Communicative competence of the future teacher of hei: essence, development

The essence of the communicative competence of the future teacher of the institution of higher education in the context of the reform of the educational sphere. Competence mastery as an indicator of the quality of education and professional development.

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Дата добавления 27.07.2022
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Communicative competence of the future teacher of hei: essence, development

Alla Marushkevych, Dr of Sci. (Pedagogy), Prof.

Mykola Zhylenko, Ass. Prof.

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine

The article is devoted to the issue of the essence and development of communicative competence of the future teacher of higher education institution. It emphasizes the reform processes in the educational sphere of Ukraine and, accordingly, rethinking the importance of approaches to teaching students, in particular future teachers of free economic education. It is indicated that one of the main indicators of the quality of education and professional development of its applicants was the acquisition of competencies that ensure their competitiveness in the labor market. Among the most important of them is communicative competence, which helps to solve vital and professional problems. Emphasis is placed on the names of famous scientists who have studied the formation of communicative competence of students, considered it as a personal quality associated with effective communication skills, and highlighted in their work the development of this competence in training professionals. The content of the concepts "competence", "competence", "communicative competence", "professional-communicative competence" and the structure of communicative competence of the teacher, which includes cognitive, emotional and behavioral components with the separation of its components. The positions of some authors who substantiate the named competence as a set of goal-motivational, cognitive-linguistic, procedural-technological are highlighted. reflexive-evaluative components. Attention is paid to the method of interactive learning of students, which contributes to their achievement of high results. It is indicated that the development of communicative competence in students of higher education occurs mainly in the process of socialization and education, It is emphasized that the quality of communicative interaction is especially possible if the situation presented in the works of art is analyzed; that her experience needs to be accumulated as necessary.

Keywords: communicative competence, professional-communicative competence, interactive learning, analysis, teacher, students, contacts, rethinking, HEI, educational process.

Алла Марушкевич, д-р пед. наук, проф.

Ольга Поляк, канд. пед. наук, доц.

Микола Жиленко, канд. пед. наук, доц.

Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, Київ, Україна


Розглянуто питання сутності та розвитку комунікативної компетентності майбутнього викладача закладу вищої освіти. Наголошено на реформаційних процесах в освітній сфері України і, відповідно, переосмисленні значущості підходів до навчання студентів, зокрема майбутніх викладачів ЗВО. Вказано, що одним із головних показників якості освіти і професійного становлення її здобувачів стало оволодіння компетентностями, які забезпечують їхню конкурентоздатність на ринку праці. Серед найважливіших з них названо комунікативну компетентність, яка сприяє вирішенню життєво важливих та професійних проблем. Акцентовано увагу на іменах відомих учених, які досліджували питання формування комунікативної компетентності здобувачів освіти, розглядали її як особистісну якість, що пов'язана з навичками ефективного спілкування, а також висвітлювали у своїх працях розвиток цієї компетентності у підготовці фахівців різних спеціальностей. Розкрито зміст понять "компетенція", "компетентність", "комунікативна компетентність", "професійно-комунікативна компетентність" і структуру комунікативної компетентності викладача, яка включає когнітивний, емоційний та поведінковий компоненти з виокремленням її складових. Висвітлено позиції окремих авторів, які обґрунтовують названу компетентність як сукупність цілемотиваційного, когнітивно-лінгвістичного, процесуально-технологічного, рефлексивно-оцінного компонентів. Приділено увагу методу інтерактивного навчання студентів, який сприяє досягненню ними високих результатів Вказано, що розвиток комунікативної компетентності у студентів відбувається переважно у процесі соціалізації і виховання, при спостереженні зразків словесних і зорових форм комунікативних ситуацій. Наголошено, що якість комунікативної взаємодії особливо відстежу- ється під час аналізу ситуацій, поданих у художній творах, цей досвід слід накопичувати як необхідний.

Ключові слова: комунікативна компетентність, професійно-комунікативна компетентність, інтерактивне навчання, аналіз, викладач, здобувачі освіти, контакти, переосмислення, ЗВО, освітній процес.

