on the development and applying formed in students practice and research skills. The biggest effect on the stage is to be reached in pedagogical practice in real inclusive education. Thus, today it is difficult to perform that because of its weak spread in general secondary schools, we suggest highlighting appropriate aspects in pedagogical practice during the fourth year of studying, as well as organizing introductory school practice at inclusive classes and schools.

It is the stage of practical actions that include developing and realizing plans of rehabilitation and pedagogical work, holding medical psychological and social consultations; providing for the motion from management subject's and object's needs to the certain result within achieving the aim in integral and functional system of reasonably interactive elements (subjects, norms, technologies, managing mechanisms).

Tasks realization of the stage contains the use of practical tasks and the tasks of research character that are performed by students while school practice. They include the following: study of problem state in a certain general secondary school; tasks aimed at diagnosing group's formation that embodies children with special educational needs (it may happen on individual studying form) and their roles in the group; studying personalities of the pupils, their embodiment in the group; developing the program of more effective embodiment of the children into the class's educational and educative process; forming the conditions under which inclusive education is possible at general secondary school.

Moreover, extra curriculum activities (defense of course and qualification papers, participation in scientific and practical conferences) have a big potential to solve the tasks of the third stage (Khafizullina, 2008: 122).

In model's content and operative block the certain content of would-be rehabilitation teachers training to inclusive education of children with special educational needs is reflected - it includes the system of theoretical, applied and methodological knowledge; constructive, projecting, communicative and gnostic blocks of the skills that are aimed at forming valuable attitude and professional development in the sphere of inclusive education.

Content forming of would-be rehabilitation teachers training in inclusive education of children with special educational needs requires certain sources and forming factors of the content. The former contains social experience, activity types, regulations knowledge of mastering, teaching methods, teaching instruments, teaching forms, certain conditions (micro conditions) of the educational establishments where educational process is performed, sense of teacher's dialogue. One may denote society needs and purposes it sets for studying to be the factors that influence content formation. Being the instrument to implement educational aims, the content is to reflect both current and perspective society needs, as well as of certain people. They are the needs that mostly form the content and its embodiment into the programs of educational establishments of different types and levels. To a large extent these social needs denote an important direction of the content search and construction of would-be rehabilitation teachers training to inclusive education of children with special educational needs.

Operative component of the model's content and operative block includes the use of teaching methods, forms and technologies, as well as the process regulating that is oriented on qualitative would-be specialists training.

While teaching, both traditional and the forms based on activity-oriented approach are used: role-playing, business games, practice, contents, Olympiads, conferences, students' participation in researches (Maliarchuk, 2015: 261).

In order to realize the study purpose we suggest using the following teaching forms: lectures (traditional, problem, lectures-discussions), seminars (work in small groups), practical lessons (trainings, solving pedagogical tasks), and extra curriculum students work (research works, conferences, etc.), school practice. Elements of problem learning were used in students' experimental teaching within the problem lectures, seminars-discussions, and the method of imitative modelling.

Besides that in students' experimental teaching different types of self-study work were widely implemented. The students were introduced the following types of work: selection of pedagogical sources, abstract formation, comparison of different views, approaches to the problems of development of children with special educational needs; generalization and systematization of the knowledge obtained from different sources; selection of arguments, facts that reflect different opinions on the problems of the children's development, studying and teaching; acquaintance of teachers work experience in the sphere of rehabilitation and pedagogical work; accomplishment of creative projects.

In educational process there were used three groups of technologies: technologies connected with the optimization of student's attitude to his personality and the other people; technologies aimed at humanizing the correlation between would-be rehabilitation teachers and children with special educational needs; technologies connected with children's with special educational needs formation of the ability to interact.

The first group of technologies is aimed at correlation forming with other people and creating special teacher's attitude type to himself and the others, organizing the conditions for self-perception of teacher personality; framing the preconditions for teacher's comprehension of his personal pedagogical protections; developing abilities for overcoming stereotypes in pedagogical activity; promoting realization of one's personal egocentrism; helping develop patient attitude to children, strange view, etc.

Technologies of the second group are designed to help would-be teacher develop the ability to build relationships with children on the personal basis. Moreover, they are aimed at optimizing intercommunication of all pedagogical process participants.

The third group of technologies is of children with special educational needs forming the ability for interaction. They include: technology of corrective and rehabilitation work, game technologies, technology to form productive professional behavior, ICT.

The final element of the model implies diagnostic and resultative block that is of diagnostic tools, criteria and levels of would-be rehabilitation teachers' readiness to work in inclusive education.

Within this block the selection of criterion and diagnostic materials is held. They are necessary for monitoring and dynamics of the forming would-be rehabilitation teachers' readiness to work in pupils' inclusive education. Ensuing the set tasks, the following criteria and indexes of would-be rehabilitation teachers' readiness to work in pupils' inclusive education are described: personally evaluative and motivated, cognitive competence and intelligent, operative practical and activity-oriented. The next levels are also outlined: high, medium and low.

