The principles of organization of students’ independent work in English course
Independent work as a form of active cognitive activity. Didactic principles of organizing students' independent work in English. Formation of literary translation skills, replenishment of students' vocabulary and improvement of grammar knowledge.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 10.12.2022 |
Размер файла | 22,1 K |
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Simon Kuznets Kharkiv national university of economics
Department of pedagogy foreign philology and translation
The principles of organization of students' independent work in English course
O.V. Ivaniga, Senior lecturer
S.Y. Tarasenko, Senior lecturer
The article is devoted to the issue of determining the basic principles of organizing independent work of students in English Course. The authors give a definition of independent work, based on the research of various scientists. An analysis of the definitions of independent work showed that its main feature is the priority of students' independence with the leading role of the teacher. Summarizing the views of teachers, the authors define independent work as a form of active cognitive activity performed by one or a group of students based on the instructions of a teacher, under his guidance, but without his direct assistance. It is noted that independent work in English Course covers preparation for practical classes, the formation of translation skills of original literature, the replenishment of students' vocabulary and the improvement of knowledge in the field of grammar. Differentiating depending on the level of preparation of students, the types of independent work differ. During the first year of study independent work involves familiarization with new vocabulary and performing exercises to consolidate lexical and grammatical material, in senior years, independent work often has a scientific and exploratory nature, when students are invited to participate in ongoing scientific conferences in English, or to writing scientific articles and abstracts. The article presents the basic principles of independent work and reveals their essence. The main principles include the principle of activity, which provides for a preliminary acquaintance with the planned material; the principle of individualization, aimed at optimizing the learning process, taking into account the capabilities and interests of each student; principles of accessibility, clarity and certainty of tasks; the principle of visibility; the principle of systematicity and consistency in the formation of independent work skills; the principle of connection with life requires optimal regulation of independent work of students. Also, when planning independent work in English, it is recommended to take into account the psychological microclimate of each group. The authors come to the conclusion that if the didactic principles of organizing students' independent work are observed, a more thorough assimilation of knowledge is achieved, independence, purposefulness, responsibility for the results of their educational activities, etc. develop.
Key words: English, students, organization of independent work, educational material, cognitive activity.
Іваніга О.В., Тарасенко С.Є. Основні принципи організації самостійної роботи студентів з англійської мови
Статтю присвячено питанню визначення основних принципів організації самостійної роботи студентів з англійської мови. Автори статті наводять визначення самостійної роботи, базуючись на дослідженнях різних вчених. Аналіз визначень самостійної роботи засвідчив, що її головною ознакою є пріоритетність самостійності студентів за умови керівної ролі викладача. Отже, узагальнюючи погляди педагогів, автори статті визначають самостійну роботу як форму активної пізнавальної діяльності, що виконується одним або групою студентів за завданням викладача, під його керівництвом, але без його безпосередньої допомоги.
Зазначається, що самостійна робота саме з англійської мови охоплює підготовку до практичних занять, формування навичок перекладу оригінальної літератури, поповнення лексичного запасу студентів та вдосконалення знань у галузі граматики. Диференціюючись в залежності від рівня підготовки студентів, види самостійної роботи відрізняються. Якщо на першому курсі позааудиторна самостійна робота передбачає, перш за все, ознайомлення з новою лексикою та виконання вправ на закріплення лексичного та граматичного матеріалу, на старших курсах самостійна робота часто має науково-пошуковий характер, коли студенти залучаються до участі у наукових конференціях, що проводяться англійською мовою, або до написання наукових статей та тез.
У статті наводяться основні принципи самостійної роботи та розкривається їхня сутність. До основних принципів автори відносять принцип активності, який передбачає попереднє ознайомлення з матеріалом, що заплановано вивчити; принцип індивідуалізації, спрямований на оптимізацію процесу навчання на основі врахування можливостей та інтересів кожного студента; принципи доступності, чіткості та визначеності завдань; принцип наочності; принцип систематичності та послідовності у формуванні навичок самостійної роботи; принцип зв'язку із життям вимагає оптимального нормування самостійної роботи студентів. Також при плануванні самостійної роботи з англійської мови рекомендовано враховувати психологічний мікроклімат кожної групи. Автори доходять висновку, що за умови дотримання дидактичних принципів організації самостійної роботи студентів досягається більш ґрунтовне засвоєння знань, розвиваються самостійність, цілеспрямованість, відповідальність за результати своєї навчальної діяльності тощо.
