Interactive methods of studying of Ukrainian language by foreign medical students
The meaning of the concepts "teaching method", "interactive learning". The role of interactive methods of teaching the Ukrainian language in the formation of the speech personality of a medical student. Organization of an effective educational process.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 29.05.2022 |
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Interactive methods of studying of Ukrainian language by foreign medical students
M.V. Tsurkan
Within the article, the content of concepts "method of studying" and "interactive studying" has been found out. Scientific investigations of occurrence of separate interactive methods of studying have been analyzed in both foreign and domestic didactics, as well as role of each method has been described in formation and establishment of lingual personality, including a foreign medical student. It has been mentioned, that method of studying of Ukrainian as a foreign language - is the way of realization of educational, developing and disciplinary aim of studying, that is directed into organization of efficient educational process, which main task is achievement of the desired result. Main interactive methods of studying of Ukrainian as a foreign language have been characterized at medical institution of higher education, namely: method of business-like game, method of brain-storm, method of educational discussions, method of training exercises, method of blended studying, case-method, thesaurus-method. It has been noticed that none of the mentioned methods are universal ones, that's why only the complex of distinguished methods will promote achievement of the aim and tasks of educational process, in particular, mastering of Ukrainian language by foreign medical students. It has been emphasized, that selection of methods of studying of Ukrainian as a foreign language by medical students depends on chosen approaches and principles of studying of the discipline, specificity of theoretical and practical material, that must be assimilated by a foreign student during studying at institution of higher education, as well as on pedagogical mastery and experience of a teacher's work, conditions of implementation of educational process, available informative-communicative means of studying, etc. The focus is on that presented methods of studying from the investigation are efficient only under condition of their integrated implementation into educational process, as each definite method is directed into formation of certain practical skills and abilities of a subject of studying, which are key components of professionally-communicative competency of a foreign student as a future highly-qualified and competitive specialist of medical branch.
Key words: Ukrainian as a foreign language, interactive method of studying, foreign medical student, professionally-communicative competency.
Інтерактивні методи навчання української мови іноземних студентів-медиків
М.В. Цуркан
У статті з'ясовано зміст понять "метод навчання", "інтерактивне навчання". Проаналізовано наукові дослідження, щодо виникнення окремих інтерактивних методів навчання як у зарубіжній, так і вітчизняній дидактиці, а також описано роль кожного методу у формуванні та становленні мовленнєвої особистості, у тому числі іноземного студента-медика. Зазначено, що метод навчання української мови як іноземної - це спосіб реалізації освітньої, розвивальної та виховної мети навчання, спрямований на організацію ефективного освітнього процесу, основним завданням якого є досягнення бажаного результату. Охарактеризовано основні інтерактивні методи навчання української мови як іноземної в медичному закладі вищої освіти, а саме: метод ділової гри, метод розумового штурму, метод навчальної дискусії, метод тренінгових вправ, метод змішаного навчання, кейс-метод, тезаурусний метод. Зауважено, що жоден із зазначених методів не є універсальним, тому лише сукупність виокремлених методів сприятиме досягненню мети та завдань навчального процесу, зокрема оволодінню іноземними студентами-медиками українською мовою. Підкреслено, що добір методів навчання української мови як іноземної студентів-медиків залежить від обраних підходів і принципів вивчення дисципліни, специфіки теоретичного і практичного матеріалу, який має засвоїти іноземний студент упродовж навчання в закладі вищої освіти, а також від педагогічної майстерності й досвіду роботи викладача, умов здійснення навчального процесу, наявних інформаційно-комунікаційних засобів навчання тощо. Закцентовано увагу на тому, що представлені в дослідженні методи навчання є ефективними лише за умови їх інтегрованого впровадження в освітній процес, оскільки кожен означений метод спрямований на формування певних практичних умінь і навичок суб'єкта навчання, які є ключовими складниками професійно-комунікативної компетентності іноземного студента як майбутнього висококваліфікованого та конкурентоспроможного фахівця медичної галузі.
