Future primary school teachers training for using interactive methods in English lessons
The English language competence in primary school students using teaching methods. Emphasis is placed on setting tasks that develop the creativity of the individual, increase motivation to learn the language, language the main mechanism of communication.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 31.07.2022 |
Размер файла | 20,6 K |
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Baidiuk L.M.
Lecturer at the Department of Professional Methodologies and Innovative Technologies in Primary School Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University
The article investigates future primary school teachers training for using interactive methods in English lessons. Theoretical analysis of scientific and methodical literature on interactive learning, substantiated the need to use interactive methods, analyzed the psychological prerequisites for the formation of English language competence in primary school students using interactive teaching methods. Emphasis is placed on setting tasks that develop the creativity of the individual, increase motivation to learn the language, improve language as the main mechanism of communication.
The article considers the two-way nature of interactive learning, special organization and diversity of forms, integrity and unity, motivation and connection with real life, education and personality development of students simultaneously with the process of learning new knowledge. The essence and specific features of interactive learning in foreign language teaching are analyzed, when the educational process takes place under conditions of constant, active interaction of all students; interesting and effective methods and techniques of teaching in primary school are considered, which increases the interest in learning a foreign language through the influence of the group on the learning process and the acquisition by each group member of the experience of interaction.
The main forms of interactive work are educational interaction of students in pairs and micro groups. Joint collective activity creates optimal conditions for activating the capabilities of each and develops the ability to properly perceive others and adequately assess themselves, the results of their activities, without losing interest in it. Forms of implementation of interactive methods used by the author in English lessons in primary school were Mysterious objects, Spoiled phone, Filled boxes, Mystical subject, Running dictation, Round table, Discussion, Dramatization, Project work, Encrypted pictures, Build history Spontaneous dialogues, Interviews, Fill in the blanks in the story, Correct me, Catch the mouse.
Key words: interactive, innovation, pedagogy, module, criticism, principle, methodology.
Байдюк Л. М.
викладач кафедри фахових методик та інноваційних технологій у початковій школі Уманський державний педагогічний університет імені Павла Тичини
Ключові слова: інтерактив, інновація, педагогіка, модуль, критика, принцип, методологія.
У статті досліджується підготовка майбутніх учителів до використання інтерактивних методів навчання англійської мови молодших школярів. Проведено теоретичний аналіз науково-методичної літератури з інтерактивного навчання, обґрунтовано необхідність використання інтерактивних методів і прийомів навчання англійської мови, проаналізовано психологічні передумови формування англомовної компетенції у молодших школярів з використанням інтерактивних методів і прийомів навчання.
Акцентуємо на постановці завдань, що розвивають креативність особистості, підвищують мотивацію до вивчення мови, удосконалюють мову як основний механізм спілкування. У статті розглянуто двосторонній характер інтерактивного навчання, особлива організація та різноманітність форм, цілісність і єдність, мотивація та зв'язок із реальним життям, виховання та розвиток особистості учнів одночасно з процесом засвоєння нових знань. Проаналізовано сутність та особливості інтерактивного навчання у навчанні англійської мови, коли навчальний процес відбувається в умовах постійної, активної взаємодії всіх учнів; розглянуто цікаві та ефективні методи та прийоми навчання в початковій школі, що підвищує інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови через вплив групи на процес навчання та набуття кожним учасником групи досвіду взаємодії. Основними формами інтерактивної роботи є навчальна взаємодія учнів у парах та мікрогрупах. Спільна колективна діяльність створює оптимальні умови для активізації здібностей кожного і розвиває здатність правильно сприймати інших і адекватно оцінювати себе, результати своєї діяльності, не втрачаючи до неї інтересу.
Формами реалізації інтерактивних методів, використаних автором на уроках англійської мови в початковій школі, були Загадкові предмети, Зіпсований телефон, Заповнені коробки, Містичний предмет, Біговий диктант, Круглий стіл, Дискусія, Драматизація, Проектна робота, Зашифровані малюнки, Історія побудови Спонтанні діалоги, Інтерв'ю, Заповніть пропуски в історії, Зловіть мишку.
english language school teaching
The search for effective ways of learning, the development of cognitive interests and education of each student's conscious attitude to mastering the knowledge of English remain very relevant. The effectiveness of foreign language teaching primarily depends on a clear and flexible organization of the educational process in the classroom, on the teacher's ability to take into account the actual assimilation of the material by each student and his individual characteristics.
The methodology of a modern foreign language lesson is closely related to interactive methods. Therefore, a foreign language teacher must be creative and artistic, because the quality of human language as a means of communication is determined by two characteristics: the speed of speech reaction and breadth of vision. That is why interactive methods, based on an artistic, creative approach to learning a foreign language, are now the most desirable.
The teacher should put the main emphasis on the tasks that develop the creative beginning of the personality, increase the motivation to learn the language and improve the language as the main mechanism of communication.
