The search of psycholinguistic images for the technical terms on the professionally oriented english lessons
The article is to describe the practical experience of psycholinguistic studies on the professionally oriented English lessons concerning such directions as electotechnique, automation, mechanics being dealt with students’ associative links finding out
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Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 04.12.2022 |
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National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
The search of psycholinguistic images for the technical terms on the professionally oriented english lessons
K. H. Yakushko, PhD in Pedagogy, Senior lecturer,
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
V. Berezova, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor,
Актуальність дослідження - в описі досвіду здійснення психолінгвістичних студій на практичних заняттях з англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням для підготовки фахівців з таких напрямків, як електротехніка, автоматика та механіка в аспекті пошуку студентами асоціативних зв'язків, проєкції технічних термінів на загальновживану лексику, розвитку психомоторної та емоційної пам'яті на основі залучення мислеформ попереднього особистого досвіду входження в іншомовне середовище. Досліджено поточні прояви мовної та металінгвістичної рефлексії, розгортання мовної тканини, мовлення як діяльності з виконання психолінгвістичні вправ щодо кожної вищезгаданої технічної спеціальності окремо після аналізу основних психолінгвістичних ідей відомих дослідників. Автори статті підкреслюють важливість залучення студентів технічних напрямів підготовки до пошуку психолінгвістичних образів спеціалізованих термінів під час здійснення реального існуючого навчального процесу на теренах конкретного українського закладу вищої освіти - в Національному університеті біоресурсів і природокористування України. Основні висновки: засвоєння технічних термінів на практичних заняттях з англійської мови за технічним спрямуванням поглиблюється внаслідок декодування та перетворення їх на психолінгвістичні образи-мислеформи та зображення термінів на тематичних плакатах на основі опрацювання джерел Інтернету у WebQuests. При цьому іншомовне професійно-орієнтоване технічне мовлення доцільно розглядати, насамперед, як творче формування водночас і продуктів мови, і психологічної діяльності людини у синтезі одиниць мислення, моторики і мовних образів. Правомірно проводити психолінгвістичний експеримент, як метод унаочнювального спостереження, щоб підтвердити або заперечити позитивність пошуку асоціативних зв'язків, розшифрування термінів, проектування їх на загальновживану лексику з метою розвитку психомоторної і емоційної пам'яті на основі попередніх особистих знаннях і досвіді формування і сприйняття іноземного мовлення. Такий психолінгвістичний експеримент виявив зацікавленість студентів напрямів технічної підготовки застосовувати всі психолінгвістичні фактори для вивчення технічних термінів у образах, особливо на етапі виявлення асоціативних зв'язків з технічними термінами (35%). Порівняно менш позитивні фактори були визначені як етап для проектування технічних термінів на часто використовуваної лексики (26%), а також етап розвитку психомоторної та емоційної пам'яті під час вивчення технічних термінів (24%) або етап декодування технічних термінів (15%). Перспективою досліджень є опис досвіду практики здійснення психолінгвістичних студій на практичних заняттях з англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням для підготовки студентів не лише технічного, але й агробіологічного, економічного, філологічного та власне самого психологічного напрямку підготовки.
Ключові слова: психолінгвістичні образи технічних термінів, пошук мислеформ, психомоторна пам'ять, емоційна пам'ять, розкодування, асоціації з загальновживаною лексикою, практичні заняття з англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням, WebQuests.
psycholinguistic studie associative link
The relevance of the article is to describe the practical experience of psycholinguistic studies on the professionally oriented English lessons concerning such directions as electotechnique, automation, mechanics being dealt with students' associative links finding out, terms decoding, the projection of technical terms on commonly used vocabulary aiming to develop psychomotor and emotional memory on the basis of previous personal knowledge and experience to generate and to percept foreign language speech. The authors observed the daily process of language and metalinguistic reflection, the deployment of linguistic tissue in speech as a spiritual activity involving psycholinguistic exercises concerning each abovenamed technical specialty to be represented after analyzing the main psycholinguistic ideas by known scientists. The authors of this article emphasize the importance to involve students into the search of psycholinguistic images for the technical terms during real existing studying process within the concrete Ukrainian higher educational establishment - the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. It is possible to confirm that the assimilation of technical terms on practical classes of technical English language in the sphere of electotechnique, automation, mechanics is always deepened due to technical terms decoding and their transformation into psycholinguistic images - so-called thoughtform as well as Internet references WebQuests posters with the adequate imaged terms. Besides, it should be also confirmed that the foreign-language professionally oriented technical speech should be primarily regarded as a moving-fluid creative phenomenon aiming to form one general product either from speech, movement, experience, perception, memorizing, emotion, interest, thinking, decoding, associations with commonly used vocabulary aiming to represent psycholinguistic images within introduction of conversational situations. It was lawful to apply psycholinguistic experiment as a method of the conducted research involving students of technical training direction into a poll to confirm or to deny the positivity to find out associative links, to decode terms, to project technical terms on commonly used vocabulary aiming to develop psychomotor and emotional memory basing upon previous personal knowledge and experience to generate and to percept foreign language speech. Such psycholinguistic experiment showed the interest of technical training direction students to apply all psycholinguistic factors to study technical terms in images especially on the stage of finding out associative links with technical terms (35 %). Comparatively less positive factors were detected as the stage to project technical terms on
commonly used vocabulary (26%) as well as the stage to develop psychomotor and emotional memory while studying technical terms (24%) or the stage to decode technical terms (15%). The prospect of research is a description of the experience of practicing some psycholinguistic studies on the English profweessionally oriented language to train students not only for the technical but also for the agrobiological, economic, philological and, in fact, the psychological direction itself.
