"Soft skills" in the practice of future higher educational institutions teachers’ training

Formation of "soft skills" in the training of future teachers of free economic education. The essence of the concept of "soft skills". His connection to "hard skills". Classification of "soft skills", a role in shaping a successful career of graduates.

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Дата добавления 09.02.2022
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«Soft skills» in the practice of future higher educational institutions teachers' training

Viktoriia Stynska,

Liubov Prokopiv,

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)

Lesia Serman,


The article is devoted to the peculiarities of «soft skills» development in the practice of future higher educational institutions (HEI) teachers' training.

The analysis of scientific literature made it possible to highlight the essentials of the concept of «soft skills» which means a combination of professionally and socially significant skills acquired by the students during vocational training at higher educational institutions HEI, which ensure their competitiveness in future professional activities.

It has been established that «soft skills» are associated with «hard skills», which ensure the performance of professional activities. Having analyzed different approaches to the classification of «soft skills», the most important «soft skills» for the future successful career of graduates of the specialty 011 «Educational, pedagogical sciences» were systematized:

interpersonal professional skills, involving such competencies as: sociability, ability to effectively communicate interpersonally, critical thinking, the ability to persuade, resolve conflict, make group decisions, create presentations, the ability to work in a team, the ability to negotiate, etc.;

personal professional skills, which include such competencies as: flexibility, ability to handle stress, empathy, willingness to compromise, creativity and analytical thinking, time management skills, etc.;

managerial skills, which are based on such competencies as: leadership skills, the ability to organize teamwork, the ability to delegate authority, the ability to make strategic decisions, the ability to work in force majeure circumstances, etc.

It has been investigated that the development of «soft skills» during in-class work for students majoring the specialty 011 «Educational, pedagogical sciences» is promoted by the use of innovative forms of learning: lectures (inverted lecture, interactive lecture, binary lecture, lecture-provocation, lecture-brainstorming, lecture-visualization, etc.), tutorials (discussion workshop, «brainstorming» workshop, merry-go-round workshop, case workshops, etc.) and the system of active teaching methods (case method, game methods, group discussions, brainstorming sessions), project method, «Hold a position» method, «The range of ideas» method, analysis and diagnostics method, skills development workshops, etc.).

It may be concluded that the development of «soft» skills is one of the most important aspects of future HEI teachers' training, as they allow them to prepare for work in an innovative environment of fierce competition in the market of educational services.

Keywords: «soft skills», «hard skills», teacher, higher educational institutions.


«Soft skills» у практиці підготовки майбутніх викладачів закладу вищої освіти

Вікторія Стинська,

доктор педагогічних наук, професор,

професор кафедри педагогіки та освітнього менеджменту імені Богдана Ступарика,

Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)

Любов Прокопів,

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент,

завідувач кафедри педагогіки та освітнього менеджменту імені Богдана Ступарика,

Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника» (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)

Леся Серман,

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри іноземних мов,

Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)

Статтю присвячено особливостям формування «soft skills» у практиці підготовки майбутніх викладачів ЗВО. На основі аналізу наукової літератури висвітлено сутність концепту «soft skills», під яким ми розуміємо сукупність професійно та соціально значущих навичок, які студенти опановують під час професійно-орієнтованого навчання у ЗВО, що забезпечує їх конкурентоспроможність у майбутній професійній діяльності.

Встановлено, що «soft skills» пов'язані з «hard skills», які забезпечують виконання професійних дій. Проаналізувавши різні підходи до класифікації «soft skills», було систематизовано найбільш важливі «soft skills» для майбутньої успішної кар'єри випускників спеціальності 011 «Освітні, педагогічні науки»: міжособистісні професійні навички, що включають такі компетентності як: комунакабельність; вміння розв'язувати конфліктні ситуації; приймати групові рішення; створювати презентаційну продукцію; здатність до роботи у команді; вміння вести переговори та ін.; особистісні професійні навички, які включають такі компетентності як: гнучкість; стресостійкість; емпатія; готовність до компромісу; креативність та аналітичне мислення; навички тайм-менеджменту та ін.; управлінські навички, основу яких складають такі компетентності як: володіння лідерськими якостями; вміння організувати командну роботу; делегувати повноваження; приймати стратегічні рішення; здатність працювати в умовах форс-мажору та ін.

Досліджено, що формування «soft skills» під час занять студентів на спеціальності 011 «Освітні, педагогічні науки» відбувається у процесі застосування інноваційних форм навчання: лекції (перевернута лекція, інтерактивна лекція, бінарна лекція, лекція-провокація, лекція-брейнстормінг, лекція-візуалізація та ін.) та практичні (семінар-дискусія, семінар-«мозковий штурм», семінар-карусель, семінар-кейс та ін.) й системи активних методів навчання (кейс-метод, ігрові методи, групові дискусії, брейнстормінг, метод проєктів, метод «Займи позицію», метод «Коло ідей», метод аналізу і діагностики ситуації, тренінг та ін.).

