Interactive educational process participants’ engagement in the higher education institutions

Description of changes in communication between participants in the educational process and comparative analysis of various learning models, determination of its features. Analysis of approaches to classification of interactive teaching methods.

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Дата добавления 03.08.2022
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Interactive educational process participants' engagement in the higher education institutions

Anisimova Elena Eduardivna Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology of Preschool and Primary Education, Kherson State University, st. University, 27, Kherson, Kherson region, Ukraine,


Modern socio-economic life changes have led to the relevance of searching for new forms, methods and technologies of professional preparations of education applicants in higher education institutions.

Currently, many researchers of this issue are unanimous in the opinion that interactive forms are the effective methods of influence and the means of forming the professional personality formation. The article provides a historiographic analysis of the formation and development of interactive learning in teacher education theory. The features of this direction were characterized and the definition of "interactive education" was revealed.

It was determined that this phenomenon is associated with the transition to competence-based learning and consists in creating an atmosphere of interaction between a teacher and applicants and applicants between each other. During interactive learning, all participants are involved in the learning process, they are active and independent, and the role of the teacher changes: he does not broadcast knowledge, but acts as an intermediary and an equal participant in the educational process.

The article provides a theoretical analysis of changes in communication between educational process participants and a comparative analysis of various learning models (passive, active, interactive), formulates the goals and objectives of interactive learning and defines its features.

The analysis of different approaches to the classification of interactive education methods was carried out. Among interactive learning methods, oral verbal methods (heuristic conversation, hybrid forms of lectures), visual methods, practical and problem-searching methods of active learning (method of production situation analyzing, "case studies", game methods, research method, method of "brainstorming", projects method, quizzes, olympiads, contests, festivals, etc.).

Keywords:interactive engagement, interactive education, interactive technologies, teaching models.

Анісімова Олена Едуардівна кандидатка педагогічних наук, доцентка, доцентка кафедри педагогіки та психології дошкільної та початкової освіти, Херсонський державний університет, вул. Університетська, 27, м. Херсон,


Анотація. Сучасні зміни в соціально-економічному житті суспільства спричинили актуальність питання пошуку нових форм, методів та технологій професійної підготовки здобувачів у закладах вищої освіти. Нині багато дослідників цієї проблематики одностайні у думці, що ефективними методами впливу та засобами формування професійного становлення особистості є саме інтерактивні форми. У статті здійснено історіографічний аналіз становлення й розвиткутеорії інтерактивного навчання упедагогічній освіті. інтерактивне навчання комунікація освіта

Схарактеризовано особливості цього напряму та розкрито дефініцію «інтерактивне навчання».

Визначено, що цей феномен пов'язаний з переходом до компетентнісного навчання та полягає у створенні під час академічних занять атмосфери взаємодії педагога зі здобувачами та здобувачів між собою. Під час інтерактивного навчання всі учасники залучені до процесу пізнання, вони активні та самостійні, а роль викладача змінюється: він не транслює знання, а виступає посередником та рівноправним учасником освітнього процесу.

У статті здійснено теоретичний аналіз змін комунікації між учасниками освітнього процесу та здійснено порівняльний аналіз різних моделей навчання (пасивна, активна, інтерактивна), сформульовано цілі та завдання інтерактивного навчання та визначено його особливості.

Здійснено аналіз різних підходів до класифікації інтерактивних методів навчання. Серед методів інтерактивного навчання виділено усні словесні методи (евристична бесіда, гібридні форми лекції), наочні методи, практичні методи та проблемно-пошукові, методи активного навчання (метод аналізу виробничої ситуації, «кейс-стаді», ігрові методи, метод дослідження, метод «мозкового штурму», метод проектів, вікторини, олімпіади, конкурси, фестивалі та ін.).

Ключові слова:інтерактивна взаємодія, інтерактивне навчання, інтерактивні технології, моделі навчання.

Problem formulation

Modern reformation processes of the Ukrainian educational system require constant optimization of educators activities, the searching of effective forms and methods of pedagogical interaction and bringing

them in line with time needs. World trends and modem education development principles require a qualitatively new level of future specialist training. Pedagogical excellence and the professional teacher level are the main factors in the implementation of modern world requirements for the educational system.

