Development of preschoolers’ speech activity

The content of the concept of speech activity is analyzed in the article. The stages of formation of children’s speech are highlighted. Basic requirements for the senior preschooler are formulated in the Ukrainian state standard of preschool education

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Development of preschoolers' speech activity

Y. S. Kotelianets

The content of the concept of speech activity is analyzed in the article. The stages of formation of children's speech are highlighted. Basic requirements for the senior preschooler are formulated in the Ukrainian state standard of preschool education. Different types of competences should be formed: phonetic, lexical, grammatical, dialogic, monologic. Speech development is one of the important factors in child's preparation for school, as an integrated factor of personal growth, since it has a direct impact on intellectual processes and properties. Numerous studies of scientists show that children of preschool age have internal speech, which becomes not only a means of communication, but also performs a cognitive function. Particular importance is given to explanatory language, which requires a certain sequence of presentation, highlighting the main links and relationships in a situation that listeners need to understand. Describing preschoolers' cohesive speech, scientists divide it into situational and contextual. Coherent speech is divided into dialogical and monological. Dialogical speech is considered by scientists as the primary natural form of speech communication, consisting of the exchange of expressions. speech activity preschool

Among children's literary genres (fairytales, stories, poems, small folklore genres, non-stories, jokes, etc.) that contribute to the development of speech, a special place is taken by the fairytale. Educational tales, created by adults for the education and children's upbringing, are widely used to solve educational tasks. An effective means of speech development is visual modeling by using fiction. The development of children's active speech, developing the ability to use basic logic and operations is one of the important tasks of children's preparation for school. Starting from the young age, children can be taught to model using color and size. Children quite easily understand principles of selection of conventional substitutes for fairytale's characters and are interested in such activities. In addition to fairytales, emotionally colored children's poems, short stories, works of small folklore genres can be chosen.

The main goal of work with children of middle preschool age is to teach them to tell and reproduce a fairytale or other pieces of literature, as well as to compile a story. The usage of schematic models helps children to master consistently the ability to reproduce individual episodes first and then the whole work of fiction.

Key words: speech development, preschool age, dialogical speech, monological speech, situational speech, contextual speech.


Ю. С. Котелянець

У статті проаналізовано зміст поняття мовленнєва діяльність. Виділено етапи становлення мовлення дітей. Згідно основних вимог до старшого дошкільника сформульованих в державному стандарті дошкільної освіти в Україні (БКДО). у дитини мають бути сформовані різні види компетенцій:фонетична, лексична, граматична, діалогічна, монологічна. Розвиток мовленнєвої діяльності це один із важливих чинників підготовки дитини до школи, як інтегрований чинник особистісного зростання, оскільки має безпосередній вплив на інтелектуальні процеси, властивості. Багаточисельні дослідження вчених свідчать про те, що дітям передшкільного віку притаманне внутрішнє мовлення, яке стає не тільки засобом спілкування, а й виконує пізнавальну функцію. Особливе значення надається пояснювальній мові, яка вимагає певної послідовності викладу, виділення головних зв'язків і відношень в ситуації, яку повинні зрозуміти слухачі. Характеризуючи зв'язне мовлення дошкільників, учені поділяють його на ситуативне та контекстове. Зв'язне мовлення поділяється на діалогічне та монологічне. Діалогічне мовлення розглядається вченими як первинна природна форма мовленнєвого спілкування, що складається з обміну висловлювань.

Серед дитячих літературних жанрів (казки, оповідання, вірші, малі фольклорні жанри, небилиці, жарти тощо), які сприяють розвитку мовлення, особливе місце займає казка. Для розв'язання навчальних завдань широко використовують дидактичні казки, створені дорослими для навчання та виховання дітей. Ефективним засобом розвитку мовлення є наочне моделювання засобами художньої літератури. Розвиток у дітей активного мовлення, вироблення вміння користуватися основними логічними прийомами й операціями є одним із важливих завдань підготовки дітей до школи. Починаючи з молодшого віку дітей можна вчити моделювати за кольором і величиною. Діти досить легко розуміють принцип підбору умовних замісників персонажів казки і з інтересом займаються такою діяльністю. Крім казок, для роботи можна обрати емоційно забарвлені дитячі віршики, оповідання, твори малих фольклорних жанрів.

