Criteria for the effectiveness of professional training of future physical culture teachers

Determinstion of the criteria, indicators and characterize the level of formation of the readiness of future physical culture teachers for professional activity. Structure of the readiness of future physical culture teachers for professional activity.

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Дата добавления 26.07.2022
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Sports and Health, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Dmitriieva Nikol Subkhanivna Master's

student Department of Olympic and Professional

Sports, Faculty of Physical Education



physical culture teacher professional

The purpose of the article is to determine the criteria, indicators and characterize the level of formation of the readiness of future physical culture teachers for professional activity. The article defines the structure of the readiness of future physical culture teachers for professional activity. The analysis of scientific literature and own experience of teaching made it possible to single out the motivational-value, cognitive, procedural and emotional-volitional components of the readiness of future specialists for recreational and health-improving activities. Indicated on their own substructure, relationship and interdependence. Criteria (motivational, cognitive, activity and personality), indicators and levels (low, medium, high) of the readiness formation of future physical culture teachers for professional activity in recreational health-improving activity were determined. Indicators of the motivational criterion are the professional orientation of students towards recreational and health-improving activities, understanding the importance of the profession in the field of physical recreation, awareness of the social significance of recreational and health-improving activities, positive motivation to use the means of recreational and health-improving activities, interest and need for self-improvement in recreational and health-improving activities, desire to use modern technologies of recreational and recreational activities. The indicators of the cognitive criterion are the completeness, depth and scientific character of knowledge about the peculiarities of using methods and means of recreational and health-improving activities, possession of a scientific thesaurus in the field of physical recreation. The indicators of the activity criterion are professionally oriented skills of design, planning, organization and implementation of recreational and recreational activities; possession of modern health technologies, the use of the acquired knowledge to solve the assigned tasks, the ability to create their own style of work. We consider such qualities as volitional potential, empathy, the need for approval, in search of new impressions as indicators of the personal criterion. Clarification of the methodological foundations and historical aspects became the basis for the development of a system of professional training of future physical culture teachers.

Keywords: physical education teacher, efficiency criteria, professional training, pedagogical education, professional training of physical education teachers.


Дмітрієва Ніколь Субханівна студент магістратури кафедри олімпійського та професійного спорту, факультет фізичного виховання, спорту і здоров'я, Національний педагогічний університет імені М. П. Драгоманова, м. Київ


Мета статті - визначити критерії, показники та охарактеризувати рівні сформованості готовності майбутніх учителів фізичної культури до професійної діяльності. У статті визначено структуру готовності майбутніх учителів фізичної культури до професійної діяльності. Аналіз наукової літератури та власний досвід викладацької діяльності дозволив виділити мотиваційно-ціннісний, пізнавальний, процесуальний і емоційно-вольової компоненти готовності майбутніх фахівців до рекреаційно-оздоровчої діяльності. Зазначено на їх власну підструктуру, взаємозв'язок і взаємозалежність. Визначено критерії (мотиваційний, когнітивний, діяльнісний та особистісний), показники і рівні (низький, середній, високий) сформованості готовності майбутніх учителів фізичної культури до професійної діяльності в рекреаційно оздоровчої діяльності. Показниками мотиваційного критерію є професійна спрямованість студентів на рекреаційно-оздоровчу діяльність, розуміння значення професії в сфері фізичної рекреації, усвідомлення суспільної значущості рекреаційно-оздоровчої діяльності, позитивна мотивація до використання засобів рекреаційно-оздоровчої діяльності, інтерес і потреби в самовдосконаленні в рекреаційно-оздоровчої діяльності, бажання використовувати сучасні технології рекреаційно-оздоровчої діяльності. Показниками когнітивного критерію є повнота, глибина і науковість знань про особливості використання методів і засобів рекреаційно-оздоровчої діяльності, володіння науковим тезаурусом в області фізичної рекреації. Показниками діяльнісного критерію є професійно орієнтовані вміння та навички проектування, планування, організації та здійснення рекреаційно-оздоровчої діяльності; володіння сучасними оздоровчими технологіями, використання набутих знань для вирішення поставлених завдань, здатність до створення власного стилю роботи. Показниками особистісного критерію вважаємо такі якості, як вольовий потенціал, емпатія, потреба в схваленні, в пошуках нових вражень. З'ясування методичних основ і історичних аспектів стало основою для розробки системи професійної підготовки майбутніх вчителів фізичної культури.