Modern education is characterized by a transition from traditional to innovative forms of education, and one of the main directions of improving the training of higher education applicants is the introduction of active and interactive forms of education. The state national program "Education: Ukraine in the XXI century" outlines the steps of reforming education, namely the development of individual abilities and talents of the younger generation, the creation of conditions for their self-development and implementation. One of the main tasks of organizing the educational process of higher education is the widespread introduction and usage of active and interactive forms of engagement "teacher - applicant" for the formation of necessary future specialists' professional competencies.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The concept and technology of interactive education are based on the phenomenon of interaction (from the English "interaction" - interaction, influence on each other).

Analysis of studies on the interactive education methods shows that most of them are based on the idea of the theory of symbolic interactionism (J.G. Mead (USA), G. Bloomer (USA), D.M. Baldwin) (USA), W. Thomas (USA), C. Cooley (USA), G. Siemel (Germany), etc.), which serves as a scientific basis and the ground for the development of conditions conducive to the process of personal self-realization. The concept of interactive education is considered by M. Artyukhina, L. Bolotnyuk, I. Gubarenko, I. Gulyaeva, N. Dvolichanskaya, A. Dzhanzakova, Zh. Raskazova and many other researchers.

The theoretical foundations of the application of modern technologies in the educational process of higher education are disclosed in the works of I. Bogdanova, A. Verbitsky, A. Kozlov, M. Raza, V. Semichenko, S. Sysoeva, Yu. Sidorenko, P. Shcherban and other researchers. Active education methods were intensively developed by scientists such as L. Asimova, O. Baeva, N. Bogomolova, Yu. Emelyanov, V. Zakharov, E. Mikhailova, V. Platanov, A. Panfilova, etc.

The article's purpose is to carry out a historiographic analysis of the formation and development of the theory of interactive education in teacher education, as well as to determine effective methods of interactive interaction in higher education for the future teacher's professional development.

Presentation of the main material

According to the competence-activity approach, the psychological and pedagogical foundation of education is an active cognitive activity of the higher education applicant, which leads to the creative thinking ability, using the competencies acquired in the process of activity. The modern orientation of education involves the creation of didactic and psychological conditions in which the applicant can show not only intellectual abilities, but also a social position, his individuality and express himself as a subject of the educational process. This changes communication in pedagogical interaction: from a teaching monologue to multipositional communication in the form of a polylogue, where there is no strict polarity and concentration on a single “expert” opinion (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Communication models changing in pedagogical interaction

Thus, the educational process optimization will be possible if the educational process participants will act as its active subjects - they will have the right for a personal position, their own opinion, an erroneous statement, disagreement and personal statement. Consequently, there is a need to introduce an interactive approach into pedagogical practice, the main specificity of which is the constant participant interaction, exchange of ideas, the possibility of group discussions on the problem or the under study issue.

This approach to teaching and upbringing is not completely new for educational institutions in Ukraine. The introduction of an interactive approach to the educational process dates back to the first decades of the last century, and this approach was widespread in pedagogical practice in the 1920s.

In the pedagogical heritage of V. Sukhomlinsky, one can also find a reflection of the elements of interactive education, the creativity of teachers and innovators of the 70-80s. (V. Shatalov, E. Ilyin, S. Lysenko, Sh. Amonashvili and others) [2, p. 71].

The end of the XX century was marked in the theory and practice of American educational institutions by a period of active implementation of interactive educational technologies in various educational components' teaching. In the 80s. the National Training Center (USA, Maryland) conducted research that confirmed the idea that interactive education can significantly increase the percentage of material learning, since it is directed not only to the consciousness of the education applicant, but also to his feeling. [5]. In the Ukrainian educational system, the technology of interactive education by A. Pometun is widely used [7].

Scientific research by Hanns-Eberhard Meincher also confirms the benefits of interactive learning. According to the results of the study, with a predominantly passive perception of educational material, education applicants keep in mind [4, pp. 18-27]:

• 10% of what is read;

• 20% of what is heard;

• 30% of what is seen;

• 50% of what is heard and seen.

As long the condition of active material perception, the information is stored in the following volume:

• 80% of what the student said himself;

• 90% of what he did.

Considering this, the issue of introducing and using interactive methods and forms of education in the educational process of a higher education institution deserves great attention.

