Organization of students’ research work in the conditions of providing professional orientation of the educational process

The organization of research work in the system of professional training of IT specialists through computer environment design. The contradictions between system of training and the individual creative direction of the future activity of the specialist.

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Дата добавления 28.01.2022
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Lviv State University of Physical Culture

Organization of students' research work in the conditions of providing professional orientation of the educational process

Ganna Alieksieieva

Larysa Horbatiuk

Nataliya Kravchenko

The article considers the organization of research work of future engineers-teachers in the system of professional training of IT specialists through computer environment design. The contradictions between the usual system of training and the individual creative direction of the future professional activity of the specialist are analysed. research student work

The authors studied the concept of the computer environment, considered its information, software, and didactic component. The practical aspects of the organization of educational and research activities of future specialists, the specialty of which requires further research, in particular using the computer environment as an object of design, are revealed. Its intellectual properties are considered and it is proved that they are a reaction to human actions. The model of knowledge representation in the process of designing a computer environment is described and it is proved that the use of a network model in the form of a graph is the best to reflect the meaning of a holistic image.

Thanks to the network model, the course in the discipline is created by a certain structure of modules, which consist of topics that contain tasks. This presentation of data is inherent in the semantic network, which is a combination of ideas and knowledge retention of the entire learning process in an individual educational trajectory. Thus, it is possible to adjust it depending on the level of e?ectiveness of the student's mastering the material.

The informational, program and didactic components of the computer environment are substantiated, the basic requirements to the organization of research work of students from the point of view of designing where flexibility is the basic property of a system of management, in particular in questions of realization of various forms of occupations on professional training are revealed.

An example of software implementation of a computer environment with an intuitive interface for working with information content is described. It is substantiated that the proposed principles of organization of research work can also be applied in the organization of research work of students of physical culture and sports profile.

Key words: higher education, engineer-teacher, computer environment.

А. Н. Алексеева

Бердянский государственный педагогический университет г. Бердянск, Украина

Л. В. Горбатюк

Бердянский государственный педагогический университет г. Бердянск, Украина

Н. В. Кравченко

Бердянский государственный педагогический университет г. Бердянск, Украина

Б. Н. Киндзер

Львовский государственный университет физической культуры им. Ивана Боберского

г. Львов, Украина



У статті розглянута організація науково-дослідної роботи майбутніх інженерів-педагогів в си- стемі професійної підготовки фахівців ІТ галузі засобами проектування комп'ютерного середовища. Проаналізовано протиріччя між звичайною системою підготовки і індивідуально-творчим напрямом майбутньої професійної діяльності фахівця. Авторами проведено дослідження поняття комп'ютер- ного середовища, розглянуто його інформаційну, програмну і дидактичну складову. Виявлені прак- тичні аспекти організації навчально-дослідницької діяльності майбутніх фахівців, спеціальність яких вимагає подальшого дослідження, зокрема засобами комп'ютерного середовища як об'єкта проек- тування. Розглянуто його інтелектуальні властивості та доведено, що вони є реакцією на дії людини. Описана модель подання знань в процесі проектування комп'ютерної середовища і доведено, що використання саме мережевий моделі у вигляді графа є найкращою для відображення сенсу ціліс- ного образу. Завдяки мережевій моделі курс з дисципліни створюється певною структурою модулів, які складаються з тем, які містять завдання. Таке представлення даних притаманне семантичній ме- режі, що є об'єднанням уявлень і збережень знань всього навчального процесу в індивідуальну освітню траєкторію. Таким чином, з'являється можливість її корегування залежно від рівня ефектив- ності опанування студентом матеріалу. Обґрунтовано інформаційна, програмна і дидактична скла- дові комп'ютерного середовища, виявлені основні вимоги до організації науково-дослідницької ро- боти студентів з точки зору проектування, де гнучкість є основною властивістю системи управління, зокрема в питаннях реалізації різних форм занять з професійної підготовки. Описано приклад про- грамної реалізації комп'ютерного середовища з наявністю інтуїтивно-зрозумілого інтерфейсу для роботи з інформаційним контентом. Обґрунтовано, що запропоновані принципи організації науко- во-дослідницької роботи можуть бути також застосовані при організації науково-дослідної роботи студентів фізкультурно-спортивного профілю.

Ключові слова: вища освіта, інженер-педагог, комп'ютерне середовище.

