Safety assessment of the educational environment in the process of practice by psychology students

Formation of the professional position of a student-psychologist in relation to the client in the practice of professional interaction. Subject-object and subject-subject attitude of the student-practitioner to the participants of the educational action.

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Дата добавления 11.01.2023
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Safety assessment of the educational environment in the process of practice by psychology students

Blyskun O.O.


The article deals with the problems of forming a professional position of a student-psychologist in relation to a client in the practice of professional interaction. The subject-object and subject-subject attitude of the student-trainee to the participants of the educational process is analyzed. The formation of this position among senior students is revealed and substantiated. On the basis of the study, it is noted the need to create conditions for the formation of the subject-subject relationship of a student-psychologist in the process of his education and internship. To implement this, a workshop on the development of personal and professional qualities is required as part of the practice program, which will allow structuring students' ideas about the conditions for the interaction of personal and professional qualities and the type of professional self-concept, as well as developing conditions for the development of these qualities in the process ofprofessional activity.

The article also discusses the possibilities of applying the model of analysis and evaluation of the educational environment in modern educational institutions. The most popular models of the educational environment used in modern research and their ability to adequately assess the educational environment in terms of general safety and psychological safety are analyzed. The influence of indicators of the level of stress among the participants of the educational process on the degree of psychological safety of the environment is considered.

Key words: professional position of a student-psychologist, practice, professional interaction, dynamics of professional position, educational environment, safety.


Блискун О. О.


У статті розглянуто проблеми формування професійної позиції студента-психолога стосовно клієнта у практиці професійної взаємодії. Проаналізовано суб'єкт-об'єктне та суб'єкт-суб'єктне ставлення студента- практиканта до учасників освітнього процесу. Виявлено та обґрунтовано формування даної позиції у студентів старших курсів. На основі проведеного дослідження наголошується на необхідності створення умов формування суб'єкт-суб'єктного ставлення студента -психолога в процесі його навчання та проходження ним практики. Для реалізації цього потрібно проведення практикуму з розвитку особистісних та професійних якостей у рамках програми практики, що дозволить структурувати уявлення студентів про умови взаємодії особистісних та професійних якостей та тип професійної Я - концепції, а також розробити умови розвитку даних якостей у процесі професійної діяльності.

У статті розглядаються також можливості застосування моделі аналізу та оцінки освітнього середовища у сучасних закладах вищої освіти. Аналізуються найбільш популярні моделі освітнього середовища, що використовуються у сучасних дослідженнях та їх можливості адекватно оцінювати освітнє середовище за параметром загальної безпеки та психологічної безпеки, зокрема під час проходження практики. Розглядається вплив показників рівня стресу серед учасників освітнього процесу на рівень психологічної безпеки середовища.

Ключові слова: професійна позиція студента-психолога, практика, професійна взаємодія, динаміка професійної позиції, освітнє середовище, безпека. Блискун Олена Олександрівна - доктор психологічних наук, доцент, професор кафедри практичної психології та соціальної роботи Східноукраїнського національного університету ім. В. Даля.

Formulation of the problem. Ensuring the safety of the educational environment is one of the priority areas in the context of the implementation of a comprehensive modernization of education. It becomes obvious that it is possible to achieve the goal of forming a harmonious and fully developed personality of a student only in conditions of psychological, social and legal protection of all participants in the educational process. Moreover, this security should be implemented not only at the level of declarations, but felt by all participants as an integral component of the educational environment in which students, their parents, and teachers are located.

The innovative focus of higher education reforms, the concretization of society's demand for the professionalism of a modern psychologist , as well as the change in the attitude of each individual client to the level of professional services of a psychologist increase the relevance of studying the professional relationship between a psychologist and a client in the process of professional interaction (Karamushka, Tereshchenko, Kredentser, Lagodzinska, Ivkin, Kovalchuk, 2018).

In this regard, it is important to study the personal and professional characteristics that are formed in the process of internship by students, and the development of psychological support for this internship for psychology students in their senior years of study.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Modern researchers understand the educational environment as an open system that reflects the main trends in the development of the social environment as a whole.

Theoretical foundations for identifying the components of the professional position of a student-psychologist in the practice of professional interaction The professional activity of a psychologist has its own specifics, which consists in focusing on another person. He, having the activity of the subject, initially cannot but influence the specialist. Therefore, actions are performed in relation to both the client on the part of the psychologist and the psychologist on the part of the client.

