Training future primary school teacher at Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University for democratic citizenship education
Renewal of Ukrainian society and formation of an active civic position of youth. Implementation of self-governing democratic principles in the practice of higher education. Mastering the pedagogical principles of cultural development by school teachers.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 28.12.2022 |
Размер файла | 22,4 K |
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Training future primary school teacher at Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University for democratic citizenship education
Volodymyr Pogrebnyak
Poltava, Ukraine
The scientific and pedagogical basis of the special training course “Forming Democratic Citizenship of a Primary School Teacher-to-Be in the System of Higher Pedagogical Education” at Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University is revealed and its content has been developed. The prognostic results of studying the discipline as means of realization of democratic principles in the pedagogical process of teacher training in the conditions of renewal of Ukrainian society and growth of public activity are determined.
Studying the educational discipline is aimed at mastering by teachers-to- be the historical and pedagogical principles of becoming and presenting citizenship education in the world educational systems in the context of civilizational development of humanity; learning theoretical positions of civil education: essence, pedagogical importance, purpose, tasks, and principles; to become proficient at methodical bases and tools (forms, methods, facilities) of realization of tasks of democratic citizenship education in the pedagogical process.
Keywords: pedagogical education, primary school teacher-to-be, professional teacher training, citizenship education, democratic citizenship, special educational course.
In the context of global integration processes, European choice and development of statehood in Ukraine, the current global political situation and the Russian-Ukrainian war, civic education is becoming increasingly important in the practice of the higher pedagogical education in the country. The reason is that the implementation of self-governing democratic principles in the educational process of secondary school in the context of renewal of Ukrainian society and the rise of social activity involves the usage of appropriate teacher training.
The priority of forming democratic citizenship, intensifying the participation of young people in state-building and social processes is emphasized in the National Program of Patriotic Education, National Doctrine of the Development of Education in Ukraine, the National Strategy for Development of Education in Ukraine for 2012-2021, the Laws of Ukraine “About Education” and “About Higher Education”, other methodological documents governing the renewal of the domestic educational system.
Though, nowadays the system of purposeful training of future teachers in domestic pedagogical universities for implementation the tasks of civic education, in our opinion, is in its initial stage. The functioning of such system requires, above all, proper scientific methodological and theoretical funding, based on domestic and foreign achievements in this field.
Analysis of recent researches and publications. A substantial influence on the study of philosophical and methodological, theoretical and methodical values of citizenship education in foreign and domestic pedagogical staff has been made by N. Abashkina, R. Alehandro, Yu. Alferov, P. Clark, M. Edwards, J. Gaventa, D. Hitter, Hughes, N. Lavrychenko, M. Leschenko, B. Melnychenko, L. Pukhovska, A. Sears, O. Sukhomlynska, K. Taylor, I. Vasylenko, Wulfson and other researchers.
At the same time, it must be recognized that the organizational and pedagogical conditions and methodological tools for educating citizenship in pedagogical science and educational practice of foreign countries, which have overcome the long path of birth, formation and development of democratic society and school, were designed and developed quite thoroughly. Unfortunately, only several scientific studies have been devoted to the study of the world experience of citizenship education of youth in Ukraine.
The importance of educating democratic citizenship today is determined not only by the positive impact of the high level of its formation on the political situation or governance in general, but also, in particular, to ensure a responsible attitude to society and public activities, understanding of processes of internal social and international collaboration and unity. In spite of the fact that civic education has always been the focus of pedagogical science and practice, these aspects in the past, regrettably, often did not find proper embodiment in the educational process. Finally, the issue of citizenship education has traditionally been based on the family, school and church, but their main task has been to develop tolerance, subordination and commitment among young people, which they considered to be key components of responsible citizenship. Taking into consideration specified recent social changes and processes in the community, in the current context, the rationale for such an approach to civic education is questionable and hotly debated (Pogrebnyak, 2013, 2014). Now the education, both formal and non-formal, in terms of lifelong learning, is crucial for development of active citizenship, quality of participation in a democratic society and education of democratic culture. And the primary school teachers have a principal role in promoting the schooling of democracy and introducing an active participatory approach, as the success of education for democratic citizenship and human rights depends largely on teaching profession. This has been repeatedly acknowledged by the political centres of the Council of Europe.
