Implementation of innovation teaching means of foreign language as a guarantee of effective of professional training of future teachers-philologists

The importance and advantages of using innovation means in the teaching of foreign languages, which provides the development of communicative, professional and creative competences and stimulates the need for a future specialist’s self-education.

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Implementation of innovation teaching means of foreign language as a guarantee of effective of professional training of future teachers-philologists

Tanana S.M., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Philology, Translation, Teaching Methods Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Pereyaslav

The article deals with the importance and advantages of using innovation means in the teaching of foreign languages, which provides the development of communicative, professional and creative competences and stimulates the need for a future specialist's self-education. The implementation of innovation means of teaching of foreign languages have a positive effect at motivation of students and the end result of learning - level of language acquisition is detected in it. The formation of readiness to innovation activity of future teachers-philologists is one of the main tasks of the educational process of higher school is accented attention.

The conceptual approaches of formation of professional competence of teachers-philologists are analyzed; socioculture bases, its contribute of formation and development of personality specialist are grounded in it. The theoretical aspects of problem of readiness to innovation activity are analyzed, the meaning of “interactive methods", “innovation means", “preparation".

Professional development of future teacher of philological subjects - process is complicated and lengthy. Theoretical and practical study is necessary part during of future teacher's master of system or research knowledge in the branch of philological subjects in conjunction with general professional training. The problem of using of interactive methods in the preparation of teacher-philologists of higher school is considered in the article.

The readiness to innovation teaching activities - particularly personal status of teacher, which implies the presence of a motivation- value attitude to the professional activity. Thus, the analysis of the scientific and methodological literature has shown that innovation interactive methods, in contrast to traditional teaching methods, are more effective. As a result, there is not only a transformation of goals, from teaching a foreign language to learning speaking a foreign language, but also rethinking the role of a teacher and students.

Key words: professional preparation, readiness, innovation means, innovation technologies, teacher-philologists, effectiveness of studies, interactive methods.

Упровадження інноваційних засобів навчання іноземних мов як запорука ефективної професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів-філологів

У статті йдеться про важливість і переваги використання інноваційних засобів у навчанні іноземних мов, що забезпечує розвиток комунікативних, професійних і творчих компетенцій та стимулює потребу майбутнього вчителя-філолога у самоосвіті. Виявлено, що впровадження інноваційних засобів навчання іноземних мов позитивно впливають на мотивацію студентів і на результат навчання - рівень опанування мови. Звертається увага на формування готовності до інноваційної освітньої діяльності майбутніх учителів-філологів, що є одним із головних чинників освітнього процесу закладу вищої освіти. Проаналізовано концептуальні підходи до формування професійної компетентності вчителів-філологів, обґрунтовано соціокультурологічні чинники, що сприяють формуванню та розвитку особистості фахівця. Аналізуються теоретичні аспекти проблеми готовності до інноваційної діяльності, розглянуто зміст понять «інтерактивні методи», «інноваційні засоби», «підготовка».

Професійне становлення майбутнього вчителя філологічних дисциплін - процес складний і тривалий. Серед його обов'язкових складників - теоретичне й практичне навчання, під час якого майбутні вчителі опановують систему наукових знань і вмінь у поєднанні з загальнопрофесійною підготовкою. У статті розглянуто проблему використання інноваційних засобів навчання під час підготовки вчителів-філологів закладів вищої освіти. Визначено роль інтерактитвних засобів у процесі фахової підготовки майбутнього вчителя філолога в педагогічній діяльності; окреслено сутнісні характеристики змісту інноваційних процесів у сучасній освіті; обґрунтовано предмет і завдання освітньої інноватики у закладі вищої освіти.

Ключові слова: професійна підготовка, готовність, інноваційні засоби, новітні технології, вчитель-філолог, ефективність навчання, інтерактивні методи.


The Ukrainian Innovation Development Strategy for 2010-2020 years, in the context of globalization trends and modern challenges, Ukrainian higher education should professionally prepare people for life in the information society, society of knowledge and innovation, to form a person with innovative thinking, innovative culture, and ability to innovate activity. The country of globalization and integration, world society and the European community are contributing to the rapid growth of the role of quality education for the further development of society, and in line with its profound reform. Given that this problem has been realized, improving the quality of the preparation process that future teachers, including English teachers of the future in order to increase their competitiveness, need for a process to effectively realize a competency approach. Effectively determine these tasks possible for conditions by enhancing educational content and its procedural- methodical approach using an innovation-based approach. The quality of the professional preparation of teachers of the future depends on the content of modern education, should include full orientation on the purchase and updating of student competencies by improving the mechanisms and using them in everyday practice.

