Окремі аспекти системи державного управління закладами вищої освіти: світові практики та український вимір

Стаття присвячена питанням визначення шляхів удосконалення системи державного управління закладами освіти з метою забезпечення їх конкурентоздатності. Проаналізовано основні тенденції нормативно-правового забезпечення діяльності закладів вищої освіти.

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Дата добавления 21.06.2022
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Окремі аспекти системи державного управління закладами вищої освіти: світові практики та український вимір

Олександр Михайлович Непомнящий

Кафедра публічного адміністрування Навчально-науковий інститут міжнародних відносин та соціальних наук Міжрегіональна академія управління персоналом Київ, Україна

Олександра Анатоліївна Марушева

Кафедра публічного адміністрування

Навчально-науковий інститут міжнародних відносин та соціальних наук Міжрегіональна академія управління персоналом Київ, Україна

Юрій Григорович Прав

Кафедра публічного адміністрування Навчально-науковий інститут міжнародних відносин та соціальних наук Міжрегіональна академія управління персоналом Київ, Україна

Оксана Валеріївна Медведчук

Кафедра публічного адміністрування Навчально-науковий інститут міжнародних відносин та соціальних наук Міжрегіональна академія управління персоналом Київ, Україна

Ірина Анатоліївна Лагунова

Кафедра публічного адміністрування Навчально-науковий інститут міжнародних відносин та соціальних наук Міжрегіональна академія управління персоналом Київ, Україна


Стаття присвячена питанням визначення шляхів удосконалення системи державного управління закладами освіти з метою забезпечення їх конкурентоздатності. У статті проаналізовано основні тенденції нормативно-правового забезпечення діяльності закладів вищої освіти, в результаті чого визначено базові нововведення закону України "про вищу освіту" від 2014 року, що став основою формування систем академічної мобільності, доброчесності та автономії. Було визначено основні проблеми розвитку системи вищої освіти в Україні, що полягають у недосконалих механізмах управління, неефективній системі фінансування та неповній реалізації процесів академічної автономії, визначених законодавчо. Проаналізовано основні підходи до реформування системи вищої освіти в Україні, в результаті чого було визначено роль системи державного управління в регулюванні та координації закладів вищої освіти. Дана система на сьогодні не є гнучкою, тому не може бути ефективною. Створення підходів щодо рейтингування закладів вищої освіти визначає формат перерозподілу коштів у системі державного фінансування освіти. Дана система дозволить мотивувати заклади освіти до підвищення рівня якості освітнього процесу, науково-дослідницької діяльності, академічної мобільності, партнерських зав'язків, рівня матеріально-технічного забезпечення освітнього процесу, рівня працевлаштування випускників за спеціальністю тощо. Дані показники забезпечують мотивацію до підвищення ефективності роботи закладів вищої освіти, проте не вирішують повністю проблему нестачі фінансування, зокрема на інноваційну діяльність. Низька оплата праці професорсько- викладацького складу також негативно позначається на освітньому процесі. Отже, у статті надано рекомендації щодо можливості підвищення ефективності системи державного управління закладами вищої освіти, які полягають у створенні можливостей для залучення фінансових ресурсів партнерів закладів вищої освіти, співпраці освіти та бізнесу, спрощення системи освоєння грантів та фінансової співпраці із іноземними закладами освіти державний управління освіта

Ключові слова: державне управління, механізми державного управління, заклади вищої освіти, світовий досвід розвитку освіти

Oleksandr M. Nepomnyashchyy

Department of Public Administration Educational-Scientific Institute of International Relations and Social Sciences Interregional Academy of Personnel Management Kyiv, Ukraine

Oleksandra A. Marusheva

Department of Public Administration Educational-Scientific Institute of International Relations and Social Sciences Interregional Academy of Personnel Management Kyiv, Ukraine Yurii H. Prav

Department of Public Administration Educational-Scientific Institute of International Relations and Social Sciences Interregional Academy of Personnel Management Kyiv, Ukraine

Oksana V. Medvedchuk

Department of Public Administration Educational-Scientific Institute of International Relations and Social Sciences Interregional Academy of Personnel Management Kyiv, Ukraine

Iryna A. Lahunova

Department of Public Administration Educational-Scientific Institute of International Relations and Social Sciences Interregional Academy of Personnel Management Kyiv, Ukraine