Kohut I.V. Formuvannia profesiino-pedahohichnoi komunikatyvnoi kompetentnosti maibutnoho vchytelia. Dys. na zdobuttia nauk. stupenia k.ped.nauk. 13.00.04 - teoriia i metodyka profesiinoi osvity. Poltava: Poltavskyi natsionalnyi pedahohichnyi universytet imeni V.H. Korolenka, 2015. 250 s.


communicative competence teacher higher education

In Ukraine, the reform of the educational system and the development of social transformations aimed at bringing national educational standards in line with European ones continues. Today, the requirements for the activities of higher education teachers in the field of their professional competencies are changing. There is a need to harmonize their professional activities. Currently, a competency-based approach is being actively introduced into the educational process, which requires strengthening the quality of training of future teachers of higher education institutions that would meet the requirements of employers. Modernization of the system of preparation of future teachers for professional activity is an urgent problem of modern pedagogical science. The quality of their training largely depends on the final result of the formation and development of the personality of a young specialist, so the requirements for their general pedagogical training, the formation of professional qualities and competencies. It is time to ensure a high level of communicative competence of teachers, which contributes to the solution of educational and upbringing tasks in the Free Economic Zone. Reformation processes contribute to the improvement of relations between educators of different countries, their interaction in the development of new theories for practical implementation in the content of their professional activities. There is a rethinking of all forms, methods and technologies of teaching, focused on close cooperation of research and teaching staff and students, interaction between all participants in the educational process.

In modern Ukraine, which has chosen the path of European and world integration, there is a growing demand for highly professional staff, for whom the competence "as a characteristic of learning outcomes" is significant, which is "widely used in educational systems of European countries" [Entsyklopediia osvity, 2008, p. 408]. Well-known scientists note that recently "the problems of competence-oriented education are considered by international organizations - UNESCO, UNICEF, UNDP, the Council of Europe, the Organization for European Cooperation and Development, the International Department of Standards" [Entsyklopediia osvity, 2008, p. 408]. This is due to the rethinking of the functions of education, as the successful acquisition of the necessary knowledge, skills development and skills development were not sufficient for successful professional activity. One of the main criteria for the quality of education and an indicator of the professional development of its applicants has been the acquisition of competencies that ensure their competitiveness in the labor market and the possibility of career growth. Today, especially important for each of the graduates of higher education is to establish contacts with future employers, constructive communication, interaction. To do this, they must have developed, first of all, communicative competence, which contributes to the solution of vital problems. Its formation and development depend on the ability of the teacher and the student to regulate relations in the process of communication, to realize the importance of a positive attitude to the educational process in the free economic zone. It is important to realize that "... subject to this condition, personal positions of different significance and content are realized, it is possible to move away from the usual social role stereotypes, creating an optimal basis for positive changes in cognitive, emotional and behavioral spheres of each participant. For this type of communication to become a reality, it is necessary to form a humanistic in nature communicative core of the personality of both the teacher and the student." [Kozak, 2013, p. 64].

Education in a higher education institution should be based on mutual understanding of scientific and pedagogical workers and students, their co-creation, which requires constant improvement of professional training, development of communicative competence.

The purpose of the publication is to analyze the views of famous scientists on the development of communicative competence of future teachers, its importance in the professional development of students.

The task of the publication: to reveal the essence of the concept of "communicative competence" through the prism of the views of famous scientists on its development in future professionals in the field of education.

Analysis of recent research and publications. It is known that the problem of communicative competence of the teacher was raised in the works of N.Yu. Butenko, V.V. Davydova, S.D. Maksymenko, R.S. Nemova,

O.V. Sidorenko, V.M. Fedorchuk and others. Communication in the activities of the teacher is considered by them as a means of the process of transmitting information in order to establish emotional contact with the student. Didactics and language teachers A. Aleksyuk, I. Gudzik, T. Donchenko, S. Karaman, O. Kulyk, O. Kucheruk, L. Mamchur, S. Omelchuk, M. Pentilyuk, N. Totska addressed the problem of formation of communicative competence of students. Analysis of research in the field of pedagogical psychology and pedagogy shows that scientists, including B.G. Ananiev,

M. S. Kagan, V.A. Kan-Kalik, V.M. Shepel and others. consider communicative competence as a personal quality associated with effective communication skills. The research of communicative competence of specialists of different specialties was carried out by T. Butenko, I. Danchenko,

N. Zavinichenko, O. Kasatkina, I. Kozubovska, O. Kraevska, S. Makarenko, V. Nazarenko, M. Timofieva, A. Khomyak, V. Cherevkota, etc. The works of S. Al exandrova, D. Godlevska, O. Zagorodna, Z. Pidruchna are devoted to professional communicative competence, L. Plaki. Communicative competence in terms of linguistics, pedagogy, psychology, sociology, communication theory, culturology studied and foreign scholars L. Bachman, M. Canale, N. Chomsky, K. Foss, O. Argie, J. Koester, D. O'Hair, A. Palmer, G. Rickheit, H. Widdowson, C. Sabee, etc. [Havryliak, 2019, p. 70].