Ключові слова: вчитель фізичної культури, критерії ефективності, професійна підготовка, педагогічна освіта, професійна підготовка вчителів фізичної культури.

Formulation of the problem

The rapid development of science and technology, socio-economic and cultural changes taking place in modern society put on the agenda the task of training highly qualified and competitive specialists for the field of physical culture and sports. The features of the professional activities of such specialists indicate the need to modernize the content, forms and methods of higher education in this area [1].

The priority national values that determine the socio-economic policy of civilized countries are health and the formation of a healthy lifestyle. The health of the nation is an indicator of the maturity, culture and success of the state. The development of society, global changes in the economy, culture and science have led to urbanization, informatization, industrialization and a significant decrease in human motor activity. Recreational and health-improving activities can serve as an effective means of preventing the negative consequences of the development of modern civilization [2].

New pedagogical technologies orient the system of higher physical education towards training graduates with professional competence and skills to navigate the labor market, present themselves favorably, and withstand competition with other job applicants. Therefore, one of the tasks of higher education is to create conditions for the preparation of a graduate who can compete in the labor market. The solution to the problem of employment of future specialists in physical education and sports is based on a competence-based approach, in which the professional and personal characteristics of a graduate are associated with the personnel needs of the recreational and healthimproving sphere [3].

Analysis of the latest research and publications

Physical education centers for physical activity are clearly distinct from general knowledge-based subjects. Thus, online physical education lessons require special preparation and work to convey and practice the values of physical education well. Nowadays, as in-person school visits and online lessons are conducted in tandem around the world, it is necessary to examine whether online physical education lessons are being conducted and whether the values of physical education are being conveyed accordingly. However, preliminary research on the effectiveness and potential of online physical education lessons is limited. The importance of the quality of higher physical education for the effective professional training of future specialists in physical education and sports determines both the degree of their readiness for recreational and recreational activities and their personal, worldview and civic development [4].

Mental health is divided into two poles: 1) psychological well-being or having a healthy mental state, and 2) psychological stress or having a mental health problem. To study psychological health, three dimensions are distinguished: "I", "Others" and "Work". The psychological stress pole has been studied and discussed in relation to learning, which has contributed to the advancement of knowledge and a better understanding of the phenomenon of distress and well-being. There are various consequences in terms of social costs, occupational wear and tear, attrition and burnout. This research project was designed to counter this psychological stress in the teaching profession, which has been the subject of debate over the years. Attempts to understand the situation suggest focusing on the well-being of teachers and how to achieve it [5].

To discuss the first dimension, the self, presents “meaning” as a key element of well-being. In a learning context, meaning includes identity formation, social responsibility, roles played and the willingness to contribute to the potential development of learners by achieving goals; therefore it is the most valuable element. Meaning is also referred to as the consistency between a person and the work he does, her expectations, her values, and the daily activities in which he performs her environment. In a professional context, meaning seems to be based on the need for consistency between personal values and values transmitted in the professional environment. In creating meaning, character strengths are considered the driving force and cornerstone of well-being [6].

The purpose of the article is to determine the criteria, indicators and characterize the level of formation of the readiness of future physical culture teachers for professional activity.

Presentation of the main material

In our study, we proceed from the fact that the criterion expresses the essence of the features of an object, on the basis of which it is possible to observe its state, the level of formation and development; evaluate and compare the results of our scientific search. The theoretical analysis of scientific literature and our own experience of teaching activities allowed us to determine the criteria for the formation of the readiness of future physical culture teachers for professional activity. These criteria include motivational, cognitive, activity and personality.

