Intercultural communication as a means of personality formation of the future teacher
Training of a new generation of Ukrainian specialists capable of understanding and real transformations in the field of modern education. Formation of socio-cultural and general didactic competencies of future teachers in the context of globalization.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 09.02.2022 |
Размер файла | 20,0 K |
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Lviv Polytechnic National University
Intercultural communication as a means of personality formation of the future teacher
Iryna Myskiv, Ph.D. in Education, Associate Professor,
Assistant Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages
Lviv, Ukraine
The article is devoted to the research of the problem of intercultural communication as a means of the personality formation of the future teacher in the context of modern social factors. This problem is actualized by the fact that changes in the national education system are determined by global, social, domestic, regional and personal aspects. It requires radical changes both in the training of a new generation of professionals capable of understanding and real transformations in modern education at all stages, from preschool to higher educational institutions. The priority areas of educational tasks in terms of reforming and improving the training of future teachers at the present stage include: the formation of a person who realizes their belonging to the Ukrainian nation, accepts and appropriates its values, preserves and multiplies national culture and language; formation of socio-cultural competencies of future teachers, understanding of the importance and complexity of globalization and integration processes; nurturing national and civic values, understanding the difference between them and the role in the life of civilized society; formation of readiness to conduct interethnic and intercultural dialogue, adherence to the position of respect for traditions, culture, religion and language of the peoples of the world; building general didactic, developmental and educational competencies in order to achieve a high level of professional activity.
Intercultural communication based on a broad analysis of research is interpreted as a functionally conditioned, communicative interaction of people, who are the carriers of different cultural communities in terms of their awareness of belonging to different geopolitical, continental, regional, religious, national, ethnic communities and social cultures. A special attention in the organization and implementation of intercultural communication is given to the humanities, which are part of the training of future teachers and have significant intercultural potential. They include foreign languages as a means of learning about the world, communication, cultural exchange, etc.
The study claims that socio-cultural education and the organization of broad intercultural communication permeates the professional training of teachers and is aimed at developing the cultural, communicative, general pedagogical spheres of future teachers as socially significant actors, carriers and participants in the dialogue of cultures. Language skills, in the broadest sense of the term, become an important competence in every person's life, especially the one of a teacher who communicates with children and youth and should be a certain role model for their students. Creating conditions for mastering the language and its wide use in everyday life is an important and necessary task of modern education, which should be provided both at the theoretical and applied levels.
Keywords: intercultural communication, teaching techniques, personality formation of the future teacher, improvement of professional training of future teachers, communicative interaction, foreign languages, dialogue of cultures.
Міжкультурне спілкування як засіб становлення особистості майбутнього вчителя
Ірина Миськів, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри іноземних мов, Національний університет «Львівська політехніка» (м. Львів, Україна)
Стаття присвячена дослідженню проблеми міжкультурного спілкування як засобу становлення особистості майбутнього вчителя в умовах сучасних суспільних детермінант. Означена проблема актуалізується тим, що зміни національної системи освіти детермінуються глобальними, соціальними, внутрідержавними, регіональними та особистісними детермінантами і потребують кардинальних змін у підготовці нової генерації фахівців, які здатні до осмислення і реальних трансформацій у царині сучасної освіти на всіх її етапах та інституціях - від дошкілля до вищої школи. До пріоритетних напрямів реалізації освітніх завдань за умов реформування та вдосконалення підготовки майбутніх учителів на етапі сьогодення відносимо: становлення особистості, яка усвідомлює свою приналежність до українського народу, приймає і привласнює його цінності, зберігає й примножує національну культуру і мову; формування соціокультурних компетенцій майбутніх педагогів, розуміння важливості і складності процесів глобалізації та інтеграції; плекання національних і громадянських цінностей, розуміння різниці між ними та ролі в житті цивілізованого суспільства; формування готовності вести міжнаціональний та міжкультурний діалог, дотримання позиції поваги до традицій, культури, віросповідання та мови народів світу; розвиток загальнодидактичних, розвивальних та виховних компетенцій задля досягнення високого рівня професійної діяльності. Міжкультурне спілкування на основі широкого аналізу наукових досліджень тлумачимо як функціонально зумовлену, комунікативну взаємодію людей - носіїв різних культурних спільнот - з огляду на усвідомлення ними належності до різних геополітичних, континентальних, регіональних, релігійних, національних, етнічних спільнот, а також соціальних культур. Особливе місце в процесі організації та здійснення міжкультурного спілкування належить гуманітарним дисциплінам, що входять до змісту підготовки майбутніх учителів і мають значний міжкультурний потенціал. Серед них - іноземні мови як засіб пізнання світу, комунікації, культурного обміну тощо. Володіння мовами в широкому сенсі цього поняття стає важливою компетентністю в житті кожної людини, особливо педагога, який комунікує з дітьми та молоддю і повинен бути певним життєвим еталоном для своїх вихованців. Створення умов для оволодіння мовою і широким її використанням у щоденному житті - важливе і необхідне завдання сучасної освіти, яке повинно бути забезпечене на теоретичному й прикладному рівнях.
