Formation of an the active civil position of the future personality in the process of national education in modern Ukraine

The article is devoted to the study of the role of national education in the formation of active citizens of the Ukrainian state. Reforming the Ukrainian state is impossible without building a civil society and developing Ukrainian spirituality.

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Дата добавления 19.12.2022
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Formation of an the active civil position of the future personality in the process of national education in modern Ukraine

Bohdanova Natalia


The article is devoted to the study of the role of national education in the formation of active citizens of the Ukrainian state. Reforming the Ukrainian state is impossible without building a civil society and developing Ukrainian spirituality.

The article highlights the educational system as one of the main areas of education of youth of national identity. At each stage of the educational process, it is necessary to pay great attention to national education in the formation of an active civil position of the future personality. In order to achieve the goal of national education and form a true citizen of Ukraine - a teacher must have a clear idea of what should be his pupil as a representative of independent Ukrainian society and what should be his civic position.

The teacher must create conditions for the formation and development of the national identity of the future personality and be an example of an active citizen. Educating a well-developed active personality, it is necessary not to forget about the development of his individual abilities and talents, it should be a priority in educational work.

It was emphasized that the education system should have national characteristics. But national education must pass through interaction with the cultural diversity of the universal - this is the basis for tolerant respect, understanding and cooperation of different peoples of the world.

It is emphasized that self-education of the individual is an important specific form of national education.

The purpose ofnational education is specified through a system of educational tasks. The article considers and characterizes the principles and directions of national education in the formation ofpersonal qualities of the young.

The education ofan active citizen of Ukraine should create a holistic process ofunity of the educational process based on the millennial history of Ukrainian heritage with the enrichment of various achievements of universal culture.

Keywords: national education; personality; education; nation; national idea; civil position; activity; young generation.


Богданова Наталія


Статтю присвячено дослідженню ролі національного виховання в процесі формування активних громадян Української держави. Висвітлено систему освіти як одну з головних сфер із виховання в молоді національної ідентичності. На кожному етапі освітнього процесу необхідно приділяти значну увагу національному вихованню під час формування активної громадянської позиції майбутньої особистості. Підкреслено, що самовиховання особистості є важливою специфічною формою національного виховання. У статті розглянуто та схарактеризовано завдання, принципи та напрями національного виховання в процесі формування особистісних якостей молодого покоління.

Ключові слова: національне виховання; особистість; освіта; народність; національна ідея; громадянська позиція; активність; молоде покоління.

There are many periods in the historical development of Ukraine when the Ukrainian people fought for their right to freedom and justice. In 1991 after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Ukraine having gained the independence and created a democratic, highly developed, highly intelligent and competitive European society with its own face.

Since 2014, Ukraine had to fight for its sovereignty, independent existence and national identity. “The national idea in reality unites the people, and inspires them the spiritual concentration of national consciousness, the people's understanding of the essence of their existence. For Ukrainians, these are:

- independence (independence);

- statehood;

- catholicity.

The eternally Ukrainian dream, the immortal national idea, which is based on these three “whales” [1, p. 73].

National education of active youth in Ukrainian society does not lose its significance. The development of the Ukrainian state, reforms, and the construction of civil society are impossible without the development of Ukrainian spirituality. The lack of clear program in spiritual revival of Ukrainian society stopped from the hampered the implementation of reforms in all spheres of public life.

The purpose of this article is to study the tasks, principles and directions of national education in the formation of personal traits of the active citizen position of the of the Ukrainian state.

Education is a field that not only teaches knowledge, transfers the experience, but also educates the future Ukrainian personalities with an active civil position. Therefore, the development of Ukrainian statehood, the acquisition of ethnic identity and national education are inseparable from the development of the educational system.

“The educational system of each country has its own national characteristics. Their essence is determined by the system of values formed by the people and culture during the historical development. The system of education is considered civilized and universal it does not fall out of the historical context, but develops with the history and civilization, culture” [2, p. 61].

As in a democratic European state, according to the Law of Ukraine “On Education”, it is noted that education affirms the national idea, promotes the national self-identification, the cultural development of the Ukrainian people, mastery of world cultural values, universal heritage [3]. One of the main priorities and the organic component of education according to the “National Doctrine of Education Development in Ukraine” is national education, which aims to involve the citizens to acquaint with the deep layers of national culture and spirituality, forming in children and youth the national worldviews, ideas and outlook based on the values of national and world culture [4, p. 27].

