Model of training of specialists in the higher education system, including persons with functional health limitations

The essence of the model of professional training at the level of the requirements of the 21st century. The problem of developing cultural models in forming a professional identity. Characteristics of the success of personal self-determination.

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Дата добавления 20.11.2022
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Размещено на

Zhytomyr Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education



Dr Habil. (Sociology), Professor,

Professor at the Department of Social

Sciences and Humanities


professional training model personal

The presented article outlines the model of a specialist who is prepared for the conditions of modern society, where it is crucial to restructure the productiveforces and relations by considering new challenges based on new fundamental principles. The essence of the model of professional training at the level of the requirements of the 21st century is defined. Professional qualities as a set of fundamental, professionally-oriented humanitarian knowledge, skills and abilities are considered a successful prerequisite for high professionalism. Special emphasis is placed on the concept of “competence”, exceptionally professional. The author emphasized that a specialist's professional development is inextricably linked with personal growth, so the paper presents the characteristics of self-determination, highlighting the features of this phenomenon for people with functional health limitations (disability). Professional competence implies the possession by a specialist of cultural models set, in connection with which there is a need to solve the problem of developing cultural models in forming a professional identity. The success of personal self-determination is characterized by self-knowledge and self-realization, personal projection, choice of profession and successful planning. Professional self-determination is considered in the context of the individual's lifestyle, socialization, and professionalization as a specific activity, the essence of which is the structuring and integration of their professional future. A prerequisite for professional development of the individual is the development of professional self-preservation, which means the individual's ability to resist the negative socio-professional situations, maximize professional and psychological potential, and the formation of the ability to resist professional crisis, stagnation, deformities and readiness to professional self-change, correction of the career strategies and creation of the new implementation practices. The defining direction of the educational process in higher education is the formation of personality as a subject of active, purposeful, responsible activity. Of particular importance is the awareness of the challenges of today, considering the development

of basic competencies of professional and cultural culture and adequate response to today's challenges. For people with functional health limitations (disabilities) in current conditions, the most in-demand qualities may be the willingness to change, the ability to justify their opinions and, at the same time, tolerance for the positions of others, the ability to perceive diverse lifestyles, mobilizing imagination to build their behaviour based on specific opportunities, etc. The algorithm of professional goals of a specialist in the socio-professional space is represented by career attitudes, such as opportunity, awareness, stability, certainty, and dynamism. Selfmanagement has advantages, which the author identified as an essential element of personal management.

Key words: education, higher education, specialist, a person with functional health limitations.


Дікова-Фаворська О. М Модель підготовки спеціаліста в системі вищої освіти, в тому числі особи з функціональними обмеженнями здоров'я

У представленій статті окреслена модель спеціаліста- професіонала, що є підготовлений до умов сучасного суспільства, де надзвичайно важливо перебудувати виробничі сили та відносини з урахуванням нових викликів на нових засадничих принципах. Дається визначення суті моделі професійної підготовки спеціаліста на рівні вимог ХХІ століття. Наголошується, що професійний розвиток спеціаліста невід'ємно пов'язаний з особистісним розвитком, тому в роботі представлені характеристики самовизначення, з акцентом на особливостях цього феномену для осіб з функціональними обмеженнями здоров'я (інвалідністю). Професійні якості як сукупність фундаментальних, професійно-орієнтованих гуманітарних знань, вмінь та навичокрозглядаються якуспішна передумова високогорівня професіоналізації. Окремий акцент здійснено на понятті «компетентності», зокрема професійної. Професійна компетентність передбачає володіння спеціалістом сукупністю культурних зразків, у зв'язку з чим виникає необхідність вирішення проблеми розвитку культурних моделей в процесі формування професійної ідентичності. Успішність самовизначення особистості характеризується самопізнанням та самореалізацією, особистісним проеціюванням, вибором професії тауспішним плануванням. Професійне самовизначення розглядається в контексті способу життя, соціалізації та професіоналізації особистості як специфічного виду діяльності, суттю якої є структурування та інтеграція власного професійного майбутнього. Обов'язковою умовою професійного розвитку особистості є розвиток нею способів професійного самозбереження, під яким розуміємо здатність особистості протистояти негативній соціально - професійній ситуації, максимальному підвищенню професійного та психологічного потенціалу, так і формування здатності протистояти професійно обумовленій кризі, стагнації, деформаціям, а також формування готовністю до професійній самозміни, до корекції кар'єрних стратегій та створенню нових практик реалізації.

