Psychological and pedagogical aspects of socialization of schoolchildren with special educational needs in theory and practise of general secondary school of the USA

Ukraine's involvement in the world experience of socialization of children with mental and physical disabilities. Using the American experience in implementing inclusive education in Ukrainian general secondary and vocational education institutions.

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Lviv Polytechnic National University

Psychological and pedagogical aspects of socialization of schoolchildren with special educational needs in theory and practise of general secondary school of the USA (late XX - early XXI cen.)

Larysa Kozibroda, Candidate of Sciences in

Physical Training and Sports, Associate Professor,

Doctoral student of the Department of Pedagogy and Innovative Education

Lviv, Ukraine


The article is devoted to the investigation of psychological and pedagogical aspects of socialization of students with special educational needs in the theory and practice of school education in the United States (late XX - early XXI century). Ukraine's involvement into the world experience of socialization of children with mental and physical disabilities raises the issue of studying the best foreign experience in this field, given the relatively short history of inclusive education in our country, the complexity of socialization of this category of children and the importance of social inclusion and full inclusion. participation of all citizens in the life of the community and society.

The article characterizes the features of the American experience of socialization of children with special educational needs in the context of inclusive education, namely: maximum involvement in all activities; planning socialization tasks and ways to achieve them in an individual program; use of team approach; compliance of the content and methods of socialization with the socio-cultural environment. because the United States is considered a country with many years of positive experience in the context of socialization of students with special educational needs.

The main stages of development of inclusive education such as desegregation, expanding access to education, mainstreaming, integration and inclusion are analysed.

Particular attention is paid to highlighting the most important factors of success of students with special educational needs in general secondary education, namely: the physical aspect - the placement of children with mental and physical disabilities in the same class with children with normative development; social - building and establishing positive, friendly relations with other students and teachers; educational - taking into account in the learning process the needs, interests, capabilities of students, defined by the individual curriculum, which contains clearly defined learning goals of the child, its content, recommendations for adaptation and modification of educational material. Because the USA is a country with many years of positive experience in the context of socializing students with special educational needs, borrowing the experience of this country will avoid possible mistakes, save resources, and enrich the emerging native model of inclusion.

Keywords: sociocultural environment, peculiarities, stages of development, inclusive environment, American experience.


Психолого-педагогічні аспекти соціалізації учнів з особливими освітніми потребами в теорії і практиці загальної шкільної освіти США (кінець ХХ - початок ХХІ ст.)

Лариса Козіброда, кандидат наук з фізичного виховання і спорту, доцент, докторант кафедри педагогіки та інноваційної освіти. Національний університет «Львівська політехніка». м. Львів, Україна

Стаття присвячена дослідженню психолого-педагогічних аспектів соціалізації учнів з особливими освітніми потребами в теорії та практиці шкільної освіти США (кінець ХХ - початок ХХІ ст.).

Долучення України до світового досвіду соціалізації дітей з порушеннями психофізичного розвитку актуалізує питання вивчення найкращого зарубіжного досвіду в цій сфері, зважаючи на відносно нетривалу історію інклюзивної освіти в нашій державі, складність соціалізації цієї категорії дітей та надзвичайну важливість цього завдання з огляду на необхідність соціального включення та повноцінної участі всіх громадян у життя громади і суспільства.

У статті схарактеризовано особливості американського досвіду соціалізації дітей з особливими освітніми потребами в умовах інклюзивного навчання, а саме: максимальне залучення в усі види діяльності; планування завдань соціалізації та способів їх досягнення в індивідуальній програмі; використання командного підходу; відповідність змісту і способів соціалізації соціокультурному середовищу, оскільки саме США вважаються країною, у якій є багаторічний позитивний досвід у контексті соціалізації учнів з особливими освітніми потребами.

Проаналізовано основні стадії розвитку інклюзивного навчання, такі як десегрегація, розширення доступу до освіти, мейнстрімінг, інтеграція та власне інклюзія.

Особливу увагу зосереджено на висвітленні найважливіших чинників успішності учнів з особливими освітніми потребами в умовах закладів загальної середньої освіти, а саме: фізичний аспект - розміщення дітей з порушеннями психофізичного розвитку в одному класі із дітьми з нормотиповим розвитком; соціальний - побудова та налагодження позитивних, дружніх взаємин з іншими учнями та педагогами; освітній - урахування в процесі навчання потреб, інтересів, можливостей учнів, визначених індивідуальною програмою навчання (ІПН), яка містять чітко визначені цілі навчання дитини, його зміст, рекомендації щодо адаптації та модифікації навчального матеріалу. Оскільки саме США вважається країною, у якій є багаторічний позитивний досвід у контексті соціалізації учнів з особливими освітніми потребами, його творче запозичення дасть змогу оминути можливі помилки, заощадити ресурси та збагатити вітчизняну модель інклюзії, що лише формується.