Diagnostic block comprises the existence of tools to measure the forming level of the ability to perform professional actions in inclusive education. It may be presented in forms of tests, cases, pedagogical tasks, etc. Control and evaluation of creative results of pupils in inclusive education is of extra importance for would-be teachers to work with the children.

Result of the realization of the developed model lays in achieving high level of readiness of would-be rehabilitation teachers to work in pupils' inclusive education at general secondary educational establishments.

Conclusions. In the study the model of would-be rehabilitation teachers training to work in pupils' inclusive education is developed. Its main idea is of raising its effectiveness, correlating it with modern society requirements. The structural components of the model are: purpose, tasks, approaches, principals, content, methods, forms, technologies and the result. Each of the elements performs its functions: purpose of pedagogical process denotes the final result of pedagogical interaction; approaches and principals are to describe main trends of the purpose achieving; the tasks detail the leading purpose ofpedagogical activity; content reflects accumulated experience that while rendering students, promotes achieving the purpose in accordance with the chosen directions; methods and instruments work for transforming and reflecting the content; forms with the other components of the process determine the activity ofthe educational process subjects; technologies which we differentiate as a separate element, serve as an instrument to form professionally important skills in would-be rehabilitation teachers training that are necessary for rehabilitation and pedagogical process organization; the result comprises achieving the set purpose. Systemic formative connections that promote elements correlation as a single unity are an obligatory element.


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1. Garashkina N. V. Tehnologii podgotovki spetsialistov sotsialnoy rabotyi v vuze: kompetentnostnyiy podhod [Technologies for Social Work Specialists Training at a Higher Educational Establishment: Competence Approach]. Tambov: Publishing House of H. Derzhavin TNU, 2004. 187 p. [in Russian].

2. Glushko Y. G. Podgotovka buduschih uchiteley k korrektsionnoy rabote s uchaschimisya v usloviyah pedagogicheskogo kolledzha: dis. ... kand. ped. nauk [Would-be Teachers Training for Corrective Work with Participants at a Pedagogical College: thesis for the Candidate degree in Pedagogical Sciences]. Rostov-on-Don, 2004. 188 p. [in Russian].

3. Hudz К. Hotovnist pedahoha do roboty v umovakh inkliuzyvnoi osvity ZNZ [Teacher's Readiness to Work at Inclusive Education of ZNZ]. Pedagogical Periodical ofVolyn. 2018. Nr 1. P 128-133 [in Ukrainian].

4. Hnoievska О. Y. Formuvannia korektsiinoi kompetentnosti vchytelia zahalnoosvitnoho zakladu z inkliuzyvnoiu formoiu navchannia: avtoref. dys. ... kand. ped. nauk [Corrective Competence Formation of a Teacher of General Secondary Educational Establishment with Inclusive Education: abstract of thesis for the Candidate degree in Pedagogical Sciences]. Kyiv, 2016. 17 p. [in Ukrainian].

5. Davydova L. N. Metodika otsenki professionalnoy kompetentsii pedagoga: metod. rekom [Methodology for Evaluating Teacher's Professional Competence: reference book]. Astrahan: Publishing House of ОGОU DPО `AIGZH', 2007. 20 p. [in Russian].

6. Zakharchuk М. Y. Stanovlennia ta rozvytok inkliuzyvnoi osvity u SShA: avtoref. dys. ... kand. ped. nauk [Formation and Development of Inclusive Education in the USA: abstract of thesis for the Candidate degree in Pedagogical Sciences]. Ternopil, 2013. 17 p. [in Ukrainian].

7. Ivanov А. V. Innovatsionnyie protsessyi v sisteme reabilitatsii invalidov: dis. ... kand. sotsiol. nauk [Innovative Processes in the System of Disabled People Rehabilitation: thesis for the Candidate degree in Sociological Sciences]. Moscow, 2010. 169 p. [in Russian].

8. Kanischeva Y. V. Podgotovka buduschego uchitelya k korrektsionno-pedagogicheskoi deyatelnosti s detmi, ispyityivayuschimi trudnosti v obuchenii: dis. ... kand. ped. nauk [Would-be Teacher Training for Corrective and Pedagogical Activity with the Children with Difficulties in Studying: thesis for the Candidate degree in Pedagogical Sciences]. Kursk, 2002. 200 p. [in Russian].

9. Krupa V. V. Vyznachennia sutnosti ta zmistu formuvannia profesiinoi kompetentnosti maibutnikh fakhivtsiv fizychnoi reabilitatsii [Determination of Sense and Content of Professional Competence Formation of Would-be Physical Rehabilitation Specialists]. Collected Scientific Works of the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. Field: Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences. 2014. Nr 4. P 176-187 [in Ukrainian].

