Folk festivals organization in the children’s institution of healthcare and recreation

Substantiates the expediency of using folk festivals in the educational work of children’s institution of healthcare and recreation for children’s personal development. The process of folk festival organization and holding in the children’s institution.

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Дата добавления 05.02.2023
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Folk festivals organization in the children's institution of healthcare and recreation

Viktoriia Irkliienko

The article substantiates the expediency of using folk festivals in the educational work of children's institution of healthcare and recreation for children's personal development. The author reveals the process offolk festival organization and holding in the institution of children's healthcare and recreation.

Keywords: an institution of children's healthcare and recreation; a folk festival; preparation and holding; a working group.

Організація народних свят у дитячих закладах оздоровлення та відпочинку

Вікторія Ірклієнко

У статті висвітлюється важливість процесу національної самоідентифікації особистості, що передбачає збереження і пропагування української національної культури, збереження та популяризацію її зразків. Підкреслюється важливість залучення молодого покоління до української національної культури, зокрема до народного свята як моделі високоестетизованого побуту, що синтезує музичне та образотворче мистецтво, де представлені самодіяльні виставами з піснями, іграми, танцями, інтермедіями, з продуманим предметним середовищем, одягом і символікою.

Констатовано, що дитячий заклад оздоровлення та відпочинку реалізує оздоровчу, освітню, соціалізуючу функції і його діяльність спрямована на розвиток особистості й розкриття її потенціалу. У виховній роботі закладу є можливість залучити до підготовки і проведення народного свята різновіковий колектив відпочивальників, продемонструвати роботу творчих лабораторій, арт-майстерень, мистецьких гуртків (музичного, хореографічного, театрального, образотворчого, кіно і фото тощо).

Визначено взаємопов'язані етапи проведення виховного заходу: організаційний (планування заходу, безпосередня підготовка), проведення, підсумок заходу. Організаційний етап передбачає використання новітніх технологій, методів і прийомів педагогічного впливу, різних мистецтв, інформаційного матеріалу, видів і форм діяльності різновікового колективу. Багатий зміст народного свята дає можливість реалізуватися особистості через різні види діяльності.

У ході підготовки і проведення народного свята створюється робоча група, члени якої розподіляють між собою обов'язки і відповідно до напрямів підготовки організують мікрогрупи: сценарну, режисерсько-постановочну, технічного забезпечення, інформації, господарську, підтримки, художнього оформлення тощо. У робочому плані підготовки та проведення народного свята визначають зміст роботи, яку треба виконати, місце проведення, відповідального за виконання того чи іншого завдання, терміни виконання. Підкреслюється важливість усвідомлення власної участі дітей у процесі підготовки народного свята.

Аналіз підсумків організації і проведення народного свята має бути обов'язковим, бо передбачає дві основні функції - організуючу й виховну. Участь у підготовці та проведенні народного свята в дитячому закладі оздоровлення та відпочинку стимулює самовиховання й саморозвиток дитини незалежно від її віку, місця проживання за умов обов'язкового урахування його освітніх потреб та інтересів.

Ключові слова: дитячий заклад оздоровлення та відпочинку; народне свято; підготовка і проведення народного свята; робоча група.


Modern society is characterized by integrative processes, the interaction of different ethnic groups, and human activities. The similarity of historical destinies, ways of life, and peoples' ethnic consciousness lay strong foundations for their peaceful, tolerant coexistence and mutual development. Complex civilizational, socio-economic processes of urban society and radical life changes determine the search for ways of such integration. However, ethnic revival is relevant as one of the main features of human development in the XXI century. It should be noted that the process of selfidentification as a nation involves the preservation and promotion of historical memory, Ukrainian national culture, and the national education system. This state encourages society to look for ways to preserve and promote its models. It is essential to involve the younger generation in the processes of national education. Devotion to the country, active citizenship and desire for change should become a priority in the educational process of educational institutions. Extracurricular educational institutions, in particular institutions of children's healthcare and recreation, have considerable potential to implement this area of youth education.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The issue of ethnography was studied by V. Antonovych, F. Vovk, V. Hnatyuk, M. Hrushevsky, M. Drahomanov, P. Zhitetsky, M. Kostomarov, M. Maksimovich, O. Potebnya.