Presentation of the main positions

It is known that the effectiveness of the teacher's communicative competence is manifested in mutual understanding with the partner with whom the communication takes place. Personally oriented communication involves the expression of personal attitudes, feelings, openness, taking into account the views of students. The key principle of the organization of communication in IHE is its subject-subject character: equality of interlocutors, their activity, perception of each other, interaction. Clarifying the essence of the concept of "communicative competence", we pay attention to the interpretation of its components "communication" and "competence", and then - to a holistic understanding of the content. "Communication" is perceived as "two-way contact with another: the transfer of information, receiving it from a partner, mutual understanding between partners" [Terletska, 2013, p. 157]. "Competence" is seen as a "psychological and social quality", which "contributes to the awareness of the individual's own ability to interact effectively with others" [Sotsialna ta preventyvna, 2014, p.125]. Hence the interpretation, which has the following verbal design: communicative competence - a psychological and social quality of the individual, which contributes to the awareness of its ability to maintain (provide) two-way contact with someone else to master information, mutual understanding and enhances their ability to interact with others. Communication in pedagogy, according to contemporaries, is mostly reduced to the informational, speech aspect of communication as a means of transmitting information. The main concepts of various pedagogical concepts and theories are "student- centeredness", "personal orientation", "dialogue", "cooperation", "pedagogical interaction", "tolerance" and so on. They have become key concepts. One of these is the communicative competence of the teacher, which translated from Latin (communico) means to make common, connect, communicate and competens (competentis) - means a set of knowledge about the norms and rules of natural communication - dialogue, debate, negotiation and others. [Bekh, 1998, p. 107]. Those who have communicative competence, are able to establish and maintain the necessary contacts with others, have a certain set of knowledge, skills and communication skills, are able to change its direction, understand and be understood by interlocutors. Among the significant conditions for the formation of communicative competence of the future teacher is the student's understanding of the features of pedagogical communication as a component of pedagogical activity and the functions of management and regulation of behavior concentrated in it. For each of the participants in the educational process, the quality of pedagogical communication is determined by the humanistic orientation of the individual (attitude to it as the highest value), communication style, level of tolerance, and so on.

Today, the concept of "communicative competence" is interpreted more broadly than in previous years. His theoretical analysis and understanding continues to this day [Chebotareva, 2014, p. 210]. At the same time, scientists often turn to the interpretation of the essence of competency knowledge: in particular, knowledge of the norms and rules of communication, the level of speech development, nonverbal communication; ability to come into contact with people taking into account their diverse characteristics, behave in accordance with the situation and use its specifics to achieve their own communicative goals; to convince the interlocutor of the strength of their arguments; skills to correctly assess the interlocutor as a potential competitor or partner and choose a communication strategy depending on this assessment, etc. In order to ensure the quality of the process of formation of communicative competence, it is necessary to clearly define its structure [Havryliak, 2019, p. 70]. It is known that in many theoretical studies, the structure of communicative competence of the teacher includes cognitive, emotional and behavioral components. The cognitive component is a system of knowledge about the essence, structure, functions and features of communication in general and professional in particular. The emotional component is manifested in various emotional states of the individual, his willingness to engage in dialogue. The behavioral component includes general and professionalspecific communication skills that allow you to successfully establish contact with the interlocutor. It follows that communicative competence is the ability of an individual within a professional activity to establish and maintain the necessary contacts with other people, which includes a set of knowledge, experience, qualities, abilities of the individual that allow him to perform his functions effectively.

Modern scientists, based on the analysis of scientific sources, justify the structuring of communicative competence of future professionals (in this example - foreign language teachers) as a set of such components "a) goal-motivating, reflecting the level of students' interest in further and in motivated possession of modern information and communication technologies - on the other; b) cognitive-linguistic component, which is represented by a set of system knowledge and skills in a foreign language and methods of its teaching (which in combination with the relevant personal qualities are the necessary language and professional competencies of a foreign language teacher), as well as psychology and pedagogy; c) procedural and technological component, which allows, on the one hand, the development of communicative skills and abilities in the field of foreign language communication and teaching foreign languages, on the other - skills and abilities to use modern ICT in teaching (and further teaching) foreign languages; d) reflexive-evaluative, by which we can assess the level of formation of communicative competence of future teachers of foreign languages using modern information and communication technologies, as well as in the process of reflection on the formation of this competence [Haletskyi, 2020, p. 26]. We consider the ability of a communicatively competent person as the ability of a person to properly use verbal and nonverbal means of speech in order to effectively interact with other people engaged in professional activities. However, sometimes problems arise due to the failure of scientific and pedagogical staff to form the communicative competencies of students. This is due to the inability of some of them to select appropriate teaching materials, the most important sources of information that are consistent with the purpose and objectives of training, as well as erroneous assessments of the abilities and personal qualities of students. Only the awareness of their mistakes, increasing the theoretical and practical readiness of the teacher to provide professional and pedagogical communications will help him to teach young people and form in them communicative competence.

