Formation of future philologists of english linguistic and sociocultural competence in reading by means of a poetic work

To design a teaching framework of using English poetry as a tool of building linguosociocultural competence in reading in Philology majors and provide its implementation in the educational process in the third year of study at language departments.

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Formation of future philologists of english linguistic and sociocultural competence in reading by means of a poetic work

Telychko Natalia

The article aimed to design a teaching framework of using English poetry as a tool of building linguosociocultural competence in reading in Philology majors and provide its implementation in the educational process in the third year of study at language departments. Through literature review and empirical research, a set of contextual and cognitive parameters that are useful to uncover the concept of English linguosociocultural competence in reading in Philology majors was defined. First of all, it covers lingual and extralingual knowledge, knowledge of cognams, interpretation strategies and linguosociocultural lexical receptive skills. The findings of the study support the idea that linguistic and extralinguistic characteristics of English poetry as a tool of building English linguosociocultural competence in reading are non-equivalent lexis and background vocabulary, metaphors, symbols and concepts; also, words which notify precedent phenomena that reflect subtext and factual, emotive, evaluative and conceptual information at the level of the word, expression and the whole text.

Key words: linguosociocultural competence, English poetry, subsystem of exercises and tasks, text interpretation, types of information, extralingual knowledge, teaching framework, reflection, Philology majors.


Теличко Н.В.

Стаття присвячена теоретичному обґрунтуванню методики формування у майбутніх філологів англомовної лінгвосоціокультурної компетентності в читанні засобами поетичного твору.

У процесі дослідження було уточнено зміст англомовної лінгвосоціокультурної компетентності в читанні майбутніх філологів, яка охоплює лінгвальні та екстралінгвальні знання, знання когнем, лінгвосоціокультурні лексичні рецептивні навички; уміння розуміння та стратегії інтерпретації фактуальної, підтекстової, емотивно-оцінної та концептуальної інформації; здатність та готовність до розуміння та інтерпретації змісту та смислу художніх творів; до емпатичного сприйняття художнього твору; до рефлексії. У статті окреслено лінгвальні та екстралінгвальні характеристики поетичного твору як засобу формування означеної компетентності: основними носіями лінгвосоціокультурної інформації поетичного твору є безеквівалентна та фонова лексика, метафори, символіка, концепти, слова, що позначають прецедентні феномени, які відображають фактуальну, концептуальну, підтекстову та емотивно-оцінну інформацію на рівні слова, висловлювання, цілого тексту.

Обґрунтовано, що формування у майбутніх філологів англомовної лінгвосоціокультурної компетентності в читанні засобами поетичного твору здійснюється на засадах компетентнісного, герменевтичного, комунікативного, лінгвокраїнознавчого підходів, які реалізуються на основі системи принципів навчання, що, у свою чергу, складають основу для технології авторської методики. Технологія формування у майбутніх філологів англомовної лінгвосоціокультурної компетентності в читанні засобами поетичного твору полягає в створенні інформаційно-навчальних модулів, які охоплюють пресупозиційну інформацію, необхідну для читання та розуміння поетичного твору, сам поетичний твір як носій лінгвосоціокультурної інформації, додаткову критичну інформацію, яка допомагає глибшому розумінню поезії та сприяє розширенню лінгвосоціокультурних знань.

Ключові слова: лінгвосоціокультурна компетентність, навчання читання, поетичний твір, герменевтика, підсистема вправ та завдань, інтерпретація твору, формування лексичних навичок, організація навчання, майбутні філологи.

The reorientation of the goals and objectives of foreign language teaching is integrated with the culture of the native speakers of this language, causes changes in methods, principles, means of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities in higher education institutions. Currently, the draft "Standard of Higher Education of Ukraine" for specialty 035 provides that the future philologist should "appreciate the diversity and multiculturalism of the world and be guided in their activities by modern principles of tolerance, dialogue and cooperation; speak state and foreign languages for the implementation of written and oral communication. This necessitates the training of philologists capable of professional activities, which involves the role of mediator of cultures in intercultural communication.

