Use of english terms in the educational process of training economists

Research of the directions of using English-language terms in the educational process of training specialists in economics. The main reasons for borrowing English-language terms. Analysis of the organization of modern production and commercial structures.

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Use of english terms in the educational process of training economists

Kovalchuk Yuliia


Ковальчук Ю.П.

У статті досліджено напрями використання англомовних термінів в навчальному процесі підготовки фахівців-економістів. Зокрема, зазначено, що організація сучасних виробничих і комерційних структур, сприяють активному поповненню української мови англомовними термінами економічної сфери. Визначено основні причини запозичення англомовних термінів: запозичення разом із поняттям, необхідність найменування нового об'єкту, прагнення деталізувати поняття, яке вже існує у мов, потребу в спеціалізації поняття в тій чи тій сфері, прагнення замінити описовий зворот, соціально-психологічні причини - сприйняття іншомовного слова як більш престижного. Систематизовано напрямки використання англомовних термінів (навчальна програма, наукова діяльність, фахова спрямованість). Визначено критерії щодо оптимального співвідношення між національним і міжнародним у термінотворенні.

Ключові слова: навчальний процес, фахівці-економісти, освітня система, англіцизми, англомовні терміни, якість освіти.

The article explores the areas of use of English terms in the educational process of training economists. In particular, it is noted that the organization of modern production and commercial structures contribute to the active replenishment of the Ukrainian language in English terms of the economic sphere. The main reasons _ for borrowing English terms are identified: borrowing together with the concept, the need to name a new object, the desire to detail the concept that already exists in languages, the need to specialize the concept in a field, the desire to replace descriptive expression, socio-psychological reasons - perception foreign word as more prestigious. The directions of use of English terms are systematized (curriculum, scientific activity, professional orientation). Criteria for the optimal ratio between national and international in term formation are determined. english language term commercial economist

Key words: educational process, specialists-economists, educational system, anglicisms, English-language terms, quality of education.

Ukraine's integration movement into the international educational space has led to a rapid process of updating the vocabulary of the Ukrainian language. Openness of Ukrainian society, the possibility of its citizens to travel freely and a significant number of tourists from abroad, participation of Ukrainian educators and students in international conferences, internships, grants, growth of those wishing to learn foreign languages, active use in learning, activities and communication of international computer network (Internet) formulate the active use of new vocabulary in the latest educational processes, which determines the relevance of discussion issues and problems regarding the role and objectives of foreign terms in the educational process. For future professionals in the field of economics, fluency in terminology is the basis of successful professional activity. That is why in the process of building the educational process and ensuring its quality the student faces the task - to learn common terms and concepts, and specialized vocabulary, the teacher - appropriate and purposeful introduction of foreign terms in the educational process.

In domestic linguistics, the problem of foreign borrowings in the Ukrainian language is considered by many scholars, including O. Potebne, I. Ogienko, O. Muromtseva, Y. Zhluktenko,

L. Lysychenko, O. Medvedev, L. Arkhipenko and others. Many linguists listed the reasons for borrowing, different in nature - linguistic, social, mental, aesthetic, etc. Radchuk V. D., Karavansky S. Y., Rusanovsky V. M. and many other Ukrainian and Russian researchers worked on this problem. In particular, V. Borshchovetska researched the method of teaching foreign language vocabulary to students of economic specialties [1], Semenchuk Y. professional and terminological competence of students of higher agricultural educational institutions [3].

Despite the significant importance of the above research, given the growing number of borrowed English to name new phenomena in English-language world practice, the active development of international relations in business, in connection with political and economic reforms, to train in-demand professionals with the ability to confidently to compete in the world professional arena, needs further study of the methodology, role and objectives of borrowing English terms and outlining the criteria for optimal use of them in improving the quality of the educational process of training economists.

Describe the role of borrowing English terms in the construction of the educational process of future specialists in economics and outline some criteria for their impact.

Active introduction of English terms is an adequate response to the processes taking place in Ukraine, which is a subject of international law, has contractual relations with other states, exchanges diplomatic, consular, trade missions, actively participates in the activities of international organizations necessary for effective provision of national interests in various fields.