Key words: psycholinguistic images of technical terms, decoding, the search of thought forms, psychomotor memory, emotional memory, associations with commonly used vocabulary, professionally oriented English language, WebQuests.
Nowadays some linguistic studies being devoted to the practical study of a professionally oriented foreign language in general or of a technical English itself are being actualized because they always take into account the dynamic approach to language as a creative activity regarding to other backgrounds of psycholinguistics as a science.
Recent researches and publications.
The basis for further intelligence in the field of psycholinguistics is to refer to the statement by Wilhelm von Humboldt (supported by M. Kochergan) mentioning that every foreign language studying process may be compared with the acquisition of a new point of view within the former worldview because each language forms a matter being made of concepts and representations of a certain parts of humanity [7]. This thought is a support to O. Potebnia's conviction about the importance of the evaluative function of the word because it's dealing with the linguistic reality: by naming any phenomenon in a word we distinguish it from the infinite variety of the world, see it with certain properties in accordance with our value orientations [5, p. 37]. Abovenamed statements are concerned to such M. Bakhtin's point of view as the discovery of a person or personality could not occur without opening new moments in the word by means of human speech expression too [12, p. 80]. These thoughts are also consistent with the main provisions of the B. Gasparov's monograph "Language, Memory, Image” in which the importance of linguistic images observation is dealing with the person's spontaneous ability to respond to
the fragments of language arising pictures, associations, schemes, reference abstracts, motor impulses, sensory sensations, written words, etc. in our minds. The main attention is paid on gestures because they are related to the kinetic aspect of the figurative representations that the linguistic material. The dynamics of the gesture conveys the kinetic aspect of the image which corresponds to this expression. We agree that only gesture itself helps the speaker and it is the best to feel the shaped projection of his expression to detect a similar figurative projection by an interlocutor [8, p. 5]. Besides, in modern psycholinguistics there are several papers being devoted to the association supporting bearings studying like support on morphemic component, support on similar sound-letter complex, support on personal meaning language, support on pragmatic component, suport on similar sound-letter complex, support on simmilar grammar model etc. while foreign speech percepting. The example of such paper to analyze abovenamed psycholinguistic bearings is a paper "Associative Support in the Process of Learning Vocabulary of a Foreign Language: a Psycholinguistic
Approach in Language Teaching” by
O. Klimkina where it is said that association always mobilizes internal memory resources, optimizes the learning process, accumulates active and passive vocabulary as well as the verbalizing emotions in texts [10, p.103]. We agree that the more associative supporing bearings and reference points are applied while new term learning the more successful and stronger memoriza- tionresult is predicted taking into account specific of perception being involved into pshycolingvodidactics as the modern strategy to study foreign language words in general and technical terms themselves [10, p.86].
These general abovenamed principles of psycholinguistics are related with the sphere og engineering too in the paperby
O. Drobot “Psychosemantic Features of Professional Consciousness of Engineers” where empiric study of psychosemantic features of professional consciousness of engineers: the associative structure of key professional notions has been determined, and its key properties have been revealed as well as the method of free associations has been applied and J. Sax's and
S. Levis's Unfinished Sentences projective technique or original questionnaire were distinguished [2, p. 72]. Becides, this researcher attract attention to
M. Melniokov's adequate paper “The Developing of Future Engineers' Speech Competence while Using Psycholinguistic Formulae” as to the paper to determine the leading future engineers' modality (audible, visual, kinesthetic) in accordance to favorable educational situation taking into account several criteria like emotional evaluation, assimilation, cognition, active practical actions and communication [2, p. 77].
