Study of the peculiarities of forming the creative potential in prospective nurses in the course of professional training

Actualization of individualized education in medical institutions of Ukraine. Integration of students into the creative educational environment of the educational institution. Development of professional and psychological qualities of future specialists.

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Дата добавления 10.06.2022
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Study of the peculiarities of forming the creative potential in prospective nurses in the course of professional training

О.A. Dubasenyuk, О. V. Voznyuk, T. Yu. Kovalshuk


The article analyzes the process of forming the creative potential in prospective nurses in the course of professional training. The main reason for the existing problems connected with forming the creative potential in prospective nurses lies in the predominance in the students the external motives for choosing a profession since a significant number of the prospective nurses lose interest in the profession in the educational process. This takes place due to the imperfect methods, tools and forms used in the professional training in the educational institution. Other reasons of this situation are connected with the small number of practical activities, imperfections and outdated content of educational material. This, in turn, leads to a reproductive style of thinking and low cognitive motives in the perspective nurses when they do not want to develop pertinent skills and abilities, to improve their personality due to low level of inquisitiveness and weak persistence in achieving the goals.

It is proved that modern requirements to professional functions and social role of specialists in the sphere of nursing activity necessitate the modernization of the educational environment for the prospective competitive nurses. This presupposes the creation of innovative systems of professional development with taking into account the changes and consequences of their impact on professional activities of the prospective nurses. This can be realized by implementing a special course "Skills and professional inspiration of a nurse", designed to train the prospective nurses in the 5th semester.

It is established that one of the effective directions of developing the creative potential in the prospective nurses is related with updating the prospective nurses' professional training through the introduction of innovative educational technologies and interactive teaching methods into the educational process. It is also found out that the reform of professional and professional before-higher education determines the tendency to actualize individualized training in medical institutions concerning self-development of specialists' personality in the context of their future professional activity, as well as forming individual psychological qualities, professionally significant qualities in all participants in the educational process, providing opportunities for individual research activities, improving the educational process in different types of medical institutions. To accomplish this, the prospective specialist must turn from an object of educational influence into a subject whose main features are activity, individuality and independence. This, in turn, presupposes the integration of the students into the creative educational environment of the educational institution, strengthening its development capabilities as a complex of systematized innovative educational resources with pertinent methodological, technological, organizational support.

Key words: professional training, nurse, modeling of clinical situations; compiling a portfolio; creative reports; professional education; research activities.


Вивчення особливостей процесу формування творчого потенціалу у майбутніх медсестер у процесі професійної підготовки

О.А. Дубасенюк, О. В. Вознюк, Т. Ю. Ковальчук

У статті проаналізовано процес формування творчого потенціалу майбутніх медсестер у процесі професійного навчання. Основна причина існуючих проблем у розвитку творчого потенціалу майбутніх медсестер полягає у перевазі у студентів зовнішніх мотивів вибору професії, оскільки значна кількість майбутніх медсестер втрачає інтерес до професії в процесі навчання. Це відбувається через недосконалі методи, засоби та форми, що використовуються при професійному навчанні в навчальному закладі. Інші причини такої ситуації пов'язані з невеликою кількістю практичних занять, недосконалістю та застарілим змістом навчального матеріалу. Це, у свою чергу, призводить до репродуктивного стилю мислення та низьких когнітивних мотивів у майбутніх медсестер, коли вони не хочуть розвивати відповідні навички та вміння, вдосконалювати свою особистість через низький рівень допитливості і наполегливості у досягненні цілей.

Доведено, що сучасні вимоги до професійних функцій та соціальної ролі фахівців у сестринській діяльності вимагають модернізації освітнього середовища для майбутніх конкурентоспроможних медсестер. Це передбачає створення інноваційних систем професійного розвитку з урахуванням змін та наслідків їхнього впливу на професійну діяльність майбутніх медсестер. Це може бути реалізовано шляхом проведення спеціального курсу "Навички та професійне натхнення медичної сестри", призначеного для підготовки майбутніх медсестер у 5 семестрі.