The article deals with determining ways to improve the system of public administration of educational institutions in order to ensure competitiveness. Were analysed the main trends in the regulatory support for the activities of higher education institutions in the article, as a result of which the basic innovations of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", which became the basis for the formation of systems of academic mobility, virtue and autonomy, were defined. The main problems of development of higher education system in Ukraine were identified, consisting of imperfect management mechanisms, inefficient system offinancing and incomplete implementation of processes of academic autonomy defined by law. The main approaches to reforming the higher education system in Ukraine were analysed, as a result of which the role of the public administration system in the regulation and coordination of higher education institutions were determined. Today this system is not flexible and therefore cannot be effective. The creation of approaches to the rating of higher education institutions determines the format of redistribution of funds in the system of state financing of education. This system will motivate educational institutions to improve the quality of the educational process, research activities, academic mobility, partnerships, the level of material and technical resources of the educational process, the level of employment of graduates in the specialty and the like. These indicators provide motivation to improve the performance of higher education institutions, but do not fully solve the problem of lack of funding, in particular for innovation. Low pay for faculty members also affects the educational process negatively. Thus, the article gives recommendations on the possibility of increasing the effectiveness of the system of state management of universities, which consists in creating opportunities to attract financial resources ofpartners of higher educational institutions, cooperation of education and business, simplification of the system of development of grants and financial cooperation with foreign educational institutions

Keywords: public administration, public administration mechanisms, higher education institutions, world experience, development of education

In authors' opinion, poor quality of higher education is a leading, complex threat to the sustainable development of higher education in Ukraine [17-19]. The quality of higher education depends on many factors, but, as the results of the correlation analysis show, its correlation with the state of corruption in the HEI of Ukraine is significant (r = 0.516 p <0.05). As it has been defined above, the leading threat to the sustainable development of higher education in Ukraine is the systemic problems with graduates' employment, and which, in the opinion of experts, are closely linked to corruption in the HEIs, which in turn significantly affects the quality of higher education (r = 0.818 p <0.05). Another major threat is the desire of young people to pursue higher education in foreign educational institutions with further employment in these countries, which is functionally correlated with the professional competence of teachers of HEIs (r = 1.000 p <0.05), the depreciation of diplomas and the status of higher education. = 0.671 p <0.05), a state of corruption in the HEIs (r = 0.516 p <0.05).

Third in the rating of threats were processes related to the emigration of scientists abroad, which significantly correlated with the processes of depreciation of diplomas and status of higher education (r = 0.624 p <0.05) and the decrease in the number of higher education institutions (r = 0.571 p < 0.05). It is important to understand the reasons for the devaluation of diplomas and the status of higher education in Ukraine, and within the questions posed, they may, on the basis of established dependencies, be the subjective factors that characterise the quality of the educational process in the HEIs of Ukraine: national-patriotic upbringing of youth (r = 0.516 p <0.05); professional competence of teachers (r = 0.671 p <0.05); interaction between the state and the public (r = 0.516 p <0.05); emigration of competitive scientists abroad (r = 0.624 p <0.05).

It should also be noted that the level of corruption in the HEI is significantly related and, in authors' opinion, influences the quality of education (r = 0.516 p <0.05), which determines: the ability of graduates to continue to successfully work (r=0.810 p <0.05); professional career and qualifications of teachers (r=0.516 p <0.05); development of a network of higher education institutions (decrease, increase of their number) (r = 0.463 p <0.05); the level of desire of young people to get higher education at home (r = 0.516 p <0.05). In addition, Friedman's analysis of variance and Kendall's coefficient of concordance of 0.654 (Table 5) gave ground for asserting a sufficient level of agreement of experts' opinions regarding the assessment of the presence or absence of certain types of threats to the sustainable development of higher education in Ukraine.

Rating of oblasts based on the significant majority of affirmative responses of public officials to the combined presence of threats to the sustainable development of higher education in their oblasts makes it possible to state that in all the studied areas the threats and crisis phenomena in the higher education system are relevant (Table 6).

According to civil servants, the most pronounced crisis processes are observed in Ternopil (Q=22.612), Poltava (Q=19.854), Khmelnitskyi (Q=15.632) oblasts (Fig. 1).

Assessing the studied areas from the point of view of a validly confirmed number of threats, it is advisable to state that the level of danger is high and critical in eight oblasts of Ukraine out of nine investigated (Tables 7; 8), because, according to experts, in their oblasts, there are 7 to 10 threats to the sustainable development of higher education. It should be noted that the ranking of threats in each oblast by significance indicates their different priority in terms of destructive influence on the processes of sustainable development of higher education, that is, their decomposition structure has a pronounced regional factor, but at the same time the authors emphasise that the three leading threats identified by them remain for all areas under study (Tables 7, 8).