10. Kuzmov К. R. Podgotovka buduschego uchitelya k korrektsionno-pedagogicheskoi deyatelnosti v obscheobrazovatelnoy shkole: dis. ... kand. ped. nauk [Would-be Teacher Training for Correctiive and Pedagogical Activity at General Secondary Educational Establishment: thesis for the Candidate degree in Pedagogical Sciences]. Kaluga, 2004. 217 p. [in Russian].

11. Leniv Z. P Osoblyvosti realizatsii inkliuzii ta pidhotovky vidpovidnykh fakhivtsiv: problemy, dosvid, perspektyvy [Specific Features for Inclusion Realization and the Appropriate Specialists Training: Problems, Experience, Prospects]. Scientific Periodical of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Field 19: Corrective Pedagogy and Special Psychology. 2014. Issue 28. P 119-125 [in Ukrainian].

12. Lubimov М. L. Iz opyita rabotyi Tsentra «Blago» dlya detey s narusheniyami sluha i rechi v inklyuzivnom podhode [Based on the Work Experience at Center `Blago' for Children with Hearing and Speech Disorders in Inclusive Approach]. Inclusive Education. 2010. Issue 1. P 68-74 [in Russian].

13. Malyarchuk N. N., Volosnikova L. M. Gotovnost pedagogov k rabote v usloviyah inklyuzivnogo obrazovaniya [Teacher's Readiness to Work at Inclusive Education]. Periodical of Tyumen State University. Humanitates. 2015. Т. 1, Nr 4. P 251-267 [in Russian].

14. Mischenko Z. I. Didakticheskie osnovyi podgotovki uchitelya k korrektsionno-razvivayuschemu obucheniyu mladshih shkolnikov: dis. ... kand. ped. nauk [Didactic Bases of Teacher's Training for Junior Pupils Corrective and Developmental Teaching: thesis for the Candidate degree in Pedagogical Sciences]. Kursk, 2000. 212 p. [in Russian].

15. Moiseeva L. G. Organizatsionno-pedagogicheskie sredstva kompleksnoy reabilitatsii detey s ogranichennyimi vozmozhnostyami: dis. ... kand. ped. nauk [Organizational and Pedagogical Means of Complex Rehabilitation of Disabled Children: thesis for the Candidate degree in Pedagogical Sciences]. Samara, 2004. 170 p. [in Russian].

16. Petrova Y. V. Tehnologiya sotsialno-pedagogicheskoy reabilitatsii detey-invalidov v uchrezhdenii internatnogo tipa: dis. ... kand. ped. nauk [Technology of Social and Pedagogical Rehabilitation of Disabled Children at boarding schools: thesis for the Candidate degree in Pedagogical Sciences]. Tambov, 2008. 191 p. [in Russian].

17. Semago Т. Y. Opyit sistemnogo razvitiya inklyuzivnogo obrazovaniya v Tsentralnom okruge [Experience of Inclusive Education Systemic Development at the Central District]. Inlusive Education. 2010. Issue 1. P. 18-25 [in Russian].

18. Timofeeva I. V. Kompleksnaya reabilitatsiya detey s ogranichennyimi vozmozhnostyami zdorovya (invalidov) v usloviyah spetsializirovannoy shkolyi: dis. ... kand. ped. nauk [Complex Rehabilitation of Disabled Children (invalids) at a special school: thesis for the Candidate degree in Pedagogical Sciences]. Yekaterinburg, 2004. 201 p. [in Russian].

19. Fastivets А. V. Rezultaty formuvannia diahnostychnoi kompetentnosti maibutnikh fakhivtsiv fizychnoi reabilitatsii [Results of the Formation of Would-be Physical Rehabilitation Specialists Diagnostic Competence]. Scientific Works of DonNTU. Field: Pedagogy, psychology and sociology. 2013. Issue 13. P 213-217 [in Ukrainian].

20. Shumilovskaya Y. V. Podgotovka buduschego uchitelya k rabote s uchaschimisya v usloviyah inklyuzivnogo obrazovaniya: dis. ... kand. ped. nauk [Would-be Teacher's Training to Work with Pupils at Inclusive Education: thesis for the Candidate degree in Pedagogical Sciences]. Shuya, 2011. 175 p. [in Russian].

21. Khafyzullina I. N. Formirovanie inklyuzivnoy kompetentnosti buduschih uchiteley v protsesse professionalnoy podgotovki: dis. ... kand. ped. nauk [Would-be Teachers Inclusive Competence Formation while Professional Training: thesis for the Candidate degree in Pedagogical Sciences]. Astrahan, 2008. 213 p. [in Russian].

22. Yakovleva N. O. Modelirovanie kak metod sozdaniya pedagogicheskogo proekta [Modelling as a Method for Pedagogical Project Formation]. Education and Science. 2002. Nr 6. P 3-13 [in Russian].

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