The question of Ukrainian national culture formation and development is the subject of research by many scholars in the past and nowadays. In recent decades, V. Borysenko, F. Vovk, T. Hontar, A. Danyliuk, T. Kosmina, L. Artiukh, V. Naulko, S. Makarchuk, S. Pavliuk, A. Ponomarov, O. Poshyvailo, H. Skrypnyk, S. Siavavko, O. Franko and many others presented textbooks and handbooks on ethnography, scientific research on various aspects of this issue. A significant component of national culture is the folk festival, different features of which are presented in the works of O. Voropai, V. Irkliienko, S. Kylymnyk, H. Makovii, V. Skurativskyi, and others. The purpose of the paper is to highlight the process of preparing and holding a folk festival in the institutions of children's healthcare and recreation to show its impact on the youth's personality formation.

Research methods

The following general scientific methods were used: theoretical analysis of ethnographic and artistic and pedagogical literature; comparison of different views on the outlined issues; systematization of research material, which has allowed us to cover the process of folk festivals organization in the children's institution of healthcare and recreation, show its impact on the younger generation personality formation.

Presentation of the main findings

A children's health and recreation institution is an institution that carries out functions of healthcare, education, and socialization, which are aimed at personality development. Modern trends of the institution work require updating the content and introducing innovative technologies for organizing a comfortable environment and improving education and upbringing.

The modern child's interests and cultural and artistic priorities determine the search for engaging forms and methods of educational work. Attention to Ukrainian culture, children's acquaintance with national traditions, models of behavior and communication, and musical, choreographic folk art is relevant.

Folk festivals are an essential component of Ukrainian national culture, which have absorbed elements of material and spiritual culture and are one of the sources of knowledge about the external and internal life of the people. They reveal geographical and climatic features of the country, the concept of various sciences, historical formation views, beliefs. Rituals and traditions were inviolable laws of existence, their spiritual and moral basis. Large ritual scenes with the intense participants' involvement took place on holidays on the occasion of significant events. All actions were held in accordance with particular rules, which, as a result of centuries of practice, grew into a detailed ritual practice, which became the foundation of various ceremonial holidays and festivals.

Folk festivals synthesize musical and fine arts, represented by amateur performances with songs, games, dances, interludes, with a well-thought-out subject environment, clothing, and symbols. The folk festival origin is associated with the desire and need of a human being to beautifully decorate the main events in their life, which were enshrined in the rites. Therefore, we can interpret the folk festival as a model of highly aesthetic life (Irkliienko, 2016). The usage of folk festivals in the institutions of children's healthcare and recreation provides an opportunity to involve groups of children of different ages in the process of their preparation and organization. Folk festivals organization also demonstrates the work of creative laboratories, art workshops, and clubs (music, choreography, theater, art, cinema, photography, etc.).

An educational event is an organized activity of a group, and it is aimed at achieving a determined goal. The role of a leisure organizer, a teacher, a counselor, and a head of the creative workshop (art workshop, creative group) is essential and requires appropriate training.

It should be noted that an educational event consists of certain interrelated stages, namely the organizational one (event planning, direct preparation), holding, and outcome of the event. We emphasize the importance of the organizational stage, which includes the possibility of using the latest technologies, methods, and techniques of pedagogical influence, arts, information material, types, and forms of activities for different age groups. The rich content of the folk festival gives the opportunity for the personality to realize through various activities.

In order to organize and hold a folk festival, a working group (organizing committee, headquarters) is created. The members of the working group share plenty of responsibilities and create microgroups according to the areas of training, in particular:

- the script micro-group, which directs its activities to the scriptwriting;

- the directorial and staging micro-group is responsible for the script production and, accordingly, the art workshops preparation (art groups, creative laboratories) for the synchronized work between them. They work out all the actions of mise-en-scene during rehearsals;

- the technical support micro-group prepares and provides high- quality functioning of all technical means (lighting, sound equipment, devices for mounting the necessary stage structures);

- the information micro-group prepares and gives relevant information about the folk festival, including advertising for guests, issue of a magazine, namely its paper or sound variant), etc.;

- the household micro-group (if necessary) takes care of the place for the celebration (if the festival takes place outside the territory of the children's healthcare and recreation institution), transport (if necessary), the required purchases;

- the order maintaining micro-group prepares children who are on duty to follow the rules at the venue of the event;

- the decoration micro-group designs and manufactures decorations, settings, clothes, and props in accordance with the theme of the event.

