The Formation of Translational Intentions of Future Translators
The goal is to propose methods of group activity of students to promote autonomy in the group, in order to ensure the formation of translation intentions of future translators. Study of the essence of the concept of - "professional development".
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Дата добавления | 14.09.2022 |
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The Formation of Translational Intentions of Future Translators
Ivashkevych Ernest
Ph.D. in Psychology,
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Practice of English, Rivne State University of the Humanities, Translator, Rivne (Ukraine)
The aim of the article is to propose some techniques and group activities to promote autonomy in the classroom to provide the translational activity of students.
Methods of the research. As for general scientific methods, the following ones were also used quite successfully: the method of induction, deduction, analysis and synthesis, comparative and descriptive methods and explanatory ones. The experimental research with the purpose to identify the dynamics of the translational development of future translators lasted in 2020-2021. In this research 58 students of experimental and control groups of philological department were participated.
The results of the research. The research of the content of the concept of "translational development" highlights the need to determine its component composition (structural approach), on which the views according to translational development are quite ambiguous, because they are based, as a rule, on various aspects of the professional activity.
In such a way we distinguish target, motivational, semantic, procedural and reflexive-evaluation components in the structure of the translational development.
Conclusions. In such a way we distinguish four stages of the translational development of the person. These are the following stages: the formation of translational intentions (conscious choice of the future profession by the individual taking into account their individual psychological characteristics), which are actualized by a combination of many factors: the prestige of their profession, the needs of the society, the family influence, media, etc. The most important role in choosing a profession is played by the orientation of the individual to a particular subject of the activity, which is manifested in the interests of a man, his/ her passion for the professional sphere, etc.; basic translational training: mastering by a specialist the system of professional knowledge, skills and abilities, the formation of professionally important personal traits, professional orientation and interest in the future profession. The second stage is, first of all, training in the institution of higher education. Personal new formations at this stage have the aim of the formation of professional orientation, the development of special skills and abilities, the formation of professional and ethical values, spiritual maturity, readiness to perform specific professional activities; professionalization: entry (adaptation) and mastering the profession, professional self-determination, gaining professionally significant experience, the development of personal traits, qualities and characteristics which are necessary for qualified, productive performance of the professional activities of the interpreter; professional skills of the interpreter: high-quality, creative performance of the professional activity, the integration of professionally important qualities of the person having been formed by the individual style of performance of the activity. In the process of mastering professional skills by a specialist, professional activity itself becomes more and more attractive. Satisfaction of a specialist with his/her activity occurs in the process of performing his/her professional actions, in the process of the professional communication. Professional activity at this stage becomes the leading need of the individual. Mastery implies that the professional development of the individual has taken place.
Key words: translational intentions, basic translational training, professionalization, professional skills of the interpreter, professional communication, professional orientation and interest in the future profession.
Івашкевич Ернест. Формування перекладацьких інтенцій майбутніх перекладачів
Метою статті є запропонувати прийоми групової діяльності студентів для сприяння автономності в групі з метою забезпечення формування перекладацьких інтенцій майбутніх перекладачів.
Методи дослідження. Щодо загальнонаукових методів, то використано такі з них, як методи індукції, дедукції, аналізу та синтезу, методи порівняння та опису, метод обґрунтування тощо. Експериментальне дослідження з метою виявлення динаміки перекладацького розвитку майбутніх перекладачів тривало у 2020-2021 роках. У дослідженні взяли участь 58 студентів експериментальних груп філологічного факультету.
Результати дослідження. Дослідження сутності поняття "професійне становлення" актуалізує для нас необхідність визначення його компонентного складу (в парадигмі структурного підходу). Показано, що думки дослідників є досить неоднозначними, адже вони ґрунтуються, як правило, на різних аспектах професійної діяльності. Доведено, що про фесійне становлення є складним, тривалим і суперечливим процесом, який включає до своєї структури різні змістові та структурні компоненти.
В структурі професійного становлення виокремлюються цільовий, мотиваційний, змістовий, процесуальний і рефлексивно-оцінний компоненти.
