How to choose the content of distant class

Identifying changes such as socially distanced seating arrangements to which teachers should respond. Establishing features of conducting open plenary discussions among students. Characteristics of the main ways to overcome physical gaps in the classroom.

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Дата добавления 16.08.2022
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Gubareva Olga Semenivna

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Pedagogy of Vocational Training, Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University

Herasymchuk Tetyana Volodymyrivna

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Pedagogy of Vocational Training, Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University


Classrooms are complex places affected by a variety of elements. One of the joys and challenges of teaching is the need to constantly adapt to an everchanging context. Patterns appear in the way we teach, but they are never static. To exacerbate this challenge, many teachers will now return to classrooms with a new change to respond to: socially remote seating arrangements.

Holding open plenary discussions in the classroom is an obvious way to allow all students to contribute while maintaining physical distance. Our contribution to class-wide discussions will offer different ways of managing. Unless we find ways to bridge the physical gaps and allow our students to work in pairs and small groups, we run the risk of dramatically reducing their communication opportunities. So how can we keep our students communicating while keeping them safe? But there are activities that allow our students to work together while still watching the physical gap created in the socially remote classroom. We also assume a few practical things: for example, suppose online students are visible and audible to students, either because the instructor projects the video conference to the big screen in front of the room, or because students are also logged on. Video conferencing, possibly with muted sound or on headphones. Also all students can participate synchronously. This is a fairly large assumption - it is quite likely that there will be students who, for various reasons, cannot participate synchronously. How to fairly engage these students is an important conversation, but it will have to happen in a future blog post. And internal students have some digital device (laptop, tablet, phone) that they can use to participate. There are some low-tech strategies, but it's generally not a semester in which digital devices should be banned in your classroom.

Keywords: approaches, device, video lessons, digital, support, online education, virtual classroom


Як вибрати зміст дистанційного класу. Губарева Ольга Семенівна кандидат психологічних наук, доцент кафедри філософії та педагогіки професійної підготовки, Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет. Герасимчук Тетяна Володимирівна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри філософії та педагогіки професійної підготовки, Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет

Класні кімнати - це складні місця, на які впливають різноманітні елементи. Однією з радощів і викликів викладання є необхідність постійно пристосовуватися до постійно мінливого контексту. Візерунки з'являються в тому, як ми навчаємо, але вони ніколи не бувають статичними. Щоб загострити цей виклик, багато вчителів тепер повернуться до класів із новою зміною, на яку слід реагувати: соціально віддалене розташування сидінь.

Проведення відкритих пленарних дискусій у класі є очевидним способом дозволити всім студентам зробити свій внесок, зберігаючи фізичну дистанцію. Наш внесок у загальнокласові дискусії запропонує різні способи управління. Якщо ми не знайдемо способів подолати фізичні прогалини та не дозволити нашим студентам працювати в парах та невеликих групах, ми ризикуємо різко зменшити їхні можливості спілкування. То як ми можемо підтримувати спілкування наших студентів, зберігаючи їх у безпеці? Але є заходи, які дозволяють нашим студентам працювати разом, одночасно спостерігаючи за фізичним розривом, що утворився в соціально віддаленому класі. Ми також припускаємо кілька практичних речей: наприклад, припустимо, що студенти в режимі онлайн є видимими та чутними для студентів, або тому, що викладач проектує відеоконференцію на великий екран перед кімнатою, або тому, що студенти також увійшли в систему. Відеоконференції, можливо, із приглушеним звуком або в навушниках. Також усі студенти можуть брати участь синхронно. Це досить велике припущення - цілком ймовірно, що знайдуться студенти, які з різних причин не можуть брати участь синхронно. Як чесно залучити цих студентів - важлива розмова, але це має відбутися в майбутньому дописі в блозі. А внутрішні студенти мають деякі цифрові пристрої (ноутбук, планшет, телефон), якими вони можуть брати участь. Є кілька низькотехнологічних стратегій, але це, як правило, не семестр, коли цифрові пристрої повинні бути заборонені у вашому класі.

Ключові слова: підходи, пристрій, відео-уроки, цифровий, підтримка, онлайн-освіта, віртуальний клас

distant discussion classroom teacher


Complex introduction of science and modern information technologies in the most important spheres of society, globalization of socioeconomic development of modern society, constant deepening of environmental problems - these and many other phenomena, of course, update the problems of philosophical, logical and methodological order. Their professional and creative thinking requires serious philosophical and methodological training of future experts on the complex challenges of modern society and the labor market. The intensive and extensive development of nanotechnologies, biotechnologies, information and cognitive technologies is causing irreversible changes in the nature of modern man.

