Vectors of implementation of the process of professional development of teachers by means of the open educational environment of higher and postgraduate pedagogical education

Implementation of openness requirements in the standards of activity of national educational systems. Introduction of continuity of the learning process in Ukraine. Development of distance forms of the work of students in the conditions of the pandemic.

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National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

Vectors of implementation of the process of professional development of teachers by means of the open educational environment of higher and postgraduate pedagogical education

Voitovska О. М. Doctor in Education, Assosiate Professor,

Associate Professor at the Department of Adult Education


The article based on the analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature shows that in the last two decades a significant paradigm of the education systems development in many countries is the openness of the educational environment, the dissemination of principles which is manifested in the implementation of openness requirements in the standards of activity not only of public and state educational institutions but also of entire national educational systems. It is noted that the construction of an open education system becomes the leading strategy for the development of adult education in general and a postgraduate pedagogical strategy in particular, as it is based on the worldview and methodological foundations of openness and continuity of the learning process.

This has become especially relevant in the current realities of the Covid-2019 pandemic. It is indicated that the new quality of domestic institutions of higher and postgraduate pedagogical education is formed due to the introduction of the requirements specified in the current normative-legal, organizational-administrative, and conceptual-program state documents.

As a result of creating an educational environment in institutions of higher and postgraduate pedagogical education, the professional development of teachers in priority areas should be ensured. In this case, the emphasis is on taking into account the impact of integration processes that contribute to the introduction of innovations in the process of professional development of teachers in higher and postgraduate pedagogical education.

It is established that open education is a complex social system, the feature of which is its ability to respond to rapidly changing socio-economic situations, personal and general educational needs, and requests. Its main principles are openness and continuity of the epistemological process, and the basis is systematic, controlled, enhanced independent work of students in a convenient place according to an individual curriculum or schedule, using a set of special teaching aids and the ability to communicate with teachers and students.

The definition of the concept “open educational environment of professional development of teachers in institutions of postgraduate pedagogical education” is given.

Key words: professional development of teachers, postgraduate pedagogical education, continuing education, adult education, lifelong learning.


Вектори реалізації процесу професійного розвитку вчителів засобами відкритого освітнього середовища закладів вищої та післядипломної педагогічної освіти

Войтовська О. М. доктор педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри освіти дорослих Національний педагогічний університет імені М. П. Драгоманова

У статті на основі аналізу науково-педагогічної літератури визначено, що в останні два десятиліття істотною парадигмою розвитку систем освіти у багатьох країнах є відкритість освітнього середовища, поширення принципів якої проявляється у впровадженні вимог відкритості у стандартах діяльності не лише громадських і державних освітніх установ, а й цілих національних освітніх систем.

Зазначено, що побудова системи відкритої освіти стає провідною стратегією розвитку освіти дорослих загалом та післядипломної педагогічної зокрема, оскільки ґрунтується на світоглядних і методологічних основах відкритості та неперервності процесу пізнання. Це стало особливо актуальним у сучасних реаліях пандемії COVID-2019.

Вказано, що нова якість вітчизняних закладів вищої та післядипломної педагогічної освіти формується завдяки впровадженню вимог, зазначених у чинних нормативно-правових, організаційно-управлінських та концептуально-програмних державних документах.

У результаті створення освітнього середовища в закладах вищої та післядипломної педагогічної освіти має бути забезпечений професійний розвиток учителів з пріоритетних напрямів.

У цьому разі акцент робиться на врахування впливу інтеграційних процесів, що сприяють впровадженню інновацій у процес професійного розвитку вчителів в умовах вищої та післядипломної педагогічної освіти.

Встановлено, що відкрита освіта - це складна соціальна система, особливістю якої є її здатність реагувати на швидкозмінні соціально-економічні ситуації, персональні та загальні освітні потреби і запити. Головні її принципи - відкритість і неперервність гносеологічного процесу, а основою є планомірна, контрольована, посилена самостійна робота здобувачів освіти у зручному місці за індивідуальним навчальним планом чи розкладом за умов використання комплекту спеціальних засобів навчання і здатність спілкування з викладачем та тими, хто навчається. Дано власне визначення поняття «відкрите освітнє середовище професійного розвитку вчителів у закладах післядипломної педагогічної освіти».