The word "interactive" takes its roots from the English word "interact" ("inter" - mutual, "act" - to act). Consequently, interactive is one capable for interaction, dialogue.

Interactive education is a special form of cognitive activity organizing, which has a specific, intended goal - to create comfortable educational conditions in which each applicant will feel his success and intellectual consistency [2, p. 72].

Interactive education is based on the higher education applicant's interaction with the content of educational components, with other educational process participants, with their personal experience (Fig. 2).

Fig.2 Interactive education structure

Interactive education is a special form of cognitive activity organizing. The main goals and objectives of interactive education are:

• increasing the efficiency of the educational process, achieving high educational results;

• formation and development of professional skills of education applicants;

• analysis and reflective manifestation skills development;

The main educational value is what happens to the applicant for education both in his subjective world and in the interpersonal space.

• development of skills in modern technical means and information perception and processing technologies;

• formation and development of the ability to independently find information and determine its authenticity;

• the ability to transfer the acquired knowledge, abilities, skills and methods of activity to various educational components and practical activities;

• the formation of internal motivation of education applicants [6].

In order to find out the essence of interactive education, let us pay attention to the comparative analysis of learning models created by J. Golant in the 60s. of the XX century (Table 1) [2, P. 72].

Table 1

Comparative analysis of different education models (according to J. Golant)

Passive education model

Active education model

Interactive education model

The education applicant acts as an object of training. Its main role is the assimilation andreproductionof


transmitted by the source of correct knowledge (teacher, textbook, technical means, etc.). Teaching methods: lecture-monologue, reading, explanation, demonstration, reproductive survey.


usually do not perform creative tasks and do not interact with each other.

The education applicant acts as a subject of training, performs creative tasks, enters into a dialogue with the teacher.


independent work, problem and creative tasks. Application of the whole range of methods that stimulate cognitive activity and independence of education applicants.

The applicant and the teacher are equal participants in the educational process; the applicant understands what he is doing, reflects on what he knows, can and does. The educational process is carried out subject to the active interaction of all participants. At the same time, mutual learning and coaching take place. The organization of interactive education requires modeling life situations, using role-playing games, and jointly solving collective creative problems.

The defining feature of interactive education is that the educational process is carried out in the constant interaction of all its participants.

Basic approaches to interactive teaching and education.

The person-centered approach. One of the aspects of modern reforming of national education is mastering a new philosophy of education and methodological reorientation of the educational process towards the development and selfdevelopment of schoolchildren based on the full use of the inner individual's potential. Personality becomes the goal of education.

The basis of personality-oriented education is humanization, the turn of the school towards the child's personality, revealing respect and trust in him, understanding each student, his needs, interests, goals, and at the same time the corresponding influence on the process of his formation. Humanization of the educational process is realized, in particular, through the consistent individualization of the pedagogical process: content, methods and forms of education and upbringing. It assumes their correspondence to the existing experience and the level of students' achievements, the orientation of the individual, the structure of their interests. Personally oriented education and upbringing is not the formation of a personality with predetermined properties, but the provision of favorable conditions for the full identification, disclosure and development of the student's personal properties.

The activity-based approach. The main thesis of the approach to personality development is that a person manifests the properties and connections of elements of the real world only in the process of activity and on the basis of its different types. Activity is a form of connection with the world and is defined as a set of processes of the real life of a person. Scientists have proven that a student learns well what acts as an object and as the goal of his activity. Therefore, conscious learning and activity presupposes, on the one hand, the implementation of educational responses with educational material and not just observation and listening, on the other hand, the transformation of the learned material into the main goal of these actions, that is, the solution of educational tasks. According to the activity-based approach, the stages of knowledge assimilation, skills and values are considered together with the stages of activities assimilation. The learning process is organized by the teacher or the student himself, purposeful, self-directed, reflective-converting activity for mastering certain knowledge, ways of obtaining, processing and applying it. The activity-based approach allows solving a large number of teaching problems, child upbringing and development.

An integrated approach provides solid and systemic knowledge and skills. This approach is a consequence of the application of the dialectics law, according to which each phenomenon should be considered in all connections and mediations, each should be taken in the unity of the general, individual and singular.

An integrated approach to the educational process consists in observing the unity of the following parameters:

• the unity of the social, psychological and pedagogical in the educational process;

• the unity of all educational functions: educational, developmental, upbringing;

• the unity of all components of the educational process: goals, content, forms, means, methods.