Figure 1. Level of threats to the humanitarian sphere in the field of higher education of Ukraine in the studied areas:

1 - Volyn obl.; 2 - Ternopil obl.; 3 - Ivano-Frankivsk obl.; 4 - Khmelnitskyi obl.; 5 - Kyiv obl.; 6 - Zhytomyr obl.;

7 - Poltava obl.; 8 - Odesa obl.; 9 - Kharkiv obl.

The conducted research convincingly proves that the higher education system of Ukraine is in crisis, and its sustainable development is complicated by the existing threats and factors that are the source of their emergence [20]. The statistics presented by the authors on the quantitative features of the destructive processes occurring in the higher education system are in full agreement with the opinion of the surveyed public officials, which gives reason to conclude that the state administration have adequately assessed the state of affairs in the field of higher education. The content of the reform efforts of the country's government to modernise the higher education system by European and world standards makes it possible to state that the creation of new governance structures on the quality of education, the extension of powers and autonomy of higher education institutions, the regulation of the content and standards of higher education, etc. do not fully comply with the requirements and standards of threats to the sustainable development of higher education in Ukraine.

It should be noted that, as part of the overall strategy for the sustainable development of the higher education system of Ukraine, these measures are necessary and require regulation. However, the implementation of these measures will not produce the expected results without significant improvement in the material, technical, financial, information, etc. provision of scientific process, creation of decent conditions for remuneration of the teaching staff, social protection of students, the implementation by the state of planned, systematic activities to guarantee the implementation of the right to employment for graduates of HEIs. The Government does not conduct such measures, the strategy of long-term development of higher education and science in view of its integration into the concept of sustainable economic development of Ukraine is a priori absent, and the provisions and tasks of higher education development, defined in a number of state documents, are declarative and formal and in authors' opinion, in the current state of affairs of the country will not be implemented for a long time.

In addition, there is a fact that there is no state strategic planning and forecasting of indicators for which it is expedient to evaluate the effectiveness of the processes of sustainable development of higher education in Ukraine, its quality, and only an attempt to translate this problem into the primary link of the higher education system - an educational institution - is observed. Another major factor in the emergence of crises in the higher education system is corruption, which, under the socio-economic conditions of today, is, first of all, extremely low salaries for teaching staff, which does not concern the heads and administration of the HEI, government policy pursued by the government, the state of the citizens' legal consciousness, is insurmountable. At present, every institution of higher education has formally proclaimed the fight against corruption in the educational and scientific process, falsification and academic plagiarism in scientific research, which is enshrined in the orders and orders of managers, but in fact these shameful phenomena are widespread.

There is also insufficient interaction between the state and non-governmental organisations to work with student youth, parents on identifying and reporting to law enforcement agencies about corruption in higher education institutions in Ukraine. Thus, it should be acknowledged that the economic crisis, the unprofessionalism of the country'sgovernment, the political involvement of certain socially active segments of the population, the total control over the country by oligarchic- criminal groups will not allow a priori to change the situation in the field of higher education in the near future.

The conducted research makes it possible to state with confidence that the government policy of modernisation of the higher education system of Ukraine does not fully meet the urgent needs of society and the state and is not able to fully ensure effective counteraction to the existing threats to the sustainable development of higher education. In this context, it is necessary to identify the main directions of state policy, which require a first-rate scientific and theoretical substantiation and further regulatory support. Current state policy and relevant strategic programs for the development of higher education in Ukraine should

The Ukrainian system of higher education is in the conditions of reform and transformation, which is connected with the transition to the European educational space [1-4]. Innovative approaches to the construction of a quality system of higher education determine the priority of the state on the regulation of educational processes, as this field has high social importance [5; 6]. So, the reform of higher education is a priority of state development, because it is education that forms the future development of social and economic processes in the state. The key tasks facing the education system are the transformation of approaches to the presentation of educational material, the renewal of the physical resources in accordance with the needs of the modern market, and the improvement of the competitiveness of higher education institutions by improving the quality and standards of education, the reorientation of the system of students' training to the requirements of the modern labour market [7-9]. These tasks are the basis for the formation of the educational policy of the state in order to ensure its innovative development and competitiveness in the system of intellectual potential at the global level. So, the issue of public administration of universities has great practical relevance and requires research taking into account the development of modern economy and innovation [10].