Головною метою в роботі з дітьми середнього дошкільного віку є навчання самостійно розповідати та переказувати казку чи інший літературний твір, складати розповідь. Використання схем-моделей допомагає дітям послідовно оволодівати вмінням переказувати спочатку окремі епізоди, а потім і весь твір в цілому та навичками складання розповідей.

Ключові слова: мовленнєвий розвиток, дошкільний вік, діалогічне мовлення, монологічне мовлення, ситуативне мовлення, контекстове мовлення.

Introduction of the issue

Within the basic components of pre-school education, speech development is being allocated in an independent direction. Educational line "Child's Speech” is one of the major ones and includes child's learning of the culture of speech and communication, elementary rules for the usage of speech in different life situations. The substantive content of the educational line "Child's Speech" focuses teachers' attention not on the solution of individual tasks of children's speech development, but on a holistic approach to the formation of speech competence (in the unity of its components) as one of the key criteria and, at the same time, a significant condition of establishment and development of preschooler's speech. An important component of the content of preschoolers' speech development is coherent dialogic and monologic speech [1].

Current state of the issue. In modern linguistic research the problem of speech development and speech activity is considered in various aspects: teaching children storytelling (O. Bilan, N. Vodolaga, N. Gavrish, V. Zakharchenko, T. ostoyan, Shadrin), creative story (L. Voroshnina, N. Orlanova, O. Ushakova, A. Shybytska), the development of descriptive speech (V. Gerbova, A. Zrozhevskaya, S. Lasunova), the development of coherent speech in the process of acquaintance with nature (N. Vinogradov), development of explanatory speech (N. Kuzina, N. Lutsan), the usage of fiction in the development of monological speech (A. Bogush, N. Malinovskaya,

O. Monke, O. Ushakova, L. Fesenko). Particular attention was paid to the development of speech activity by such scholars as S. Rubinstein, Y. Arkin, O. Ushakov, O. Luria, G. Leushin, V. Skalkin, E. Fleorin, M. Zhinkin, O. Leontiev, and M. Popov. They considered in detail the development of the language from birth to child's admission to school.

Aim of research. O. Luria, a Soviet psychologist, one of the supporters of cultural and historical theory, also emphasized the fact that language is an important possession of humanity in the process of its historical development. Its essence lies in the existence of an objective system of signs or codes. According to the specialist's perspective, speech is intended for broadcasting information in verbal form. Nevertheless, he adds that it can exist on the genetic level in the form of communication (in its terminology, communicative activity), or it can acquire the characteristics of understanding (thinking activity), in other words, becomes an instrument of thought. Therefore, statements that contain encoding processes - decoding, are mediated by an understanding of those values that are laid in their context, thus, they form the main subject of the research.

Results and discussion

The research emphasizes that "speech is central in the process of mental development, and the development of speech is internally linked to the development of thinking and the development of consciousness in a whole; speech is multifunctional by nature: it has a communicative, indicative, intellectual, signifying functions; all of these functions are interconnected; speech is a polymorphic activity that acts as a vocal communicative more than vocal, but it does not have a direct communicative function, as internal speech. These forms can transfer into each other. Psycholinguistics define speech as an activity that is included in the general system of human's activity. Speech activity has a psychophysiological nature. It is the work of the human's body and, above all, the brain, aimed at the usage of the learnt language for the purpose of communication. Speech is a product of this activity. Adequate level of child's speech development provides not only his communication with people, but is also the basis of his full mental development" [4].

