Intercultural communication as an artistic means of english teaching

The article is devoted to the description of communication between students at the international level. The subject of "foreign language" occupies a special place in the general cultural preparation of young people for life and activity in society.

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Дата добавления 18.05.2022
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Intercultural communication as an artistic means of english teaching

Shtepa A.L.

Assistant at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Poltava National Agrarian University

The article is devoted to the description of communication between students at the international level. The subject of “foreign language” occupies a special place in the general cultural preparation of young people for life and activity in society. This is the only subject that is included in the plans of all subsystems of education. It is this subject, focused mainly not on the acquisition of knowledge, but on the formation of activity skills, has a huge potential for comprehensive development of personality. The ability to participate is important in intercultural communication for professionals involved in international business. With the entry into the century of globalization and integration, the English language has taken a leading place in international negotiations. That is why knowledge of this language is of paramount importance. The main answer to the question is solving the urgent problem of learning foreign languages as the filling of communication between representatives of different peoples and cultures. The language should be studied at a time in an incomprehensible unity in the world and culture of peoples who speak these languages. All the subtleties and depth of the problem of interlingual and intercultural communication create the features of others, and sometimes simply use messages when creating foreign languages with native and foreign culture with the authorities. A positive attitude is the key to students of learning a foreign language successful learning, because a foreign language is not just an academic discipline, but an entire educational field that creates conditions for mastering knowledge in many other subjects: history, geography, literature, geography, etc. Thus, the training is impossible of competitive specialists in intercultural communication without mastering foreign languages. After all, only language skills open opportunities for full-fledged professional activity in all spheres. Knowledge should become a mandatory professional quality that will ensure the establishment of mutual understanding of foreign languages by all specialists, regardless of their profile, effective decision-making and cooperation. Thus, the problem needs further development of culturological and linguistic training of future specialists in terms of its methodological support.

Key words: communication, foreign language, culture, artistic significance.


Штепа А.Л.

асистент кафедри гуманітарних і соціальних дисциплін Полтавський національний аграрний університет

Можливість брати участь є важливою в міжкультурному спілкуванні для професіоналів, що займаються міжнародним бізнесом. З настанням століття глобалізації й інтеграції англійська мова посіла провідне місце в міжнародних переговорах. Ось чому знання цієї мови має велике значення. Однією з основних відповідей на запитання - вирішення нагальної проблеми вивчення іноземних мов як наповнення спілкування між представниками різних народів та культур. Позитивне ставлення є запорукою успішного навчання іноземної мови, оскільки іноземна мова - це не просто навчальна дисципліна, а ціле освітнє поле, яке створює умови для засвоєння знань із багатьох інших предметів: історії, географії, літератури тощо. Отже, неможливе навчання конкурентоспроможних спеціалістів із міжкультурного спілкування без опанування іноземних мов. Адже лише володіння мовою відкриває можливості для повноцінної професійної діяльності в усіх сферах. Знання повинні стати обов'язковою професійною якістю, яка забезпечить розуміння іноземних мов усіма спеціалістами, незалежно від їхнього профілю, ефективне ухвалення рішень та співпрацю. Отже, проблема потребує подальшого розвитку культурологічної та лінгвістичної підготовки майбутніх фахівців із погляду її методичного забезпечення.

Problem statement

As you know, communicative competence is not just the acquisition of language units. One of the most important components of human life is communication. In a broad sense, this concept encompasses much more than just the exchange of information between people. In today's world is essential proficiency in English. And this is true, because thanks to the knowledge of English we will be able to perceive more information than others, we can communicate with interesting people and just surprise everyone with our knowledge of a foreign language.

