Introduction of trends in the development of pedagogical ideas and educational activities of ukrainian writers of Western Ukraine in educational education

The search for effective means of improving the education and upbringing of children and youth in order to develop optimal models of self-realization of the individual. Satisfying teachers' creative requests and popularizing pedagogical experience.

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Дата добавления 10.12.2022
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Maria Bagriy,

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Teacher of the Highest Category, Ivano-Frankivsk Vocational College Carpathian national Vasyl Stefanyk University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)


Scientific analysis of the problem of development of pedagogical ideas and educational activities of Ukrainian writers in Western Ukraine (late XVIII - 30s of the XX century) is not only relevant but also a productive area of modern historical and pedagogical research and creative pursuits of educators-practitioners.

In the modern educational and pedagogical space of Ukraine there is an active search and testing of effective means of improving the education and upbringing of children and youth in order to develop optimal models of self-realization of the individual. Purposeful activities in this area of schooling also contribute to meeting the creative needs and requests of teachers and the study, systematization and promotion of best pedagogical experience.

In order to gain students - future teachers - knowledge of trends in pedagogical ideas and educational activities of Ukrainian writers in Western Ukraine in the late XVIII - 30's of the twentieth century. The main tasks should be singled out - an objective analysis of the retro-experience of trends in pedagogical ideas and educational activities of Ukrainian writers of Western Ukraine in the period under study, coverage of the practice of this process in education, extracurricular, public education. Pedagogical reality dictates a change in views on the content and features of education and competencies that must be mastered by future teachers, taking into account the tasks of the school in understanding the content characteristics of education, upbringing and development of students, as well as systematizing pedagogical ideas and generalizing the experience of Ukrainian writers. - the first third of the twentieth century to highlight the educational potential of their creative heritage in the context of reforming the Ukrainian education system.

Keywords: competence, pedagogy, tendencies, education system, Western Ukraine, education, upbringing, schooling.


Упровадження тенденцій розвитку педагогічних ідей і просвітницької діяльності українських письменників західної України в освітньо-педагогічну практику сьогодення. Марія Багрій, доктор педагогічних наук, викладач вищої категорії, Івано-Франківський фаховий коледж Прикарпатського національного університету імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна). Лариса Сливка, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри педагогіки початкової освіти, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)

Науковий аналіз проблеми розвитку педагогічних ідей і просвітницької діяльності українських письменників Західної України (кінець XVIII - 30-ті роки ХХ ст.) є не лише актуальним, а й продуктивним напрямом сучасних історико- педагогічних досліджень та творчих пошуків освітян-практиків.

У сучасному освітньо-педагогічному просторі України здійснюється активний пошук і апробація ефективних засобів удосконалення навчання й виховання дітей та юнацтва задля випрацювання оптимальних моделей самореалізації особистості. Цілеспрямована діяльність у цій ділянці шкільництва сприяє також задоволенню творчих потреб і запитів учителів та вивченню, систематизації і популяризації передового педагогічного досвіду.

З метою здобуття студентами - майбутніми вчителями - знань про тенденції розвитку педагогічних ідей і просвітницької діяльності українських письменників Західної України кінця XVIII - 30-х рр. ХХ ст. варто виокремити головні завдання - об'єктивний аналіз ретродосвіду тенденцій розвитку педагогічних ідей і просвітницької діяльності українських письменників Західної України досліджуваного періоду, висвітлення практики реалізації цього процесу в освітній системі, у позашкіллі, системі громадського просвітництва. Педагогічна реальність диктує зміну поглядів на зміст і особливості освіти та компетенції, якими повинен оволодіти майбутній учитель з урахуванням завдань школи в площині осмислення змістових характеристик навчання-виховання-розвитку школярів, а також систематизування педагогічних ідей та узагальнення досвіду просвітницької діяльності українських письменників Західної України кінця XVIII ст. - першої третини ХХ століття задля виокремлення освітньо-виховного потенціалу їхньої творчої спадщини в контексті реформування української системи освіти.

