Forming foreign language learning strategies and framework to primary school children
The importance of strategies in learning a foreign language and teaching it. The work summarizes information about language learning strategies, defines the concept of language learning strategies and the framework of language learning strategies.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 21.06.2022 |
Размер файла | 22,2 K |
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Forming foreign language learning strategies and framework to primary school children
Ciladi V.V.,
Graduate Student at the Department of Pedagogy
Mukachevo State University
The purpose of the study is to emphasize the importance of strategies in learning a foreign language and teaching it. Work summarizes the available information on language learning strategies, defines the concept of language learning strategies and outlines the framework of language learning strategies proposed by leading researchers in this field. The role of the teacher in the application of the methodology of strategies is determined and a number of problems for further study of language learning strategies are given. The article substantiates the peculiarities of the use of language strategies in teaching a foreign language. An analysis of the problem of reading, writing awareness in the study of foreign languages in domestic and international research. Emphasis is placed on the four language skills with the application of strategy - the focus on conscious reading and comprehension of writing, listening and speaking that play a dominant role in teaching foreign languages. It is emphasized that effective conscious reading largely depends on the reader and on what procedure and technique is used to achieve the goal of reading. Reading strategies are intentional purposeful attempts of the reader to check and change the efforts to decipher the text, as well as to understand words and interpret the text. The ability to read correctly should be developed using a variety of reading methods, including reading such a foreign text that is in the best interests of the student. It is emphasized that the process of formulating an opinion is built on certain stages: planning, systematization of ideas, formulation of the thesis and writing a sketch, using such methods in strategy as brainstorming, interviews, grouping close ideas into groups, etc .; sketch stage - preparation of a sketch of an idea, in which the leading role is played by the content, not the form; preliminary consideration of the prepared material, constructive discussion and correction of grammatical and spelling errors; editing; designing the final version of the wording. It is determined that the strategy of learning a foreign language is important.
Key words: language learning strategies, framework, direct and indirect language learning, classification of strategies.
Мета дослідження - підкреслити важливість стратегій у вивченні іноземної мови та її викладанні. Робота узагальнює наявну інформацію про стратегії вивчення мови, визначає концепцію стратегій вивчення мови та окреслює рамки стратегій вивчення мови, запропоновані провідними дослідниками в цій галузі. Визначено роль викладача у застосуванні методології стратегій та наведено низку проблем для подальшого вивчення стратегій вивчення мови. У статті обґрунтовано особливості використання мовних стратегій у навчанні іноземної мови, проведено аналіз проблеми читання, письмової обізнаності під час вивчення іноземних мов у вітчизняних та міжнародних дослідженнях. Акцент робиться на чотирьох мовних навичках із застосуванням стратегії - фокус на свідомому читанні та розумінні письма, аудіювання та розмови, які відіграють домінуючу роль у навчанні іноземних мов. Підкреслюється, що ефективне свідоме читання значною мірою залежить від читача та від того, яка процедура та техніка використовуються для досягнення мети читання. Стратегії читання - це навмисні цілеспрямовані спроби читача перевірити та змінити зусилля з розшифровування тексту, а також зрозуміти слова та інтерпретувати текст. Вміння правильно читати слід розвивати із застосуванням різноманітних методів читання, включаючи читання такого іноземного тексту, який відповідає інтересам учня. Підкреслюється, що процес формулювання думки будується на певних етапах: планування, систематизація ідей, формулювання тези та написання ескізу, використання таких методів у стратегії, як мозковий штурм, інтерв'ю, групування близьких ідей у групи тощо; етап ескізу - підготовка ескізу ідеї, в якому провідну роль відіграє зміст, а не форма; попередній розгляд підготовленого матеріалу, конструктивне обговорення та виправлення граматичних та орфографічних помилок; редагування; розроблення остаточного варіанту формулювання. Визначено, що стратегія вивчення іноземної мови є важливою.