Ukraine wishes to commit to the European dimension of higher education by adopting measures of the Bologna Declaration. At the same time, some issues relating to the objectives of the Bologna Process are still being addressed. One of the issues is the development of learners' professional language competence.

The democratic and humanistic reforms taking place in Ukraine need to be renewed to renew foreign language learning, reinterpret education goals, tasks and content, implement new educational technologies to successfully master foreign communication competence.

Applying to computer technologies in education means that the various changes are developed in person, thus relating to cognitive processes and emotional-stimulating processes, its influence on personal character, thereby increasing students' cognitive motivation in work with a computer. Using knowledge methods and communicative technologies in teaching contributes to increasing the proportion of independent training activity and activating a student, forming his personal by developing his capacity for education, self-education, self-upbringing, selfupdating, and self-realization. The information and communication technologies affect the formation of students' theoretical, creative and modular-reflective intelligence, the visualization of educational information on a computer produces a significant influence on the formation of the ideas, it occupies a central place in creative thinking, and representation imagery of phenomena in the memory of a student's wealth of perception of educational material, he advances his scientific understanding.

Such requirement to personal qualities of a modern teacher is reflected in Ukrainian legislation in the area of education, in particular, in the National Education Development Doctrine (2002), National Education Development Strategy of Ukraine for 2012-2012, which includes respective provisions on formation of leader in educational area, raising the role of a teacher in innovation society formation.

Publications analysis

The problem of using the innovation methods of teaching foreign languages at the higher educational establishments were also studied by R. Blair, S. Martinelli, L. Kono- plianyk, O. Siutkina, H. Stern, Ye. Polat, M. Tailor and other. Reasoning for theoretical and methodological grounds of pedagogical innovation (I. Bekn, M. Burgin, L. Danylenko, I. Ziazin, M. Klarin, O. Popova, A. Prygozhyn). Important contributions in this area were made by I. Gavrysh, N. Klokar, G. Kravchenko, E. Morozov, V. Khomych, O. Shapran); generalization of different approaches of scientists to the definition of the essence of the notion “informational and educational environment of higher education” (B. Akhmetov, A. Kaliuzhniy, O. Kosolapov, V. Kriukov, A. Torina, K. Shahgeldian); organizational aspects of introduction in the educational process of new information technologies (S. Bondareva, V. Bykov, T. Gabai, M. Zhaldak, P. Korchemnyi, O. Spivakovskyi).

The purpose of this article is to briefly look at certain of the innovation methods that have attracted the attention of the profession in recent years, to show reason for interest in them, in what they are exploring, in what they accomplish, the principles and ideas that guide them.

Methods: analysis, comparison, generalization and systematization of scientific and theoretical principles, synthesis.

Presentation of the basic material

Innovations in methodology used in the educational process of higher institutions are associated with the use of new technologies. “Interactive training as a new methodological approach to foreign language learning provides an opportunity to solve communicative- cognitive tasks through foreign language communication. This type of learning and cognition activity is interactive teaching, realized in the form of dialogue (student, teacher, student-student) with continuous modification of the learning content according to the analysis of the activity of the teaching subject. From the conditions of using interactive methods in the teaching process, almost all students are organized into the learning process. Interactive approaches in the process of learning a foreign language are to create learning conditions in which all students interact among themselves” [3, p. 47].

Thus, in terms of methodology, the meaning of category interactive training will be considered as: a) a dialogue training where teacher-student interaction takes place; b) training whose purpose is to address linguistic, communicative and operational tasks. An interactive training activity involves organizing and developing a dialogue speech aimed at mutual understanding, interaction, modern and general but significant task solving for all participants of the educational process [1, p. 146].

The key principles of collaborative learning within the interactive training system are:

1) positive interdependence - when all students do their job well, the group succeeds;

2) individual responsibility - when working together in a group each student has a different job;

3) equal participation - each student is given the same amount of time to talk or complete a task;

4) simultaneous interaction - when all students are involved at the same time [5, p. 84].

In the process of dialogue training students learn: solve complex problems based on analyzing the circumstances and corresponding information, consider alternative views, take considered decisions, participate in discussions, connect with different people.

Different types of activity need to be organized in the foreign, group and team foreign languages group. Among the best known types of pair and group work the following types should be mentioned: inside (outside) circles, brain storm, lines, jigsaw reading, mind- pair sharing, debate, paired interviews and so on. The sections are given to different learners to read. They must communicate with each other in order to discover the whole message or different points of view on the subject.

It must be pointed out that all the above types of interactive training are efficient in case a problem is discussed as a whole as the students have previous experience and ideas that they have acquired earlier in their classes or course their private life. “In the work process the teacher should consider the fact that the topics to be discussed in the classroom should not be limited or very narrow. One of the most common peculiarities of the interactive forms is those in which these types of training motivate the student not only to express their own views but after some debate by their partners in the work process to change perspective” [4, p. 26].