The motivational criterion for the formation of the readiness of future physical culture teachers for professional activity reflects the degree of students' professional orientation towards recreational health-improving activities, understanding the importance of the profession in the field of physical recreation, awareness of the social significance of recreational-health-improving activities, the formation of positive motivation to use the means of recreational and health-improving activities, interest and needs for self-improvement in recreational and recreational activities, the desire to use modern technologies of recreational and recreational activities.

The low level of readiness formation of future physical culture teachers for professional activity according to the motivational criterion is characterized by the lack of professional orientation of students to recreational and health-improving activities, lack of understanding of the importance of the profession in the field of physical recreation, lack of understanding of the social significance of recreational healthimproving activities, lack of positive motivation to use the means of recreational and health-improving activities, unstable interest and unexpressed needs for selfimprovement in recreational and recreational activities, undetected desires to use modern technologies of recreational and recreational activities.

The average level of formation of the readiness of future physical culture teachers for professional activity in recreational and health-improving activities according to the motivational criterion is characterized by a pronounced professional orientation of students to recreational-health-improving activities, situational understanding of the importance of the profession in the field of physical recreation, awareness of the social significance of recreational-health-improving activities, positive motivation for use of means of recreational and health-improving activities, occasional interest and expressed needs for self-improvement in recreational and health-improving activities, revealed desires to use modern technologies of recreational and health-improving activities.

The high level of the readiness of future physical culture teachers for professional activity according to the motivational criterion is characterized by a pronounced professional orientation of students towards recreational and recreational activities, a deep understanding of the importance of the profession in the field of physical recreation, a thorough understanding of the social significance of recreational and recreational activities, a pronounced positive motivation to use means of recreational and recreational activities, stable interest and pronounced needs for self-improvement in recreational and recreational activities, developed desires to use modern technologies of recreational and recreational activities.

The cognitive criterion of the readiness formation of future physical culture teachers for professional activity reflects the degree of theoretical awareness of the peculiarities of using the methods and means of carrying out recreational and healthimproving activities, the possession of a scientific thesaurus in the field of physical recreation.

Indicators of the cognitive criterion of the readiness formation of such specialists in physical education and sports in recreational and recreational activities are the completeness, depth and scientific nature of knowledge about the peculiarities of using methods and means of conducting recreational and recreational activities, possession of a scientific thesaurus in the field of physical recreation, the goal of mastering new knowledge in recreational recreational activities.

A low level of readiness formation of future physical culture teachers for professional activity according to the cognitive criterion is characterized by a lack of knowledge about the peculiarities of using methods and means of conducting recreational and health-improving activities, not possessing a scientific thesaurus in the field of physical recreation. Students are not interested in mastering new knowledge of recreational and health-improving activities, only with the aim of obtaining a credit or passing an exam. Students experience difficulties in developing their own judgments about the importance of recreational and health-improving activities.

The average level of the readiness formation of future physical culture teachers for professional activity in recreational and health-improving activity according to the cognitive criterion is characterized by superficial knowledge about the peculiarities of using the methods and means of conducting recreational health-improving activity. Students consciously perceive information and skillfully operate with a scientific thesaurus in the field of physical recreation. Their interest in mastering new knowledge of recreational and health-improving activities becomes the basis for the development of needs and interests. They are able to formulate and argue the purpose of their recreational and recreational activities. Students make their own judgments about the importance of recreational and health-improving activities.

The high level of readiness formation of future physical culture teachers for professional activity according to the cognitive criterion is characterized by strong, deep and scientific knowledge about the peculiarities of using methods and means of carrying out recreational health-improving activities. Students regularly read scientific literature in their specialty and thoroughly operate with a scientific thesaurus in the field of physical recreation. They express an interest in mastering new knowledge on the topic. They consciously and responsibly choose the goal of their recreational and recreational activities. Students are autonomous and independent in their assessments and judgments about the significance of such activities.

The activity criterion of the readiness of future physical culture teachers for professional activity reflects the degree of formation of professionally oriented skills in design, planning and implementation of recreational and recreational activities, orientation in the use of recreational and recreational activities, possession of modern technologies of recreational and recreational activities, use of the acquired knowledge in solving the tasks, creating your own style when working in the field of physical recreation, the ability to organize recreational and health-improving activities.

