Integrating е-learning in ukrainian language teaching for international students at higher education institutions

Application of E-learning technologies in teaching the Ukrainian language to foreign students. The contradiction between the lack of development and implementation of digital educational tools. Development of electronic interactive learning tools.

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Дата добавления 02.01.2023
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Integrating е-learning in ukrainian language teaching for international students at higher education institutions

Levenok I.S.,

PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Lecturer at the Language Training of Foreign Citizens Department Sumy State University

Sydorenko O.P.,

PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,

Head of the Language Training of Foreign Citizens Department

Sumy State University

The article actualizes the use of E-learning technologies in teaching Ukrainian language to foreign students in higher education institutions. It is impossible to imagine both formal and non- formal language study without modern e-learning technologies. Traditional and online learning really coexist.

In the article the attempt to solve contradiction between the lack of development and implementation of digital learning tools (e-books, podcasts, multimedia, language study online laboratories in social networks), electronic study platforms and their need for foreign students of higher education institution was revealed. Regarded to this, we see the sharp necessity of implementation e-learning technologies into teaching Ukrainian as a second language to international students. On the ground of systemic and comparative analysis of international methodical and scientific literature, sites of HEI, interactive electronic study tools, generalized practical experience of integrating modern teaching methodic at Language Training Foreign Citizens Department of Sumy State University. National and international experience of e-learning in teaching language is integrated into Ukrainian language training. Rapid development of online resources, social networks, electronic interactive learning tools for language learning enhance foreign students to open new opportunities for high-quality learning and rapid mastery of Ukrainian as a second language. Today, such innovative forms as blended learning are gaining special importance.

The practical experience of using interactive teaching tools in teaching Ukrainian as a second language for foreign students is revealed. For teaching study discipline «Ukrainian as a foreign» an electronic study materials (professionally oriented texts, online tests, video, mental cards, etc.) at inner study educational platforms of Sumy State University, such as Mix (https://, Open Course Ware (https:// ) and also language online laboratories in social network Facebook were integrated. We pay attention, that the concept of our research is based on the ground of theoretical and methodical aspects.

Key words: education, Е-learning technologies, interactive learning tools, blended learning, Ukrainian as a second language (USL), international students.


Стаття актуалізує застосування E-learning технологій під час викладання української мови іноземним студентам у закладах вищої освіти. Неможливо уявити як формальне, так і неформальне вивчення мови без сучасних технологій електронного навчання. Традиційне та онлайн-навчання дійсно співіснують. У статті здійснено спробу вирішити суперечність між недостатньою розробленістю й імплементацією цифрових навчальних засобів, (електронних книг, подкастів, мультимедійного забезпечення, навчальних мовних онлайн лабораторій у соціальних мережах) та електронних навчальних платформ і потребою у них іноземних студентів закладів вищої освіти. На основі системного та компаративного аналізу міжнародної методичної' та наукової літератури, сайтів ЗВО, інтерактивних засобів електронного навчання, узагальнено практичний досвід застосування нових методик викладання на кафедрі мовної підготовки іноземних громадян Сумського державного університету. Національний та міжнародний досвід електронного навчання інтегровано у викладання української мови як іноземної. Швидкий розвиток онлайн-ресурсів, соціальних мереж, електронних інтерактивних засобів навчання для вивчення мови сприяють відкриттю іноземним студентам нових можливостей для їх якісного навчання та швидкого оволодіння українською як другою мовою. Сьогодні особливого значення набувають такі інноваційні форми, як змішане навчання. Деталізовано практичний досвід застосування електронних інтерактивних засобів навчання та навчальних ресурсів під час викладання української як другої мови для іноземних студентів. Для викладання навчальної дисципліни «Українська мова як іноземна» інтегровано електронні навчальні матеріали (професійно орієнтовані тексти, онлайн тести, відео, ментальні карти та інше) на внутрішніх навчальних платформах СумДУ, таких як Mix ( ua/), Open Course Ware (https://ocw.sumdu., а також мовні онлайн лабораторії у соціальній мережі Facebook. Зазначаємо, що концепція нашого дослідження здійснюється на основі теоретико-методичних аспектів.

Ключові слова: освіта, технології електронного навчання, інтерактивні засоби навчання, змішане навчання, українська як друга мова (USL), іноземні студенти. electronic interactive learning implementation

The problem of research

According to definitions provided by UNESCO [3], the notions of “distance learning”, “e-learning” and “online learning” are synonymous, as they involve learning through the Internet and multimedia. The researches from University of Missouri J.L Moore, C. Dickson- Dean, K. Galyen emphasize, that the correct use of each term is difficult as it depends from “different environments with a variety of characteristics” [8, 129-135]. Numerous works of scientists show that the issue of application of innovative teaching methods is one of the priorities in the methodology of language teaching. Research of new learning technologies, including the method of blended learning, is based on the achievements of linguistics, language didactics, psychology, pedagogy [1, 80-84].