Ключові слова: компетентність, педагогіка, тенденції, система освіти, Західна Україна, навчання, виховання, шкільництво.

education teacher creative pedagogical


The problem formulation. In the process of solving certain tasks: a) based on the analysis of scientific literature to characterize the state of development of the problem of research of pedagogical ideas and educational activities of Ukrainian writers of the late eighteenth century. - the first third of the twentieth century; b) to find out the significance of the educational activity of Ukrainian writers of Western Ukraine of the studied period; c) to reveal the essence and content of pedagogical views of Ukrainian writers of the late eighteenth century. - 1939; d) to analyze the development of educational activities of Ukrainian writers of Western Ukraine in the period under study; e) outline the possibilities of using pedagogical ideas and experience of educational activities of Ukrainian writers of Western Ukraine in the late eighteenth century. - the first third of the twentieth century in the domestic education system; f) expand the professional worldview, enrich the spiritual culture of future teachers, etc., students must acquire knowledge about the nature and content of pedagogical ideas of Ukrainian writers of this period in the context of their educational work, public education, research. Future teachers should join the fundamental values, Ukrainian culture through fiction, expand cultural and cognitive interests; comprehensively enriched spiritually, etc. (Bagriy, 2020, Р. 234)

Study of the creative heritage of Ukrainian writers of Western Ukraine in the late eighteenth century. - the first third of the twentieth century will promote the active formation and self-realization of the individual in the modern world; education of a nationally conscious citizen of Ukraine; formation and affirmation of the humanistic worldview of the individual, national and universal values; interest in the work of art as a phenomenon of the art of the word, a specific instrument of cognition of the world and oneself in it; raising the level of general education, acquainting Ukrainian students, apprentices, educators with the work of little-known figures of writers-teachers, whose works can take a worthy place in modern reading books, primers, textbooks and other educational and reference books; the formation of reading culture, the development of aesthetic taste, the ability to distinguish between the phenomena of true classical and mass culture; the formation of a lasting interest in the Ukrainian literature of the Western region as a significant spiritual heritage of the people, full-fledged original art, as an important factor in the formation of nationally conscious personality, citizen-statesman; formation of a humanistic worldview, spiritually rich personality, with high universal moral and ethical guidelines; study of Ukrainian literature in national and world culturological contexts, in interdisciplinary relations; development of creative and communicative abilities, independent and critical thinking, ability to prove one's own opinion; development of self-education skills, desire and ability to learn throughout life.

Clarifying the general directions and possibilities of implementing trends in the development of pedagogical ideas and educational activities of Ukrainian writers in Western Ukraine (late XVIII - 30s of the twentieth century.) In the process of modern reform of education and development of historical and pedagogical science, it is necessary to note one important debatable aspect. problems that we see in their creative, critical and constructive application, given the set of factors, prospects for the overall development of educational and pedagogical processes, and the needs and potential of each individual educational institution, including its head, teacher, students. (Gritsenko, 1973, р. 98).

Important for today, in particular for the professional training of future teachers, are the retro-experience of educational, cultural, scientific, public work of writers-teachers, who can serve as a good example of a teacher, citizen and patriot, highly spiritual, educated, harmoniously developed, creative personality, which is constantly self-improving, capable of mastering pedagogical technologies, creative work, professional growth, is socially active. It is the latest educational documents, the realities of the development of Ukrainian schooling dictate the need for such a teacher. Therefore, scientific solutions to educational problems in the context of the Concept of the "New Ukrainian School" are impossible without knowledge of the history of pedagogical thought in the past. (Bagriy, 2020, р. 345).

Such a source of information, among other things, is the property of Ukrainian teachers, educators, writers, scientists of the late XVIII - 30's of the XX century, whose work during the Soviet totalitarianism was silenced or covered biased. In this regard, the scientific research of current students-future teachers should be directed to the original sources of Ukrainian pedagogy, to unknown or little-known texts, to rethink the heritage of individual writers, teachers, thinkers.