Визначальним напрямком освітнього процесу у вищий школі виступає формування особистості як суб'єкта активної, цілеспрямованої, відповідальної діяльності. Особливого значення набуває усвідомлення викликів сучасності, урахування розвитку основних компетентностей професійного та загальнокультурного плану та адекватне реагування на виклики сьогодення.

У осіб з функціональними обмеженнями здоров'я (інвалідністю) найбільш затребуваними в сучасних умовах можуть бути саме готовність до змін, здатність обгрунтовувати власну думку та одночасно демонструвати толерантність до позицій інших, вміння сприймати різнобарвність стилів життя, мобілізація уяви для побудови лінії власної поведінки виходячи з конкретних можливостей тощо. Алгоритм професійних цілей спеціаліста у соціально-професійному просторі представлений установками кар'єри, таких як можливість, інформованість, стабільність, визначеність, динамічність. Самоуправління має свої переваги, які були визначені автором як такі, що виступають ключовим елементом особистісного менеджменту.

Ключові слова: освіта, вища освіта, спеціаліст, особа з функціональними обмеженнями здоров'я.

Problem statement

With the development of the market economy and the emergence of new occupations that require a high level of intellectual involvement, with the change of professionally-qualified functions, there is a need for the development of a “model of a specialist” - a professional, adequate to the conditions of modern society, where it is crucial to reconstruct the productive forces and the relations based on the new principles.

The successful professional activity is quite rightly estimated today as a result and criteria of the quality of education. In addition, a graduate of the 21st century should be not only a highly skilled specialist but, first, - a subject of modern culture, the bearer of high morality and social activity.

For a more detailed analysis of the individual's professional culture problems, the article will review the essence of the notion “the model of a specialist.” In the Humanities, this term is often used in a sense understandable to all, at least on an intuitive level. However, there is no unambiguous determination. Without this rational selection of the content of education and upbringing of students, adequate forms and training methods are impossible. Having no clear idea of such concepts as the “model of a specialist” and “the model of professional activity”, it is impossible to speak seriously about the modern system of effective organization of training of highly qualified specialists, ready for work under the open market conditions and unforeseen stress situations.

We attempted to define the essence of the model of professional training of specialists at the level of the requirements of the 21st century. It is a specialist model that represents an important landmark for successfully implementing the most advanced ideas of the modern professional education of highly qualified specialists.

Under the model of a specialist, we understand the unique, internally consistent set of the most common social requirements for the level of their professional competence, philosophical and moral positions, the general and professional culture, and personal qualities.

The article aims to form a model of a modern specialist who would meet the requirements of today.

Presentation of the main material

The social demand supported by the Constitutional setting for the creation in Ukraine of a democratic, legal, and social state focuses on the need to include in the model of a specialist with such essential components as high professional, political and legal culture [1]. Higher education institutions aim to form the most critical components of professional, political, and legal consciousness and connect them to graduates' political and legal experiences. Orientation to the current conditions of professional activity also requires the individual to apply market thinking and behaviour. It must be a free, independent, active, purposeful person. The market accepts only business-oriented people, capable of taking risks, are responsible, competitive, working for profit, and ready to achieve objectives, asserting themselves at the expense of competitors.

When creating a specialist model, we need to view the idea that professional development is inseparable from personal development because both are based on the principle of self-development, which determines the individual's ability to self-determination.

The main characteristics of self-determination are as follows:

- the need for personal self-determination is a need for the formation of the semantic system, which includes an understanding of themselves and the world;

- self-determination oriented for the future;

- personality self-determination is connected with the choice of profession but not limited to it; the choice of an occupation is a necessary but insufficient condition for self-determination.

It is in the process of self-determination when any person's ability, especially with functional health limitations, makes their own life an efficient implementation of their plans and achieves the highest form of life of individuals - creative self-realization.

Personal qualities of a specialist include a set of moral, political, aesthetic, religious, business, managerial qualities, psychological and individual orientation. These should include responsibility, honesty, discipline, tolerance, a sense of duty, interoperability, cooperation, and many other things. Listed qualities are the core of the person. They are mainly formed in the family environment and finished, “polished” in school, and then - in the higher educational institution.