Competence-based approach determines the educational process focus on the formation and development of key life individual competencies. The result of this process is the formation of general competence, which is expressed in an integrated personality characteristic. It contains knowledge, skill, attitude, experience of activity and behavioral models of a person. The competence-based approach does not focus on the student's awareness, but on the ability to acquire knowledge and, on the basis of knowledge, to solve problems that arise in various situations, enhances the actual practical orientation of education and upbringing, and focuses on its results.

The need to include a competence-based approach in the education system is determined by a change in the educational paradigm as a set of attitudes, values, technical means, etc., characteristic of members of a particular society.

A systematic approach. Knowledge is built in the minds of students according to the scheme: basic concepts - the main theory - consequences - application. Consequently, students need to be armed not only with actual theory knowledge, but also with methodological one, that is, knowledge about the most important elements of it and the structural connections between all parts. At the same time, it is customary to call knowledge elements as ones that are inherent in relative independence, that is, those ones that in the educational process become an object of study or means of solving theoretical, practical and educational problems.

Synergetic approach - (synergetics - cooperation, assistance) scientific direction of the theory of self-organization, formulating the principles of self-organization, acting on all structural levels of matter. A modern scientific paradigm that combines systemic knowledge about nature and man, the functioning of complex systems, matter and spirit, on the methodological basis of which a substantially new picture of the world is created. The technique provides a person with more opportunities for self-development within the framework of sociocultural norms. The task of education in this context is to attract the individual to the social and humanistic path of his possible development [6].

Interactive education is effective and based on the following principles:

• direct participation of each participant - the teacher organizes the educational process in such a way that each applicant is an active seeker for ways of solving the problem or task posed to him;

• mutual informational and spiritual enrichment - the educational process is organized in such a way that education applicants can exchange information;

• student-centered learning - the teacher takes into account the personal educational interests of each applicant.

Features of interactive education [6]:

1. The educational process is organized in such a way that almost all applicants are involved in the learning process, they have the opportunity to think and express their own thoughts. The joint activity of applicants in the process of learning, mastering educational material means that everyone makes their own special contribution and exchanges knowledge, ideas and activity methods. This happens in an atmosphere of benevolence and mutual support, which allows not only to gain new knowledge, but also develops cognitive activity, translates it into higher forms of cooperation.

2. The main methodological foundations of interactive education:

• careful selection of working terms, educational, professional vocabulary, conventional concepts;

• a comprehensive analysis of specific practical examples of managerial and professional activities, in which applicants perform different role functions;

• keeping by all education applicants a continuous visual contact with each other;

• performing at each lesson one of the educational functions of the leader, initiating a discussion of the educational problem;

• active usage of technical teaching aids, including slides, films, videos, video clips, an interactive whiteboard, with the help of which educational material is illustrated;

• constant support by the teacher of active intragroup interaction, relieving tension;

• prompt intervention of the teacher in the course of the discussion in the event of unforeseen difficulties, as well as in order to explain the provisions of the curriculum that are new to the listeners;

• intensive use of individual lessons (homework of a creative nature) and individual abilities in group lessons;

• interaction implementation in the regime of strict observance of the norms, rules, rewards (punishments) for the achieved results formulated by the teacher;

• training in decision making in conditions of strict regulations and the presence of an element of information uncertainty.

3. Interactive learning involves:

• regular updating and usage of electronic educational and methodological publications;

• usage of modern multimedia teaching aids for conducting training sessions;

• formation of a video library with lecture courses and business cases;

• conducting classroom lessons in real time via the Internet, when applicants and teachers have the opportunity not only to listen to lectures, but also to discuss certain topics, participate in debates, etc.

The educational process, based on the usage of interactive teaching methods, is organized taking into account the involvement of all applicants in the group without exception. Joint activity means that everyone makes their own special individual contribution, during the work there is an exchange of knowledge, ideas, methods of activity. Individual, pair and group work is organized, project work and role-playing games are used, work with documents and information sources is carried out. Interactive methods are built on the principles of interaction, activity, reliance on group experience, mandatory feedback. An environment of educational communication is created, characterized by openness, interaction of participants, equality of their arguments, accumulation of common knowledge and the possibility of mutual assessment and control.