Accordingly, the discussion of the question of the professional activity of a psychologist can only be considered as a process of interaction. Thus, we always talk about the work of a psychologist as an interaction with another person. This is one of the main features of the psychology profession.

It is noted by many authors in works on the study of the position of professional interaction of a psychologist.

As F. Vasilyuk, the complexity of the profession of a psychologist lies in the fact that a specialist must recognize himself as a responsible subject of independent psychological practice and that he is faced with a person in the fullness, concreteness and intensity of his life problems.

F. Vasilyuk draws attention to the subjectivity of people involved in professional interaction with a psychologist. The fundamental limitation of the zone of professional competence of a psychologist is given by the fact that the professional activity of a psychologist does not coincide in its direction with the pragmatic or ethical aspiration of the person who applied for help, with the orientation of his emotional-volitional attitude into the world.

The psychologist, according to the author, cannot directly borrow his professional goals from the set of goals and desires that are relevant for the person who applied, and, accordingly, his professional actions and reactions to life events cannot be automatically determined by what the client wants. The most significant is that a person is always himself and only he can survive the events, circumstances and changes in his life that gave rise to the crisis. No one can do it for him.

Speaking in the position of the subject, the client can only solve his own problem, the one with which he came to the psychologist. Predicting the actions of a client who has his own life experience and his own ideas is a very difficult task for a psychologist, as a rule, not solvable initially. Therefore, a client who comes for help is always a “new” person. professional educational psychologist

This feature, in our opinion, is defining in the profession of a psychologist. On the other hand, before turning to a specialist, a person usually considered all possible ways out of a predicament and found them unsatisfactory. The psychologist at the time of the meeting with the client has in his arsenal possible ways to solve various difficult situations (Khmil, Popovych, 2019).

Thus, in the reality of consulting work, understanding the client means that he is a unique and inimitable personality, free from th e rules and patterns of the psychologist's scientific thinking. The specialist finds himself in a contradictory situation, when the available knowledge is not a guarantee of their application in practice. Then the psychologist is threatened with a conflict between two diametrically opposed and mutually exclusive things - knowledge, on the one hand, and understanding, on the other (Popovych, Kononenko О., Kononenko А., Stynska, Kravets, Piletska, Blynova, 2020).

The purpose of the article is to assess the safety of the educational environment in the process of internship by psychology students.

Presentation of the main material and results of the study. The professional interaction of a psychologist with a client is unique in nature and is a dialogue of two subjects endowed with activity. Being at the same time one of the main forms of work, professional interaction implies building a joint reality between the psychologist and the client, in the space of which it is possible to implement the technology of solving the problem.

From the point of view of F. Vasilyuk, living together is a problem. A. Leaders defines this interaction as "co-living".

An analysis of the work of T. Poddubnaya empirically confirms the situation of co-development of a psychologist with a client. T. Poddubnaya shows that the image of the client is indeed a kind of buffer that absorbs both personal and professional growth problems and reflects the level of formation of professional selfawareness, and hence the professional self-concept. In the very professional activity of a psychologist, the images of the psychologist and the client are defining its essence.

Helping the client in self-development, the psychologist develops himself. The fact of accepting the client as a person can be considered as the initial and as a mature position of a professional. Thus, the highlighted features of the practical work of both a specialist psychologist and a student-psychologist lead us to the fact that the following point deserves special attention: the interaction between a psychologist and a client presupposes a certain position of a specialist in relation to the client.

The specificity of the professional position of a psychologist is determined by the formation of professional self-awareness. G. Abramova points out that the position of a qualified psychologist includes: a generalized theory (professional

consciousness); I am a psychologist (a professional I-concept in which a model of my own practice is built); I-personality concept.

What attitude a psychologist develops towards a client largely depends on the methodological approach in which the specialist works. Accordingly, the framework that defines the understanding of another person is also determined by the professional position and methodological approach.

After graduating from a university or working in the last years of study, a student enters pedagogical practice not only with generalized theoretical knowledge, but also with personal experience of his life. The complexity of the counseling situation is created by the presence of two subjects in it, each of which has its own activity.