But firstly, the plan for the folk festival organization is prepared. It determines the content of work to be performed, finds the venue, appoints a person responsible for main objectives achievements, and sets deadlines. For example, the content of the work may include the following tasks: determine the title of the event, form micro-groups, distribute tasks for micro-groups, create estimates, create a script, schedule rehearsals, view and select performances of art workshops (clubs, creative laboratories), schedule performances viewing, and select musical material for the folk festival (Irkliienko, 2016), choose appropriate costumes for the festival participants, create light and sound scores, identify presenters, choose the main characters, etc. The developed detailed work plan makes it possible to solve situational and chaotic issues of the festival organization and holding, clearly regulates the work of all micro-groups, and allows for adjustment and quick solutions to problems that arise during the preparation stage. When developing the tasks of the work plan, it is essential to take into account the facilities (material, technical, professional, and pedagogical) of the children's healthcare and recreation institution.

It should be noted that an essential aspect of the preparatory process is the interaction of art workshops, artistic groups, and teams when discussing the repertoire and choosing the theme of the folk festival. Each team can perform tasks that reveal the work of a particular group and, at the same time, supplement each other's work. The consistency of positions makes it possible to realize the professional abilities of the head of the art workshop and, simultaneously, the participant' creative and artistic potential.

In determining the content of educational material, we take into account the basic principles of the educational process organization, in particular: the principle of individual approach to the event participants; the principle of training accessibility; the principle of gradual acquisition of new pieces of ethnographic, musical, choreographic, theatrical, visual knowledge; the principle of participants' confidence formation in the process of folk festival organization and taking part in it; the principle of usage of game methods and forms of work; the principle of changing activities in order to prevent the participants' fatigue, etc.

Along with the coordinated actions of a leisure organizer, a teacher, a counselor, and heads of art workshops, attention should be paid to the organization of children's groups of different ages. The organizer distributes assignments among the folk festival participants, helps to fulfill them, and controls. Based on the children's initiative, the head promotes the children's organizational skills and abilities formation and teaches them to be independent and responsible.

The children's integration into groups according to certain criteria involves setting specific tasks and discussing the form of their accomplishments. Yet, the folk festival organizer should keep in mind that the division into groups is conditional, and children should never know about it. In addition, this work is carried out over a while gradually, with a cumulative effect. For example, it can be a scriptwriting group.

It should be noted that an essential aspect of the preparatory process is the interaction of art workshops, artistic groups, and teams when discussing the repertoire and choosing the theme of the folk festival. Each team can perform tasks that reveal the work of a particular group and, at the same time, supplement each other's work. This consistency of positions makes it possible to realize the professional abilities of the head of the art workshop and simultaneously the participants' creative and artistic potential.

It is crucial to point out that the script should not be considered only from the literature and art standpoint or as a simple organization of an ordinary event in human life. After all, we are talking about the organization of a factual event according to artistic laws. The scenario of a folk festival has two aspects, namely the artistic one and the psychological-pedagogical one. These aspects program not only the construction of the material but also the impact on participants, their reaction, and behavior. Leisure organizers (heads of art workshops, counselors) can work on it with the involvement of children. Older children can conduct this work themselves under the guidance of a teacher.

When creating a script, the folk festival organizer should keep in mind that the construction of dramatic action is created on the so- called growing principle, i.e. transmitted through the growth of emotional tension. The scripted drama of the folk festival should be based on the internal composition, which includes the exposition, connection, active development, culmination, denouement, and additional elements of the composition, namely prologue and epilogue.

It should be noted that the children's conscious participation in the folk festival preparation is crucial. In particular, they need to know the meaning of the festival, to be acquainted with the main characters, attributes, and symbols, so that the perception is deep and complete. For example, this is information about the material, spiritual culture, i.e. acquaintance with the subject environment of the festival, and, accordingly, ritual food, utensils, folk costumes, decoration of housing. The use of decorative and applied crafts in the folk festival design involves the presentation of ceramics, wicker, wood, embroidery, Ukrainian folk clothing, and folk cuisine in the interior design of the stage or artistic platform while creating settings. The spiritual culture essence can be revealed through Ukrainian folklore, musical and choreographic arrangement of the festival, communication and behavior styles, cults, rites, and rituals. Dramatization of different festival stages requires knowledge of both spiritual and material components of its content. Active participation and presentation of art workshops are the keys to a remarkable event.