This fact gives rise to the process of borrowing, which is inevitable in any terminology and ultimately enriches it. In total, in modern Ukrainian terminology there are 40% of foreign terms borrowed at different stages of language development, in different ways (tracing, transliteration) and for different reasons [4, p. 50]. Among the main reasons for borrowing English terms are the following:

1) borrowing together with the concept;

2) the need to name a new object;

3) the desire to detail the concept that already exists in the language;

4) the need to specialize the concept in a particular area;

5) the desire to replace the descriptive phrase;

6) socio-psychological reasons - the perception of a foreign word as more prestigious.

The quality of higher education is influenced by factors that determine the content of training, features of the organization of the educational process in higher education, directly manifested in the educational process of higher education, and determine the results of the educational process. [6, p. 9]. Reasonable use of English-language educational, professional, commonly used terms by teachers in the training of economists will help improve their mobility and increase the quality of higher education.

Under professional-terminological competence we understand the ability to accurately and appropriately use professional terms, knowledge of the logic of statements and structure of formulations, acquired skills and abilities to grammatically correct sentences and personal dialogue in professional communication situations, based on experience gained in studying biotechnology inhigher education institution, while motivating themselves by compliance with the chosen profession and high results in professional activities and understanding that the key to success is the constant development of skills and self-development of the individual.

In the educational process of economic specialties, we believe that it is necessary to systematize the use of English terms, in order to ensure their relevance. Namely:

- curriculum - English terms are used in the context of the introduction of the world's latest methods of building the educational process, the internationalization of the educational system. For example: case (case - a situation in practice, a real case, which deals with theoretical ideas);

- scientific activity - English terms are used in the course of research on topical issues of economic direction of national and global scale, participation in grants and international programs (grant - money or other funds transferred by citizens and legal entities (including foreign));

- professional orientation - English terms are used when operating economic categories in the process of professional activity. For example, the following terms have become convenient: budget, advance, deficit, balance, credit, offshore, asset and terms that are quite new in application: clearing, timing, endorsement, outsourcing, engineering, trader and many others traditionally require special dictionaries interpretations.

Today, discussions are underway on the optimal relationship between national and international in terms of term formation. Some scholars believe that before introducing a foreign language unit into the Ukrainian language system, one should try to find among national terms one that could correctly reflect the meaning of a new borrowed concept or form a synonym from national language resources and use such a term as a normative one. . It is necessary to leave the borrowed terminological unit only when none of the options is suitable [7, p. 52]. Most modern terminologists are unanimous: borrowing terms is an inevitable process. According to L. Malevich, borrowing foreign language units, especially international ones, is an important means of replenishing the terminology, contributes to its international conceptual unification and standardization [8, p. 338].

Given that economic terminology includes broad terminology of other industry areas (finance, management, marketing, accounting, banking, etc.). Also, due to the intensification of the market economy sector of Ukraine, Englishisms are a dynamic layer of terminological borrowings in the financial and economic sphere.

The expediency and correctness of the use of English terms in the educational process should be accompanied by compliance with the following criteria of optimality:

1. Use the English term in the scientific style, provided that it does not have a Ukrainian equivalent with the same amount of meaning and is interpreted only descriptively. Failure to comply with this condition causes the penetration of our language and the displacement of existing no worse specific or long-borrowed terms to denote scientific concepts and form a sense of inferiority of the native language.

1. The use of the English term in the educational process, provided that it is widely used and internationally popular. This criterion will contribute to the process of globalization of the national educational system in the world, will increase the adaptation of knowledge to the world conditions of the economy.

2. Foreign official words should also not be used in official business texts when there are equivalents in the Ukrainian language, as the text should be clear to those who will be acquainted with it.

3. Do not use in the same text a foreign term and its Ukrainian analogue when outlining the same concept (eg: We have reached a consensus by agreement). In cases like this, it is better to use the national word, which greatly facilitates communication in general and the official in particular. However, when concluding scientific and sometimes official texts, it is necessary to take into account cases when the proper counterpart is narrower or wider in meaning than a foreign word.

English terms, given the internationalization of education, play an important role in the educational process of specialists in economic specialties and their use is a requirement of modernity. Borrowing English terms contributes to the globalization of the educational system in the world, adapts the acquired knowledge to the conditions of international economic practice, allows to train a specialist economist with a high level of competitiveness in the labor market. Thus, along with the use of English terms in the educational process, there is an increase in the quality of educational services. However, the selection of a foreign term (word) should always be regulated by the specific situation of speech and a good knowledge of the meaning of this term (word) and be based on clear criteria for the appropriateness of their use.