А. Н. Алексеева

Бердянский государственный педагогический университет ул. Шмидта, 4, г. Бердянск, 71110, Украина

Л. В. Горбатюк

Бердянский государственный педагогический университет ул. Шмидта, 4, г. Бердянск, 71110, Украина

Н. В. Кравченко

Бердянский государственный педагогический университет ул. Шмидта, 4, г. Бердянск, 71110, Украина

Б. Н. Киндзер

Львовский государственный университет физической культуры им. Ивана Боберского ул. Тадеуша Костюшки, 11, г. Львов, 79000, Украина



В статье рассмотрена организация научно-исследовательской работы будущих инженеров-пе- дагогов в системе профессиональной подготовки специалистов ИТ-отрасли средствами проекти- рования компьютерной среды. Проанализированы противоречия между обычной системой под- готовки и индивидуально-творческим направлением будущей профессиональной деятельности специалиста. Авторами проведено исследование понятия компьютерной среды, рассмотрены его информационную, программную и дидактическую составляющую. Обнаруженные практические аспекты организации учебно-исследовательской деятельности будущих специалистов, специальность которых требует дальнейшего исследования, в частности средствами компьютерной среды как объекта проектирования. Рассмотрены его интеллектуальные свойства и доказано, что они яв- ляются реакцией на действия человека. Описанная модель представления знаний в процессе про- ектирования компьютерной среды и доказано, что использование именно сетевой модели в виде графа является лучшей для отображения смысла целостного образа. Благодаря сетевой модели курс по дисциплине создается определенной структурой модулей, состоящих из тем, которые содержат задания. Такое представление данных присуще семантической сети, что представляет объединение представлений и сбережений знаний всего учебного процесса в индивидуальную образовательную траекторию. Таким образом, появляется возможность ее корректировки в зависимости от уровня эффективности освоения студентом материала. Обоснованно информационная, программная и ди- дактическая составляющие компьютерной среды, выявлены основные требования к организации научно-исследовательской работы студентов с точки зрения проектирования, где гибкость является основным свойством системы управления, в частности в вопросах реализации различных форм за- нятий по профессиональной подготовке. Описан пример программной реализации компьютерной среды с наличием интуитивно-понятного интерфейса для работы с информационным контентом. Обосновано, что предложенные принципы организации научно-исследовательской работы могут быть также применены при организации научно-исследовательской работы студентов физкультур- но-спортивного профиля.

Ключевые слова: высшее образование, инженер-педагог, компьютерная среда.

Problem formulation

Changes taking place in the modern education system, Ukraine's en- try into the European educational space, and the growing role of informatization determine the process of modernization of the entire education system. Analysing the process of training students of engineering and pedagogical specialties of com- puter profile revealed contradictions between the today system of training a future specialist and its future activities, which is characterized by individ- ual creative nature. The existing process of train- ing a computer engineer-teacher focuses mainly on the reproductive style of activity and does not contribute to the formation of a systematic vision of the educational process, the need for creative self-realization, research approach to learning.

Analysis of basic research and publications. The study of the problem of creating a holistic sys- tem of computer training was initiated by A. Bork,

R. Williams [7], K. McLean [7], S. Papert, B. Hunt- er [18] and others. In the work of T. Nestorenko the influence of modern information technolo- gies use on the sphere of education is investigated [15]. Main issues related to the implementation the information and communication technologies into the teaching are reflected in the researches of G. Alieksieieva [1; 2], M. Asherov [3], V. Bykov [4], I. Bulakh, O. Dovhialo, M. Zhaldak [10], A. Os- tenda [26], Yu. Ramskyi and others; didactic and psychological issues of information and communi- cation technologies implementation into teaching are addressed in works of V. Bezpalko, V. Liaudis, Yu. Maibyts, A. Pyshkalo, O. Spivakovskyi and oth- ers. Their professional training is described in the publications of scientists: S. Artiukh, A. Asherov [3], N. Briukhanova and others; from professional point of view the theoretical and methodological principles of training of future engineers-teachers of computer profile are described by R. Gorbatyuk [8], introduction of information and communica- tion technologies in the educational and training process is considered by B. Kindzer [13], but the issues of organization of educational and research activities of students of engineering and pedagog- ical specialties of computer profile with the com- puter environment's help need further research.

The article purpose is to study the concept of “computer environment”, substantiation of in- formation, software and didactic components of the computer environment, identifying the basic requirements for the computer environment of research work of students of engineering and ped- agogical specialties of computer profile as to the object of design.

Presenting main material. Designing a com- puter environment for research work of students of engineering and pedagogical specialties of com- puter profile is a rather complex issue that requires the specialists' participation from different science fields. Some of the minimums that should include such an environment are a flexible model for pre- senting knowledge and scientific information; mechanisms of adaptation under the current user; convenient and functional tools for filling content, viewing it, searching for information [3, c. 86].

It is necessary to take into account the follow- ing features of the computer environment. The computer environment provides an opportunity to develop the highest, most productive forms of thinking [3]. The educational and research activi- ties process visualization requires the use of var- ious means of computer graphics. Achievement of real student independence is possible with the use of methods of artificial intelligence. The education- al environment is focused on independent work but must have certain types of control or logging of user actions [9].