Ключові слова: стратегії навчання мови, рамки, пряме та непряме вивчення мови, класифікація стратегій. language foreign strategies
Formulation of the problem. A positive attitude towards languages, language learning, people who speak foreign languages and other cultures is crucial in foreign language communication, which includes respect for cultural diversity and openness to communication between languages and cultures. Language learning strategies are of paramount importance for lifelong learning, the knowledge and application of which helps learners to cultivate and develop their language skills independently and to acquire new languages [6, c. 1-2].
Analysis of current research and publications.
Research the question of language learning strategies began in the 1960s century. She studied language learning strategies significant influence of cognitive psychology (Williams and Burden) [8, c. 145]. In 1966, A. Carton published a work entitled "Method of judgment in learning a foreign language", which is the first attempt to study learning strategies. In 1971.
J. Rubin began to study the strategies of successful students and stated that these strategies can be used by less successful students and classified the processes that directly or indirectly contribute to language learning (Rubin) [7, c. 69]. And the main task was to "determine the results of learning a second foreign language" [7, c. 71]. The methodology of foreign language teaching strategies by secondary school students has been studied by such scholars as A. Wenden and J. Rubin, J. Richards and J. Platt, K. Fire and G. Casper, G. Stern, R. Oxford and others.
In the last twenty years it has taken place a breakthrough in the study of the problem of language learning is given more attention to students and their learning than to teachers and teaching. Along with a new area of research interest in foreign language learning, the researchers' primary goal was to identify how students process new information and what types of strategies they use to interpret, study, and memorize new information.
Aim. Substantiate the role of strategy methodology in learning a foreign language.
Materials and methods. Modern technology, authentic texts on the Internet, and a multitude of direct and indirect language learning opportunities help to develop the ability to learn independently. Whereas in the past the Internet only supported the development of comprehension of written and heard text, today there are hundreds of opportunities for productive language use as well. In addition to free authentic audio and video, images, dictionaries, and interactive assignments, written and oral chat, forums, and blogging provide an experiential language learning experience. However, the continuous development of the ability to learn independently requires talking about learning about oneself, helping to develop learning strategies, and creating opportunities for self-assessment and peer assessment [1, c. 3].
Integrating the knowledge, interests, needs, and language, non-language skills of language learners into the learning process plays an important role in the success of language learning. However, due to the variety of topics and the fact that it offers more opportunities to talk than any other subject, language learning is excellent for supporting the development of personality. Another key to success is continuous positive reinforcement, recognition of students' self-development [3, c. 11-12].
In childhood, language learning is based on the processes of natural language acquisition. Students engage in interesting, meaningful, and challenging activities appropriate to their age characteristics and level of development [4, c. 59].
They rely on their knowledge and experience of the world to understand the information in the target language, which, on the one hand, helps language learning and, on the other hand, deepens and expands its content. Similar to the acquisition of the mother tongue, the acquisition of a foreign language is always embedded in context, during specific speech situations in which the verbal and nonverbal elements form a natural unity. The latter are especially important at the beginning of language learning, as they
Table 1
Development unit |
Listening Comprehension |
Prior knowledge |
Experiences, knowledge, skills, personal and social competencies, learning abilities, learner's natural curiosity, and motivation to learn a foreign language acquired outside school and during schooling. |
Thematic unit of educational and development goals |
The learner follows a target language lesson supported by nonverbal elements and articulated with simple language tools. The student understands short and simple teacher instructions for classroom activities supported by nonverbal tools. Understands one-word, short-sentence questions and statements related to familiar topics. Recognizes familiar words and phrases in short, simple texts and is able to deduce possible content from these. |
Content of the development |
Understanding of target language lessons supported by nonverbal elements and formulated with simple language tools (e.g., classroom routine activities, organization of joint work, use of tools). Understand short and simple teacher instructions for classroom activities supported by nonverbal tools (e.g., drawing, playful tasks, manual activities, movement, playful activities: circle play, rhythm play, role play, puppet play, shadow play, board play). Understanding one-word, short-sentence questions and statements related to familiar topics (e.g., questions or answers directly related to the learner's person, family, immediate environment, everyday needs and activities). Active follow-up of the presentation of short, simple authentic texts related to known topics related to age, recognition of the learned language elements in the texts, filtering out the essence of the text with the help of moving, playful tasks that help comprehension. At the teacher's encouragement, an increasingly conscious reliance on nonverbal elements (e.g., images, sequences, objects, body language, pronunciation) and speech situation that accompany the texts they hear during comprehension. Getting to know the sound world and music of the language, distinguishing it from the sound world and music of the mother tongue (possibly other languages in a playful form). Types of text and text sources that can be used for the above activities. children's songs, children's poems, rhymes, illustrated tales and stories, short films, animated films, other audio materials for children, short dialogues with teachers, classmates, guests, teacher's speech. |