Professional qualities are fundamental, professional-focused and humanitarian knowledge, abilities, and skills to perform professional duties. These should include:

- high enough level of actual professionalism in a particular area;

- the ability to design their further professional development;

- the ability to communicate professionally;

- ability to bear professional responsibility for the results of their work.

Professionalization is a continuous process of personal development of a specialist, which begins from the moment of choice of the profession and ends when the person stops active professional activity. One of the keys in the theory of professionalization there is the problem of the professional self-determination of a person as well as conditions for its self-realization and related issues of correlation of personal and professional development in the formation of a specialist, awareness of the capabilities and capacities for the implementation of the career resources. Special attention should also be given to developing methods and techniques for overcoming professional deformations and crises, which are inevitable in professional growth, especially in modern conditions, which have intensified competition in the labour market [2].

Speaking about the professional qualities of the young specialist model, we have in mind, first, his professional thinking. This concept is considered in two parameters. When the young specialists, who come to a new place of work, want to stress the high professional level of qualification, we are talking about the peculiarities of thinking which detect the “quality” aspect. On the other - when they want to emphasize the peculiarities of thinking related to the nature of the professional activity, this refers to the substantive aspect. However, most of the “professional thinking” notion is used in these values.

In the scientific literature, it is acceptable to discuss the problem of forming “technical” thinking for engineers and technicians, “artistic” thinking for artists, and “humanitarian” thinking for scientists working in relevant areas of science so on. In this context, it is believed that some features of a specialist allow him to perform professional tasks successfully at a high level of skill: quickly, accurately, and addressed initially as the ordinary and extraordinary task in a particular subject area. Such specialists are usually described as creative people in their professional life, “a special” isolated object of the activity and capable of rationalization, innovation, and discoveries.

The development requirements reveal several professional challenges that young professionals are called to decide the critical approach to determining their overall intellectual ability. This is the ability to reject conventional standard methods and seek new approaches, methods and ways of life, the ability to find the best options for resolving the problem, the ability to predict and many more. These professional and personal qualities, general intellectual abilities, and professional thinking should be developed in individuals with functional health limitations no less than in healthy professionals to maintain competition in the labour market. Therefore, it is crucial to develop in people with disabilities the necessary professional competencies to enable them to be successful and competitive.

Exploring the concept of “competence” indicates that it is much broader than the concept of “knowledge” and “skills” since it covers more and includes such properties as orientation (motivation, set of values); ability to overcome stereotypes and feel the problems; insight, the flexibility of thinking, character (independence, commitment) and others.

The concept of professional competence involves introducing a typical person to the world of cultural values. In this space, the person realizes themselves as a specialist professional: a narrow scope of business efficiency in a wide area of culture. Professional competence involves the possession by specialists of the set of cultural patterns known in the present time in this area of human activity. It raises the need to address the problem of the development of cultural models in the process of professional identity formation.

As the literature analysis shows, the success of the personality's selfdetermination is characterized by:

- the presence of the components of the psychological present, which perform the function of self-development (self-knowledge and self-realization) and include:

- formed value-semantic kernel, meaning a wide range of individually significant positive values, a sense of the meaning of their own life (existential orientation);

- self-realization, which should be creative, have a wide range of industries;

- the presence of the components of psychological future that provides content and temporal perspective and has the following components:

- personal projecting themselves into the future, when the young person relies mainly on their strength, sees a wide range of values of the future in an emotionally attractive tone;

- choice of profession (sustained interest in a particular professional activity, awareness of the professional standards of the profession);

Proper planning is characterized, above all, by a positive attitude to the planning process and the availability of plans, the formation of notions of the means of achieving the purposes and duration in time.

For persons with functional health limitations, such components characterize the semantic future and contribute to the success of selfdetermination at a young age, when it is crucial to consider the existing state of their health and its possible dynamics.

At the same time, it is necessary to identify the “duality” of selfdetermination, which consists in and is carried out at the same time, on the one hand, as a specific definition of the future profession and life planning, and on the other, “how soft the search for the meaning of its existence is”. The need for search activity, in self-determination, in building life prospects is an important social need of the student's age.

Professional self-determination is considered in the context of the way of life, socialization and professionalization of the personality as a specific type of activity (specific activities) of a person, the essence of which is the achievement of the sense of certainty in self-treatment and respect to the activities performed, structuring and integration of their professional future [3].