The analysis of recent research. In this context, there is a need to promote works for children and youth of Yuri Shkrumeliak, Antin Lototsky, Bohdan Lepky, Andriy Tchaikovsky, Volodymyr Radzykevych, Sidor Vorobkevych, Modest Levitsky, Oleksandr Markush, Vasyl Pachovsky, Vasyl Hrenytsia Bonynta, Ivanka Mariyka Pidhiryanka, Olena Tsehelska, Volodymyra Zhukovetska, Ulyana Kravchenko, Yuliana Opilsky, Katry Hrynevycheva, Mykola Bozhuk and dozens of others. The literary heritage of these writers raises current pedagogical issues, such as: the formation of the character of the young Ukrainian; education of a growing personality as a citizen-patriot; formation of a child reader; education of the child's personality on Christian values, etc. We will highlight only some of them.

Thus, in the conditions of Russian aggression, annexation of Crimea, military actions on the whole territory of Ukraine, where Ukrainians defend the integrity of the borders of their state, the establishment of the national idea does not lose its relevance. First of all, the poetic works of Sich shooters have great potential here, in particular, their songwriting, which for a hundred years has been an important factor in the education of children, youth and adults on a state basis.

It will be important for students to learn that the active creators of this heroic epic were young people from high school, teachers' seminaries, platoon members, Sich soldiers, falcons, students of Lviv universities, teachers who volunteered for the USS Legion, because for them Ukraine was above all. Ussus writers were very young, almost their peers: the average physical age was 20-22 years (1914, when the USS Legion began to form, Vasyl Bobynsky was sixteen, Oles Babi was 17, Yuri Shkrumeliak was 19, Mykhailo Kurakh - 19 years old, Roman Kupchynsky was 20 years old, Yulian Nazarak was 21 years old, Mykhailo Haivoronsky was 22 years old, Mykola Holubets was 23 years old, Levko Lepko was 26 years old), which had an imprint on his character and subject matter , ideology, lyricism of works created in the trenches. Almost all the lyrical works of the brothers Bohdan and Levko Lepkykh, Roman Kupchynsky, Stepan Charnetsky, Mykhailo Haivoronsky and other authors became folk songs. Such bright patriots-statesmen became the representatives of a new type of Ukrainian of the national renaissance of the twentieth century, who, among other things, is an intellectual, exceptionally gifted, talented, hardworking, extremely multifaceted, spiritually rich, morally beautiful. (Bagriy, 2020, р. 420).

Such high heroism, tragedy, subtle lyricism, which touch the soul and heart of everyone, awaken the national spirit, call for self-denial in the name of a free independent Ukrainian state ("Leave your old mother, leave your love, because there is a great need"), the poetry written by today's defenders of its independence in the East. However, in our opinion, today there is a certain lack of such works that would form a fighting patriotic spirit, called for the struggle for independence of Ukraine.

From this point of view, it is appropriate to study the retro-experience of propaganda and propaganda activities of the USS Press Apartment (in 1916 departments of historical chronicle, applied arts, publishing, music, singing were established to "present evidence of the Ukrainian people's active participation in the war before the court of history"). Activists include Roman Kupchynsky, Levko Lepky, Stepan Charnetsky, Mykhailo Haivoronsky and other artists who, by their own example, not only contributed to the poetic boom among Ukrainian archery, but also encouraged peaceful Ukrainians. to creativity.

Research methods

Modern scientific and methodological approaches (hermeneutic, synergetic, phenomenological, etc.) have designed the basic strategy, logic of the analysis of the research base and the key characteristics of its individual components. This work is organically complemented by developments on operational general scientific, disciplinary and interdisciplinary research methods and technologies, which were also developed by specialists in various fields of knowledge (O. Adamenko, S. Arkhipova, V. Ivanov, O. Manaev and others). They determine the tactics of implementation of the methodological program of research, approaches to solving specific research problems, provide reliable knowledge, formulation of objectively determined characteristics and balanced evaluation characteristics.

Research results

Today we emphasize to students the image of the literary hero Ivan Mazepa. It was Bohdan Lepky who most contributed to the rehabilitation of the historical figure of the Ukrainian hetman who fought against the yoke of Moscow, to the establishment of the cult of Mazepa as a national hero of Ukraine, statesman, independent, wise ruler, moral authority, which was a revolutionary step and literary sensation at the time. artistic space, and today is extremely relevant. (Bilavych, 2015, р. 244).