Ключові слова: англійська мова, студенти, організація самостійної роботи, навчальний матеріал, пізнавальна діяльність.
Formulation of the problem
The aim of a modern high school teacher is not only to provide students with a thorough baggage of knowledge, but also to instill in them skills of independent work, which contributes to deepening and expanding knowledge, awakening interest in cognitive activity, mastering techniques and cognitive development, activities, etc. In modern conditions, when the number of teaching hours for learning English is reduced, the independent work of students becomes even more important. Because society presents a wide range of requirements to the modern specialist, among which the most important is that graduates have certain abilities and skills on their own extract knowledge from various sources, systematize the received information, and assess the specific financial situation. Formation such skill occurs throughout the entire process of learning through participation of students in practical classes, performance of control tasks and tests, writing term papers and final diploma papers. That is why students' independent work plays a decisive role in all the educational process.
However, we note that for the effective independent work organization it is necessary to follow certain rules and principles.
Analysis of recent research and publications. After analyzing of the papers of domestic and foreign scientists it should be mentioned that the need for a serious approach to students' independent work in English Courses is quite important. The approaches to the methods and tasks offered for independent work must be considered carefully and responsibly. All the scientists note that during planning independent work, teacher's tasks should include taking into account the psychological microclimate of each group, the level of English proficiency, the degree of students' motivation, as well as the ultimate goal of studying. Therefore, it seems to be necessary to improve the principles and approaches to independent work, taking into account all of the above factors.
Purpose of the article is to analyze the basic principles of organization of students' independent work in English Course.
Presentation of the main material
For more thorough realizing the principles of independent work, we consider it is necessary first of all to determine the essence of this pedagogical phenomenon. Thus, B. Yesipov believed that independent work, as part of the studying process - is a kind of work that is performed in a specially designated time without the personal assistance of a teacher, but on his assignment and under his control. Moreover, when performing tasks students consciously try to realize the purpose of the given task, comprehend the studying material, highlight the main, find correct answers to the questions, reflecting in various forms the results of their mental and physical efforts [2, p. 15].
According to I. Kharlamov, independent work is an active educational and cognitive activity of young people, which is carried out individually or in groups, in classrooms or at home, with the instructions of the teacher and his guidelines, but without his direct participation. In this sense, it covers various forms and methods of teaching (except for methods of oral presentation of the material, when the dominant activity of the subjects is the perception of the teacher's speech by ear) [11, p. 214]. independent didactic еnglish language lexical translation
M. Skatkin argued that independent work is a type of individual educational activity of students, which involves the management of their cognitive activity by the teacher with the help of guidelines, conversations, colloquia, consultations during classes. Based on this definition of independent work, the scientist believes that a promising form of development of independence of future professionals is the organization of creative independent work in the classroom [9, p. 91].
The analysis of the definitions of independent work showed that its main feature is the priority of students' independence under the leading role of the teacher. Thus, summarizing the views of teachers, independent work can be defined as a form of active cognitive activity performed by one or a group of students on behalf of the teacher, under his guidance, but without his direct assistance.
Regarding independent work in English, this type of work includes preparation for practical classes, formation of skills of translation of original literature, replenishment of students' vocabulary and improvement of knowledge in the field of grammar. At the senior level, independent work is often based on the research methods, when students are involved in scientific conferences held in English, or in writing scientific articles and abstracts.
According to the authors of the article [4], it is necessary to take into account that the main factors in mastering and consolidating the educational material of a particular course are the forms of independent work of the student, which depend primarily on the content of the academic discipline, the degree of preparedness and independence of the student, as well as on the skills and qualifications of the teacher. Each teacher, when conducting classes, should have a large variety of “baggage” of tasks, tasks and exercises for independent work of students, which should not be reduced to simple abstracts, reports, theses, tests.
The main principles of organizing independent work of students, scientists include:
- principles of student activity;
- principles of individualization of education;
- principles of availability of educational material;
- principles of clarity and certainty of tasks;
- principles of clarity;
- principles of systematic and consistency in the formation independent work skills;
- principles of consciousness and independence of learning;
- principles of connection with reality;
- principles of having uniform management requirements.
