Veterinary students learning outcomes after the Latin language course
Justification of the need to revise outdated positions in educational Ukrainian programs, modify learning outcomes in harmony with European standards. Study of key topics from the Latin language by students of the "Veterinary Medicine" specialty.
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Дата добавления | 08.11.2022 |
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National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Veterinary students learning outcomes after the Latin language course
Balalaieva O.YU., PhD in Pedagogy,
Associate Professor of the Department
of Journalism and Linguistic Communication
The article describes the learning outcomes that should have veterinary students (master's degree) after the Latin language course. This issue is relevant for domestic education because of the need to revise and redesigned outdated positions and transform the results in harmony with European curricula. In particular, this study is based on the approach presented in the Tuning Project (Tuning Educational Structures in Europe), considering learning outcomes as some statements of what a learner is expected to know, understand and be able to demonstrate after completion of a process of learning. They are expressed in terms of the level of competence to be obtained by the student. The purpose of the article is to describe outcomes of veterinary students in studying the main topics of the Latin language course aimed to introduce students to basics of the Latin language, to help acquire practical skills in using professional Latin terminology in educational, scientific and professional activities, to teach Latin terminology used in veterinary medicine and general biological sciences - botany, zoology and chemistry. So the main task is to form the professional terminological competence. As a result, learning outcomes after studying phonetic and grammatical topics, as well as special topics provided for by the curriculum are given in the article.
Key words: learning outcomes, knowledge, skills, competence, Latin language, veterinary students
According to Project Tuning Educational Structures in Europe, learning outcomes are statements of what a learner is expected to know, understand and be able to demonstrate after completion of a process of learning [5, p. 9]. From another point of view, outcomes are viewed as a middle ground between statements of learning which are considered over-generalized (learning aims) and those which are over-specified (learning objectives) [4, p. 28]. Despite the different opinions, a lot of scientists agree that learning outcome approach is very perspective. As Kennedy et al state: “International trends in education show a shift from the traditional “teacher centred” approach to a “student centred” approach. This alternative model focuses on what the students are expected to be able to do at the end of the module or programme. Hence, this approach is commonly referred to as an outcome-based approach. Statements called intended learning outcomes, commonly shortened to learning outcomes, are used to express what it is expected that students should be able to do at the end of the learning period” [6, p. 3].
The purpose of the study is to describe outcomes of veterinary students in studying the main topics of the Latin language course aimed to introduce students to basics of the Latin language, to help acquire practical skills in using professional Latin terminology in educational, scientific and professional activities, to teach Latin terminology used in veterinary medicine and general biological sciences - botany, zoology and chemistry. The main task is to form the professional terminological competence, focused on the study of the Latin medical terminological system in terminological subsystems: anatomical, pharmaceutical and clinical one [3]. The role of Latin in learning scientific terminology is outlined in many researchers [1; 2]. To achieve the research aim, such methods as an analysis of scientific sources, comparison and generalization have been applied.
Findings of the study
The purpose of the introductory lesson is to acquaint students with the history of the Latin language and form a general understanding of its phonetic system. Students should be informed about the history of the development of the Latin language, understand its role in the formation of national European languages, have a general idea of the contribution of classical languages to the formation of international scientific terminology; know the names and spelling of the Latin letters, the rules for pronunciation of vowels, diphthongs, consonants, letter combinations; be able to recreate the Latin alphabet in the correct sequence, designate the sounds in Latin letters, read Latin words.
These abilities should be developed into the skills of normative reading of Latin veterinary terms. So, the task of the next lessons is to familiarize students with the quantitative characteristics of Latin vowels, teach them to determine the place of accent in Latin words, to develop orthoepic and prosodic skills in reading Latin veterinary terms.
In studying morphology, the greatest attention is paid to nouns and adjectives as the main units of veterinary nomenclature [3].
After studying topics related with a noun, students should know the Latin names of its grammatical categories and dictionary form, features and case endings of five declensions, types of ІІІ declensions nouns, features and case endings of Latinized nouns of Greek origin; be able to write down nouns in dictionary form, determine their declension and basis, decline nouns in the singular and plural, translate terms expressed by nouns.
