Use of modern innovative technologies in the process of learning English among students of non-philological specialties

Consideration of one of the topical issues of the methodology of teaching English - the use of innovative technologies in the educational process. Implementation of competency-based, activity-based, intercultural and communicative-cognitive approaches.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 16.06.2022
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Use of modern innovative technologies in the process of learning English among students of non-philological specialties

Olha Reida -- Senior Lecturer at the Department of Foreign

Languages of Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University

Kateryna Ivlieva - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Intelligent

Computer Systems of the National Technical University

"Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

Dina Huliieva - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate

Professor of the Department of Intelligent Computer Systems,

National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

The article discusses one of the topical issues of the methodology of teaching English--the use of innovative technologies in the educational process. The article emphasizes the need to implement competence-based, activity-based, intercultural and communicative-cognitive approaches for the formation of foreign language communicative competence among students of non-philological specialties. An attempt is made to substantiate the effectiveness and efficiency of innovative linguistic education technologies. It is concluded that the use of innovative technologies is one of the effective ways to improve the quality of linguistic training of future specialists.

The main feature of English for specific purposes (ESP) is a professionally oriented approach to learning English. It involves formation of students' ability to foreign language communication in specific areas and situations. Permanent and variable characteristics of a foreign language for specific purposes are given.

With regard to the use of video casts as a listening tool, it is assumed that they significantly improve the skills of understanding a foreign language by ear. The use of video casts in the learning process also provides an opportunity to show critical thinking skills, which is an important point in learning. From a methodological point of view, podcasts help develop speech skills in a foreign language. They make it possible to present new vocabulary and educational material in an interesting way, to enrich the semantic field and exercise in the language material, to form students' socio-cultural competence. Cooperative learning remains an important pedagogical technology of teaching English. The purpose of positional learning is to think over, prepare and argue for a specific position based on a text in a foreign language (forming a creative interpretation of this educational text in a group, discussing and controlling the course of the discussion). Case-method (situation analysis method) is one of the most effective methods of enhancing teaching. It is focused on the development of students' interest in the very process of acquiring knowledge in problem situations, as well as in communication situations, which is especially important when learning English. The significance of this method in teaching English to future specialists is due to its versatility, the ability to solve the proposed problems.

Keywords: linguistic education; motivation; innovative technologies; case method; communicative competence.

Ольга Рейда, старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков Белоцерковского национального аграрного университета, г. Белая Церковь, Украина.

Екатерина Ивлева, старший преподаватель кафедры интеллектуальных компьютерных систем Национального технического университета «Харьковский политехнический институт», г. Харьков, Украина.

Дина Гулиева, кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры интеллектуальных компьютерных систем Национального технического университета «Харьковский политехнический институт», г. Харьков, Украина.


В статье рассмотрен один из актуальных вопросов методики преподавания английского языка - использование инновационных технологий в учебном процессе. Подчеркивается необходимость внедрения компетентностного, деятельностного, межкультурного и коммуникативно-когнитивного подходов для формирования иноязычной коммуникативной компетентности среди студентов нефилологических специальностей. Делается попытка обосновать эффективность и результативность инновационных технологий языкового образования. Сделан вывод, что использование инновационных технологий является одним из самых эффективных способов повышения качества языковой подготовки будущих специалистов. Главная особенность английского языка для конкретных целей заключается в профессионально ориентированном подходе в процессе его изучения. Он предусматривает формирование у студентов способности к созданию иноязычного общения в конкретных сферах и ситуациях. Рассматриваются постоянные и переменные характеристики иностранного языка для конкретных целей. Что касается использования видео-кастов как инструмента прослушивания, то предполагается, что они значительно улучшают навыки понимания иностранной речи на слух. Применение видео-кастов в учебном процессе также дает возможность проявить навыки критического мышления, что является важным моментом в обучении. С методологической точки зрения подкасты помогают развить навыки устной и письменной речи. Они позволяют интересно представить новую лексику и учебный материал, обогатить смысловое поле в сфере языкового материала, сформировать у студентов социокультурную компетентность. Кооперативное обучение также является педагогической технологией преподавания английского языка. Цель позиционного обучения - продумать, подготовить и аргументировать конкретную позицию на основе текста на иностранном языке (формирование творческой интерпретации данного учебного текста в группе, обсуждение и контроль за ходом дискуссии). Кейс-метод (метод анализа ситуации) является одним из наиболее эффективных методов повышения эффективности обучения. Он ориентирован на развитие интереса учащихся к самому процессу приобретения знаний в проблемных ситуациях, а также в ситуациях общения, что особенно важно при изучении английского языка. Значимость этого метода в преподавании английского языка для будущих специалистов обусловлена его универсальностью, возможностью комплексно решать предложенные проблемы.