The following benefits of interactive collaborative learning are determined:

- a friendly atmosphere and relationships between learners are formed;

- learners have the opportunity to be more independent and self-confident; they are not afraid to make mistakes;

- will help learners overcome language barrier confidence issues and fear of making mistakes;

- learners' talk time is longer, good for communication;

- teacher does not dominate;

- a teacher has the opportunity to give each student the task. All learners are engaged in the work;

- it is good for individual work;

- learners can use their background knowledge.

Language is the social product, and as a form of human intellectual activity it embraces all individual and social life cycles. Perhaps one of the most essential pedagogical principles of language learning is one that emphasizes the study of language in a cultural context. One of the main tasks of learning foreign languages is the penetration of the culture in which their people are learned, into the system of their perception of the world. The language is the result of theoretical and practical activity of an individual and society. People's culture, the social conditions of life and the language are inseparably linked.

Readiness for innovative teaching activities is noted - particularly the personal status of the teacher, which implies the presence of a motivating value approach to the professional activity, having effective ways and means of achieving educational goals, the ability to be creative and reflective. Many of the problems facing teachers working in an innovative way, linked to low innovation competence - teacher motivation systems, knowledge, skills, personal qualities that provide effective use of new educational technologies work with future specialist. The use of innovative teaching methods of the future teacher's linguist in teaching activities is analyzed; the content of the innovation process in education is defined; the object and tasks of educational innovation are grounded; conceptual design of efficient provision of educational technologies in the formulation of future professional competence of teachers.

«The effectiveness of the projecting of innovation teaching largely depends on adequate choice and the implementation of consecrate pedagogical technologies. Pedagogical technologies in the process of traditional education are called “organizational forms and methods of education. The function of a teacher can be described as a system of consequent operation, expressed in planning, observation and correction of students' activities” [7, p. 6].

The education development priority of “philological department at Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Per- siaslav is the implementation of modern information technologies that provide access to the network of high quality databases, expanding the possibility for students to capture complex information. It is realized by building individual module teaching programs with varying levels of complexity depending on specific needs, using the interactive methods, delivering distance education, producing electronic textbooks” [6, p. 108].

Interactive methods of teaching foreign language allow us to solve some problems at the same time. “The main purpose is to develop communication skills, help establish an emotional connection with the student, provide for the accomplishment of an educational task, that is: train them to work in a team, to take account of someone's views. As can be seen from experience, using the above methods helps to avoid a student's nervous tension, to change forms of activity, to highlight the main question of the lesson” [2, p. 49].

To summarize the interactive teaching methods, give foreign language teachers the opportunity to master some new communicative approaches to foreign language training. Risk-taking and conversational interaction play a large part in language acquisition. It is hoped that this short survey will encourage many language teachers to learn more about the interactive methods of training. Such knowledge will provide some healthy perspective in evaluating the innovations or new approaches to methodology that will continue to emerge over time.


Modern Ukrainian higher school need to review their interaction principles with innovation forms and methods of organization. But first of all, the number of hours for study of pedagogical disciplines should be increased in training plans of Ukrainian institutions. Therefore, a higher school teacher has to be oriented towards the model of innovative teaching, dictated by the knowledge society, as a constantly shifting process, renewing both students' creative capacity and mastering of socioOdidactic projection technologies.

Prospects for further of scientific researches in this direction is considered more thorough consideration of practical peculiarities and methods of realization of competence approach and its components in the process preparation of future teacher, as well as the current control system implementation results of this approach in higher education in Ukraine. Strategy of innovative teaching implies: the change of knowledge, functions and organization ways of creative process; emphasizing of social goals of teaching and personality development.

innovation communicative self-education competence


1. Blair R. Innovation approaches to language teaching. New York : Newbury House, 2010. 252 p.

2. Celce-Murcia M. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language. Boston, MA : Heinle & Heinle, 2010. 584 p.

3. Martinelli S., Tailor M. Intercultural Learning. Strasbourg. Council of Europe and European Commission, 2000. 106 p.

4. Ruchen Dominique S. Key Competencies for a Successful Life and a Well-Functioning Society: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers, Germany. 2013. 206 p.

5. Stern H. Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching Oxford. Oxford University Press, 2003. 176 p.

6. Shemuda M. Strategies for teaching gifted students English grammar. Advanced Education: scientific journal. Kyiv. Publishing House “Polytechnica", 2018. Issue 9. P. 107-114.

7. Shiadzhuvene N., Urboniene L. Strategy of innovation teaching/learning in higher school. Professional education: methology, theory and technologies: зб. наук. праць. Київ: Педагогічна думка, 2015. Вип. 1. С. 5-15.

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