Modern approaches in teaching English for students of technical specialties

This is due to the objective needs of society in the highly qualified specialists of a certain profile with a high level of foreign language skills and motivation for professional activity and not flexible response of the higher education system.

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Modern approaches in teaching English for students of technical specialties

O.G. Ponomarenko, PhD in Pedagogy, associate professor, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


The relevance of this topic and importance for its research is due to the objective needs of society in the highly qualified specialists of a certain profile with a high level of foreign language skills and motivation for professional activity and not flexible response of the higher education system.

Issues of modern audio and video materials using in foreign language classes in higher educational establishments are considered, namely involvement of all channels of perception of information in the learning course of professional directed topics; using of methodological materials, including the creation of a database of professional information, the development of modern methods of work on information processing; using of the multimedia e-learn learning system, involvement of all kinds of activities to ensure stable interest of youth in learning a foreign language; formation of professional orientation in future specialists on the basis of watching video and listening to audio materials, which are especially relevant in times of emergency caused by the coronavirus in the world.

The system of training of qualified specialists with knowledge of a foreign language is the main task of vocationally oriented education.

Using audio and video materials at the classes of foreign language allows forming in students a keen interest in studying of language and avoid the monotony that can sometimes occurs in the classroom for oral practice when in the course of study technical subjects; students are offered a large amount of lexical material.

Structured educational process with using of all modern technologies and methods of studying foreign language is increasingly important to improve career guidance for young people on their professional material.

The result of an effective choice of profession and place of work is the satisfaction of the person of own choice. Success comes where the youth is well prepared for the specific work has a similar life orientations, trained profession, and without question, one of the requirements is knowledge of a foreign language. In addition, the failure appears where the main emphasis is on the calls, promises of material and other wealth, and not on a conscious choice of profession. In this regard, before the university, like the whole community is quite a difficult task - to prepare highly qualified specialist with knowledge of a foreign language and to correct the attitude of the professions needed by the economy and society.

Currently, the language teachers focus their intentions on affluent audiences with video equipment, which is the best way to create a language environment. In addition, video gives the conditions necessary for solving a number of problems and certainly allows you to increase the success rate of students up to 80%.

Keywords: institution of education, foreign language, information and communication technologies, personality, profession


Сучасні підходи у викладанні англійської мови для студентів технічних спеціальностей

О.Г. Пономаренко

Актуальність зазначеної теми, необхідність її дослідження зумовлена об'єктивними потребами суспільства у висококваліфікованих фахівцях певного профілю з високим рівнем володіння іноземною мовою та мотивації до професійної діяльності та недостатньо гнучкої реакції системи вищої освіти.

Розглядаються питання доцільності використання сучасних аудіо та відео матеріалів на заняттях іноземної мови у закладах вищої освіти, а саме залучення в процесі навчання всіх каналів сприймання інформації під час вивчення тем професійного спрямування; використання методичних матеріалів, що включає в себе створення бази професійної інформації, розробка сучасних методів роботи з оброблення інформації; використання мультимедійної системи навчання е-Іеагп, залучення всіх видів діяльності для забезпечення стабільної зацікавленості молоді у вивченні іноземної мови; формування професійної спрямованості у майбутніх спеціалістів на основі перегляду відео та прослуховування аудіо матеріалів, що є особливо актуальними в період надзвичайної ситуації, спричиненої коронавірусом у світі.

Система підготовки кваліфікованих фахівців зі знанням іноземної мови є основним завданням професійно зорієнтованої освіти.

Використання аудіо- та відеоматеріалів на заняттях з іноземної мови дозволяє підтримувати у студентів гострий інтерес до вивчення мови та уникати одноманітності, а особливо під час усної практики, коли в процесі вивчення технічних текстів студентам пропонується велика кількість лексичного матеріалу.

Добре структурований навчальний процес з використанням всіх сучасних технологій і методів вивчення іноземної мови набуває все більшого значення для поліпшення навчання молоді на професійному матеріалі.