Speech is a product of the of the individual's speech activity. Speech activity is a set of psychophysiological actions of the human body, which are directed at the perception and understanding of speech or its generation in oral or written form. It is a complex two-way process (T. Akhutina, M. Zhinkin, O. Leontiev, O. Luria, E. Sobotovich, T Ushakova, L. Tsvetkova, etc.), which is characterized by polysemy, multilevel structure, mobility and communication.

Its structure includes a set of skills, operations, which are gradually formed in the process of development and have a positive effect on the process of language acquisition, contribute to its usage for communication. Speech learning is both a goal and means of practical language acquisition. Speech activity is important for the development of the child's intelligence and self-awareness; it positively influences on the formation of such important personality traits as: communicativeness, kindness, initiative, creativity, competence.

Researchers distinguish different stages of children's language formation, call them differently, as well as set alternative age norms. O. Gvozdev's research traces the sequence of appearance of different parts of the speech, phrases, different types of sentences in the child's speech. O. Leontiev identifies 4 stages of formation of children's speech: preparatory - up to 1 year; pre-school stage of primary language acquisition - up to 3 years; preschool - from 3 to 7 years; school (Leont'ev, A., 2003). In other studies, child's stages of preverbal and verbal development are distinguished. Summarizing the research data with different approaches to the periodization of the child's speech development, there are the following periods: I - the sentence

period, which has two stages: 1) the stage of a one-word sentence; 2) a sentence with several words; II - the period of mastering the grammatical structure of sentences, which has 3 stages: 1) the stage of formation of the first forms; 2) the stage of using the flexion system of the language to express the syntactic links of words; 3) the stage of mastering official words; III - mastering the morphological system of the mother tongue.

The basic requirements for senior preschoolers are formulated in the Ukrainian State Standard for Preschool Education. This document states that the child should have different types of competencies. In particular, speech competence includes phonetic, lexical, grammatical, dialogic, monologic composition. Its essence consists in the acquired ability to communicate freely using native language, to use one's own language for different activities and situations, the ability to consciously manage it and different language means to express themselves. At the same time, preschooler's speech includes both verbal utterances and listening, based on skills. Thus, A. Bogush, N. Gavrish, scientists in the field of preschool education, point out that speech activity is the most decisive among many kinds of activities, others develop on its basis (originate from it). Actually, this activity is interpreted by the authors as a form of communication and is based on the abstract thinking and speech, moreover, it is filled with structural elements - actions and operations (in different combinations). Its procedural side is the stages of recognition and orientation in the situation of communication, anticipation and planning (creation of a sequence of actions), practical implementation of the plan and, finally, control. It is formed from the creation (appearance), transmission and perception of judgments, the purpose of which is to develop further communication, control and regulation of behavior during exercises, as well as one's own speech [2: 43].

A. Bogush considers the development of speech activity as one of the important factors of the child's preparation for school; as an integrated factor of personal growth, for it has a direct influence on intellectual processes and properties. The scientist thinks that its main components are clear articulation and pronunciation, mastering of speech expressiveness, learning the ability to create grammatical structures, as well as the accumulation and active use of words,

active word formation, moral norms and rules of communication, mastering the structure of speech, free use of various forms of speech in different patterns of behavior and activities, a common culture of speech [2: 172]. As it can be concluded, the components of this phenomenon of language are quite different and, at the same time, they make a complete model of preschooler's mental activity.

Lublinska emphasized that for the active development of the child's speech it is necessary to: isolate certain words from the general flow; carrying out phonemic analysis of a single word; the attribution of a particular word to an object; generalization and designation of homogeneous objects and phenomena; understanding of holistic judgment; mastering of articulation; the ability to pick the right words. So, it lets the preschoolers understand complicated literary plots; they have an increasing interest in the word, as their vocabulary is enriched with different parts of speech. Gradually, the preschoolers develop cohesive speech through the acquisition of knowledge of grammar and language culture. On the basis of these achievements, an internal language is developed, which, by its nature, is built on the basis of spoken grammar, and, at the same time, fulfills the functions of planning and prediction [8].