Thus, students' activity in organizing independent work of is manifested during various didactic games in English which, on the one hand, contribute to the professional development of students, and on the other teach students to communicate in a foreign language, express, argue or defend their point of view. It should be noted that the activation of independent work of students in this case depends on how interesting and relevant for students is the proposed situation. In addition, such activities teach students to summarize, analyze, synthesize material without assistance, which is a must for future professionals.
During the organization of extracurricular independent work, the principle of activity involves prior acquaintance with the material to be studied. This helps students better understand the ways to gain new knowledge. It is important to take into account the age of students, their analytical abilities and level of English. Thus, if in the first year extracurricular independent work involves, first of all, getting acquainted with new vocabulary and performing exercises to consolidate lexical and grammatical material, then in senior courses the independent work of students of educational or research nature becomes more important: reports and speeches at the conference, work with authentic sources of information, implementation of course and diploma projects, etc. [6, p. 236; 7, p. 92].
Implementation of the principle of individualization in the organization of students' independent work in English Course in higher education is aimed at optimizing the learning process based on the capabilities and interests of each student, internal self-regulation of his educational activities, which would work in a student-friendly mode. The principle of individualization is manifested in students' independence in choosing ways to solve educational problems, the possibility of in-depth study of one of the sections of English that best suits their interests, giving students the right to choose textbooks, methodological literature, forms of reporting and self-control.
Of particular importance in ensuring the individualization of learning is the use of technical means of information and the Internet, which contribute to the intensification and rationalization of the educational process, the formation of skills and abilities of students, deeper mastering of educational material. For example, by choosing the appropriate mode of work, students get the opportunity to study at a convenient time for them and focus on those aspects of learning English that require additional study [6; 8].
When organizing independent work of students, it is also necessary to take into account that there are several psychological groups of students' self-regulation. In particular, scientists distinguish between "autonomous", "mixed" and "dependent" group. Thus, students of the first group show purposefulness, concentration, determination in achieving the goal, they are able to conduct independent scientific research. Students who belong to the "mixed" group are not always able to show the above qualities and need more attention from the teacher. Students of the third group cannot independently perform the task set before them and constantly need outside help [3, p.49]
To effectively organize independent work of students in English, to achieve the best learning outcomes, it is also advisable to apply the principles of accessibility, clarity and certainty of tasks, which provide control over the content of tasks for independent work. Light material to more complex, from familiar to unfamiliar, control the amount of tasks for independent work. The need to control the amount of knowledge is explained by the fact that the overload of students with educational tasks for independent work leads to the formal implementation of the task and superficial study of the material.
The principle of clarity plays an important role in the performance of independent work, which contributes to the formation of a more accurate idea of the subject being studied, serves as a link between concrete material and abstract. In particular, the use of video materials in English allows to intensify the independent work of students through a combination of verbal and nonverbal means of communication, professional acting, changing the story line and more. On the basis of video materials, it is also advisable to develop a number of tasks that will promote the development of logical thinking of students and their speech competence [1; 5; 6; 10].
An important role in the organization of independent work of students in English is played by the principle of systematicity and consistency in the formation of skills of independent work, which is focused on following the logical order and consistency in the study of the material. Systematic independent work involves taking into account the logical structure of the course, and the sequence - determining the optimal order of the task. Failure to comply with this principle leads to misunderstanding of educational material or complicates its assimilation.
The basis of the principle of consciousness and independence of learning is a thorough independent thinking of students, interest in the material and creative initiative. By following this principle, students clearly understand the purpose of their activities, learn to reveal the links between subjects and phenomena of educational activities, creatively use their knowledge [10].
The principle of connection with life requires optimal rationing of students' independent work, which should be reflected in the degree of complexity of the task. For example, when writing essays, the formation of students' skills in conducting independent research work V. Kozakov determines the degree of complexity of the original literature they use. As a rule, students of the first group of self-regulation independently choose scientific literature (articles, monographs, abstracts, etc.). Students of the second group are also able to independently obtain the necessary literature, while students of the third group use only the educational and methodological literature that was recommended by the teacher [5, p. 151].
Conclusions and suggestions
Thus, independent work when completing assignments in English is an obligatory educational component. For the correct development of tasks for independent work, the teacher must have all professional competencies and take into account many factors. Working on the didactic principles of independent students' work, it is possible to achieve better and more thorough assimilation of knowledge by students on the topic, as well as to develop students' traits such as independence, purposefulness, responsibility for their learning activities and more.
In the future it is planned to more thoroughly analyze these principles of organization of independent work in English and determine the conditions of its effective organization.
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