The purpose of an article is to describe the practical experience to fulfill psychol- inguistic studies on the professionally oriented English lessons as well as to confirm or to refute the conclusion that the assimilation of technical terms during the technical English practical classes may be deepened by transforming technical terms into some psycholinguistic images - thoughtform. Besides, we are aiming to agree or to disagree that the foreign language professionally oriented technical broadcasting should be considered, first of all, as a moving- fluid creative phenomenon for the formation of speech products while human psychological activity either in the form of thinking units or in the form of linguistic images.
In order to solve this goal in classes with the first year students of the technical faculties within the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine on the professionally oriented English lessons, technical terms introduction involved the elements of the terminological units transformation into thoughtform. While working with the students of each of the bellow mentioned specialties, the term bucket was always used in the form of a special box for mechanical actions of assembling and receiving the involved specialized terms to be in need for engineer of different directions of technical training for further work in his particular specialty and fixing the completed plan points on a poster aiming to develop reference knowledge, to actualize associative links and to motivate usage of the explicit resources of psychomotor and emotional memory in the game form while using topi ca l izing questions [1], [3], [9], [11].
To meet our objectives the methodof information analysis, the synthesis method, the comparative method, the method of linguistic description, semantic and syntactic methods, interpretation method, the mixed methods of quantitative and qualitative analyses were used.
Data and methods. The main method of the conducted research was the psycholinguistic experiment for 135 students of technical training direction being enrolled into poll to confirm or to deny the positivity to find out associative links, to decode terms, to project technical terms on commonly used vocabulary aiming to develop psychomotor and emotional memory basing upon previous personal knowledge and experience to generate and to percept foreign language speech. There were 45 students being trained as future specialists in automation, 45 students being trained as future mechanical engineers and 45 students being trained as future power engineers for asking. They were in need to place the most positive factor in decreasing order.
Results. The research results were got from the table 1.
Abovenamed table 1 is to show the interest of technical training direction students to apply all psycholinguistic factors to study technical terms in images especially on the stage of finding out associative links with technical terms (35 %). Comparatively less positive equal factors were detected as the stage to project technical terms on commonly used vocabulary (26%) and a stage to develop psychomotor and emotional memory while studying technical terms (24%). Comparatively the least positive equal factor was detected as the stage to decode technical terms (15%).
Table 1.
The most positive psycholinguistic factors to study technical terms in images
Psycholinguistic factor |
The percentage of students to admitt such factor as the most positive to percept foreign language speech |
1 |
to find out associative links with technical terms |
35 |
2 |
to decode technical terms |
15 |
3 |
to project technical terms on commonly used vocabulary |
26 |
4 |
to develop psychomotor and emotional memory while studying technical terms |
24 |
Discussion. There were some stages to conduct the abovenamed table 1. There were three directions of terminological work observing special features of technical terms for future agricultural engineers: electrotechicians (power engineers) mechanics (mechanical engineers) as well as for the future specialists in automation.
The questioning and oral questioning of the students of the various technical directions presented by the National University and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine proved the positivity and feasibility of periodic involvement of the elements of psycholinguistic tasks for the introduction of speech situations in the educational process, the characteristics of which, according to the thesis by L. Kalmykova, the processuality of practical classes in the English language by the professional direction, the subject and the object of speech became the most upcoming engineers, the motive was the need to use psychomotor and emotional memory, actualize experience and associative connections during the introduction of the terminology in the broadcasting units, the intention was to reveal the speech intentions to present to the groupmates the favorite terms and decode, the subject of speech communication were the processes of generation and perception of the speech of another, and semantic for the system of technical terminology units as decoding and assimilation symbols in own broadcasting has become a saga [4]. Thus, it is possible to confirm the conclusion that the assimilation of technical terms in practical classes of technical English language is deepened due to their transformation into psycholinguistic images - that is, the so- called. thoughtform that the foreign- language professional-oriented technical broadcasting should be considered, first of all, as a moving-fluid creative phenomenon of the formation of products at the same time and speech and the psychological activity of man in the form of both units of thinking and linguistic images. It was lawful to apply psycholinguistic experiment as the method of the conducted research concerning 135 students of technical training direction being enrolled into poll to confirm or to deny the positivity to find out associative links, to decode terms, to project technical terms on commonly used vocabulary aiming to develop psychomotor and emotional memory basing upon previous personal knowledge and experience to generate and to percept foreign language speech. Such psycholinguistic experiment showed the interest of technical training direction students to apply all psycholinguistic factors to study technical terms in images especially on the stage of finding out associative links with technical terms (35 %). Comparatively less positive factors were detected as the stage to project
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