Numerous researches (L. Bozhovich, N. Gavrish, D. Elkonin, G. Kostyuk, etc.) show that children of preschool age have internal speech, which becomes not only the means of communication, but also performs a cognitive function. Thus, according to psychologists, the transition from external speech to internal occurs at the age from four to five (D. Elkonin, G. Lyublinskaya, G. Leushina). In parallel with the development of communicative and cognitive functions, regulatory, planning and explanatory functions of language form and expand, which are identified as the highest forms of mastering the language (A. Bogush, A. Gorelov, M. Lisin, etc.). Particular importance is given to explanatory language, which requires a certain sequence of presentation, highlighting the main links and relationships in a situation that listeners need to understand. As noted by M. Poddyakov and F. Sokhin, in the process of special education at the end of preschool age, children master the explanatory language as a basis for consideration, and which is necessary in school education and it reaches a fairly high level. In the process of communication children can participate in the conversation, make appropriate replies and formulate questions. Numerous studies of domestic and foreign scientists (O. Bilan, I. Doman, D. Doman, O. Dyachenko, O. Kononko, S. Lasunova, A. Poghribniy, O. Ushakova, etc.) prove that during the sixth year of life preschoolers can consistently and clearly produce a descriptive story-telling on an offered topic; also, they can express opinions, argue convincingly. Senior preschoolers actively develop speech, which, under the conditions of properly organized training, promotes the development of children's literary abilities, stimulates and enriches other types of children's creativity (N. Gavrish, N. Orlanova).

Characterizing preschoolers' coherent speech, L. Vygotsky, Z. Istomin, and G. Leushin divide it into situational and contextual [6]. The most complete characteristics of situational and contextual speech is presented in G. Leushina's study, which was conducted under the guidance of S. Rubinstein. Genetically, the primary form of coherent speech, according to the research, is situational, which can only be understood in a particular situation; it is a speech that accompanies actions, gestures, facial expressions, and is characterized by incomplete sentences, individual words, movements and, therefore, it can only be understood in a certain situation.

Mastering the contextual form of speech is conditioned by more complicated tasks. It should disclose and display all relevant connections and thoughts; there is no need to take special account speaking and specific situations in which the child is in order to understand the message. Situational and contextual speech are always interconnected, but contextualizm does not supersede situational and does not change it; as S. Rubinstein points out, situational and contextual speech coexist in a child and at the same time contextual speech continues to develop [6].

S. Rubinstein formulated the thesis that in the complex process of ontogeny of speech communication is the central direction of development, which integrates all other speech aspects, such as the formation of the ability to produce and understand contextual statements: "The main line of the child's speech development is the most essential and according to S. Rubinstein, it is an only from a purely dominant state of situational speech with the help of which the child moves to mastering contextual speech" [6].

Coherent speech is divided into dialogical and monological; dialogical speech is considered by scientists (A. Gvozdev, G. Leushina, N. Lutsan,

Palikhata, V. Skalkin, L. Sherba, L. Yakubinsky) as the primary natural form of communication, which consists of the exchange of expressions. Conversational speech is situational, contextual, convoluted, elliptical, arbitrary, reactive, poorly organized. According to the linguistic encyclopedic dictionary, in dialogues such forms as questions, answers, additions, explanations, distributions, objections and constructive connections of remarks are used.

Monological speech is an expanded form of speech, as the speaker should not only name the subject, but also reveal the various relationships (temporal, causal) that characterize it.

A. Leontiev interprets the arbitrariness of monological speech as the ability of a child to make expressions on the basis of non-volitional content on the basis of a willful act [5]. The scientist notes that a monologue is an organized kind of speech, in which you need to plan not only each individual utterance, but also your complete monologue. He emphasizes that all these features (deployment, arbitrariness, planning, purpose) of monological speech prove that it requires specialized speech education" [5: 53].