The purpose of the research. In the context of the above issues, the study is aimed at conducting scientific and theoretical validation and development of a special educational course “Forming Democratic Citizenship of a Primary School Teacher-to-Be in the System of Higher Pedagogical Education ” (Pogrebnyak, 2019) in accordance with the professional educational program for future teachers training at Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University. Thus, the responsibilities of the research are: 1) to validate the scientific pedagogical values and 2) to outline the contents of the special training course, taking into account the promising foreign achievements in the field of formation of democratic citizenship in a higher school.
Historical and pedagogical comparative and content analysis was chosen as the methods of research to present the main provisions of modern methodology, theory and methods of citizenship education; theoretical analysis - used to clarify the essence of basic concepts; systematization and generalization - to determine the most important elements of the content of the formation of democratic citizenship of future primary school teachers in the discourse of world and European integration of Ukraine; prognostic analysis - to determine the prospects for improving the quality of training future teachers in the context of the research topic.
Main material presenting
Traditional models of education are simply not able to create an active, informed and responsible citizenship, as required by modern democracy. In important respects, they fail to meet requirements of rapidly changing social, economic, political and cultural environment. In history, the idea of citizenship is based on the concept of participation in the coexistence of a culturally homogeneous group and is associated with the implementation of functions that optimally ensure its livelihood and survival.
However, the complexity of production processes and economic cooperation, the development of new means of transport and communication today have led to integration and globalization, comprehensive in-depth contacts between various cultural groups around the world. Accordingly, the expansion of cultural multiplicity of the population and the evolution of interrelationship among countries (Pogrebnyak, 2013) involve the progress of modern approaches to the characterisation of the phenomenon of civicism. It means that most of the citizenship education methodological and theoretical fundamentals and methodical providing need to be rationalised in accordance with the contemporary sociocultural settings (Pogrebnyak, 2015).
Since the middle of the 19th century, the international community has been convinced of the responsibility of a democratic government for educating citizens, who are the source of state power and the organizer of legislation and the entire socio-economic, political and cultural life of the country. Canadian researcher E. Ryerson wrote about this: “Civic education and civil liberties flourish or collapse together” (Ryerson, 1848, p. 296).
In the context, public education is realised as means of forming a national identity, and the care of schooling is the responsibility of the government. Despite the fact that civic education is initially associated with the formation of loyalty to the country and community, with the development of statehood and nation-building, the main emphasis of civic education is gradually shifting from general passive attachment to abstract social ideas and awareness of the social community to intensify vital participation in the social life of a democratic country.
By the middle of the 20th century, the phenomenon of democratic citizenship in the global world context is gradually being formalized as a perception that is no longer interpreted as just the legal, officially recognized status in a country with the corresponding consequences. Democratic citizenship is defined by four basic components: civil, comparative with the rights necessary to secure fundamental personal freedoms; political, which envisages the right to participate in political activity; social, related to the right on economic well-being and private safety; moral, which simulates the general idea of a “good citizen" (Ross, 1963, p. 389).
As well, different approaches involve the execution of such aspects of democratic citizenship as the development of a critical attitude and the need for energetic contribution in social life, integration of basic information on national history, geography and culture. These tasks are constantly applied by pedagogues in educational institutions, starting with nursery; special care is paid to the elucidative action with adult residents in the system of lifelong education, especially with immigrants (Kymlicka, 1989, McKenzie, 1993).
Therefore, the combination of scientific approaches to civil education allows to consider this pedagogical phenomenon in the cumulation of getting knowledge of history, culture, social sciences; development of critical and at the same time responsible civic position, skills and abilities of participation in public life; formation of respect and desire to care for the environment and preserve it; understanding of one's vocation and peculiarities of international relations in a multicultural environment. Thus, citizenship education is a requirement and effective means of building a democratic state and implementing socio-economic, cultural and educational policies in the country on the foundation of humanism, common respect and tolerance.
The overhead generalizations make it possible to assert that the scientific and theoretical substantiation, development and introduction of a special educational course “Forming Democratic Citizenship of a Primary School Teacher-to-Be in the System of Higher Pedagogical Education” at Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University (Pogrebnyak, 2019) taking into account perspective foreign successes in the area of formation of democratic citizenship in the system of higher pedagogical education will contribute to the academic process of teachers-to-be training, to the development of citizenship in the circumstances of the reform of the national educational sector and to the realization of democratic values of the civil society in educational activities of primary, secondary and higher education in situation of updating Ukrainian society and the intensification of public activity.