This process will inevitably lead to a new level of technological, social and personal development of a person as a specialist, a professional of a new composition, thinking and mentality. The basis of modern society is intellectual technology, its main sources are knowledge and information.

The development of information and telecommunication technologies has influenced the specifics of education, the study of which is increasingly important for the expansion of political, economic and cultural ties, access to a large amount of scientific and technical information. Therefore, today there is a discrepancy between the level of development of information technologies and the level of theoretical and practical development of their use in the educational process, especially in the education of students at universities.

The problem studied requires a systematic and comprehensive approach to using distant learning tools and websites to combine traditional teaching methods and the latest Internet features. Analytical and synthetic methods were used to study scientific resources and modern methodological literature to achieve the research goal. An integrated approach to the use of Internet makes it possible to expand the possibilities of Internet technologies and use structural and functional analysis to summarize the results of the study. It is important that teachers try to combine traditional teaching methods with the use of Internet technologies. professional development.

Nowadays, it is easy for students to learn most things, all thanks to the Internet. While students face an obstacle in traditional education, online courses will help them learn something new and gain knowledge. Dormitory students can also take advantage of this. E-learning is an effective way for students to study. Online education has many benefits that help students learn. Online education has made rapid progress recently. Online courses can allow students when they cannot go to class in person. Through online courses, students can get the same quality of education at home. Education can have different purposes and online classes help meet them. Online education can be considered as education because it offers new opportunities for traditional education. Online courses are convenient and flexible. Different types of distance learning are available. Instructors-teachers nevertheless send all information to students via the Internet. In many higher education institutions, distance learning courses are of the same length as direct courses - eight weeks or a full semester.

There are many benefits to distance learning. However, they differ according to synchronous or asynchronous course structures. Benefits include: self-inspiration, flexibility in choice, adaptability and freedom, easy access, make Money Learning, save money and time, virtual trips, communication with other educational institutions

Literature Review

Using connected mobile tools such as smartphones, tablets and laptops, we intentionally combine physical and online activities to create the optimal experience. That's what mixed learning is about: situating learning experiences online or on the spot based on the relative strengths and weaknesses of each method. Combined courses give teachers the opportunity to combine the best of the web and online to create a new learning environment for their students. Research suggests that combined courses can have a positive impact on efficiency, comfort and learning outcomes. By moving most of the teaching to the online environment, blended courses increase the flexibility of participants' schedules, provide learning benefits through automated and asynchronous online tools, and can penetrate the modern social web and help students cross traditional classroom boundaries. In order for teachers to continue to enjoy these benefits, they need to go beyond a simple "digital facelift". Instead, teachers should focus on creating transformational mixes through deliberate reworking of the course.

Coordinated pedagogical activity of teachers and students based on Internet technologies, especially the teacher's website, due to the system of principles, methods and strategies of the educational process to achieve this goal - the formation of the personality of the future expert.

Consideration should be given to defining a system of principles for the application of the website in higher education: firstly, that the educational process in higher education has its own specificities; secondly, it is necessary to determine the didactic foundations of the application of Internet technologies of education at universities on the basis of philosophical, dialectical laws of developmental processes. In addition, the formation of the personality of the future expert is also influenced by the intellectual and creative activity and self-education of the students themselves (Courtland Z.N., Khmelyuk R.I., Semenova A.V., 2007, p. 109).

Principles of teaching - basic provisions that are determined by the aims and objectives of teaching and determine the forms and methods of teaching, ie the rules of practical educational work of teachers, which can predict a positive learning outcome (Courtland ZN, Khmelyuk RI, Semenova AV, 2007, p. 109 ).

Principles are characterized as basic, initial, theoretical provisions that determine the choice of methods, techniques, other ways of learning, because the principles (from the Latin principle - beginning, basis) - are the basic principles of science (learning theory), which can not be interpreted as recommendations (Drozdova IP, 2010, p.158).

In addition, when we add the definition of some researchers (Buryak O.O., Saprykina T.G., 2014), we can identify such pedagogical functions of Internet technologies in student education as:

- communicative: forms the ability to use terminological vocabulary for opportunities of professional communication, expression, argumentation about one's own positions in the specialization;

- information: performing various information operations (collection, processing, analysis, structuring, storage and transmission, etc.);

- management: allows you to manage students' learning activities;

- educational: helps to find new information about specialized, professionally important knowledge;

Materials and Methods

Distance learning is a way of educating students online. Lectures and teaching materials are sent over the Internet. Students work from home, not in the classroom.

