Interiorization of knowledge in vocational training as a part of teaching strategy
The "interiorization" is interpreted as a process of gaining experience. The analysis of a professionally oriented approach, in the context of training specialists in non-linguistic higher education establishments using the example of a foreign language.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 26.09.2022 |
Размер файла | 20,1 K |
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Perminova V.A.,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
Associate Professor of Foreign Languages for Specific Purposes Department
Chernihiv National University of Technology
Sikaliuk A.L,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
Associate Professor of Foreign Languages for Specific Purposes Department
Chernihiv National University of Technology
The article deals with the concept of “interiorization". This term is interpreted as a process of gaining experience; transition from collective forms of activity to individual; transformation of external individual forms of activity into internal ones. The authors analyze the main stages of formation and development of the concept under study in the world. The process of interiorization of knowledge is considered as the process of assimilation and transformation of knowledge into professionally oriented, characterized by a specific transformation of cognitive objects into internally acquired, personally meaningful, which allow to solve professional tasks of future activity.
Important in the study is the analysis of a professionally oriented approach, in the context of training specialists in non-linguistic higher education establishments using the example of a foreign language for specific purposes, with the use of interactive teaching methods. Professionally oriented refers to learning based on the needs of students in learning a foreign language, dictated by the features of the future profession. The essence of vocationally oriented teaching of a foreign language lies in its integration with special disciplines with the purpose of obtaining additional professional knowledge and formation of professionally significant personality traits. In this case, foreign language is a means of improving the professional competence and professional and personal development of students and is a prerequisite for the successful professional activity of a specialist graduate of the modern higher education.
The analysis of pedagogical and scientific and methodological sources has showed that there are many methodological directions and technologies of teaching a foreign language at non-language faculties of universities. At present, the task is set not only to master the skills of communication in a foreign language, but also to acquire special knowledge in the chosen specialty.
Key words: interiorization, professionally oriented approach, transformation of knowledge, vocational training, interactive teaching methods and technologies.
interiorization professionally training specialists foreign language
У статті розглянуто поняття «інтеріоризація». Цей термін трактується як процес набуття досвіду; перехід від колективних форм діяльності до індивідуальної; трансформація зовнішніх індивідуальних форм діяльності у внутрішні. Авторами проаналізовано основні етапи становлення й розвитку досліджуваного поняття у світі. Процес інтеріоризації знань розглядається як процес засвоєння та перетворення знань на професійно орієнтовані, що характеризуються специфічною трансформацією пізнавальних об'єктів у внутрішньо набуті, особистісно значущі, які дають змогу вирішувати професійні завдання майбутньої діяльності. Важливим у дослідженні є аналіз професійно орієнтованого підходу в контексті підготовки фахівців немовних вищих навчальних закладів на прикладі іноземної мови за професійним спрямуванням із залученням інтерактивних методів навчання.
Під професійно орієнтованим розуміється навчання, засноване на врахуванні потреб студентів у вивченні іноземної мови, що диктується особливостями майбутньої професії. Сутність професійно орієнтованого навчання іноземної мови полягає в його інтеграції зі спеціальними дисциплінами з метою отримання додаткових професійних знань та формування професійно значущих якостей особистості. Іноземна мова в цьому випадку є засобом підвищення професійної компетентності та професійно-особистіс- ного розвитку студентів, а також необхідною умовою успішної професійної діяльності фахівця - випускника сучасної вищої школи. Аналіз педагогічних і науково-методичних джерел показав, що є безліч методичних напрямів та технологій навчання іноземної мови на немовних факультетах закладів вищої освіти. Нині ставиться завдання не тільки оволодіти навичками спілкування іноземною мовою, а й придбати спеціальні знання за обраною спеціальністю.
Ключові слова: інтеріоризація, професійно орієнтований підхід, трансформація знань, професійне навчання, інтерактивні методи навчання та технології.
Urgency of the research. Increasing the level of competence of graduates of educational establishments based on the formation of humanitarian knowledge is a requirement of the national and international labor market. Traditional forms of vocational training have exhausted themselves.
Scientific researchers and issue analysis. In recent decades attempts have been made throughout the world to explicate the most influential schools in the world of psychology and to scientific fields that are somehow related to the phenomenon of interiorization.
Thus, the genetic psychology of J. Piaget, the cultural and historical psychology of L. Vyhotskyi, the social and genetic psychology of A.-N. Perre-Clermo, V. Rubtsov, the cultural psychology of M. Cole, the theory of systematic and gradual formation are analyzed in detail; mental activities and concepts of P. Halperin, the concept of developmental training of V. Davidov, theory of activity of A. Leontiev Thanks to the representatives of the French sociological school of E. Durkheim, which included M. Moss, Levi-Bruhl, S. Bugle, J. Davy, P. Lapi, P. Foconne, M. Halbwax, for the first time in psychology was introduced into the scientific circulation of the concept “interiorization”. This phenomenon has been described as a process when a child borrows from the public consciousness concepts, categories that then form the structure of his or her personal views.
Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. Now there are objective grounds for a new approach to vocational training in higher education, to the complex process of interiorization of humanities in the educational activities of students. The modern educational system requires a systematic appeal to the process of interiorization as a mechanism of learning and transformation of knowledge.
The research objective. The purpose of the study is to consider the main stages of the formation and development of the concept of “interiorization” in the world of psycho-pedagogical science.
The statement of basic materials. The system of higher professional education requires competitiveness in professional activity, on the contrary to this factor - the ability to interact with all subjects of the educational team, the desire for selfdevelopment, self-improvement, the ability to achieve goals and solve professional problems. So, vocational training and upbringing requires knowledge of psychology and pedagogy, knowledge of the age characteristics of students, knowledge of methods and techniques of modern pedagogical technologies, development of communication skills.
The process of interiorization is closely connected with communication, in the framework of interaction with other people, the transition of external actions to the internal plan occurs. The formation of social structures of personality consciousness occurs in the process of communication [1, p. 20].
The concept of “interiorization” was introduced into the scientific circulation by the representatives of the French sociological school (E. Durkheim and others). In E. Durkheim, interiorization was presented as a process in which a child borrows concepts, ideas, categories, which have other views from public consciousness.
The term “interiorization” is used by representatives of different directions and schools in psychology in accordance with their understanding of the mechanisms of development of the psyche.
One of the first psychologists who considered interiorization as a psychological principle was Pierre Janet. The concept of “interiorization” meant the grafting of elements of ideology to the individual's initial biological consciousness: ideology, social consciousness was transferred “into” the individual consciousness; location, but not the nature of the phenomenon; as it was, it remained perfect.
We define the interiorization of professionally- oriented knowledge in the process of studying at a university as the process and result of mastering and converting knowledge into professionally-oriented, characterized by a specific transformation of cognitive objects into internally assigned, personally significant, allowing solving professional tasks of future activities, acquisitions of social experience that are not only generalized, formed, but are further used in the process of professional activity. Moreover, the educational environment of the university and modern requirements for vocational training determine the content of professionally-oriented knowledge, and their appropriation ensures professional development.
In the process of vocational training, the student, internally combines his actions and actions with future professional activities, predicts it in accordance with social requirements and transforms them into internal states. The selected object goes into need, that is, it works out the mechanism of interiorization. Value acquires the motivational force of the motive of activity when it is internalized by the person, represents the necessary moment of internal existence, when a person can clearly formulate the goals of his activity, see its humanistic meaning, find effective means of their implementation, proper timely control, assessment and adjustment of their actions.
The interiorization of professional knowledge in the process of implementing educational activities is carried out in stages: the formation of value knowledge; comprehension and acceptance of experience in the process of reflection and interpretation; semantic comprehension o experience, and as a result, the appropriation of experience as personal.
A graduate of any university, starting his career, goes through a reproductive period, a period of tracing someone else's experience.
Theoretical training includes not only theory, a system of concepts, tendencies, contradictions, laws and laws, but also their deep interconnections and interdependence, the study of the dynamics of which allows students to form a system. In the process of theoretical cognition, the selection of real, real elements of a phenomenon or process, acting in thinking in the form of certain concepts, is carried out. In these internal processes of thinking, creativity, foresight, forecasting are manifested, which are directly reflected in practice in the form of skills. Student thinking is gaining practical importance and contributes to the interiorization of practice- oriented knowledge. To achieve a high level of foreign language proficiency, fundamental language training in higher education is required. Therefore, it is imperative for the teacher to operate with the latest methods of teaching a foreign language, special educational technologies and techniques in order to optimally choose one or another teaching method to achieve the main goal - mastering a foreign language at a professional level. What guides teachers toward the rejection of an authoritarian teaching style - the use of methods that contributes to the development of creative abilities of a person considering the individual characteristics of students [2].
The need to achieve a qualitatively new level of vocational training led to the development and implementation of new areas, forms and means in the process of teaching students a foreign language.
The essence of the requirements that are presented to modern higher educational establishments in the process of training specialists is to provide the educational process with a speech focus. Accordingly, the task of the teacher is no longer simply reproduction and reproduction of educational foreign language material, but to stimulate students and direct them to action, to engage in solving communicative problems, and therefore - to apply teaching methods that enable everyone to take part in speech activity, develop speech initiative.
The specificity of the subject “English for Specific Purposes” lies in the fact that several approaches are carried out simultaneously in training: linguistic, cultural, communicative and professional. This requires a foreign language teacher to be not only a source of certain professional knowledge, but also an organizer of productive situational and thematic communication. The combination of these approaches requires a significant improvement in the conditions for information support of foreign language teachers on the basis of automated databases of scientific and pedagogical information and telecommunication networks. In the context of the formation of a new education paradigm, issues of changing forms of interaction between participants in the educational process are relevant.
