Didactic potential of physical education classes in providing physical activity of ZVO quarantine students
Research of motor activity of students of higher educational institutions and the role of physical education in ensuring its proper level in quarantine conditions. Interdependence between physical education, motor activity levels, and students ' health.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 09.02.2022 |
Размер файла | 22,3 K |
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Didactic potential of physical education classes in providing physical activity of ZVO quarantine students
Ruslan Pavlos, Ph.D. in Science in Physical Education and Sport,
Department of Physical Education,
Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv Ukraine)
Aleksandr Kuspish, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education,
Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv Ukraine)
Svitlana Nezgoda, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education,
Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv Ukraine)
Mykola Havrylenko, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education,
Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv Ukraine)
The article is devoted to the issue of physical activity of students of higher education institutions and the role of physical education in ensuring its proper level in quarantine. It is determined that the task of physical education in the new realities of distance education is the need to ensure students' understanding of the threats of lack of physical activity, as well as assistance by all possible means to compensate for its lack in their school day. The purpose of the study is to identify areas of the discipline "Physical Education" in ensuring the appropriate level of motor activity of students in quarantine. The research is based on the use of a set of general scientific theoretical methods: analysis, synthesis, systematization, generalization. The relationship between physical education, physical activity and student health has been proven. It is determined that the systematic motor activity of student youth is one of the determining factors of a healthy lifestyle. As a result, it was found that in order to increase the motor activity of the student, in conditions of quarantine restrictions, it is necessary to: teach students to study in quarantine; clearly define the values of motor activity in the student's life; to develop new methods of development of interests and motives to physical exercises of increase of motor activity in the conditions of quarantine; introduce new forms of distance physical education; to reorient the process of physical education in institution of higher education in the online format to educational and methodical with an emphasis on solving urgent problems of physical education due to quarantine; to introduce new forms of independent physical exercises; formation of the ability to independently use the means of physical education in quarantine; mastering the skills of a healthy lifestyle.
Keywords: physical education, student, physical activity, quarantine, health.
Руслан Павлось,
кандидат наук з фізичного виховання і спорту, старший викладач кафедри фізичного виховання,
Національний університет «Львівська політехніка» (м. Львів, Україна)
Олександр Куспиш,
старший викладач кафедри фізичного виховання,
Національний університет «Львівська політехніка» (м. Львів, Україна)
Світлана Незгода,
старший викладач кафедри фізичного виховання,
Національний університет «Львівська політехніка» (м. Львів, Україна)
Микола Гавриленко,
старший викладач кафедри фізичного виховання,
Національний університет «Львівська політехніка» (м. Львів, Україна)
Анотація. Стаття присвячена питанню рухової активності студентів закладів вищої освіти та ролі фізичного виховання у забезпеченні її належного рівня в умовах карантину. Визначено, що завдання фізичного виховання у нових реаліях дистанційної освіти полягає у необхідності забезпечення розуміння студентами загроз відсутності фізичної активності, а також сприяння всіма можливими засобами компенсувати її брак у режимі їхнього навчального дня. Мета дослідження - виявлення напрямів дисципліни «Фізичне виховання» у забезпеченні належного рівня рухової активності студентів в умовах карантину. В основу дослідження покладено використання комплексу загальнонаукових теоретичних методів: аналіз, синтез, систематизацію, узагальнення. Доведено взаємозалежність між фізичним вихованням, рівнем рухової активності і здоров'ям студентів. Визначено, що систематична рухова активність студентської молоді є одним із визначальних чинників здорового способу життя. У підсумку з'ясовано, що задля підвищення рухової активності студентів, в умовах карантинних обмежень необхідно: навчити студентів вчитися в умовах карантину; чітко визначити цінності рухової активності в житті студента; розробити нові методи розвитку інтересів і мотивів до занять фізичними вправами підвищення рухової активності в умовах карантину; впроваджувати нові форми дистанційного фізичного виховання; переорієнтувати процес фізичного виховання у ЗВО у он-лайн форматі на навчально-методичний з акцентом вирішення нагальних завдань фізичного виховання, зумовлених карантином; впроваджувати нові форми самостійних занять фізичними вправами; формування вміння самостійно використовувати засоби фізичного виховання в умовах карантину; оволодіння навичками здорового способу життя. physical education quarantine health
Ключові слова: фізичне виховання, студент, рухова активність,карантин, здоров'я.
