Розвиток емоційного інтелекту майбутніх учителів початкових класів

Висвітлено значення емоційного інтелекту майбутніх учителів початкових класів у контексті їхньої комунікативної діяльності. Акцентовано на значенні комунікативної підготовки студентів. Специфіка емоційно-інтелектуальних виявів у діяльності вчителя.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Дата добавления 09.02.2022
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Розвиток емоційного інтелекту майбутніх учителів початкових класів

Юрій Москаленко,

кандидат філософських наук, професор, директор Івано-Франківського фахового коледжу Прикарпатського національного університету імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)

Марія Оліяр,

доктор педагогічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри педагогіки початкової освіти, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)


У статті здійснено аналіз теоретичних підходів до розробки науково обгрунтованих методичних шляхів навчання студентів спеціальності «Початкова освіта» доречного використання вербальних засобів з метою емоційно-інтелектуального впливу на учнів у процесі засвоєння знань. Висвітлено значення емоційного інтелекту майбутніх учителів початкових класів у контексті їхньої комунікативної діяльності. Акцентовано на значенні комунікативної підготовки студентів. Зазначено, що досягнення високого рівня мовленнєвої культури педагога в умовах навчального спілкування виявляється насамперед у доречному використанні вербальних емоційно-інтелектуальних засобів, які є проявом емоційного інтелекту вчителя. Наголошено на тому, що майбутньому педагогу необхідно враховувати психологічні характеристики дітей молодшого шкільного віку з метою оптимізації навчального спілкування, що виражається в емоційно-інтелектуальних особливостях мовної поведінки вчителя в ході педагогічного дискурсу. Сутність емоційного інтелекту розкрита в Концепції нової української школи, де характеризується як ключова компетентність, необхідна для успішної самореалізації особистості в суспільстві. Основою емоційного інтелекту є певні групи когнітивних, емоційних, адаптаційних і соціальних здібностей, які сприяють створенню позитивного клімату в колективі та запобігають виникненню міжособистісних конфліктів. Специфіка емоційно-інтелектуальних виявів у діяльності вчителя полягає в тому, що вона є невід'ємною частиною мовної поведінки педагога, яка демонструє його індивідуальний стиль діяльності та спрямована на активізацію емоційно-інтелектуальної діяльності учнів. Для виявлення рівня розуміння майбутніми вчителями змісту поняття «емоційний інтелект» і його значення в освітньому процесі початкової школи проведено анкетування 80 студентів 3 курсу спеціальності «Початкова освіта» та описано його результати. Дані анкетування студентів засвідчили, що вони усвідомлюють значущість розвитку емоційного інтелекту для майбутньої успішної професійної діяльності, позитивно оцінюють значення емоційності вчителя в освітньому процесі початкової школи. Розкрито шляхи формування емоційного інтелекту майбутніх учителів початкових класів у процесі їхньої професійної підготовки. Зазначено, що важливо в ході професійної підготовки збагатити арсенал емоційних засобів, риторичних прийомів майбутніх педагогів, допомогти їм сформувати індивідуальний стиль комунікативної поведінки в різноманітних ситуаціях педагогічного дискурсу, у тому числі її емоційно-інтелектуальний складник.

Ключові слова: майбутній учитель початкових класів, професійна комунікація, комунікативна підготовка, комунікативна поведінка, мовленнєва культура педагога, емоційний інтелект, емоційність, інтелектуальні емоції, вербальні емоційно-інтелектуальні засоби.



Yuriy Moskalenko,

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Professor,

Director of Ivano-Frankivsk Vocational College at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)

Mariia Oliiar,

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,

Head of Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education,

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)