There are three levels of professional self-determination:

- high (formation of interests, compliance to the personal qualities of the chosen profession, a firm conviction in the correctness of choice);

- average (lack of sustained interest, the conviction in the correctness of choice);

- low (lack of interest, the will, the desire to achieve high results, the lack of activity, and low self-esteem in terms of the future profession).

The main criteria of readiness for professional self-determination are:

- cognitive: a measure of perceptions of individual physiological quality, a measure of familiarization with the content of professional activities; the degree of awareness of the general and special professionally important qualities of the person in the professional sphere of activity;

- motivation and values: character motivation and activity, recognition of the personal and social significance of the future profession, the relationship of interest with a value orientation, the intensity of emotional experiences, strong-willed efforts, attention;

- practical: the ability to understand the correlation between the profession's characteristics and professional standards, the possession of the practical work techniques.

The following can be considered as specific tasks of professional self-determination:

1) gradual formation of the overall readiness for professional selfdetermination (without implementation of specific choices) and preparation for a future working life in broad terms;

2) psychological and pedagogical assistance in specific professional choices (professional educational institution, profession, place of work);

3) psychological and pedagogical assistance in the development of an already chosen profession (in the new school or at work);

4) improvement in the framework of the performed work activities in the specially organized qualification improvement and self-education;

5) development of related types of professional work, necessary for better performance of the given work.

The obligatory condition of the professional development of the individual in the development of its methods of professional selfpreservation, which is regarded as the ability of the individual to resist the socio-professional situation, which is negative, the maximum upgrade the professional and psychological potential (in conditions of destabilization of the professional life), and resist the professionally conditioned by the crisis, stagnation, deformations, and also readiness for professional self-change, to correction of the career strategies and the creation of new tactics of implementation of the career of the resource with the challenges of society, keeping is transformed.

All of the above defines many of the strategic objectives in the diverse activities of higher educational institutions. The main direction of the educational process in the higher educational institution is forming a personality as a subject of active, purposeful, responsible activities.

A fundamental direction in the activity of the higher education institutions is to work with the enterprises, firms, organizations, and employment services with the purpose of permanent analysis of the labour market in terms of occupations, which students receive from a specific educational institution, as well as interaction with other higher education institutions. It is necessary to provide legal and psychological-pedagogical support to students and assess their potential and absolute powers. It is possible that effective in this context would be the definition of a rating of achievements of the students. However, for persons with functional limitations of health or disabilities, it is essential to assess progress following special needs and limited possibilities of persons with health disabilities; therefore, you should pay special attention to the compensatory mechanisms of self-realization of persons with disabilities.

According to this approach, the student is a bearer of social, professional and socio-psychological qualities, which are being developed and which need to be analyzed in retrospective, current and prospective aspects, but also as an element of control from the side of the administration, teaching staff and social workers.

For the productive implementation of career development is important to investigate the structure of self-regulation, which includes:

- adopted by the subject the target of their arbitrary activity;

- model of relevant operating conditions of the activity;

- program of their actions;

- criteria for the success of the system;

- information on the results achieved;

- assessment of performance;

- correction of actions and activities in general [Zajnjatist', 2003].

It should be borne in mind that self-regulation is closely related to personal self-regulation, which requires a high level of self-consciousness, reflexivity thinking, organization, focus, and the formation of volitional qualities.

To ensure the student's competitiveness to master the fundamental guidelines that are part of important personal characteristics of future specialists of different professions. They express the system's aspirations and man's willingness to find work and further his professional success by adapting to the actual production conditions. A particular significance in understanding the challenges of our time is to consider developments in the core competencies of professional and general cultural plans to respond to these challenges adequately.

In the late twentieth century, a British scholar of Indian origin Krishan Kumar, based on the ideas of Weber, Comte, Parsons and modern sociologists, tried to define the basic principles of modernity:

- Individualism: people in modern society are free from their earlier group relationships and dependencies imposed on them. They are freely and responsibly shaping their biography, having the many options in their way of life and career;

- Differentiation, i.e. the expansion of the field of “life chances” with ever greater specialization, a wide variety of jobs that require people of different skills, competencies, and education [4]. Choices from various options increase in the labour force and services, education and the public consciousness when a person is before an infinite set of ideological and political programs, religious doctrines, denominations, sects, styles and tastes. As noted by Peter Sztompka, the existential situation of a person in a modern society, which is defined by the principles of individualism and differentiation, “gives person freedom, autonomy, rich life chances, but the price is the constant need to make decisions, to make choices and be fully responsible for everything” [5].