The initiators of the study of the relationship between language and culture were the American cultural anthropologist F. Boas and the British social anthropologist B. Malinowski. F. Boas pointed out this connection in 1911, illustrating it by comparing two cultures through their vocabulary. The development of the concept of learning a foreign language through the prism of culture and mentality of its speakers began in the 80s of the twentieth century. One of the first systematic studies of integrated language and culture teaching was V. Furmanova's dissertation in 1984. In the 1990s, the works of E. Vereshchagin and V. Kostomarov, I. Khaleeva, and L. Smelyakova appeared. V. Safonova made a significant contribution to the development of methods of teaching a foreign language in the context of culture. In 1997 there was also a study by V. Vorobyov, devoted to the theory and methods of linguoculturology. N. Borysko determines the content and structure of linguistic and sociocultural competence. Studies by O. Morozova, N. Andronkina, and L. Kostikova were devoted to the development of general theoretical principles for the formation of foreign language linguistic and sociocultural competence. english linguistic sociocultural competence

English linguistic and sociocultural competence of future philologists in reading is designed to form a secondary linguistic personality, which becomes part of a foreign language culture, which is able and ready to understand and interpret during reading linguistic and sociocultural information at the level of individual lexical units (phraseological compounds) and the whole text [4, 123].

Poetic (lyrical) work is a cultural phenomenon and a fragment of the linguistic picture of the world, which reflects the culture, history, values, norms, morals, ideals, psychology of the people. It is substantiated that the main carriers of linguistic and sociocultural information of a poetic work (as well as objects of study) are non-equivalent and background vocabulary, metaphors, symbols, concepts, words that denote precedent phenomena [3, 48].

These language units are integrated with extralingual presuppositional knowledge, as well as in contexts with other language units constitute factual, conceptual, subtextual and emotional- evaluative information [1, 73].

The key approaches to the formation of future philologists of English-language linguistic and sociocultural competence in reading by means of a poetic work are defined as competence (based on the principles of professional orientation, student creativity, lifelong learning), hermeneutic communicative orientation of learning, interaction of function and form of language units, authentic nature of educational materials, information gap, reading learning should be learning of speech activity, reading should be cognitive process, reading texts should contain important professional information, reading should be based on mastery, language skills, learning to read should cover not only receptive but also reproductive activities of students, the functioning of reading as a speech activity requires automation of its implementation), linguistics (principles: development self¬consciousness of the student as a cultural-historical subject, preliminary study of the socio-cultural context of language functioning in a particular country or national environment, the main source of linguistic information is vocabulary with national-cultural semantics, which implies regional information, selection and use of foreign language culture, foreign texts. native language [2, 94].

Traditional classroom speaking practice often takes the form of drills in which one person asks a question and another gives an answer. The question and the answer are structured and predictable, and often there is only one correct, predetermined answer. The purpose of asking and answering the question is to demonstrate the ability to ask and answer the question.


1. 1.Bazhenova, L.V. ( 2002). Motivacyya professional'nogo samovospitaniya uchitelya. Programma lichnostnogo orientirovannogo treninga [Motivation of professional teacher self¬education. The program of personal oriented training ]. Praktychna psyxologiya ta social'na robota - Practical psychology and social work, 1, 36-38 [ in Russian].

2. Bedevel'ska, M.V. ( 2015). Formuvannya pedagogichnoyi majsternosti majbutnix uchyteliv inozemnoyi movy na zasadax kompetentnisnogo pidxodu [Formation of pedagogical skills of future teachers of a foreign language on the basis of a competent approach], Candidate's thesis : Khmelnitsky [ in Ukrainian].

3. Red'koV. G.,Fedusenko Yu.I. & Tely'chko N.V. (2010). Navchal'no-igrova diyal'nist' na urokax inozemnoyi movy u pochatkovij shkoli [Educational activities at foreign language lessons in elementary school]. Mukachevo : Karpats'ka vezha [ in Ukrainian].

4. Telychko, N. V. ( 2014). Teoretychni i metodychni zasady formuvannya osnov pedagogichnoyi majsternosti majbutnix uchyteliv pochatkovyx klasiv [Theoretical and methodical principles of forming the foundations of pedagogical mastery of future teachers of elementary school ], Doctor's thesis, Vinnycya [ in Ukrainian].

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