The article analyzes the theoretical approaches to the development of scientifically sound methodological ways of teaching students majoring in "Primary Education" appropriate use of verbal means to emotionally and intellectually influence students in the process of learning. The importance of emotional intelligence of future primary school teachers in the context of their communicative activity is highlighted. Emphasis is placed on the importance of communicative training of students. It is noted that the achievement of a high level of speech culture of the teacher in terms of educational communication is manifested primarily in the appropriate use of verbal emotional and intellectual means, which are a manifestation of the emotional intelligence of the teacher. It is emphasized that the future teacher must take into account the psychological characteristics of children of primary school age in order to optimize educational communication, which is expressed in the emotional and intellectual features of the teacher's language behavior during pedagogical discourse. The essence of emotional intelligence is revealed in the Concept of the new Ukrainian school, which is characterized as a key competence necessary for successful self-realization of the individual in society. The basis of emotional intelligence are certain groups of cognitive, emotional, adaptive and social abilities that contribute to a positive climate in the team and prevent interpersonal conflicts. The specificity of emotional and intellectual manifestations in the teacher's activity is that it is an integral part of the teacher's language behavior, which demonstrates his individual style of activity and is aimed at activating the emotional and intellectual activity of students. To identify the level of understanding by future teachers of the meaning of the concept of "emotional intelligence" and its significance in the educational process of primary school, a survey of 80 third-year students majoring in "Primary Education" was performed and its results were described. The survey data of students showed that they are aware of the importance of the development of emotional intelligence for future successful professional activities, positively assess the importance of emotional teacher in the educational process of primary school. The ways of formation of emotional intelligence of future primary school teachers in the process of their professional training are revealed. It is noted that it is important in the course of professional training to enrich the arsenal of emotional means, rhetorical techniques of future teachers, to help them form an individual style of communicative behavior in various situations of pedagogical discourse, including its emotional and intellectual component.

Keywords: future primary school teacher, professional communication, communicative training, communicative behavior, speech culture of the teacher, emotional intelligence, emotionality, intellectual emotions, verbal emotional and intellectual means.


The problem formulation. Problems of communication, including professional ones, occupy a leading place in modern society. The importance of communicative training of future teachers is obvious, as purposeful, appropriate, expressive speech of teachers is the most important means of teaching students. A primary school teacher in their workplace is a communicative leader. Their speech is not only an instrument of pedagogical activity, but also a model for conscious or unconscious imitation by students. One of the main tasks of the teacher is to achieve contact with children, without which even perfectly correct actions of the teacher will not give the desired result.

The basis of the teacher's communicative contact with students is a positive emotional atmosphere in the classroom. Achieving a high level of speech culture of the teacher in terms of educational communication is manifested primarily in the appropriate use of verbal emotional and intellectual means, which are a manifestation of the emotional intelligence of the teacher.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Problems of the culture of pedagogical speech, communicative behavior, professional communication of teachers are the subject of research in many sciences: philosophy, psychology, psycholinguistics, stylistics, rhetoric, pedagogy, etc. A comprehensive analysis of these problems is contained in the works of such well-known Ukrainian and foreign scientists as H. Bereziuk, H. Gardner, D. Goleman, L. Rakitianska, E. Nosenko, J. Mayer, A. Mykhalska, P. Salovey, O. Filatova and others. The foundations of the concept of speech behavior in the educational and pedagogical process are laid in the works of J. Searle (1990), G. Grice (1985), J. Austin (1962), who analyzed the process of real communication in different conditions. Scientists pay special attention to the organization of teachers' speech activity in different situations of interaction with students as communicative partners, the process of communicative interaction between teacher and students, the impact on the intellectual and emotional sphere of children's consciousness by lexical, syntactic, intonational means of speech (L. Babenko, E. Berehovska, A. Vynohradova, A. Hvozdov, Ye. Yemelianenko, M. Oliiar, M. Savchuk and others). Studies of such scientists as L. Aidarova, N. Menchynska, A. Liublinska, S. Morozov, I. Yakovleva and others have proved the influence of a positive emotional environment, intellectual feelings on the effectiveness of students' learning of educational information. J. Bruner, P. Kutter, A. Markova, M. Skatkin, N. Fetyskin. I. Shuryhina, P. Jacobson and others investigated that ignoring the emotional and figurative sphere of students, especially of primary school age, leads to insufficient learning and updating of knowledge. However, according to many researchers, the role of emotions in school practice is underestimated.


The purpose of the article is to analyze theoretical approaches to the development of scientifically sound methodological ways of teaching students the appropriate use of verbal means to emotionally and intellectually influence students in the process of learning.


Theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical, philosophical, linguistic literature on the problem of research; questionnaire in order to identify difficulties and opportunities to overcome them in

the process of implementing the emotional and intellectual aspect of communicative behavior of future teachers; qualitative and quantitative analysis of the survey results.


емоційний інтелект учитель початковий

One of the main tasks of professional training of future teachers is to teach the free use of language in various communicative and speech situations, the formation of students' speech culture, which contributes to the effective transfer of educational and scientific information, educational, personal and speech development of students. Of particular importance in these conditions is the formation of communicative competence of the future primary school teacher due to the fact that their professional activity is recognized as an area of increased language responsibility.