Встановлено, що один із ефективних напрямків розвитку творчого потенціалу майбутніх медсестер пов'язаний із оновленням професійної підготовки майбутніх медсестер шляхом впровадження в навчальний процес інноваційних освітніх технологій та інтерактивних методів навчання. Також виявлено, що реформа професійної та професійної довищої освіти визначає тенденцію до актуалізації індивідуалізованого навчання в медичних закладах щодо саморозвитку особистості фахівців у контексті майбутньої професійної діяльності, розвитку індивідуально-психологічних якостей всіх учасники освітнього процесу, їх професійно значущих якостей що надають можливості для індивідуальної дослідницької діяльності, вдосконалення навчального процесу в різних типах медичних закладів. Для цього майбутній фахівець повинен перетворитися з об'єкта виховного впливу на суб'єкта, головною рисою якого є активність, індивідуальність та самостійність. Це, у свою чергу, передбачає інтеграцію студентів у творче освітнє середовище навчального закладу, посилення його можливостей розвитку як комплексу систематизованих інноваційних освітніх ресурсів із відповідною методичною, технологічною та організаційною підтримкою.

Ключові слова: професійна підготовка, медсестра, моделювання клінічних ситуацій, складання портфоліо, творчі звіти, професійна освіта, дослідницька діяльність.

Introduction of the issue

The latest socio-political transformations in Ukraine and the world have brought about significant changes in medical education relating to new requirements for the quality and content of professional training of the prospective nurses. Modernization of professional (vocational and technical) higher education has led to an intensive search for ways to optimize the process of development of spiritual and creative potential in the prospective professionals. The educational and life values have changed. The physicians of modern times are striving to be specialists with a high level of professionally significant qualities, being endowed with spiritual and creative potential, who are able to perform their professional functions in a conscientious manner on a highly qualitative level of professionalism. Spiritual and creative potential is an integral part of professional and general culture of nurses, one of the main indicators of moral and civic maturity of their personality characterized with a set of interrelated socially valuable traits, most of which are formed in the process of professional training.

The training of prospective competitive nurses should be aimed at forming in them not only the foundations of professionalism, but also the development of their creative potential. The urgency of this problem is exacerbated by public expectations for professionally competent, humane, tolerant, highly spiritual nurses. This reveals both the need for the theoretical grounding of the process of formation of spiritual and creative potential in the prospective specialists, and the need of the students to use internal potential resources for professional growth and self- realization.

Current state of the issue. The peculiarities of professional training of medical staff have been studied by Ukrainian and foreign scientists, covering such areas as: the conceptual foundations of theoretical and methodological principles of professional education (O. Antonova, A. Markova, N. Nychkalo, S. Sysoeva, et al); the peculiarities of higher medical education (V. Averin, M. Banchuk, O. Volosovets, L. Dudikova, S. Tykholaz, I. Feshchenko, et al); various aspects of professional training of prospective nurses (A. Agarkova, V. Babalich, I. Boriskova, O. Isayeva, Y. Kolisnyk-Humeniuk, N. Kudryava, O. Kuzminova, O. Solodovnyk, Z. Sharlovich, M. Shegedin, et al).

The outline of unresolved issues brought up in the article. However, the problem of developing the creative potential in the prospective nurses in the process of their professional training remains insufficiently studied.

Aim of research is to reveal the peculiarities of the development of the creative potential in the prospective nurses in the process of their professional training, as well as to analyze the peculiarities of the results of the study.

Research methods

Methods of research used in our study are being based on theoretical and methodological procedure of analyzing the problem field from the general to the specific and include the following: analysis and synthesis, modeling, classification, systematization, generalization of literature to determine the theoretical foundations of the study; observations, questionnaires, pedagogical experiment including the methods of mathematical statistics

Results and discussion

The analysis of problems concerning the professional training of the prospective nurses allowed outlining the main aspects of their creative potential, by which we mean the integrative quality of the personality of a specialist, covering his/her system of professional knowledge and skills, psychological characteristics which provide creative professional activity, self-improvement, aimed at developing the prospective specialists' readiness for creative interaction with others due to professional training in an educational institution [2; 5; 8].

According to such understanding of creative potential of a personality, it is necessary to determine the personality characteristics of the prospective nurses (the ratio and combination of which comprise the creative potential) and directions of their development for successful creative professional activity in the future in a real educational environment.

183 students being the prospective nurses of Zhytomyr Medical Institute of Zhytomyr Regional Council took part in the statement stage of the pedagogical experiment, thus: 60 participants were the students of 2nd and 3rd years of study, and 63 of the surveyed were the students of the 4th year of study. The organization of the statement stage of the experiment presupposed conducting it on the basis of two main tasks:

1) obtaining representative information about the level of development of each structural component of the creative potential in the prospective nurses;

2) defining and characterizing the levels of development of creative potential in the students at the beginning of the formative stage of the experiment.