After mastering topics related to an adjective, students should know the dictionary form of an adjective and its grammatical categories, case endings of adjectives, the rules for adjectival agreement with nouns; be able to recognize adjectives and determine their group and declension, make adjectives agree with nouns, decline attributive collocation expressed by nouns and adjectives, translate veterinary terms expressed by nouns and adjectives collocations. Students also are expected to know the degrees of comparison of adjectives, the rules for the formation of the comparative and superlative forms of Latin adjectives, the dictionary form of adjectives in comparative and superlative degrees and the rules for their declination; be able to recognize comparative and superlative adjectives, to form them from adjectives in the positive degree, to make them agree with nouns and decline attributive collocations in the singular and plural, adequately translate veterinary terms, including comparative and superlative forms of adjectives.
Limited grammatical information about a verb is given at a reduced level. Students should know the grammatical categories of the verb and its main forms, verbs conjugations, the rules for the formation of the imperative mood of the present tense, the personal endings of the present tense verbs in indicative and subjunctive moods of active and passive voices, the rules for converting the active structure to passive; be able to recognize the verbs in the sentence, determine the conjugation and stem of the verb, to make the imperative forms in the singular and plural, conjugate the verbs in the indicative and subjunctive moods, translate simple sentences with the active and passive present tense verbs and prescription phrases with conditional verbs, convert the active syntactic construction into a passive one and vice versa.
After studying the topic of numerals, students should know categories and ranks of the Latin numerals, Latin numerals from 1 to 10, ways for forming complex and compound numerals; be able to count in Latin to 10, form complex and compound numerals, decline quantitative and ordinal numbers, read in Latin grams, milliliters, drops, percent and other numerical designations indicated in the prescription line. ukrainian latin european veterinary мedicine student
Veterinary terms also include participles and pronouns, therefore students are expected to know ways of forming the present active participles and the past passive participles, the categories of pronouns and main pronouns used in the prescription; be able to recognize the present active participles and the past passive participles, form them from the stems of verbs, make the participles agree with nouns and decline attributive collocations in the singular and plural, translate veterinary terms with participles and prescription phrases with pronouns. Also students get acquainted with the chemical nomenclature, as a result of mastering it they should know Latin names of chemical elements, models for the
Pedagogics-Педагогіка building names of oxides, hydroxides, peroxides, acids, salts, anions; be able to recognize the type of chemical compound (oxide, acid, salt) by its Latin name, form the Latin names of oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, determine the oxidation state by Latin adjective in the name of acid, translate the names of chemical compounds from the Latin language and vice versa.
The Latin language course introduces students to the terminology of professional subjects and familiarizes them with anatomical, clinical and pharmaceutical terminological systems. The study of anatomical terms is very important and lasts from the first lessons to the end of the course. Students should know the components and models for building anatomical terms, the types of syntactic relations in terms, the sequence of translation of terms with attributes; be able to determine the structure of anatomical term, do a grammatical analysis of its components, determine the type of syntactic relations in the term, recognize the core and attributes of the term, translate anatomical terms from the Latin language and vice versa.
After studying clinical terminology, students should know ways of building clinical terms, main terminological elements, productive Latin and Greek suffixes used in clinical terminology; be able to determine the structure of the clinical term, analyze its components, disclose the content of the clinical term based on the meaning of its components, build clinical terms with a given meaning, translate clinical terms from the Latin language and vice versa.
The study of pharmaceutical terminology involves knowledge of the structure of prescription. Students should know the definition of prescription, their types, parts of the prescription and their Latin names, model and grammatical structure of the prescription line, the rules for writing Latin part of a prescription, the sequence of prescribing the ingredients in a complex prescription and their Latin names (basis, remedium adiuvans etc.), basic prescription phrases and abbreviations; be able to name the Latin parts of the prescription in the correct sequence, read and translate the Latin part of the prescription, operate with elementary prescription phrases and abbreviations. Students should also clearly understand the definition of the term “dosage form”, the Latin names for solid, liquid, and soft forms of medicines, the methods of prescribing them and the specifics of prescribing certain drugs (tablets, suppositories, dragee), be able to name solid, liquid and soft dosage forms in Latin, write them correctly in the prescription, and prescribe in a detailed and abbreviated way standard preparations (tablets, suppositories, dragee). In general, the Latin language course is aimed at the formation of terminological competence and professional qualities (attention, concentration, activity), to increase the general cultural level, to develop scientific thinking; develop abilities for a logical and reasoned analysis of linguistic phenomena and regularities.