However, this approach could disadvantage some students. Students with limited access to a computer or the Internet may have problems. And those who need more help with motivation and organization can also fight when excluded from the traditional classroom environment.

Synchronous vs asynchronous distance learning Distance education falls into two main categories: synchronous and asynchronous. You should understand the difference between synchronous and asynchronous. One or both of these camps include different types of distance learning.

Synchronous Synchronously means "simultaneously". It refers to a method of providing education that takes place in real time. Requires live online communication. It uses technologies such as teleconferencing to achieve this goal. Synchronous education has proven to be less flexible than other forms of distance education. After all, students have to meet with their teacher-instructor and sometimes with their classmates at pre-scheduled times. This approach limits the student's ability to learn at his or her own pace. This can frustrate some students who long for the freedom of an asynchronous class.

Asynchronous What about asynchronous distance learning? Students receive clusters of weekly appointments. They have the freedom to work at their own speed. Asynchronous distance learning brings more opportunities for student interaction. Students have access to the course content outside the scheduled time of the meeting or class and can interact through online conversations, quizzes or videos according to their own schedule.

Both faculty and students take advantage of the flexibility of asynchronous learning because it allows them to create and consume content when it is convenient for them.

Advantages of asynchronous learning In today's world, professors and students alike are aware that external factors contribute to odd hours and schedule inconsistencies. The flexibility of asynchronous learning allows them to create and consume content when it is convenient for them, and learning materials can be accessed anytime, anywhere. Thanks to the hectic and unpredictable schedule, the faculty can expand the course content beyond the scheduled meeting and class time through pre-uploaded videos and other content. The faculty can use live recordings or create videos and then obtain analytical data, generate subtitles, converse, add quizzes and integrate content directly into the learning space.

Asynchronous teaching methods help motivate students to check the content in their own time and on any device they prefer. Students can go at their own pace and when it is convenient for them. Independent learning adapts to different learning needs and preferences and increases student success. Students can then return to the content to learn about the exams, lead discussions, and consult on the content further [2].

There is always a need for virtual live interaction, but asynchronous communication complements this so that live sessions extend beyond the singular class. For example, instead of simply meeting, teachers-instructors can do much more with recording. They can: interact around content, obtain analytical data on participation, create captions for accessibility, add quizzes, and easily integrate into learning space.

A tool like Google Classroom will save you steps and help you create better content for online courses. In recent years, many organizations may have expanded their distance learning offerings with additional support through emails and / or discussion forums. Learning platforms have arrived where more textheavy materials have been added.

This is where some organizations remain stuck. Whether in paper form or online in PDF format, students will receive heavy text materials to get through. How effectively can students learn from this challenging approach today? Do distance learning organizations feel that they have no choice but to choose this approach because of the extensive curricula that have to be submitted?

The good news is that this may not be the case. The choice of technologies for learning is endless. So the possibilities for creating digital educational content are also endless, which means that organizations have a choice. Many options.

The distance learning course is the perfect product for teaching the use of e-Learning. It will be necessary to develop specific curricula, so that there is already a large body of content. It's not about starting from scratch. It is about thinking creatively about how the content of distance education is designed [5].

Here are s suggestions on how to transform distance learning content into engaging digital learning content - all of which I have used effectively or have come across to use them effectively.

Provide an interactive scenario for the case studies. Case studies are often used in the content of distance education, which illustrate the theoretical aspect of the topic and give students questions that need to be solved in the case. Usually, a suggested model answer is provided so that students can compare it to their own answer. Transform these case studies into an interactive scenario. Make students the protagonist of the script and give them the opportunity to make decisions or apply concepts as they would in the real world. Build on feedback about the decisions a student has made and the options he or she has chosen. After completing the scenario, students can then discuss it with other students and share their experiences.

1. Hide examples from the story. Expand the key examples used in the learning materials and convert them into a visual story. For example, in a recent animation project for the university I worked at, the key project management framework has five steps. In exchange rate materials, each step has a different industry example that explains how this step can be used. In the real world, students would apply the framework from one perspective, i.e. from one industrial example. In this context, one industry example was used for all steps and a story was created that tells students how the whole framework was used. Animation is a piece of digital content; it is sound driven, highly visual, and as such has no student interaction. However, due to the media used, animation allows students to move away from all difficult textual materials and learn about the topic from a different perspective. Using different approaches to teaching, he creates moments of "Aha" when the student says "I finally understand". This animated approach also greatly benefited the teaching faculty. As subject experts, they were invited to think differently about how to teach specific topics [7].