The methodological and theoretical bases for the realization of the tasks of citizenship education in the professional activities of a future primary school teacher are defined as the subject of the course “Forming Democratic Citizenship of a Primary School Teacher-to-Be in the System of Higher Pedagogical Education ”.
The goal of the special training course is to familiarize future primary school teachers with theoretical and methodical principles, the contemporary state and leading tendencies of citizenship education in the world pedagogical experience for forming their pedagogical competence and enable the usage of the best pedagogical attainments in practical educational activities in the background of building a democratic society in Ukraine.
In accordance with the goal, we envisage the application of the subsequent chief tasks of the course:
- exposure of the past of formation and upgrade of accountable democratic citizenship in the situation of cultural and civilizational expansion of mankind, the revelation of the essentials and tools of civic education on a democratic foundation;
- expanding general and civic education, encouraging a responsible attitude to the life of the community and the state as a whole, ensuring educators' awareness of the rank of citizenship education in the democratization of Ukrainian social order and incorporation into the European and world community;
- execution of citizenship education of a future primary school teacher based on familiarising students with the core, methodological, theoretical and procedural values, present status and recent trends in this area of education in the sphere of pedagogical data, the formation of civic consciousness of the individual and responsible professional pedagogical position of a future primary schoolteacher as the key fundamentals for the practical execution of democratic citizenship education of youth;
- promoting the integrated development of general (instrumental, interpersonal and universal) and special competencies of students in unity with the need to ensure the quality of professional pedagogical training in higher education on the basis of the Bologna Process.
The outcomes of the study of the discipline are the mastery of the past and contemporary pedagogical foundations of forming and promoting citizenship education in world educational systems in the context of the cultural and civilizational development of mankind; integration of the theoretical bases of civic education: the essence, pedagogical value, purpose, tasks, principles, regularities; methodical positions and tools (forms, methods, means) for appreciating the tasks of citizenship education in the pedagogical process. Additionally, future primary school teachers are trained to use up-to-date methods of diagnosis and valuation of the quality of the educational process to found out a level of citizenship education; to analyse and take a broad view on the actual data of pedagogical diagnostics of civic education and to use its outcomes for improvement of the enlightening process; to integrate the contents of citizenship education in pedagogical activity; to implement the principal forms, methods and means of civic education in the pedagogical process; to build contacts on the basis of social open-mindedness, fairness, acknowledgement and admiration for diverse understandings, thoughts and opinions. civic education pedagogical teacher
As an significant condition for attaining the goal and realization of the tasks of the special educational course “Forming Democratic Citizenship of a Primary School Teacher-to-Be in the System of Higher Pedagogical Education” at Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, we consider to be guaranteeing its comprehensive study in line with the entire psychological and pedagogical training in higher educational institution, specifically, through the application of interdisciplinary influences among general and social pedagogy, pedagogy of higher education, comparative pedagogy, teaching methods, the theory of pedagogical management, bases of methodology and organization of scientific research, pedagogical technologies of training, general, age-based and educational psychology, sociology, political science, law, culture and ethics.
The content of the academic course “Forming Democratic Citizenship of a Primary School Teacher-to-Be in the System of Higher Pedagogical Education” is planned according to three curriculum units: “Historical and Pedagogical Principles of Formation of Citizenship Education” (1), “The Experience of Citizenship Education in World Educational Systems ” (2), “Methodology and Theory of Citizenship Education in Democratic Society” (3).
The key instruction methods of the discipline are the lecture, the description, the clarification, the conversation, the educational discussion, the dialogue, the annotation, the reviewing, the project and implementation of practical and research tasks, the modelling pedagogical situations, the solving creative individual tasks, the actualisation of the individual experience and skills, exercises, multimedia presentations of educational materials.
For mastering the content of the course on the basis of study and theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological resources on the problems of the discipline, we offer students to perform tasks of self- governing (individual) work in the form of a structured report on teaching and research.
Predefined topics can be changed according to the investigational interests of students as a result of proper contemplations. In this case, students formulate the topic and choose the source base independently, and it's one of the evaluation criteria.
An alternative form of independent work is to determine the preparation of a scientific article (speech, report or message) for publication or presentation at student research events: conferences, seminars, training competitions, during the presentation of research papers and more.