Основним критерієм вдалого вибору професії і місця роботи є задоволеність людини своїм вибором, а в свою чергу і навчальним процесом, ключовим компонентом якого на сьогодні є іноземна мова. Успіх приходить тоді, коли молодь добре підготовлена до конкретної роботи, має певні життєві орієнтації, підготовлена до професійної діяльності і, без сумніву, добре володіє іноземною мовою. У зв'язку з цим перед університетом, як і всім суспільством, стоїть досить складне завдання - підготувати висококваліфікованого фахівця зі знанням іноземної мови та скорегувати навчальний процес таким чином, щоб фахівець був необхідним суспільству.

В даний час викладачі іноземної мови зосереджують свої зусилля у викладанні та подачі матеріалу на охоплення аудиторії за допомогою відео обладнання, що є кращим способом створення мовного середовища. Крім того, відео дає умови, необхідні для вирішення ряду завдань і, безумовно, дозволяє підвищити показник успішності студентів до 80%.

Ключові слова: заклад освіти, іноземна мова, інформаційно-комунікативні технології, особистість, професія.


teaching english student technical

In recent years, a considerable amount of pedagogical experience has been gained in promoting English. Vocational education in Ukraine with the necessary level of a foreign language is now playing a key role in the process of achieving social mobility of young people and demand in the labor market.

The foreign language curriculum is an integral part of the general curriculum of university and is closely linked to other disciplines, as an example of studying of technical topics in English: "Specifications, Dimenssions, Internal Combustion engine, Parts of an engine, Tools, Materials” etc. at the Faculty of Construction and Design in National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. Unfortunately, learning a foreign language is not systematic, only during the first and last years of study. A deep study of professional foreign language provides a consistent implementation of coordinated actions between teachers, Administration of the university and relevant organizations and enterprises, and such co-operation is based on differentiable approach, in the process of management of professional self-determination of students who speak a foreign language using a number of the traditional and innovative forms and methods.

Analysis of recent researches and publications

The analysis of scientific sources, Internet resources, academic and educational programs showed that using such forms of distance learning by experts (video conferences, video lessons, on-line events, inclusion of audio and video fragments) and podcasting, using audio-recorded videos specific topic and posted on the Internet, especially in our difficult time in conditions of quarantine, when forms of distance learning have become especially relevant. This is the most high-tech form of training used for advanced training and self-study; and methods (verbal, visual, practical) in the process of studying a foreign language.

The analysis of recent research and publications devoted using of information and communication technologies in the process of learning a foreign language shows that different specialists Allan M., Stanman R., Altman B., Stanley R., Kornelyuk L. P., Maslak A. V., Pavlichenko M. I., Petkova L. A., Timchenko T. M., Trofimishina M. D., Tukalo O. O., Chevichelova A. Y., Chufarlicheva S. L., Filipenko L. M., Shtnikova and others study it.


The purpose of the article is to reveal the expediency of using modern information and communication technologies in the process of learning a foreign language for the efficiency of mastering the educational material by students of the specialty "Construction and Design" of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.


We know, how well the methods (methods and forms of teaching) of the collective activity of teachers and students will be selected, the goal will be achieved so effectively, in this case, the preparation of students with the appropriate knowledge of a professional foreign language. Choosing methods and forms of training, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the content and methods of carrying out training sessions at different levels and age stages of educational activity, the time allotted for the realization of the set educational tasks, age peculiarities of students, levels of students institution, theoretical, practical and methodological preparation of the teacher. It should be noted that today the most relevant method is communicative. Undoubtedly, the choice of the required method depends on the subject, the purpose of the lesson, its content, as well as the level of preparation of students and the personality of the teacher, but considerable attention should be paid to the development of communicative skills. As we know, students in non-linguistic universities have different levels of foreign language training and different hours of study. Foreign language teachers are challenged with the choice of methods that might be appropriate for programs that would allow students with different levels of preparation to take an active part in conducting classes, and at the same time to perceive this material through technical audio and video materials [2].

Structurally, we distinguish the methods of work that we use in the educational process:

1) explanatory and illustrative methods (reporting by the teacher the information on the topic, conversations, quizzes, oral journals on orientative professional topics, communication with native speakers, communication with native speakers, background literature, information retrieval systems, and especially the viewing of educational films, videos and audio recordings on the topic b e ing studied Reading is a necessary method, but it has little effect. A special place is given to the audio-visual method - the combination of information is accompanied by an audio-visual series, which encourages active participation in the discussion of what is seen or heard, and arouses interest in the perception of the material;

2) imitation-game methods (business games, roleplaying games, on the proposed topic, imitative modeling of a professional situation, after watching a video, debates, discussion - where the dialogic and monologic speech develops [3; 6].