The problem formulation. Quarantine posed new challenges to educational institutions, as a result of which the educational process was described in new realities. Then, at a time when the country is in the mind of European integration and enters the Bologna process, the most important thing is not to lose the quality of the educational process to meet the challenges of today (Tsovkh, L.P., Kuspysh, O.V., Zubrytskyi, Ya.Ya., & Rozhko, O.I., 2020).
Physical education, as an integral part of higher education, is aimed at forming a harmoniously developed modern specialist in a rationally organized motor activity. The presence of physical inactivity is a significant obstacle to health and the fourth risk factor for global courage (Gryban, G.P., 2014).
In the quarantine of a sedentary life over a long period of time can be a serious problem to maintain the physical shape of students. Self-isolation uses additional stress, threatening the mental health of student youth. The latter becomes a major factor in the deviation in their health and physical development, as maintaining a high level of psychophysical condition. Undoubtedly, even the extraordinary importance of physical activity can be used to eliminate a significant number of negative processes that caused students to deviate from such norms that specialists today offer to health (Koryagin, V., Blavt, O., Stadnyk, V. and Tsyovkh, L. , 2020). Under quarantine, the development of motor activity occupies one of the leading cities between the tasks of physical education. Given the above, the intensification of physical activity and methods of relaxation through physical education can be a very important issue for the health of students.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Confirmation of interest in this problem is the large number of publications (Voronetsky, V.B., 2017; Syrovatko, Z.V, 2020; Stadnyk, V.V., Bulatov, O.M., Svitlik, V.V., Kuspish , O.V., & Zubritsky, Ya.Ya., 2018; Tsyos, A., Shevchuk, A., & Kasarda, O., 2016). There is no doubt that regular exercise helps to improve health, improve physical and mental practice and improve the quality of education (Nosko, M.O., Garkusha, S.V., & Nosko, Y.M., 2020).
Location, according to a study conducted across Ukraine in conjunction with the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, responding that among the key factors of a healthy lifestyle, regulatory physical activity is the most understandable factor for students. It is determined that active activity can manifest itself in unhealthy weight gain, impaired daily routine, disobedience, as well as the duration of a long time - movement leads to inadequate physical development. The connection between many diseases and inactivity has been established and conducted by scientific research (Gryban, G.P., 2014; Tsovkh, L.P., Kuspysh, O.V., Zubrytskyi, Ya.Ya., & Rozhko, O.I. 2020 ). A large number of studies indicate the benefits of physical activity and school from excessive sitting (Voronetsky, V.B., 2017; Syrovatko, Z.V., 2020; Koryagin, V., Blavt, O., Stadnyk, V. and Tsyovkh, L ., 2020; Tsyos, A., Shevchuk, A., & Kasarda, O., 2016).
According to the ideas (Garkusha, S.V., 2013), the prevention of health problems begins with a better understanding of them. Thus, the task of physical education in the new realities of distance education has created the need to ensure students' understanding of the threat of lack of physical activity, as well as to promote all possible means to compensate for the abolition of its absence in the daily routine of students.
THE PURPOSE OF THE RESEARCH - to identify areas of the discipline "Physical Education" in ensuring the appropriate level of motor activity of students in quarantine.
The research is based on the use of a set of general scientific theoretical methods: analysis, synthesis, systematization, generalization.
First of all, to implement research in a certain direction, we note that distance education involves not just transferring the learning process to Zoom as it was in the classroom. This is a fundamentally different format, which requires the development of effective organizational and methodological support for physical education in terms of solving its problems (Vlasiy, O., Dudka, O., Drin, B., 2017). Therefore, there is an urgent need for further research in this area.
The organization of effective distance learning, adaptation of the educational process of physical education to the requirements of today is the implementation of the National Strategy for Education in Ukraine until 2021 (Koriahin, V., Blavt, O., Stadnyk, V., & Tsovkh, L., 2020). In the strategy, one of the main tasks of modernization of education is to ensure physical development based on increasing the motor regime of student youth.
Motor activity is considered as a complex characteristic of an individual in need of development (improvement) and involves the motivation to perform muscular activity, the implementation of which takes various forms and is aimed at solving problems of physical education (Gryban, G.P., 2014). It is believed that the development of motor activity of student youth should be one of the priority tasks of physical education in the Free Economic Zone (Voronetsky, V.B., 2017; Syrovatko, Z.V., 2020).