Valuation of the quality of students' completing of the program of the course “Forming Democratic Citizenship of a Primary School Teacher-to-Be in the System of Higher Pedagogical Education” at Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University can be carried out with the help of procedures of current, modular and final control.
Current control is aimed at checking the regularity of work and the level of actual mastery of the content of the discipline. Forms of current control are determined by the instructor.
Modular control is carried out as a result of work on mastering the themes of a single module (unit). Forms of modular control are chosen by students in agreement with the pedagogue (verbalised / written interview, conversation, etc.).
Final evaluation of the discipline involves all the points gained by future primary school teachers during the current and modular control procedures.
Conclusions and perspectives
Therefore, we expect that the study of the special educational discipline “Forming Democratic Citizenship of a Primary School Teacher-to-Be in the System of Higher Pedagogical Education” at Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University will guarantee the individual progress and learning by future primary school teachers:
ь the historical and pedagogical principles of formation and promotion of citizenship education in world educational systems in the background of cultural and civilizational development of manhood;
ь theoretical ideas of citizenship education and upbringing (spirit, academic meaning, determination, responsibilities, values, regularities);
ь methodical bases and tools (procedures, methods, resources) for realizing the tasks of citizenship education in the pedagogical process of Ukrainian primary school.
All at once, we have confidence in that the practical positioning of the course will donate to the introduction of up-to-the-minute methods of diagnosis and evaluation of the quality of educational and upbringing procedures to establish the level of citizenship education.
Analysis and generalization of information on pedagogical diagnostics of citizenship education and usage of its results to improve the educational process; implementation and integration of the content of citizenship education in pedagogical activities.
Application in the pedagogical process of leading forms, approaches and resources of civic education and upbringing, as well as building pedagogically suitable relations on the basis of social tolerance, democracy, recognition and respect for diverse interpretations, backgrounds and thoughts.
Accordingly, the introduction of the designed special course “Forming Democratic Citizenship of a Primary School Teacher-to-Be in the System of Higher Pedagogical Education” and experimental evaluation of the effectiveness of selection and usage of its content, methods, resources and procedures of teaching in the pedagogical process of future primary school teacher training at Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University are the prospects for further research on this topic.
Погребняк, В. (2013 a). Методолого-теоретичні засади виховання демократичної громадянськості в Канаді. Педагогічні науки: Зб. наук. пр. Полтавського нац. пед. ун-ту ім. В. Г. Короленка, 3 (59), 23-31.
Погребняк, В. (2013b). Міжнародна концепція полікультурного виховання. Педагогіка вищої та середньої школи: Зб. наук. пр. Криворізьк. нац. ун-ту, 37, 359-363. Погребняк, В. (2015). Пошуки педагогами Канади сутності демократичної громадянськості: від поінформованості до активної участі. Педагогічні науки: Зб. наук. пр. Полтавського нац. пед. ун-ту ім. В. Г. Короленка, 64, 40-44. Погребняк, В. (2019). Формування демократичної громадянськості майбутнього вчителя початкової освіти. Прогр. навч. дисц. для здобув. освітн. рівня бакалавра. Полтава: ПНПУ ім. В. Г. Короленка.
Kymlicka, W. (1989). Liberalism, Community and Culture. Oxford: Clarendon Press. McKenzie, H. (1993). Citizenship Education in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto, Political and Social Affairs Division.
Pogrebnyak, V. (2014). Education of Democratic Citizenship in Canada. Педагогічні науки: Зб. наук. пр. Полтавського нац. пед. ун-ту ім. В. Г. Короленка, 61-62, 40-46.
Ross, A. D. (1963). Citizenship Today. In J. R. Kidd, Learning and Society. (p. 383-392).
Toronto: Canadian Association for Adult Education, Mutual Press Ltd.
Ryerson, E. (1848). The Importance of Education to a Manufacturing and Free People. Journal of Education for Upper Canada, 1(10), 290-296.
Підготовка майбутнього вчителя початкової школи в Полтавському національному педагогічному університеті імені В.Г. Короленка до виховання демократичної громадянськості
Володимир Погребняк
В умовах глобальних інтеграційних процесів, європейського вибору та розвитку державності в Україні, сучасної світової політичної ситуації та російсько-української війни громадянське виховання набуває все більшого значення в практиці вищої педагогічної освіти країни. Причина полягає в тому, що реалізація самоврядних демократичних засад у навчально-виховному процесі школи в умовах оновлення українського суспільства та підвищення соціальної активності передбачає відповідну підготовку вчителів.