To accomplish the tasks it was necessary to develop reliable diagnostic tools and create necessary pedagogical and organizational conditions.

There are many methods of diagnosing the development of personality qualities in general and personality traits of a specialist in particular. Psychodiagnostics plays a significant role in this process. Psychometric methods - various tests - allow making the most complete assessment of the levels of development of certain personality traits. However, it is necessary to take into consideration the opinion of a large number of scientists (for example, V. Romenets, N. Talyzina), who believe that standardized tests measure only a small part of individual manifestations of creative potential. Therefore, in the process of diagnosis, we combined test methods with observation and questionnaires to avoid errors and inaccuracies.

Diagnosis of the level of development of creative potential was organized in stages, with the definition of each stage in accordance with certain criteria and their indicators. The first stage, being diagnosing of the orientation of the motivational sphere of the prospective nurses, has been realized according to such indicators as motives for choosing a profession of a specialist in the medical field; focusing on creative professional activity; interests in the processes of creative professional activity, which is revealed in constant search for new ways and means of solving professional problems; the need to achieve the goal as a condition for success in professional activities (so called motives for achievement); the level of development of cognitive motives.

The first indicator (motives for choosing a profession) was determined with the help of the initial block of the questionnaire "Motivation for learning by students of educational institutions" [4]. The level of development of the second indicator (orientation at creative professional activity) has been diagnosed with the help of a questionnaire (adapted on the basis of the questionnaire determining the orientation of future teachers and preschool teachers [3: 355-356]) determining the orientation of prospective nurses to creative professional activity. The interest in the processes of creative professional activity has been determined using developed by us questionnaire consisting of fifteen test questions, the answers to which allowed evaluating the personality interest for professional activities and other activities. education medical individualized professional student

The development of the need to achieve the goal as a condition for success in professional activities corresponds to the results obtained by use of the method of diagnosing the personality's motives for achieving goals "Diagnosis of motivation for success and fear of failure" [6: 102-103]. The level of development of cognitive motives was determined by use of a modified method "Diagnosis of learning motivation structure" consisting of twenty statements presupposing positive or negative answers. The results of data processing, obtained by using this questionnaire, have given us an opportunity to study the direction and level of development of internal motivation of educational activities in the students in the process of studying the disciplines relating to professional and practical training. The results of diagnosing the level of development of the motivational component are presented in table 1.

According to Table 1, altruistic motives for choosing the profession of a nurse (being the internal attitudes and motives associated with a balanced desire to help patients) are characteristic of only 23% of the respondents. 27.8% of the prospective nurses have a reproductive level of motivation for choosing a future profession. This indicator is due to the fact that future nurses are not sufficiently aware of the relevance of professional training in the educational institution, as well as of the purposeful development of the nurse's personality for conducting effective professional activities.

Table 1

The results of diagnosing the motivational component of the creative potential


Indicator ------




Number of students, %

Altruistic external motives for choosing the profession of a nurse




Focusing on creative professional activity




Interest in the processes of creative professional activity (search for new ways and means of solving professional problems in terms of professionally oriented learning)




The need to achieve the goal as a condition for success in professional activities (motives for achievement)




High cognitive motives




General results




This generalization is confirmed by the results of diagnosing being focused on creative professional activities, according to which 26.2% of the respondents have a reproductive level. This may be due to insufficient opportunities to reveal the hidden abilities and creative talents by the future nurses, the situational character of their needs for innovations in professional activities, as well as the misunderstanding of the feasibility of innovations, their purposefulness.

Closely related to these indicators are the level of students' interest in the creative process and the motives for achievement, which reflect the level of personality aspirations for professional activities. The low manifestation of these indicators (22.4% and 21.9% respectively at the creative level) is due to lack of prospective nurses' awareness of the requirements for the personality of the specialist performing managerial and organizational functions in the medical sphere.

Thus the traditional system of professional training and educational process needs to be improved in the direction of updating, supplementing the content of educational material. The results of implementing the diagnostic methods have given grounds to state that the majority of the students (72.2%) motivate the need for their training by the advice of parents and acquaintances, by the prestige of the educational institution, affordable prices, that is, here we have the randomness character of choosing a profession. At the same time, the low level of students' desire to expand and deepen their experience of creative activity is due, in our opinion, to the lack of incentives from the traditional system of training in the form of specific examples and samples, as well as to the lack of prospective nurses' knowledge concerning the components of creative educational process. This is caused by the low level of involvement of the prospective nurses in direct creative professional activity.