Ключові слова: соціокультурне середовище, особливості, стадії розвитку, інклюзивне середовище, американський досвід.


The problem formulation. Ukraine's ratification of the Convention of UNO about the rights of children, World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children as well as many other international acts has proved its accession to the international community on issues related to the building up of a democratic society and the realization of the constitutional rights of children with disabilities and special educational needs.

An important step in the implementation of the commitments was the invasion of inclusion into the national system of general secondary education. The country's involvement into the world experience of socialization of children with mental and physical disabilities raises the issue of studying the best foreign experience in this field, has given the relatively short history of inclusive education in Ukraine, the complexity of socialization of this category of children and the importance of social inclusion and full participation of all citizens in the life of the community and society.

Using the experience of other countries in the process of socialization of children with special educational needs will avoid possible mistakes, save resources, and enrich the emerging national model of inclusion which is being formed.

Complete integration of students with mental and physical disabilities in society depends on the level of their socialization: the formation of life competencies, social and adaptive skills, personal, moral, socio-psychological qualities, communication skills.

To live and function properly in a modern dynamic and globalized society, the person must be active, responsible, morally stable, socially adapted (Alekhyna, 2014; Myronova, 2016; Ponomarova, 2015). This places new demands towards organization of the process of socialization in secondary educational establishment, first, those who provide inclusive education. They are given a leading role in the socialization of students with special educational needs. The analysis of the peculiarities of inclusion in the national system of general secondary education which had been conducted by M. Suprun, A. Vysotska and I. Gladchenko has testifies to the unsystematic nature of such work, insufficient use of the socializing potential of educational institutions (Suprun, Vysotska, Hladchenko, 2014, p. 52). The study has proved that “the complexity of socialization is primarily due to the presence of disabilities and / or disorders in the development of mental activity, language, sensory, motor, emotional and volitional spheres, which inevitably limits their lives, learning, full life in society assimilation of social experience” (Shevtsiv, 2019, p. 61). Nowadays the involvement of children with special educational needs into the system of inclusive education, common study with children of typical development, requires their socialization in present-day conditions. Therefore, it is important that this process is not accompanied by negative changes in the psychophysical state, state of health, does not cause an increase in psychological and physical pressure.

The analysis of recent research. Based on the generalization of publications of scientists (L. Danylenko, I. Demchenko, I. Zvereva, L. Zdanevich, A. Kapska, I. Martynenko, L. Mishchyk, A. Ryzhanova, N. Chernukha, etc.) it has been established that socialization is the process of transforming an individual into a social personality who possesses such forms of behaviour that correspond to social norms and roles. From a psychological and pedagogical point of view, socialization is associated with education and upbringing, communication, self-awareness, and social orientation. That is, socialization is both the process and the result of assimilation and active reproduction of socio-cultural experience (knowledge, values, norms, and traditions) of a particular people.

We agree with S. Myronova, O. Ponomariova, M. Suprun in their belief that in the present world inclusion is being implemented as the strategy of ensuring the accessibility and openness of education for all children, eliminating discriminatory attitudes, creating a favourable atmosphere for the development of an inclusive society. At the beginning of the XXI century. inclusion as a form of education and upbringing of children with special educational needs has become a global trend and is being implemented in many countries around the world. The United States is considered a country with many years of positive experience in the context of socialization of students with special educational needs. When studying the experience of socialization of this category of children, it is possible to analyse the methodological aspects of the implementation of inclusive education in the existing social, economic, political realities of Ukraine and consider national characteristics.

The aim and research tasks. The article aims at investigation of psychological and pedagogical aspects of socialization of children with special educational needs in theory and practice of American school education in its historic context of late XX - early XXI century.

Research methods. In research the following research methods are used: general scientific (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, comparison, classification, generalization), which allow to argue and justify the experience of socialization of children with special educational needs in the context of inclusive education; search and bibliographic for systematization of research sources; historiographical-interpretative for studying the state of the problem under research, comprehension of conceptual approaches to its solution and its categorical-conceptual apparatus; comparative and descriptive- to characterise the main stages of inclusive education development.