Note that the forms through which the training and education of students, can be both collective and individual.

As you know, collective forms require the activity of students in the group: the execution of creative tasks, presentation of papers, group discussion viewed videos in professional material, listened to the audio recording, Dialogic speech after listening. These forms stimulate the imagination, increase efficiency of mastering of a material. On the other hand, the individual forms is the interaction between student and teacher individually (conversation and discussion for example, certain technical terms the search for such audio and video materials on a specific technical topic, create your own presentations, do the tests, monologue speech, etc.) [2].

First of all, video is widely used as support material for the teacher in class, for the student who works at home or in the classroom, and especially when it is a necessary profession- oriented and methodical complex, which includes all audio and video materials. Also, the teacher can use the video to listen to authentic texts. This is a good tool to familiarize students with the latest developments in science that was chosen by the students, such as technical, use of technical devices, engines, as well as the cultural aspects and traditions of the country whose language they are studying. Some videos are designed specifically for acquainting with social and professional information that is important, especially for students of technical faculties. Video type information depends primarily on the subjects of the lesson and its forms (reading, learning new material, fixing or controlling) [1].

An advantage of video is that you can rewind the film and watch a short fragment, which contains the necessary information, and then, discussed the plot and perform the necessary task to return to the beginning of the film and to reconsider what it used to be, comparing the information to be similar and distinctive features in technical material, which is seen [4].

Before watching the video students should introduce the topic and vocabulary, ask a few questions to focus on the theme of the lesson.

With help of video, you can submit new material both lexically and grammatically. And especially when studying professional topics such as "Specifications", "Dimenssions", "Demage and loss", "UK modern technologies", "Internal combustion engine", "Hybrid engines", "Engine parts", "Principles of engine operations", "Work, advantages and disadvantages of internal combustion engine", «Diesel engine», «Properties of materials», «Systems of Internal combustion engine» etc. The list of topics for the video is unlimited and must correspond to the specialties of the technical specialities.

Listening and reviewing authentic technical material is an essential component of overall communication competence and deserves special attention. Listening is always used in conjunction with other activities such as speaking, reading, and writing. Podcasts can be effectively used to motivate students' interest in listening to technical material in English and to be able to listen in an authentic context [3].


There are two first-year groups that study English using Pearson textbooks “Technical English” at Faculty of Construction and Design. The level of English proficiency before the start of this tutorial was below average in both groups. The material of the textbook is very interesting, informative, relevant to the specialty and subjects that are studied in the specialty "Materials Science", "Car structure", "Car systems", and only reading and discussing texts, performing lexical and grammatical exercises during the first module did not produce the desired results on the development of oral speech in students. Among the 24 students of the first 1901 group and 23 of the second 1902 group, all students found relatively similar results while listening to the text and completing tasks. During the second module, special attention was paid to listening, viewing and discussing professionally directed materials in the specialty.

At the end of the semester, all students, after completing similar listening tasks, showed an average and sufficient level of mastering the material.

Compared to the first module, when all 47 students learned the material approximately at the same level, with an average score of 12, the results of the second module were much better, and the average score was already 22. Therefore, the audio and video material used not only greatly enriched English classes, as authentic material intended for listening and viewing was presented, but also improved the level of assimilation of the material.

To solve these problems, a set of research methods was used: theoretical - analysis and synthesis - to study the works of domestic and foreign scientists, materials of conferences, periodicals, psychological and pedagogical and methodological literature to determine the level of implementation and use of interactive technologies in the educational process; learning a vocationally-oriented foreign language; comparison - to compare the approaches of researchers to using of certain technologies; benchmarking, which made it possible to compare performance when using certain online learning tools; systematization and generalization to formulate and justify conclusions; empirical - a statistical method for interpreting quantitative and qualitative indicators of the effectiveness of the use of interactive technologies in the educational process [4].