The indicators of the activity criterion for the formation of the readiness of future physical culture teachers for professional activity in recreational and recreational activities include professionally oriented skills in the design, planning and implementation of recreational and recreational activities, orientation in the use of recreational and recreational activities, possession of modern technologies of recreational and recreational activities., the use of the acquired knowledge in solving the assigned tasks, the ability to create their own style when working in the field of physical recreation, the ability to organize recreational health-improving activities.

The low level of the readiness formation of future physical culture teachers for professional activity according to the activity criterion is characterized by the absence of professionally oriented skills in design, planning and implementation of recreational and health-improving activities. Students are not guided in the use of the means of such activities. They experience difficulties in applying knowledge, abilities and skills in solving professional problems in the field of physical recreation. Students do not try to create their own style when working in the field of physical recreation. They have not developed the ability to organize recreational and recreational activities.

The average level of the readiness formation of future physical culture teachers for professional activity in recreational and health related activities according to the activity criterion is characterized by pronounced professionally oriented abilities and skills in the design, planning and implementation of recreational and health related activities. Students are well versed in using the means of such activities. They try to solve the assigned tasks using various means, while showing activity and initiative. Students try to create their own style when working in the field of physical recreation. They have developed the ability to organize recreational health-improving activities.

A high level of the readiness of future physical culture teachers for professional activity according to the activity criterion is characterized by pronounced professionally oriented skills and abilities in the design, planning and implementation of recreational and health-improving activities. Students are free to navigate in the use of the means of such activities. They thoroughly and consciously master modern technologies of recreational and recreational activities, freely, consciously and creatively use the knowledge gained when solving the assigned tasks. They clearly express the need for self-knowledge, self-development and creative realization of opportunities in the field of physical recreation. Students maximize their efforts to create their own style when working in the field of physical recreation. They have a stable ability to organize recreational and recreational activities.

The personal criterion of the formation of the readiness of future physical culture teachers for professional activity reflects the degree of formation of personal qualities, in particular, the need for approval, volitional potential, empathy and the need to search for impressions necessary for the implementation of recreational and health-improving activities.

The low level of the readiness of future physical culture teachers for professional activity according to the personal criterion is characterized by the weak development of such personal qualities as: the need for approval, strong-willed potential, empathy and the need to search for impressions necessary for the implementation of recreational and health-improving activities.

The average level of the readiness formation of future physical culture teachers for professional activity in recreational and health-improving activities according to the personal criterion is characterized by the development of such personal qualities as: the need for approval, volitional potential, empathy and the need to search for impressions necessary for the implementation of recreational and health-improving activities. Work in the field of physical recreation is associated with a feeling of psychological comfort and professional development.

A high level of the readiness of future physical culture teachers for professional activity according to personal criteria is characterized by the depth of development of such personal qualities as: the need for approval, strong-willed potential, empathy and the need to search for impressions necessary for the implementation of recreational and health-improving activities. Work in the field of physical recreation is associated with a sustained sense of emotional activity, psychological comfort, confidence and an increase in social status and qualifications.


The article defines the structure of the readiness of future physical culture teachers for professional activity. The analysis of scientific literature and own experience of teaching made it possible to single out the motivational-value, cognitive, procedural and emotional-volitional components of the readiness of future specialists for recreational and health-improving activities. Indicated on their own substructure, relationship and interdependence.

Criteria (motivational, cognitive, activity and personality), indicators and levels (low, medium, high) of the readiness formation of future physical culture teachers for professional activity in recreational health-improving activity were determined. Indicators of the motivational criterion are the professional orientation of students towards recreational and health-improving activities, understanding the importance of the profession in the field of physical recreation, awareness of the social significance of recreational and health-improving activities, positive motivation to use the means of recreational and health-improving activities, interest and need for self-improvement in recreational and health-improving activities, desire to use modern technologies of recreational and recreational activities. The indicators of the cognitive criterion are the completeness, depth and scientific character of knowledge about the peculiarities of using methods and means of recreational and health-improving activities, possession of a scientific thesaurus in the field of physical recreation. The indicators of the activity criterion are professionally oriented skills of design, planning, organization and implementation of recreational and recreational activities; possession of modern health technologies, the use of the acquired knowledge to solve the assigned tasks, the ability to create their own style of work. We consider such qualities as volitional potential, empathy, the need for approval, in search of new impressions as indicators of the personal criterion.