Development unit |
Verbal interaction |
Prior knowledge |
Experiences, knowledge, skills, personal and social competencies, learning abilities, the student's natural curiosity, and motivation to learn a foreign language acquired outside of school and during schooling. |
Thematic unit of educational and development goals |
The learner actively and happily participates in activities that require interaction. He expresses his intention to speak in simple language means, supported by nonverbal elements as necessary. He can ask simple questions about topics he is familiar with and answer simple questions with simple language tools. Based on the pattern, the student engages in short dialogues with peers about the topics learned. Participates in the joint presentation of short, simple texts. She strives to learn pronunciation, intonation and speech tempo close to the target language norm. |
Content of the development |
Expression of a message supported by nonverbal elements (e.g., gestures, facial expressions, intonation, intonation, images, objects) using simple language tools, i.e. one word or one short sentence. Responding to questions, requests, prompts formulated with simple language tools related to familiar topics or classroom situations with one-word answers and actions. Ask specific, simple questions related to familiar topics or classroom situations. Play a short dialogue with peers that includes simple language tools and nonverbal elements related to familiar topics. Active participation in the performance of songs, rhymes, tales, stories, children's games; engaging in non-verbal elements, commonly spoken texts and storytelling by repeating familiar words, phrases, linguistic twists. Types of text and text sources that can be used for the above activities children's songs, children's poems, rhymes, tales, short action sequences accompanied by movement, questions, short dialogues, descriptions of a few sentences. |
Development unit |
Connected speech |
Prior knowledge |
Experiences, knowledge, skills, personal and social competencies, learning abilities, student's natural curiosity and motivation to learn a foreign language acquired outside school and during schooling. |
Thematic unit of educational and development goals |
The student narrates short, simple texts. Together with his peers, he presents a simple text, a dialogue, with the help of a teacher. He speaks briefly about topics known to him, objects, living beings and events in his environment, connected, supported by nonverbal elements. The student presents his / her work with simple language tools. |
Content of development |
Children's literary work, rhyme, poem, song, fairy tale, etc. joint or independent performance (e.g. with musical accompaniment or puppetry) for peers, another group of students, class, parents or teachers. Saying a learned sequence of actions (e.g., simple gymnastics, dressing) accompanied by pictures or accompanied by movement. Presentation of role-playing with peers, supported by nonverbal elements, formulated with simple language tools, after proper practice and preparation. A short presentation of a work or object created by oneself or in a group, containing simple language tools and turns (e.g., making a storybook, exhibiting and giving an oral presentation). Joint or independent repetition after listening to and narrating a teacher's example and authentic sound material; playful practice of pronunciation, intonation, emphasis, rhythm (e.g., by changing volume or tone, expressing emotions, accompanied by rhythm instruments or movement). Types of text and text sources that can be used for the above activities Children's songs, children's poems, rhymes, short stories accompanied by movement, action sequences, tales, descriptions (e.g. presentation of student work). |
Development unit |
Reading comprehension |
Prior knowledge |
Experiences, knowledge, skills, personal and social competencies, learning abilities, the student's natural curiosity and motivation to learn a foreign language acquired outside of school and during schooling. |
Thematic unit of educational and development goals |
The student notices the differences between reading in the mother tongue and reading in the foreign language learned. Able to read and understand familiar words silently and to read words correctly after a teacher pattern. Able to read and process short texts together independently. Engages in playful language activities that require reading. Follows the written version of text on familiar topics. Discovers familiar words and phrases in a foreign source. Experiences independent reading in the target language. |
Development unit |
Writing skills |
Prior knowledge |
Experiences, knowledge, skills, personal and social competencies, learning abilities, the student's natural curiosity and motivation to learn a foreign language acquired outside of school and during schooling. |
Thematic unit of educational and development goals |
The student notices the differences between writing in their mother tongue and writing in the foreign language they have learned. The student knows the alphabet of the given language. Copies and describes short words and sentences during various language activities. Involves in player language activities that require writing. |
Content of development
Creating and solving playful written tasks at the level of words (e.g., crossword puzzle, word search, gallows, labelling parts of objects, pictures, creating rhyme pairs, word collection).