The next stage of diagnosis has been aimed at determining the level of development of the cognitive component of the creative potential in the prospective nurses. To do this, it was necessary to analyze whether students have knowledge of the basic theories of personality formation, patterns and principles of building a creative educational process and creative educational environment in educational institutions, psychological characteristics of people of all ages, as well as the psychology of their own personality. The first four indicators of this component have been diagnosed using a comprehensive questionnaire for the prospective nurses, containing four blocks of open-ended questions (five in each), according to the level of acquisition of certain knowledge by future professionals. Thus, the questionnaire consists of twenty open- ended questions, taking 20 minutes to answer. The indicator "speed and accuracy of mental operations" was diagnosed by observing and evaluating the work of the students in the process of solving the proposed professional- oriented tasks. Similarly, the attitude to the creative performance of tasks, the development of creative professional thinking and imagination have been evaluated by analyzing the students' work consisting in compiling professionally-oriented tasks according to the proposed scheme. Observations of educational and cognitive activities made it possible to determine the level of development of the main components covering the students' ability to learn. The results of the study of the cognitive component are shown in table 2. Analysis of the data presented in table 2 shows that the positive indicators in the level of knowledge about the basic theories of personality formation, patterns and principles of creative educational process and creative educational environment in educational institutions, especially psychological peculiarities of people of different ages are observed in less than a fifth of the prospective nurses (from 16.4% to 19.7%), the reproductive level of knowledge in revealed at 29.5% - 36.1% of respondents.

Table 2

The results of diagnosing the cognitive component of the creative potential in the prospective nurses

' ------Level

Indicator " -----

Cre ative



Number of students, %

Knowledge of basic theories of personality formation




Knowledge of the laws and principles of building a creative process and creative educational environment in higher educational institution




Knowledge of psychological features of people of different ages




Speed and accuracy of mental operations




The psychological setting concerning creative performance of tasks, development of creative thinking and imagination




The presence of the main components of the ability to learn




General results




Such a distribution of students shows that the prospective nurses have formed a certain level of psychological and pedagogical knowledge without which the implementation of professional activities, even at the reproductive level would be impossible. At the same time, the lack of systematicity has been confirmed concerning the acquisition of knowledge, the ability of future professionals to generalize, systematize, compare, analyze, and synthesize information. These results indicate to imperfection in building the educational information, to a lack of connection of theoretical knowledge with practical activity as well as to the fragmentary and insufficient educational and methodological support of professional training in the educational institution concerning the acquainting of the prospective nurses with the theoretical foundations of the creative process in professional activities. In the process of professional training there is a lack of methods and tools aimed at building and reflecting the logic, mechanisms of the creative process, cause-and-effect relationships, and the regularities of creative educational activities.

Table 3

The results of diagnosing the creative component of the creative potential in the prospective nurses






Number of students, %

Cognitive activity in the process of professional training




Inclination to search for new

algorithms in creative professional activity




The level of personality's creativity (originality, flexibility of thinking)




General results




When we talk about cognitive processes associated with the characteristics of mental operations, imagination, so we can state that a sufficient level of creative activity for implementation of creative activity is characteristic of 82% of students. That is, in general, prospective nurses are able to acquire a large amount of information, its processing and rethinking in the context of the development of their creative potential.

However, due to lack of relevant studying material in the training process, we have 33.3% of the respondents with reproductive, 48.7% with constructive and only 18% with creative level of the development of the cognitive component of their creative potential. The third stage of diagnosing creative potential has consisted in assessing the creative component of the creative potential of the personality of the prospective nurses by determining the cognitive activity of students in the process of their professional training, as well as the level of development of their imagination and fantasy. To identify the originality, flexibility of thinking of the students, the most effective is E. Torrens' method "Finish the picture", modified by A. Voronin [1]. The tendency to search for new algorithms in creative professional activity as a component of personality's creativity has been determined with the help of a questionnaire developed on the basis of the method "Diagnosis of personal creativity" [6: 59-64]. This method requires the least amount of time to prepare for its conducting and processing the data, since it consists of 50 statements to which the respondent must provide the answer "yes", "maybe", "no", "I do not know" (table 3).