Students with a high level of readiness for professional activity are well oriented in the use of recreational and health-improving activities. They thoroughly and consciously master modern technologies of recreational and recreational activities, creatively and creatively use the knowledge gained to solve the assigned tasks. They clearly express the need for self-knowledge, self-development and professional selfrealization. Students maximize their efforts to create their own style of work. They have well-developed personal qualities such as volitional potential, empathy, the need for approval, the need to seek sensations. Work in the field of physical recreation is associated with a stable feeling of psychological comfort, emotional activity, with confidence in improving social status and qualifications.

In conclusion, this study allowed us to achieve our goal and identify various variables that influence the professional well-being of health and physical education teachers. Interestingly, the variables come from separate and interrelated categories and subcategories. Further research is needed to uncover teachers' perceptions of well-being and thereby determine whether well-being is a situational condition that changes with events or an overall condition that tends to remain stable over time.

Clarification of the methodological foundations and historical aspects became the basis for the development of a system of professional training of future physical culture teachers.


1. Dmitriieva N. (2021). Ensuring the acquisition of professional skills and professional experience during the practical training of professional junior bachelors in physical culture and sports. Engineering and Educational Technologies, 9 (2), 42-52. doi: 9770.2021.09.02.04

2. Dmitriieva, N. (2021). Psychological training of future specialists in physical culture and sports for the activities of a sports coach in higher education institutions. Engineering and Educational Technologies, 9 (1), 90-101. doi:

3. Dmitriieva, N.S. (2021). Formuvannia styliu profesiinoi diialnosti maibutnoho vchytelia fizychnoi kultury [Formation of style of professional activity of the future teacher of physical culture]. Perspectives and innovations of science, 1 (1), 2021, 31-38. 2021-1(1)-31-38 [in Ukrainian].

4. Salmi, H., Thuneberg, H. (2019). The role of self-determination in informal and formal science learning contexts. Learning Environments Research, 22(1), 43-63.

5. Zhou, L., Ntoumanis, N., Thogersen-Ntoumani, C. (2019). Effects of perceived autonomy support from social agents on motivation and engagement of Chinese primary school students: Psychological need satisfaction as mediator. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 58, 323-330

6. Vennix, J., den Brok, P., Taconis, R. (2018). Do outreach activities in secondary STEM education motivate students and improve their attitudes towards STEM? International Journal of Science Education, 40(11), 1263-1283


1. Dmitriieva, N. Ensuring the acquisition of professional skills and professional experience during the practical training of professional junior bachelors in physical culture and sports // Engineering and Educational Technologies. № 9 (2), 2021, pp. 42-52. doi: 10.30929/2307-9770.2021.09.02.04

2. Dmitriieva, N. Psychological training of future specialists in physical culture and sports for the activities of a sports coach in higher education institutions // Engineering and Educational Technologies. № 9 (1), 2021, pp. 90-101. doi:

3. Дмітрієва Н. С. Формування стилю професійної діяльності майбутнього вчителя фізичної культури // Перспективи та інновації науки. № 1 (1), 2021, С. 31-38.

4. Salmi, H., Thuneberg, H. The role of self-determination in informal and formal science learning contexts // Learning Environments Research. № 22(1), 2019, pp. 43-63.

5. Zhou, L., Ntoumanis, N., Thogersen-Ntoumani, C. Effects of perceived autonomy support from social agents on motivation and engagement of Chinese primary school students: Psychological need satisfaction as mediator // Contemporary Educational Psychology. № 58, 2019, pp. 323-330

6. Vennix, J., den Brok, P., Taconis, R. Do outreach activities in secondary STEM education motivate students and improve their attitudes towards STEM? // International Journal of Science Education. № 40(11), 2018, pp. 1263-1283

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