Ключевые слова: лингвистическое образование; мотивация; инновационные технологии; кейс-метод; коммуникативная компетенция.

teaching english innovative

Ольга Рейда, старший викладач кафедри іноземних мов Білоцерківського національного аграрного університету, м. Біла Церква, Україна.

Катерина Івлєва, старший викладач кафедри інтелектуальних комп'ютерних систем Національного технічного університету «Харківський політехнічний інститут», м. Харків, Україна.

Діна Гулієва, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри інтелектуальних комп'ютерних систем Національного технічного університету «Харківський політехнічний інститут», м. Харків, Україна.


У статті розглянуто одне з найактуальніших питань методики викладання англійської мови - використання інноваційних технологій у навчальному процесі. Наголошується на необхідності упровадження компетентнісного, діяльнісного, міжкультурного та комуні- кативно-когнітивного підходів для формування іншомовної комунікативної компетентності серед студентів нефілологічних спеціальностей. Здійснено спробу обґрунтувати ефективність та результативність інноваційних технологій мовної освіти. Зроблено висновок, що використання інноваційних технологій є одним із найефективніших способів підвищення якості мовної підготовки майбутніх фахівців. Головна особливість англійської мови для конкретних цілей полягає у професійно орієнтованому підході до її вивчення. Він передбачає формування у студентів здатності до іншомовного спілкування у конкретних сферах та ситуаціях. Розглянуто постійні та змінні характеристики іноземної мови для конкретних цілей. Щодо використання відеокастів як засобу прослуховування, то передбачається, що вони значно покращують навички розуміння іноземної мови на слух. Застосування відео- кастів у навчальному процесі також дає можливість виявити навички критичного мислення, що є важливим моментом у навчанні. З методологічного погляду подкасти допомагають розвинути навички усного та писемного мовлення. Вони дають змогу цікаво подати нову лексику та навчальний матеріал, збагатити смислове поле та вправи з мовного матеріалу, сформувати у студентів соціокультурну компетентність. Кооперативне навчання також є педагогічною технологією викладання англійської мови. Мета позиційного навчання - продумати, підготувати й аргументувати конкретну позицію на основі тексту іноземною мовою (формування творчої інтерпретації цього навчального тексту в групі, обговорення та контроль за перебігом дискусії). Кейс-метод (метод налізу ситуації) є одним із найефективніших методів підвищення ефективності навчання. Він орієнтований на розвиток інтересу учнів до самого процесу набуття знань у проблемних ситуаціях, а також у ситуаціях спілкування, що особливо важливо під час вивчення англійської мови. Значимість цього методу у викладанні англійської мови для майбутніх фахівців зумовлена його універсальністю, можливістю комплексно вирішувати запропоновані проблеми.

Ключові слова: лінгвістична освіта; мотивація; інноваційні технології; кейс-метод; комунікативна компетентність.

Formulation of the problem

Recently, the situation in the field of teaching English in higher educational institutions of Ukraine has changed dramatically, since modern society is in the need of a specialist who can act independently, apply personal tactics and use personal strategies handling difficult professional situations; employers are primarily interested in an innovation- oriented professional with creative thinking, who can perceive and actively apply innovative technologies in their professional activities. Today, in professional field, first of all, those specialists who are able to present information at proper level, convincingly explain, encourage and motivate are highly appreciated. Proficiency in English at the proper level is becoming one of the main means of success for future specialists in their professional activities.

Research analysis

According to Abbas Pourhosein Gilakjani (2017), the use of technology helps learners to get involved and learn based on their interests. It has been extensively accepted for teaching English in the modern world. Technology satisfies both visual and auditory senses of the learners (Solanki & Shyamleel, 2012). Friggard (2002), Miner (2004) and Timucin (2006) confirmed that technology increases the development of teaching methods and learners' knowledge. Lam and Lawrence also expressed that technology helps learners to regulate their own learning process and have access to any information that their teachers cannot provide. Gilakjani (2013) elaborated that the unique opportunities technologies provide have brought about new tools, approaches and strategies in the teaching and enhancing students' language skills. Technologies are increasingly widespread, impacting many aspects of our social and work lives and many of our leisure activities. Many researchers stated that technology can be used as an instructional tool in teaching and shaping learners' skills. Bruce and Levin (2001) expressed that technology can be useful in the classroom by helping communication, making teaching products and assisting learners' self-expression.