Ключові слова: професійний розвиток учителів, післядипломна педагогічна освіта, неперервна освіта, освіта дорослих, освіта упродовж життя.


Problem formulation. In the last two decades, an important paradigm for the development of education systems in many countries is the openness of the educational environment, the spread of which is manifested in the implementation of openness requirements in the standards of not only public and state educational institutions but also entire national education systems. Building an open education system becomes a leading strategy for the development of adult education in general and postgraduate pedagogical in particular, as it is based on the worldview and methodological foundations of openness and continuity of the cognitive process. This has become especially relevant in the current realities of the Covid-2019 pandemic.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature on the use of an open educational environment of higher and postgraduate pedagogical education in the process of professional development of teachers. To give a definition of the concept “open educational environment of professional development of teachers in institutions of postgraduate pedagogical education”.

Presentation of the main research material

The new quality of domestic institutions of higher and postgraduate pedagogical education is formed due to the implementation of the requirements specified in the current normative-legal, organizational-administrative and conceptual-program state documents. As a result of creating an educational environment in institutions of higher and postgraduate pedagogical education, high-quality professional training and professional development of teachers in priority areas should be ensured [11, p. 11].

In this case, the emphasis is on taking into account the impact of integration processes that promote the introduction of innovations in the process of professional development of teachers in postgraduate pedagogical education.

The analysis of scientific researches of scientists allowed to detail the meaning of the concept “educational environment”. M.V. Bratko, analyzing the educational environment of higher education, calls it a multi-object and multi-subject set of components for purposeful professional and personal development of the customer of educational services, his readiness for professional activity and continuing education, the quality realization of social roles, and self-realization in the process of life [1]. national educational student distance pandemic

I.P Vorotnikova argues that the openness of information and educational environments for teachers in continuing education is a twoway flow of information, which is designed to ensure knowledge management for the professional development of each teacher. The ability of postgraduate pedagogical education institutions to encourage, deepen and synthesize changes in the provision of information plays an important role in the knowledge economy and professional development of teachers [3].

It is generally accepted that open education is a complex social system, the feature of which is the ability to respond to rapidly changing socio-economic situations, personal and general educational needs, and requests. Its main principles are openness and continuity of the epistemological process, and the basis is systematic, controlled, intensive independent work of students in a convenient place according to an individual curriculum or schedule, using a set of special teaching aids and the ability to communicate with teachers and students. The purpose of open education is to learn to be a full and productive participant in social and professional activities in a digital information and telecommunications society because the educational space is created at a certain time not as much an educational institution and a clearly defined educational (professional, educational, scientific) program, as awareness of personal choice of different educational conditions and their specific organization.

The study of the phenomenon of open education, its features, principles, approaches, etc. allows the following definitions: a new educational paradigm, which is the need to ensure equal access to quality education for all those who seek to learn throughout life and have the necessary means; [2]; learning technology, built to ensure the flexibility of learning regardless of the geographical distance of the student from the educational institution, its social and time constraints; individual approach to teaching each student according to an individual plan; may include distance or other forms of learning, as well as the ability to combine elements of traditional and independent learning with the appropriate form of control [9]; open system, which is characterized by flexibility, variability, responsiveness to changes in society's demands, multifunctionality, good governance, taking into account the individuality of each and provides freedom of choice for students [10]; the strategy of open education is an integral part of the strategy of education and training, aimed at promoting the acquisition of digital competencies by future masters and students of advanced training courses and methods of forming digital competencies; promoting the development of open educational resources; joining classes and distributing digital installations and content; involvement of stakeholders (teachers, students, parents, partners) to promote the wider use of digital technologies in educational institutions [6].

The concept of open education means the removal of barriers to learning, in other words: the ability of everyone to receive an education regardless of the place of residence, age, nationality, physical condition; state support for education in the form of various benefits, scholarships; application of the latest learning technologies. Technologies and systems of open education can be effectively used in distance learning, which is a universal technology to support open education and is based on modern information and communication technologies. Therefore, the advantages of open education include: providing educational opportunities to each person at any period of his life and the implementation of successful professional activities; elimination of barriers in education (cost, geography, time, entrance requirements); promoting the modernization of education, as open education is implemented through digital technologies; building lifelong learning, as open education builds a bridge between formal and non-formal education.