Висновки. Виділено чотири стадії професійного становлення майбутнього перекладача, зокрема: формування професійних інтенцій (усвідомлений вибір особистістю майбутньої професії з урахуванням власне своїх індивідуально-психологічних особливостей), які актуалізуються сукупністю багатьох факторів: престижем своєї професії, потребою суспільства чи соціумом, впливом сім'ї, засобами масової інформації та ін. Важливу роль у виборі професіївідіграє спрямованість особистості на певний предмет діяльності, що виявляється в інтересах людини, її захопленні професійною сферою тощо; базова професійна підготовка: опанування фахівцем системою професійних знань, умінь і навичок, формування професійно важливих якостей особистості, професійної спрямованості й інтересу до виконання майбутньої професії. Друга стадія - це, перш за все, навчання у закладі вищої освіти. Особистісними новоутвореннями на цьому етапі є сформованість професійної спрямованості, розвиток спеціальних вмінь та здібностей, становлення професійно-етичних ціннісних орієнтацій, духовноїзрілості, готовності до виконання конкретної професійної діяльності; професіоналізація: входження (адаптація) і опанування професією, професійне самовизначення, набуття професійно значущого досвіду, розвиток властивостей, якостей та характеристик особистості, необхідних для кваліфікованого, продуктивного виконання професійної діяльності; професійна майстерність: якісне, творче виконання професійної діяльності, інтеграція сформованих професійно важливих якостей особистості в індивідуальний стиль виконання діяльності. У процесі опанування фахівцем професійною майстерністю все більшою мірою привабливою стає сама професійна діяльність. Задоволення фахівцем своєю діяльністю відбувається у процесі виконання ним професійних дій, у професійному спілкуванні. Професійна діяльність на цьому етапі стає провідною потребою особистості. Майстерність має на увазі, що професійне становлення особистості відбулося.
Ключові слова: перекладацькі інтенції, базова перекладацька підготовка, професіоналізація, професійно важливі якості перекладача, професійна комунікація, професійна орієнтація і інтерес до майбутньої професії. translation students professional
The problem of the development of the person of a future translator is a dynamic process that constantly unfolds in time and space, proceeds from the moments of formation of professional intentions to full realization of oneself in the process of creative professional activity, the main contradiction of which is the contradiction between unique personality traits and objective requirements of the leading professional activities the significance of which is that it should be led to further development of the person (Гончарук & Онуфрієва, 2018; Ivashkevych & Koval, 2020; Mykhalchuk & Ivashkevych, 2019). It was emphasized that by realizing himself/herself in the leading professional activity, the person was gradually changed, which led to the restructuring of the motives of his/her leading activity, to the formation of new properties, qualities and characteristics of the person, which are extremely important for professional activity in general (Aleksandrov, Memetova & Stankevich, 2020; Максименко, Ткач, Литвинчук & Онуфрієва, 2019).
In the psychological literature professional development is considered as the integral part of human life; thus, professional development is characterized by duration, dynamism, multilevel, readiness for professional growth, focus on the formation of positive motivation for students' professional activities, to find the optimal, constructive individual style of the performance of the translational activity, the development of professionally significant personal traits and characteristics (Batel, 2020; Mykhalchuk & Onufriieva, 2020). Professional development is one of the most important aspects of socialization of the person. Thus, the psychological literature emphasizes the direct link between successful professional development and positive lifestyles (Bates, Maechler, Bolker & Walker, 2014; Mykhalchuk & Bihunova, 2019).
So, the aim of the article is to propose some techniques and group activities to promote autonomy in the classroom to provide the translational activity of the students.Methods of the research
Taking into account the impotence of the conventional methods of scientific research while dealing with the object of our article, the most substantial part of the methodological base for this research has been developed by us. As for general scientific methods, such of them as the method of induction, deduction, analysis and synthesis, comparative and descriptive methods and explanatory ones were also used quite successfully.
The experimental research with the purpose to identify the dynamics of the translational development of future translators lasted in 2020-2021. In this research 58 students of experimental and control groups of philological department were participated.