Emotionality, as a rule, is included in the list of requirements for the culture of speech of the teacher. This involves the use of various verbal and nonverbal means to achieve it, as the effectiveness of the teacher's speech is ensured not only by his argumentation, but also by the ability to maintain interest in intellectual and linguistic communication.

The term "emotional intelligence" was first used in the late twentieth century by American scientists J. Meyer and P. Selovey [11]. In domestic pedagogy, this term is used in the Concept of the new Ukrainian school, which is characterized as a key competence necessary for successful self-realization of the individual in society (New Ukrainian School, 2017). Therefore, the teacher's ability to use appropriate emotional language tools in their communicative behavior that affect not only the mind but also the feelings, ideas and imagination of the student is very important. The basis of emotional intelligence are certain groups of cognitive, emotional, adaptive and social abilities that help create a positive climate in the team and prevent interpersonal conflicts (Goulman D., 2018; Hrytsenko D.). According to scientists, people with developed emotional intelligence: 1. Have good understanding of their own emotions (self-awareness). 2. Manage their own emotions well (self-control). 3. Empathize with other people's emotions (social understanding). 4. Cope well with other people's emotions (relationship management).

Scientists (S. Mohyliasta, K. Maksom, D. Goleman, etc.) emphasize the importance of intellectual emotions that stimulate the assimilation of information: surprise, interest, emotion of conjecture, sense of humor, sense of confidence/ insecurity, etc. It is proved that students' perception of information at the intellectual and sensory level optimizes learning, increases its effectiveness and efficiency.

It is also proved that younger students are characterized by pronounced emotionality. Neutral perception of language for primary school students is inaccessible due to little life experience, unstable attention, thinking that is specific, as well as due to weak analytical-critical perception of realities of life, increased excitability, predominance of visual memory, weakness of learning motives, dominant emotional background in the perception of knowledge. A characteristic feature of primary school students is their vulnerability, emotional sensitivity to everything new, bright. Of course, the bright emotional color of school grades (strong feelings about it), the pleasure of mastering social activities ("I can do it"), the ability to vividly experience events - important factors in shaping the personality of a primary school student.

Research of age specifics of interaction of mental and emotional components in educational activity of schoolchildren is important for definition of adequate ways of the organization of this activity as allows to understand deeper mechanisms of functioning of thinking and features of children development. relationship between thinking and emotions in primary school age (Reikovskyi Ya., 1979). The role of emotions increases if they not only accompany a particular activity, but also precede it (Matiukhina M., 1972, p. 20). Thus, the future teacher shall take into account the psychological characteristics of children of primary school age in order to optimize educational communication, which is primarily expressed in the emotional and intellectual features of language behavior of teachers in the course of pedagogical discourse.

Unfortunately, today it is still insufficiently paid attention to the study of the emotional aspect of communicative behavior of teachers. P. Kutter noted: “Education is being preached now, devoid of feelings and empathy in the relationship with the child. Modern education is reduced to cognition, but is not affective. From an early age a person is taught rationalism, s/he does not receive a single lesson of sensual life. And a person who has not received the lesson of cordiality is a soulless being ” (Kutter P. 1998, p. 180). The deficit of the emotional factor in the educational process of primary school is evidenced by the results of research by other scientists (C. Izard, D. Liusin, I. Shuryhina, etc.), which emphasize the need for a positive emotional background in educational interaction.

Since there is no strict regulation in the creative activity of a teacher in the conditions of reforming the Ukrainian education system in accordance with the Concept of the new Ukrainian school, emotionality in language behavior as an individual trait of a teacher can be shown in many language situations: greetings with the class, explanation of new material, surveys, assessment activities, etc. - through specific language means by which the teacher is realized as a creative person, conveys to students their worldview, expresses a professional and personal position.

The specificity of emotional and intellectual manifestations in the activities of the teacher is that it is an integral part of the language behavior of the teacher, which demonstrates their individual style of activity. The emotionality of the teacher is not accidental, but must meet the requirements of communicative expediency. It not only reflects the emotional intelligence of the teacher, the emotional and personal side of his activities, but also aims to enhance the emotional and intellectual activities of students. It should be borne in mind that a clear separation of intellectual emotions from the actual emotions is impossible, as it is impossible to separate emotions from mental activity, because "thinking as a real mental process is already the unity of intellectual and emotional, and emotion - the unity of emotional and intellectual" (Rubinstein S., 2007, 171). Thus, it is necessary to form in future teachers a certain model of language behavior, through which the teacher could not only realize their intellectual and emotional potential, but also to activate it in their students.