Creating and solving playful written tasks at the level of word structures and short sentences (e.g., drawing comics and writing text bubbles for them; labelling parts of objects, pictures, creating a message board).
Creating and solving player written tasks at the text level (e.g., compiling a storybook, booklet, writing rhymes, simple poems, writing a postcard, invitation, planning a simple board game, formulating its rules with the help of a teacher). Discovering linguistic twists (e.g., rhyme pairs) containing well-known words and creating them independently after a pattern. Types of text and text sources that can be used for the above activities
Simple everyday themed written texts at the level of words, phrases, simple sentences and short texts.
Reading words and phrases and performing related activities (e.g., labelling classroom objects, pairing words and pictures, playing dominoes, compiling sentence variations from word cards).
Reading simple texts and playing appropriate actions and series of actions based on it (e.g. making a paper telescope or making a fruit salad).
Comprehensive reading of simple texts (e.g. tales, stories, comics, dialogues).
Reading a story together with a teacher, getting involved in reading the story using familiar words.
Read and understand simple written messages (e.g., praise cards, greetings, classroom instructions).
Follow and read the lyrics of well-known songs on the screen or projector (e.g., karaoke).
Types of text and text sources that can be used for the above activities
Word and sentence cards, captioned posters and pictures, board games, simple comics, picture books, tales, children's songs, children's poems, rhymes, captions, brochures, guides, boards, packaging containing target language texts, videos, animated films, songs, rhymes animated help to interpret the speech situation and to realize the intention to speak in the absence of appropriate language tools. In the initial stage of language learning, the natural part of the students' lesson speech is also the question and answer in the mother tongue, which is used as feedback and confirmation in parallel with the teacher's consistent use of the target language.
Results and discussion. The joint development of listening comprehension and verbal interaction are in the centre of early familiarity with a foreign language, at this stage. During skills development, learners are introduced to the basic language learning strategies that are essential to become independent language learners later on.
During the learning process, the whole personality of the learner is shaped, so it is essential that foreign language teaching in early childhood is permeated by a holistic pedagogical approach. Putting this approach into practice requires great care in the selection and use of teaching materials and tools, as well as in the planning of activities and the organization and implementation of lessons [4, c. 65] (Table 1).
Properly designed, various forms of activity provide an opportunity to promote the learning environment and the successful acquisition of a foreign language. Child-friendly equipment rich in visual elements, encourage students to actively participate in language activities. The involvement of info communication tools can make language learning more interesting and motivating even at this age, and gives the teacher the opportunity to choose from a rich repertoire of age-appropriate authentic materials [5, с. 341].
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2. Pavlicevic D. Franic K. Aladrovic S. Development of communicative competence among plurilingual students in monolingual Croatian language practice. Journal for Foreign Languages, 2010.
3. Dieter Wolff. Integrating language and content in the language classroom: Are transfer of knowledge and of language ensured? Protigues et recherches en Centres de langues, 2003.
4. Genesee F., Paradis J., Crago M.B. Dual language development and disorders. A handbook on bilingualism and second language learning. 2004. Vol 11.
5. Harklau L. The role of writing in classroom second language acquisition. Journal of second language writing. 2002. P. 329-350.
6. Nefydov O.V. Development of foreign language autonomous learning: The roles of teacher and learner. Вестник науки и образования Северо-Запада России. 2017. Т З. № 4.
7. Wenden, A., Rubin J. Learner Strategies in Language Learning. New Jersey : Prentice Hall, 1987.
8. Williams, M., Robert L. Burden. Psychology for Language Teachers: A Social Constructivist Approach. Cambridge : CUP, 1997.
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