Gender education in Ukraine: problems and prospects
The gender situation in education has been studied. The need to abandon traditional stereotypes and search for new non-standard approaches, as well as to expand the educational space for realizing the individuality of each individual, is described.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 10.11.2022 |
Размер файла | 18,1 K |
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I.S. Matvienko,
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of Philosophy and International Communication National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
The problem of studying the gender approach in pedagogy is quite relevant today, due to changes in the modern education system in Ukraine. The goal of the gender approach is to reassess those stable traditional foundations of the education system that did not take into account the development of the individual as a representative of a certain sex and create the necessary conditions for self-realization. The article is devoted to the study of the gender situation in education, as well as the need to abandon traditional stereotypes and find new non-standard approaches, as well as to expand the educational space for the best realization of the individuality of each individual.
Key words: pedagogy, gender education, gender, personality, individuality.
Гендерна освіта в Україні: проблеми і перспективи Матвієнко І. С.
Проблема дослідження гендерного підходу в педагогіці є достатньо актуальною на сьогодні, що обумовлено змінами в сучасній системі освіти в Україні. Ціль гендерного підходу полягає в переоцінці тих сталих традиційних основ системи освіти, які не враховували розвиток особистості , як представника певної статі та створення необхідних умов для власної самореалізації. Стаття присвячена дослідженню гендерної ситуації в освіті, а також необхідності відмови від традиційних стереотипів та пошуку нових нестандартних підходів, а також розширенню освітнього простору для найкращої реалізації індивідуальності кожної особистості.
Ключові слова: педагогіка, гендерна освіта, стать, особистість, індивідуальність.
gender education stereotype individuality
In the modern Ukrainian intellectual discourse, gender issues are being actualized, which is gradually entering the sphere of education. Considering the problem of gender education in the post-Soviet space, as well as following the implementation of completely different international educational programs designed for a wide audience, as well as the introduction of gender special courses for higher education in various humanities, it should be noted that gender pedagogy as a science is still at the stage of formation. The development of gender education and gender pedagogy is to some extent hampered by one of the main functions of education - the function of reproducing traditional norms of behavior and values. Currently, changes are already taking place in the theory of education, one of the important areas of development of pedagogical science at the present stage is the formation of a new field of scientific knowledge - gender pedagogy.
Gender pedagogy is the design of the educational process and the creation of conditions for the realization of the opportunities of boys and girls as equals in their abilities. The education of the new century should become an effective mechanism that gives people the opportunity to plan their own lives on the principles of an active member of society. This is possible only by shifting the emphasis to the model of genderbased learning. It is necessary for the state and society to indicate their position on the issue of gender education, which would give impetus to further research in this direction. According to experts, the implementation of the gender concept is real only when reviewing the entire curriculum and careful selection of teachers.
Analysis of recent research and publications that have begun to address this issue
The study of gender is extremely relevant, especially in the field of philosophy, sociology and psychology. The fundamental work for this article is "Sex and Gender" by P. Ilyin's. Among the Ukrainian researchers who consider gender issues can be called quite a large number, but for this study are important V. S. Vlasov, O. M. Kikineji, T. V. Ladichenko, B. Magdyuk, G. V. Tsygankova, O. E. Shoemaker and others.
Formulation of the goals of the article (problem statement)
The main purpose of the article is to consider the issue of gender pedagogy as a direction of research in various spheres of society.
The methodological basis of the study are general scientific principles and research methods, among them, the method of comparative analysis has become a methodological basis for the study of worldview changes in understanding the content and uniqueness of gender studies and pedagogy as the basis of modern education; the method of textual analysis allowed to reveal the implicit author's meaning of philosophical texts devoted to the problem of pedagogy and gender issues at different levels of implementation; hermeneutic method, as a method without which the interpretation and re-interpretation of texts is impossible.
The education of the new century should become an effective mechanism that gives people the opportunity to plan their own lives on the principles of an active member of society. This is possible only by shifting the emphasis to the model of genderbased learning. It is necessary for the state and society to indicate their position on the issue of gender education, which would give impetus to further research in this direction. According to experts, the implementation of the gender concept is real only when reviewing the entire curriculum and careful selection of teachers. In the era of global culturological and socio-economic transformations, the problem of correction of the process of socialization of the individual becomes the subject of research in gender pedagogy. Modern society has found itself on the path of leveling the status of historically formed social roles based on gender, but over time, cooperation in various fields of work, joint learning significantly eliminate differences in norms of behavior for women and men. It is in Western culture that the idea of distinguishing between gender and sex is formed, as well as the study of their interactions. "Gender project, based on the desire to critically rethink the existing gender structures of society, as they usually do not correspond to the social level of consciousness and values of Western European society" [3, p. 210-211].