Testing has revealed relatively high indicators of personality development being the psychological basis of creative potential, in particular: creativity (21.9% of students have a high, 50.8% medium, and 27.3% - low level of development of creativity), an inclination to search for new algorithms in professional activity (22.4% with creative, 51.9% with constructive and 25.7% with reproductive level) and cognitive activity (21.3% of the students creative, 50.8% - constructive, 27.9% reproductive level).

The generalization of the data indicates to presence of certain potential in the context of the psychological component of the creative personality, but comparing the experimental results with the indicators of other components enables to explain this due to connection with the individual psyche of each respondent rather than due to conscious development of the students in line with their professional growth.

Table 4

The results of diagnosing the surgical component creative potential in the prospective nurses





Indicator ' --

Number of students, %

Mastering the ways, methods, technologies of creative professional activities




Ability to apply research methods




Effective application of the acquired experience in new professional conditions (ability to apply theoretical knowledge in a specific professional activity)




General results




In this regard, it should be emphasized that the reform of professional (vocational and technical) higher education according to the requirements for the personality of a graduate, his/her qualification determine the tendency to actualize individualized training in medical institutes concerning the development of individual psychological qualities, professionally significant qualities, the providing of opportunities for students' research activities, which would relate not only to the transformation and improvement of the educational process in different types of medical institutes, but also to self-development of the personality of the specialist in the context of future professional activities.

To do this, the future specialist must turn from an object of educational influence into a subject of such influence whose main feature is activity, individuality and independence. The solution of this problem is connected with the integration of students into the creative educational environment, strengthening his/her developmental potential as a complex of systematized innovative educational resources with the necessary methodological, technological, organizational support.

Diagnosing the operational component has included determining the level of students' mastery of the techniques, methods, technologies of creative activities, skills of effective application of the experience in new professional conditions. In this regard, the most expedient was using the method of observation of students' educational-cognitive and scientific activity as well as their practical activities during undergraduate internships.

At the end of the internship, an analysis of interns' documentation was made, including their reports on the internship.

The level of development of the operational component of the creative potential in the prospective nurses is shown in table 4.

The analysis of data obtained during the diagnosis of the indicators according to operational criteria confirms the correctness of the conclusions about the importance of the prospective nurses' mastery of the ways, methods and mechanisms of creative activity, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, since such characteristics are inherent in 17.5% of the students, while the rest (82.5%) have an insufficient level of practical ability to professional creativity.

The presented results indicate to the lack and sometimes to absence of any opportunity for students to participate in a direct creative professional process. 51.4% of the students are with a rather high level of mastering the ways, methods, technologies of creative professional activities, which is confirmed by students' set of mastered technological and methodological skills. But detailed observation suggests a low level of their ability to analyze specific situations and choosing the most effective educational and methodical support of studying activity.

17.5% of the students are characterized by a creative level of efficiency in the application of experience in new professional conditions (the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in a particular professional activity), 48.6% of the students are characterized by constructive and 33.9% - by reproductive level. Such results indicate to students' unpreparedness for practical activities in new professional environment, and will lead to frustration due to the low level of adaptability of the prospective nurses.

The educational process in this perspective should reflect the variability and holistic character of the educational environment. Thus, the task of educational influences in such a context is to provide opportunities for the prospective nurses to realize the acquired professional skills.

At the end of diagnosing the creative potential of the prospective nurses, an assessment of the level of actualization of the reflexive component was made with the help of the method "Diagnosis of the level of self-development and professional activity" [7: 411-421].

Based on the generalized data presented in table 5, we can state that only 18% of the students are able to objectively assess the level of their professional training and readiness to be engaged in creative professional activity.

Table 5

The results of diagnosing the reflexive component of the creative potential in

ie prospective nurses






Number of students, %

Self-assessment of the professional training




Evaluation of the results of students' professional activities




Mastering the methods and technologies of professional development of students' professional skills




General results




Only 20.2% of the students strive for independent thorough mastering the professional activities in order to improve their own professional skills. 31.7% of the students have a low level of understanding the importance of independence and activity in assessing the results of professional activity and to improve it. Such tendencies are related to the fragmentary nature of the educational influences of the traditional model of professional training of the The general results of diagnosis are prospective nurses. entered in table 6.