Research results

An analysis of the historical aspects of the development of inclusive education shows that in the United States it has undergone through such major stages as desegregation, expanding access to education, mainstreaming, integration and inclusion itself. Let us analyse these stages briefly. Until the mid-60's of the twentieth century education and socialization of children with disabilities and psychophysical developmental disorders has been carried out within the “medical model”. According to it, a child or adult with special needs was considered ill and limited in their life. This “demanded some treatment, long-term care, training in special institutions” (Shevtsiv, 2019, p. 77). The process of socialization of children with special educational needs took place in special educational institutions in conditions of segregation and isolation from the rest of society. This approach, which focused on the disadvantages and limitations rather than the potential of children, if not impossible, made it significantly more difficult for them to integrate into society after graduation.

The development of democracy and respect for human rights has led to the formation of intolerance of discrimination on any grounds and on the presence of disability or mental and physical disabilities, initiating the process of desegregation. Its essence is to overcome alienation on both psychophysical and cultural and social grounds. However, as G. Davydenko notes, “expanding access only to education implies desegregation only in the field of education, so it narrows the social opportunities of people with disabilities” (Davydenko, 2014, p. 78). The study found that in the early 70's of the twentieth century. in the United States, the concept of “normalization” has become widespread. It is within its framework that such strategic approaches to the provision of educational services for children with mental and physical disabilities as access expansion, mainstreaming and integration were developed (Polhun, 2014, p. 259). We believe that the main disadvantage of the concept of "normalization" was its focus on stereotypical perceptions of society about compliance with a certain norm, which did not provide opportunities for full inclusion in the educational process and full socialization of children. Strategy of education called “widening participation' has been directed to income increasing and educational level of marginalized groups, which included a significant proportion of children with disabilities and their families (Preece, 2006, p. 113). Mainstreaming presupposed spending time together and communicating with children with special educational needs with their peers through participation in extracurricular cultural and leisure activities to expand the network of social contacts, and not to achieve educational goals (Jerome, 2017). socialization american ukraine education inclusive

Integration insured opportunities for education in general secondary education institutions for those children with special educational needs whose level of psychophysical development corresponded to their age or was close to it (Polhun, 2014, p. 260). That is, “study did not take place together with peers, but in special classes” (Yarskaya- Smyrnova, 2004, p. 88-89), which also imposed certain restrictions on the socialization process. This approach became possible by the transition to a biopsychosocial model of understanding disability, which focuses on understanding the consequences of the disorder for a particular child and identifying ways to ensure optimal functional, social recovery and inclusion in society, including through education. Thus, the need for inclusion in the school system was recognized in 1994 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), which contributed to the expansion of educational practices for the socialization of children outside the special education system.

Systematic implementation of inclusion into the educational system of the USA began in 1975 after the adoption of the Education Act for All Children with Disabilities (Education for All Handicapped Children Act), which prohibited discrimination, including in the field of education, provided opportunities for free education of children with disabilities in public schools, additional educational services, parental participation in deciding on the type of institution for the child's education, the introduction of individualized education programs (Individualized Education Program) for children with special educational needs. In 1990, it was improved and renamed into the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The new version of the Law was more pragmatic. The innovations concerned the introduction of regulations on research in the field of education and socialization of children with mental and physical disabilities, development of assistive learning technologies, introduction of special school programs to prepare children with special educational needs for adulthood, staff training and development, and training and information centres for parents (Kauffman et al, 2014, p. 8-9).

IDEA determines the procedure for providing federal institutions and establishments operating at the state level, early intervention services, physical therapy, correctional, developmental and transportation services for infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities aged from 3 to 18 years (in some cases up to 21 years). In the 2018-2019 academic year, more than 7.5 million people received the services provided by this law (About IDEA, 2019). Thus, according to federal law, all children have the right to receive free proper education, no matter how severe their developmental disabilities. “Some children can not be educated according to medical restrictions, but schools should provide them with educational services and develop individualized learning programs that will increase their socialization, even if its content is limited to using the call button or the use of technical means of transportation” (Kauffman et al, 2014, p. 8-9). Since the adoption of the IDEA, there is no clear distinction between special and general education systems. Instead, there are various opportunities for education, ranging from regular classes in public schools and ending with special schools, including such alternatives as premises for classes in medical institutions, rehabilitation centres, special classes (Kauffman et al, 2014, p. 5). The leading idea is that all education (general and special) can and should take place in the same place (Kauffman, Badar, 2015, p. 14).