To identify the level of students' understanding of the content of the concept of "emotional intelligence" and its importance in the educational process of primary school, we conducted a survey of 80 third-year students majoring in "Primary Education". The questionnaire included the following questions:

1. Which definition, in your opinion, most accurately corresponds to the concept of "emotional intelligence of the teacher"?

a) Teacher's emotional intelligence is the emotions and feelings that arise under the influence of environmental phenomena and events.;

b) Teacher's emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage one's own emotions, as well as to understand other people's emotions.;

c) Teacher's emotional intelligence is the ability to adequately respond to a particular learning situation.

2. Which emotions could you attribute to intellectual: admiration, sympathy, interest, satisfaction, concern, anxiety, exaltation, love, joy, confidence, fear, resentment, insecurity, shame, curiosity, deception, surprise, disappointment.

3. What results can be achieved by a teacher who uses the means of emotionality in the lesson (no result; students will be distracted from the learning process; the process of adaptation of children to school will be facilitated; students' interest in learning will increase; students will become more active; it will be easier for students to absorb information; learning will evoke positive emotions in children; learning will cause negative emotions in children; students memorize learning material better; there will be closer emotional contact with the teacher)?

Let's analyze the data obtained during the survey.

Table 1 (students' answers to the 1st question)

Definition of emotional intelli-gence

Number of students' answers


Answer a)


26,3 %

Answer b)


41,2 %

Answer c)


32,5 %

As can be seen from Table 1, the largest number of students (33 students - 41.2%) chose the answer b), which most accurately reveals the meaning of the concept of "emotional intelligence". At the same time, more than half of the students chose answers a) (21 students - 26.3%) and answer c) (26 students - 32.5%). This indicates that the majority of third-year students (58.8%) are not fully aware of the content of such a professional quality of a teacher as emotional intelligence.

Table 2 (students' answers to the 2nd and 3rd questions)

Names of emotions

Number of answers to question 2


Number of answers to questions 3





72,5 %


100 %




20 %


7,5 %




88,8 %


100 %




56,3 %


91,3 %




41,3 %


5 %




40 %


3,8 %




43,8 %


22,5 %




17,5 %


20 %




43,8 %


21,3 %




63,8 %


42,5 %




27,5 %


11,3 %




26,3 %


5 %




61,3 %


35 %




23,8 %


17,5 %




85 %


92,5 %




8,8 %


3,8 %




60 %


95 %




32,5 %


46,3 %

As can be seen from Table 2, in answering the second question, most students named emotions related to cognitive activity. Among them as positive emotions: interest (88.8%), curiosity (85%), admiration (72.5%), confidence (63.8%), surprise (60%), satisfaction (56.3%), elation, joy (43.8%), and negative: insecurity (61.3%), concern (41.3%), anxiety (40%), frustration (32.5%), fear (27.5%), insult (26.3%), shame (23.8%). A significant percentage of the negative intellectual emotions mentioned in the students' answers are obviously signs of maladaptation experienced by the students themselves while studying at school or university. At the same time, some students named emotions that are not directly related to intellectual activity: sympathy (20%), love (17.5%), deception (8.8%), apparently referring to the emotional attitude towards the teacher or subject in based on their own subjective experience.

Among the emotions that, according to students, can be activated by the teacher, explaining the educational material, 100% of future teachers named such emotions as hobbies, interest. Also, the vast majority of students chose surprise (95%), curiosity (92.5%), satisfaction (91.3%). This is evidence that students generally understand the importance of positive emotions for effective learning by students. At the same time, the fact that a small number of students assume the appearance of such negative emotions in children as resentment, anxiety (5%), deception (3.8%), anxiety (3.8%) is alarming. This may indicate your own negative school experience.

Table 3 (students' answers to 4th questions)

The result of the impact on students of the teacher's emotions

Number of




It will be easier for students to absorb information


60 %


Learning will evoke positive emotions in children


52,5 %


Students memorize learning material better


41,3 %


There will be emotional contact between teacher and students


67,5 %


The process of adaptation of children to school will be facilitated


35 %


Students' interest in learning will increase


43,8 %


Students will become more active


38,8 %


Students will be distracted from the learning pro-cess


3,8 %


Learning will cause negative emotions in children




No result



As can be seen from Table 3, third-year students have no doubt that emotionality is necessary for a primary school teacher in the learning process and cannot be ineffective (see paragraph 10) or provoke negative emotions in children (see paragraph 9). More than half of students (54%) believe that the teacher's emotionality will help improve emotional contact with students. 60% of respondents said that it will be easier for students to absorb information, 52.5% - that learning will cause positive emotions in children, 43.8% - that students will be more interested in learning. 38.8% of respondents believe that as a result of emotional teaching students will become more active, 35% - will facilitate the process of adaptation of children to school. Only a small number of students (3 students - 3.8%) said that the emotionality of the teacher in the learning process can distract students from the learning process.