Among children's literary genres (fairytales, stories, poems, small folklore genres, bed-time stories, jokes, etc.) that contribute to the development of speech, a special place is occupied by the fairytale. According to V. Sukhomlinsky it is the means of development of creative speech, active aesthetic creativity, which captures all spheres of the child's spiritual life - his/her mind, feelings, imagination, will, etc. Without a fairytale it is impossible to imagine children's thinking and language. Educational tales, created by adults for children's education and upbringing, are widely used to solve educational tasks. Whatever the educational task of the teacher is, the children do not see it as learning, but as a fascinating adventure. The main element of a didactic fairytale is a certain task that children solve faster, because it is much easier for them to act in a fairytale than in a real life situation; without much effort, they perform the given task of helping the character(s) of a fairytale or inventing his/her own adventures, thus, it helps to develop coherent speech, correct sound language, enrich the vocabulary.

According to N. Gavrish, an effective means of speech development is visual modeling using the work of fiction. The development of children's active speech presupposes the formation of the ability to use basic logic strategies and operations while performing important tasks of children's school preparatory course. Starting from the young age, children can be taught to design models using color and size. Simple real-life or fictional objects, such as plane or fairytale characters "Ripka", "Kolobok", "Rukavychka" can be used for modelling, for children quite easily understand the principle of the choice of conditional substitutes for fairytale characters and are interested in such activities. In addition to fairytales, emotionally colored children's poems, stories, works of small folklore genres can be chosen.

The main goal of working with children of middle preschool age is to teach them to produce and retell a fairytale or other literary work, basically, to compile a story of his/her own. The use of schematic models helps children to consistently master storytelling skills and the ability to retell the first story episodes, while step-by-step closing to reproducing the entire work of fiction as a whole. The type of modeling is chosen depending on the aim of the lesson. After special education, children of middle preschool age acquire the following skills: to tell Ukrainian folk tales independently using illustrations, reproductions, schemes, models, symbolic signs; use vivid images in speech; identify fairytale characters according to descriptions, riddles, illustrations; use verbal and non-verbal means of speech while acting out episodes of a fairytale.

In older preschool age, children are taught to make creative stories on a topic suggested by a teacher or according to their own plan. The use of schematic models is aimed at the development of coherent speech, thinking, imagination, memory, creative potential of children, moreover, acquired visual modeling skills become the basis for children's verbal creativity. Elder preschoolers are not only offered to use ready-made plans-schemes, but also to build them independently. Such modeling allows to consolidate children's knowledge about the structure of the fairytale and helps to remember the sequence of actions. Children learn to independently portray not only the characters or the subject, but also the movement (using the arrow) and draw diagrams for individual episodes with help of which they retell the text.

While studying the stories, preschoolers are taught to convey the emotions and different types of movements depicted in the schemes, for drawing schematic plans of fairytales and other stories helps to memorize better the characters, sequence of actions in it, convey characters' intonation and imitate their gestures, movements, facial expressions.

Playing, dramatizing episodes are also kinds of motional modeling. Sometimes children get the following kinds of homework: to draw their own diagram of a fairytale or a story and to describe it to their parents; using schemes while making narrative stories makes it easier for children to master coherent language, as having a visual plan makes such stories clear, consistent and widespread. As a result of the work done, in the end of the year children can independently draw schemes and select symbolic signs, with help of which create own stories, fairytales in a new way, and subsequently - their own works of fiction [3].

Exploring the peculiarities of children's perception of the artistic form of poems, E. Zhitsky noted that the success of a single process of learning and education depends on the skillful disclosure of artistic visualization. The ability to reproduce a familiar image, to draw it in your imagination is a decisive factor in learning a poem, the poetic language. The author emphasizes that children need to be taught to see the beauty not only in the content of poetry, but also in the art. Attention to the figurative words of the poemencourages preschoolers to use such words in their speech [9: 40].