Зроблено висновок, що одним з найважливіших аспектів підготовки майбутніх викладачів ЗВО є формування «soft skills», що дозволяє підготувати їх до роботи в інноваційних умовах жорсткої конкуренції на ринку освітніх послуг.

Ключові слова: методи, метод наукових досліджень, стратегія позиціонування, провідний університет, рейтинг.


soft skills teacher economic education

The problem formulation. The approach to competence development of future teachers of higher educational institutions (HEI) has fundamentally changed due to the adoption of a standard for the group of professions «Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions» and the introduction of the position - «Teacher of Higher Educational Institution» in the occupational classification. These changes require ensuring balance in the development of «soft» and «hard skills».

As evidenced by our research, higher educational institutions have not payed due attention to the development of «soft skills» in students until recent times. The curricula were overloaded with disciplines that develop students' «hard skills», namely «hard» skills associated with the knowledge of special disciplines, practical training, etc. Realizing current requirements of the labour market, it must be said that along with perfect mastery of professional competencies, the development of universal «soft skills» (from the English - soft skills) prevails. Mastering of these skills will give students the possibility to develop professionally, build their career and finally achieve employment. These skills include: the ability to work in a team, engage in negotiations, strike a compromise, analyze and summarize complex information; think systematically and critically; make decisions; be flexible enough to adapt to new information; identify and solve real life problems; dispose oneself for constant professional advancement, social and occupational mobility.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The review of scientific and methodological literature revealed that currently the problem of «soft skills» development is underinvestigated. This issue was mainly promoted in the context of IT specialists training (A. Vlasiuk, N. Dluhunovych, L.Ivanova, K.Koval, O.Skorniakova et al.); communicative training (learning a foreign language) (I. Zaitseva, N.Hrebinnyk, A. Karapetian et al.). Therefore, the problem of «soft skills» development in the process of professional training of future specialists of the higher educational institutions was left out of the researchers' attention, which determines the relevance of the topic of this scientific publication.

AIM AND TASKS OF THE RESEARCH WoRk - to analyze the peculiarities of «soft skills» development in the practice of future specialists training for higher educational institutions.

Results of the research

Our scientific research testified that the concept of «soft skills» appeared in the scientific works in the 1990s of the twentieth century. There is no interpretation of the term in Ukrainian-language reference literature, that's why we shall refer to the foreign ones. Collins English Dictionary defines the concept of «soft skills» - as interpersonal skills such as the ability to communicate well with other people and to work in a team (Collins English Dictionary). A similar definition may be found in the Cambridge Dictionary, where «soft skills» are defined as people's abilities to communicate with each other and work well together (Cambridge Business English Dictionary).

The National Association for the study of soft skills states that the concept of «soft skills» has many definitions, but they all include an element of effective interaction with other people. «Soft skills» include many different competencies, such as communication skills, interpersonal skills, professionalism, critical thinking, teamwork, planning and organizing, etc. Therefore, a positive attitude is the core of all skills (National Soft Skills Association).

Thus, summarizing the above-mentioned definitions, the concept of «soft skills» is a complex of professionally and socially significant skills acquired by the students as part of their profession-oriented training at higher educational institutions, which contributes for their competitiveness in the future professional activities.

The analysis of the source base showed that «soft» skills are associated with the «hard» skills. However, studies conducted at the Harvard and Stanford universities revealed that only 15% of success is provided by the level of professional skills, while the other 85% depend on the «soft skills» (What are Soft Skills?, 2017). Unlike «hard» skills, which can be acquired and developed later, «soft» skills are difficult to learn from books or simply by performing your functional duties. N.Borysenko states that these skills are not associated with particular profession, specialty or occupation, but are important for the sense of quality of life, personal and professional success, development and implementation of career strategy (Borysenko N., 2020, p. 61). As recently as 2016, Microsoft Company has conducted a study where the following «soft skills» were at the top of the list of TOP-60 highest paid professions: public speaking and communication skills; making presentations; project management; high level of self-organization. On the British e-learning platform SkillsYouNeed the main «soft skills» are: communication, teamwork, negotiation, conflict management, leadership skills. The report on the future of professions made at the Davos Economic Forum (2016) identified the skills required in 2021: communication, comprehensive approach to problems, creativity, cognitive flexibility and critical thinking. Thus, at the present stage the TOP-5 skills include the following «soft skills»: creative thinking; information management; emotional intelligence; ability to express personal opinion and make decisions; presentation skills (self-presentation, negotiation skills) (7_Top5_Soft_Skills, 2017).