Many domestic and foreign scholars have identified primary school age as the most favorable for learning a foreign language during the school process and proposed the most effective technologies for teaching a foreign language in primary school (Yu. Azarov, A. Basina, T. Bychkivska, O. Vetokhov, L. Gusak, G. Kaplan, E. Kononikhina, T. Kravchuk, O. Kuzhel, Y. Lininskaya, L. Makarova, L. Moskalyuk, V. Mukhina, O. Onysyuk, V. Redko, S. Roman, O. Skrapchenko, G. Weiser, E. Shevchenko, K. Richards, T. Rogers and others).
The aim of the article is to consider interactive methods of teaching English to primary school students, which develop the creativity of the individual, increase motivation to learn the language and improve the language as the main mechanism of communication. Presenting main material. In today's environment, interactive methods should become the main, because they form a creative, verbal personality, able to respond quickly and adapt to any speech environment and certain social conditions. The use of these methods gives very good results when learning a foreign language. These methods are based on exercises that develop the speed of reaction and broaden the horizons.
Today modern teaching methods are widely used in education. The use of modern teaching methods leads to high efficiency in the teaching process. It is advisable to choose these methods based on the didactic task of each lesson. While maintaining the traditional form of teaching, enriching it with a variety of methods that activate the activities of students leads to an increase in the level of mastery of students [1].
There is also a growing interest in the use of innovative technologies, pedagogical and information technologies in the educational process, one of the reasons for this is the fact that so far in traditional education while the bird is taught to acquire only readymade knowledge, modern technology teaches them to search for, study and analyze independently, and even draw their own conclusions. In this process, the teacher creates the conditions for the development, formation, acquisition and upbringing of the individual, and at the same time acts as a manager, a guide.
The student becomes a key figure in the learning process. Knowledge, experience, and interactive methods related to pedagogical technology and pedagogical skills ensure that students acquire knowledgeable, mature skills. There are a number of teaching methods in the literature and articles on new pedagogical technologies. These methods are presented as innovative methods. Here are some of the methods that can be used in native language lessons.
1. Modular education technology. It is held in order to develop students' skills of independent work with textbooks, popular science and additional literature, creative and independent thinking. A distinctive feature of modular educational technology is the development of modular programs that allow students to work independently and creatively on the subject.
2. Collaborative learning technology, the main idea of which is to teach students to read collaboratively, not just to complete learning tasks and work together, to create cooperation, mutual assistance and exchange of ideas between them.
3. Problem-based learning technology. Creating a problem situation, asking questions, proposing issues and tasks, organizing a discussion to solve the problem situation, and confirming the correctness of the conclusions.
4. Interactive method technology. Rely on the creativity of students, create an atmosphere of free discussion in the classroom. To do this, the class is divided into small groups and work with these groups throughout the lesson.
5. Technology of didactic games. Use a variety of didactic games in the classroom and use them to stimulate, activate and interest in the lesson.
6. Test lessons. By changing and diversifying the forms and methods of teaching on the basis of new pedagogical technologies, the teacher turns the student into an active participant in the learning process. The teacher-student collaboration makes this lesson an interactive lesson. New interactive forms of teaching are one of the ways to improve the educational process, aimed at effectively solving educational problems, strengthening the cognitive activity of students [2].
According to this method, which is tested in the experience of foreign countries, the interactive method, the lessons are divided into several stages: They are the stages of calling, mental attack, comprehension, thinking.
1. The stage of the call. At this stage, the goals are to activate students, to get into the essence of the topic, to feel it, to prepare it for the process of understanding. In this process, students exchange ideas while answering questions posed by the teacher.
2. Mental attack phase. This method can be used at the beginning of the lesson or anywhere, and it involves solving the problem by expressing your own ideas and opinions. For example, the teacher writes the word language on the board and asks the students, «What did you think of this word, or how else can you interpret that word?» - he asks. The teacher can write the opinions expressed by the students on the board in the following order: The opinions of the teachers should not be found to be wrong, but the teacher should help the students as much as possible. encourage them not to be afraid of the heat, and at the end the teacher should analyze each of the ideas expressed. In this process, students learn a lot about the word, that is, the problem is given to students through a mental attack, opened with their thoughts, and as a result, the topic is easier to understand.
3. The stage of understanding. At this stage, the conclusion of the discussion on the topic of the stage of mental attack is heard, and the teacher fills it with new ideas. Questions and answers reinforce the topic.
4. The stage of thinking. At this stage, students are asked to describe in writing the knowledge and concepts they have acquired on the topic in short sentences. To complete this task, the teacher divides the students into groups of 3-7 people and distributes a sheet of paper to them. For example, on the topic of «Word-sentences», the teacher assigns each group the task of identifying 3 specific features of words sentences and allocates a certain amount of time for this task. Each student in the group has their own opinion.
One student writes down the ideas. While the students are busy with the task in groups, the teacher walks around the classroom, observing everyone and commenting on the task, helping those who need help. At the end of the time, everyone's attention is drawn to the blackboard. One representative (presenter) from each group goes to the class board and presents the task performed by the group to the whole class. Each presentation will be evaluated [3].