Results and their discussion
So, we'll propose some techniques and group activities to promote autonomy in the classroom to provide the translational activity of the person. In this article there are some examples of techniques and group activities that can help us to promote autonomy in the classroom. They increase students' motivation and encourage students to be more active in the process of studying. So, the first way to the development of students' autonomy is Crossword Session.
In this kind of the activity students assume the teacher's traditional role of designing each task and carrying out the activity.
For many students learning professional vocabulary is a tedious task. Learners find it difficult to retrieve a specific item impromptu (in speaking or writing). The possible cause of this failure is that vocabulary items have not been consolidated, they have not been transferred to a long-term memory and either remained in a short-term memory or even have been forgotten. Some items might be recognizable when they are encountered by learners, but usually learners complain that they are short of words and use rudimentary vocabulary because appropriate terms have not been effectively activated.
In this kind of the activity a situational context and a lexical content are intertwined. Students use the wordlist of target vocabulary from the topic-based reading materials. Students choose the items they want to process and design a crossword working in pairs. It is advisable to limit the number of vocabulary items (about 10) and to set the time limit (from 7 to 10 minutes). Each pair is expected to deliver their crossword either on the chalkboard or transparency using an overhead projector. One student reads the definitions, and another one writes the item as soon as somebody generates the answer. Students "are awarded" a point for each correct answer. In a case of an inaccurate definition, a point "is awarded" to a person who corrects it. The guessing activity should not take longer than 10 minutes. The main idea is to have a fast performance and delivery. The activity also helps to develop fast-thinking, which is necessary in the process of spontaneous speech. It can be administered as a warm-up or between other types of the activities, like writing or reading, for students to unwind. The crosswords designed by other pairs of students would be administered in the follow-up lessons, one at each time. Thus, learners will be able to recollect and process the task-based vocabulary during a few weeks. Naturally, different pairs of students will choose diverse vocabulary items, which also encourage their revising. Learners' interaction, cooperation, assessment and self-assessment are lively and take place in a friendly, kind atmosphere: students argue over definitions, pronunciation and spelling, and enjoy awarding the titles of "the best", "the second place of the best" and "the third place of the best" performers.
So, we propose the example of a crossword and the key to it.
1 A legal document in which somebody states to whom they want their property & money to be given after their death (WILL)
2 The duty and the right of a parent to keep and bring up a child after divorce (CUSTODY)
3 Husband or wife (SPOUSE)
4 Born of parents who are not married to each other (ILLEGITIMATE)
5 A person who is being sued for divorce (RESPONDENT)
6 A legal statement declaring a marriage null and void (NULLITY)
7 Dying without having made a will (INTESTACY)
8 Sexual intercourse between a married person and somebody who is not their spouse (ADULTERY)
9 A condition or requirement in a legal document (PROVISION)
10 Money paid by the state to the person responsible for a child under 16 (BENEFIT)
Let us show the role of Grammar Training in the process of the development of student's autonomy. The usage of English Tenses is rather problematic to Ukrainian learners. The most number of students likely cause of students' difficulty to show the difference between Grammar systems of English and the mother tongue. Although students are very familiar with the structures of all Tenses, they tend to simplify their usage to the simplest forms. The technique presented below demonstrates a great opportunity for students to practice the usage of various tenses within topic-based context.
Each activity is prepared at home and it is administered by learners in the classroom. Learners use authentic professional materials either from professional journals, news, newspapers and so on. Each pair prepares a passage in which verbs are replaced by infinitives and they are reproduced on transparencies or handouts. In the classroom all students exchange their ideas and suggest the choice(s) of choosing some Tense form. All students are involved into the discussion and present their arguments for or against the suggested usage. This activity is very lively, particularly when there is an alternative possibility. Learners argue the points enthusiastically, and as a rule a final decision is reached without the teacher's intervention. Learners enjoy awarding "prizes" to their groupmates and demonstrate the ability of being objective in their evaluation. It is noteworthy that students should complete each kind of the activity during the lesson, and the teacher's feedback should follow the learners' self-assessment. It is advisable to have no more than one of such activity during a lesson, so that students do not get bored or frustrated in a case it is rather hard.