Analysis of current research

As you know, English ranks first among foreign languages, and has long reached the international level as a means of intercultural communication. Today, English is used everywhere - business, travel, science, education, the Internet, movies, and so on. English unites people and helps to gain knowledge from large sources of information. It is not difficult to understand what misunderstandings can occur between, for example, the British and the Japanese. And it should come as no surprise that Japanese businessmen will first represent their company and then themselves. The British and Americans should not treat the Japanese the opposite. Because such tactics are acceptable in individualistic cultures, but simply do not work in Japan. Much attention and interesting results are devoted on the study of English as a means of intercultural communication to the work of T Kolodko where language is considered as a means of interpersonal interaction in a multinational and multicultural world space. According to the researcher, a foreign language helps students learn about the spiritual wealth of another people, better understand the culture of their people, increases their level of education, and thus adapts to the modern educational and scientific space. Such a vision is defined by Grigorenko SI in his work that the introduction of elements of local lore in the process of teaching a foreign language, retain interest in it during its study [3, p. 2].

The purpose of the article - to reveal the essence of the process of organizing the development of inter- cultural communication in English language classes in a professional direction.

To achieve this goal it is planned to solve the following tasks:

- outline the research panorama of intercultural communication and the specifics of development;

- to clarify the horizons of the ratio of components in the system of intercultural communication;

- identify idiosyncratic features and explore aspects of the formation and representation of intercultural communication;

- to reveal the influence of intercultural communication on the processes of reception and interpretation of the use of English in the modern world;

- to determine the features of the formation of receptive models of intercultural communication in worldview-personal and artistic-stylistic systems.

Presenting main material. The relevance of the development is intercultural communication skills in English classes in high school beyond doubt. Training provides future specialists in the field of economics, law, information technology, sociology, etc. areas of knowledge for their further employment not only in domestic but also in international companies. Thus, yesterday's student can find himself in a multicultural environment without even leaving his homeland and be tested both as a specialist and as a person who can adapt, interact, find compromises and respond adequately in any situation, which are important qualities for those who works in an international team. Clarification of the meanings of lexical units. Participants in intercultural communication are carriers of different cultures. The closer the culture, the easier it is for their representatives to communicate.

The distance of cultures can be an obstacle to understanding. The culture of each ethnic group is reflected in the linguistic picture of the world that is the object today study of linguists, culturologists, psychologists, sociologists, ethnographers, etc. Linguistic and cultural the picture of the individual's world plays an important role in the process of intercultural communication: influence native culture and language makes it difficult to communicate with a native speaker of another language culture. Successful intercultural communication involves learning a foreign language also the ability to correctly interpret the communicative behavior of a representative of a foreign society, as well as the willingness of participants to accept the differences in their communicative behavior, to understand the cultural conditionality of this phenomenon and to be tolerant to one.

The strategy of a successful communication process between representatives of different ethnic and language communities should be based on the interaction of linguistic and cultural factors and prevent the occurrence of communicative failures. The main problem here is the problem of understanding. It is important to remember that language is first and foremost a tool for conveying verbal information as well as forms of verbal behavior that create an environment for intercultural communication. Understanding in intercultural communication is a complex process of interpretation, which depends on a set of both linguistic and extralinguistic factors. To achieve understanding in intercultural communication, its participants must not only have grammar and vocabulary of a language, but also to know the cultural component of the meaning of the word, the realities of another culture. intercultural communication english teaching

Therefore, even lexical units to denote well-known concepts require additional interpretation and background culturological knowledge. The initial stage is the use of the method of communicative approach for a more comfortable and high-quality mastery of English at and interactive learning, which create conditions close to the real process of communication. Interactive activities include the organization and development of dialogic speech aimed at mutual understanding, interaction, solving problems important to each of the participants in the learning process. Successful intercultural communication involves learning a foreign language also the ability to correctly interpret the communicative behavior of a representative of a foreign society, as well as the willingness of participants to accept the differences in their communicative behavior, to understand the cultural conditionality of this phenomenon and to be tolerant to one.

The strategy of a successful communication process between representatives of different ethnic and language communities should be based on the interaction of linguistic and cultural factors and prevent the occurrence of communicative failures. The main problem here is the problem of understanding. It is important to remember that language is first and foremost a tool for conveying verbal information as well as forms of verbal behavior that create an environment for intercultural communication. Understanding in intercultural communication is a complex process of interpretation, which depends on a set of both linguistic and extralinguistic factors. To achieve understanding in intercultural communication, its participants must not only have grammar and vocabulary of a language, but also to know the cultural component of the meaning of the word, the realities of another culture.