This educational ideal - the formation of children and youth as nationally conscious and spiritually rich individuals, active patriots, with Christian virtues, high moral values, for which the good and independence of the future state of Ukraine weighs above all - actualized in the works of Ulyana Kravchenko, Katry Hrynevycheva, whose works, dedicated to the Galician-Volyn state of the second half of the XII - early XIII centuries, the reign of Roman Mstislavich, establish the cult of the national hero - prince-warrior, prince-ruler, prince-statesman, head of state, who directs all efforts to its ob ' unity and strengthening, prince-wise politician, prince-skilled diplomat, prince-man of great knightly honor, dignity, kindness and justice. (Bagriy, 2020, р. 402).

Such thematic works should now take their rightful place in school curricula in Ukrainian literature, because, among other things, they serve to form the national consciousness of youth, reflect how the Ukrainian nation fought for the right to its own state and its future, built its statehood, defended it from enemies attacks and internal strife. (Bilavych, 2015, р. 148)

For example, conducting classes with younger students and adolescents can update works on hygiene and health issues on the heritage of Yuri Shkrumelyak, Ivanna Blazhkevych, Mariya Pidhiryanka, Konstantina Malytska, Ulyana Kravchenko, Modest Levitsky, etc .; to acquaint teenage girls with "school stories" by Irina Wilde, Elena Tsegelskaya, as modern Ukrainian literature lacks "girl's / women's prose"; read and discuss with the boys some stories by Ivan Filipchak, Antin Lototsky, Antin Krushelnytsky, which serve as a kind of "educational novels"; creatively use "stage images" of Volodymyr Radzikevych, Mariyka Pidhiryanka, Kostiantyna Malytska, Antina Lototsky, Volodymyr Zhukovetska, Yevhenia Bokhenska, etc., which are aimed at educating love for the native land, formation of Christian virtues (kindness and mercy, love, respect for parents, elders, peers), the establishment of family values, adherence to folk traditions, education of love for work and values, etc.

Conclusion and prospects for further research

Thus, the problem of development of pedagogical ideas and educational activities of Ukrainian writers in Western Ukraine (late XVIII - 30s of the XX century) is relevant and significant for modern education and upbringing. This is evidenced by the preservation of traditions on the basis of which there are secondary schools that have changed their status, and various forms of studying pedagogical concepts and honoring the memory of artists (scientific conferences, research projects, book publishing, personal awards, etc.). Creative use of pedagogical ideas of Ukrainian writers of Western Ukraine in the period under study will contribute to the effective reform of the modern education system in Ukraine and the improvement of pedagogical technologies for teaching pedagogical and literary disciplines.


1. Bagriy M.A. (2020) Pedahohichna ideyi i prosvitnytska diyalnist ukrayinskykh pysmennykiv Zakhidnoyi Ukrayiny (kinets XVIII - 30-ti roky KHKH storichchya) [Pedagogical ideas and educational activities of Ukrainian writers of Western Ukraine (late XVIII - 30th years of the twentieth century)]: monograph / for general. ed. Ph.D., prof. G. Bilavich. Ivano-Frankivsk: NAIR. 578. [in Ukrainian].

2. Bilavych H. (2015) Teoriya i praktyka vykhovannya hospodars'koyi kul'tury uchniv ta doroslykh u Zakhidniy Ukrayini (druha polovyna KHIKH - pochatok 40-kh rr. KHKH st.) [Theory and practice of economic culture of students and adults in Western Ukraine (second half of the XIX - early 40's of the twentieth century.)]/ Halyna Bilavych. Ivano-Frankivs'k : NAIR, 740 s. [in Ukrainian].

3. 20 Vydatnykh ukrayins'kykh pedahohiv. Personaliyi v istoriyi natsional'noyi pedahohiky (2002) [20 Outstanding Ukrainian teachers. Personalities in the history of national pedagogy] / ed. A.M. Boyko. Poltava, 452 p.[in Ukrainian].

4. Istoriya pedahohiky [History of pedagogy / ed. M. Gritsenko]. (1973) Kyiv: Higher School. 447 p. [in Ukrainian].

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