A possible variation of this activity is combining by two tasks: selecting the word order and the right Tense form. The example of such activity is presented by us.
The use of bicycle patrol (1) foot patrol in many areas. (REPLACE)
Lately US law enforcement agencies (2)to recognize the many benefits of patrolling on bikes. (BEGIN)
Patrolling on bikes (3)high visibility, accessibility and mobility. (PROVIDE)
Bicycle patrols (4)crime by the capability to approach crimes in progress without being seen or heard. (REDUCE)
The element of surprise (5)police to catch more suspects. (HELP)
Police bicycles (6)with radar or computerized communication systems. (EQUIP)
Electric bikes travel up to 20 mph and (7) pedaling. (NOT NEED)
Answer key:
1 replaces / has replaced 2 have begun 3 provides / has provided 4 reduce / have reduced 5 helps / has helped 6 are equipped / have been equipped / were equipped 7 do not need
The other way to present students' autonomy is providing the methodology of Translation. This activity is designed to give students practice in translating short texts from English into their mother tongue. It is advisable to select two passages of similar scope that do not contain new vocabulary items. Students have to prepare two passages of approximately the same difficulty. The teacher has to divide the class into an equal number of pairs and give different passages to the students sitting next to each other. Also the teacher has to ask students to translate their passages into the mother tongue and set the time limit for translating.
As soon as students have finished translating, the teacher collects the original English texts and asks students to exchange their translations in mother tongue. The teacher sets the time limit and asks students to translate into English the activities of the person who is sitting next to this student.
As soon as students have finished translating, the teacher gives them original texts and lets the pairs who swapped their translations to compare and analyze their activities. The emphasis is on the difficulties they are encountered in translation by both ways. A whole class discussion is a follow-up activity.
The final stage is to provide a copy of an officially approved document in the learners' mother tongue, so that learners will compare their own understanding and translation with the official version. As it is obvious from my description, this activity is time-consuming, because learners need some time for reflection, analysis and discussion. Discussions concern different aspects of the language use, such as a choice of vocabulary, collocations, structure of sentences, style, etc.
The next way to develop students' autonomy is using Games. Students are put into several groups. Each group is given a set of procedure for each text. Each student in groups is given one card containing one of the steps of doing something. The students are then required to seek their partners based on the sequence of steps in the text procedure. The students do this activity by reading loudly the words written on their cards. Then the students are asked to go to the front to present what they have done in the process of game. The teacher tests the students' comprehension about the text procedure and guides them in drawing conclusions on what they have learned from the material. After that, further exercise is given to strengthen their comprehension on text procedure.
Using game in the classroom in a great degree encourages students to use the target language spontaneously in real life situations. Game makes more fun in the classroom and therefore the students enjoy learning. When we use games learning can be better.
The next way of the developing of students' autonomy is using Role-Plays. Using it the teacher has to tell the students that they are going to use role play to practice their speaking skill based on the competence to be achieved as it is mentioned in the teacher's lesson plan. Students are required to sit in groups of four or five people (it depends on class size). In each group students are given roles such as the head of village, the village secretary, the village advisor, a community leader, a university student, etc. In each group, they are given a task to solve some problem. For example, the problem is that the village has been given an aspiration fund 200.000.000 UAH. In groups they should discuss by giving arguments where to spend the money on. Also the students are proposed by some choices, such as: constructing a school building, constructing a bridge, constructing a mosque and distributing it to poor people in that village. For solving this task students should be exposed with some reading materials related to the choices have been mentioned above. By doing this, the task can develop students' fluency in target language, generate students to use the language or interact with partners of communication in the classroom. In addition, it can increase students' motivation and make the teaching learning process more enjoyable.