Ключові слова: міжкультурне спілкування, засоби навчання, становлення особистості майбутнього вчителя, удосконалення фахової підготовки майбутніх учителів, комунікативна взаємодія, іноземні мови, діалог культур.
The problem formulation. Systemic changes in the national education system are determined by global, social, domestic, regional and personal factors. They require radical changes both in the training of a new generation of professionals capable of understanding and real transformations in modern education at all stages, from preschool to higher education institutions. One of the important aspects of modern society is the preparation of citizens for effective and active life in a multicultural educational environment, taking into account the processes dictated by the conditions of globalization and Ukrainian integration.
These trends are reflected in all legislative acts that regulate the functioning of the educational sphere of Ukraine (Laws of Ukraine "On Education", "On Higher Education", "National Doctrine of Education Development of Ukraine in the XXI Century"). These are the positions of the Council of Europe that define humanitarian policy in the European space at both complex and contradictory modern stage of its development.
These educational tasks of future teachers require implementation of the following priority areas:
• formation of a person who realizes their belonging to the Ukrainian nation, who accepts and appropriates its values, preserves and multiplies the national culture and language;
• building socio-cultural competencies of future teachers, understanding the importance and complexity of globalization and integration processes;
• nurturing national and civic values, understanding the difference between them and the role in the life of the civilized society;
• formation of readiness to conduct interethnic and intercultural dialogue, adherence to the position of respect for traditions, culture, religion and language of the peoples in the world;
• enhancing general didactic, developmental and educational competencies in order to achieve a high level of professional activity.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The works of Ukrainian scientists focused on the problems of personality formation in the process of teaching in the modern system of higher education. We should mention such researchers as I. D. Bekh, G. P. Vasyanovych, O. I. Vyshnevsky, O. A. Dubasenyuk, I. A. Zyazyuna, O. Ya. Savchenko, O. V. Sukhomlinska etc. (Bekh, 2003; Bekh, 2002; Dubaseniuk, 2002; Ziaziun, 2000).
The works of famous teachers, philosophers, psychologists, linguists (i.e., N. F. Borisko, Yu.I. Passov, P. V. Beh, M. B. Borodko, O. I. Vyshnevsky, O. V. Kirichuk (Bekh, 2002; Vyshnevskyi, 1989; Kyrychuk, 1997; Passov, 1998) elaborated the issues of the personality formation of the future teacher by means of intercultural communication, dialogue of cultures, and socio-cultural space.
The purpose of the research the problem of intercultural communication as a means of personality formation of the future teacher in the context of modern social determinants.
The realization of the goal of the article involves solving a number of tasks: to analyse the problem from the standpoint of pedagogy, psychology and educational practice; to clarify the essence and content of the concept "intercultural communication", as well as to determine its structure and characteristics; to define pedagogical conditions for the use of intercultural communication as a means of the personality formation of the future teacher.
Research methods: 1) theoretical methods include analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature; comparison, classification, systematization and generalization; 2) empirical methods involve sociometric and prognostic (generalization of independent characteristics) methods.