The interdependence between physical education, the level of motor activity and the health of students has been confirmed by numerous studies (Voronetsky, V.B., 2017; Syrovatko, ZV, 2020; Koriahin, V., Blavt, O., Stadnyk, V., & Tsovkh, L., 2020; Tsyos, A., Shevchuk, A., & Kasarda, O., 2016). In relation to the purpose of physical education and the achieved results, the state of health of students is defined as an integrated result of the educational process of physical education.
It is determined that the systematic motor activity of student youth is one of the determining factors of a healthy lifestyle (Nosko, M.O., Garkusha, S.V., & Nosko, Y.M., 2020). It is extremely important to shift the emphasis to the formation of a habitual lifestyle, which includes regular physical education (Garkusha, S.V., 2013).
The solution of this problem is directly related to the development of the concept of modern methods of physical education in the mode of distance learning, which will ensure the achievement of high quality and guaranteed results of this process. It is the creation of the latest methods of physical education that plays a key role in adapting the educational process to the didactic challenge of today.
The high level of motor activity, as the most effective physiological stimulus, has a leading role in the process of full development of the organism, which determines the vitality and psychophysical state of the organism as a whole. Given the above, we believe that strengthening the role of physical education of students in quarantine is a significant opportunity to optimize their physical activity.
First and foremost, students need to realize the undeniable importance and high potential of physical activity for expanding the creation of health reserves and improving performance. Therefore, the rational organization of the motor regime of students during their studies in the Free Economic Zone is a guarantee of preserving their health (Tsyos, A., Shevchuk, A., & Kasarda, O., 2016).
Unlike most factors that weaken health, the number of factors that contribute to its improvement is very small. In fact, the system of physical education is a counteraction to the negative consequences of restriction of motor activity during the period of study in institution of higher education.
At its core, modern physical culture has appropriate motor activity in the form of various physical exercises that promote the biological development of the young organism, which allows to form the necessary skills, develop physical abilities, optimize health, mental stability and, in general, provide high working capacity during training (Gryban, G.P., 2014).
We are impressed by the idea (Voronetsky, V.B., 2017; Syrovatko, Z.V., 2020) that the problem of lack of motor activity of freelance students can be solved only by a comprehensive combination of theoretical information on the importance of motor activity in quarantine and practice. It is investigated that a significant reason for low physical activity of student youth is the lack of information about the importance of physical exercises and movements, the inability to exercise. The view of well-known authorities in this field (Nosko, M.O., Garkusha, S.V., & Nosko, Y.M., 2020) is convincing, that the lack of basic knowledge about motor activity and its importance for health, about the influence of physical exercises on the development and activity of the body are determining factors in the formation of a negative attitude of students to physical education and unwillingness to engage in any type of physical activity.
According to the data, the formation of students' knowledge in motor activity was associated with the importance of knowledge and skills, skills to implement knowledge in practice in achieving a positive result in improving health and to some extent in improving other components of motor activity (Voronetsky, V.B ., 2017; Garkusha, S.V., 2013; Griban, G.P., 2014).
Thus, giving preference to this method in solving this problem, in our opinion, which corresponds to the existing ideas (Tsyos, A., Shevchuk, A., & Kasarda, O., 2016), allows to increase the total amount of knowledge to create conditions that wouldcausedinternalneedandintensifiedthedesireofstudentsinphysicalactivity. Students should realize that right now, in quarantine, regular physical activity is more important than ever because it is good for not only the body but also the psyche, as it reduces the risk of depression and improves general well-being, and can help to follow a clear daily routine. .
The conducted analysis and generalization of the available information of the carried-out inspection allow to group materials that for increase of motor activity of the student, his consciousness, activity in maintenance of necessary daily level of such activity in the conditions of quarantine restrictions it is necessary:
• to teach students to study in quarantine conditions and thus contribute to solving the problem of improving the quality of physical education of students;
• clearly define the values of physical activity in the life of the student, the place and role of exercise in a healthy lifestyle;
• to develop new methods of development of interests and motives and a conscious attitude to physical exercises and increase of motor activity in the conditions of quarantine;
• to introduce new domestic and foreign forms of distance physical education among student youth;
• to reorient the process of physical education in free economic education in the online format to educational and methodical with an emphasis on solving urgent problems of physical education due to quarantine;
• to introduce new forms of independent physical exercises and additional independent classes for students;
• formation of the ability to independently use the means of physical education in everyday life in quarantine in order to ensure the required daily level of physical activity;
• development of motivational attitude in students: the condition of any purposeful activity is readiness for a certain activity, the emergence of which directly depends on the presence of students' needs and the objective situation of meeting this need;
• the use of all possible means of distance format of physical education of students should be aimed at the formation and development of sustainable needs and habits in systematic motor activity;
• mastering the skills of a healthy lifestyle.
