Creating and developing of students’ motivation in process of foreign language studying
Analysis of information technologies used to increase the level of motivation of students in the process of learning foreign languages. The role of the teacher in organizing the educational process and creating a positive atmosphere of communication.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 26.07.2022 |
Размер файла | 22,4 K |
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Simon Kuznets Kharkiv national university of economics
Foreign philology and translation department
Creating and developing of students' motivation in process of foreign language studying
Isliamova K.S., lecturer
Mykhailova L.Z., lecturer
Chernysh L.M., lecturer
The article is devoted to identifying the main notion of motivation - internal and external. Moreover, we investigate the ways to increase students' motivation in process of foreign language learning with the help of game techniques or remote technologies. The recent global changes have completely changed the established way of social life and greatly influenced educational sphere. Education is one of the areas that had changed crucially and the main task to introduce innovative technologies appeared. All over the world we could notice the problem of “flexibility” of education and distant technologies implementation that could help to improve the educational processes. Consequently, another problem appeared: to motivate students in process of distance learning to achieve effective results. The problem of students' motivation is one of the most important today as motivation is force itself and it influences the formation of individual behavior, aims and activities of every student. In this article we study motivational objects which can help to control the implementation of intentions and to choose new techniques and strategies for motivation. We note the importance of motivation in foreign language studying individually and in groups as well as in distance learning and in institutions. The concept of «distance learning» is defined as involving the integration of information and pedagogical technologies to ensure the interactivity of teacher-student interaction and thus the productivity of the educational process. It is determined that motivation is key element in language learning. Internal motivation is about doing a task because it is fun, not good or bad. External motivation is caused by external factors, such as meeting the expectations of the teacher or assessment with good grades. We carry out a short analysis of modern information technologies such as programs, applications used in the educational process to increase the level of students' motivation in the process of foreign languages learning. We also research the teacher's role in this process, his/her ability to organize the learning process, to create a positive atmosphere of communication.
Key words: motivation, process of foreign language learning, internal motivation, external motivation, motivational techniques.
Створення та розвиток мотивації у студентів у процесі вивчення іноземної мови
Стаття присвячена визначенню основного поняття мотивації - внутрішньої та зовнішньої. Крім того, ми досліджуємо шляхи підвищення мотивації студентів у процесі вивчення іноземної мови за допомогою ігрових або дистанційних технологій. Нещодавні глобальні зміни повністю змінили стабільний уклад суспільного життя та значно вплинули на освітню сферу. Освіта - одна із областей, яка різко змінилася і з'явилося головне завдання - впровадження інноваційних технологій. В усьому світі можна помітити проблему “гнучкості” освіти та впровадження дистанційних технологій, які можуть допомогти покращити навчальні процеси. Отже, виникла інша проблема: мотивувати студентів у процесі дистанційного навчання для досягнення ефективних результатів. Проблема мотивації студентів є однією з найважливіших на сьогоднішній день, оскільки мотивація - це сама по собі сила, яка впливає на формування індивідуальної поведінки, цілей та діяльності кожного учня.
У цій статті ми вивчаємо мотиваційні об'єкти, які можуть допомогти контролювати реалізацію намірів та обирати нові прийоми та стратегії мотивації. Відзначаємо важливість мотивації при вивченні іноземної мови як індивідуально, так і в групах, а також при дистанційному навчанні та в навчальних закладах. Поняття «дистанційне навчання» визначається як таке, що передбачає інтеграцію інформаційно-педагогічних технологій для забезпечення інтерактивності взаємодії вчителя та учня і тим самим продуктивності навчального процесу. Визначено, що мотивація є ключовим елементом у вивченні мови. Внутрішня мотивація полягає у виконанні завдання, тому що це весело, а не добре чи погано. Зовнішня мотивація спричинена зовнішніми факторами, такими як відповідність очікуванням вчителя або оцінюванням за допомогою балів. Ми проводимо короткий аналіз сучасних інформаційних технологій, таких як програми, додатки, які використовуються в навчальному процесі для підвищення рівня мотивації студентів у процесі вивчення іноземних мов. Також досліджуємо роль вчителя в цьому процесі, його вміння організувати навчальний процес, створити позитивну атмосферу спілкування.
Ключові слова: мотивація, процес вивчення іноземної мови, внутрішня мотивація, зовнішня мотивація, техніки підвищення мотивації.
The problem of motivation has been discovering by many scientists for many years and will be investigated in future. The importance of forming motivation in the process of foreign languages studying has been revealed by domestic and foreign researchers, such as H. Heckausen, A. Maslow, R. Kegan, L.I. Bozhovich, J. Piaget, B. Werner, W. Lambert and others. Many works have been written on the topic of forming students' motivation. Nevertheless, this problem does not lose its relevance and needs further indepth study.