Appeal to the professional practice of a psychologist, thus, makes us consider the interaction of a specialist psychologist with a client as a manifestation of an active subjective position by each participant in the meeting. Thus, the interaction of a psychologist and a client in a variety of situations presupposes a subject -subject relationship of participants in the interaction process.

How ready are psychology students to manifest this position after graduation? The study of students-psychologists for the manifestation of this position was carried out by us among students of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the SNU V. Dahl, 3rd and 4th year undergraduate students.

The results of the study of the professional position of a student of psychology in the practice of interaction. The study of the professional position of a specialist was carried out using the methodology of stu dying the attitude towards the client by a psychologist (K. Rogers). The methodology was aimed at identifying the professional position of a psychologist in the practice of counseling - subject-object (S-O) or subject-subject (S-S). The technique was carried out twice - before and after the student's internship as a psychologist in order to analyze whether the student's professional position has changed in pedagogical practice.

Most of the students who participated in our study had a subject -object attitude towards the client in the process of professional interaction with him. Based 8 on the results of the analysis, it should be noted that both before and after teaching practice, students are more distinguished by their subject-object professional position (58% of the sample of students of 3-5 courses of study).

After passing the pedagogical practice, the ratio changed slightly, most of the group at the third stage of the study also retained the subject -object relationship (61%). The significance of differences at this stage of the study was tested using the Fisher angular correlation coefficient. In general, we can say that the differences in the percentages of subjects who have a subject-object attitude towards the client is (pemp. = 1.621. Comparing with the levels of statistical significance accepted in psychology Ф 0.01 = 1.68 and ф 0.05 = 2.33, we can say that the differences obtained are not significant, since the empirical value of фemp. = 1.597 < ф 0.05 = 1.67.

In this regard, the issue of developing a model of the educational environment, which makes it possible to adequately assess it in terms of the security parameter, becomes relevant. Various authors have proposed options for modeling the educational environment. V. Yasvin proposes to consider the educational environment as a system that combines influences on the individual from the social and spatial - subject environment, as well as their conditions and opportunities for development.

The methodology for modeling the educational environment, proposed by V. Yasvin, involves the assessment of the environment along two coordinate axes: “freedom-dependence” and “activity-passivity”. The assessment of the environment is carried out according to six key parameters, from the point of view of the author.

These include the orientation of the educational environment primarily on the personal interests of the child or on the public; adjusting the educator to the student or the opposite situation; the predominance of an individual or collective form of education in a given team.

The presence or absence of punishments in the considered educational institution, stimulation or suppression of the initiative and creative manifestations of the student are also assessed.

A cumulative assessment of the listed six parameters makes it possible to determine the general vector of development of the educational environment and classify it into one of the four types.

Namely: dogmatic, career, serene and creative educational environment. The definition of these types of educational environment belongs to J. Korczak.

V. Yasvin's model assesses the educational environment as a whole, while other authors single out the psychological safety of participants in the educational process as a key parameter that determines the safety of the educational environment.

Baeva develops the concept of psychological safety of the educational environment. Through the analysis of factors that threaten psychological safety, the quality of the educational environment and the degree of its safety are examined. The criteria for assessing safety are the degree of protection from psychological violence of all participants in the educational system; attitude to the educational system as a significant environment on the part of all participants in the educational process, as well as the level of satisfaction with the main characteristics of the interaction process.

The technique can be used to assess the psychological safety of the environment by all participants in the educational process: students, teachers, parents of students. The higher the score of the three listed indicators, the higher the psychological safety in the evaluated educational institution.

Unfortunately, the proposed assessment method allows us to identify only the subjective perception of the degree of psychological safety and does not allow us to correlate the obtained data with any objective indicators.

In our work, we consider the possibilities of using R. Karasek's demand - control model to assess the characteristics of the educational environment. This model is applicable to the analysis of the working conditions of any organization, which compares favorably with the models of other authors discussed above, since the exclusion of educational institutions from the general context of the analysis of organizational and managerial decisions distorts the understanding of the context in which educational structures function.

The demand-control model proposed by R. Karasek makes it possible to evaluate the response to individual stress of subjects included in the educational process. The level of occupational stress determines not only the degree of psychological discomfort in the working situation, but is also a predictor of diseases and injuries during the labor process. The occurrence of stress is associated not only with the requirements for the organization of labor activity, but also with its social organization (Karasek, Theorell, 1992).