Table 6

The results of the statement stage of the experiment



Cre ative



Number of students, %





















The general level of creative potential




Conclusions and research perspectives

The generalization of the results of the statement experiment have showed that the vast majority of students have revealed a reproductive (initial) (30.6%) and constructive (sufficient) (49.7%) level of development of the components of creative potential. According to the data presented in table 6, the least developed were the cognitive, operational and reflexive components.

The diagnosis allows determining the presence of certain difficulties in performing certain studying tasks by the students: the complexity of performing the tasks due to the lack of familiarization with the previously prepared algorithm for their solution; the activities being realized only within certain algorithmic combinations, the difficulty of going beyond these limits; the lack of independence in acceptable solutions; the difficulties in interpreting concepts, describing processes and phenomena; the lack of clear arguments when substantiating and proving one's own opinion; the difficulty in constructing associations and analogies, causation of phenomena; the difficulties in identifying problems, conflict, contradictory situations; the difficulty and sometimes impossibility of generating original ideas; the difficulty in abstraction, representation of potential and hidden elements in certain phenomena; the difficulties in creative application of knowledge in practice

In our opinion, the main reason for the existing problems in the development of the creative potential in the prospective nurses lies in the predominance of external motives for choosing a profession. A significant number of the students lose interest in the profession during the training process.

This state of things is due to the methods, tools and forms used in professional training, the small amount of practical activities, imperfections and outdated content of educational material. All this leads to students' reproductive style of thinking, their low cognitive motives. The prospective professionals are reluctant to develop pertinent abilities, to improve their own personality due to low level of inquisitiveness and weak perseverance in achieving the goals. It is also proved that modern requirements to professional functions and social role of specialists in the specialty "Nursing" necessitate the modernization of the educational environment for the prospective nurses, which would lead to the creation of innovative systems of professional development. This condition can be provided by a special course "Skills and professional inspiration of a nurse", designed to train the prospective nurses in the 5th semester.

It is established that one of the effective ways to develop the creative potential in the prospective nurses is to update their professional training through the introduction of innovative educational technologies and interactive teaching methods.

References (translated & transliterated)

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  • The applied science model. The basic assumptions underlying this model. Received and experiential knowledge. Oldest form of professional education. The most advanced modern teaching strategies. Projects for the development of creative abilities.

    презентация [156,0 K], добавлен 09.03.2015

  • Direction of professional self - development. Features of emotional sphere. Personal qualities of the social teacher and teacher of self-knowledge. The concept of vital functions as a continuous process of goal-setting, operations and human behavior.

    презентация [2,5 M], добавлен 08.10.2016

  • Development of skills of independent creative activity in the process of game on the lessons of English. Psychological features of organization of independent work and its classification. Development of independence student in the process of teaching.

    курсовая работа [35,8 K], добавлен 03.04.2011

  • History of school education system in the USA. The role of school education in the USA. Organisation of educational process in American schools. Reforms and innovations in education that enable children to develop their potential as individuals.

    курсовая работа [326,6 K], добавлен 12.01.2016

  • Transfer to profile training of pupils of 11–12 classes of 12-year comprehensive school its a stage in implementation of differentiation of training. Approaches to organization of profile education and their characteristic, evaluation of effectiveness.

    курсовая работа [39,4 K], добавлен 26.05.2015

  • The basic tendencies of making international educational structures with different goals. The principles of distance education. Distance learning methods based on modern technological achievements. The main features of distance education in Ukraine.

    реферат [19,1 K], добавлен 01.11.2012

  • Modern education system in the UK. Preschool education. The national curriculum. Theoretical and practical assignments. The possible scenarios for post-secondary education. Diploma of higher professional education. English schools and parents' committees.

    презентация [3,3 M], добавлен 05.06.2015

  • Planning a research study. Explanation, as an ability to give a good theoretical background of the problem, foresee what can happen later and introduce a way of solution. Identifying a significant research problem. Conducting a pilot and the main study.

    реферат [26,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2012

  • Teaching practice is an important and exciting step in the study of language. Description of extracurricular activities. Feedback of extracurricular activity. Psychological characteristic of a group and a students. Evaluation and testing of students.

    отчет по практике [87,0 K], добавлен 20.02.2013

  • The education system in the United States of America. Pre-school education. Senior high school. The best universities of national importance. Education of the last level of training within the system of higher education. System assessment of Knowledge.

    презентация [1,4 M], добавлен 06.02.2014

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