Therefore, even lexical units to denote well- known concepts require additional interpretation and background culturological knowledge.

Modern communicative methods offer a wide introduction into the educational process of active non-standard methods and forms of work for better conscious assimilation of material [4, p. 11]. T Rud- nytska notes in her work “Innovative methods of teaching foreign languages in high school in the con-text of the humanistic orientation of the educational process” that the interactive method provides an opportunity to solve communicative and cognitive problems by means of foreign language communi-cation. The subject of art is man and reality, goal and result - system artistic images, through which the objective reality is interpreted, social consciousness is formed, there is an aesthetic and moral develop-ment of the individual. The embodiment is one of the artistic images of typical social paintings defining features of art. Of course, ways to harmonize the process of relationships of communicators of different cultural 3 (84) - 2018 Spirituality of the individual: methodology, theory and practice 260 origin, overcoming cultural barriers to agreement, which, to some extent, carry works of art, do not appear in the finished form, and require decoding based on the knowledge, emotions and experiences of the recipient. It is the artistic means that influence the consciousness of the individual the artistic image as an integral formation accumulates the energy of the cultural-historical epoch and the artist who created it, the development of his emotional and volitional sphere, the ability to intercultural understanding and dialogue. We are convinced that the task of forming a harmoniously developed, self-sufficient personality can be realized by a complex of arts. No single art form is able to fully create a truly multifaceted personality, to improve its emotions and feelings, ethical and aesthetic values, cultural development, enrichment of the inner world.

Each type of art can be involved in solving specific problems and only the combination of their potentials contributes to the improvement of the psyche, the development of figurative thinking and speech, socialization and inculturation in their own and others' culture. As E. Shpylyova (1996) notes, the influence of art on the individual is not an abstract quantity, but always has a specific addressee. A person who enters into a dialogue with a particular work of art is able to perceive its cultural, life-affirming potential, while changing as a subject of social existence [2, p. 7]. Undoubtedly, English is the most widely spoken language today used the language of mutual understanding between representatives of different and distant cultures. It is the most successful mediator in intercultural dialogue, because due to its prevalence it makes it possible to convey cultural information about one's own country to the most multilingual community and gain mutual knowledge about the most diverse culture of other countries. Man is a kind of reference point, i.e. the division of the day is carried out by Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians in the context of the anthropocentricity of the time coordinate system. A foreign language should become for those who master it, an instrument of verbal communication, as well as a means of immersion in a foreign language picture of the world, in a foreign cultural environment, where their laws and rules (and not only grammatical) prevail.

Along with the positive impact of English on education, some students as well noted in their essays that the spread of the use of English as an international language communication among non-native speakers can lead to simplification and violation of the original language and speech norms with serious consequences for the future development of this language. Today, the relationship is more obvious than ever between cultural and social progress, as language and art do not develop in isolation, but in social space-time. Thus, all the changes experienced by society are inevitably reflected in certain aspects of culture, there is a social rethinking of the functions of art, transformation and concretization of ethical and aesthetic ideals. According to D. Crystal, English has become the language of global communication in the field of business communications, as this language has facilitated the exchange of messages between communicators, the number of which is constantly growing, around the world. It is noteworthy that in English-speaking countries, companies are becoming increasingly popular training employees in the linguistic features of communication with foreign partners in order to increase the effectiveness of business contracts [1, p. 18]. English plays speaking of the special role that in international business communication, it is worth mentioning that English is declared the official lan-guage of international and international corporations.

The English language is really necessary in various spheres of human employment and it becomes a driving force of socio-economic, scientific, technical and general cultural progress of mankind. Our country has long clearly defined the guidelines in the modern world with the development of interna-tional and economic relations of Ukraine, for entering the educational and scientific space of Europe, is persistently and actively modernizing educational activities, which provides for democratization and humanization of education and compulsory mastery of students in one or two foreign languages. The main answer to the question of solving an urgent problem learning foreign languages as a means of communication between representatives of different peoples and cultures is that languages must be studied inseparably unity with the world and culture of the peoples who speak these languages. All the subtleties and depth of interlingual and intercultural problems communications become especially obvious, and sometimes just conscious, when comparing foreign languages with native and foreign culture with one's own.