The next way to develop students' autonomy is Project activity. In this form of the activity the students are asked to conduct a survey on, for example, "why do people smoke". Students are put into groups of four or five people. In these groups they are required to ask a questionnaire. The questions in the questionnaire should include respondents' smoking habits, types of cigarettes they smoke, the number of cigarettes they smoke a day, their reasons for smoking, kinds of disease they are suffering from, the amount of money they spend on smoking, their feeling about smoking in public spaces and on public transport, etc. Students are then told to interview people smoking at coffee shops, markets or any other public places to collect some data using the questionnaire. The groups of students study the information they have collected and write a report. Then each group presents the report of the survey to the class orally using power point for classroom discussion.
This project may require commitment and dedication from the students. It takes about two weeks of an intermediate lesson time. The number of respondents could be about 20 or even more. The same kind of the activity could be done with other topics, such as "why do people learn English", "why do people like to eat fast food", `why there are some noodles cheaper than the others?" etc.
The next form of the activity to develop students' autonomy is Information Gap. Students are given instruction of what and how to do the task. Then students are asked to be in pairs, for example student A and student B. Each student is given different texts. Student A is given a reading text about a biography of a famous person, for example William Shakespeare (English dramatist and a poet), and student B is given a text for reading about Jeffrey Archer (a novelist). Student A has some questions about Jeffrey Archer about his date of birth, educational background, time of his marriage, time of his involvement in the parliament, about his novels, when he returned to politics, his job, and the name of the party he belongs to. Student B is also given some questions about William Shakespeare. The questions are asked about his date of birth, his nationality, his job, his date of marriage, the name of his wife, what he did in 1594, when he bought Globe Theatre, what happened to him in 1613, the number of plays he wrote, the sort of plays he wrote, and the time of his death. In pairs, students exchange the information by asking and answering the questions to each other. The answers should be written on the spaces having been provided to each question. After they have finished the task, the teacher and the students checked whether written answers were correct. By doing this task, the students have more practice of using the target language in a conducive learning atmosphere.
The next is Jigsaw activity. Jigsaw activity helps students to create their own process of studying. Teachers put students in groups of four or five. Each member of the groups is given a number, for example, student 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (if one group consists of five students) or Student T, E, A and M (TEAM). Each of them is assigned a different text or different information. Then, group members join with the members of other groups having been assigned the same text or information, and they do their own research and/or share ideas about the text or information. Then, students return to their original groups to teach other members of the groups who have different texts or information. Group members have to do their activity together as a whole team to accomplish a common goal and each person is dependent on other people. By doing such kinds of actions, it facilitates the process of interaction among all students in the classroom. Each group member becomes a person who is specialized in subject matter and thereby possesses critical information to contribute to all other classmates.
The next way to provide students' autonomy is the method to Think in Pairs and to Share thoughts. Students are given some instructions about what to do with this type of the activity. The teacher distributes parts of the text to each student. In every meeting there is a text that can be discussed. A text is divided into two parts. The students accept different part of the text. Then the teacher asks the students to do so called thinking step individually and try to understand it. The teacher monitors and controls the process of students' thinking that was done individually by each student. After that, the students do their steps in pairs. They move closer to their pairs who have the same text, then think and share the text. The teacher monitors and controls the Pairing process that is done in pairs. The teacher may help the students if they need his/her help, especially we mean the problems with vocabulary problems. The students do sharing steps in pairs, but with different person. They should move to the other person who has different text in order to share the information from their texts. In addition, students should also pay attention to new explanation of the material by other pairs of students. They also may ask other students if the explanation of the material is not clear enough, especially the ideas of the complete/full text. Students also should find the answers of some exercises during the process of explanation. It means that students need to discuss what they have read before. The teacher monitors and controls the process of Sharing the information that is done in pairs and in group activities and give necessary help, especially according to comprehension. Then, they have to be back to their own pairs and discuss what they have got from Sharing step. The representative of each pair of students reports the results of the discussion, other students may give comments, to show their own opinion. The teacher should give more explanation about the characteristics of each text, and new ideas as well to empower the material comprehension.