Gender pedagogy - is at the stage of development as a new branch of pedagogical knowledge, so far its categorical apparatus is in the process of formation. Many concepts used by gender pedagogy do not have an unambiguous interpretation in pedagogical theory. Considering the characteristics of age-related gender education, there are usually three groups: education in schools, universities and adults. When we talk about school education, education from the point of view of gender equality should take place by taking into account the problems of socialization, but the most important component should be the process of selfidentification of the child as male or female, thus the child forms a social role. Universities should focus on helping to address gender stereotypes and find ways to overcome them when young people face adulthood. Education based on gender principles of equality in adult life should be adaptive, helping to be tolerant of changes in society and to deal with problems that arise in their own lives. “Gender pedagogy is a set of approaches aimed at helping students feel comfortable in school and cope with the problem of socialization, an important part of which is self-identification as a woman or a man, as well as upholding the principles of equality between men and women. The purpose of gender pedagogy is to correct the influence of gender stereotypes in favor of the manifestation and development of personal tendencies of the individual, regardless of gender "[7].
It is quite difficult to go against traditional ideas that have been formed during the centuries-old tradition of mankind, but the fundamental construction of equality in society should manifest itself in cultural discussions, gender mainstreaming in education, giving these issues mass character regardless of age, skin color, nationality, religious beliefs, etc., because gender issues are fundamentally related to the issue of equality of all people. But there are those who deny the issue of gender equality, building their arguments on the basis of socio-biological approaches and concepts of evolutionary psychology, but it should be noted that so really by nature men and women are different (a very detailed analysis of biological differences can be seen in E.P. Ilyin's "Gender and Gender"), but this does not mean that men and women can not be equal, have equal rights to develop, achieve and realize their own needs, even with the destruction of stereotypes and the transformation of social roles of men and women.
The main ideas of the gender approach can be traced in egalitarian gender representations. Egalitarian gender perceptions are views that reflect the focus on the state of disclosure for women and men of those areas from which they are in some way not involved or displaced: that is, the ability of men to realize themselves in the family and women in political and technological spheres. To enhance the importance of egalitarian ideas, fans of the gender approach to social order rely on the socio-constructionist paradigm as a methodological basis for the gender approach in the modern scientific field.
When there is a lack of an individual or group of people in society to think critically and analyze the surrounding reality, we can observe a process where gender perceptions are transformed into stereotypes. That is why the main task of teachers who read gender courses, as well as researchers who study gender issues, is to form and maintain independent thinking in matters of gender, to develop the ability to analyze and question the content of certain gender issues, while getting rid of their own research. subjective assessments, and the main principle should be - objectivity. Education and upbringing, however, should be systemic in nature and be a specially organized process in which the process of interaction of agents (conscious actors) with students. Forming the conditions for the most effective development of the child, the realization of its creative, potentially present characteristics, remembering that the self-realization of the child's personality is the desire for maximum self-realization of an adult in the future.
In the era of global culturological and socio-economic transformations, the problem of correction of the process of socialization of the individual becomes the subject of research in gender pedagogy. Modern society has found itself on the path of leveling the status of historically formed social roles based on gender, but over time, cooperation in various fields of work, joint learning significantly eliminate differences in norms of behavior for women and men. The attitude to the stereotypes of "masculinity" and "femininity" is radically changing, and the characteristics of polarity and rigidity are being removed from them.
In modern society, family life is undergoing transformations. The institution of marriage and the role of men and women in them are established in accordance with their own characteristics and on the basis of equality and self-realization of men and women. The values of marriage change when the stereotypical meaning "necessary" is lost, because "you are a man" or "you are a woman". Such a transformation in society affects not only marital relations, but also employment, everything happens within the system of gender socialization of men and women. It is clear that pedagogy and education, as a pedagogical phenomenon, require understanding of these contradictory changes and adjustment of their positions on issues of gender-role socialization of students.
It is also clear that the strict standards of traditional culture regarding femininity and masculinity reproduced by school through education are a kind of anachronism and become a significant obstacle to the effective socialization of young people in a world where social change is constantly taking place.
Distinguishing between the concepts of education and upbringing, we must determine the fact that education is directly related to the curriculum, although modern education undergoes certain changes in the system of formal knowledge, and acquires characteristics aimed at the realization of each individual with unique individual properties. That is why the gender aspect in the process of upbringing and education of the modern personality cannot be ignored.
It can be assumed that if in the process of socialization of students in a gender situation it will be possible to create certain conditions for regulating the relationship between the sexes, which can be freed from stereotypical understanding in the traditional sense of "femininity" and "masculinity", these opportunities may be a condition for education a new individual with a high level of openness and adaptability to different cultures, where the main priorities will be philanthropy, peace and democracy in all spheres of human life, with unlimited opportunities for personal choice and self-realization of each individual regardless of gender.
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