Список використаних джерел

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2. Semenchuk Y. O. Formation of English lexical competence in students of economic specialties by means of interactive learning: dis. ... cand. ped. science: 13.00.02 / Y. O. Semenchuk. - K., 2007. - 283 p.

3. Viktorova L.V. Formation of professional-terminological competence of students of higher agrarian educational establishments in professional training / L.V. Viktorova // Development of education in the polyethnic region: materials of the international scientific-practical Conference, Yalta, April 9-11, 2009. - Yalta: RVV KSU, 2009. - Р. 90-95.

4. Vlasiuk I. Formation of professional-terminological competence of future economists /

I. Vlasiuk // Pedagogy and psychology of vocational education. - 2012. - № 1. - C. 50-58.

5. Dudnik T. English borrowings in Ukrainian financial and economic terminology and features of their translation / T. Dudnik // Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University. Linguistics Series: Coll. Science. work. - 2013. - Vol. 20. - Р. 241-243.

6. Chekalovska H. Z. Quality of higher education: essence and factors of influence / H. Z. Chekalovska // Achievements in science. New views, problems, innovations: Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference, Lodz, July 29-31, 2012. - Lodz, 2012. - Part 4. - Р. 9-12.

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S.Stetsiuk // Problems of Ukrainian terminology: international science. conf., Sept. 2729. 2012. - L., 2012. - S. 52-54.

8. Malevych L. To the problem of the ratio of scientific and naive pictures of the world: a terminological metaphor / L. Malevych // Scientific notes of Kirovograd State Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Vynnychenko. Ser.: Philological Sciences. - 2010. - Vol. 89(1). - P. 337-341.


1. Borshovecka, V. D. 2011. Struktura ta zmist navchannya magistriv ekonomichnogo napryamku dilovoyi anglijskoyi movi [The structure and content of teaching masters of economics in business English]. Current issues of linguistics and pedagogy: Materials of the state. scientific-practical conf. Bila Tserkva, November 9.

2. Semenchuk ,Yu. O. 2007, Formuvannya anglomovnoyi leksichnoyi kompetenciyi u studentiv ekonomichnih specialnostej zasobami interaktivnogo navchannya [Formation of English lexical competence in students of economic specialties by means of interactive learning]. Dissertation kand. ped. nauk. Kyiv.

3. Viktorova, L. V. 2009. Formuvannya profesijno-terminologichnoyi kompetentnosti studentiv vishih agrarnih navchalnih zakladiv u fahovij pidgotovci [Formation of professional- terminological competence of students of higher agrarian educational establishments in professional training]. Development of education in the polyethnic region: Materials of the international scientific-practical conference. Yalta, April 9-11.

4. Vlasyuk, I., 2012. Formuvannya profesijno-terminologichnoyi kompetentnosti majbutnih ekonomistiv [Formation of professional-terminological competence of future economists]. Pedagogy and psychology of vocational education, 1, pp. 50-58.

5. Dudnik, T., 2013. Anglomovni zapozichennya v ukrayinskij finansovo-ekonomichnij terminologiyi ta osoblivosti yih perekladu [English borrowings in Ukrainian financial and economic terminology and features of their translation]. Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University. Linguistics Series, 20, pp. 241-243.

6. Chekalovska, G. Z. 2012. Yakist vishoyi osviti: sutnist i chinniki vplivu [Quality of higher education: essence and factors of influence]. Achievements in science. New views, problems, innovations: Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference. Lodz, July 29-31.

7. Stecyuk, S. 2012. Anglomovni zapozichennya v ukrayinskij finansovo-ekonomichnij terminologiyi [English-language borrowings in Ukrainian financial and economic terminology]. Problems of Ukrainian terminology: international science. conf. Lviv, Sept. 27-29.

8. Malevich, L. 2010. Do problemi spivvidnoshennya naukovoyi i nayivnoyi kartin svitu: terminologichna metafora [To the problem of the ratio of scientific and naive pictures of the world: a terminological metaphor]. Scientific notes of Kirovograd State Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Vynnychenko. Ser.: Philological Sciences, 89(1), pp. 337-341.

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