In the twentieth century, in determining the place of education are guided by the principle of choosing the “least restrictive environment”, according to which children with special educational needs should be included in the general education system, despite the complexity of their violations. “Often students with severe forms of disability attend part of classes that require the use of special techniques, technical means or equipment in special schools, and the rest - in ordinary” (Kauffman et al, 2014, p. 5). We believe that this approach provides appropriate conditions for socialization.

Recommendations on the place of education are provided by a multidisciplinary team of specialists, which includes qualified specialists in specialties corresponding to the child's nosology, school doctor, psychologist, school principal. The final decision is made considering the views of parents. Children whose behaviour may pose a danger to other students are usually taught in separate classes. The rest of the students, even with severe disabilities, can study in regular classes according to individual curricula, which contain clearly defined learning goals of the child, its content, recommendations for adaptation and modification of educational material. In the process of investigation of this article, it was found that in addition to educational goals, individual curricula may contain tasks related to the development of self-care skills, social skills, career guidance, etc. Shares the position of scientists that the implementation of individual curricula allows a child with special educational needs “to be maximally involved in the classroom and actively socialize in society, by acquiring knowledge, communication skills, social values, etc.” (Hrynova, Kalinichenko, 2018, p. 178).

In classes where children with special educational needs study, along with a regular teacher, there is a special teacher, whose function is to develop together with subject teachers of individual curriculum considering the individual needs of the child and his diagnosis, preparation of teaching and handouts, homework, etc. (Bohinska, 2008, p. 96). The use of a team approach during inclusive education allows to form effective partnerships between specialists of different specialties, to optimally meet the needs of the child, to integrate him into the social environment and socialize in it. Inclusive education provides opportunities for the socialization of all students, not just those with disabilities or mental and physical disabilities. Through living together, learning, participating in activities, students learn to understand individual differences, accept them, respect human dignity, adhere to the principle of equality of rights, be tolerant and responsible, and so on. In American schools, it is practiced meeting with people with disabilities - public figures, scientists, writers, athletes, during which they talk about their lives, achievements, difficulties they encountered and how they overcame them. We share the position that “it is interesting to experience events that allow healthy people to experience the specifics of life, education and recreation of students with special needs, when, for example, for one day teachers and school administration travel exclusively in wheelchairs” (Bohinska, 2008, p. 96).

Note that the socialization of children with special educational needs in the American system of inclusive education corresponds to the “American style of socialization” (Zabolotna, 2005, p. 38), which reflects the uniqueness of culture, history, ethnic composition of this country. Its features, according to O. Zabolotnaya, are: multiculturalism, which involves the assimilation of values of other cultures, interaction with them on the principles of dialogue, tolerance, mutual understanding, aware of the peculiarities of their own ethnocultural affiliation; pragmatism, the leading idea of which is “education to adapt to life”; individualism as a moral position, which is a legacy of Protestant ethics and capitalism, which emphasizes the value of the individual; democracy, which is one of the hallmarks of American society and an important factor in the style of socialization; globalization, which is a universal trend that affects all areas of the child's life; competition as a precaution to outrun and gain an advantage over rivals; humanism as an axiological attitude of a humanistic nature, which reflects the belief in the potential of the child, the attitude to it as an active participant in the process of socialization (Zabolotna, 2005, 10-12).

Conclusion and prospects for further research

The historical analysis of foreign experience concerning work with schoolchildren with special educational needs has a significant positive effect when studying the process of socialization of students with special educational needs. It is established that in addition to education, considerable attention in the American system of inclusive education is paid to the problem of socialization. From one hand, it is carried out through the inclusion of the child in the educational process and socio-cultural environment. On the other hand, the socialization of children with special educational needs is ensured through specialized training and support. Analysis of the American experience of socialization of children with special educational needs in the context of inclusive education shows that its characteristics are: maximum involvement in all activities; planning socialization tasks and ways to achieve them in an individual program; use of team approach; compliance of the content and methods of socialization with the socio-cultural environment. Analysis of the USA experience in the socialization of schoolchildren with special educational needs in general secondary education shows that important success factors are: the physical aspect - the placement of children with mental and physical disabilities in the same class with children with normative development; social - building and establishing positive, friendly relations with other students and teachers; educational - taking into account in the learning process the needs, interests, capabilities of schoolchildren, determined by the individual curriculum.

Prospects for further research include the study of the specificity of socialization of schoolchildren with different types of disabilities.

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