Сьогодні виховання й освіта, як формальні, так і неформальні, мають вирішальне значення для розвитку активної громадянської позиції, забезпечення участі в демократичному управлінні суспільством і виховання демократичної культури. А вчителі початкової ланки освіти відіграють основну роль у сприянні й активізації виховання демократичної громадянськості в школі, оскільки його успіх і реалізація та захист прав людини значною мірою залежать від фахової педагогічної діяльності вчителя на початковому етапі навчання.
Розкрито науково-педагогічні засади спеціального навчального курсу підготовки «Формування демократичної громадянськості майбутнього вчителя початкової школи в системі вищої педагогічної освіти» в Полтавському національному педагогічному університеті імені В. Г. Короленка та розроблено й представлено його зміст. Визначено прогностичні результати вивчення дисципліни як засобу реалізації демократичних засад у педагогічному процесі підготовки вчителів в умовах оновлення українського суспільства та піднесення суспільної активності.
Вивчення навчальної дисципліни спрямоване на оволодіння майбутніми вчителями початкової школи історико-педагогічними засадами становлення та розвитку громадянського виховання у світових освітніх системах у контексті цивілізаційного розвитку людства; засвоєння теоретичних положень громадянського виховання: його сутності, педагогічного значення, мети, завдань, принципів; оволодіння методичними основами та засобами (формами, методами, засобами) реалізації завдань виховання демократичної громадянськості в педагогічному процесі української початкової школи.
Ключові слова: педагогічна освіта; майбутній учитель початкової школи; професійна підготовка вчителя; громадянське виховання; демократична громадянськість; спеціальний навчальний курс.
Kymlicka, W. (1989). Liberalism, Community and Culture. Oxford: Clarendon Press. McKenzie, H. (1993). Citizenship Education in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto, Political and Social Affairs Division.
Pogrebnyak, V. (2013a). Metodoloho-teoretychni zasady vykhovannya demokratychnoyi hromadyanskosti v Kanadi [Methodological and Theoretical Principles of Education of Democratic Citizenship in Canada]. Pedahohichni nauky: Zb. nauk. pr. Poltavskoho nats. ped. un-tu im. V. G. Korolenka. [Pedagogical Sciences: Collection of Scientific Works of Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University], 3(59), 23-31 [in Ukrainian].
Pogrebnyak, V. (2013b). Mizhnarodna kontseptsiya polikulturnoho vykhovannya. [International Concept of Multicultural Education]. Pedahohika vyshchoyi ta serednioyi shkoly: Zb. nauk. pr. Kryvorizk. nats. un-tu [Higher and Secondary School Pedagogy: Collection of Scientific Works of Kryvyi Rih National University], 37, 359363 [in Ukrainian].
Pogrebnyak, V. (2014). Education of Democratic Citizenship in Canada. Pedahohichni nauky: Zb. nauk. pr. Poltavskoho nats. ped. un-tu im. V. G. Korolenka. [Pedagogical Sciences: Collection of Scientific Works of Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University], 61 -62, 40-46.
Pogrebnyak, V. (2015). Poshuky pedahohamy Kanady sutnosti demokratychnoyi
hromadyanskosti: vid poinformovanosti do aktyvnoyi uchasti [Canadian Educators Search for the Essence of Democratic Citizenship: from Awareness to Active Participation]. Pedahohichni nauky: Zb. nauk. pr. Poltavskoho nats. ped. un-tu im. V. G. Korolenka [Pedagogical Sciences: Collection of Scientific Works of Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University], 64, 40-44 [in Ukrainian]. Pogrebnyak, V. (2019). Formuvannya demokratychnoyi hromadyanskosti maybutnioho vchytelya pochatkovoyi osvity [Formation of Democratic Citizenship of the Future Primary School Teacher]. Prohrama navchalnoyi dystsypliny dlya zdobuvachiv osvitnioho rivnya bakalavra [Curriculum for bachelor's degree students]. Poltava: Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University] [in Ukrainian].
Ross, A. D. (1963). Citizenship Today. In J. R. Kidd, Learning and Society. (p. 383-392).
Toronto: Canadian Association for Adult Education, Mutual Press Ltd.
Ryerson, E. (1848). The Importance of Education to a Manufacturing and Free People. Journal of Education for Upper Canada, 1(10), 290-296.
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