- Rationality: First, the legalization legitimacy of various organizations and institutions, in strict compliance with the laws and procedures, and secondly, in the triumph of science as a perfect form of knowledge of the world and reasonable substantiation of human action, and thirdly, of secularization, in a departure from the magical and religious thinking;

- Economism, since a large part of modern life depends on economic affairs and the problems in the economy, production and consumption. If in a traditional society dominated by family, religious life, military and knightly deeds, for the modern person, money and goods are the main motivations in life, the purpose of the intentions of people acting on mutual agreements;

- Expansiveness, as the modern way of social life, tends to expand in various environments. Expansion of “modernity” in a situation of globalization is not only breadth but depth, i.e. “permeates all areas of life, creating tastes, manners, customs, morality, art style, popular culture. It creates a new form of family life, determines the nature of education, and forms of leisure” [5].

According to the American social psychologist Alex Inkeles, four main factors affect a modern person: urbanization, industrialization, social mobility, mass communication and culture. As a result of empirical studies conducted in many countries, Inkeles described the syndrome of “modern identity.” This is the kind of theoretical model that includes nine specific personality traits:

- Need to get new experiences, openness towards innovation and change;

- Awareness of the vast number of existing ideas and attitudes, willingness to show and justify their own opinions and also tolerance, tolerance to other opinions and views that are different from our own, even the ability to find a sort of pleasure in this very diversity of existing views;

- Orientation in time, to focus more on the future than on the past, as well as the ability to appreciate punctuality;

- Feeling of subjective strength, belief that personal and social challenges and problems can be solved if you make adequate and current actions, individually or in a group with other people;

- Striving to anticipate future events and plan your future actions, i.e. mobilization of imagination in order to develop the correct line of his behaviour in the future;

- Trust in the social order, the belief pattern of social development, in particular, the existence of strong, proven fundamentals of management, public policy and moral rules and practices that determine the behaviour of individuals, because of what is possible planning, forecasting, calculations for the future;

- Feeling of “divided justice,” recognizing the inevitability of existing inequalities in the distribution of wealth, property, and privileges based on the principle of meritocracy that requires unequal pay for unequal work and merit;

- The desire to self-improve, self-educate;

- Respect the virtues of others, even those who are lower than self, social position or subject to its power.

This model is the last group of personality traits and looks like a normative understanding of the modern person as an ideal, which focuses on the following points: firstly, focus on self-improvement virtues and respect for other people, and secondly, meritocracy - the understanding of justice inequality by unequal merit [5].

These symptoms affect one another, helping form other features; increase their value, contributing to eventually compiling a holistic personality type.

Among the people with functional limitations, most in-demand in today's conditions can be the willingness to change, the ability to justify their own opinion and simultaneously - tolerance of other views, and the desire to self-improve and self-educate. However, a person with disabilities may generate the following features, which will be even more beneficial than a healthy professional's characteristics. Based on reflection on defects of his health, awareness of their physical limitations and disabilities can attain such traits that enhance their competitiveness, namely:

- ability to enjoy the diversity of existing views and lifestyles (“I am not like all - and this is normally perceived”);

- shared responsibility for the adequacy of an individual or collective action;

- mobilization of imagination to work out the correct line of their behaviour based on their particular needs;

- belief in the law of social development, the reliability of public policy that takes care of creating the conditions for self-realization of people with disabilities and will constantly improve the process;

- recognition of the inevitability of the existing inequalities in the distribution of wealth, property, and privileges, given the limited functionality of people with disabilities.

So, for people with disabilities, the special significance becomes a humanitarian component of education that allows them to successfully integrate into society and “humanize” their living space. Humanitarization is usually regarded as an additional and necessary component of professional education. In terms of our study, it is important to consider it in connection with the individualization of specialists within the university, enabling us to educate the responsible for the work results and incentives for productive activities.

A humanistic education system that creates and develops into a permanent social transformation in higher education to help reach these goals:

- Firstly, training the experts in humanitarian culture.

- Secondly, to overcome narrow and one-sided thinking.

- Thirdly, the formation of specialists harmoniously combines a contemporary level of professional knowledge and skills with the humanistic life benchmarks.