So, according to the proposed way to provide students' autonomy we organized the experiment. We proposed to students the novel "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger (Salinger, 2003). Students have to analyze the peculiarities of the reproduction by the translator O. Logvynenko (Селінджер, 1984) of colloquial and everyday vocabulary of the novel "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger (Salinger, 2003).
For example, the first-year student Oleg V. of the philological faculty of Rivne State University of the Humanities (Ukraine) writes: "In the translation of the novel the interpreter uses different strategies of translation, which we will describe in our research. In this article, for example, we will dwell on the translation of the text done by O. Logvynenko using the strategy of "finding a functional analogue". This strategy involves the translator's use of a colloquial version of a token vocabulary, or its translation using slang, vulgarism, jargon, abusive language, colloquialism, professional lexical units (argotizm).
As a colloquial expression Oleksa Logvynenko translated "all that David Copperfield kind of crap" (Salinger, 2003: 1) - "всю оту муру в дусі Девіда Копперфілда" (Селінджер, 1984: 1). Actually "kind of crap" is translated "якоюсь мірою", "нібито", "на зразок", "неначе", "майже що", "декілька", "наполовину". As a colloquial expression this word-combination is translated as "типу". And as a colloquial expression there is a translation "різновидбудь-чого", "свогороду", "в загальному", "типуяк", "нібияк", "якось", "можнасказати", "декілька", "почасти ніби" (Тлумачний словник, 2021). There are other sentences with the word "crap" in the text, which is used by J.D. Salinger and O. Logvynenko as a colloquial one:
- "I spilled some crap all over my gray flannel" (Salinger, 2003: 11) - "Бо я облив свою сіру якоюсь гидотою" (Селінджер, 1984: 16).
- "It was all a lot of crap, naturally" (Salinger, 2003: 16) - "Звісно, то все брехня" (Селінджер, 1984: 23).
- "But I certainly wouldn't have minded shooting the crap with old Phoebe for a while" (Salinger, 2003: 29) - "Але ж так кортіло хоч трохи побазікати з каналією Фібі!" (Селінджер, 1984: 40)".
The other student Nataliia B. from the first course of the philological faculty of Rivne State University of the Humanities (Ukraine) writes: "In the sentence "...and full of lather and hairs and crap" (Salinger, 2003: 12) - "...у щетині й чортзна ще в чому" (Селінджер, 1984: 17) the word "crap" is slang, because it has a meaning "дрянь", "некорисна річ", "лайно" (Тлумачний словник, 2021).
The expression "my whole goddam autobiography or anything" (Salinger, 2003: 1) is translated "свою триклятущу біографію" (Селінджер, 1984: 1). The word "goddam" is a colloquial one, it means "будь я проклятий", "чортячий", "чортів" (Тлумачний словник, 2021), while the author's use of the original "or anything" at the end of the sentence adds the effect of expressiveness, emotionality, affective emphasis.
The word "goddam" is used by J.D. Salinger in other lexical structures, but its meaning remains unchanged, giving the author's language characteristics of the conversational style and negative connotations. For example, a sentence "I was the goddam manager of the fencing team" (Salinger, 2003: 2) is translated "Я, бачте, капітан тої, розтриклятої команди" (Селінджер, 1984: 2). Or another example: "on the goddam subway" (Salinger, 2003: 2) is translated as "у тому чортовому метро" (Селінджер, 1984: 2)".
The other student Valia K. from the first course of the philological faculty of Rivne State University of the Humanities (Ukraine): "Like the word "goddam" is translated as "stupid": ".on top of that stupid hill" (Salinger, 2003: 2) - "а надто на вершечку отої триклятущої гірки" (Селінджер, 1984: 3). In colloquial speech "stupid" means "божевільний", "<дикий", "дурень" (Тлумачний словник, 2021).
Other examples of the translation of sentences with the word "goddam" are:
- "He put my goddam paper down" (Salinger, 2003: 5) - "Спенсер відклав мою трикляту роботу" (Селінджер, 1984: 8).
- "They were coming in the goddam window" (Salinger, 2003: 6) - "Воно в них, як то кажуть, з усіх кутків пре" (Селінджер, 1984: 8).