Among others, we distinguish the concept of "professional and communicative competence" of the teacher, to which scientists pay special attention "because any professional activity is based on communication, the ability to organize communicative professional activity in different socio-economic conditions with different professional groups and different cultures." [Tur,2014, p. 54]. It is interpreted as a system of professional functions of the specialist, which embodies the ability to communicate and in its structure contains a set of motivated knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for professional communication. We agree with the opinion of ON Tour that the "structure of professional-communicative competence includes three components: linguistic, social perception, professional reflection, each of which contains informational, behavioral and motivational components. The development of this competence of the future specialist is possible under the condition of solving specific communicative tasks and is realized at the reflective, active and socio-cultural levels" [Tur, 2014, p. 57]. The level of professional and pedagogical competence of a teacher depends on his personal qualities necessary for adaptation and effective activity. Also important is the knowledge of professional disciplines aimed at perfect command of modern Ukrainian literary language, professional terminology, skills and abilities to solve communicative problems. T. Wolfovska believes that communicative competence is "knowledge of norms and rules of conduct characteristic of the communication situation; the ability to subordinate their behavior to existing rules of communication; the culture of listening to the interlocutor, the manifestation of a tolerant attitude to the thoughts of the interlocutor" [Volfovska, 2001, p. 13-16]. Communicative competence is the result of the experience of communication between people, which is acquired both in the process of direct interaction and indirect. It includes the formation of attitudes to professional and pedagogical communication, the ability to anticipate and take into account its importance in the learning process. Based on the analysis of information on the interpretation of the concept of "communicative competence", "professional- communicative competence", we concluded that among educators analyzed the concept of "professional- pedagogical communicative competence", which is considered as a result of professional competencies and personal qualities., tact, empathy, objectivity, tolerance, organization, initiative, etc.) of the teacher, which allow to establish psychological contact with students and colleagues; logically transmit information; to organize pedagogically expedient interaction in the educational environment; creatively solve pedagogical problems that arise in the process of acquiring knowledge by students in higher education institutions. Professional and pedagogical communicative competence of the teacher is manifested in the personal aspect of communication (identification of personal qualities during communication), communicative aspect (exchange of information and its understanding), integrative aspect (interaction of partners in the organization and implementation of joint activities), perceptual aspect one communication partner of another) [Kohut, 2015, p. 63].

The development of communicative competence in students of higher education institutions occurs mainly in the process of socialization and education, when they observe samples of verbal and visual forms of communicative situations and analyze them. Existing deformations in the communicative activity of students can be adjusted by expanding the scope of their social contacts and entering new ones. This development can also take place in the process of specially organized by a highly qualified specialist training. In addition, communicative competence is formed in students in the process of interactive learning, in which students work in a team and have the opportunity to express their own opinions, which leads to tolerance in communication, alternative solutions. The method of interactive learning contributes to the achievement of high results by students, as it is carried out by the teacher using a wide range of interactive tasks that form the skills and abilities of the main types of speech activity. These tasks should be creative, meet the interests and age of students, conducted in small groups, so that the teacher could better monitor educational activities and control the discipline [8, p. 156]. Of course, it is important to get acquainted with the socio-psychological literature, where you can find answers to pressing questions, replenish your vocabulary with professional vocabulary, understand many necessary for further life ways of information enrichment and more. Improving the quality of communicative interaction is also possible by observing and analyzing situations presented in works of art. This allows us to understand which of the rules of interpersonal interaction contribute to the successful course of communicative processes, and which do not. When considering the issue of communicative competence, it is important to keep in mind that real communication is multifaceted and in the process of its provision there may be various obstacles of a psychological nature, which must be overcome and continue to accumulate the necessary experience of partnership.


Thus, analyzing the essence of the concept of "communicative competence" and the views of some well-known scientists on its development in future teachers of higher education, we conclude: the communicative competence of the future teacher appears as an integral quality of personality, performing the function of adaptation, regulation. and students. It is based on observing the behavior of other people, in particular, experts in their field, analysis of acts of communication, demonstration of communication skills in the process of interpersonal interaction with other people, strengthening their capabilities during socio-psychological training. It can be characterized as a system of internal and external resources of effective interaction, providing the ability to establish and maintain the necessary contacts with other people. A high level of formation of communicative competence of the future teacher can be achieved in the construction of education as a holistic system in which

effective is its humanistic orientation, personality-oriented activities of research and teaching staff. When designing the process of formation of communicative competence of future teachers, it is necessary to consider this category as a system that includes a set of knowledge, skills and personality traits. It is an indicator of erudition and methodological awareness of teachers, their ability to improve the communicative competence of students in the process of self-education and self-education.


communicative competence teacher higher education

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