It is important for a teacher who implements interactive teaching methods in professional activities to clearly understand the purpose of each of them. There are many classifications of interactive teaching methods. For example, Figure 3 shows the classification of interactive education methods developed by Lyudmila Karamushka [4, pp. 18-27].

Fig. 3 Classification of interactive education methods by L. Karamushka

Also, an attempt to classify interactive education methods was undertaken by many domestic teachers: L. Vavilova, T. Dobrynina, E. Golant, O. Golubkova, V. Guzev and others.

G. Kharkhanova classifies interactive education methods based on the formation of conflict motivation and dividing it into three groups, depending on the range of possibilities: interactive education methods with a wide, medium and narrow range of possibilities.

One of the well-known classifications of interactive education methods is the classification developed by E. Golant, which for the first time classifies teaching methods according to the involvement of applicants in the educational process. She

divides all interactive methods into passive and active. Passive methods of learning are called by her "non-labor methods of ready-made knowledge", active methods - "intensive, active-labor " [1].

Also noteworthy is the classification by O. Golubkov, A. Prilepo, who classify interactive education methods based on their communicative functions, dividing them into 3 groups (Figure 4).

Fig. 4 Classification of interactive education methods by O. Golubko, A. Prilepo

A similar classification of interactive education methods was developed by T. Panina and L. Vavilova, who divide interactive teaching methods into three groups:

• discussion (dialogue, group discussion, analysis of situations in practice);

• game (didactic creative games, including business, role-playing games, organizationally activity games);

• training (communication training, training of sensitivity) [3].


The modern development of the educational system is impossible without the introduction and usage of interactive education methods in teaching. After all, they allow applicants to present educational material in a visual and verbal form. Interactive methods bring the greatest effect for education applicants when integrated in the process of studying the educational component. In combination with traditional types of educational work, higher efficiency is achieved in the process of training future specialists.


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  • The development in language teaching methodology. Dilemma in language teaching process. Linguistic research. Techniques in language teaching. Principles of learning vocabulary. How words are remembered. Other factors in language learning process.

    учебное пособие [221,2 K], добавлен 27.05.2015

  • The basic tendencies of making international educational structures with different goals. The principles of distance education. Distance learning methods based on modern technological achievements. The main features of distance education in Ukraine.

    реферат [19,1 K], добавлен 01.11.2012

  • The history of the use of the interactive whiteboard in the learning. The use of IWB to study of the English, the advantages and disadvantages of the method. Perfect pronunciation, vocabulary. The development of reading, writing, listening and speaking.

    презентация [1,3 M], добавлен 23.02.2016

  • Disclosure of the concept of the game. Groups of games, developing intelligence, cognitive activity of the child. The classification of educational games in a foreign language. The use of games in the classroom teaching English as a means of improving.

    курсовая работа [88,5 K], добавлен 23.04.2012

  • History of school education system in the USA. The role of school education in the USA. Organisation of educational process in American schools. Reforms and innovations in education that enable children to develop their potential as individuals.

    курсовая работа [326,6 K], добавлен 12.01.2016

  • The impact of the course Education in Finland on my own pedagogical thinking and comparison of the Finnish school system and pedagogy with my own country. Similarities and differences of secondary and higher education in Kazakhstan and Finland.

    реферат [15,2 K], добавлен 01.04.2012

  • Process of learning a foreign language with from an early age. The main differences between the concepts of "second language" and "foreign language" by the conditions of the language environment. Distinguish different types of language proficiency.

    статья [17,3 K], добавлен 15.09.2014

  • Development of skills of independent creative activity in the process of game on the lessons of English. Psychological features of organization of independent work and its classification. Development of independence student in the process of teaching.

    курсовая работа [35,8 K], добавлен 03.04.2011

  • Methods of foreign language teaching. The grammar-translation method. The direct, audio-lingual method, the silent way and the communicative approach. Teaching English to children in an EFL setting. Teaching vocabulary to children. Textbook analysis.

    курсовая работа [142,6 K], добавлен 09.12.2012

  • The employment of Internet in teaching Foreign Languages. The modern methods of teaching 4 basic skills. The usage of Internet technologies for effective Foreign Languages acquisition. Analysis of experience: my and teachers of Foreign Languages.

    курсовая работа [2,3 M], добавлен 30.03.2016

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