The relevance of the topic of the study draws the attention of the authors to it. In particular, certain aspects of the system of public administration were defined in the scientific works of O. Yu. Obolensky [11], V.M. Martynenko [12] tried to systematize approaches to public administration in his work. N.M. Kolisnichenko [13] considered issues of public administration in the system of higher education in his thesis research. Certain aspects of management in education are defined in the work of I.V Moroz [14], O.M. Shelomovska [15] formed the concept of synergistic effect from the implementation of rational mechanisms of public administration in education. However, in the context of transformational processes and reform of the higher education system, it is useful to establish new priorities for the development of the field and the mechanisms of public administration in it. The constant development of science and technology, the increasing requirements for graduates of higher education institutions, the growing competition in labour markets at the global level influence the increasing relevance of this topic and the need to continue research on public administration in the field of higher education [16-18].

According to the relevance of the research, the purpose of the article is to find ways to increase the effectiveness of public administration of universities in order to ensure quality education and competitiveness of education of Ukraine in the world economic markets. For the purpose of research, the following tasks are realized:

- to analyse the main trends in the regulatory support for the activities of higher education institutions;

- to identify the main problems of the development of the higher education system in Ukraine;

- to analyse the main approaches to reforming the higher education system in Ukraine;

- to define the role of public administration in the regulation and coordination of higher education institutions;

- to give recommendations on the possibility of increasing the efficiency of the system of public administration of higher education institutions.

Materials and methods.

Under conditions of rapid development of economic systems, science and technology, modern educational field works in conditions of additional challenges and requirements to its effectiveness. Ensuring the competitiveness of higher education institutions is no longer only as knowledge and skills provided to students, an important factor is the mobility of the educational institution, its ability to integrate into the world educational and scientific space, adaptability, the possibility of transformation in accordance with the latest trends, modern forms and methods of building the educational process and many other factors [19; 20]. The European integration of Ukraine, on the one hand, has opened up additional opportunities for domestic educational institutions to establish scientific and educational ties with European and world partners, the opportunity to acquire experience and apply the best educational practices of the world, but, on the other hand, the opening of educational boundaries has increased competition and forced higher education institutions to operate at high standards, However, funding for these institutions is significantly lower from European institutions, which affects considerably the competitiveness of both individual institutions of higher education and the field as a whole. In these circumstances, it is important to find effective mechanisms for the management of higher education at the state level in order to create conditions for competitive development [21; 22].

The new provisions of Law of Ukraine No. 1556-VII "On Higher Education" Law of Ukraine No. 1556-VII "On Higher Education". (2014, July). Retrieved from https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1556-18#Text. have become special conditions for financing educational institutions, stimulation of quality improvement, control of quality of education by impartial institutions, conditions of rating for students and higher educational institutions themselves in obtaining state funding, creation of funds for scientific research and development, provision on academic mobility, integrity and autonomy of educational institutions, democratization of management processes. The basic concepts introduced into the higher education system were academic autonomy, virtue and mobility. We will analyze these concepts, and those changes and improvements that have been determined with their use - Table 1.

Table 1. Basic provisions of the legislative support of the higher education system under the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education"



Field of application


Academic virtue

A set of ethical principles and rules to be followed by participants in the educational process during training, teaching and carrying out scientific (creative) activities in order to ensure confidence in the results of training and/or scientific (creative) achievements

Uniqueness of research work and educational achievements of students

Ensuring the quality of the educational process, monitoring the identity of persons who are studying, protecting intellectual property rights in science and education

Academic mobility

Opportunity of participants in the educational process to study, teach, train or carry out scientific activities in another institution of higher education (scientific institution) in the territory of Ukraine or abroad

Establishment of ties and sharing of experience with the world's scientific and educational communities

Opportunity to gain leading world experience, participate in the latest trends and processes of education and scientific research

Academic freedom (autonomy)

Autonomy and independence of participants of educational process in the conduct of the pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical, scientific and/ or innovative activity which is carried out on the principles of freedom of expression and creation, dissemination of knowledge and information, carrying out scientific research and use of their results, and realized taking into account the restrictions set by the law

Opportunity for higher education institutions to be independent in their own activities, strategic decision-making and management decisions collectively

Transparency and democratization of educational processes, transfer of more powers "to the ground"

Therefore, the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" Law of Ukraine No. 1556-VII "On Higher Education". (2014, July). Retrieved from https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1556-18#Text. contributed to the development of the processes of ensuring the quality control of the educational process, the performance of education, opened wide opportunities for cooperation at the global level, created new opportunities for the development of higher education institutions [13].