Ключові слова: українська мова як іноземна, інтерактивний метод навчання, іноземний студент-медик, професійно-комунікативна компетентність.
interactive studying ukrainian language
Introduction of the issue
Methodology of teaching of Ukrainian as a foreign language is a priority direction of modern linguo-didactics. Ukrainian institutions of higher education accept thousands of foreign citizens for studying, whose high- quality preparation is a main topic of domestic higher institutions. In spite of that foreigners choose English language as a language of studying, communication of foreign speakers in Ukrainian language is an important instrument of adaptation for them in foreign society, and for foreign medical students - it is main means for passing of clinical practice at medical institutions, as a patient who contacts with foreign speaker usually speaks Ukrainian language. As we can see, future foreign doctor must freely communicate with Ukrainian patients and their relatives, quickly overcome language-psychological barrier in order to achieve desired result during conduction of professional dialogue.
Results and efficiency of studying of Ukrainian language by foreign medical students who obtain higher education at Ukrainian IHE (Institution of Higher Education) mostly depends on methods of studying, their correct combining and application with the aim of realization of previously outlined goals and tasks.
Current state of the issue. Such pedagogues have described method as didactics category in their investigations as (A. Aleksiuk, O. Biliayev, A. Verbytskyi, Z. Kurland, M. Fitsula, P. Shcherban and other), linguistics (Z. Bakum, A. Bohush, N. Holub, O. Horoshkina, M. Hreb, V. Zahorodna, S. Karaman, O. Karaman, O. Kopus, O. Kucheruk, I. Nehrybelna, A. Nikitina, M. Pentyliuk, A. Popovych, O. Semenoh and other).
The outline of unresolved issues brought up in the article. Studying of various scientific investigations has proved that there is no single classification of methods of studying in linguistics nowadays, as according to V. Tekuchov, method is greatly complex phenomenon, that has different features, each method can be classified into different types by each of separate features [14: 67].
Aim of search of this article - is to find out the content of concepts "method of studying” and "interactive studying"; to characterize main interactive methods of studying of Ukrainian as a foreign language at medical institutions of higher education.
Results and discussion
Investigation of methods of Ukrainian as a foreign language was the subject of scientific studies of Zh. Rahrina (interactive methods: business-like games, training exercises, brain-storm, interviews, educational discussions), S. Kostiuk (consciously-comparable method, consciously-practical method, audio-linguistic method, method of role game), O. Fedorova (informative- receptive method, communicative method, integral method, method of immersion of listeners into active additive activity, method of role game, audio-linguistic method and other), S. Palchykova (direct method, audio- linguistic method, method of reading, consciously-comparable method), L. Subota (communicative method, gaming interactive method, suggestive method, consciously-practical method), N. Avramenko (method of inverse studying), method of game-quest, method of storytelling, "press" method, brain storm, "choose a position" technology, method of business-like and role games, method of creation of discussions, method of projects, "lacy cutter" method, mind-mapping method), A. Shcherbakova (method of discussion, method of brain-storm, method of "round table", method of business-like game, case-method) and other. Analysis of aforementioned scientific and scientifically-methodological works enables to make a conclusion, that method of studying of Ukrainian as a foreign language is based on the system of methods, which have been applied in the process of studying of a foreign language.
The concept of "method" is considered in linguistics as: 1) "the system of methodological ways, which formation is defined by goals of studying, generally-didactics principles, character of educational process and peculiarities of sources of educational information" [4]; way of achievement of educational aim, that provides unity of educational activity of a teacher / lecturer and activity of studying of pupils / students [5: 87]. Method has been interpreted in methodology of teaching of a foreign language as "the system of models of methodological ways, which predetermine activity of a teacher and students, that is directed into implementation of educational and disciplinary tasks of a subject" [3: 19]; "generalized model of realization of basic components of the process of studying of a foreign language, the basis of which is specific idea of solving of main methodological task, scientifically grounded system of principles, that reflects certain linguistic and psychological concept" [6: 71].
We interpret method of studying of Ukrainian as a foreign language as way of realization of educational, developing and disciplinary aim of studying, that is directed into organization of efficient educational process, which main task is achievement of desired result.