First of all, we would like to reveal the notion and types of motivation as it is the key point in this work. Motivation is usually understood as the determination of human behaviour. This approach allowed outstanding scientists O. Leontiev [6, p. 256], S. Rubinstein [8, p. 545] and P. Halperin [9, p. 307] to identify external and internal motivation, understanding by intrinsic (internal) motivation that which is born in consciousness of human activity itself, an understanding of social utility in what it is man does, satisfaction with the result and process of activity. Thus, the intrinsic motivation arises from the needs of the person himself, and therefore this person performs one or another activity without any interference. To the internal negative motivation can be included punishment, criticism and condemnation. External motivation includes motives that are manifested outside the person and its activities: fear, condemnation, desire for prestige. External positive motivation is promotion, incentives for which a person considers it necessary to make an effort. Thus, it can be argued that intrinsic motivation is the source of human development as a person, which stimulates human desire for perfection. External motivation only orients a person to achieve his personal goals. V. Leontiev, as a result of his research, states the existence of two types of motivation - primary and secondary, believing that the primary motivation is manifested in the form of need, instinct, and secondary - in the form of motive [6, p. 156].
We can define motivation as the desire to act in service of a goal. It's the crucial element in setting and attaining personal aims or objectives. Motivation is one of the driving forces behind human behaviour. It fuels competition and sparks social connection. Its absence can lead to mental illnesses such as depression. Motivation encompasses the desire to continue striving toward meaning, purpose, and a life worth living [1, p.178]. Thus, we can notice the importance of such component as motivation in every process of our life where education is one of the most important processes. We can divide motivation on two types: external motivation - where a person is inspired by outside forces, other people or rewards; and internal motivation - where the inspiration comes from within, the desire to improve at a certain activity. Internal motivation tends to push people more forcefully, and the accomplishments are more fulfilling.
To define the essence of the concept of “learning motivation” we turn to consideration of cognitive activity that occurs almost throughout the period of formation of personality, starting with kindergarten and graduating from secondary and higher education. Scientific-pedagogical and pedagogical workers of higher educational institutions constantly looking for the latest ways to improve learning. Scientists, scientific and pedagogical workers and psychologists search for the theoretical and methodological nature, which would allow not only to intensify and to optimize the educational process in modern higher education institutions, but also to develop creative independence of future specialists. Behind these searches is desire to form in students' stable cognitive interests that can become motivation of the learning process [2, p. 155]. technology motivation student foreign language
Investigating the problem of learning motivation, P. Jacobson draws conclusions about the existence of three types of learning motivation: negative motivation, motivation, outside the educational activity, and the motivation inherent in educational activities [9, p. 135]. Thus, according to the analysis of modern scientific works domestic and foreign scientists it can be said that learning motivation is a certain system of external and internal motives learning, the hierarchy and interaction of which is formed under the influence of pedagogical conditions, has a multilevel structure, the levels of formation of which can be assessed according to certain criteria and indicators that reflect the attitude of subjects of study to the discipline they are studying and the formation of which carried out in several successive stages. That is, educational activities, as well as any other multi-vector activity, formed not by one, but many motives that form a certain hierarchical structure and interaction. Some of them appear as ultimate goals and give the activity personal content, and others have only temporary, situational significance and appear as intermediate goals activities.
We should underline personality motives and needs as factors of appearance and growing of motivation. Analyzing the learning process in a modern high school we can make a conclusion that interest in educational and cognitive activities arises only when the lecturer evokes an emotional response in students, thus, we will consider interest as the motive in which it is embodied positive emotional state of personality. One of the priorities in the solution to this problem is the introduction of modern technologies, trainings that provides further improvement of educational process, accessibility and effectiveness of education, preparation of the younger generation for life in the information society. This is achieved by ensuring the gradual informatization of the education system aimed at meeting the educational, information and communication needs of the participants of educational process, development of individual modular training and programs of different levels of complexity depending on specific needs.