Analysis of the results of the folk festival organization and holding should be mandatory because only on the basis of what has been achieved, can we successfully move forward, consolidate better, and get rid of shortcomings. This analysis of results has two main functions, namely the organizational and the educational. The regular study contributes to better organization of work and encourages a more responsible attitude to task accomplishment. Thus, analysis results do not go unnoticed but can be evaluated. The analysis is also a good school of education for observation, self-criticism, demanding, the formation of public opinion, the right attitude to criticism, and improving skills. First of all, it is necessary to record positive results in order to indicate those methods, conditions, and methods that led to success and to find out the reasons for failures. Qualified summarizing creates the conditions for sound planning and improving the quality of all educational work in the future in the children's healthcare and recreation institution.

educational folk festival children


During Ukraine's independence, the tasks and directions of the children's healthcare and recreation institution functioning have expanded. It is essential to introduce educational activities in the educational process, which are aimed at acquainting young people with the Ukrainian national culture, in particular with folk festivals. Issues of preserving the ethnographic heritage of individual regions, and the traditional household culture introduction are on the agenda.

A crucial factor in successful work is to create appropriate conditions for children's self-realization and stimulate creative development and initiative. Educators and counselors need to be prepared to take plenty of measures to organize children's leisure pastimes. Providing the technical side of such work (manuals, phonograms, publications with scripts, games, competitions, etc.), greatly helps in training. Educators have to decide on the choice of repertoire, and methods of working with the musical component of leisure in the children's healthcare and recreation institution. The student with professional music education has to deal with these issues in the condition of the absence of a full-time music group head.

The process of folk festival preparation and holding in a children's healthcare and recreation institution is characterized by an unconventional approach to the organization of educational and artistic activities. It is due to the material, pedagogical, artistic, and educational opportunities of the institution. It creates an environment that stimulates children's self-education and self-development regardless of their ages and place of residence but always takes into account their educational needs and interests. The process of folk festival organization in the children's healthcare and recreation institution is aimed at creating psychological comfort, as well as children's artistic talents development. Activities are diverse and give the opportunity to unite children, show them their individuality, believe in their abilities, and evoke feelings of friendliness and trust.

Prospects for further research. The study does not cover all aspects of the issue. The subject of further research may be the development and testing of methods of future professional training to organize and hold a folk festival in a children's institution of healthcare and recreation.


1. Ірклієнко В.С. (2016). Соціально-педагогічні можливості народного свят як моделі високоестетизованого побуту. В Materials of the ХІІ International scientific and practical conference, “Scientific horizons - 2016”. (Pedagogical sciences). Vol. 3. (с. 59-62). Sheffield.

2. Ірклієнко В.С. (2015). Аксіосфера українських народних свят. Естетика і етика педагогічної дії: Зб. наук. праць, 12, 39-48.

3. Ірклієнко В.С. (2016). Музичне мистецтво в народному святі: етнографічно педагогічний вимір. Естетика і етика педагогічної дії: Зб. наук. праць, 14, 99-106.


1. Irkliienko V.S. (2016). Muzychne mystetstvo v narodnomu sviati: etnohrafichno-pedahohichnyi vymir [Musical art in a folk festival: ethnographic and pedagogical dimension]. Estetyka ta etyka pedahohichnoi dii [Aesthetics and ethics of pedagogical action], 14, 99-106 [in Ukrainian].

2. Irkliienko V.S. (2016). Sotsialno-pedahohichni mozhlyvosti narodnoho sviat yak modeli vysokoestetyzovanoho pobutu [Folk festival socio-pedagogical possibilities as a model of highly aestheticized life]. Materials of the XII International scientific andpractical conference, “Scientific horizons”. (Pedagogical sciences). Vol. 3. (p. 59-62). Sheffield.

3. Irkliienko V.S. (2015). Aksiosfera ukrainskykh narodnykh sviat [Axiosphere of Ukrainian folk festivals]. Estetyka ta etyka pedahohichnoi dii [Aesthetics and ethics of pedagogical action], 12, 39-48 [in Ukrainian].

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