In the domestic scientific world, various aspects of the revival of the national sphere of society have been considered by many researchers. Important for the analysis of the current state of development the values of society are the works of Yu. Surmin, Z. Ognevyuk, V. Skuratovsky, V. Troshchansky, S. Chukut. The research of G. Sytnyk, as well as the works of V. Andrushchenko, L. Gubersky and M. Mikhalchenko deserve attention.

The G. Sitnik's research “National values as the basis of progressive development of the individual, society and state”, in which the author emphasizes that the development of spirituality of the people its prospects and the statehood of “Ukraine should be based on a harmonious combination of `universal' and specific national values of Ukraine” [5, p. 369-374].

Fundamental research to highlight and understand the problems of spiritual culture in Ukraine is the work of V. Andrushchenko, L. Gubersky and M. Mikhalchenko “Culture. Ideology. Personality: Methodological and ideological analysis” [6, p. 565-570], which highlights and analyzes the problems of the relationship of culture, ideology and personality as the social phenomena.

The authors also consider the need and the importance of ideology state formation as a necessary condition for Ukrainian statehood and cultural development. For the analysis of the current state of management in the field of education, the monograph of V. Ognevyuk “Education in the system of values of sustainable human development” is very interesting [7, p. 478-480]. Il author proposes a new model of modern education, which is formed in the conditions of transformation Ukrainian society and global changes in the world.

It is necessary to distinguish the research of V. Skuratovsky, V. Troshchinsky and S. Chukut “Humanitarian Policy in Ukraine” [8, p. 252-260], which analyzes the current state of humanitarian policy in Ukraine, identify its essence, purpose and objectives, directions and priorities of its development.

Every nation has its own system of education, which corresponds to its characteristics. Education, created by the people themselves, has an educational power, which can't be find in the best systems based on abstract ideas or borrowed from another people, - said K. Ushinsky. The nationality of Ukrainian education is determined by its language, way of life, ethnicity, traditions, etiquette, humor, etc. It is these components that determine the specific features of the educational system of each nation. K. Ushinsky defines two elements of human character: the natural, rooted in the bodily organism -

the first nature of the individual, and the spiritual, which is acquired in life under the influence of education - the second nature of the individual.

The formation of the second nature of the individual begins in the family, in the bosom of native nature, when the child is mainly under the influence of relatives, people close to him and, of course, its formation is carried out by means of public education (fairy tale, game, legend, myth, first elements of work which most often the child learns from grandparents; beliefs developed on the basis of life examples, customs, traditions, etc.). At this stage of personality development, the leading place is occupied by folk and pedagogy. The process of passing life experience of the older generations to the younger ones is begins, which is the main essence of education. Folk wisdom tells: “If the elders speak, let the younger one's ears grow”, “Knowledge is changed, happiness is shared”, “Parental advice - the road is clear, wise advice - the depths of the lake”, “Senior among young youth, junior among the elders are getting smarter”, “The head is for the mind, the sage is for the people” [9, p. 31-32].

According to V. Sukhomlinsky, national education is impossible without patriotism. It is the devotion to the native land, love for the Motherland to the native people, its history, language, culture is formation the national mentality, psychology and man's character. It is the nationality that is the force that moves the core of education, because is crystal clear, true, high moral, deeply humane, eternal and always modern. National education acquires a special, moral meaning, as it contributes to the development of the spiritual world of man, prepares him for life, for service to the Fatherland, the people. And in order to carry out the will of the nation in only desire or conviction is not enough. It is necessary to have the appropriate knowledge and skills [10, p. 22].

One of the key life stages of personality forming is the childhood, in which the basic psychological and worldview characteristics are laid down, thanks to which a person later acquires the ability to form his worldview and active civil position. At this stage, together with family upbringing and in combination with it, preschool education plays a significant role in the strategy of further formation of national identity. “Childhood is a period of birth and formation of the individual with his future spiritual and moral values, a period of knowledge of society and its majesty Man; the child's discovery of the realm of Life on planet Earth in all its diversity, with all its positive and negative manifestations; these are the first steps of learning; it is the thirst for knowledge, it is the first joys and the first disappointments... It is finally the foundation of becoming a citizen and patriot of their country” [11, p. 27].

The next stage of the process of personal education, which continues the formation and development of the Ukrainian personality, is a secondary school, which becomes a center of worldview and value self-identification for the child, is the first opportunity to express their civic position. It is at school while study and in live communication with teachers, educators and peers that the child's worldview is formed, the experience of social and civil activity, which is a necessary component of the structure of a strong personality. A school, a teacher, a state that does not sufficiently or poorly educate the younger generation is committing a crime. National education is a strict duty to the people.