- "I don't even keep my goddam equipment in the gym" (Salinger, 2003: 7) - "Я в тому клятому залі ніколи нічого свого й не кидав" (Селінджер, 1984: 10).
- " this big goddam Cadillac" (Salinger, 2003: 7) - "... своїм величезним як тюрма, кадилаком" (Селінджер, 1984: 10).
- ".just after I noticed I'd lost all the goddam foils" (Salinger, 2003: 8) - ".саме після того, як я похопився, що забув у вагоні оті триклятущі рапіри" (Селінджер, 1984: 11).
- ".that goddam picture" (Salinger, 2003: 9) - ".та чортова карточка" (Селінджер, 1984: 12).
- "I left the goddam foils and stuff on the subway" (Salinger, 2003: 9) - "Та я покинув у метро оті триклятущі рапіри разом з усім причандаллям" (Селінджер, 1984: 12).
- ".to look at a goddam map on the wall" (Salinger, 2003: 9) - ".й дивитись на оту ідіотську схему над головою" (Селінджер, 1984: 12).
- "Anybody else except Ackley would've taken the goddam hint" (Salinger, 2003: 9) - "Хтось інший зрозумів би, чорт бери, цей натяк" (Селінджер, 1984: 12).
- "You're right in my goddam light" (Salinger, 2003: 9) - "А то ні бісового батька не видно" (Селінджер, 1984: 12).
- "He was always telling me I was a goddam kid" (Salinger, 2003: 9) - "Він щоразу відповідав, що сам я, мовляв, малий шпанюк" (Селінджер, 1984: 12)".
The research of the content of the concept of "translational development" highlights for the authors the need to determine its component composition (structural approach), on which the views according to translational development are quite ambiguous, because they are based, as a rule, on various aspects of the professional activity. Despite the fact that professional development is a complex, lengthy and controversial process that includes different semantic and structural components, scientists and scholars identify very different components of the professional development, emphasizing the different aspects of its essence.
In such a way we distinguish in the structure of the translational development target, motivational, semantic, procedural and reflexive-evaluation components. At the same time, we consider the criteria of the translational development, distinguish among them the following structures: the desire to develop themselves as professionals, the internal locus of professional control (finding reasons for success/failure in themselves and in the process of the translational activities), the awareness of the characteristics and features of students' professional activities, a high level of professional consciousness, a holistic vision of their image as a future professional, a human development of the means of the profession, the implementation of self-compensation missing human qualities, properties and characteristics.
In such a way we distinguish four stages of the translational development of the person. These are the following stages:
- the formation of translational intentions (conscious choice of the future profession by the individual taking into account their individual psychological characteristics), which are actualized by a combination of many factors: the prestige of their profession, the needs of the society, the family influence, media, etc. The most important role in choosing a profession is played by the orientation of the individual to a particular subject of the activity, which is manifested in the interests of a man, his/her passion for the professional sphere, etc.;
- basic translational training: mastering the system of professional knowledge, skills and abilities, the formation of professionally important personal traits, professional orientation and interest by a specialist in the future profession. The second stage is, first of all, training in higher professional educational institutions. Personal new formations at this stage have the aim of the formation of professional orientation, the development of special skills and abilities, the formation of professional and ethical values, spiritual maturity, readiness to perform specific professional activities;
- professionalization: entry (adaptation) and mastering the profession, professional self-determination, gaining professionally significant experience, the development of personal traits, qualities and characteristics which are necessary for qualified, productive performance of the professional activities of the interpreter;
- professional skills of the interpreter: high-quality, creative performance of the professional activity, the integration of professionally important qualities of the person having been formed by the individual style of performance of the activity. In the process of mastering professional skills by a specialist, professional activity itself becomes more and more attractive. Satisfaction of a specialist with his/her activity occurs in the process of performing his/her professional actions, in the process of the professional communication. Professional activity at this stage becomes the leading need of the individual. Mastery implies that the professional development of the individual has taken place.
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