The advantage of video is that equipment managed by the teacher, who may divide the video into steps and serve it to students in stages, and this in turn allows to more efficiently enter large amounts of information and contributes to its detailed discussion. For example, in considering the topic "Diesel and gasoline engines", each type of engine may be the subject of a separate discussion. After re-watching the entire video, you can highlight the similarities and differences between two engines. According to this scheme can introduce different topics. Making questions and giving answers to them, you can also practice grammar [2].

Speaking about the benefits and feasibility of using a podcast as a supplement when working with listening, offering authentic language material, we note that they contribute to: working with authentic, always new information in a foreign language for better work on different types of speech activities; to encourage independent work of students in extracurricular time; the promotion of intercultural interaction on the Internet; the introduction of real communication between native speakers; to improve the motivation to learn a foreign language etc. [5].

The main argument for using video and audio material is the fact that our consciousness works more actively when we are motivated to watch some material, or whether it is listening only when we know in advance that we will see answers to our questions, or we know that we are will be asked to complete certain tasks after watching. Therefore, in order to teach students to speak a foreign language, teachers need to spend part of their time in the classroom, working out a conversational topic based on what they have read and watched. We use dialogues, examples from textbooks, audio materials to help you hear a foreign language and immerse yourself in its surroundings. While the video offers examples of language communication in practice, while watching authentic texts. These examples are clearer to students, they show the visual and verbal communication of people at the same time. Therefore, video is a good means of communicating a foreign language to the audience, as well as an effective method of teaching it, especially in non-linguistic universities at different faculties, in our case at Technical Faculty [5, p.27].

Teachers want not only to teach students to use foreign materials for the purpose of studying the necessary technical information, but also to speak on different topics in their specialty, to be knowledgeable in the topics of professional direction in a foreign language as required by the international language, science and technology.

The aforementioned plot of this article makes it possible to formulate the following conclusions:

1) realization of educational work in a non-linguistic university at a technical faculty is ensured through using by teachers of appropriate methods and forms (explanatory-illustrative, informative- methodical-and-search); 2) the importance of permanent step-by-step teaching activity when learning a foreign language using audio and video materials; 3) taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students, the level of their abilities during the selection of material for processing; 4) the use of various methods and forms of learning a foreign language - both traditional (testing, questioning, conversations, observations) and modern (audio-visual, imitation modeling, game method, method of problematic presentation, method of presentation, etc.) information on professional content in a foreign language); 5) a clear practical direction of educational work is traced, as evidenced by writing essays, business letters, summaries, conducting interviews.

Modern learning tools provide students with access to unconventional sources of information, increase the effectiveness of learning and independent work, as well as give them completely new opportunities to gain professional skills [1, p. 7]. The activation of the personality position studying of vocationally oriented foreign language implies a variety of measures for the development of professional personality traits of youth on the material of a foreign language. This requires serious methodological support in the form of various programs that meet the needs of the young person in the subject and professionals who organize the educational process using all the necessary information resources. Improvement of training programs and methodological support includes, first of all, creation of computer and audiovisual professional information systems, development of common methods of information processing, production of specialized printing products, multimedia e-learning systems, combining all these types of activities will provide interest of young people in learning foreign language. Further exploration of the topic will be to


1. Kornelyuk, S. A. (2003). Video on the English lessons. [Video na urokah angliyskoyi movy]. Collection of Scientific Papers, №35, 162 p.

2. Fylypenko, S. L. (2009). Modern and innovative approaches of teaching English for students. [Suchasni ta innovatsiyni pidhody vykladannia angliyskoyi movy dlia studentiv]. Collection of Scientific Papers, 1, P. 84-93.

3. Altman, R. (1989). The Video Connections: Integrating Video into Language Teaching. - Collection of Scientific Papers, - 70 p. Available at: create an electronic training course for students of technical specialties, the Faculty of Construction and Design. qt2h1684bg/qt2h 1684bg.pdf

4. Cooper, R., Lavery, M. & Rinvolucri, M.

(1989). Video. Resource Books for Teachers Series, 1. Collection of Scientific Papers, 1, 45p. Available at:

content/uploads/2012/12/kiyo 16-13.pdf

5. Warlick D. (2005). Podcasting. Technology & Learning, Collection of Scientific Papers 26(2), - 70p. Available at: ttps:// 960_Technology_for_Turning_Points

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