Higher education occupies a period of particularly active personal formation and identification in the person's life, which leads to the extraordinary actualization of development in its structure of educational and ideological forms of activity.

An important specific form of national education is self-education of the individual. The individual must consciously strive to create certain human, moral, strong-willed and physical qualities, as a representative of the Ukrainian state. Self-education is carried out in parallel with such processes as self-analysis, self-observation, self-assessment, self-education, which is combined into the concept of self-improvement of the individual.

G. Skovoroda, K.Ushinsky, and O.Dukhnovych made a significant contribution to the creation of a national system of education in Ukraine. For example, O. Dukhnovych paid great attetion in the education of the younger generation a sense of patriotism and love for their nation.

The pedagogical system of each historical epoch puts forward its original or relevant image of man Stelmakhovich M.G., underlined those radical changes in society make appropriate adjustments to the educational ideal, so quite naturally the question arises about the modern pedagogical ideal of family and public education. in Ukraine [12].

The main purpose of national education now actually is to transfer social experience to students, to enrich the spiritual heritage of the Ukrainian people, to achieve a high culture of interethnic relations, the formation of personal traits of Ukrainian state citizen.

The purpose of national education is specified through the system of educational tasks: civil position education ukraine

- pupils' formation of national consciousness and self-consciousness, love for the native land, family, Ukrainian people, desire to work for the prosperity of Ukraine, readiness to protect it;

- to educate the respect for the Constitution, legislation of Ukraine, state symbols, formation of legal culture;

- ensuring the spiritual unity of generations, fostering respect for parents, mothers, culture and history of the native people;

- formation the high language culture, mastering the Ukrainian language;

- education the spiritual culture of the individual and creation the conditions for free formation of world outlook;

- affirmation the principles of universal morality: truth, justice, patriotism, kindness, tolerance, diligence and other virtues;

- formation the sense of a master and economic responsibility, preparation for life in market relations;

- ensuring the full development of the pupil, protection and strengthening his spiritual, mental and physical health;

- formation the social activity of the pupil's personality through his inclusion in the process of state formation;

- ensuring high general and professional education and upbringing the individual, development of patriotic feelings;

- education of ecological culture, harmony of relations with nature;

- development of individual abilities and talents of pupils, providing conditions for their self-realization, formation the scientific worldview;

- instilling a deep awareness of the relationship between the ideas of individual freedom, human rights and social responsibility of the pupil.

“To achieve the highest goal of national education - the formation of a conscious citizen-patriot - the teacher must create conditions for comprehensive and harmonious development of personality, to form the foundations of civic consciousness, activity, responsibility.

.. .But for the formation the civil responsibility of students, the teacher himself must be the active citizen, aware of the national idea as a goal the development of society and the individual” [12, p. 160].

O. Moroz and V. Yurchenko developed a psychological and pedagogical model of a modern teacher of the Ukrainian school. Among many components of this model, one of the elements is the civil features is: civil activity; national self-consciousness, patriotism and tolerance towards other peoples and cultures; the Ukrainian language; social optimism, responsibility and diligence [13, p. 3234].

takes into account the multifaceted and holistic nature of man, age and individual characteristics of students, their socio-psychological, national and The general principles of national education directly affect the whole process of education and must go through all its components, especially - substantive, ie the national aspect of the educational process must be reflected in all areas of education: labor, moral, mental, aesthetic, environmental, physical and national. These are the principles.

Nationality is the unity of national and universal. National orientation of education, formation the national consciousness and self-consciousness, love for the native land and people; mastering the native language, using all its riches and means in language practice, instilling respect for the culture, heritage, folk traditions and customs of the peoples inhabiting Ukraine.

The nature of education - religious features.

Activity, amateurism and creative initiative of pupils, combination of pedagogical leadership with initiative and amateurism, affirmation life optimism, the development of skills and abilities of positive thinking.

Humanization and democratization of education - the development of various forms of cooperation, trust between educators and students, respect for the “sovereignty” of the individual, understanding of requests and interests; education the humane personality of the pupil - sincere, humane, friendly, merciful.

The connection of education with the life, labor activity of people and effective professional activity directs to educate active conscious citizens of Ukraine.

Uninterrupted and consistent education is the achievement of integrity and continuity in education, its transformation into a process that lasts throughout life; inseparability of education and upbringing, which consists in their organic combination, subordination of their content to the formation of the pupil's personality.

Differentiation and individualization of the educational process - taking into account in the educational work the spiritual, physical, mental, social, intellectual development of student's levels stimulating activity, revealing the creative individuality of each.