2. Show the design and say the content. The basis for the subject as accounting is based on numerical concepts and principles. Trying to learn numerical concepts purely from telling a text can be challenging. Students who struggle with these concepts may need to be shown in detail how to use formulas and interpret numbers. The design worked on solutions that demonstrated how to proceed in solving such numerical problems. Present the data, show the formulas used, explain where the numbers come from, and illustrate the impact of the results on the business. There are many software tools that you can use to create this type of remote delivery solution - such as whiteboard tutorial software, screen recording tools [9]. This approach can be used for many subjects.

3. Develop interactive practice questions for the exam. For distance learning programs that are evaluated by an exam, students usually go through past documents and model responses. Develop interactive resources around questions from past exams that guide students through the key stages of answering questions. They can compare their answer with the model answer and see examples of different levels of answers; some low rated responses and some best practice responses. Provide tips and hints to answer exam questions related to specific subjects and topics.

4. Go 100% digital with all content. This is the bravest and boldest option. This means saying goodbye to most, if not all, of the paper / text heavy materials and rethinking your course's content strategy. It means investing in a future that is in line with the ever-evolving digital world [10].

There are many benefits to distance learning. However, they differ according to synchronous or asynchronous course structures. Let's look at these benefits. We will examine why they make distance learning a compelling choice.

Self-inspiration Motivated students excel in distance learning. It encourages students to stay self-disciplined. Students take on more personal responsibility. They must be well organized. They must give good results in an online environment.

Flexibility in choice Distance learning courses also come with flexibility. However, this varies according to the course structure. Students set a schedule for many courses. They take classes in their preferred place.

Adaptability and freedom Instructors can tailor distance learning to suit the different educational needs of students. And it gives students the freedom to learn anywhere at their own pace. It remains an adaptable form of learning.

Easy access For some, participation in traditional classes is impossible. Work and home responsibilities can stand in the way. Distance learning provides easy access to education. Students need a computer and internet connection.

Make Money Learning For those working full time, further education was once out of the picture. Today, however, they can improve and refine their professional skills. Distance learning provides flexibility both in the evenings, on weekends.

Save money and time Distance learning also saves money and time. Students (and instructors) don't have to worry about travel time to and from campus. They also do not have expenses related to petrol, car maintenance or parking. Single parents can avoid the cost of caring for children and still have valuable learning experience. Distance learning courses often provide online teaching materials. Thus, students can also combine the cost of textbooks. These costs alone can save students hundreds of dollars per semester.

Virtual trips Distance learning allows students to take virtual trips. These "trips" allow students to explore places related to the curriculum. Through these experiences, students can learn in an interactive way. Virtual tours are an exciting way to engage students, and are interactive tools that many instructors rely on to increase engagement.

Different types of distance learning are available. Nevertheless, the instructors send all the information to the students via the Internet. This information may take the form of: online textbooks, videos recorded on the screen using tools such as Google Classroom, presentations with voice, scheduled interviews between students and the instructor [12].

A typical distance learning course What does a typical distance learning course look like? In many higher education institutions, distance learning courses are of the same length as direct courses - eight weeks or a full semester. Instructor's tasks: to set a theme for each week, provide topics for discussion, enter tasks with detailed instructions, record lectures, short videos or presentations.

Then students spend a week watching lectures, videos, or presentations, exploring discussion topics, posting discussion posts, assigning tasks, participating in video conferences, corresponding with the instructor via e-mail and more.

Does distance learning have value? Absolutely. While distance education was once seen as a worse replacement for traditional education, many now consider it to be superior to traditional classroom teaching. This is mainly due to video and technology. The video helps to make distance learning feel comfortable and helps students engage. Students also prefer to study at a distance. Distance education is an important part of long-term education strategies.

The disadvantages of distance education? The benefits of distance learning are clear, but there are also some warnings about this approach to teaching.

Although distance learning offers more people the opportunity to achieve higher education, these are not all benefits and advantages. Distance education has its costs, it requires compromises and self-evaluation is essential for success. However, if you recognize and understand these disadvantages, they can be easily overcome.

Distance education requires self-motivation. Because distance learning is flexible, you need good organization, planning and work to do it. Even if the instructor is not sitting in front of you, you still need to complete your assignments on time. As with all other forms of learning, deadlines, "scheduled" exams and tasks to be completed before closing the "Drop Box" must be met. There are no compromises and you can easily get zero! Distance learning is best suited for adult motivated students who cannot afford the time to attend a traditional classroom

Distance learning does not give you direct access to an instructor. Some students fear losing personal contact with the instructor, such as asking questions after class. However, distance learning often gives you the opportunity to email an instructor or chat online at any time. It is normal to fear the loss of human contact offered in the traditional classroom until you participate in this way of learning and communicating.