International researches note, that technology has become an increasingly common part of a students' daily life. Extensive use of mobile devices, mp3 players, personal computers and various other digital “toys” have organized the learning lives of many international students. The “digital generation” of foreigners (referred to as Generation Y in European countries) is not surprising, which has attracted the attention of scholars in higher education in language teaching of foreigners, and not only to motivate language learning and to form a second language personality.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The following methods of research analysis are used: systematic analysis of national and international methodological and scientific literature, analysis of free educational sites, comparative analysis of e-learning technologies, generalization of experience in implementation of new teaching methods and interactive learning tools at the Language Training of Foreign Citizens Department of Sumy State University.

The main provisions of traditional and online language learning organization are revealed by Ukrainian researches Bidenko L.V., Kushnir I.M., Nazarevych L.T.; blended learning in higher education institutions are considered in the works of national and international researchers Godovanets N.I., Kukharenko V.M., Sikora J.B., Sams A., Jonathan Bergmann, Purnima Valiathan, Roger Roger Schank, cited by Donald Clark in his article Blended Learning, defines it as the use, to some extent, of e-learning and classroom learning by Siobhan McPhee & Graham Pickren (“Blended learning for international students: a multidisciplinary approach”). Graham C. R., Garrison, D. R., & Anderson (“E-learning in the 21st century: A framework for research and practice”) deal with the introduction of E-learning technologies in the educational process. Purnima Valiathan, Roger Shank, to whom Donald Clark refers in his article “Blended Learning”, defines blended learning as the use of e-learning and audit training. Researches Garrison and Vaughan believe, that blended learning is “organic integration of thoughtfully selected and complementary personal and online approaches and methods” [4].

Spanish researches Garcia-Penalvo Francisco Jose presented the collective investigation about detailing an experience of use modern interactive approaches in the book “Multiculturalism in Technology-Based Education: Case Studies on ICT- Supported Approaches”. It is found that although some students have adopted electronic generation technologies and tools, this is by no means a universal means of satisfying the learning experience of international students [5].

Therefore, we highlight previously unresolved parts of the overall problem. According to international researchers, the “digital gap” has been identified in the student environment, so there are contradictions between the lack of development of digital learning tools (e-books, podcasts, multimedia) and the need for foreign students. Regarded to this, we see the sharp necessity of implementation e-learning technologies into teaching Ukrainian as a second language to international students.

The purpose of the article is to analyze and describe implementation of e-learning sources into Ukrainian language teaching for international students at higher education institution.

Presenting main material

According to the plan of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, digital materials for foreign students are being developed. “Speak Ukrainian” educational website is designed for international students who want to learn Ukrainian language. This site is designed for both beginners and those who want to improve their knowledge (the platform is available at the link - ).

The results of various pedagogical competitions (competition of pedagogical innovations, competition for the use of mobile devices, etc.) at Sumy State University (SSU) allow us to state that teachers are gradually implementing such methodological solutions in the educational process, which try to combine traditional learning technologies with E-learning technologies. Sumy State University is an active participant in the implementation of blended learning models. From 2016 to 2019, an experiment was conducted to test the models of blended learning proposed by lecturers and researches. The Department of Language Training of Foreign Citizens of SSU does not stand aside. The developed distance course for foreign students is a confirmation of this (on the inner study platform Open Course Ware (OCW) of SSU). Development of electronic textbooks, videos, elements of gamification in blended learning and inverted learning for foreign students are a priority in the formation of Ukrainian-language professional competence of international students.

A full-fledged element of classes in accordance with the provisions on distance learning (On approval of the Regulations on distance learning) are electronic educational resources, which include educational, scientific, informational, reference materials and tools developed in electronic form and presented on media or placed on a computer. Computer networks, reproduced with the help of electronic technical means and used to ensure the educational activities of applicants [2].

At classes we offer to use mobile devices, smartphones, which help to create a visual series, and this greatly facilitates the strength of memorization of Ukrainian words. Use of multimedia presentations in PowerPoint, educational videos (For example, youtube channel “Interesting Science” ( com/channel / UCMIVE71tHEUDkuw8tPxtzSQ), podcasts from “Ukrainian Lessons Podcasts” (https:// promotes the formation of skills of serving culturally marked units within a certain context, mastering etiquette formulas of communication. We have to note, that the formation of Ukrainian-speaking professional competence of international students in Ukrainian as a foreign language is facilitated by listening to podcasts (“Podcast - a digital media file or a series of such files distributed on the Internet for playback on portable media players or personal computers. can resemble a radio show, a sound show, contain interviews, lectures or anything else that belongs to the oral genre”) [7]. The teacher Anna Ogoiko, who created this resource, uses many different tools and methods of transmitting information: music, movies, images, which helps motivate to learn the Ukrainian language and better master the material.

Mobile and Internet learning technologies (whiteboard, multimedia presentations in PowerPoint) help to prepare for practical classes.