Results of the research
The conditions and circumstances of Ukraine's accession to the international community determine a number of problems that need to be addressed in order to implement the tasks of European integration and accession to the common European educational space. The study emphasizes the importance of the problem of intercultural communication as a means of the future teacher personality formation in today's conditions. The solution of the problem will simplify the European integration not only of teachers but also their students who have different educational levels. In a situation, where “representatives of various cultures become participants of the dialogue of cultures, we can talk about intercultural communication, which is interpreted as functionally conditioned, communicative interaction of people who are the carriers of different cultural communities due to their or other people's awareness of belonging to different geopolitical, continental, regional, religious, national, ethnic communities, as well as social cultures" (Safonova, 1996, p. 19). teacher competence education globalization
According to A. Pirotti, socio-cultural integration is the process of interdependence of confrontation, exchange and positions of equality (Pyrotti, 1994, p. 74). Thus, expanding the field of intercultural communication, studying the culture of different countries and peoples in the learning process at all levels will make a significant contribution to multicultural education of children and youth. This will also develop a future teacher who could represent their country with dignity and comfort in Europe and the whole world. A special place in the organization and implementation of intercultural communication belongs to the humanities which are part of the training of future teachers and have significant intercultural potential. Foreign languages are considered to be a means of learning about the world, communication, cultural exchange, etc. Educators argue that language competence alone does not provide the full range of intercultural communication: “it is not enough to master the language system and acquire speech skills in order to achieve proficiency in intercultural communication. It is also necessary to be a socially competent person, to have educational competencies of the socio-cultural environment. That is why the dominant subjects of the humanities cycle should be the formation of cognitive and communicative culture of the individual" (Mykhailova, 2010, p. 84). We claim that socio-cultural education and the organization of broad intercultural communication permeates the professional training of teachers and is aimed at the development of cultural, communicative, general pedagogical areas of future teachers as socially significant actors, carriers and participants in the dialogue of cultures.
In this case, the future teacher is supposed to have the following skills:
• broad communication skills;
• interaction with various participants in the educational process within the school and outside it;
• ability to obtain and use information on the life of different peoples and functioning of their cultures;
• to be guided by the principles of cultural conformity and tolerance;
• ability to apply a variety of appropriate pedagogical tools for intercultural communication of their students;
• development of multilingualism, cross-culture and multiculturalism as important and essential features of the modern world, etc.
We note that the dialogue of cultures is an important phenomenon of our time in the context of globalization.
It expands its field of influence and affects all actors in the broad social and educational processes: "Dialogue of cultures is a consciously chosen viewpoint that makes it possible to oppose the supreme cultural isolationism and all forms of unequal relations between cultures" (Passov, 1998; Safonova, 1996; Safonova, 2001). Terminologically, the concept of "dialogue of cultures" "entered such interacting scientific fields of human knowledge as philosophy, ethno social ethics, sociology and language pedagogy. The dialogue of cultures as a certain philosophy of life is interpreted as the interaction of individuals of social groups, countries. Dialogue of cultures as a lifestyle is a way of survival of civilization in the multidimensional philosophical, political and economic multilingual world in the nuclear space age" (Mykhailova, 2010).
Based on this, we can argue that the dialogue of cultures involves:
• high level of professional qualification and culture;
• psychological readiness to communicate with people of other points of view, different lifestyles;
• high level of conflict resolution techniques;
• a sense of social responsibility (Mykhailova, 2010).
Within the problem of research, the dialogue of cultures is also defined as "the process of interaction of two individuals, two situational positions, two mentalities" (Passov, 1998, p. 4), "comparison of interaction and understanding other cultural values" (Kasiuk, 1999, p. 2). The success of the implementation of the tasks of intercultural communication in the process of personality formation of the future teacher depends on a number of conditions and circumstances.
They determine its essential and formal background and are characterized by the following features:
• a foreign language in a higher education institution should become not only a subject or a separate discipline, but a means of communication and assimilation of cultural norms;
• one of the most important tasks of educational institutions should be creating an appropriate motivational basis for learning foreign languages. It should be followed by the use of communicative competencies in the individual life and professional practice;
• the institution should systematically create conditions for "gradual inclusion of the humanities in the context of high-quality modelling of the language environment in educational process based on the latest authentic information technologies for biocultural development of students" (Safonova, 1996, p. 147).
Conclusions and prospects of further research
Issues of intercultural communication as a means of the personality formation of the future teacher are relevant in terms of social circumstances. In fact, the processes of globalization, technology and integration have become a part of social life. Language skills in the broadest sense of the term are becoming an important competence in the life of every person, especially a teacher who communicates with children and youth and should be a role model for their students. Creating conditions for mastering the language and its wide use in everyday life is an important and necessary task of modern education which should be provided at both theoretical and applied levels.
Prospects for solving this problem are seen in the educational experience in Ukraine and abroad; in the study of the technological aspect of intercultural communication; in carrying out a comparative analysis of the problem of intercultural communication of future teachers.
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