- Fourthly, the development of future professional qualities of the creative person, which is equally perceived as forms and methods of conceptual and rational knowledge of the world and intuitively shaped his comprehension.

A job helps a person functionally involved in society, in an extensive system of social activities of their skills and abilities. However, apart from this functional adaptation to society through a profession, people should still fit in the space of culture; learn its meaning and value. The job takes human sense for the individual only if it is for something higher and self-sufficient, namely, getting their personality the multifaceted and contradictory world culture, its unique “human person.” For persons with functional limitations of humanitarian health, a component can be the basis of forming such professional qualities, which, combined with personality traits, can strengthen their competitiveness and ensure professional success.

The current labour market can be characterized by a constant increase in the requirements for professionalism. State and commercial organizations are interested in developing human resources, including education, training, and retraining activities, as it allows them to create and maintain job prospects and possibilities for a productive life.

The algorithm of professional targets of an individual specialist in a social and professional environment, in our opinion, can be represented by career settings:

- Possibility (installation and the ability for future employment in the labour market);

- Awareness (understanding the need first to select the specific professions and related difficulties in learning it and future employment);

- Certainty (the presence of a master plan for a specific profession);

- Stability (formation of certain personality traits and competitiveness necessary for successful competition in the modern Ukrainian labour market);

- Dynamic (development of activity to improve the competitiveness of qualities needed in a changing social and market environment).

These characteristics allow achieving stability of interest in their chosen profession and formation conditions of social and professional environment of certain personal qualities of competitiveness, which are necessary for success in the labour market, which is in constant transformation.

Research professional self-determination in the context of life, socialization and professionalization of the individual can be considered a specific kind of human activity, the goal of which is to achieve semantic certainty with the activities performed. It is crucial to study the mechanisms of social mobility to develop approaches to self-management in an organization's career in the situation of the labour market, transformation, and growing competition.

A priority goal for a specialist increasingly becomes participating in various workshops and training and establishing their educational paradigm, which would be based on a “methodological setup” on constant self on the ability to manage their lives on the continued development of its capacity, i.e. the ability to predict the kind of self-management to increase competitiveness in the labour market and further professional growth. Competitive and sought-after expert is capable of continuous dynamics, which is new information, knows the art of technology, and can efficiently use your time and resources. A person engaged in self-management, seeking to achieve their goals and keep personal and career growth according to their needs and interests. The person has functional health limitations, while an essential part of serving and selecting appropriate ways to achieve goals and professional strategies based on their specific needs.

Among the main advantages of self-management are the following:

- reducing the cost of performance;

- improving the organization of labour;

- reducing stress;

- job satisfaction;

- increase motivation and level of their qualifications;

- reduce the number of errors in their performance;

- achieve professional and social success.

The process of self-management, in terms of sequence-specific functions, usually consists of the following stages:

- Definition of the purpose (analysis and personal goal formation);

- Planning activity options (development of the plans of their activities);

- Making decisions on how to implement;

- The organization of processes (scheduling their day and organization of personal labour process);

- The realization of the objectives, monitoring, and analysis of results (self-control).

A key element of self-management is the transformation of practical situations of undetermined conditions, needs, and circumstances constantly arising in management activities on targeted, consistent implementation steps and tasks.


Considering personal management as a purposeful and consistent application of management practices in their daily activities to optimize the use of their resources (intellect, will, ability), we can say that the most crucial role in the self-management system is played by personal career management. It plays a leading role in implementing career strategies among people with functional limitations of health. It is vital in the educational process to form self-management skills and abilities and achieve possible social mobility for persons with disabilities, considering their special needs.

Thus, education is an essential resource for social mobility and the development of new social roles. With self-management in the organization and career marketing tools to optimize career, resource graduates can implement strategic career goals and improve solving tactical problems of their career in a competitive labour market.


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2. Jary, D., & Jary, J. Collins dictionary of sociology. London: HarperCollins. 1991.

3. Super, D. E. Vocational adjustment: implementing a self-concept. Occupations, 1951. 30, 88-92.

4. Kumar, Krishan. From Post-Industrial to Post-Modern Society: New Theories of the Contemporary World. Wiley-Blackwell. 1995.

5. Sztompka, P Sociology: an analysis of modern society / Per. from Polish by S. M. Chervonnaya. M.: Logos, 2005.

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