The urgency of the problem

Educational standards first of all emphasize communicative competence and information literacy of future specialist and consider these priorities as a basis, which makes it possible to recognize the importance of the English language at the state level as an instrument of intercultural communication, which enables the citizens of Ukraine to integrate into the progressive European and world professional community. We see a continuous growth in popularity of English as the main language of international business communication around the world. Thus, a future entrepreneur, veterinarian, agronomist or economist must approach a sufficient level of English proficiency to communicate freely with foreign business partners, conduct business correspondence, conclude mutually beneficial contracts, which in turn can contribute to improving the economic situation in Ukraine.

Consequently, the issue of improving the methods of teaching English to students of non- linguistic is quite relevant today.

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the effectiveness and efficiency of innovative linguistic educational technologies in educational process, and to emphasize the need to implement competence-based, activity-based, intercultural and communicative-cognitive approaches for the development of foreign language communicative competence in students of non-linguistic specialties.

Presenting main material

Since the emphasis is gradually changing in order to teach English to students of non-linguistic specialties, the teacher of a foreign language has to constantly work in a mode of change. In order for students to develop desires and skills for effective, complete and fruitful intercultural communication, they need to learn English in accordance with modern requirements.

Competence-based, intercultural, activity-based and communicative-cognitive approaches are now recognized as the most potential in the process of teaching a foreign language. Many methodologists propose to consider the concept of "innovation" as a change in the system; as the formation and integration of various new technologies that occur as a result of significant transformations in social practice. Pedagogical innovative technologies are targeted modern modifications that bring stable components into the educational environment, which improves the characteristics of individual components of the educational system and itself in general. Innovation is invariably closely related to the concept of "development". The most popular and widely used linguistic educational innovations today are modern information and communication technologies (ICT), mobile learning, the principle of integrating educational content, developing, differentiated, project-based, modular, distance learning English.

In the process of learning English, students are continuously learning informational activities, namely: to look for the necessary information on a given topic in various sources, including the Internet; using modern ICT, quickly navigate in a foreign language information sphere. Currently, in the process of teaching English to future specialists, teachers actively and successfully use mobile testing system, mobile tasks, search exercises, mobile assessment system, survey, which greatly increases motivation of students both to English language mastery and to the learning process in general. Also, this approach makes it possible to develop skills in oral speech in a foreign language in the process of conducting multimedia presentations, communication through computer language programs (for example, "Business correspondence in English"), listening skills, using video and audio podcasts in the classroom.

With regard to the use of video casts as a listening tool, it is assumed that they significantly improve the skills of understanding a foreign language by ear. The scene, emotions and gestures of the characters, everything that students can see in the video, form significant visual stimuli for speaking. The use of video casts in the learning process also provides an opportunity to show critical thinking skills, which is an important point in learning. Critical thinking is one of the types of human mental activity. It is characterized by a significant degree of perception, comprehension, an objective approach to the informative field around it. For example, video casts can be used when studying oral topics "Investments in Ukrainian economy", "Implementation and operation of the new information technologies", "Product development and market promotion", etc. From a methodological point of view, podcasts help develop speaking skills in a foreign language. They make it possible to present new vocabulary and educational material in an interesting way, to enrich the semantic field and exercise in the language material, to form students' socio-cultural competence [3, p. 23]. Podcasts are used not only as material for receptive exercises, but also for the purpose of developing speaking skills, controlling and training prepared and spontaneous oral speech both in the classroom and in the process of independent work. One of the main benefits of using podcasts when teaching a foreign language is the authenticity of the methodological material. Students use conventional and well-known materials; and at the same time they acquire the necessary interdisciplinary skills to use a foreign language in everyday life practice.

From the didactic point of view, podcasts have the following properties: interactivity, accessibility, ease of use, multimedia, organization of study time and space, sound characteristics [3, p. 24].

Cooperative learning (learning in collaboration) and now remains an important pedagogical technology of teaching English. The purpose of positional learning is to think over, prepare and argue for a specific position based on a text in a foreign language (forming a creative interpretation of this educational text in a group, discussing and controlling the course of the discussion) [1, p. 125].

For example, Task 1. A group of students is divided into several subgroups of 5 people and they are invited to consider and discuss specific practical situations (causes of unemployment, global economic crisis, impact of devaluation), etc. Students should not only consider and understand the problematics of this phenomenon, but also draw objective conclusions. The advantages of this method are not only the consolidation of lexical and grammatical material on topics, but also the application of students' personal experience, the ability to transform knowledge from one area to another, as well as the formation of communicative foreign language abilities, teamwork, and independent thinking. This method also allows students to demonstrate initiative, put forward a huge number of their own ideas and express them in a foreign language. There is an increase in the problematic nature and content of teaching students English. Content of training becomes more complex; the textual educational paradigm is changed to a discursive one; linguistic situations of real intercultural communication are modelled.