Stress-related threats, considered in the demand-control model, not only affect the individual characteristics of the subject of work, but also change the social interactions in the organization as a whole. As strengths of the model, the author highlights its explanatory power of the probability of a professional entering a mobilizing or destabilizing phase of stress.

Thus, it can be assumed that, first of all, the reaction of the teacher to the conditions of the educational environment will determine its comfort for all participants. One of the most common reactions to an unfavorable work environment is stress.

R. Karasek proposes to assess the intensity of work stress by a combination of the following factors: the degree of psychological stress on the worker in conjunction with the possibility of making independent decisions (Karasek, Theorell, 1992).

The higher the psychological requirements of work, the higher the excitement, which, combined with a low degree of control of the production situation, creates the prerequisites for the development of the most unfavorable reactions to stress, such as chronic fatigue, depression, acute physical ailment (loss of consciousness, hysteria, etc.). (Karasek, Theorell, 1992).

Another combination of factors: high requirements with an equally high ability to control one's own actions in response to professional challenges, leads, according to researchers, to a moderate severity of professional stress.

This combination is characteristic of the work of managers and other representatives of top management.

Thus, this model has similarities with the vector model of the educational environment by V. Yasvin, which also considers the parameters of the activity of the participants in the educational process and the degree of their freedom in making decisions.

However, R. Karasek's (Karasek, Theorell, 1992) model makes it possible to identify objective parameters for the analysis of a professional situation, in contrast to V. Yasvin's model, where the analysis of the educational environment is based on the subjective assessment of an expert.

The latter method can hardly be called effective in modern conditions of consolidation of educational complexes, an increase in the amount of information and the number of criteria that determine the effectiveness of organization management.

The described model is applicable to all participants in the educational process. The construction of teacher-student interaction can also be assessed from the standpoint of the distribution of requirements and the ability to control the situation. In the educational environment, the degree of students' control over the situation is often not high, which in turn can reduce psychological safety.

Conclusions. According to the results of the analysis of the methodology of the professional position of a student-psychologist (K. Rogers), it should be noted that most of the students-psychologists of 3-4 courses of study prefer to work in the position of a subject-object relationship. The formation of this professional position in the process of internship by psychology students contradicts the position of a specialist psychologist in real activity.

Therefore, the work on the formation of the conditions for the formation of the subject-subject relationship of a student -psychologist in the process of his education and passing his practices becomes relevant.

As further studies show, the subject-subject position of the student in relation to the client is one of the conditions for the positive dynamics of the professional selfconcept of psychology students, which contributes to the subsequent successful professional self-determination.

As a recommendation for the formation of the subject-subject position, a workshop on the development of personal and professional qualities can be offered as part of the internship program, which allows structuring students' ideas about the conditions for the interaction of personal and professional qualities and the type of professional self-concept, as well as developing conditions for the development of these qualities in the process of professional activity.

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn. The requirement-control model can be used to assess the quality of the educational environment. The profession of a psychologist most likely belongs to the group of professions with a high degree of workload and control over the situation. When planning changes in the educational environment, the parameters of requirements and control must be taken into account so as not to cause a deterioration in the working situation. It can be assumed that the assessment of the educational environment using the demand-control model can allow assessing the risks of developing professional burnout among professionals, which requires further research.


1. Karamushka L.M., Tereshchenko K.V., Kredentser O.V., Lagodzinska V.I., Ivkin V.M., Kovalchuk O.S. (2018). Educational staff ambiguity intolerance: relationship with organizational mobility and tension. Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія. № 3 (14). С. 42 - 50. [in English].

2. Karasek R., Theorell T. (1992). Healthy Work: Stress, Productivity, and the Reconstruction of Working Life. Basic Books. 381 p. [in English].

3. Khmil V.V., Popovych I.S. (2019). Philosophical and Psychological Dimensions of Social Expectations of Personality. Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research. Vol. 16. P. 55 - 65. [in English].

4. Popovych I., Kononenko О., Kononenko А., Stynska V., Kravets N., Piletska L., Blynova O. (2020). Research of the Relationship between Existential Anxiety and the Sense of Personality's Existence. Revista Inclusiones. Vol. 7 (num Especial). 2020. P. 41 - 59. [in English].

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