Different approaches to the classification of the «soft skills» concept are observed in modern scientists. In a point of fact, L. Hrebinnyk identifies four groups of skills, namely: social (cultural and multicultural competence, empathy and the ability to build up relationship with others, the ability to listen and make personal statements); mental (creativity in solving problems, multidisciplinary thinking); organizational (self-discipline, teamwork, presentation skills) and personal (endurance, self-confidence, creativity, responsibility, emotional stability, flexibility) (Hrebinnyk L, 2020, p. 22-24). According to the research work conducted by K. Koval, competitiveness in the current labour market can be provided by such competencies and skills as: flexibility / adaptability; communication skills; ability to solve problems; creativity; interpersonal skills; ability to work in a team (Koval K., 2015, p. 166). I. Zaitseva, referring to N. Dluhunovych, combines all «soft» skills (leadership skills and ability to work in a team, the ability to teach and engage in negotiations, the ability to set and achieve goals, time management, focus, presentation skills, effective communication skills, ability to handle stress, creativity, creative approach to solving problems and analytical abilities) into three groups: individual, communicative and managerial (Zaitseva I., 2020, p. 35). Having analyzed different approaches to the classification of «soft skills», we can systematize the most important «soft skills» necessary for the future successful career of graduates of the specialty 011 «Educational, pedagogical sciences».

The first group includes interpersonal professional skills, involving such competencies as: sociability, ability to effectively communicate interpersonally, critical thinking, the ability to persuade, resolve conflict, make group decisions, create presentations, the ability to work in a team, the ability to negotiate, etc.

The second group includes personal professional skills that provide personal growth, personal activity and work efficiency and include such competencies as: personal development, self-confidence, motivation, responsibility, flexibility, ability to handle stress, professionalism, flexibility, positive attitude, ethics (professional ethics, ethical norms of polite communication), empathy, initiativity, system of values, willingness to compromise, creativity and analytical thinking, time management skills, etc.

The third group consists of managerial skills, which are based on such competencies as: leadership skills, the ability to organize teamwork, the ability to plan personal and group activities, the ability to delegate authority, the ability to work in force majeure circumstances, the ability to make strategic decisions, deadlines etc.

The development of these competencies for the specialty 011 «Educational, pedagogical sciences» of the second (Master's) degree of higher education in Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University is facilitated by the following compulsory subjects («Foreign language», «Tertiary education and art of teaching», «Modeling of educational and professional training of a specialist», «Expert activities in the field of education», «High school teaching methods and training technologies», «Innovative educational technologies at higher educational institutions», «Organization of educational process management at higher educational institutions») and elective disciplines («Pedagogical conflict management at high school», «Pedagogical partnership», «Communicative practices in higher education», «Practice of pedagogical projects realization», «Project management and fundraising in the field of education», «Practice-oriented approach in specialists' training at higher educational institutions», «High school coaching», «Professional proficiency of the educational system facilitator», «Professional ethics of a high school teacher», «Modeling activities of a specialist», «Innovative technologies in the work of a curator». Noteworthy is that the development of «soft skills» in the specialty 011 «Educational, pedagogical sciences» can also be traced at the third (scientific) level of higher education while teaching both the compulsory subjects («Foreign language», «Innovative pedagogical technologies in higher education and professional ethics», «Modeling of educational processes and systems», «Education and learning technologies at high school», «Management of research projects») and the elective ones («Theory and practice of pedagogical conflictology», «Axiopedagogy», «Pedagogy teaching methods», «Leadership qualities of a modern scientist», «Competence approach in higher education», «Variable models of HEI specialists training in the system of national education», «The image of a modern scientist»).

The development of «soft skills» during classes proceeds with applying innovative forms: lectures (inverted lecture, interactive lecture, binary lecture, lecture-provocation, lecture-brainstorming, lecture-visualization, etc.), tutorials (discussion workshop, «brainstorming» workshop, merry-go-round workshop, case workshops, etc.) and the system of active teaching methods (case method, game methods, group discussions, brainstorming sessions), project method, «Hold a position» method, «The range of ideas» method, analysis and diagnostics method, skills development workshops, etc.) Let's review the application features of these innovative forms in the course of study at higher educational institutioins. Inverted lecture is a form of active learning which makes it possible to «invert» the usual learning process as follows: new material is studied out of class, and in-class work is devoted to the practical application of the acquired knowledge.

Lecture-provocation is designed to develop students' ability to quickly analyze professional cases, to act as experts, opponents, reviewers, and identify unreliable or inaccurate information.

Interactive lecture allows combining the leading role of the teacher with high activity of listeners on the basis of modern interactive technologies.