Interactive methods of studying are directed into provision of such pedagogical conditions, which will promote efficient preparation of students for professionally-oriented communication. The concept of "interaction" firstly has been applied in sociology and social psychology. Consideration of development and livelihoods of a personality, creation of own "I" by human being in communicative situations and interaction with other people has been in the basis of the theory of symbolic interactionism, which founder is American Philosopher J. Mid.
S. Sysoyeva notes, that "the concept of "interactive studying" is mostly considered as studying, that is formed on interaction of a pupil / student with educational surrounding, educational environment at the modern stage of development of pedagogical theory; studying that's is based on psychology of human relations and interactions; studying, which essence is based on organization of common process of cognition, when knowledge is obtained in common activity through dialogue, polylogue of pupils / students between each other and a teacher" [10: 37]. Also, the researcher emphasizes that such psychological phenomenon acts at interactive studying, as contamination (not imitation, but exactly contamination) and any thought that is expressed by a neighbor is able to involuntary cause own, similar or close to expressed one or conversely completely opposite one, that stimulates and activates all participants in return, as it generates spirit of competition, contest, desire to find the truth [10: 38].
Within the presented investigation, we interpret interactive studying of foreign medical students as a way of organization and implementation of educational, cognitive and exploratory activity, which aim is formation of communicative skills and abilities of conduction of professional activity by future foreign medics by modeling of situation, immersion into real atmosphere of business-like communication, that is directed into solving of professional problems.
Application of interactive methods of studying provides intensification of the process of understanding, assimilation and creative application of knowledge during solving of practical tasks, maximal activity of students in educational process, optimal time of studying and its effectiveness.
We consider effective interactive methods of studying of Ukrainian as a foreign language at medical institution of higher education, such as: method of business-like game, method of brainstorm, method of training discussion, method of training exercises, method of mixed education, case-method, thesaurus-method. None of the mentioned methods is universal, that's why only the complex of distinguished methods will promote achievement of the aim and tasks of educational process, in particular, mastering of Ukrainian language by foreign medical students.
Method of business-like game - is one of the most important interactive methods of studying of Ukrainian as a foreign language by foreign students, as it provides modeling of different professionally-communicative situations, that enables "comprehensive studying of a problem, prognostication of ways of its solving; strengthens reflection of students; reduces amount of common mistakes in real vital situations; increases cognitive interest of future medics to profile educational disciplines" [8: 99].
O. Kucheruk has distinguished such stages of introduction of the method of business-like game as "1) organization stage, that provides familiarization of pupils / students with content of business-like game, situation, scenario, functions of participants of a game, criteria of estimation; distribution of roles; realization of gaming task and instruction to it; 2) gaming stage - playing of plan-scenario (time limit is discussed), herewith, pupils / students can make out different types of business papers according to gaming situation, to work with terminological dictionaries, specialized handbooks; 3) analysis, discussion of results of educationally-gaming activity of each participant and all together; 4) reflection” [5: 359]. We consider application of this method in authorial model of methodological system of education to be expedient in terms of consideration of typical, the most frequent situations, which are characteristic for conduction of future professional activity of foreign medical students. We attribute "primary examination of a patient", "hospitalization", "setting of diagnosis", "prescription of treatment / giving of recommendations", "implementation of the process of treatment", "discharge of a patient" and so on to such situations.
It is necessary to note, that modeled communicative situations of household content have preceded modeling of professionally-oriented business-like games, which aim first of all was sociocultural adaptation of foreign citizens in Ukrainian speaking environment. So, students have already taken part in created games-situations, which provided reproduction of the process of acquaintance, communication in the shop, pharmacy, library, transport, etc. Considering all the mentioned above, business-like games of professional direction, that is previously planned by a teacher must be developed by strictly designed plan- scenario within one specific situation, that will promote not only formation, but constant improvement of professionally-communicative skills and abilities of foreign students.
"Brain-storm" method provides studying in groups and is directed into development of oral speaking of students, in particular ability to express own opinion and argue it.