At the end of all group work, the teacher explains to them, corrects and summarizes the mistakes, gives an overall assessment of the work of the group. Each teacher effectively uses the types of interactive lessons to improve the teaching and learning activities. They should contribute to the development of students' ability to acquire knowledge independently, develop critical thinking skills and develop as a well-rounded person. The main purpose of the use of interactive methods in education is to help the teacher to reconsider his pedagogical treasure, to create a desire for a higher quality methodological direction, to encourage further thinking, research, experimentation.
Traditionally, methods of teaching foreign languages distinguish between didactic and methodological principles. Principles are usually understood as fundamental methodological provisions that define the process of education and upbringing.
Didactics defines the concept of the learning principle as follows: «learning Principles are the main normative provisions that should be followed in order for learning to be effective». Let's turn to the principle of accessibility. For most academic subjects, the use of this principle means «going from easy to difficult», in other words, the presentation of educational material should be carried out as the difficulties increase. In this case, this principle is used in teaching foreign languages in a converted form.
In the literal sense, it only works when selecting texts that should be available to students in terms of language material and cultural data. Regarding the presentation of language material, direct use of this principle is not advisable. Let's explain this with an example. As already mentioned in the previous chapter, the greatest difficulties for students are caused by the use of the article in Western European languages, since there is no such phenomenon.
At the same time, we must introduce students to this language phenomenon, despite its difficulties, from the very beginning of training, because this requires the development of communication skills. In relation to language material, this principle requires, for example, explaining a new grammar on the basis of already studied vocabulary and, conversely, mastering a new vocabulary on the basis of studied grammatical phenomena, etc.
Summarizing the above, it can be argued that the personality-oriented principle of teaching in relation to such an educational subject as a foreign language includes the following points:
- natural consistency of training;
- students' autonomy, which allows them to implement their subjective position in teaching;
- differentiated and individual approaches, which makes it possible to create your own learning trajectory;
- activity-based nature of training, its communicative and cognitive orientation;
- socio-cultural orientation, including students in the dialogue of cultures.
No less significant for the restructuring of the entire education system is the principle of activity-based learning. Applied to all academic disciplines, it means strengthening the external and internal activity of the student. It can be considered as a new interpretation of the principle of activity. In relation to a foreign language, this principle means an increase in the proportion of students' speech activity, including the use of group and collective forms of learning [3].
Further the exercises aimed at mastering receptive or productive language material should, if possible, be of a creative nature that simulates real communication. The development of internal activity should play no less a role. This means that work on a text, for example, should be associated with the solution of mental problems, exercises with language material should be combined with the solution of conditionally communicative tasks, etc. All this will contribute to the internal activity of students.
The first such principle is the principle of communication, or communicative orientation. We will immediately note that this principle is shared by the majority of Uzbek Methodists. This principle means that the orientation of the entire educational process is connected with the goal of forming communication skills in the language being studied. From these positions, the final and intermediate goals are determined, the selection of language material necessary for communication is made, and the process of language acquisition and control of learning results is built. However, this understanding, which is accepted in many manuals, is not enough. Language acquisition is inextricably linked to the acquisition of the culture of the country of the language being studied.
The fact that the understanding of the process of communication is not only with the possession of language material, but also with mutual knowledge of the interlocutors the main part of the content of the speech, i.e. its substantive content, including knowledge of culture of countries that we represent interlocutors, the socalled background knowledge. The lack of background knowledge in the process of communication can and does cause misunderstandings [2].
Therefore, the communicative orientation of the language learning process also means familiarizing with the culture of the country of the language being studied. As an example of the first case, we can cite the principle: teaching reading in a foreign language should be based on the experience of students in reading in their native language, which exactly corresponds to the General methodological principle of taking into account the native language.
As a second example, we can give the principle of speech activity-a reflection of the General didactic principle of activity. From our point of view, such particular principles are possible in two cases: if they reflect the fundamental regularity of the formation of skills of this type of speech activity, or a fundamental clarification of the General methodological principle.
In general, it can be stated that further research is still needed in this direction. As for the principles of teaching certain sections of language material, the analysis of them shows a certain contrivance.
1. Зимняя И.А. Ключевые компетенции - новая парадигма результата образования. Высшее образование сегодня. 2003. № 5. С. 34-42.
2. Красножонова Е. С. Использование интерактивной доски на уроках иностранного языка в средней школе. Иностранные языки в школе. 2011. № 9. С. 28-32.
3. Fakhrutdinov R.R., Fahrutdinova R.A. The development of intercultural competence of students by means of language culture in the middle phase of learning. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict. 2016. Vol. 20. P. 202-208.
1. Zimnyaya, I.A. (2003) Klyuchevyye kompetentsii - novaya paradigma rezultata sovremennogo obrazovaniya [Key competencies - a new paradigm of the result of modern education]. Higher education today. № 5. pp. 34-42. [in Russian].
2. Krasnozhonova, E.S. (2011) Ispolzovanie interaktivnoj doski na urokah inostrannogo yazyka v srednej shkole [Using an interactive whiteboard in the hands of a foreign language in high school]. Inostrannye yazyki v shkole. № 9, pp. 28-32.
3. Fakhrutdinov, R.R., Fahrutdinova, R.A. (2016) The development of intercultural competence of students by means of language culture in the middle phase of learning. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict. Vol. 20. P. 202-208.
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