Binary lecture is a kind of material presentation in the form of a dialogue between two teachers (as the representatives of different scientific schools) or a scientist and a practitioner, a teacher and a student, by presenting an imaginary dialogue.

Lecture-visualization involves conveying oral information, converted into the visual form with the help of technical means of learning.

Let's trace the most effective methods of teaching used at higher educational institutions. Case method involves problematic situation that requires options for its possible solution. Its main task is to learn to analyze information, identify the main problems and ways of their solution, to state a program of action.

Business simulation game - imitation of various aspects of professional activity, social interaction. Role playing game is the accomplishment of certain roles by the participants in order to solve or work out a certain situation.

Group discussion is a concurrent discussion and analysis of a problematic situation, issue or task.

Brainstorming session is a method of solving complex problems through creative process, usually by means of non- traditional, creative approaches.

Project method is one of the person-centred learning technologies that integrates a problem-based approach, group methods, reflective, presentative, research, search and other methods. This method provides favorable conditions for the promotion of responsibility, development of partnership relations between project executors and the teacher.

«The range of ideas» method involves a collective discussion of the problem.

«Hold a position» method helps to resolve problematic issues and conflict situations in professional discussions, to define one's position (Stynska V., 2020, p. 149-150).

Conclusions and prospects of further research

Thus, one of the most important aspects of future HEI specialists' training is the development of «soft» skills, which allow students to develop professional abilities and skills in order to present creative ideas, be ready to adapt and flexible to new information, capable of professional growth, and prepare them to work in innovative conditions of fierce competition in the market of educational services. Prospects for further research involve the study of the system of future HEI specialists' training.


1Borysenko, N.O. (2020) Soft skills v osvitnikh prohramakh pidhotovky maibutnikh fakhivtsiv u haluzi znan 01 Osvita/pedahohika [Soft skills in educational programs for future professionals' training in the field of knowledge 01 Education / Pedagogy]. Specialized and multidisciplinary scientific researches. Amsterdam. Vol. 4. C. 61-62.

2Hrebinnyk, L.V. (2020) Movna praktyka za kordonom yak odyn iz shliakhiv formuvannia «soft skills» u suchasnoho fakhivtsia [Language practice abroad as one of the ways to form modern professional's «soft skills».]. Mizhvuzivskyi naukovo-metodychnyi seminar «Soft skills - nevidiemni aspekty formuvannia konkurentospromozhnosti studentiv u XXI stolitti». Kyiv.: Kyiv. nats. torh.-ekon. un-t. S. 21-25.

3Zaitseva, I.V. (2020) Soft skills - nevidiemni aspekty formuvannia konkurentospromozhnosti studentiv u XXI stolitti [Soft skills are an integral part of building student's competitiveness in the 21st century]. Mizhvuzivskyi naukovo-metodychnyi seminar «Soft skills - nevidiemni aspekty formuvannia konkurentospromozhnosti studentiv u XXI stolitti». Kyiv: Kyiv. nats. torh.-ekon. un-t. S. 34-37.

4Koval, K. (2015) Rozvytok «soft skills» u studentiv - odyn iz vazhlyvykh chynnykiv pratsevlashtuvannia [Development of «soft skills» for students is one of important factors of employment]. Visnyk Vinnytskoho politekhnichnoho instytutu. № 2. S. 162-167.

5Stynska, V.V., Prokopiv, L.M. (2020) Innovatsiini metodyky vykladannia dystsyplin u ZVO v protsesi mahisterskoi pidhotovky [Innovative teaching methods in HEI in the process of master's training]. Hirska shkola ukrainskykh Karpat. № 22. S. 145 - 150.

6Standart na hrupu profesii «Vykladachi zakladiv vyshchoi osvity» (2021) [Standard for the group of professions «Teachers of higher education institutions».]. URL: https://mon.gov.ua/ua/news/zatverdzheno-standart-na-grupu-profesij-vikladachi-zakladiv-vishoyi-osviti.

7Shcho take Soft Skills? V chomu riznytsia Soft i Hard Skills? (2017) [What is Soft Skills? What's the difference between Soft and Hard Skills?] URL: https://www.welldone.org.ua/shho-take-soft-skills-v-chomu-riznitsya-soft-i-hard-skills/ .

8Top 5 Soft Skills. URL: https://kubg.edu.ua/images/stories/podii/2017/02_17_konferenciya_molodizhna_nauka_v_ukr/7_Top5_Soft_Skills.pdf). National Soft Skills Association. URL: https://www.nationalsoftskills.org.

9Cambridge Business English Dictionary. URL: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/ru/cnoBapb/aHmMMCKMM/soft-skills.

10Collins English Dictionary. URL: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/soft-skills.

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