Список використаних джерел
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2. Хоменко Л. О., Балалаєва О. Ю. Досвід методів дистанційного навчання іноземних мов у НАУ. Наукові доповіді Національного аграрного університету. 2005. Вип. 1 (1). URL: 1/05klomin.pdf (дата звернення: 01.10.2020).
3. Balalajeva O. Major principles of teaching Latin at the Departments of Veterinary Medicine in Ukrainian agrarian universities. Edukacja - Technika - Informatyka. Wybrane problemy edukacji techicznej i zawodowej: Rocznik naukowy. № 4, Cz^sc 1. Rzeszow: Wyd. FOSZE, 2012 P. 529-534.
4. Fry H., Ketteridge S., Marshall. A Handbook for Teaching and Learningin Higher Education. London: Kogan Page, 2000. 525 р.
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2. Khomenko, L. O., Balalaieva, O. Yu. (2005). Dosvid rozrobky metodiv dystantsiinoho navchannia inozemnykh mov u NAU [Experience in the methods development of distance learning of foreign languages at NAU], Naukovi dopovidi NAU. no 1. Retrieved from: 1/05klomin.pdf
3. Balalajeva, O. (2013). Major principles of teaching Latin at the Departments of Veterinary Medicine in Ukrainian agrarian universities. Edukacja - Technika - Informatyka. Wybrane problemy edukacji techicznej i zawodowej: Rocznik naukowy. № 4, Cz^sc 1. Rzeszow: Wyd. FOSZE. P. 529-534.
4. Fry, H., Ketteridge, S., Marshall (2000). A Handbook for Teaching and Learningin Higher Education. London: Kogan Page.
5. Gonzalez, J., Wagenaar, R. (ed.) (2008). Universities contribution to the Bologna Process. Ed. by J. Gonzalez, R. Wagenaar. 2nd edition. Universidad de Deusto.
6. Kennedy, D., Hyland, A., Ryan, N. (2006). Writing and Using
7. Learning Outcomes: A Practical Guide. Implementing Bologna in your Institution, 1-30. Retrieved from: ads/content_uploads/Writing_and_Using_ Learning_Outcomes_02.pdf
Результати навчання студентів-ветеринарів по закінченню курсу латинської мови
Балалаєва О. Ю.
У статті розглянуто результати навчання, що їх повинні досягти студенти спеціальності «Ветеринарна медицина» по закінченню курсу латинської мови. Це питання є актуальним для вітчизняної системи освіти в зв'язку з необхідністю перегляду застарілих позицій у навчальних програмах і модифікації результатів у гармонії з європейськими стандартами. Зокрема, це дослідження базується на підході, представленому в проекті Tuning Project (Tuning Educational Structures in Europe), де результати навчання інтерпретують як певні твердження про те, що студент знатиме, розумітиме або буде здатний продемонструвати по завершенню процесу навчання. Метою статті є описати результати навчання студентів-ветеринарів під час вивчення ключових тем курсу латинської мови, покликаного ознайомити студентів з основами латини, допомогти набути практичних умінь і навичок використання фахової термінології у навчальній, науковій та професійній діяльності, навчити латинської термінології, яку застосовують у ветеринарії та інших біологічних науках - ботаніці, зоології та хімії. Отже, головним завданням є формування професійно-термінологічної компетентності. У статті наведено результати за вивченням фонетичних і граматичних тем, а також спеціальних тем, передбачених програмою з навчальної дисципліни.
Ключові слова: результати навчання, знання, уміння, компетентність, латинська мова, студенти-ветеринари.
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