Each training group created at the beginning of a lesson requires: 1) to distribute roles between its members, for example, a doctor, a patient, a relative of a patient, medical sister, laboratory assistant and other, and also necessarily choose leader of a group, who will stimulate mind activity of members of a group by setting of established questions: "Who has any proposals?", "Who thinks differently?", "Which are additional arguments?", "Which are evidences of expressed idea?"; 2) to familiarize a group with a problem task; 3) to determine time for its implementation under guidance of a teacher; 4) to conduct group discussion of the proposed task (one member of a group notes every performance); 5) to present results of discussion in oral form and visualize a report depending on a situation.
This method is necessary to apply at the lesson of Ukrainian as a foreign language, when medical students study how to implement anamnesis of a disease (information, that is given by patients or their relatives about life conditions, which proceeded a disease and about history of development of the disease [11: 42]), which provides ability of any doctor to properly and correctly formulate a question with the aim of structuring of main complaints of a patient, symptoms of a disease and setting of the diagnosis. In accordance, another members of a group must propose probable answers of patients, their relatives and to reproduce a dialogue in such a way - inquiring, justifying replicas of a doctor, a patient, other members of a dialogue and following regulations of deliberation of own ideas and their expression.
Information that is obtained during the described dialogue will be the ground for filling of medical history of a patient, that is the next obligatory stage in practical activity of a doctor.
Introduction of the mentioned method induces students to active professional communication, increases the interest of foreigners to the future profession. Method of training discussion - 1) wide public discussion of a certain controversial question; 2) in figurative meaning - dispute, controversy of separate persons, interlocutors [15: 91] - directed into creation of a situation of competition in the process of communication of students with the aim of finding out of the truth.
Yu. Polikarpova notes, that discussion "provides communicative direction of studying (including foreign languages), promotes realization of personality-oriented approach in studying. It is valuable, that students obtain practical experience of application of means of a foreign language for achievement of communicative goals due to discussion. Developed critical thinking of students, social mobility, skills of cooperation are the result of training discussions" [7: 285].
During training discussion, students publicly analyze, discuss and argue own and other students' thoughts; critically evaluate proposed statements, referring to researched scientific sources and expressing own point of view; improve language skills; compare achievements in any branch (in our case, in medical one) of different countries of the world with the aim of solving urgent problems of society; appeal to different cultures and subcultures for generalization of information concerning solving of required task.
O. Kucheruk has described such types of discussion in the investigation as: group discussion, evaluation discussion, loopy discussion, written discussion, discussion in talk-show style [5: 361], and in the work of Yu. Polikarpova, there are podium discussion, panel discussion, discussion in mini-groups, discussion with distribution of roles [7: 287], which common component is discussion of problematic question.
In the process of studying of Ukrainian as a foreign language by medical students, we consider it appropriate to apply method of training discussion during learning of professional topics, which are connected with diseases of organs of different systems of human body, in particular for determination of diagnosis by analysis of patients' complaints, discussion of symptoms of a disease, results of obtained analysis, etc. (a teacher formulates thematic problem question and students study available materials and indicators, select facts of its solving, make conclusions). Also in progress of training discussion, students propose the most efficient ways of treatment and prevention of individual disease on their opinion, having discussed obtained information in group, necessarily arguing recommendations presented by a group.
Method of training exercises is directed into conscious mastering of theoretical material, development of lingual and speech abilities of students, working and fixing of previously formed communicative skills, avoidance of mistakes during communication.
V. Yahupov determined general conditions which promote successful application of exercises, such as: 1) high-quality preparation of teachers, their ability to take into account individually-psychic peculiarities of pupils / students; 2) understanding of the aim of exercise by pupils / students, as well as content and sequence of its implementation; 3) maintenance of constant interest to exercise of pupils / students, conscious attitude to multiple repetitions of monotonous actions; 4) compliance of accessible rhythm, methodically correct alternation of actions, which require intensified mind and physical tension from pupils / students; 5) sequence and regularity in performing of exercises, gradual increasing of selfdetermination of pupils / students during their implementation; 6) gradual complication and change of conditions of implementation of exercises; 7) systematic control of the course of exercises and appropriate constant help for pupils / students in overcoming of difficulties and mistakes; 8) formation of skills of self-control and selfestimation of accomplished actions in pupils / students, etc. [16].