Thus, the methodological content of a modern lesson in a foreign language should be communicative, that means to focus of the educational process on bringing it closer to the real process of communication based on speech knowledge, skills and abilities. The need to ensure a communicative orientation of teaching students of non-linguistic universities requires the development and improvement of all types of speech foreign language activities. The main attention should be given to the development of skills to carry out all types of speech activity: listening - understanding (listening), speaking, reading, writing. Thus, the main goal of teaching a foreign language is seen in the development of students' abilities to use a foreign language as a tool in the dialogue of cultures of the modern world, the formation of their foreign language skills to achieve a high level of language competence in their field [3].
Therefore, an important role today belongs to interactive teaching methods and technologies that develop students' critical thinking, enrich their imagination, improve their communication culture and social behavior, and also form the ability to make collective and individual decisions, which creates the prerequisites for effective improvement of the educational process in higher education.
As research shows, it is customary to call means interactive that provide continuous dialogical interaction of the subjects of the educational process Interactive learning changes the usual forms of teaching material into dialogical ones, which are based on interaction and mutual understanding. We can note the following methodological features of the organization of interactive learning: the use of problem situations and language, the appropriate organization of the learning space for the dialogue, the motivational support for joint activities, the observance of the rules of educational cooperation, the use of communicative methods and techniques, the optimization of the evaluation system for the process and the results of joint activities, the development of self-analysis skills and self-control of individual and group activities The main feature of interactive learning is the use of own experience in the course of solving problematic issues. Currently, in the methodology of teaching a foreign language, methodologists and teachers have the goal of strengthening the interactive side of mastering a foreign language, moving from teaching a foreign language to teaching foreign speech activity and learning to communicate.
The approach to the educational process, which is based on the interaction of subjects of vocational training, in our case, the interactive principles of teaching students of non-linguistic specialties, is based on the use of their own experience, interaction with the immediate area of future professional activity. With such training, the role of the student grows, since he no longer participates only in obtaining professional knowledge in the field, but also in the search, development and transformation of acquired theoretical knowledge into practical skills. As practice shows, training in pairs or groups is much more effective. This applies not only to the academic successes of students, but also to their intellectual development, because such qualities of a team worker as the ability to help each other, a joint search for truth or solving a problem are always necessary prerequisites for successful professional activities in the future.
Interactive learning model creates favorable conditions for the active cognitive activity of students, cooperation between all participants in the educational process. A distinctive feature of this teaching method is the interaction of students, in which there is a joint solution of problems based on an analysis of circumstances [4, p. 11]. In contrast to passive and active learning models, the students' mental activity intensifies, and also has a stimulating character in learning, forms a collectivist spirit, and actively interacts with other subjects of the educational process.
Interactive technology is a combination of methods of intensive intrasubject interaction between a teacher and students, the consistent implementation of which will ensure a guaranteed result and create pedagogically appropriate conditions for the development of students [4, p. 18]. Interactive technologies are a problem-dialog learning, the development of communication skills, which is important for the professional preparation of bachelors. Each student contributes, expresses his point of view, an active exchange of knowledge and ideas takes place, thereby this technology works as an incentive, because the interest in using this technology is at the highest level. Students solve the problems posed, simulate situations, self-control and control of each other's activities, extremely independently. The teacher in the learning process acts as a “navigator” in the field of acquired knowledge, building, controlling, observing the activities of students. Interactive technologies contribute to a creative approach to activities, the analysis of educational information by the students themselves, and thereby awareness of this activity. Students reveal their individuality and predisposition to independent actions. The implementation of the competency-based approach to training takes place, and thus the effectiveness of the educational process is increased.
The interiorization of professionally-oriented knowledge in the process of studying at a university is determined by the changing of social, economic and cultural conditions for the development of modern society, significant for the system of higher education, as well as by principles reflecting the specifics of professional activity.
Conclusions. Thus, the analysis of various scientific approaches to the definition of the term “interiorization” showed that the result of this process is not just the acquisition of new knowledge, but the transformation of the personality structure.
Summing up, it should be pointed out that interactive methods are appropriate and justified to use in the process of training future specialists, since they are promising technologies in teaching a foreign language and define dialogue as the leading form of educational and cognitive interactive interaction. This involves the integrated use of interactive methods, tools and forms of teaching a foreign language selected according to the principles of communicativeness and cooperation in order to achieve the optimal result.
Interactive training also leads to the development of professional and personal qualities of students, including: increased activity, critical thinking, development of the ability to argue their opinions, increased responsibility for decision making, the formation of the ability to cooperate and team work, the development of the ability to further selfeducation, then there are all those qualities that a modern specialist should possess.
Thus, the use of interactive technologies in the educational process helps students achieve a smooth transition from the acquisition of lexical speech skills to their inclusion in independent communication activities at a higher professional level.
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