Cultural conformity of education is an organic connection with the history of the people, its language, folk art, crafts and trades, ensuring spiritual unity, continuity and succession of generations.

The loss of the native language leads to a catastrophe in folk pedagogy, a spiritual tragedy of the people to whom it belongs. Ogienko defines the native language as the soul and the living heart of the people.

The main directions of national education are as follows.

The formation of national consciousness and self-consciousness is the most important civil personality traits - involves awareness of students their ethnic community, national values, the sense of national involvement in the development of Ukraine, patriotism, which promotes self-esteem, inner freedom, pride for the homeland.

Patriotic education is the basis of spiritual development of the individual. The formation of patriotic feelings means the creation of a high ideal of service to the native people, readiness for heroic deeds in the name of prosperity and independence of Ukraine. It is called to form a citizen - a patriot of Ukraine, to develop a deep understanding of public duty, readiness to stand up for the Motherland at any time.

Legal education to aimed to instilling in students respect for the Constitution of Ukraine, its state symbols (emblem, flag, anthem), human and civil rights and freedoms. It must also equip them with knowledge of the laws of Ukraine and their conscious observance in professional and everyday behavior; to form active counteraction to persons and institutions that violate laws, cause damage to the state, encroach on the territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine.

An important place in the system of national education is the affirmation of universal moral values: truth, love, justice, patriotism, kindness, diligence and other virtues. At the same time, it is important not only educational activities, but also the transformation of moral knowledge into beliefs, stable moral feelings and actions of students. The effectiveness of moral education increases significantly when it is based on folk morals, traditions, customs, rituals, which contain high moral standards, ideas, ideals, views, behavioral norms, enriched by millennial experience of the people's wisdom, have a powerful moral potential for education personality as a citizen of Ukraine.

The holistic process of education presupposes aesthetic upbringing in education. Educating aesthetic views, tastes based on folk aesthetics and the best achievements of civilization, national education involves the development of skills to increase the cultural and artistic heritage of the people, to feel and reproduce the beautiful in everyday life.

Physical culture and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle are integral elements of a person's overall culture. Full physical development, health promotion, harmony of body and spirit of the pupil and nature should be the basis of physical education.

Ecological education involves the formation of ecological culture of the individual, self-awareness of nature, a sense of responsibility for it as a national treasure, the basis of life on the earth, involving students in active environmental activities, intolerance of those who harm nature.

The development of individual abilities and talents of pupils, providing conditions for their self-realization should be a priority area of educational work. Revival, search and support of talents involves the implementation of an individual approach with appropriate psychological, pedagogical and material support, meeting the diverse needs of students in the field of scientific and technical, artistic, decorative and applied arts, physical culture and sports and professional activities.

The considered directions of national education are closely connected with each other and with other directions of education and complement each other, have essential theoretical and methodological value for definition and substantiation of the purposes, ideals, the maintenance and a technique of education in modern conditions.

At the same time, all of them must create integrity, ensure the unity of the educational process and must be built taking into account the millennial history of ancient cultural and historical traditions of the Ukrainian people based on national culture, enriched by the best achievements of universal culture.

Thus, the tasks, principles and directions of revival of Ukrainian culture with the help of national education in the formation of personal traits of active position the of the Ukrainian citizen are studied. It is highlighted that national education has an important role in forming an active civil position of the future personality in modern Ukraine. It was emphasized that the national education system at all stages is one of the main areas that pays great attention to the education of future Ukrainian personalities and the formation of their active citizenship.

Theoretical aspects of educating the citizenship of future Ukrainians, the problem of the relationship between the concepts of “citizenship and patriotism” need further research.


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  • Study the history of opening of the first grammar and boarding-schools. Description of monitorial system of education, when teacher teaches the monitors who then pass on their knowledge to the pupils. Analysis the most famous Universities in Britain.

    презентация [394,4 K], добавлен 29.11.2011

  • Studying the system of education in Britain and looking at from an objective point of view. Descriptions of English school syllabus, features of infant and junior schools. Analyzes the categories of comprehensive schools, private and higher education.

    презентация [886,2 K], добавлен 22.02.2012

  • Italy - the beginner of European education. Five stages of education in Italy: kindergarten, primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, university. The ceremony of dedication to students - one of the brightest celebrations in Italy.

    презентация [3,8 M], добавлен 04.04.2013

  • The applied science model. The basic assumptions underlying this model. Received and experiential knowledge. Oldest form of professional education. The most advanced modern teaching strategies. Projects for the development of creative abilities.

    презентация [156,0 K], добавлен 09.03.2015

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