The openness of the educational environment of higher pedagogical institutions for professional development of teachers is primarily realized during their advanced training in correspondence, distance, and full-time distance learning, as well as in the intercourse period as a result of self-educational activities through non-formal and informal education.

The maximum use of resources of open education and planning of own educational program makes the necessary activity of the future teacher who possesses special means for this purpose, namely high level of service of information and communication and distance learning technologies, organizational abilities. The urgency of increasing competence and intensifying the professional development of teachers is due to the need to constantly meet the dynamics of the tasks of professional activity, which requires external support.

Therefore, the educational and scientific process of professional development of teachers should be open to the introduction of various innovations that contribute to its intensification.

Given the above, the requirements for the scientific and pedagogical staff of higher education institutions - specialists-andragogues, curators-tutors are increasing, the main tasks of which are to provide scientific and methodological support to teachers and monitoring the process of their training/ advanced training, didactic, methodological support of educational process and content (formation) of an educational web environment for the study group of future teachers and students of advanced training courses.

According to the researcher R.S. Gurevych, the advantages are also the ability to use numerous open information resources; various multimedia components of educational materials; availability of an e-portfolio that integrates learning outcomes; flexibility of trajectory and time parameters of training; interactive communication with the teacher and other masters/listeners in the subject context. Such an environment allows the teacher to quickly update educational resources, automatically monitor educational activities, adjust the learning process according to the needs of each, organize and control in detail the independent work of masters/listeners [4, p. 8].

Of particular importance is the pedagogy of partnership and the dialogical nature of the educational and scientific process of professional development of teachers in postgraduate pedagogical education, which is based on the paradigm of modernization of knowledge in the existing system with futuristic forecasting of near and far development; information saturation by learning the means and criteria for self-discovery and evaluation of information resources; use of a wide range of opinions, orientations, multivariate assessments for conscious acceptance of the plurality of alternative approaches and decisions and their positioning in them, etc.

S.M. Priyma, studying the design and operation of open adult education systems in Ukraine, argues that at the present stage examples of domestic open adult education systems are evening schools, virtual universities (virtual training centres, distance learning centres, and units), correspondent education schools, centres of non-formal adult education, schools and universities of non-formal education of various categories of adults, non-governmental organizations, public educational organizations, etc. [7].

Based on scientific research and our vision, the concept of “open educational environment for professional development of teachers in postgraduate pedagogical education” will be interpreted as a consistently organized, open socio-pedagogical scientific and educational system designed to create conditions for comprehensive professional development of teachers, implementation of its educational trajectory by using the opportunities of formal, non-formal, and informal education, improving professional competencies based on the principles of accessibility, social equality, flexibility and asynchrony, modularity, coordination and individualization, duality, parallelism, inclusiveness, and widespread use of information and communication technologies.

The professional development of a teacher in the conditions of postgraduate pedagogical education is connected with the educational environment of the educational institution where he carries out professional activity. In turn, each teacher with his competence, professionalism, creativity influences the educational environment of the educational institution and forms as a separate element of its holistic picture. O.I. Shapran defines the main pedagogical conditions for the formation of the educational environment of the educational institution within the regions: personality-oriented and humanistic approaches to its creation based on the pedagogy of partnership, respect and trust of participants in the educational process; development and self-development of the personality of students; creative search activity; effective service of scientific-methodical, material-technical and personnel possibilities of educational institutions of the region; effective use of innovative technologies [8, p. 110].

The productivity of the educational environment is assessed using indicators (parameters), which included A.I. Katashov: 1) the effectiveness of the educational institution, the quality of knowledge and general cultural development of pupils or students, a positive image of the educational institution and the demand for its services; creation of modern programs, development of methods; interaction with universities, general educational institutions of a new type); 2) comfort (aesthetics of the educational environment, sanitary and hygienic, material and technical conditions; physiological justification of the mode of activity; ensuring freedom of choice of content, forms of education; socio-psychological microclimate in the team); 3) provision of the educational (educational-scientific) process (educational-material equipment, level of normative-legal and organizational-functional provision; characteristic of personnel potential; level and character of managerial activity) [5, p. 15].

Thus, the above analysis allows us to conclude that the use of an open educational environment of higher and postgraduate pedagogical education in the process of professional development of teachers will contribute to the successful multi-subject interaction of participants in the educational process - teachers and students - for the development of their personal qualities, improvement of professionalism, self-realization, and self-actualization.


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