When designing a computer environment, it is necessary to justify the use of a knowledge rep- resentation particular model [6]. Based on an em- pirical approach based on the study of the princi- ples of human memory organization and modelling of mechanisms for solving human problems, it was found that the most optimal for use is a network model of knowledge representation. This means a graph that shows the value of the entire image. Graph nodes correspond to concepts and objects, and arcs - the relationship between objects. When using a network model, the course structure is a set of modules that are divided into topics, and those, in turn, into tasks. Thus, the presentation and stor- age of knowledge at each course level (modules, topics) is a semantic network. The module is an oriented graph consisting of topics. Each topic is a separate graph consisting of different types of tasks (theoretical, practical, controlling, etc.). The relationships between the vertices of these graphs determine the conditions under which the learn- ing trajectory is built. Relationships between ver- tices can have the following characteristics: 1) the degree of significance: s1 - to study an object it is necessary to have a general idea of another object; s2 - when studying an object, references to another object are used; s3 - to study the most complex (or rarely used) concepts of the object requires knowl- edge of another object; s4 - for the study of the ob- ject and the practical application of knowledge re- quires a clear knowledge of another object; 2) the coefficient of assimilation of the material is deter- mined based on solving the proposed tasks [7].

All this allows you to combine the entire learn- ing process into a single trajectory, which is adjust- ed depending on the student's success in master- ing the material.

In conditions when the development of the ed- ucational process organization is carried out using a computer environment, the need to assess the qual- ity of software and tools, taking into account the analysis of the intellectual properties of the devel- oped software. To assess the intellectual properties of the computer environment, it is necessary to de- fine the concept of an “intelligent educational sys- tem”, to form appropriate algorithms that can deter- mine how a property classified as intelligent can be detected during the operation of the software [16].

The intellectual properties of the computer en- vironment are manifested as a reaction to certain actions by the user and can be recorded and evalu- ated as a list or set of parameters, properties, and numerical characteristics, and this reaction must be adequate to the pedagogical situation in which the whole system “user environment + object of educational efforts”. The reaction can be expressed as a change in the graphic content of the screen, a text message on the screen, a video or animat- ed fragment, an audio message, a signal, or a set of different reactions of the computer environment.

Following the above, one of the main require- ments for the design of a computer environment is the flexibility of the control system and the ability to implement complex structures of training ses- sions. This is possible taking into account the max- imum available number of parameters and factors that provide a substantive dialogue between the student and the computer environment, with us- er-friendly control methods, controlled navigation, developed interface using software-implemented means of presenting the information [26].

Hypertext as a method of information nonlin- ear presentation is the most promising in design- ing a computer environment. But it is necessary to increase the degree of information order. And for this, depending on education, learning objec- tives, subject taught so on, it is necessary for each computer environment or part thereof to develop a system of link classification that forms an infor- mation grid.

The software implementation of the comput- er environment should include an intuitive inter- face for working with the information array, which allows us to navigate the space of concepts [10]. The task of finding and sorting information in a computer environment can be solved by contextu- al processing of information, which is divided into external and internal. Internal contextual process- ing of information materials in a computer envi- ronment allows us to make an objective descrip- tion of the information unit of the environment [23]. External contextual processing is the forma- tion of links between different information units of the computer environment.

One of the principles of the computer environ- ment pedagogical design is the synergetic principle of diversity, which allows the user, due to the non- linearity of the hypertext architecture of the com- puter environment, to find personal knowledge-at- tractors that structure its knowledge system [11].

The computer environment design as an in- terconnected and control system is fully consist- ent with the concept of self-organized processes [17]. They are based on the synergetic principle of subordination, according to which the original

complex system can be represented as a complex hierarchical system consisting of a set of dynamic subsystems. These subsystems are subordinate to each other, being in a certain dynamic relationship. When using the computer environment in the educational activities of students of engineering and pedagogical specialties of computer profile, in particular in the process of research work, it is necessary to develop a special method [9]. Spon- taneous organization of work in a computer envi- ronment is inefficient. Only some of the most de- veloped students can work at the level of aware- ness of the mode of action, stable target complexes (goal - means - result), and stable cognitive activi- ty. In most cases, the computer environment takes the form of “button” work, cognitive activity does not take a stable form, the work is destroyed at the slightest difficulty, and external obstacles [14; 16]. And here there is an acute shortage of special literature on methods of working in a computer environment, as well as scientific and practical publications on the design and use of a computer


At the same time, there is a poorly controlled flow of “experimental and author's” programs [22]. And this is because there is no single coordination centre, represented by specialists in various fields (general and age psychology, pedagogy, ergonom- ics, information and communication technologies, medicine, etc.), which would design, develop, li- cense, and create a single database of electronic resources for educational purposes.

The pedagogical software should be included in the didactic system and cover a range of areas, such as the mental processes development; the research work methods formation; acquaintance with future professional activity; design, etc. [10; Ошибка! Источник ссылки не найден.; 18].