Application of the method of training exercises in the process of studying of Ukrainian as a foreign language by foreign medical students is necessary and appropriate, as learning of any language provides complete or partial reproduction of perceived material by personality and automatic operating of it according to defined topic, aim and conditions of communication.
The definite method is efficient during mastering of phonetical, lexical and grammatical phenomenon by foreign students, as namely the method of training exercises is directed into "formation of lingual pronounceable, grammatical and lexical automatisms with further their involuntary development in the process of language practice into holistic pronounceable, grammatical and lexical skills, which are included as constituent components of language skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing" [13: 254].
We consider that the method described above is an important component of each lesson of Ukrainian as a foreign language at medical institution of higher education, as systematic implementation of exercises provides formation of practical skills of foreign speakers to apply obtained linguistic knowledge in real vital situations, including professionally directed.
Method of blended studying or blended learning or hybrid learning provides combination of traditional forms of classroom studying with elements of distance (online) learning and is occurred by application of special informative-communicative technologies.
K. Bohaichuk interprets blended studying as "purposeful process of obtaining of knowledge, skills and abilities, that is implemented by educational institutions of different type within formal education, part of which is realized in remote regime with the help of informative-communicative technologies and technical means of studying, which are applied for saving and delivery of educational material, realization of control measures, organization of interaction between subjects of educational process (consultation, discussion) and with selfcontrol of pupils (students) by time, place, routes and rate of studying" [2: 5].
Introduction of the method of blended learning into the process of studying of Ukrainian as a foreign language promotes effectiveness of learning of mentioned educational discipline and creates possibilities for involvement of subjects of studying to conscious mastering of language. Example of application of the mentioned method in educational process of Bukovyna State Medical University in particular with the aim of learning of Ukrainian language by foreign students is learning of this educational discipline during classroom lesson and through implementation of online studying by using of service of videoconferences Google Hangouts Meet.
Conduction of free videoconference with the help of the proposed service is possible only in terms of using of personal account (mail address) of a teacher, created in domain It is also necessary to note, that unique conference (webreference) is created for training lesson with each group. A teacher can conduct a discussion, to ask students (interns), to use text messages (chat), as well as demonstrate media content, for example, Power Point presentations, graphical and video files in the process of conduction of a lesson.
Case-method or method of specific situations firstly was applied at the beginning of the XX century at Harvard Business School and lately introduced in educational activity of the majority of countries of EU.
The basis of case method - is a situation, real or modeled, where peculiarities of a certain professional activity are considered and specific practical problem is presented, that is necessary to solve through application of theoretical material; discussion and outlining of possible variants and ways of its solving. Aim of this method - is immersion of students into professionally-oriented problematic situation, that requires adoption of correct decision and students must express own opinion concerning analyzed case, to propose own algorithm of achievement of desired result. Yu. Surmin notes, that application of he mentioned method in the system of higher education provides significant pedagogical effect, "as it develops qualifying characteristics of a personality, such as ability to analyze and diagnosis of a problem, ability to clearly formulate and express own position, communicate, discuss, accept and evaluate the information, that is received in verbal and non-verbal forms" [12: 20].
Introduction of case-method into studying of Ukrainian as a foreign language by medical students is obligatory during studying of communicative topics such as "Communication of a doctor and a patient with features of diseases of organs of digestive system / respiratory system and ENT organs / cardiovascular system / endocrine/immune system", as well as "Communication of traumatologist-orthopaedist/ surgeon and a patient with features of diseases of muscular-skeletal system/traumas (conversation with a patient before surgery/ a patient after surgery).
Complaints of a patients", "Communication of psychiatrist and neurologist with patients. Communication with doctors- specialists with medical staff. Objective examination. Objective state of a patient", "Communication of infectiologist with a patient. Complaints of a patient. Objective examination. Objective state of a patient. Previous diagnosis" and other. Assimilation of educational material with aforementioned topics provides selection of cases-situations, cases- occasions, cases-exercises and appropriate literature, foreign students will be able not only freely communicate with patients, but to give them high-quality assistance on the basis of their analysis.