We should mention traditional and innovative methods of learning technology. traditional teaching methods that have been used for many centuries and which are relevant in modern higher education. To this group includes verbal, visual, practical, control and independent teaching methods. Innovative teaching methods that are aimed at forming students creative independent thinking, creative skills and non-standard skills solving certain professional problems. This group includes the following methods: as a lecture-conversation - “dialogue with the audience”, “lecture-analysis of a specific situation”, “Lecture consultation”, “lecture-press conference”, brainstorming, method round table Innovative learning technologies are implemented not only as defined traditional principles, methods and forms of teaching, but also using innovative learning tools according to the ultimate goal. One example of Innovative technologies of interest are, in our opinion, technology “Creating a situation of success”, which is based on personality-oriented approach to the learning process. The main purpose of this technology is to give each student the opportunity to experience the joy of success and faith in own strength and awareness of their abilities. In this technology completely implements a personal approach to the subject of study, which is one of principles of organization of educational work in educational institutions at the present stage. The technology of group learning activities needs special attention. In this activity students are grouped and under the guidance of a teacher for a joint-solution tasks according to the educational purpose [9, p. 267]. In addition, group training activity in the classroom helps to create conditions for the formation of motivation training, promotes the activation and effectiveness of training, education humane relations between subjects of study. In our opinion, initiative-advanced learning technologies should be followed include modular technology. According to the results of the analysis of psychological and pedagogical works on the introduction of such technologies in the educational the process of higher education institutions of Ukraine it is possible to say that modular learning is a process of learning modules in a complete didactic cycle, which covers the purpose and objectives, content, methods and forms of education. Each module is accompanied by methodological support - selection methodical developments for independent work of students, completed list of literature, a set of tasks for individual work, containing typical tasks for elaboration of separate parts of educational material, final tasks of a problematic nature. Pedagogical support each individual course has computer tools, including packages demonstration programs and simulator programs. An integral part of the new learning technology is a systematic step-by-step control - evaluation independent works, colloquia, tests, etc. In addition, computers are of great interest today especially with COVID-19 appearance all over the world. Exploring the problem of forming a positive motivation to learn, famous scientist A. Markova concludes that the main factors that affect its formation, there are: content of educational material, organization of educational activities, style of pedagogical activity of the teacher, collective forms of educational activity, assessment of educational activities [7, p. 125]. According to the researching of V. Klachko it is believed that the formation of the “optimal structure of educational motives is possible under the condition of implementation of such principles in the educational process of higher education institutions: professionalization of education, problems of content, forms and methods of teaching, creative nature of educational and cognitive activities, dialogic learning. V. Klachko also notes that the implementation of these principles is ensured by using such forms and methods of teaching as: business game, discussion, imitation, solving professional problems, lecture-conversation, lecture consultation, lecture with the use of elements of “brainstorming”. The ultimate goal of foreign language learning course in higher education is quite remote in time, and therefore it should be supported not only by intermediate learning objectives, but also procedural motives [5, p. 11]. It can be achieved by calling such cognitive motives as: conducting the educational process at the level of student functionality, maximum reliance on mental activity, emotional atmosphere of learning, favorable communication in the educational process, intensification of students' educational activities, internal motivation of the teacher. We identify two ways of formation of positive motivation to learn a foreign language: indirect, i.e. through professional and communicative motives, and direct - by stimulation searching activity of students on language material.
One of the basic techniques the lecturer should create and support in class is the friendly atmosphere in process which can greatly contribute to students' motivation to be involved in educational process. Next, effective and easy techniques in positive motivation forming in foreign language classes are computers and electronic textbooks due to which the lecturer can expand clarity in explaining grammatical material as well as using notes, pictures and diagrams. Positive motivation to learn a foreign language can be formed by conditions for the adequacy of educational activities to cognitive abilities and skills of students, i.e. the teaching material taught must be both accessible to students and should require some effort for its assimilation. Various forms and types of cognitive activities in foreign language classes in higher education institutions contribute to the consolidation of interest in the topic being studied. Individual, group and collective forms of cognitive activity can be used in classes. Individual forms of educational and cognitive activities involve independent work of students, which can be implemented in the process of educational and cognitive classroom and extracurricular work. The main means of individual form of work during classroom classes are variability of the tasks offered at choice, taking into account the level training, interests and opportunities of students. In turn, various forms of collective and group activities as well give the opportunity to differentiate educational activities so as to make it feasible for each student. It should be noted that modern didactics rightly sees in game forms of learning opportunities of effective interaction of lecturer and students. With the help of game techniques lecturer can connect to the implementation of educational tasks an additional reserve - the game activities in which students are attracted by the opportunity to feel positive experience and emotions. In addition, game elements of educational activities provide interested perception of educational material and are a means encouraging students to study.
Consider the factors of psychological and pedagogical success in foreign language classes, namely: achieving a positive result and the teacher's faith in the cognitive abilities of each student. This is possible due to the other two lecturer's important factors, such as: deep knowledge of the subject by the teacher and enthusiasm of the teacher for his/her subject.
In conclusion, we would like to underline several effective methods of motivation formation and development for students of non-linguistic faculties in process of education in higher educational institutes: practical teaching methods (preparatory, trial, training and creative exercises); visual teaching methods (demonstration, computer demonstration); methods of control and correction of knowledge, skills and abilities (computer control and self-monitoring, oral and written testing); methods of stimulating and motivating educational and cognitive activities, creating situations of interest in learning, explaining the purpose of learning subject and encouragement in education); methods of activating educational and cognitive activities (intellectual games, training and instrumental games, role and educational business games). At the same time, the main factor that leads to increased motivation is a need to master the knowledge, skills and abilities that will further form the foundation of professional activity. In motives of self-development and achievements are revealed to the students interested in scientific activity. They make you work hard, solve complex problems, engage in self-education, overcome difficulties to achieve the highest results. The essential factors for motivation development still remain organization of the educational process, content of educational material, the impact of interpersonal relationships of teachers and students, a flexible system of assessment of educational and cognitive activities of students, creating a situation of success in foreign language classes, high level of professional competence of the lecturer.
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