Thus, students' answers to the questionnaire allowed to see the importance of appropriate work with future teachers. In the process of professional training of future primary school teachers there are many opportunities for the full formation of students' emotional intelligence, but we would like to emphasize certain aspects. In our opinion, this work should be carried out in stages. In the 1st year during the study of "Fundamentals of pedagogy with admission to the specialty" students learn about the personality of the primary school student, their increased activity, emotionality, the need for imagery of the teacher's speech. In the future, in order to form the emotional intelligence of students majoring in "Primary Education" it is necessary to supplement the content of specialized linguistic disciplines of the educational program, as well as disciplines of the selective unit for full implementation of the emotional component of communicative competence of future teachers. Thus, in the process of studying the course "Modern Ukrainian language with a practical exercise lesson" it is necessary to consider in more details the composition of Ukrainian vocabulary in terms of its expressive and stylistic use, in particular the layer of emotionally colored vocabulary, ways of its formation, stylistic use of emotionally colored words in order to make students more aware of the significance of these tools in the formation of individual style of communicative behavior of the teacher, strengthening its emotionality and expressiveness in order to actualize the emotional and intellectual states of students. These topics are fundamental in the method of forming the emotional intelligence of future teachers.

In the course "Ukrainian language (for professional purposes)" one should pay attention to the peculiarities of the manifestation and use of emotional means of speech in the activities of primary school teachers. The course of Ukrainian language teaching methods should be aimed at the formation of special didactic and methodological knowledge and relevant skills, practical use of emotional vocabulary, other means of expressing the teacher's emotionality for a

harmonious combination of intellectual and emotional components in educational interaction with students. The main tasks of working with students: to activate emotional vocabulary in the pedagogical discourse of students; identify the functions of intellectual and emotional vocabulary, features of its use in texts of various genres; to find out the specifics of emotional and intellectual interaction of primary school teachers with students; to observe and analyze the speech of students and teachers during pedagogical internship in terms of the appropriateness of the use of emotional vocabulary in different pedagogical situations; formation of skills to use emotional vocabulary at different stages of the lesson, taking into account its type, purpose and objectives, features of educational material; to develop and use in the learning process a system of exercises that ensure the formation of professionally significant skills of students.

In the process of studying the discipline "Fundamentals of culture and speech techniques" students deepen their knowledge of the norms of oral professional communication and means of expression of teacher speech. Elective courses complement and expand students' knowledge and help develop skills and abilities of language behavior of teachers. For example, the aim of the course "Pedagogical Rhetoric" is to rhetoric pedagogical discourse, appropriate use of rhetorical laws and strategies, teaching students different models of language behavior depending on changing communication conditions, appropriate use of rhetorical means of activating emotional and intellectual potential of students, establishing contact with the audience, a positive impact on the emotional and intellectual sphere of students' consciousness in the process of assimilating educational information, encouraging children to speech activity.


The educational process in modern primary school is a unity of emotional and intellectual components that ensure its full harmonization and functionality. Formation of emotional intelligence of future teachers is possible during the study of a cycle of compulsory and elective professional disciplines aimed at mastering the norms of professional speech culture, the laws of modern rhetoric, dialogue taking into account the characteristics of the addressee (primary school student) and the mandatory impact on his emotional sphere which helps to awaken in students intellectual emotions (interest, surprise, doubt, etc.).

The survey data of students showed that they are aware of the importance of the development of emotional intelligence for future successful professional activities, positively assess the importance of teacher's emotionality in the educational process of primary school. It is important in the course of professional training to enrich the arsenal of emotional means, rhetorical techniques of future teachers, to help them form an individual style of communicative behavior in various situations of pedagogical discourse, including its emotional and intellectual component.

At the same time, the problem of forming the emotional intelligence of future teachers cannot be considered solved, on the contrary, interest in it is only growing today. Both theoretical and methodological issues of harmonization of emotional and intellectual components of the teacher's communicative behavior and consideration of these aspects in the process of professional training require in-depth study.


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Reikovskyi, Ya. (1979). Experimental psychology of emotions. M .: Science.

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