According to A. Ushakova, factors that combine the perception of poetic works with children's own speech are a well-developed poetic acoustic sensibility, which encompasses the awareness of the means of artistic expression and the sense of poetic speech, that is the ability to perceive an artistic word and use it in one's speech [7].

N. Havrysh draws teachers' attention to the fact that, while introducing fiction to children, the teacher should teach them elementary literary analysis and artistic structure of the text; to learn to understand its basic content, to get acquainted with genre, compositional, speech features of different text types. Preschoolers will be able to use their acquired literary knowledge while making their own stories [3: 15].

While teaching children to perceive fiction, it is advisable to use a system of methods and techniques in their different combination, taking into account the specific properties of the text, including the following: first reading and re-reading, observing the phenomena of nature, conversations before and after reading the text, as well as drawing lessons, modeling on the subjects of the text, learning short poems and fragments, literary games, quizzes, thematic concerts based on works of some poets and writers.

As reading is one of the four types of a person's speech activity, fiction helps the child to master the corresponding competencies, which is the key to understanding the world of nature, things and human relations. Work of fiction gives ready language forms and patterns, verbal characteristics of the image, the definition, with which the child operates. Through the art of declamation in the preschool period, before learning the grammatical rules, the child practically learns the grammatical norms of language in unity with vocabulary. With the help of stories, children acquire laconicism and the precision of language; poems help with melody and rhythm of the Ukrainian language; fairy tales give accuracy and expressiveness. From fictional works the child learns many new words, figurative expressions; his/her language is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. Literary language also helps children to express their attitude to the text that has been read, using comparisons, metaphors, epithets and other means of artistic expression.

While introducing the book, the connection between linguistic and aesthetic development is clearly traced, the language is assimilated in its nature. The book shapes the future reader, his/her views and beliefs, which are necessary components of the readiness for successful schooling. Therefore, one of the effective ways of children's language training for school education is the widespread usage of various genres of fiction, which will positively influence the development of creative activity, enrichment of lexical baggage and grammatical skills, expressiveness of children's speech and the development of interest to the book.

Conclusions and research perspectives

Speech activity is important for the development of the child's intelligence and self-awareness; it positively impacts the formation of such important personal qualities as communicativeness, kindness,

initiative, creativity, competences. The basic requirements for the senior preschooler are formulated in the Ukrainian state standard of preschool education. Among children's literary genres (fairytales, stories, poems, small folklore genres, fantastic stories, jokes, etc.) that contribute to the development of speech, a special place is occupied by a fairytale. An effective means of speech development is visual modeling by means of fiction. In older preschool age, children are taught to make creative stories on a topic suggested by a teacher or on their own topic.

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  • The problem of linguistic abilities of a child. Goals and objectives of foreign language teaching preschoolers. Number of pupils in a group, the frequency, duration of sessions. The game as the leading method of teaching preschoolers. Learning vocabulary.

    курсовая работа [39,5 K], добавлен 26.06.2015

  • The education system in the United States of America. Pre-school education. Senior high school. The best universities of national importance. Education of the last level of training within the system of higher education. System assessment of Knowledge.

    презентация [1,4 M], добавлен 06.02.2014

  • History of school education system in the USA. The role of school education in the USA. Organisation of educational process in American schools. Reforms and innovations in education that enable children to develop their potential as individuals.

    курсовая работа [326,6 K], добавлен 12.01.2016

  • The applied science model. The basic assumptions underlying this model. Received and experiential knowledge. Oldest form of professional education. The most advanced modern teaching strategies. Projects for the development of creative abilities.

    презентация [156,0 K], добавлен 09.03.2015

  • School attendance and types of schools. Pre-school and elementary education. Nursery schools and kindergartens which are for children at the age of 4 - 6. The ideal of mass education with equal opportunity for all. Higher education, tuition fees.

    реферат [20,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2013

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