Thesaurus method (from Greek thesaurus - reserve, treasure) - an important method of studying of Ukrainian as a foreign language by medical students, that provides formation of professionally-oriented lexical stock of words of foreign speakers.
We consider, that application of this method is expedient at the beginning of studying of each lexical topic, as assimilation of lexical minimum promotes formation of practical language skills and abilities of students by finding out of meaning of the proposed tokens, discussion of peculiarities of their application at certain communicative situation, introduction to appropriate context and commenting of stylistic shades.
The appointed method is especially actual during studying of medical terminology, special vocabulary, as these language units form professional thesaurus of future specialist, namely general vocabulary of people, that is actively used by them at certain branch of their professional activity. In general, branch thesaurus is a dictionary, where words are grouped by thematic principle, in hierarchical submission form general to individual [1: 17]. So, words are grouped by thematic topics in branch thesaurus, despite of dictionaries, encyclopedias, glossaries, where words are situated by alphabet.
L. Rusalkina notes, that "division of terminology into groups is a peculiarity of medical terminology: I - group - anatomical terms - names of parts of human body and their component organs; II - clinical terms - words or word combinations, that point into names of diseases and methods of examination, diagnostics, treatment, etc.; III group - pharmaceutical terms - names of chemical substances, medical drugs, their functions and action on human body, etc." [9: 45]. That's why, there is the task of a teacher of Ukrainian as a foreign language at medical institution of higher education - to form professional thesaurus of a future specialist by gradual introduction of new terms units, which complement each other, however they differ by not only stylistic shades, but by narrower connotation. It is necessary to implement studying and assimilation of defined token according to groups described above, as such combination and structuring of tokens will enable clear awareness and mastering of professional terminology by foreign speakers.
Conclusions and research perspectives
So, we consider interactive methods of studying proposed above (which selection is implemented according to previously outlined aim, tasks, approaches, principles of studying of Ukrainian as a foreign language) are efficient only in terms of their integrated introduction into educational process, as each defined method is directed into formation of certain skills and abilities of subject of studying, which are components of professionally- communicative competency of a foreign medical student.
Prospects of further investigations are directed into development of the system of exercises ad tasks, which selection and introduction will provide formation of practical skills and abilities by foreign medical students of conduction of professionally oriented dialogue.
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учебное пособие [221,2 K], добавлен 27.05.2015The problem of linguistic abilities of a child. Goals and objectives of foreign language teaching preschoolers. Number of pupils in a group, the frequency, duration of sessions. The game as the leading method of teaching preschoolers. Learning vocabulary.
курсовая работа [39,5 K], добавлен 26.06.2015The history of the use of the interactive whiteboard in the learning. The use of IWB to study of the English, the advantages and disadvantages of the method. Perfect pronunciation, vocabulary. The development of reading, writing, listening and speaking.
презентация [1,3 M], добавлен 23.02.2016Methods of foreign language teaching. The grammar-translation method. The direct, audio-lingual method, the silent way and the communicative approach. Teaching English to children in an EFL setting. Teaching vocabulary to children. Textbook analysis.
курсовая работа [142,6 K], добавлен 09.12.2012The employment of Internet in teaching Foreign Languages. The modern methods of teaching 4 basic skills. The usage of Internet technologies for effective Foreign Languages acquisition. Analysis of experience: my and teachers of Foreign Languages.
курсовая работа [2,3 M], добавлен 30.03.2016Effective reading is essential for success in acquiring a second language. Approaches to Teaching Reading Skills. The characteristic of methods of Teaching Reading to Learners. The Peculiarities of Reading Comprehension. Approaches to Correcting Mistakes.
курсовая работа [60,1 K], добавлен 28.03.2012Disclosure of the concept of the game. Groups of games, developing intelligence, cognitive activity of the child. The classification of educational games in a foreign language. The use of games in the classroom teaching English as a means of improving.
курсовая работа [88,5 K], добавлен 23.04.2012Intercultural Communication Competence: Language and Culture. The role Intercultural Communicative Competence in teaching foreign languages. Intercultural Competence in Foreign language teaching. Contexts for intercultural learning in the classroom.
курсовая работа [94,1 K], добавлен 13.05.2017