The internationalization has changed society in general the nature of communication, establishing business and friendly contacts with representatives of other countries requires knowledge of foreign lan-guages. To establish contacts and solve various problems foreign language, including English, as a means of communication can be used in the process of interaction with representatives of different peoples and different cultures. Therefore, it is proposed to include in the content of foreign language teaching materials that cover a wider range of information about cultures peoples of the world, which will contribute to the preparation of an intercultural communicator, able to reach mutual understanding with non-native speakers of the language being studied. This is not enough, because a serious obstacle to communication with foreigners is ignorance of their ethnic and cultural characteristics. Knowledge of foreign languages by all specialists, regardless of them profile, should become a mandatory professional quality that ensure the establishment of mutual understanding, effective decision-making and establishing cooperation.

Conclusions and prospects for further explorations in this direction

Cultural models of human behavior are instilled artificially, in the process of education in a particular social environment. It begins to act, to assess reality, albeit in its own way, but in general within the framework of the cultural program “united” in the subconscious, which unites the community. So, perceiving the ideas expressed in student essays as the result of their new look at their professional tasks caused by the purposeful work of the teacher can be done generalized conclusion that the readiness of future teachers to embody in their pedagogical activities of interculturally oriented learning of English can not be perceived as a priori professional quality. The formation of such readiness should be carried out purposefully, for by means of special methodical means and receptions, on the basis of special principles.

The problem of developing such tools is still waiting to be solved. Communication is the most important part of such a program, which penetrates so deeply into everyday life that a person does not notice how he adheres to the “programmed” norms and rules of communication, behavior. However, their violation leads to misunderstanding, surprise, culture shock. Thus, the study cannot be limited the discipline “English for Professional Purposes” to a purely linguistic means. Having a deep cultural and educational potential, the study of this discipline allows to meet the challenges of modern man-made, globalized society - to develop intercultural communication skills, to form linguistic and socio-cultural competence of future professionals. We see the realization of these potentials in the use of interdisciplinary, integrated approaches in teaching; personality-oriented, problem-based development of education; a set of forms, means and methods aimed at the effective use of various works of art in their interaction, modern English-language media, real examples of intercul- tural communicative failures. This approach teaches in our opinion, to interact using knowledge of a foreign language and culture on the basis of formed aesthetic and moral values, which allows ethical, tolerant response, adaptation and finding a way out of any life situation, dialogue in a foreign language with representatives of different cultures (namely different, not only British) at the private and professional level, taking into account the personal guidelines, cultural values of the interlocutor and the preservation of their own cultural identity.


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2. Рудницька Т Інноваційні методи навчання іноземних мов у вищій школі в контексті гуманістичної спрямованості навчального процесу. Вісник Вінницького політехнічного інституту. 2008. № 4. С. 110-113.

3. Gardner R. Language Learning Motivation: The Student, the Teacher, and the Researcher. Texas Papers in Foreign Language Education. 2001. Vol. 6. № 1. P. 1-18.

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1. Kristal, D. (2001). Angliiskii iazyk kak globalnyi [English as a global language]. Moscow: Ves mir [in Russian].

2. Rudnytska, T.Kh. (2008). Innovatsiini metody navchannia inozemnykh mov u vyshchii shkoli v konteksti humanistychnoi spriamovanosti nav- chalnoho protsesu [Innovative methods ofteaching foreign languages in higher education in the context of the humanistic orientation of the educa-tional process]. Visnyk Vinnytskohopolitekhnich- noho instytutu, № 4, pp. 110-113 [in Ukrainian].

3. Gardner, R.C. (2001). Language Learning Motivation: The Student, the Teacher, and the Researcher. Texas Papers in Foreign Language Education, vol. 6, № 1, pp. 1-18 [in English].

4. Schafer, D.P. (2014). The Age of Culture. Oakville: Rock's Mills Press [in English].

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