Case-method (situation analysis method) is one of the most effective methods of enhancing teaching. It is focused on the development of students' interest in the very process of acquiring knowledge in problem situations, as well as in communication situations, which is especially important when learning English [2, p. 63]. The significance of this method in teaching English to future specialists is due to its versatility, the ability to solve the proposed problems in a complex manner, and the use of previously acquired skills and abilities in practice, which is especially important when introducing a competency-based approach to training. In the English language classes with the case method, various situational tasks are used that students may directly encounter at the enterprise. For example, production situations are proposed on the topics: "The cost of different resource inputs into business", "Income and profitability of production", "The system of salaries", etc. Generalization and actualization of the knowledge is necessary to solve problems, and in this case students turn into active participants of educational process. The use of situation analysis method helps to improve analytical thinking of students and, accordingly, as a result, we have not only knowledge of the English language, but also the skills of future professional activity. Working with learning situations, the student must learn to analyze certain information, trace causal relationships, identify the main problems and try to find solution. For a more effective use of case method, the teacher must make sure that the students have enough available language material for the implementation of the tasks. It is advisable to pre-repetition of the necessary material or to consolidate the necessary skills when performing pre-planned exercises. When using case-method in practical activities for teaching English, one should remember the main provisions of this method: case-method is designed to gain knowledge on topics in which the truth is ambiguous; in the process of cooperation between the teacher and students, the efforts of students are directed not at mastering ready-made knowledge; the result of such activities is not only the acquisition of knowledge, but also formation of skills and abilities of educational work. Undoubtedly, such skills and abilities will be useful in future professional activities of specialists; an important advantage of case method is showing students' values and attitudes.

In order to form sociolinguistic competence in students in the context of informatization of linguistic education, the project method of teaching English is successfully used. This method is based on an activity approach, namely the formation of communicative and students' cognitive activity [1, p.107]. When students take part in project activities, they have to do a lot of preliminary analytical and practical work. Students are invited to prepare projects: "Organizational and legal forms of managing", "The tax system in Ukraine", "Insurance", "Basic and revolving funds of companies" with presentations. Computer presentations significantly increase the pace of the lesson, students have the necessary information always at hand and can refer to it, if necessary, at any time during the lesson, which undoubtedly helps to better assimilate new lexical and grammatical material.

Conclusions and prospects for further research

The introduction of ICT into the traditional process of teaching students of economic specialties in order to increase the effectiveness of teaching English requires a gradual restructuring of the entire education system. In European education, a complete transformation of various foreign language training programs is taking place: foreign language teachers take courses to improve information literacy, new educational standards are being developed, which fully take into account the general computerization of society, and access to information is expanding. In the course of the practice, the effectiveness of innovative linguistic education technologies that contribute to students' critical thinking development, increase the motivation to learn English are confirmed. Such innovations shape intellectual and communication skills of students, develop their creative abilities, and help create a more comfortable learning environment. Information and communication technologies provide endless opportunities for students and teachers to work independently and in collaboration. Also, these technologies are such a means by which teachers can improve the methods and organizational forms of their teaching activities, reveal and form individual students' characteristics, to constantly update the educational process, to increase its effectiveness and quality. In the process of applying innovative technologies in the process of teaching English to students, there is an undoubted growth in the culture of education, the development and social adaptation of students in the context of globalization of society, students begin to realize the practical importance of the English language, use it to solve social, professional and personal problems.


[1] S. S. Kashlev, Interactive metodyi obucheniya, Minsk: Tetra Sistems, 2011. (in Russian).

[2] O.P. Petrenko, “Metodika i provedenie videokonferentsiy pri obuchenii inostrannomu yazyiku”, Inostr. yazyiki v shkole, No. 2, pp. 62- 68, 2011. (in Russian).

[3] T. L. Stupina, Osnovy ispolzovaniya podkastinga v obrazovatelnom protsesse: metodicheskoe rukovodstvo, Irkutsk: IGLU, 2006. (in Russian).

[4] S. V Titova Informatsionno-kommunikatsionnyie tehnologii v gumanitarnom obrazovanii: teoriya i praktika, Moskva: Quinto-Kolsalting, 2009. (in Russian).

[5] P. Daly “Methodology for Using Case Studies in the Business English Language Classroom”, [Online]. Available: Accessed on: Mar. 05, 2019. (in English).

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