Results and discussion

However, along with positive points, these concepts have discovered and exacerbated problematic aspects of the development of the domestic higher education system, among which it is useful to identify the following:

- low competitiveness of Ukrainian higher education institutions in the international arena;

- low level of financial support for institutions of higher education, both at the expense of the state budget and due to the formation of own revenues, for example, from the conduct of contract form of training, economic contractual relations, grant projects, etc.;

- the desuetude of physical resources of higher education institutions, which affects the possibilities of quality education of students taking into account modern technological processes and the performance of economic contractual works and innovative research;

- low level of remuneration of faculty members, lack of systems of motivation of faculty members, equalization of wages without taking into account real achievements and volume of work;

- high extent of bureaucratization of educational process: the duplicating reports, statistical information which cannot be authentic owing to a number of factors and is not presented in full etc.;

- legislative and regulatory barriers to the development of higher education institutions, unreasoned tender systems, prohibitions on certain types of procurement relating to innovative development, etc.

In relation to the identification of these problems, as such, which impede the development of the field and reduce its competitiveness, it is necessary to consider the steps of transformation that the state is undertaking to improve the situation. In order to increase competition between higher education institutions and European colleagues, the following regulatory measures have been applied and are being developed and implemented at the state level:

- activation of academic mobility processes, development of new regulatory documents supporting the development of academic mobility projects in Ukraine and abroad, liberalization of departure processes, processing papers and reports on the results of academic mobility programs and projects;

- development of catalogs of financing of higher education institutions depending on the achievements of the institution of higher education, which are measured by indicators of academic mobility, research work, ratings of the educational institution in scientometric databases related to publications of researchers and their citation, indicators of employment of graduates by specialty and other assessment criteria;

- creation of new accreditation and licensing systems, which are connected with the need to ensure transparency and impartiality of these processes, the creation of a system of expert assessment and comprehensive assessment of the results of the activities of the institution of higher education in certain training programs or specialty.

So, today the system of public administration works in the direction of developing approaches to differentiation of opportunities to receive budget financing by universities. Since budgetary money is insufficient to fully finance the obligations of the Ministry of Education to universities of the state form of ownership (which are the majority in Ukraine), mechanisms for its more effective distribution are being developed under conditions of limited funding by state institutions [23; 24]. This situation leads to support for higher education institutions with high ratings and reduces the competitive advantages of those educational institutions that are inefficient. Of course, this situation will lead to the closure of less competitive higher education institutions, but fundamentally the problems of renewal and modernization of the domestic higher education system will not solve.

The author proposes to consider the possibility of creating financial autonomy for higher education institutions, which will allow them to compete in the market for the provision of educational services, freely dispose of their financial resources, directing them to development and improvement. The financial autonomy system may include the following elements:

- expansion of the powers of higher education institutions to use financial resources of their own income;

- increasing opportunities for higher education institutions to cooperate with foreign partners in joint projects and programmes;

- creation of conditions for attracting business investments in the development of science and education, formation of partnerships for the development of innovative projects, financing of research and training of future specialists;

- creation of conditions of real financial autonomy on the basis of public control of supervisory boards of educational institutions, formation of foundations of open competition in the market of educational services provision.


So, the result of the research was an analysis of the current situation to ensure the state management of universities. The world's leading experience shows that state regulation of the education system should be based not on administrative and managerial mechanisms, but on the creation of conditions of real competition. In particular, an important aspect of the development of the education system and its integration into the world educational space was the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", which defined the foundations of academic mobility, academic virtue, autonomy. The development of academic mobility has increased the capacity of higher education institutions to partner with institutions around the world. However, this trend has contributed not only to the exchange of experience and the creation of additional opportunities, but also to the low competitive capacity of domestic higher education institutions.

Issues of academic virtue contributed to improving the effectiveness of quality control systems of the educational process, the performance of knowledge and skills gained by students during the course of education. Academic freedom was viewed in terms of increasing the ability of educational institutions to self-realize. However, in analysing existing approaches to reforming and transforming the education system, an insufficient level of academic freedom (autonomy) was identified, which inhibits the solution of the main issue of ensuring the competitiveness of educational institutions - increasing the efficiency and financing of educational institutions. Proposals have been developed to ensure the effectiveness of these processes.


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