For example, to develop communication skills, the ability to discuss with foreign students, we offer viewing of fragments of the educational series “Doctor on Duty”, “Doctor House”. For senior students, when the lexical, grammatical and articulatory base is already formed, working with blogs and engaging in web discussions is effective [6].

There are online labs for professional language learning. For example, in order to help medical students prepare for interaction with a real patient and improve communication skills, the University of Texas at Dallas (USA) offers augmented reality classes (Virtual Patient Project Aims To Develop Smarter Medical Students) and virtual dialogue modeling. with patients. Virtual patient modeling technologies are designed for students so that they can model practical advice for virtual patients [7, 389-407].

Since 2019, at SSU has functioning a training and research laboratory of virtual and augmented reality ULab ( It is unique in that it allows you to model equipment, conduct virtual social scenarios, interactive tours, interaction of participants in educational simulations. there was an opportunity for international students to study the structure of the human body.

Mixing face-to-face and distance learning: this form of blended learning is the most common. Learning materials and tasks can be posted in the system Moodle or MIX, social networks such as Edmodo, Facebook and create conditions for blended learning and the use of, for example, “inverted” model in the classroom. Blended learning successfully combines the process of direct personal communication in teacher-student systems with online interaction through computer-based language learning systems that help create a virtual learning environment.

This model contributed to increase the efficiency of classroom work of teachers and international students and the organization of independent work of students using electronic learning resources and social networks (MIX, Facebook, etc.)

International students were offered a preliminary independent study of a part of the study material in the discipline “Ukrainian as a foreign language” using electronic resources (professionally oriented texts, online tests, videos, mental maps) posted on the resource of SSU Mix. ), or with the use of the open educational resource OCW ( ).

Australian scientist and researcher Josh McCarthy shares his experience of using the Facebook network for developing communicative skills of international students, provoking discussions between students, their interpretation of images, etc. Chapter “Online networking: integrating international students into first year university through the strategic use of participatory media” presents the usage of Facebook in helping “immerse international students into Australian university culture at a first-year level by furthering the development of academic and social relationships between peers” [5, 189-210]. We also have the practice of using Facebook network and have an author's language laboratory on Facebook “Ukr.Lang.Laboratory for foreign students” (https:// founded by I. Levenok). Participants of this language laboratory made projects “International students of SSU support doctors” in support to doctors, who struggled against Covid-19. International students pinned images on Facebook-wall and wrote descriptions, thankful supporting words in Ukrainian and in their native language. The presentation of their online mini-projects was presented in Ukrainian language at scientific conference. The colleague and researcher L. Nazarevych (Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University), is the founder of study platform at Facebook “Ukrainer for foreigners”. She organizes speech activities with foreign students and presents tasks for fluent Ukrainian speech. Another modern researcher I. Kushnir (V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University) also implement Facebook network activity for Ukrainian language study to international students.


An implementation of e-learning sources into Ukrainian language teaching for international students at higher education institution is described. According to national and international experience, we may conclude, that there are variety of online platforms, virtual activities, social networks, interactive learning tools, etc. that can be successfully integrated into language study. The advantages of e-learning, blended learning during the language training of international students are revealed. Study platforms and materials (printed and electronically textbooks and manuals), and the latter is supplemented by various inserts for more successful mastering of the discipline. Programs, and the courses enriched with-learning technologies become more attractive to international students. The perspectives of our further researches are going to be revealed by investigation and developing digital tools for language study.


1. Віденко Л.В. Змішане навчання як нова форма організації мовної підготовки іноземних студентів- нефілологів. Наукові записки НДУ ім. Гоголя. Психо- лого-педагогічні науки. 2018. № 2. С. 80-84.

2. Про затвердження положення про електронні ресурси: Наказ МОН від 01.09.2016 р. № 1061. [Ол approval of the Regulations on electronic resources] Відновлено з:

3. Developing countries in the e-learning era - unesdoc.unesco. Retrievered from: https://unesdoc.

4. Garrison, D. R., & Vaughan, N. D. Blended learning in higher education: Framework, principles and guidelines. New York, NY: Wiley. 2008.

5. Garcia Penalvo F.J., Multiculturalism in Technology-Based Education: Case Studies on ICT-Supported Approaches” 2012, pp. 382.

6. Lave, J., Wenger, E. Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation. New York City, New York: Cambridge University Press. 1991.

7. Levenok, I. S., Semenog, O. M. The professional language competence of foreign students of medical specialties: content, forms, methods of formation at higher educational establishments. Vectors of development of modern pedagogical and of psychological science in Ukraine and EU countries. Riga: Izdevnieciba «Baltija Publishing». 2020. Р 2, рр. 389-408.

8. MooreJ.L., Dickson-DeanC., GalyenK. E-Learning, online learning, and distance learning environments: Are they the same ? The Internet and Higher Education. 2011. Volume 14, Issue 2, 129-135.

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