Distance education is isolated. Even if you are in a virtual classroom full of students, the dynamics of interaction with online education are changing. When you are going to study at a distance, you may feel lonely or lonely, but there are opportunities to send e-mails, post to discussion forums and participate in group discussions online. Initially, you may lack personal contact with the instructor and other students, but working with the web can fill this void for many students.

Distance learning requires that you have constant and reliable access to technology. Students need full access to the equipment necessary to meet the requirements of the course. For example, online courses require a computer with Internet access. You must have a media player for the CD or DVD course. It can be difficult for some students to meet technical requirements, who may feel overwhelmed and challenged if they are not completely computer literate. Technical faults and dealing with unfamiliar learning environments can cause stress and frustration, but there are many ways to overcome these obstacles.

Distance learning does not offer immediate feedback. In a traditional classroom environment, student performance can be immediately assessed through questions and informal testing. In distance learning, a student must wait for feedback until the instructor has assessed and responded to their work.

Distance learning does not always offer all the necessary courses online. Students who have a specific certificate or study program may not have all the necessary courses available through distance learning, so they are not suitable for all subjects. For example, you can study a history lesson completely online, but you cannot run nursing clinics online. For some courses, completion of the course will be compulsory to attend a physical classroom.

Distance learning may not be recognized by a particular employer. Although most employers recognize distance learning, some employers do not. Students who want to work for a particular employer after graduation should be sure of that employer's perspective in online education.

Distance education must be accredited. If you complete distance learning programs that are not accredited, you run a serious risk because they may issue fraudulent or invalid degrees. Not all distance learning is legitimate - there are many "degree" universities that are not accredited. This is probably the most important factor to check before you register with a distance learning institution.

Distance learning does not give students the opportunity to work on oral communication skills. Students in distance learning courses will not gain the practice of verbal interaction with professors and other students.

As there is a great improvement in technology, the demand for innovative ways of delivering education is increasing and this has led to changes in learning and teaching methods. Distance education, which is so different from traditional education, consists of studying from home where students and teachers are physically distant while classroom learning is the type of education system in which the learners and the teachers work under one roof. Electronic means are used to keep students in touch with teachers, provide access to communication between students and bridge the gap and distribute educational material though distance learning programs. Both learning systems have their own advantages and disadvantages. Choosing between these two learning methods highly depends on learners' requirements. Express implications of the study to learners and teachers, and finally mention suggestions for improving distance learning.

In the current scenario, the search for information, speed, flexibility and quality is unceasing. For this reason, companies and professionals have increasingly sought to specialize and adapt to market requirements. It is in this scenario that you may encounter an ever-increasing range of courses offered at a distance, which are a type of education called distance learning or distance learning. Despite all the requirements that professionals face in carrying out their duties and achieving their place in the sun, it is still difficult for people to find the necessary expertise due to inability to attend a class, lack of time, distance or even reluctance to stay in class.


The flexibility of online study frees you from the limitations of a physical education classroom and allows you to plan your time to study around work and family commitments. But all this convenience and flexibility gives you too many options for when, where and how to study.

Because you may not have direct contact with your professor and other students, you will need to stay on track. These organizational online learning tips will help ensure that you are always in balance and successfully balancing your work, family and online classes.

In response to the current situation, educators have helped to find new ways to provide further education for students by developing online and offline learning materials; learn to work with videoconferencing tools so that they can meet students regularly and conduct mental and social well-being meetings during the beginning and end of the university day.

Virtual university may be a relatively new concept in Ukraine, but we are experiencing a new trend of gaining popularity in the blended learning model. We must recognize that a virtual university is not just about taking a lesson through a video conferencing tool; includes more than that. This involves a paradigm shift in pedagogy through the understanding of the mixed learning model by teachers, parents and students. Balancing online and offline tasks is a critical aspect to consider when designing a lesson plan and lesson plan. This model helps learning to continue beyond the four walls of the classroom, gives students choice and flexibility to learn at their pace, creates more opportunities for common tasks, and provides opportunities to rethink the way of assessment and feedback. Virtual learning has opened up opportunities to rethink the way we do teaching and learning. The use of teaching tools can begin to transform the classroom, and it usually depends on the creative agency of the teacher.


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1. Bovill, C. (2020). Co-creation in learning and teaching: The case for a whole-class approach in higher education. Higher Education, 79(1), 1023-1037.

2. Burstein, R. (2020). Research Eclipsed: How Educators are reinventing research- informed practice during the pandemic. Research Report.

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