Regarding the latter, we believe that the physical culture and health activities of students should take the form of active recreation, which ensures the continuity of the process of physical education. The form of such classes in quarantine is morning hygienic gymnastics, exercise break, active rest during the school day, hardening procedures and activities. Important in organizing these classes for students is the choice of strategic areas in which they can be organized, according to their individual aptitudes and abilities (Tsovkh, L.P., Kuspysh, O.V., Zubrytskyi, Ya.Ya., & Rozhko, O.I. 2020).
Another very important way to enhance the motor activity of students is homework in physical education. Homework is understood as the activity when students perform the tasks of a teacher outside of studies, which are provided by the physical education program. When developing individual programs of physical exercises, it is necessary to determine their type (or direction), intensity, duration of exercises. We join the ideas (Koriahin, V., Blavt, O., Stadnyk, V., & Tsovkh, L. 2020) that their systematic implementation contributes to the formation of students' habit of systematic classes, the implementation of which becomes a need for physical self-improvement. It was studied that students whose homework is performed, the parameters of physical fitness are up to 20% higher than those students who were not involved in these tasks.
Performing independent classes in quarantine, without a doubt, is primarily a form of involving students in regular physical education classes, contribute to the strong assimilation of educational material and the formation of a habit of physical activity. In addition to the fact that homework contributes to the strong assimilation of the material passed, such forms of classes contribute to the development of the habit of regular exercise and have a positive effect on the health and physical development of students. The task of the specialist is to provide students with professional recommendations, which are crucial for the education of students' skills of independent work, which they need after the end of quarantine restrictions. Recommendations can be general and individual, which are given to individual students in accordance with their individual characteristics.
In view of all the above, the introduction of distance technology in the process of physical education of students should be focused primarily on the development of interest, skills and related special knowledge to expand the potential of motor activity of students. Elaboration of the results obtained during the study allows us to state that the task of maintaining the appropriate level of physical activity as a factor in maintaining and strengthening the health of student youth requires attention and developing a system of measures based on the potential of physical education in free education. The latter involves the use of pedagogical tools that enable information, training and education, aimed at the acquisition of knowledge, formation and development of skills and abilities to support motor activity.
Summarizing the study of the issue, it was found that distance learning in physical education in ensuring the appropriate level of motor activity of students in quarantine can be effective only under the following conditions:
• careful planning and design of the educational process on the basis of reasonable use of means of physical education of students;
• availability of prepared quality materials and tasks in electronic format, which will be available and feasible for students to perform at any time and from any location;
• the use of innovative means of physical education to increase interest in classes, both academic and free time;
• ensuring the flexibility of the curriculum, in accordance with the preferences of students regarding the choice of physical activity.
We believe that without compliance with these conditions is not distance learning, and the transfer of elements of face- to-face classes in the online environment, which, as practice has shown, does not lead to quality educational results.
In the context of the main goals of education, it is determined that maintaining and strengthening the health of student youth during their studies, along with ensuring the appropriate level of their psychophysical readiness for professional activity, is the leading task of physical education in free educational institutions. The development of motor activity of students during training occupies one of the leading places among the tasks of physical education. However, her condition currently does not provide the necessary level of physical health and psychophysical readiness of students for professional activity. The identified issues are considered in the national context, as it concerns a highly educated category of citizens who in the future should form the basis of the productive forces of society.
According to the results of the study, information on the possibility of physical education of students in ensuring the appropriate level of their motor activity in quarantine was expanded. The new "quarantine conditions" primarily involve significant changes in pedagogical theory and practice of physical education. The prerogative strategy in this direction determines the need for qualitative changes in the content of all its parts. The results of the study confirm that the main basis for solving the problem of optimizing the motor activity of students in quarantine should be the following: free choice of the type of motor activity possible under such conditions; optimality of physical activity; acquisition by students of knowledge on the basics of the theory and methods of physical culture and health activities.
The study does not reveal all aspects of the problem. One of the directions of further research is seen in the deeper differentiation and individualization of the content of physical education in order to ensure the appropriate level of motor activity of students of free economic education.
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