The software, which is part of the computer environment of research work of students of en- gineering and pedagogical specialties of comput- er profile, must be of high quality from different points of view, this is the process of writing code, using different, depending on the tasks that solved, programming languages and technologies, design, ergonomics, etc [18]. At low quality, the computer environment does not justify hopes for the realiza- tion of the developing function of training which to the greatest extent provides the formation of the person and its abilities.

Currently, it is not a complicated and time-con- suming process for a specialist to develop and de- bug software. To implement this, use different pro- gramming languages and technologies, there are a large number of ready-made libraries and frame-

works for inclusion in your software product. De- veloping software that is necessary and acceptable for teaching and research work of students of en- gineering and pedagogical specialties of computer profile is quite a difficult task [19]. The main diffi- culty that arises for educational software develop- ers is to create scripts that have didactic value. As a rule, programs that are not written by specialists in the field of education, or without consultation with educators, solve rather narrow problems. Also, they are not always based on a certain psycholog- ical and pedagogical foundation and do not meet such criteria [21]: conceptual (establishment of psychological mechanisms of interaction between the student and the computer environment in the educational process); technological (interaction of different components and methods of managing the learning process in a computer environment); operational (definition of those functions and ways of their realization which can be put on the computer environment); the level of pedagogical realization (taking into account psychological and pedagogical features of students when solving spe- cific tasks in a computer environment) [3, c. 33].

In the computer environment, there is a new quality of interaction of subjects of the educational process (the student - the computer - virtual com- munities - scientific communities - the teacher). Appropriate information, technical, mathematical, and software takes the computer environment be- yond the educational institution, opens access to new sources of information, equips the student with new means of obtaining, integrating, and un- derstanding [21]. This approach in the computer environment meets the essential needs of the stu- dent in obtaining information. The ability to com- prehend and systematize the received informa- tion, to realize it as a personal achievement comes to the fore [16; 25].

Conclusions. The literature sources analysis on the researched problem allowed to interpret the concept of “computer environment” as the immediate environment of the student and other subjects of the educational process with the use of information and communication technologies that provide favourable conditions of their activity for achievement the cognitive purposes.

The learning process should be proactive and have a strong professional orientation. The grow- ing flow of information, the rapid accumulation of knowledge, the constant development of infor- mation and communication technologies make it almost impossible, with the traditional approach, the assimilation of educational material in a short time. Therefore, the use of a computer environ-

ment in the educational process will increase the speed of perception, the depth of learning, but the intensification of learning should not create mental overload, increase labour costs for both students and teachers. The use of computer environment should also be introduced in the organization of research work of students of physical culture and sports, which is planned to do to improve the re- search work of students of Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Boberskij and

Berdyansk State Pedagogical University. We have to note the need to create a computer environment with improved, ergonomic characteristics, soft- ware components, integration with other electron- ic educational resources, etc., which would mini- mize intellectual effort, independence of cognition, increase cognitive activity, and, ultimately, a qual- ity research component professional competence of future specialists.


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Doronina, O., Karpenko, A. (2019). Human Potential and Innovation as Drivers of Competitiveness in the New Economy. Roczniki Ekonomiczne Kujawsko-Pomorskiej Szkoіy Wyїszej w Bydgoszczy. no. 12, pp. 71-81. (in Ukrainian).

Havrysh, N., Zdanevych, L., Мyskova, N. (2021). Pedagogical training as a form of preparing the future professionals `of preschool education / Innovative Approaches to Ensuring the Quality of Education, Scientific Research and Technological Processes / Edited by Magdalena Gawron-Јapuszek, Yana Suchukova. Monograph

43. Publishing House of University of Technology, Katowice. рp. 244-250. (in Ukrainian).

Kravchenko, N.V., Alyeksyeyeva, H.M., Gorbatyuk, L.V. (2018). Curriculum Optimization by the Criteria of Maximizing Professional Value and the Connection Coefficient of Educational Elements, Using Software Tools: (ICTERI 2018: 14th International conference on ICT in education, research, and industrial applications) [Електроннииў ресурс] (Kyiv, Ukraine, May 14-17, 2018). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol.1, pp. 365-378. (in Ukrainian).

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Lysenkova, I.P. Correction-Developing Environment as a Means of Emotional Development of Children with Cognitive Impairment. The Norwegian Journal of Development of the International Science. 2018, no. 20, Vol. 2, pp. 67-69. (in Ukrainian).

Ostenda, A., Nestorenko, T., Ostenda, J. (2018). Practical education on a higher level in Poland: example of Katowice School of Technology. Naukovi zapysky Berdyanskoho derzhavnogo pedahohichneho universytetu. Seriia: Pedahohichni nauky: zb. nauk. prac. Vol.1. BDPU, pp.186-190. (in English).

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